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How to Write a Reaction Paper: Format, Template, & Reaction Paper Examples

A reaction paper is one of the assignments you can get in college. It may seem easy at first glance, similar to a diary entry requiring your reaction to an article, a literature piece, or a movie. However, writing a high-quality paper often turns into a challenge. Here is a handy guide on how to write a reaction paper, with examples and topic suggestions.

  • ❓ What Is a Reaction Paper?

✍️ Reaction Paper Format

  • 🤔 How to Write a Reaction Paper

💭 Reaction Paper Questions

  • 📋 Transitional Words

🔍 Reaction Paper Examples

  • ⁉️ Questions and Answers

🔗 References

❓ what is a reaction paper assignment.

A reaction paper (or response paper) is an academic assignment urging students to explain what they feel about something . When crafting a good reaction piece, the student should aim to clarify what they think, agree or disagree with, and how they would identify with the object regarding their life experiences. The object of your response may be a painting, a book, an academic publication, or a documentary.

This task is not a simple summary of the text or film you’re assigned to. Neither is it a research paper; you don’t need to use external sources in a reaction paper. Thus, the writing process may seem confusing to newbies. Let’s clarify its main elements and features to help you out.

Every academic assignment has a specific structure and requirements to follow. Here we discuss the major elements of the response paper format to guide you through its components and the composition algorithm. As soon as you capture the structure, you can write stellar texts without a problem.

Reaction Paper Template

Every critical reaction paper follows the standard essay outline, with the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion as to its main parts. Here is a more detailed breakdown of each component:

  • Introduction . You present the subject and set the context for the readers.
  • Body . This part is a detailed analysis of your response to the subject. You should list the main points and analyze them, relating to your feelings and experiences.
  • Wrap-up . Here you recap all major points and restate your opinion about the subject, giving it a conclusive evaluation.

Reaction Paper: APA Format

Depending on your teacher’s preferences and the academic subject, you may be given a reaction paper assignment in various referencing styles. The APA format is one of the possible variants. So, please don’t get confused about the writing approach; it only means that you should format your reaction paper according to APA conventions . These are:

  • A standard APA title page
  • One-inch margins on all sides
  • Double spacing between the lines
  • An author-date format of referencing external sources (if you use any supporting evidence)

The rest of the requirements are identical for reaction papers in all referencing formats, allowing you to choose.

🤔 How to Write a Good Reaction Paper Step-by-Step

Now, it’s time to clarify how to begin a reaction paper, what steps to take before writing, and how you will compose the entire assignment. Use our universal step-by-step guide fitting any reaction paper topic.

  • Study the prompt inside out . You should understand the prompt to craft a relevant paper that your professor will grade highly.
  • Clarify all instructions . A grave mistake that students often make is assuming they have understood everything in one go. Still, asking questions never killed anybody. So, we recommend inquiring your tutor about everything to be 100% sure you’re on the right path.
  • Study the subject of your paper . Watch a movie, look at the painting, or read the text – do everything you can to get to the depths of the author’s message and intention.
  • Make notes . Your reactions matter, as they will become the main content of your written text. So, annotate all feelings and ideas you have when studying the subject. You’ll be able to use them as writing prompts later.
  • Make a reaction essay outline . The outline is the backbone of your content, which will serve as your compass during the actual writing process.
  • Compose the draft . Use the outline as a structure and add details, evidence, and facts to support your claims. Then add an introduction and a conclusion to the final draft.
  • Edit and revise . To err is human; to edit is divine. Follow this golden rule to submit a polished, revised paper without errors and typos.

How to Write a Reaction Paper About a Movie?

When the subject of your reaction paper assignment is a movie, you should consider the context in which it was given. It’s probably a supporting material for your study course dedicated to a specific learning concept or theory. Thus, it would be best to look for those links when watching the assigned movie – “ Women’s Rights and Changes over the 20 th Century ” is an excellent example of this technique. It will help you draw the connections in your reaction paper, showing your professor that you understand the material and can relate theory and practice.

The steps you need to take are as follows:

  • Watch the film . It’s better to do it 2-3 times to capture all the tiny details.
  • Take notes . Record the film’s central themes, messages, character traits, and relationships.
  • Focus on a relevant element of the film in your response . If it’s a Film Studies class, you may write about the stylistic means and shooting techniques that the director used. If it’s a psychology class, you may write about characters and their relationships. If you need to compose a Sociology or Politics reaction paper, you may focus on the context of the film’s events.
  • Revise the draft . Careful editing can save your grade, helping you locate minor errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Always reserve some time for a final look at your text.

How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Documentary?

Documentaries are also frequently chosen as subjects for reaction papers. They present valid, objective data about a specific event, person, or phenomenon and serve as informative, educational material for students. Here’s what you need to do if you get such a task:

  • Watch the documentary several times . Watch it several times to understand everything nicely. It’s usually a much more data-rich video piece than a fiction film is, so you’ll need to take many notes.
  • Present your documentary in the background of your reaction paper . Set the context for further discussion by naming the author, explaining its topic and content, and presenting its central claim.
  • Talk about the documentary’s purpose at length . Please focus on the details and major claims made by the director; present relevant facts you’ve learned from it.
  • React to the documentary’s content and explain how you felt about it . State what points you agree with and what ideas seem controversial; explain why you agree or disagree with the director’s position.

A vital aspect of a response to a documentary is comparing what you knew and thought about the subject before and after watching it. It’s a significant learning experience you should share, showing whether you have managed to progress through the studies and acquire new information. Look through the “ Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory ” reaction paper to get a clear idea of how it works.

How to Write a Reaction Paper to an Article?

Once you get a home task to write a reaction paper to an article, you should follow this algorithm:

  • Read the article several times to understand it well . Make notes every time you read; new shades of meaning and details will emerge.
  • Explain the key claims and terms of the article in your own words, as simply as possible . Then respond to them by evaluating the strength of those claims and their relevance.
  • Assess the author’s stand and state whether you agree with it . Always give details about why you do or don’t support the author’s position.
  • Question the evidence provided by the author and analyze it with additional sources, if necessary.

Please don’t forget about the following writing conventions:

An excellent example of a response paper to an article is “ Gay Marriage: Disputes and the Ethical Dilemma .”

Tips for Writing a Psychology Reaction Paper

If you were tasked with writing a reaction paper for a Psychology class, use the following tips to excel in this assignment.

  • Identify the subject you need to react to . It may be a psychological theory, a book or article on psychology, or a video of a psychologist’s performance.
  • Study the subject in detail . You need to understand it to form specific reactions, give informed commentary, and evaluate the presented claims effectively.
  • Think about the topic’s relevance to modern times . Is the theory/book/article consistent with the ideas people hold today? Has there been any criticism of these ideas published recently? Did later research overturn the theory?
  • Form a subjective response to the assigned subject . Do you agree with that position? Do you consider it relevant to your life experience? What feelings does it arouse in you?

By approaching a psychology piece with all these questions, you can create a high-quality response based on valid data, reflecting your reactions and opinions. Look through “ Peer Interaction in Mergers: Evidence of Collective Rumination ” to see how it can be done.

Reaction essay writing is a process that you can start only after answering essential questions about the content and your feelings. Here are some examples to ask yourself when preparing for the writing stage.

  • What is the author’s key message or problem addressed in the piece?
  • What purpose did the author pursue when creating this text/movie/sculpture/painting? Did the author fulfill it successfully?
  • What point does the author intend to make with their work of art/literature?
  • What assumptions can I trace throughout the subject, and how do they shape its content/look?
  • What supporting facts, arguments, and opinion does the author use to substantiate their claims? Are they of high quality? What is their persuasive power?
  • What counterarguments can I formulate to the claims made by the author?
  • Is the raised issue relevant/interesting/significant?
  • What are the author’s primary symbols or figurative means to pass their message across?
  • Do I like or dislike the piece overall? What elements contribute to a positive/negative impression?
  • How does this piece/subject correlate with my life experience and context?
  • How can the reflections derived from this subject inform my life and studies?
  • What lesson can I learn from this subject?

📋 Transitional Words for Reaction Paper

When you write a reaction paper, you express a personal opinion about a subject you have studied (a visual artwork or a text). However, the subjective nature of this assignment doesn’t mean that you should speak blatantly without caring about other people’s emotions and reactions. It’s critical to sound polite and use inclusive language.

Besides, you need to substantiate your points instead of simply stating that something is good or bad. Here are some linguistic means to help you develop a coherent reaction text:

  • I think/feel/believe that
  • It seems that
  • In my opinion
  • For example / as an illustration / as a case in point
  • In contrast
  • I think / I strongly believe / from my point of view
  • I am confident that
  • For all these reasons
  • Finally / in conclusion

It’s not mandatory to squeeze all these phrases into your text. Choose some of them sparingly depending on the context; they will make your essay flow better.

Here is a short reaction paper example you can use as practical guidance. It is dedicated to the famous movie “Memento” by Christopher Nolan.

Memento is a movie about a man with a rare neurological condition – anterograde amnesia – seeking revenge for the rape and murder of his wife. He struggles to remember the recent events and creates various hints in notes and tattoos to keep the focus on his mission. Throughout the film, he meets different people who play weird roles in his life, contributing to the puzzle set by the director in the reverse scene presentation.

My first impression of the movie was confusing, as it took me half of the film to realize that the scenes were organized in the reverse order. Once the plot structure became more apparent, I opened many themes in the movie and enjoyed it until the end. Because of the severe brain damage, Leonard could not determine whether the story of his wife’s rape and murder was real, whether he had already been revenged for her death, and whether he was a hero or a villain. Thus, for me, the film was about a painful effort to restore one’s identity and seek life meaning amid the ruining memory and lost self.

The overall approach of Christopher Nolan deserves a separate mention. A unique design of shots’ sequence and the mix of chronological black-and-white and reverse chronological colored scenes is a puzzle that a viewer needs to solve. Thus, it becomes a separate thrilling adventure from the film’s storyline. My overall impression was positive, as I love Christopher Nolan’s auteur approach to filmmaking and the unique set of themes and characters he chooses for artistic portrayal.

Another example of a reaction paper we’ve prepared for you presents a reaction to “Night” by Elie Wiesel.

The horrors of World War II and concentration camps arranged by Nazis come to life when one reads Elie Wiesel’s Night. It is a literary piece composed by a person who lived in a concentration camp and went through the inhumane struggles and tortures of the Nazi regime . Though Wiesel survived, he portrayed that life-changing experience in much detail, reflecting upon the changes the threat of death makes to people’s character, relationships, and morality.

One of the passages that stroke me most was people’s cruelty toward their dearest relatives in the face of death. The son of Rabbi Eliahou decided to abandon his father because of his age and weakness, considering him a burden. This episode showed that some people adopt animal-like behavior to save their lives, forgetting about the cherished bonds with their parents. Such changes could not help but leave a scar on Elie’s soul, contributing to his loss of faith because of the cruelty around him.

However, amid the horror and cruelty that Elie Wiesel depicted in his book, the central message for me was the strength of the human spirit and the ability to withstand the darkness of evil. Wiesel was a living witness to human resilience. He witnessed numerous deaths and lost faith in God, but his survival symbolizes hope for a positive resolution of the darkest, unfairest times. Though reading “Night” left me with a heavy, pessimistic impression, I still believe that only such works can teach people peace and friendship, hoping that night will never come again.

The third sample reaction paper prepared by our pros deals with the article of David Dobbs titled “The Science of Success.”

The article “ The Science of Success ,” written by David Dobbs in 2009, presents an innovative theory of behavioral genetics. The author lays out the findings of a longitudinal study held by Marian Bakermans-Kranenbug and her team related to the evolution of children with externalizing behaviors. Their study presents a new perspective on the unique combination of genetics, environment, parenting approaches, and its impact on children’s mental health in adulthood.

The claim of Dobbs I found extremely convincing was the impact of mothers’ constructive parenting techniques on the intensity of externalizing behaviors. Though most children learn self-control with age and become calmer and more cooperative as they grow up, waiting for that moment is unhealthy for the child’s psyche. I agree that parents can help their children overcome externalizing behaviors with calm activities they all enjoy, such as reading books. Thus, the reading intervention can make a difference in children’s psychological health, teaching them self-control and giving their parents a break.

However, the second part of the article about “dandelion” and “orchid” children and their vulnerability caused more questions in me. I did not find the evidence convincing, as the claims about behavioral genetics seemed generic and self-obvious. Children raised in high-risk environments often develop depression, substance abuse, and proneness to criminality. However, Dobbs presented that trend as a groundbreaking discovery, which is debatable. Thus, I found this piece of evidence not convincing.

As you can see, reaction paper writing is an art in itself. You can compose such assignments better by mastering the techniques and valuable phrases we’ve discussed. Still, even if you lack time or motivation for independent writing, our team is on standby 24/7. Turn to us for help, and you’ll get a stellar reaction paper in no time.

⁉️ Reaction Paper Questions and Answers

What words do you use to start a reaction paper.

First, you need to introduce the subject of your paper. Name the author and the type of work you’re responding to; clarify whether it’s a film, a text, or a work of art. Next, you need to voice your opinion and evaluate the assigned subject. You can use phrases like, “I think… In my opinion… My first reaction was… I was touched by…”.

What Is the Difference Between Reflection and Reaction Paper?

The main distinction between reflection and reaction essays is their focus on the subject. A reaction paper approaches it from the viewpoint of your evaluation of the content and message of the assigned topic. It deals with how you felt about it, whether you liked it, and what thoughts it evoked in you. A reflection, in its turn, deals with your perceptions and beliefs. It focuses on the transformational experiences of either changing or reinforcing one’s views upon seeing or reading something.

What Is the Purpose of Reaction Paper?

The primary purpose of writing a reaction paper is to communicate your experience of reading, watching, or to see a subject (e.g., a movie, a book, or a sculpture). You should explain how you captured the author’s message, what you felt when exposed to that subject, and what message you derived. You can cite details and discuss your reactions to them before forming the general evaluation.

Can You Use “I” in a Reaction Paper?

Students can use the first-person “I” when writing reaction pieces. The use of the first person is generally banned in academic research and writing, but reflections and response papers are exceptions to this rule. It’s hard to compose a personal, subjective evaluation of an assigned subject without referring to your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. In this academic assignment, you can use phrases like “I believe… I think… I feel…”.

  • Reaction vs. Reflection Paper: What’s the Difference? Indeed Editorial Team .
  • Response Paper, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University . Guidelines for Reaction Papers, ETH Zürich .
  • Film Reaction Papers, Laulima .
  • How to Make a Reaction Paper Paragraph, Classroom, Nadine Smith .
  • How to Write a Response Paper, ThoughtCo, Grace Fleming .
  • Reviews and Reaction papers, UMGC .
  • Reaction Paper, University of Arkansas .
  • How to Write a Reaction Paper, WikiHow, Rachel Scoggins .
  • How to Write a Reaction (Steps Plus Helpful Tips), Indeed Editorial Team .
  • Response Paper, Lund University .
  • How to Write a Reaction Paper in 4 Easy Steps, Cornell CS .
  • Response Papers, Fred Meijer Center for Writing & Michigan Authors, Grand Valley State University .
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How to Write a Reaction Paper

Last Updated: September 15, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Rachel Scoggins, PhD . Rachel Scoggins is a Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Lander University. Rachel's work has been presented at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association and the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. She received her PhD in Literary Studies from Georgia State University in 2016. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,138,610 times.

A reaction or response paper requires the writer to analyze a text, then develop commentary related to it. It is a popular academic assignment because it requires thoughtful reading, research, and writing. You can learn how to write a reaction paper by following these writing tips.

Prewriting and Actively Reading

Step 1 Understand the purpose of a reaction paper.

  • When you respond to the text, back up your ideas with evidence from the text along with your own connection of ideas, texts, and overarching concepts. If you are asked to agree or disagree, you have to provide convincing evidence about why you feel this way. [2] X Research source
  • If responding to multiple texts, you must analyze how the texts relate. If responding to one text, you probably should connect the text to overarching concepts and themes you have discussed in the class.
  • The same assignment may also be given to films, lectures, field trips, labs, or even class discussions.
  • A reaction paper is not a summary of the text. It also does not state, "I liked this book because it was interesting" or "I hated this because it was boring." [3] X Research source

Step 2 Figure out what the assignment is asking.

  • If you are unsure, ask the teacher to clarify what they expect from the assignment.
  • You may be asked to react to the text in light of another text. If this is the case, you will want to use quotations from both texts in your writing.
  • You may be asked to react to the text in the light of the class themes. For example, if you read a book in a Sociology of Gender Roles class, you will want to read, annotate, and react based on how gender roles are described in the book.
  • You may be asked to react personally to the text. This is less common, but occasionally the teacher simply wants to know if you have read the text and thought about it. In this case, you should focus on your opinions of the book.

Step 3 Read the text you are assigned right after it is assigned.

  • One of the biggest mistakes that students make is waiting until the last minute to read and react. A reaction is a thoughtful consideration after reading and rereading several times.
  • You may need to reread the text multiple times. First, to read and familiarize yourself with the text, then again to start thinking about the assignment and your reactions.

Step 4 Write down your initial reactions.

  • Try completing some of the following sentences after you read: I think that..., I see that..., I feel that..., It seems that..., or In my opinion...

Step 5 Annotate the text as you read.

  • What issues or problems does the author address?
  • What is the author's main point?
  • What points or assumptions does the author make, and how does she back that up?
  • What are strengths and weaknesses? Where are problems with the argument?
  • How do the texts relate? (if multiple texts)
  • How do these ideas connect to the overall ideas of the class/unit/etc?

Drafting Your Essay

Step 1 Freewrite.

  • When you finish, read back over what you've just written. Determine what your strongest and most convincing reactions are. Prioritize your points.

Step 2 Decide on your angle.

  • Think about why the author has written the article or story as they have. Why did he structure things in this particular way? How does this relate to the outside world? [7] X Research source

Step 3 Determine your thesis.

  • Your thesis will be one statement that explains what you will analyze, criticize, or try to prove about the text. It will force your reaction paper to remain focused.

Step 4 Organize your paper.

  • For example, if you are reacting to a theme in a book, you can split the paragraphs into how the setting, antagonist, and figurative imagery communicate the themes successfully or unsuccessfully.

Step 5 Gather quotations.

  • Draft paragraphs that introduce quotations, analyze them, and comment on them.

Step 6 Structure your paragraphs.

  • A good way to think about structuring your paragraph is: detail, example/quotation, commentary/evaluation, repeat.

Writing Your Final Draft

Step 1 Write your introduction.

  • The last sentence of your introduction should be your thesis.

Step 2 Reread your reaction paragraphs to ensure you make a stance.

  • Look for places where you simply report what the texts says instead of providing a critique or evaluation of what the text says.

Step 3 Explain the greater implications of the text for the class, author, audience, or yourself.

  • If you have been asked to give a statement about your personal opinion, the conclusion may be the best place to insert it. Some teachers may allow you to state the personal opinions in the body paragraphs. Make sure to double check with the teacher first.

Step 4 Edit for clarity and length.

  • Read through for clarity. Are your sentences clear? Have you supported and fully argued your points? Is there any place where you're confusing?

Step 5 Proof and spell check your document.

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what is a reaction essay

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Look for things the author leaves out or raise counterarguments when an argument is weak. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't wait too long between reading the text and writing the paper. You don't want to forget important details. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • This paper is not autobiographical. It's not about how you feel, how you were in the same situation, or how this relates to your life. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

what is a reaction essay

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  • ↑ https://www.umgc.edu/current-students/learning-resources/writing-center/online-guide-to-writing/tutorial/chapter8/ch8-14
  • ↑ http://www.esc.edu/online-writing-center/resources/academic-writing/types/summary-reaction-papers/
  • ↑ http://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/engl0310link/readerresponse.htm
  • ↑ https://www.hunter.cuny.edu/rwc/handouts/the-writing-process-1/invention/Writing-a-Response-or-Reaction-Paper
  • ↑ http://study.com/articles/Step-by-Step_Guide_to_Writing_a_Great_Reading_Response_Paper.html
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/quotations/
  • ↑ https://success.uark.edu/get-help/student-resources/reaction-paper.php
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/introductions/
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/proofreading/proofreading_for_errors.html

About This Article

Rachel Scoggins, PhD

To write a reaction paper, start by carefully analyzing the thing you're supposed to be reacting to. Then, write down your initial reactions and thoughts. Try to come up with an angle for your paper, like that you disagree with the subject or that you think it has a deeper meaning. Once you've got an angle, summarize it in the introduction of your paper and use the body paragraphs to support it. Remember to use direct quotes and specific examples to back up what you're saying. When you're finished, reread your paper to make sure your angle is clear. If you want to learn how to set up topic sentences in your paragraphs from our Literary Studies Ph.D. co-author, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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what is a reaction essay

How to Write a Reaction Paper: Guide Full of Tips

what is a reaction essay

Imagine being a writer or an artist and receiving feedback on your work. What words would you cherish most? 'Amazing'? 'Wonderful'? Or perhaps 'Captivating'? While these compliments are nice, they tend to blend into the background noise of everyday praise.

But there's one accolade that truly stands out: 'Thought-provoking.' It's the kind of response every creator dreams of evoking. Thought-provoking pieces don't just passively entertain; they stir something inside us, lingering in our minds long after we've encountered them. In academic circles, a work isn't truly impactful unless it prompts a reaction.

In this article, our research paper writing services will delve into the concept of reaction papers: what they are, how to craft a stellar one, and everything in between. So, let's explore the art of provoking thought together.

What is Reaction Paper

Ever found yourself deeply engrossed in a book, movie, or perhaps an article, only to emerge with a flurry of thoughts and emotions swirling within? That's where a reaction paper comes into play. It helps you articulate those musings to dissect the themes, characters, and nuances of the work that stirred something within you.

A reaction paper is a written response to a book, article, movie, or other media form. It give you an opportunity to critically evaluate what you've experienced and to share your insights with others. Whether you're captivated by a novel's narrative, moved by a film's message, or intrigued by an academic article's argument, it allows you to explore the depths of your reaction.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper with 8 Easy Tips

When learning how to write a reaction paper, it's important to keep an open mind. That means being willing to consider different ideas and perspectives. It's also a good idea to really get into whatever you're reacting to—take notes, highlight important parts, and think about how it makes you feel.

Unlike some other school assignments, like essays or reports, a reaction paper is all about what you think and feel. So, it's kind of easy in that way! You just have to really understand what it's about and how to put it together.

Now, we're going to share some tips to help you write a great paper. And if you're running out of time, don't worry! You can always get some extra help from our essay writing service online .

How to Write a Reaction Paper

Understand the Point

When you're sharing your thoughts, whether in school or outside of it, it's important to have a good grasp of what you're talking about. So, before you start writing your paper, make sure you understand its goals and purpose. This way, you can give readers what they're looking for—a thoughtful, balanced analysis.

Knowing the purpose of your paper helps you stay on track. It keeps you from wandering off into unrelated subjects and lets you focus on the most important parts of the text. So, when you share your thoughts, they come across as clear and logical.

Read the Text Right After It Has Been Assigned

When you're asked to write a reaction paper, remember that your first reaction might not be your final one. Our initial thoughts can be a bit all over the place—biased, maybe even wrong! So, give yourself some time to really think things through.

Start diving into the material as soon as you get the assignment. Take your time to understand it inside and out. Read it over and over, and do some research if you need to until you've got a handle on everything—from what the author was trying to do to how they did it. Take notes along the way and try to see things from different angles.

When it comes to writing your paper, aim for a thoughtful response, not just a knee-jerk reaction. Back up your points with solid evidence and organize them well. Think of it more like writing a review than leaving a quick comment on a movie website.

Speaking of movies, we've got an example of a movie reaction paper below. Plus, if you're interested, we've got an article on discursive essay format you might find helpful.

Make a Note of Your Early Reactions

When you're diving into a topic, jotting down your initial thoughts is key. These first reactions are like capturing lightning in a bottle—they're raw, honest, and give you a real glimpse into how you're feeling.

Your paper should be like a mirror, reflecting your own experiences and insights. Your instructor wants to see the real you on the page.

Understanding why something makes you feel a certain way is crucial. By keeping track of your reactions, you can spot any biases or assumptions you might have. It's like shining a light in a dark room—you can see things more clearly. And by acknowledging these biases, you can write a paper that's fair and balanced. Plus, it can point you in the direction of further research, like following breadcrumbs through the forest.

Select a Perspective

Your perspective shapes how you see things, and it's like a roadmap for your reaction paper. It keeps you focused and organized and helps you share thoughtful insights.

Before you start writing, think about different angles to approach the topic. Figure out which perspective resonates with you the most. Consider what it does well and where it might fall short.

Putting yourself in the author's shoes can be really helpful. Try to understand why they wrote what they did and how they put it all together. It's like stepping into their world and seeing things from their point of view. This helps you analyze things more clearly and craft a solid paper.

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of reaction paper templates, there are a few more tips to share. So, keep reading. Or if you're feeling overwhelmed, you can always ask our professional writers - ' do my homework for me ' - to lend a hand with your coursework.

Define Your Thesis

Defining your thesis might feel like trying to untangle a knot at first. Start by gathering all your ideas and main points. Think about which one resonates with you the most. Consider its strengths and weaknesses—does it really capture the essence of what you want to say?

Then, try to distill all those thoughts into a single sentence. It's like taking a handful of puzzle pieces and fitting them together to reveal the big picture. This sentence becomes the heart of your response essay, guiding your reader along with your analysis.

Organize Your Sections

When you're writing a response paper, it's important to organize your thoughts neatly. Papers that are all over the place can confuse readers and make them lose interest.

To avoid this, make sure you plan out your paper first. Create an outline with all the main sections and sub-sections you want to cover. Arrange them in a logical order that makes sense. Then, for each section, start with a clear topic sentence. Back it up with evidence like quotes or examples. After that, share your own opinion and analyze it thoroughly. Keep doing this for each section until your paper is complete. This way, your readers will be able to follow along easily and understand your argument better.

Write the Final Version

Writing a reaction paper isn't a one-shot deal. It takes several tries to get it just right. Your final version should be polished, with a strong thesis and a well-structured layout.

Before calling it done, give your paper a thorough once-over. Make sure it ticks all the boxes for your assignment and meets your readers' expectations. Check that your perspective is crystal clear, your arguments make sense and are backed up with evidence, and your paper flows smoothly from start to finish.

Keep an eye out for any slip-ups. If you catch yourself just summarizing the text instead of offering your own take, go back and rework that section. Your essay should be original but also fair and balanced. So, give it that final polish until it shines.

Check Your Paper for Spelling and Grammar

No matter what type of essay you're writing—whether it's argumentative or a reaction piece—grammar matters. Even if you've got a strong reaction statement and unique opinions, they won't shine if your sentences are hard to read.

Before you hit that submit button, take a moment to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. These little errors might seem minor, but they can really drag down the quality of your work. Plus, they signal a lack of attention to detail, which could hurt how seriously your paper is taken.

Remember, good grammar isn't just about following rules—it's about clarity. If your paper is riddled with mistakes, it'll be harder for readers to grasp your ideas. On the flip side, clean, error-free writing boosts your credibility and ensures that your thoughts come across loud and clear. So, give your paper that final polish—it's worth it.

Reaction Paper Reaction Paper Outline

Now that you've got all those handy tips and tricks under your belt let's talk about the big picture: the outline. It typically consists of three main parts: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section has its own job to do and is equally crucial to the overall piece. Each part needs to meet the basic requirements of a written assignment, make clear points, and properly credit any direct quotes using the appropriate citation style, like APA format.

Reaction Paper Reaction Paper Outline


Getting started with writing can feel like trying to climb a mountain. But fear not! It doesn't have to be daunting if you know how to start a reaction paper.

The introduction is your chance to make a strong first impression. It sets the stage for what's to come and gives readers a glimpse of what they can expect. But keep it snappy—nobody likes a long-winded intro!

To craft an effective introduction:

  • Provide some context to get readers up to speed.
  • Give a brief summary of relevant background information.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your paper.
  • Explain what you're hoping to achieve and why it matters.
  • Wrap it up with a thesis statement that sums up your personal take and outlines the main points you'll be covering.

After your attention-grabbing introduction, it's time to keep the momentum going in the body paragraphs. This is where you really dive into your thoughts and opinions on the key points of the text.

Remember our top tip: divide your ideas into different sections. Each paragraph should kick off with a topic sentence that sums up the main idea you're tackling. Then, give a quick rundown of the specific aspect of the book or article you're discussing. After that, it's your turn to share your honest feelings about it and explain why you feel that way. Back up your ideas with quotes from trustworthy sources, and make sure to cite them correctly. And don't forget to tie your reactions back to the bigger picture.

Wrap up each paragraph by summarizing your thoughts and feelings and linking them back to the main theme of your paper. With this approach, your body paragraphs will flow smoothly and keep your readers engaged every step of the way.

As you wrap up your reaction paper format, don't overlook the importance of a strong conclusion. This is your chance to bring all your thoughts and feelings together in a neat package and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Kick things off by revisiting your reaction statement. Remind your reader of the main points you've covered in the body paragraphs, and share any fresh insights you've gained along the way. Just remember—keep it focused on what you've already discussed. Your conclusion shouldn't introduce any new information.

Finish off your paper with a memorable closing statement that ties everything together. This is your chance to leave your reader with a final thought that resonates long after they've finished reading. With a well-crafted conclusion, you'll send your paper off on a high note and leave your reader feeling satisfied.

Reaction Paper Example

Sometimes, seeing is believing. That's why we've prepared a reaction paper example to show you exactly what a stellar paper looks like and how paying attention to small details can elevate your essay. While you're at it, you can also check out our pestle analysis example .

Final Words

Our tips and tricks on how to write a compelling reaction paper will get you an A+. Reflect on your thoughts and feelings, be clear, support your ideas with evidence, and remain objective. Review our reaction paper sample and learn how to write a high-quality academic paper.

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What Is a Reaction Paper?

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How to Write a Reaction Paper

How to Write a Reaction Paper

what is a reaction essay

Guide for Writing a Reaction Paper

A reaction paper is a common assignment in most high schools and universities. It gives students the chance to show their understanding of source material by asking them to summarize, analyze, and give their personal opinion. A reaction paper requires critical thinking as well as creative writing skills, so it can be a challenge to write. Whether you were looking for the answer on how to write a reaction paper about a movie, how to write a reaction paper example, or how to write a reaction paper to an article, you will learn everything you need including a step-by-step guide and an outline here!  

What is Reaction Paper?

A reaction paper is a written assignment that asks a student to briefly summarize and then give personal opinions about a book, article, video, etc. Unlike a critique or review, the main focus is on the personal opinions, thoughts, feelings, and reactions of the student.

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How to Write a Good Reaction Paper?

Writing a reaction paper takes time and effort and there are several steps to take before getting to the actual writing. These steps will help you understand the source material as well as help structure the eventual paper. 

What is the purpose? 

Not all reaction papers have the same purpose. While all of them ask you to analyze and give opinions about the source material, the focus of the analysis can be different. Make sure you carefully read the guidelines of the assignment and if you have any questions ask your professor for clarifications.

  • Figure out whether the emphasis should be on the analysis or on your personal opinion and reaction.
  • The professor may ask you to react to the source material in a way that relates to the course that you are taking. For example, a reaction paper for a sociology class will be different from a reaction paper for an economics class even if the source material is the same.
  • Sometimes you may be asked to compare one source material to another piece of writing similar to a compare and contrast essay. 
  • A reaction paper can focus more on objective analysis or subjective opinion
  • Remember that the goal of a reaction paper is not just to state your opinion. Any claim you make must be backed up by evidence from the source material.
  • The purpose of a reaction paper is not to say whether you liked the source material or not, it is to analyze it and connect its deeper meanings to larger themes. 

Go over the source material several times

Just because it's called a reaction paper doesn't mean you can get away with going over the source material once and then quickly writing down what you felt about it. Even if you are trying to learn how to write a reaction paper to a movie, you can't just watch the movie once. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to go over the source material at least a few times. Not only do you have to understand every element of the source material, but you also need time to process, think about, analyze, and make connections. 

While it's good to think about deeper concepts when going through the source material for the first time, just focus on getting a general feeling about the article or movie. Focus on your specific insights and reactions when going over the source material for the second and third times. 

What to do after your first go through

After the first time you read the article or watch the video, spend some time writing down your initial reactions. Think of this as a brainstorming session where there are no bad ideas, write down whatever you want. This can include opinions of what you thought the strengths and weaknesses were, what you liked and didn't like, deeper meanings and connections that jumped out at you, connections to your course,  etc. 

The importance of notes

After you have your initial reactions down, it's time to go over the source material again and take in-depth notes. If it’s an article or a book, print it out so that you can take notes in the margins.  Highlight important quotes or pieces of information, draw arrows connecting different sections, write yourself notes and reminders in the margins, draw diagrams that help you understand the structure of the article, do whatever helps you understand the material better. No one else is going to see the notes you make so be as creative as you want to be. The more time you spend taking notes the better you will understand the source material and the easier writing the reaction paper will be.

Craft a thesis statement

Think of a thesis statement for a reaction paper as the main takeaway from your analysis. A good thesis statement is concise and focused. It should help guide the rest of your paper with every paragraph lending support to your thesis statement. You can come up with a thesis statement by asking yourself what the goal of the author was, how the source material impacts the world, what are the motivations of the main characters, what was the purpose of the source material, what were the major strengths or weaknesses of the source material, etc.

Paragraph Structure

Making a reaction paper outline is a useful endeavor because it helps organize your notes and understand the flow of the paper overall.  A reaction paper follows a typical five-paragraph essay format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The next section will go in-depth into how to write a reaction paper section by section. 

In general, the first introductory paragraph should contain a brief summary of the source material. The body paragraphs should start with a clear topic sentence followed by evidence for the claim that you are making, and the conclusion should reiterate the thesis and main evidence.

When making an outline, write down the topic sentence and then a quick list of evidence that backs it up. Make sure that each paragraph connects to your thesis statement so that you don't lose focus during the paper. A useful way to structure each paragraph is to first elaborate on something from the source material and then give your opinion backed by evidence.

Using quotations

Once you have an outline and understand how the paragraphs will be structured, go through your notes and find specific quotations from the text that back up your claims. Don't just list quotations, make sure you analyze them and explain why they are important as evidence.  Depending on the word count of the assignment you should limit the length of quotations and paraphrase when necessary. 

Revise and Edit

Once you're done writing your paper make sure that you go over it a few times. This is to get rid of typos and other silly mistakes, but more importantly to check for flow and clarity. You may find that certain paragraphs work better in a different order, or even that certain topic sentences don't back up the thesis statement. This is your chance to make your paper the best it can possibly be, so make sure you spend some time reviewing and editing. 

Double-check your assignment guidelines

It's always a good idea to check your assignment guidelines once you are done with any type of assignment. You’ve put in all the hard work and you don't want to get a lower grade than you deserve because of something silly. Question what the assignment guidelines are asking you to do and make sure that you have followed all the rules.

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A reaction paper follows a typical five-paragraph format structure of essay writing. Let's take a look at each section. 


Like any type of writing, the first sentence of a reaction paper should engage the reader and make them want to find out more. Write a catchy hook by making a provocative statement about the source material, hinting at an interesting conclusion or reaction, stating an interesting fact or anecdote, etc.

Next, give some background information about the source material including the name of the article, the author, where and when it was published, any awards won, etc.  

Follow this up with a concise summary of the source material. Remember, the goal of a reaction paper is to objectively analyze and then give personal opinions backed by evidence, so don’t take a lot of time on the summary in the introduction. The goal of the summary is to give readers an idea of what the source material is about, so highlight the most important elements and skip details. Specific information about the source material will come up as quotations and evidence in the body paragraphs. 

End with your thesis statement.

Depending on the purpose of the assignment, your first body paragraph may be an expanded version of a summary or evaluation of the source material. 

More typically the body paragraphs are where you talk about your reactions to the source material and back it up with evidence. Make sure that each body paragraph talks only about 1 claim you are making and that each body paragraph relates to your thesis statement. You can ask yourself the following questions to come up with ideas for specific body paragraphs.

  • What were the main themes of the source material and how do they connect with your thesis statement?
  • Is there a connection between the source material and real-world events?
  • How does the source material relate to your course?
  • What are the major claims that the source material is making?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the source material and why?
  • Did the source material impact your emotions in any way and how did it achieve it?
  • Did the source material change your perspective on an important issue?


The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis as well as the topic sentences of each paragraph. Concisely explain the main pieces of evidence you have used to support your thesis,  and briefly speak about any larger implications of the work. 

You may be required to have a brief work cited page. This will usually be quite short because the main source is the specific source material. Just make sure to know what citation convention you need to use. 

A reaction paper is one of the most enjoyable assignments for a student because it allows you to experience and give your opinion about something you like, if you were given the freedom to choose the source material, or something interesting if it was assigned by the professor. The most important thing to remember is to stay as objective as possible while expressing your opinion by backing up any claim you make with evidence.

If you have any more questions or need any help with writing a reaction paper, the experts at Studyfy are always here for you. They offer various academic writing services, including sociology essay writing services , help with argumentative essay , write my thesis for me , and college essay writing service . Their team of experts has vast experience in writing high-quality academic papers, and they can provide you with the necessary guidance and support to excel in your coursework.

Don't hesitate to reach out to Studyfy for any writing or academic support you may need!

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How to Write a Response Paper

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Most of the time when you are tasked with an essay about a book or article you've read for a class, you will be expected to write in a professional and impersonal voice. But the regular rules change a bit when you write a response paper.

A response (or reaction) paper differs from the formal review primarily in that it is written in the first person . Unlike in more formal writing, the use of phrases like "I thought" and "I believe" is encouraged in a response paper. 

You'll still have a thesis and will need to back up your opinion with evidence from the work, but this type of paper spotlights your individual reaction as a reader or viewer.

Read and Respond

Grace Fleming

For a response paper, you still need to write a formal assessment of the work you're observing (this could be anything created, such as a film, a work of art, a piece of music, a speech, a marketing campaign, or a written work), but you will also add your own personal reaction and impressions to the report.

The steps for completing a reaction or response paper are:

  • Observe or read the piece for an initial understanding.
  • Mark interesting pages with a sticky flag or take notes on the piece to capture your first impressions.
  • Reread the marked pieces and your notes and stop to reflect often.
  • Record your thoughts.
  • Develop a thesis.
  • Write an outline.
  • Construct your essay.

It may be helpful to imagine yourself watching a movie review as you're preparing your outline. You will use the same framework for your response paper: a summary of the work with several of your own thoughts and assessments mixed in.

The First Paragraph

After you have established an outline for your paper, you need to craft the first draft of the essay using all the basic elements found in any strong paper, including a strong introductory sentence .

In the case of a reaction essay, the first sentence should contain both the title of the work to which you are responding and the name of the author.

The last sentence of your introductory paragraph should contain a thesis statement . That statement will make your overall opinion very clear.

Stating Your Opinion

There's no need to feel shy about expressing your own opinion in a position paper, even though it may seem strange to write "I feel" or "I believe" in an essay. 

In the sample here, the writer analyzes and compares the plays but also manages to express personal reactions. There's a balance struck between discussing and critiquing the work (and its successful or unsuccessful execution) and expressing a reaction to it.

Sample Statements

When writing a response essay, you can include statements like the following:

  • I felt that
  • In my opinion
  • The reader can conclude that
  • The author seems to
  • I did not like
  • This aspect didn't work for me because
  • The images seemed to
  • The author was [was not] successful in making me feel
  • I was especially moved by
  • I didn't understand the connection between
  • It was clear that the artist was trying to
  • The soundtrack seemed too
  • My favorite part was...because

Tip : A common mistake in personal essays it to resort to insulting comments with no clear explanation or analysis. It's OK to critique the work you are responding to, but you still need to back up your feelings, thoughts, opinions, and reactions with concrete evidence and examples from the work. What prompted the reaction in you, how, and why? What didn't reach you and why?

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Your Ultimate Guide to Writing an Exceptional Reaction Paper (2023)

Reaction Paper

Introduction: What is a Reaction Paper?

Tips on how to write a reaction paper, understand the point of a reaction paper, read the text right after it has been assigned, make a note of your early reactions, select a perspective, define your thesis, organize your sections, write the final version, check your paper for spelling and grammar, reaction paper outline, reaction paper introduction.

  • 1.      What is a reaction paper?
  • 2.      How do I start writing a reaction paper?
  • 3.      What should be included in the introduction of a reaction paper?
  • 4.      How should I structure the body paragraphs of my reaction paper?
  • 5.      What is the purpose of the conclusion in a reaction paper?
  • 6.      Can I get professional assistance with my reaction paper?
  • Final Thoughts  

Writing reaction papers originated in the early 1900s as a form of response to literature. Initially known as a “response paper,” this writing style gained popularity among scholars and educators as a way to encourage critical thinking and engagement with written works. Over the years, the format evolved, and it became known as a “reaction paper,” emphasizing the writer’s personal reactions and opinions to the material they encountered. Today, writing a reaction paper remains a valuable academic exercise, enabling students to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and insights while analyzing various texts, films , or experiences.

In the realm of art and literature, creators often aspire to evoke profound thoughts and emotions in their audience. While receiving compliments like ‘Amazing’ and ‘Wonderful’ is gratifying, the true mark of a successful piece lies in its ability to be thought-provoking. These thought-provoking works embed themselves in our minds, eliciting reactions and discussions that linger long after the initial encounter. In academic settings, this concept holds true as well. A piece of academic work becomes noteworthy when it evokes reactions from its readers. In this article, we will delve into the essence of a reaction paper and explore how to write one effectively.

At its core, a reaction paper is a written response to a book, article, movie, or any other form of media. It goes beyond a mere summary, delving into the writer’s thoughts, emotions, and analysis of the work’s themes, characters, and other elements. The primary purpose of a reaction paper is to provide a platform for the writer to reflect on and critically evaluate the work, as well as to communicate their insights and opinions to others.

When assigned a reaction paper, it is essential to carefully follow the given instructions, which can typically be found in the course syllabus. Paying attention to the structure, grammar, and citations is crucial to ensure the paper meets the required standards. It is vital to fully grasp the specific requirements to avoid inadvertently writing a reaction paper in the wrong style, such as confusing a Chicago-style reaction paper with an APA reaction paper. In this article, we will offer valuable tips on crafting a flawless reaction paper, accompanied by a sample to serve as a helpful guide.

what is a reaction essay

When it comes to writing a reaction paper, approaching the task with an open mind and actively engaging with the material are essential. Unlike other academic assignments, a response paper allows you to express your personal opinions, making it a relatively easy task. The key is to master the essence and general structure of a reaction paper, enabling you to effectively convey your thoughts and feelings about the subject matter.

To guide you through the process, we have compiled some helpful tips on how to write a reaction paper. However, if your due date is fast approaching , don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our reliable essay writing service online. Our team of expert writers is always ready to lend a helping hand.

Beyond the confines of academia, sharing unstructured opinions about unfamiliar topics is unlikely to leave a positive impression. When you express your personal opinion, it is expected that you have a solid understanding of the subject matter.

Therefore, before delving into your reaction paper, ensure that you fully comprehend its purpose. Whether you are writing a psychology reaction paper or any other type, the key is to deliver valuable and balanced analysis that resonates with readers.

The primary goal of reaction papers is to foster critical thinking skills among students. As a writer, your task is not merely to react to the text but to meticulously analyze its strengths, weaknesses, the author’s intentions, and whether the text accomplishes its objectives.

Understanding the essence of a reaction paper ensures that you remain focused on the assignment’s scope, avoiding any tangents or irrelevant content. It also enables you to concentrate on the most pertinent aspects of the text and present your personal opinion in a clear and logical manner.

While a reaction paper naturally invites your immediate response, it’s crucial to resist the urge to react hastily. Initial thoughts can be ambiguous, biased, and even inaccurate. To form well-founded opinions, you need time for thoughtful consideration.

As soon as you receive the assignment to write a response essay , begin immersing yourself in the material. Dedicate ample time to read, reread, and conduct additional research until you grasp every aspect of the text, from the author’s objectives to their execution of ideas. Take meticulous notes and maintain a balanced perspective.

Aim to develop a strong and thoughtful reaction statement rather than an impulsive and emotionally charged one. Supporting your arguments with gathered information and structuring them coherently will give your paper a more professional and review-like tone, rather than sounding like a casual comment on a movie website.

Speaking of films, below you will find an example of a movie reaction paper. For additional guidance, feel free to explore our article on discursive essay format.

Remember, writing a reaction paper is an opportunity to express your unique perspective and insights, so embrace the process with enthusiasm and a critical eye. Mastering the art of crafting thoughtful and well-structured reaction papers will not only enhance your academic skills but also equip you with valuable tools for expressing your thoughts effectively in various contexts.

As you begin your journey of writing a reaction paper, don’t underestimate the significance of your initial reactions. Jotting down your first thoughts and emotions about the subject matter can be invaluable. These early reactions often represent the rawest and most honest expression of your feelings, providing valuable insight into your perspective.

Noting your early reactions also aids in organizing your ideas and identifying key points to explore further in your academic paper. As you delve deeper into the subject, continue writing down your thoughts to observe how your ideas evolve and progress . This process helps ground your text in your personal experience and ensures a clear and meaningful thesis, meeting the expectations of your instructor for an authentic reflection of your thoughts.

Understanding how a specific piece of art or work evokes emotions and why is crucial to the writing process. By recording personal reactions, you can also recognize any biases or preconceived notions you might have. Acknowledging and examining these biases allows for a better understanding of your perspective and enables you to present a more balanced and nuanced paper. Additionally, noting areas where further research is needed can enhance the depth and credibility of your response.

In writing a reaction paper, selecting a perspective is pivotal as it guides your analysis and provides a structured approach to your response. This ensures that your paper remains focused, well-organized, and offers insightful thoughts.

Before you commence writing, explore different viewpoints on the topic and determine which perspective aligns most closely with your feelings and understanding . Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the selected perspective to gain a comprehensive perspective on the subject matter.

Stepping into the author’s shoes can be enlightening. Reflect on the motives behind the piece, the author’s intentional structure, and their objectives. Such insights will help you analyze the work more clearly and leverage your analytical skills to craft an exceptional reaction paper.

A well-defined thesis statement serves as a roadmap for the rest of your reaction paper, providing clear direction and purpose to your analysis. Crafting a compelling thesis is pivotal as it concisely presents the main idea of your response and helps you stay on track throughout your writing.

Defining a thesis statement might prove challenging, so begin by gathering all your ideas and main points. Identify the notion that resonates most powerfully with you and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in effectively conveying the central message.

Strive to express your thoughts in a single sentence that blooms into a meaningful response essay, capturing the essence of your analysis and argument.

To avoid confusion and maintain readers’ attention, proper organization of your response paper is essential. A well-structured reaction paper ensures that readers can easily comprehend your argument and follow the flow of your analysis.

Create a coherent outline that provides a clear framework for your response paper, including main sections and sub-sections. Arrange them in a logical sequence, commencing each section with a topic sentence supported by relevant facts, quotes, or examples. Subsequently, present your personal opinion and back it up with a comprehensive analysis. Repeat this approach for each section, culminating in a cohesive and well-structured reaction paper .

After several revisions, your initial draft will evolve into a powerful final version of your reaction essay. Ensure that it encompasses a strong thesis, exhibits a well-structured flow, and radiates polish.

Take the time to thoroughly review the final version, ensuring it aligns with the academic assignment’s requirements and fulfills the expectations of your audience. Revisit your response paper to confirm that your perspective remains clear, your arguments are logical, and they are substantiated with supporting facts. Verify that your paper follows a cohesive structure, presenting your thoughts coherently and persuasively.

During this review, identify and rectify any sections that may veer into mere retelling of the original text, as your goal is to offer a critical analysis infused with your personal opinions . Aim for uniqueness while maintaining an unbiased approach, providing a distinct voice that reflects your genuine reactions and insights.

While the task of writing reaction papers might initially seem tedious, we strive to facilitate the process by offering a valuable how-to-write-a-reaction-paper example, which you can explore in our site.

Grammatical accuracy is paramount, be it for argumentative essays or reaction papers. Your compelling reaction statement and unique perspectives may lose their impact if the sentences lack readability.

Before submitting your reaction paper, meticulously check for grammar and spelling errors. These flaws can detract from the overall quality of your work and undermine your intended message. Moreover, they may hint at a lack of attention to detail, jeopardizing the seriousness and impact of your paper.

By maintaining proper grammar and spelling, you elevate your credibility and ensure that your thoughts and feelings on the subject are effectively conveyed and comprehended. Polished writing, devoid of grammatical mistakes, enhances your reader’s perception of your analytical and communication skills, thereby strengthening the overall impact of your reaction paper.

Incorporate these tips into your writing process to craft a compelling reaction paper that resonates with your audience and showcases your critical thinking and writing prowess. By staying true to your personal reactions and diligently refining your paper, you will produce an engaging and thought-provoking piece that leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Reaction Paper

As you’ve now become well-versed in the valuable tips and tricks that elevate the art of crafting a compelling response, let’s delve into the fundamental foundation of a stellar reaction paper: the outline. An essential tool in organizing your thoughts and guiding readers through your intricate reflections, the reaction paper outline ensures a seamless and coherent flow that captivates your audience.

The reaction paper outline comprises three key components: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section carries its unique purpose and holds equal significance in the overall structure of your response essay . Embracing the essence of written assignments, these units stand as pillars to present your specific points with clarity while appropriately crediting direct quotations following formats such as reaction paper APA style or other citation guidelines. So, buckle up for an enlightening journey as we embark on unraveling the intricacies of crafting an impeccable reaction paper outline.

Embarking on the journey of crafting a reaction paper can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, fear not, for we have the perfect guide to master the art of writing an engaging introduction. The opening paragraphs of your reaction paper serve as the gateway to your readers’ hearts and minds, making it essential to leave a lasting impression from the very beginning.

To start your introduction with a bang, focus on providing relevant context for the topic at hand. Enlighten your readers with a concise summary of the background information pertinent to your analysis, setting the stage for a deep exploration of the subject matter. Clearly express the purpose of your paper and articulate the objectives you aim to achieve with your thoughtful reflections. And here’s the key: Conclude your introduction with a powerful thesis statement that encapsulates your unique perspective and the main points that will guide your readers through the captivating journey of your response paper.

Having conquered the introduction, it’s time to dive into the heart of your response paper—the body paragraphs. In this crucial section, your thoughts and feelings take center stage as you explore the major points of the work under scrutiny. Remember, organization is key to maintaining a coherent and impactful presentation.

To master your body paragraphs, divide your ideas into separate sections, each beginning with a topic sentence that reflects the central theme. Provide a brief summary of the specific aspect of the book, article, or media you’re about to delve into, followed by a thoughtful expression of your emotions and explanations behind them. Reinforce your ideas with well-crafted quotes from reliable sources, ensuring proper citation to maintain academic integrity. Aim to connect your reactions to the broader context, showcasing the depth of your understanding.

As you conclude each paragraph, offer a succinct summary of your thoughts and feelings, skillfully tying them back to the paper’s main theme and creating a seamless flow of ideas throughout your reaction paper.

Now, as you reach the culmination of your reaction paper, you’re armed with the power to leave a profound impact on your readers through an impressive conclusion. This is your chance to consolidate your thoughts and emotions, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Begin your conclusion by restating your reaction statement, anchoring your readers to the core essence of your response. Reaffirm the key points you eloquently presented in the body sections and provide newfound insights you’ve gained through your analysis. However, it’s crucial to refrain from introducing any new information at this stage. Instead, offer a memorable statement that artfully ties together the main ideas, providing closure and resonating with your readers.

With these invaluable tips, you now possess the tools to craft a remarkable reaction paper, capable of captivating hearts and sparking minds. Whether you’re writing a response to a thought-provoking book, an enlightening article, or even a gripping film, these techniques will elevate your writing prowess and ensure your reaction paper shines bright. So, let your words flow with passion, and leave a lasting impression with your compelling reflections.

FAQs – Writing a Reaction Paper

1.      what is a reaction paper.

A reaction paper is a type of academic assignment that requires students to express their personal thoughts and feelings about a specific book, article, movie, or other forms of media. It goes beyond merely summarizing the content and involves critical analysis, reflection, and thoughtful responses to the material.

2.      How do I start writing a reaction paper?

To begin writing a reaction paper, approach the task with an open mind and engage actively with the material. Start by understanding the purpose of the reaction paper and identifying its main goal – which is to develop your critical thinking skills . Make notes of your early reactions to the content and take the time to explore and form well-rounded opinions before crafting your response.

3.      What should be included in the introduction of a reaction paper?

The introduction of a reaction paper sets the tone for the entire piece. It should provide relevant context, a summary of the background information related to the analysis, and clearly state the purpose of the paper. Additionally, the introduction should present a thesis statement that encapsulates your personal opinion and the main points of your paper.

4.      How should I structure the body paragraphs of my reaction paper?

The body paragraphs should be divided into separate sections, each starting with a topic sentence that reflects the main theme of the section. Summarize the specific aspect of the material you want to discuss, share your thoughts and feelings about it, and support your ideas with evidence and proper citations. Connect your reactions to the broader context and conclude each paragraph with a summary of your insights.

5.      What is the purpose of the conclusion in a reaction paper?

The conclusion of a reaction paper allows you to summarize your thoughts and feelings, reaffirm your key points from the body paragraphs, and offer new insights you’ve gained from the analysis. It should not include any new information but rather provide closure for the readers and leave a l asting impression based on your raw emotions and thoughtful reflections.

6.      Can I get professional assistance with my reaction paper?

Yes, absolutely! GradeSmiths offers top-notch essay writing services, including assistance with reaction papers. Our experienced writers can guide you through the process and help you craft a compelling and high-quality academic paper that will earn you excellent grades. Whether you need help with reaction papers, research papers, or any other type of academic writing, our team is here to support you every step of the way.Top of Form

Final Thoughts  

As you embark on the journey of writing a reaction paper, GradeSmiths is here to be your guiding light. Our expert tips and tricks will equip you with the knowledge to produce a compelling and top-notch response essay that will surely impress your professors. So, brace yourself to dive deep into the realm of reflection, clarity, and objectivity, as we unveil the secrets to securing that coveted A+ grade.

With our insightful guidance, you’ll learn to channel your thoughts and feelings into a well-structured paper that captivates readers from start to finish. Supporting your ideas with solid evidence, you’ll craft a persuasive argument that resonates with your audience and showcases your analytical prowess. Plus, our exclusive reaction paper sample will serve as a source of inspiration, helping you master the art of academic writing.

At GradeSmiths, we don’t stop at reaction papers. Our skilled and experienced writers offer a comprehensive range of academic writing services , including nursing essay writing and research paper assistance. With our unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and academic excellence, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results. So, why settle for less? Experience the GradeSmiths difference and elevate your academic journey today by reaching out for our high-quality essay writing services. Your path to success starts with us!

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How to Write a Reaction Paper: 10 Essential Tips

If you are tasked with writing your first response paper, this guide can help. here are tips on how to write a reaction paper for students..

Goodwall Team

High school or college students are often asked to write dozens of essays and papers while studying. This can be overwhelming and lead to losing confidence in one’s academic skills if someone starts to struggle in this area. Are you having such trouble, and would you like help to get off the ground?

Below, we discuss some of the finer details of how to write a reaction paper, one of the many types of paper you might need to create. With these reaction paper tips, you should be able to get rolling and finish them well in time for a hand-in. They might not make it a breeze, but they should take the edge off to make it a valuable and educational task for you in the long run.

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Consume the Original Media with Care

When your educator is considering topics for papers, they will often have a very good reason for choosing the media you will analyze. This may be its relevance to the current world, its historical context, a long tradition of experiencing it, or many other reasons. No matter what it may be, pay attention when taking it in.

If it is a book, read it in your own time and during school. Make notes as you go and ensure you understand what it is communicating explicitly and implicitly.

If it is a film, do not only enjoy the story but engage with its themes. Also, consider why the creators chose to film it as it is and consider the media from the point of view of other characters in the piece. Look into who created it, consider their reasons for creating it over and above money, and consider why they thought this film was good.

Analyze the Media for the Core Themes

As you take in the media, consider if the person or people who created it had any message they were trying to convey. This may be a moral, an attempt to make people see things from a new perspective or to teach people about a truth they believe in.

Even if this is not a fictional piece or a historical document such as a constitution, consider who the implied heroes are. Why did the writer use the language choices they did, and how did that affect the media?

What is the villain in the piece’s motivation? You may find yourself sympathizing with their point of view, though consider their means and methods to be the thing that makes them a villain. Or, they may not be villainous but only an antagonist to the heroic figures.

Even in something like the United States Declaration of Independence, for example, there is a lot to consider. You can think about the different reasons it had the language it did, the points it makes, and why these points are essential to the writers . You can also think about what the writers were trying to create at the time and why they thought this was the best way of going about it.

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Work Out How You Feel

When writing a thesis for papers, you might often need to leave out a lot of your feelings. Still, they are important to understand so you can know what the media drives you to think and believe.

Consider the possibility that your view of the subject is wrong; also consider that you are the one who is correct and the media is who is wrong. Think about how both make you feel about the topic they portray.

You can use these to guide the discussion you wish to have in two ways. First of all, you can use them to help you write about areas that interest you more. Second, you can also be aware of your biases and try to avoid writing emotionally, as that could affect how others read your paper.

Start Planning

The next thing you should do is begin creating a reaction paper outline. Think about the different points you want to make, and write them all down. Align them with any evidence you have so you can spread these concepts through the paper, along with things that might back you up.

Also, in short, ensure you are making a point. The last thing you want is to get several paragraphs in and then realize you are not analyzing it or coming to any sort of conclusion. Think about what you want to say in broad and specific terms.

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Create the Headers

Once you have your outline, start planning each header out. Your reaction paper format should include an introduction and conclusion header at the start and end. It should also delve into several different points throughout that support or talk against them.

Ensure the headers constitute a single train of thought, telling a “story” by how it starts, continues, then ends through the whole piece.

Begin With an Introduction

Your introduction should start with a hook to get people interested in the piece from the get-go. This could be a statistic, a quote, or even a very forward statement that draws heads.

From there, talk about what you intend to write about and what you want to do. This might be stating an intent to perform research or to discuss how someone or something was correct or incorrect. It could even discuss the nature of a theme in general and how the media portrayed it.

Write the Header Bodies

You can now go through each header, stating your thoughts about each section. Try not to repeat yourself through these areas, as it could harm the readability of the piece; it could confuse readers and break the flow of the paper.

This section is the meat of what you are writing. You want each header body to state and back up a single point you wish to make. Then, by the conclusion, what you are trying to say should already be obvious.

When you write these, also think about the evidence or quotes you have that you can use to back up your points. You can put them here or in an appropriate appendix at the end of your paper, depending on the demands of your education system.

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Conclude Thoughtfully

Your conclusion should reiterate your introduction’s core premise. It can then summarize your main arguments. As the reader goes through the conclusion, they should not doubt what their thoughts and beliefs are when it comes to the media.

The conclusion is also a great place to tie all your points together. Sometimes some headers might go off in different directions, so you can use this space to bring everything into one coherent point.

The one thing you should avoid doing here is bringing up any new thoughts or points. The conclusion should round out everything and not leave any loose ends. When you finish it off, end with a strong statement that leaves an impression on the person reading it, such as a quote, a question, or a call to action.

Edit the Work With Care

Once you have completed one reaction paper draft, review it and look for errors. Read the piece aloud and try to find areas where your writing does not live up to a good standard or where you repeat points. You can also often hear repeated words you can change to make the paper easier to read as a whole.

You might find some sections unnecessary or that you need to add to them to help make sense. If you do, try to ensure you keep the flow of the piece and it does not start to ramble.

If you are writing this paper on a computer instead of hand-writing it , now is also the perfect time to use a spell-checker and grammar checker.

Be Clear and Concise

One of the most important rules when it comes to how to write a response paper is to ensure you do not write too much for each point. Do not use one hundred words when ten will do to say the same thing.

Be very clear in what you are saying too. Be aware that adverbs can start to water down any point you make if you overuse them. Although, you should also understand their power to allow you to make a paper more unique and precise.

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More on How to Write a Reaction Paper

You can often apply many of these response paper tips to other things people may ask you to write in your academic career. Still, there are many more things to learn before you are a master of the written word. Luckily for you, we have many articles on how to continue to improve your work.

So, check out our blog for all the latest tips on how to write a reaction paper and impress your family and teachers today.

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Rasmussen University: FAQS banner

How do I write a reaction essay?

A reaction essay provides a summary of the material along with your reaction/thoughts/opinions about the material.

Prompting questions

  • After reading the material, what are your feelings about it?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the article?
  • Are there any similarities to things you’ve experienced or anything you’ve learned?

Pre-writing process

  • Step 1. List the author, the title of the article, the publisher, and the date of the publication.
  • Step 2. Write a brief summary of the article. See writing a summary (link inserted) if needed.
  • Step 3. Craft a thesis statement that includes your reaction to the article (see prompting questions). For      help with a thesis statement, visit https://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32467   

Writing the paper

  • Step 1. Start with your thesis.
  • Step 2. If the assignment is a Summary and Reaction paper, this step would already be included in the Summary portion. 

         If not, then create the paragraphs; each with a main idea that supports the thesis.Create flow by having the last sentence of each paragraph leading into the next paragraph and topic. How to write a summary.

  • Step 3. Write a conclusion that wraps up the paper. This includes your general view of your reaction to the article.

After writing the reaction paper, read through it and check for the following:

  • Flow—when you read it aloud, the information makes sense and the sentences are connected.
  • Grammar and spelling—submit it to Grammarly https://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/33180 and/or the Writing Lab https://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32588 for feedback. Adjust accordingly.
  • Include the appropriate APA citation information for your summary. APA Guide https://guides.rasmussen.edu/apa

Kathleen Cahill, K. & Kilborn, J. (1999). LEO: Literacy Education Online: Writing a reaction or response essay. https://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/reaction.html

  • Last Updated Oct 14, 2020
  • Answered By Tammy Hopps

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How to Write a Response (Reaction) Paper?

14 August, 2020

11 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

A response (reflective) essay is used in different university and college programs. It is assigned by professors, so you need to study thoroughly what you feel about a specific topic. This type of writing takes time because you need it for interpretation and analysis. Generally, creating a response paper does not differ from creating any other academic assignment. The only difference is that you should look back at what you learned and reflect this on paper. If you want to find out more about a response essay and learn how to write it correctly, just keep reading the information below.

Reaction Paper

What is a Reaction Paper?

A reaction paper is a form of essay in which you reveal your thoughts about a play, book, article, or any other literary work. This kind of academic writing has many parallels with a reaction paper because it contains your reaction to the reviewed work. While giving a written response to something, feel free to include your personal perspective and overall understanding of the subject matter. To make your statements and arguments sound reasonable, support them with sufficient evidence and examples. A reaction paper should be written in a concise and clear language, so it can be easily understood by the reader. This kind of assignment is evaluated based on the writer’s competence in writing and only then on the original content. Similar to most academic essays, a reaction paper consists of introduction, body, and conclusion, which should not exceed 2-3 pages.

It is understandable that most writers are scared of writing this kind of essay. Thus, it is highly recommended to use some guidelines throughout the writing process. And here is the right place to get some of them.

How to Start a Response Paper?

When you start the creative process, you may wonder how to write a reaction paper accurately. The main thing you should think about is your feeling about the intentions of the analyzed work. You should also understand and distinguish the major intentions of the author and their feelings about it. To start your paper properly, you need to represent a topic first by providing the primary information. By explaining every detail of the analyzed book, movie, article, or speech, you introduce the topic for further discussions. To attract your audience’s attention, you need to highlight the significance of your opinion and its practical importance. That’s where you should mention the main objectives of an analyzed work. Don’t forget to include a thesis statement into the introduction to specify the main focus of your reaction paper.

Reaction Paper Outline & Format

When you work with a reaction paper on a book, movie, article or speech, you need to highlight every point of it. You need to identify the main topic and distinguish its major subjects and objects. Once you have watched or read the particular work, you need to provide your reaction to the main story and express your own opinions on it. At the same time, you have to stick to your professor’s instructions and requirements. Depending on the initial assignment, you might be asked to write a reaction paper about the whole work or its particular section.

A response paper format should be based on personal opinions about a particular topic in the book or movie. You should use your personal experience and knowledge to express those opinions on paper. In some cases, you can be also asked to create a paper about the author’s opinions, so you will have to react to the author’s thoughts expressed in the work. When you need to analyze your reaction to the author’s thoughts, you are not expected to address the topic.

When it comes to the actual writing process, you should be as specific as possible. Thus, it is important to develop an outline and use it as your working plan. It will help you structure your future paper by including all the significant sections in your paper. So, what should a response paper include? In general, a reaction paper consists of the introduction, body, conclusion, and citation list. Here are some more details to know:

  • Introduction: This is a crucial part of a reaction paper that turns out to be the face of the writing piece of work. To make it effective, you should fill it out with numerous hook sentences. Generally, it should include a clear thesis statement and a small description of the main ideas.
  • Body: This part contains the main ideas, arguments, and evidence. You should start every paragraph with a clear topic sentence reflecting the main idea. Don’t forget to use only relevant and up-to-date sources to make your paper look credible.
  • Conclusions: This part aims to connect a thesis statement and summary of main ideas. You need to wrap up your major points and clarify your opinions in the summary.
  • Citation list: This part should contain relevant and up-to-date sources to be used throughout the paper. Thus, you should use only credible sources to persuade your target reader.

Response Papers Examples

If you want to improve your writing competence, you can look through various examples on the Internet. You can check multiple reaction papers on movies and books to come up with the individual writing technique. By encountering high-quality samples, you will take your knowledge and writing skills to the totally new level.

20 Reaction Paper Topics

If you want to submit a response paper, reaction paper, or a mix of two, you should definitely think of creative topics. Here are some examples that you can use for yourself:

  • Square Enix’ Kingdom Hearts as a child-centered online content.
  • Assumptions of children’s literature as seen in Tumble Tower.
  • Your analysis of a Harvard study that reported that watching 4th of July parades makes people support Republican.
  • Resisting interpellation of Beauty and the Beast.
  • Your response to Chris Adrian’s article Under My Skin from the New York Times.
  • The backside of the fashion industry in the movie The Devil Wears Prada.
  • Reader response to Let’s Stop Scaring Ourselves by Michael Crichton.
  • Response to Sticks by George Saunders.
  • Reaction paper on Maslow’s Theory.
  • Reading response to why we crave horror movies by Stephan King.
  • Reaction paper for City Ordinance City Dog Pound and Appropriating Funds.
  • Reaction paper on Food, Inc . – a Robert Kenner movie.
  • Reaction to Hitchcock’s Birds movie.
  • Fighting for love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • The cultural and historical context of Boccaccio’s Decameron .
  • Pick a book which you did not like and describe why you did not.
  • Is Julius Caesar’ death in Shakespeare’s play worth it?
  • Ernest Hemingway. How did the author’s life influence his works?
  • Your reaction to the tragedy of Shakespeare’s Macbeth .
  • Choose your favorite novel and describe it and your impressions in detail.

Useful Tips for Response Paper

Writing a reaction paper can be a complex task that requires much time and effort. Therefore, you may use some high-quality samples to learn more about this type of academic writing. Here are some tips that can help you in creating a decent response paper:

  • Keep the knowledge of the addressed work on which you are writing your response or reaction paper. While reading a book or watching a movie, make a note of the areas that encourage you towards writing. Specify the main ideas that you want to discuss.
  • Show your point of view and support it with additional information where you feel it’s necessary. Support the analyzed piece of work with sufficient examples.
  • Conduct thorough research and find resources that can prove your arguments and statements.
  • Submit a draft in order to minimize the most common errors. Of course, it will take extra time to write a draft and then transform it into a well-structured essay. In your draft, you should not express the same thoughts again. The reader won’t be interested in reading the whole story again and again. Instead, they expect you to thoroughly analyze the information you receive and read. If you don’t know how to do it, you can always use some online samples or templates.

These are some simple and useful tricks that can help you master the response paper writing process. You should also know the most common mistakes that reduce the quality of your response paper. First, you should not place the summary of the analyzed work in the very beginning. The reader will lose interest in your paper immediately. And you will lose a chance of expanding the depth of the book or movie. First, you should develop and express your own opinions, not the overview or basic layout. Second, you should not make a statement without providing any supporting information. Producing examples that are hardly related to the topic also won’t do any good for your paper. With all the above-mentioned information in mind, you will be able to create an excellent piece of work!

Write an Excellent Reaction Paper with HandmadeWriting

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The essay writers of this service have already created multiple academic papers on various topics and of different kinds. They have also developed a huge clientele since they have proved to be reliable and hard-working in their attitude to work.

When you start cooperation with HandmadeWriting, be sure that you will get papers of impeccable quality. Moreover, they provide response papers samples so that you could know how well this company’s writers can handle the academic writing task. It’s no wonder that HandmadeWriting is rated as one of the leading writing services on the Internet.

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Guidelines for Writing a Reaction Paper

Guidelines for Writing a Reaction Paper

  What is a reaction paper?

  • I agree/ disagree with this author’s main point because…
  • This article is amazing and relatable because…
  • The author succeeded in considering…
  • The text perfectly represents that event.
  • This text’s writing style is formal. 

Reaction essay topic samples

  • William Shakespeare’s “Othello”
  • What did you like about “The Stranger?”
  • Your takeaways on George Orwell’s 1984

Reaction paper outline

  • Watch the movie carefully and pen down all crucial points. However, if you are writing a response essay for a book, you need to read it multiple times and write down its themes. 
  • Now is the time to evaluate the story and figure out the paper's needs. At this point, you should reread the instructions given by your teacher. You should react to the particular part of the story. After that, you need to write down your opinion. Your paper should be based on the examiner’s question. 

Structure of writing reaction papers 

Introduction , conclusion , reaction papers format: apa style.

  • An APA title page
  • Double spacing between the lines
  • The 1-inch margin on all sides
  • If you use external sources, you need to include citations and references. 

Six steps to writing a reaction paper 

1) study the prompt deeply, 2) understand all instructions , 3) analyze the essay’s subject, 4) write notes, 5) create a reaction essay outline, 6) write the first draft, write an engaging introduction, write body paragraphs , write a convincing conclusion, list of citations , bottom lines.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper: Instruction for Students

  • Academic Writing Guides

writing reaction paper for students

Our guide provides an overview of how to write a reaction paper. The purpose of a reaction paper is not just to summarize the material but to engage critically with it, showcasing the writer’s response. Students’ common challenges include difficulty articulating personal opinions, understanding the balance between summary and analysis, and integrating evidence to support reactions.

The guide aims to address these difficulties systematically. The promise of professional guidance is provided to help readers enhance their reaction paper writing skills. The step-by-step guide offers practical tips and insights to overcome common pitfalls, ultimately elevating the quality of their reaction paper submissions. Following this guide, students can refine their writing skills and feel more confident tackling reaction paper assignments.

What Is a Reaction Paper?

Reaction papers are academic assignments where students express their feelings and insights in response to a specific source, such as a book, article, movie, or lecture. The purpose of a reaction paper is not just to summarize the material but to engage critically with it, articulating their reactions, analyzing the content, and constructively responding to the ideas presented.

Critical components of a well-structured reaction paper include an introduction, a summary, a reaction and reflection, an analysis, evidence and support, and a conclusion. These elements help students articulate their reactions, analyze content, and respond constructively to the ideas presented.

The importance of personal reflection and critical analysis in a reaction paper is highlighted. It fosters critical thinking skills by requiring students to evaluate, question, and analyze the material rather than passively consuming it. It allows students to express their unique perspectives and engage with the material on a deeper level. It also enables students to relate the content to their experiences, making the academic material more relevant and applicable to real-life situations.

How to Write Reaction Paper – Crucial Steps

Writing a reaction paper entails discussing your ideas, impressions, and evaluation of a particular source, such as a book, movie, article, or event. The following is a step-by-step method for structuring a reaction paper:

How to start a reaction paper

A reaction paper should start with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and provides context. This can be achieved through a provocative question, a captivating quote, or a vivid description of the source material. The introduction should also include essential background information about the source, such as the title, author, publication date, or any relevant historical or cultural context. The introduction should also include a personal connection to the source material, expressing thoughts, emotions, or immediate responses.

The thesis statement should be clear and concise, articulating the central argument or purpose of the reaction paper. It should succinctly convey the central theme or idea to be explored. A preview of the main points should provide a roadmap of the topics to be discussed. The thesis should align with the assignment objectives, ensuring the reader understands the lens through which the content will be approached.

By constructing an introduction that captivates the reader, provides context, shares the personal connection to the source, and presents a clear thesis statement, the reaction paper establishes a strong foundation for a thoughtful exploration of the chosen material.

Body Paragraphs

A reaction paper body should be organized thematically, with each paragraph dedicated to a specific theme or critical idea from the source material. Clear transitions between paragraphs are crucial for maintaining the flow of the analysis.

The depth of analysis involves delving into the key ideas from the source, providing detailed analysis and interpretation. This includes exploring the nuances of the author’s arguments, narrative techniques, and supporting interpretations with evidence from the source. Personal reflections and reactions are also essential aspects of the paper, incorporating personal voice, critical self-reflection, and evidence to support points.

Relevant quotations, examples, or excerpts from the source material substantiate the points and add credibility. Balancing analysis and evidence is crucial, using evidence strategically without overwhelming the reader with excessive details. This approach ensures a comprehensive and well-supported analysis, making the paper insightful and grounded in the examined content.

The conclusion of a reaction paper should summarize key points, reflect on the evolution of reactions, restate the thesis statement, and emphasize the broader significance of the analysis. This will help readers understand the source material better and provide a call to action for further exploration. For example, a reaction paper on a literary work might focus on the transformation of admiration for Gatsby’s ambition into a nuanced appreciation for the critique of the American Dream.

The thesis statement should be restated in the context of the insights developed in the body, reinforcing the overarching argument or purpose of the reaction paper. Reflecting on the evolution of initial reactions and thoughts as the analysis progressed can help identify any shifts in perspective or deepened understanding.

The conclusion should also provide a call to action or suggest avenues for further exploration, such as recommending additional readings, proposing research questions, or encouraging critical engagement with the material. This will leave a lasting impression on readers and underscore the significance of the engagement with the source material.


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Pre-Writing Stage

Pre-writing preparation for a reaction paper involves selecting a suitable source or material based on criteria such as relevance and credibility. Active reading strategies, such as previewing, annotation, questioning, and summarizing, enhance comprehension and help capture critical points for practical writing. Appropriate materials include academic articles, books, documentaries, films, and speeches.

To effectively read and note-take, preview the material to understand its structure, headings, and key themes. Annotate the text as you read to capture initial reactions and encourage critical thinking. Summarize what you’ve read in your own words to reinforce understanding and retention of key ideas.

Note-taking techniques include the outline for reaction paper projects, concept mapping, and the Cornell method. Keywords and phrases are crucial for condensing information for later use in the reaction paper. In summary, pre-writing preparation for a reaction paper involves careful selection of a suitable source, active reading strategies, and note-taking techniques to ensure a comprehensive and well-researched analysis.

Tone of Voice and Language

To know how to write a reaction paper correctly, focus on clarity and conciseness by avoiding unnecessary complexity and using straightforward language. Eliminate redundant phrases and repetition for efficient communication. Choose words easily understood by your target audience and use straightforward expressions.

Balancing formality and individuality is essential for expressing a personal voice. Maintain a level of formality based on the context but avoid overly formal language. Strive for an accessible and engaging tone while respecting academic conventions. Genuinely convey thoughts and emotions, avoiding overemphasis or exaggeration. Connect emotionally by expressing emotions sincerely when discussing personal reactions.

Tips on Writing a Reaction Paper Outline

The reaction paper template includes an introduction, thesis statement, source summary, personal reactions, analysis, character analysis, literary or cinematic techniques, personal reflection, and connection to real-life experiences. It should also examine the use of literary devices, film techniques, and artistic elements. The conclusion should summarize key insights, restate the thesis, emphasize the broader significance of the source, and conclude with closing thoughts on its lasting impact. In the upcoming sections, we’ll discuss how to write a reaction paper in more detail.

Reaction Papers Example Topics

Reaction papers can be written on various topics across different disciplines. For example, one can analyze themes of love and sacrifice in classic novels like “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare or societal expectations in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” They can also analyze the representation of mental health in contemporary movies like “A Beautiful Mind” and the impact of special effects in science fiction films.

In science and technology, one can discuss the implications of genetic engineering and the potential effects of climate change on global ecosystems. In history and politics, one can analyze the portrayal of historical events in a documentary or historical film. In psychology, one can analyze the effects of social media on mental health in a fictional work.

In education, one can share one’s thoughts on a seminar or workshop and its impact on one’s understanding of a specific subject. In business and economics, one can discuss the global impact of economic inequality and the portrayal of corporate ethics in a movie like “The Insider.” In health and medicine, one can react to a scientific article discussing the implications of a new medical breakthrough or a documentary exploring public health challenges in a specific region.

In art and culture, one can reflect on contemporary art exhibitions and the impact of cultural diversity in a multicultural society. A successful reaction papers example topic requires critical engagement, expressing thoughts, and providing evidence to support reactions.

Reaction Paper Format of Citation

Academic integrity is crucial, and proper reaction paper format of citations and referencing is essential for maintaining credibility and professionalism. APA style includes the author’s last name, year of publication, and page number, while MLA style includes the author’s last name and page number. In-text citations are used in APA style, while parenthetical citations are used within the text. Consistency in style contributes to the professionalism of the reaction paper. Attention to detail is crucial when citing sources, as minor errors can impact the work’s credibility.

Direct attribution acknowledges the source’s intellectual property and gives credit where it is due. Full references should be provided in the bibliography or works cited section. Demonstrating integrity in the format for a reaction paper citation helps avoid plagiarism and ensures the original author’s ideas are acknowledged. Paraphrasing with citation ensures that even if the words are your own, the idea belongs to the original author.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes in a reaction paper include:

  • Lack of depth in personal reflection: Provide superficial or generic responses without delving into more profound thoughts and emotions.
  • Failure to articulate how initial reactions evolved during the analysis: Clearly express how thoughts and feelings changed or developed, discussing moments or insights contributing to this evolution.
  • Excessive summarization without critical analysis: Summarize the source’s content without engaging in critical analysis.
  • Lack of interpretation: Describing events or themes without interpreting their broader implications.
  • Shifts in tone: Experience abrupt shifts in tone or writing style within the reaction paper, maintaining a consistent tone throughout the paper.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can enrich the quality and effectiveness of your reaction paper, demonstrating a thoughtful engagement with the source material while upholding academic integrity and professionalism.

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Each semester, you will probably be asked by at least one instructor to read a book or an article (or watch a TV show or a film) and to write a paper recording your response or reaction to the material. In these reports—often referred to as response or reaction papers—your instructor will most likely expect you to do two things: summarize the material and detail your reaction to it. The following pages explain both parts of a report.


To develop the first part of a report, do the following:

  • Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. For magazines, give the date of publication.
  • Write an informative summary of the material.
  • Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.
  • Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.
  • Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the original work.
  • Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work, and do not neglect to mention other equally important points.
  • Also, keep the summary objective and factual. Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work; your subjective impression will form the basis of the second part of your paper.


To develop the second part of a report, do the following:

  • Focus on any or all of the following questions. Check with your instructor to see if s/he wants you to emphasize specific points.
  • How is the assigned work related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course for which you are preparing the paper? For example, what points made in the course textbook, class discussions, or lectures are treated more fully in the work?
  • How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?
  • How is the material related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance, what emotions did the work arouse in you?
  • Did the work increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your perspective in any way?
  • Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points, its accuracy, completeness, organization, and so on.
  • You should also indicate here whether or not you would recommend the work to others, and why.


Here are some important elements to consider as you prepare a report:

  • Apply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, and clear, error-free sentences) when writing the report.
  • Make sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point. For example, in the sample report that follows, the first paragraph summarizes the book, and the three paragraphs that follow detail three separate reactions of the student writer to the book. The student then closes the report with a short concluding paragraph.
  • Support any general points you make or attitudes you express with specific reasons and details. Statements such as "I agree with many ideas in this article" or "I found the book very interesting" are meaningless without specific evidence that shows why you feel as you do. Look at the sample report closely to see how the main point or topic sentence of each paragraph is developed by specific supporting evidence.
  • Organize your material. Follow the basic plan of organization explained above: a summary of one or more paragraphs, a reaction of two or more paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, use transitions to make the relationships among ideas in the paper clear.
  • Edit the paper carefully for errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word use, and spelling.
  • Cite paraphrased or quoted material from the book or article you are writing about, or from any other works, by using the appropriate documentation style. If you are unsure what documentation style is required or recommended, ask you instructor.
  • You may use quotations in the summary and reaction parts of the paper, but do not rely on them too much. Use them only to emphasize key ideas.
  • Publishing information can be incorporated parenthetically or at the bottom of the page in a footnote. Consult with your instructor to determine what publishing information is necessary and where it should be placed.


Here is a report written by a student in an introductory psychology course. Look at the paper closely to see how it follows the guidelines for report writing described above.

Part 1: Summary

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How to Write a Reaction Paper

  • Meaning of a reaction paper
  • Structure and outline
  • How to start reaction paper
  • Step-by-step writing guide
  • Reaction paper format
  • Examples of reaction papers

Reaction Paper – Meaning of a Term

Reaction paper outline and structure.

  • Watch a movie and note down the main points in the episodes. If it is a book, you must reread it and get all the themes in the story before you can complement it.
  • After reading/watching the piece, the next step is evaluating the story and figuring out the needs of the paper. You have to get back to the instructions given by your examiner. You may be asked to react to a specific part of the story, so the examiner’s instructions are key because your paper must reflect the question. If you are asked to write on a specific part, you must quote a sentence or theme of that region and relate it to the author’s purpose. You might be asked to write two types of reactions by your teacher.

How to Start a Reaction Paper?

  • The context – while starting your writing, you should first introduce the reader to the topic through a small background story on this theme. The reader should be able to understand it so that when you begin giving your views, they are not left hanging.
  • The need – your readers should see the need for your view on the book or movie you are writing about, so you have an assignment of creating suspense to attract them to your work. You can write this by stating the significance of your opinion and how it impacts the lives of others.
  • Thesis statement – you must write a thesis statement at the beginning of your text. The thesis constitutes a summary of the piece you are reacting to, the major points of it, and the contradiction in views of different people.
  • Details of the book – while you write about a book or a movie, you have to introduce it to the reader by giving the author’s name and what the book is about. If it is a movie, you have to give the name of the film and the characters to familiarize your reader with the piece. You must also state the main objective of the movie or book you are writing about in the introduction.

How to Write a Reaction Paper: Step-by-step Guide

Step 1. carefully study the work, step 2. highlight the main idea of your reaction, step 3. write a plan, step 4. write your reaction, step 5. reread the text and edit your reaction, reaction paper format guidelines.

  • The introduction of the reaction – the introduction is the face of your paper. Therefore as a writer, you have to make sure that it looks attractive and increases the reader’s urgency to proceed to your body paragraphs.
  • The body of the reaction is the main section, where all the ideas for your essay are explained. You should start each paragraph with a topic sentence in your body paragraphs.
  • The conclusion of the reaction – while you write the conclusion, you should link your thesis statement with a summary of the ideas in the body paragraphs.
  • List of citations of your reaction – while you write a reaction paper, you must include the citation for the sources you have used.

Examples of Reaction Papers

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Reaction Paper: Definition, Parts, Outline, and How to Write It

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by  Antony W

January 2, 2023

a Top-Grade Reaction Paper

Many students today find themselves overwhelmed with their workload. More is demanded of them mentally and physically, and their workload is immense. One type of assignment that recurs regularly through high school and college is the reaction paper, also called a response paper. 

​As a matter of fact, questions such as how do I start my reaction paper? how do I write a reaction paper? or who will do my reaction paper? will always surface.

Almost every semester, you are bound to have such an assignment. It's only fair to ask: what is a reaction paper all about, ​or how do I write a good one? Well, stick around and find out.

Help for Assessment specializes in helping overwhelmed students complete their academic work on time and get top grades. ​We ​comprise ​top scholars in every discipline skilled in writing all kinds of essays, term papers, and projects. If that is the kind of help you need, go ahead and order the reaction paper writing service here.

If you're ready for the task, join us as we explore what a reaction paper is, what makes a good reaction paper, and how to write one. 

What is a Reaction Paper

A reaction or response paper is an academic assignment where you are meant to read ​an ​article or extract of a text assigned by your instructor and write down your feedback, critique, or review in a structured format. You are meant to consider your reaction carefully and give a focused, methodical review. In fact, in the simplest of words, a reaction paper is simply a review in the academic world.

The key to a good reaction paper lies in what your opinion is on the subject given and how well you support it. The paper is meant to teach students how to express their opinions clearly, acceptably, and credibly.

A good reaction paper is organic and personal. Apart from a loose format and guidelines as expressed by academic bodies, it needs to flow naturally from what you genuinely feel about the material you read, watched, listened to, or observed. The ultimate goal of a reaction paper is to convince your audience that you are right, and your opinions are justified.

Reaction Paper Outline

To understand what makes a reaction paper, check out this outline. It details what is expected of a good response paper and how it should be organized. Keep in mind that a reaction paper is a really short piece of writing, lasting between 500 words (2 pages) and 1,300 words (5 pages).

what is a reaction essay

Parts of a Reaction Paper

The three major parts of a response paper are the introduction , body, and conclusion. Thus, it is simple enough to structure a reaction paper. What matters is the content you put in, and this should be in answer to these questions which effectively make up the skeleton of the paper.

  • I think that - give an intellectual response. Do you agree with the author/creator of the content or not? Support your answer.
  • I see that - what do you understand from the content? What do you think the creator wanted you to understand?
  • I feel that - what is your emotional response? Are you angry, inspired, saddened, or excited because of the content?
  • It seems that - what suppositions can you draw? By extrapolating, is there anything you can infer?
  • In my opinion - exactly what it means. Give an opinion on the work.
  • Because - justify your opinion.
  • A good quote is - what can you cite from the content that best reflects or embodies your feelings? 
  • In addition - add another quote or paraphrase a section.
  • For example - give a real-life example that ties in and supports the entire essay.
  • Moreover - give another supporting point.
  • However … - draw contrasts.
  • Consequently/it follows that ...
  • Finally  - what are your final thoughts on the topic?
  • In conclusion …- conclude your essay.

You don’t have to answer all these questions or follow any particular order in doing so, but you can see that by distributing their answers in the various paragraphs, it will be pretty easy to craft a great reaction paper. It is also good practice and highly encouraged to have a list of citations for the work reviewed and any general sources used in the essay.

Let's finish by exploring the process of writing a good reaction paper.

How to Write a Reaction Paper

Any good piece of writing has a few important qualities: unity, support, coherence, and clear language. These are the same qualities you should have in your reaction paper, and you have to keep this in mind throughout the preparation and writing process.

  • Prewriting: read and take notes

Whether you're reading a text, watching a movie, watching a video, or listening to an audio, it is important to have your notebook in hand from the beginning. Note down any noteworthy statements, set down your main support points, and take any quotes you might want to use. 

Prewriting also involves researching the creator of the content and the content itself to get its context. It helps you to understand why the content creator says what they say and why they hold the opinions they do. 

for example, you need to know who the content creator is, what they do for a living, what their beliefs they subscribe to, their level of education, among others. It helps you to understand where they are coming from, their motives, and their motivations so that you can have informed opinions.

  • Organization

Prewriting gives you plenty of ideas for the reaction paper. At this stage, you arrange these ideas as you start to outline the essay. See which ideas answer what questions, and purposefully to through the 14-question list presented above. 

  • Essay outline

Craft the main ideas that will form your topic sentences, and summarize the supporting evidence. This part is about coming up with the skeleton of the paper that will guide your writing. It will help you to optimize your words and streamline your ideas.

Flesh out the topic sentences with the rest of the material: evidence, explanations, a real-life example, and links the rest of the essay. The body paragraphs should follow a structure that allows you to present these four parts of a paragraph. The most famous of these is the TEEL structure: Topic sentence, Explanation, Evidence, Links.

  • Polish 

Once you have the body, take the time to think about what would make a good introduction and conclusion for the essay. Make sure they follow the general guidelines, then go through your work carefully no less than two times to weed out errors and mistakes.

In short, prewriting and organization are the marks of a good reaction paper. Make sure to fully support all your ideas, and don't make any opinion statements (I feel, I think that, etc) without sufficient support from the text. That's all you need to do to have a stellar response essay!

​N/B Most of our ​clients usually ask: Can I use "I" in a response/reaction paper? The answer is yes. Therefore, just to ​reiterate, first person pronoun is allowed in a reaction paper. Unlike article critique which ​usually assume a formal format, an instructor asking you to write a reacting paper seeks to read your subjective interpretation of the assigned text.

Need Help With Writing Your Reaction Paper?

Help for Assessments does more than offer writing guides. We have a team of world-class writers ready to get your response paper done at a moment's notice -all at the best prices in town. All you have is to leave us your order details here and we'll get started. 

As always, Help for Assessment guarantees top quality work, original content, and confidentiality with every client. We also have a wealth of how-to guides to help you out with your other academic endeavors, so feel free to check out our blog for more.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Nuclear Experiment

Title: investigation of reaction and $α$ production cross sections with $^9$be projectile.

Abstract: In order to investigate the contribution of $\alpha$ production in the reaction cross sections, measurements of elastic scattering and inclusive $\alpha$ particle angular distributions have been carried out with the $^9$Be projectile on $^{89}$Y, $^{124}$Sn, $^{159}$Tb, $^{198}$Pt, and $^{209}$Bi targets over a wide angular range at energies near the Coulomb barrier. The measured elastic scattering angular distributions were fitted with optical model calculations, and reaction cross sections were extracted. The same data were also analysed using both global optical model potentials (Global OMP) and microscopic S$\tilde{a}$o Paulo potentials (SPP), to obtain the reaction cross sections. The data available in the literature for $^9$Be projectile includes the elastic scattering angular distributions, $\alpha$ production cross sections, and complete fusion cross sections on these and other targets at several energies are also utilised for comparative studies. The reaction cross section extracted from the three potentials (Best Fit, Global OMP and SPP) are in reasonable agreement for all the targets except for the energies below the barrier where the results from SPP deviate by 30-50 \%. Inclusive $\alpha$ particle production cross sections were also extracted by integrating the $\alpha$ particle angular distributions. The present data and data available from literature of reaction and $\alpha$-particle production cross sections were utilised to make systematic studies. Systematics of reaction and $\alpha$-particle production cross sections revealed their universal behaviour.

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Today's Paper | April 03, 2024

The judges have spoken.

what is a reaction essay

THE rot is much deeper than it seems. What the six brave judges of the Islamabad High Court have penned is just the tip of the iceberg. The shadow of the deep state looms large over the entire system. The letter detailing incidents of intimidation of judges is an indictment of the ubiquitous security establishment. It has triggered a chain reaction threatening the entire edifice.

This may not be the first time that allegations about the interference of intelligence agencies in judicial matters have been made — a former judge had even named names. But the detailed account of harassment narrated in the letter sent by the IHC judges is more damning, and fuelling an already volatile political situation.

Unsurprisingly, the legal fraternity rejected the government’s decision to form a single-member commission, led by a former chief justice, to investigate the charges as an attempt to whitewash the scandal. Now with former justice Tassaduq Jillani recusing himself, there was no option but for the chief justice to take suo motu notice. A seven-member bench has been formed to hear the case. The IHC six have spoken and now it is up to the apex court to uphold the sanctity of the institution.

At stake is not only the independence of the judiciary but also the future of an already tottering democratic process. It is apparent from the letter that the intervention of the intelligence agencies is far more pronounced in political cases. Manipulation through the judiciary has been a major instrument used by the security establishment to perpetuate its political control.

While the establishment’s interference is obvious, the judiciary’s credibility has also been hit.

While the letter may have referred to the intervention of the executive in recent cases against the PTI leaders, the victims of judicial manipulation have varied and kept pace with changing political alignments. The successive convictions of Imran Khan in three cases in less than a week on the eve of the Feb 8 elections leave nothing to the imagination. It was obvious that the main objective was to keep the former prime minister out of the electoral process. Those convictions barred the former prime minister from holding public office.

As mentioned in the letter, a judge was hospitalised because his blood pressure shot up under stress. Non-compliance can cost dearly. According to the letter a brother-in-law of a judge was kidnapped and tortured. Cameras were allegedly fitted inside the judges’ residence to surveil them. It could not get more brazen than this.

It was the same story just a few years back when former prime minister Nawaz Sharif found himself on the wrong side of the establishment. He was also convicted on several corruption charges in quick succession. There was not even a pretence of a fair trial. Only the characters have changed. (In some of the cases, the same judge presided over the trial of both former prime ministers.) Retired justice Shaukat Siddi­qui had asserted that he had been approached by the then ISI chief to not grant bail to Sharif.

But the whole game plan changed with the shifting sands of Pakistani politics. It was amazing the way all convictions against Nawaz Sharif were reversed by the courts within weeks of the PML-N leader’s return from self-exile in London, making him eligible to stand in the elections. The game of musical chairs is on. All that has made a mockery of the entire judicial system.

While the fingerprints of the security establishment are obvious in a number of cases, the credibility of the judiciary has also been damaged in the process. What has been seen as judicial manipulation has tainted its image and, in some cases, it has been alleged that some judges had been a party to a controversial game plan, and were seen to act in contravention of the law, thus becoming an instrument in the subversion of the democratic process in the country.

What is disturbing is that the complaints regarding the cases penned in the letter had been brought to the attention of the superior judiciary but, it seems, no action was taken against those involved. Nothing could be more demoralising for the judges than to see the high-handedness of the security establishment being covered up in this manner.

Indeed, the letter by the six IHC judges has brought the matter to the surface. But politics has obscured the seriousness of the allegations. The ruling alliance that had also been complaining about such manipulation in the past now seems to have become the biggest defender of the military establishment.

Some PML-N leaders even see a conspiracy behind the allegations and have questioned the integrity of the judges who signed the letter. While approving the formation of the commission to probe the allegations, they criticised the letter as inappropriate. Some ministers have questioned the timing of the release of the letter, implying that it might have been written at the behest of the opposition.

Such short-sightedness on the part of the ruling parties, which had themselves been victims of judicial manipulation, is unfortunate. The political divide on this critical matter will further embolden those responsible for manipulating the judicial process to serve their vested interests.

Meanwhile, the role of the PTI in the controversy is not very helpful either. When in power, the party went along with the establishment’s game plan that at the time was targeting its political opponents. Instead of focusing on the broader issue of stopping outside interference in judicial matters and the increasing role of the security establishment in the subversion of the rule of law, some party leaders are using the matter for political point-scoring.

Indeed, the alleged intervention in judicial matters shows the increasing role of the security establishment in the country’s power structure. It goes beyond hybrid rule, as the democratic space diminishes. The shadow of the security establishment hovers across the entire political spectrum.

Worsening political polarisation has strengthened the stranglehold of unelected forces. The IHC judges have challenged illegal actions and they must be supported by those fighting for democracy and the rule of law.

The writer is an author and journalist.

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Published in Dawn, April 3rd, 2024

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LSU's Kim Mulkey's controversial coaching style detailed in Washington Post story

In a lengthy feature story published by the Washington Post , details of LSU women's basketball coach Kim Mulkey's coaching style were revealed.

The Washington Post story details how Mulkey's controversial ways caused some issues for players; "shame was a frequent tool in Mulkey’s coaching arsenal, whether during practice drills or in addresses to the team," the report says.

Players were called out over their weight, with the team's strength and conditioning coach ordered to conduct player weigh-ins in front of the rest of the team.

The report also details the suspension of Kelli Griffin, a member of the Baylor Lady Bears basketball team between 2007 and 2010. Griffin was issued an indefinite suspension from Mulkey following an altercation with ex-girlfriend and teammate Morghan Medlock; Mulkey did not give Griffin a reason for her suspension, while Medlock was not suspended.

Medlock says that Griffin was suspended for marijuana use, which Griffin denied. Griffin would later quit the team.

FOLLOW THE MADNESS: NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more.

The report also extensively details Mulkey's rise to prominence in the college basketball world, from her playing days to her relationship with the late Pat Summitt. Details of Mulkey's personal life, including the estrangement with her family and divorce with her husband are also included.

The release of the story caught Mulkey by surprise prior to LSU's matchup with UCLA on Saturday, March 30.

“You’re telling me something I didn’t know,” Mulkey told ESPN when informed that the story had published. “So you’re the bearer of good news or bad news, or however you want to look at it. But are you really surprised? Are you really surprised by the timing of it? But I can tell ya I haven’t read it, don’t know that I will read it – I’ll leave that up to my attorneys.

On March 23 Mulkey took to the podium before LSU's matchup vs. Middle Tennessee State to discredit the impending report and issue a warning to the Washington Post, saying that she had hired the "best defamation law firm in the country." Mulkey also threatened to sue if the newspaper published a "false story" about her.

Mulkey continued to throw barbs at Post reporter Kent Babb and the newspaper Sunday, including labeling him a "sleazy reporter."

Read more about Mulkey: LSU coach Kim Mulkey subjected to harsh lens that no male coach is

"No. Listen, we’re not going to let one sleazy reporter distract us from what we’re trying to do. Absolutely not," Mulkey said following LSU's 83-56 win over Middle Tennessee State in the second round of the NCAA Tournament.

On March 22, rumors swirled that Mulkey was the focus of a Washington Post investigative report, leading to the head coach's remarks at her press availability the following day. Mulkey said she was given a "deadline" of Thursday, March 21, to respond to the report.

LSU is in the midst of another March Madness run, a year after the Lady Tigers won the national championship over Iowa and Caitlin Clark. LSU is set for an Elite Eight matchup vs. Iowa on Monday, April 1, in a rematch of the 2023 national championship game.

See how the Key Bridge collapse will disrupt the supply of cars, coal and tofu

The port of baltimore is the top port in the nation for automobile shipments.

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on Tuesday cut off access to much of the city’s port — causing a suspension of vessel traffic that will disrupt a key trade lane and threaten to further tangle already-stressed supply chains.

The Port of Baltimore was the 17th largest in the nation by total tons in 2021 and an important artery for the movement of autos, construction machinery and coal. It handled 52.3 million tons of foreign cargo worth nearly $81 billion in 2023, according to Maryland data, and creates more than 15,000 jobs.

what is a reaction essay

Top 10 imports and exports to the Port

of Baltimore in 2023

2023 total: $59B



2023 total: $22B

Iron, steel

Seeds, grains,

fruits, plants

Air and space

craft, parts

Coal, oil and

natural gas

Note: not seasonally adjusted. Vehicles excluding railways

and tramways. Nickel, aluminium, paper and wood include

derivatives of those commodities.

Source: Census Bureau

what is a reaction essay

Top 10 imports and exports to the Port of Baltimore in 2023

Electronic machinery

and electronics

farmwork and


Iron and steel

spacecraft, parts

Note: not seasonally adjusted. Vehicles excluding railways and tramways. Nickel, aluminium,

paper and wood include derivatives of those commodities.

what is a reaction essay


bedding, lights

Note: not seasonally adjusted. Vehicles excluding railways and tramways. Nickel, aluminium, paper and wood include.

On Tuesday, the Port of Baltimore said that vessel traffic would be suspended in and out of the port until further notice, but trucks would still be processed in its terminals.

“Baltimore’s not one of the biggest ports in the United States, but it’s a good moderate-sized port,” said Campbell University maritime historian Sal Mercogliano. It has five public and 12 private terminals to handle port traffic.

what is a reaction essay

North Locust

Point Marine

Ports and terminals

Baltimore Port

Truck Plaza

Seagirt Marine

Dundalk Marine

Shipping channels

CSX Coal Pier

Francis Scott

Hawkins Point

Marine Terminal

what is a reaction essay

“It does cars, it does bulk carriers, it does containers, it does passengers,” said Mercogliano. “So this is going to be a big impact.”

Baltimore’s the top port in the nation for automobile shipments, having imported and exported more than 750,000 vehicles in 2022, according to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, an industry group.

About three-quarters of the autos that travel through the port are imports, dominated by big-name brands, including Mazda and Mercedes-Benz. Most of the top companies have enough inventory sitting on U.S. dealer lots that any immediate impact on supply is unlikely, said Ambrose Conroy, chief executive of the consulting firm Seraph.

“It’s too early to say what impact this incident will have on the auto business, but there will certainly be a disruption,” said John Bozzella, president of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation.

The port ranked second in the country for exporting coal last year, according to the state of Maryland. But it’s not a huge global supplier of thermal coal, and the disruption can likely be made up by replacements from Australia or Indonesia if needed, said Alexis Ellender, lead analyst at global trade intelligence company Kpler.

Baltimore is also a niche port for the soybean trade, focusing mostly on high-value soy used in tofu, miso, tempeh and organic products, according to Mike Steenhoek, executive director of the Soy Transportation Coalition. Most of those exports are destined for Asia, but Steenhoek doesn’t expect a big spike in tofu prices because several other U.S. ports also ship this sort of soy, including Norfolk, Va., Savannah, Ga. and Charleston, S.C.

All East Coast ports have become more important in recent years as the United States attempts to boost its trade with friendly nations and reduce geopolitical risks related to trade with China, which generally happens via West Coast ports, said Tinglong Dai, a Johns Hopkins Carey Business School professor and expert on global supply chains.

Baltimore port’s suspension is “one more disruption in an already-stressed system” for the global supply chain, said Abe Eshkenazi, chief executive of the Association for Supply Chain Management. Cargo will now have to be rerouted to other ports, which means figuring out where there is enough capacity to move things.

what is a reaction essay

East Coast ports and shipping density

Ship traffic


of Baltimore

5th-largest port

on the East Coast

for foreign trade

Newport News

Morehead City

what is a reaction essay

East Coast ports

and shipping density


The Port of Baltimore

5th-largest port on the

East Coast for foreign trade

Coal shipments will need to be rerouted to other ports, Kpler’s Ellender said. And Ryan Petersen, chief executive of the logistics company Flexport, posted on X that the company currently has 800 containers on a slew of ships heading for the port that will need to be rerouted, likely to Philadelphia or Norfolk.

The biggest problem Steenhoek sees from Baltimore’s shuttering is the knock-on effect to other ports. Many ships stuck in the port were destined to make stops at other U.S. ports to load and unload goods before heading overseas, a complicated logistical dance now scrambled by the bridge collapse.

“It just shows how you throw a wrench in the supply chain and the impact is not just confined to that one port,” Steenhoek said.

Tim Meko, Justine McDaniel and David J. Lynch contributed to this report. Editing by Kate Rabinowitz and Karly Domb Sadof.

Baltimore bridge collapse

How it happened: Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by a cargo ship . The container ship lost power shortly before hitting the bridge, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) said. Video shows the bridge collapse in under 40 seconds.

Victims: Divers have recovered the bodies of two construction workers , officials said. They were fathers, husbands and hard workers . A mayday call from the ship prompted first responders to shut down traffic on the four-lane bridge, saving lives.

Economic impact: The collapse of the bridge severed ocean links to the Port of Baltimore, which provides about 20,000 jobs to the area . See how the collapse will disrupt the supply of cars, coal and other goods .

Rebuilding: The bridge, built in the 1970s , will probably take years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild , experts said.

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  • Officials studied Baltimore bridge risks but didn’t prepare for ship strike March 29, 2024 Officials studied Baltimore bridge risks but didn’t prepare for ship strike March 29, 2024

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March 27, 2024 - Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

By Kathleen Magramo , Antoinette Radford, Alisha Ebrahimji , Maureen Chowdhury , Elise Hammond , Tori B. Powell and Aditi Sangal , CNN

Our live coverage of the Baltimore bridge collapse has moved here .

Here's what you should know about the Key Bridge collapse

From CNN staff

A Marine Emergency Team boat passes the wreckage of the Dali cargo vessel in Baltimore on Tuesday.

Officials recovered the bodies of two construction workers who were on Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge when it collapsed early Tuesday morning after a 984-foot-long cargo ship collided into a pillar.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore called the collapse Wednesday " a global crisis ."

"The national economy and the world's economy depends on the Port of Baltimore. The port handles more cars and more farm equipment than any other port in the country," Moore said.

Here's what you should know:

  • The victims: The six people who are presumed dead were from Mexico Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, according to Col. Roland L. Butler Jr, the superintendent of Maryland State Police. Two bodies were recovered and have been identified as Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes from Mexico and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera from Guatemala. The two workers were filling potholes on the bridge and were later found trapped in a red pickup truck in about 25 feet of water, Butler said. The FBI is handling notifying the victims' families, Butler said.
  • Recovery efforts: Authorities are pausing search efforts for the four other workers who are presumed dead, because additional vehicles are encased in concrete and other debris, making it unsafe for divers, Butler said. Once salvage operations clear the debris, divers will search for more remains, he said.
  • The investigation: The National Transportation Safety Board is leading the investigation into the fatal incident, according to the agency's chair Jennifer Homendy. During a Wednesday news conference, Homendy said there were 21 crew members and two pilots on board the Dali cargo ship when it crashed into the bridge. She also said a senior NTSB hazmat investigator identified 56 containers of hazardous material, and that some containers are in the water. The agency received six hours of voyage data from the ship and the investigation could take 12 to 24 months to complete, Homendy said. She emphasized that NTSB will not analyze information collected or provide conclusions while on scene of the collapse.
  • Looking forward: Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said rebuilding the bridge will not be "quick or easy" but that it will get done. He said there are four main focus points ahead: reopening the port, dealing with supply chain issues until its reopening, rebuilding the bridge and dealing with traffic issues until the bridge is rebuilt. Biden  pledged the full support  of the federal government in the response and recovery efforts. His administration has already conveyed a sense of urgency to open up federal funding to remove debris and ultimately rebuild the bridge. Maryland has submitted a request to the Biden administration for emergency relief funds "to assist in our work going forward," Moore said Wednesday.

It's almost impossible to place people on the bow of ship due to the unstable structure, fire official says

 From CNN's Sarah Engel

Baltimore City Fire Chief James Wallace said Wednesday that the cargo ship's bridge structure and containers at the bow remain unstable.

"It's going to be very difficult, if not impossible, and very dangerous, to place people on the bow of that boat right now," Wallace told CNN's Kaitlan Collins.

"Naturally, we're still very cognizant of the fact that there are hazardous materials on board the vessel itself," Wallace said, alluding to the National Transportation Safety Board saying earlier that 56 containers were carrying hazardous materials.

Wallace said his team is relying heavily on aerial recognizance, including drones. "That's the only way we're able to see in," he said.  

He added that the aerial surveillance has "been able to really assure us right now we have no [chemical] reactions on board." 

"It's just utter devastation," NTSB chief says of the bridge collapse site

From CNN's Aditi Sangal

Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, called the site of the Key Bridge collapse "devastating."

"It's pretty devastating, certainly, seeing not just what's going on with the cargo containers, but just looking at what was a bridge span — three bridge spans that is pretty much gone. It's just utter devastation," she said at Wednesday evening's news briefing.

She added that she is thinking of families who lost loved ones and those who are waiting to reunite with their lived ones.

NTSB interviewed the Dali's captain and some other crew members today, agency chief says

The National Transportation Safety Board has interviewed the ship's captain, his mate, the chief engineer and one other engineer today, according to Chair Jennifer Homendy.

The two pilots on board the Dali at the time of collision will be interviewed tomorrow, she added.

Cargo ship's voyage data recorder is basic when compared to an airplane's, NTSB chair says

From CNN's Tori B. Powell

The voyage data recorder on the cargo ship Dali was a "newer model" but is considered basic when compared to that on an airplane, according to National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy.

"But it is very basic compared to say, a flight data recorder, where we would have 1,000 parameters," she said at a news conference on Wednesday.

The NTSB chief investigator Marcel Muise added:

"It's not a ship-wide system recorder, so most of the sensors that are being recorded are from the bridge. So things like GPS, the audio, rudder feedback, rudder commands are recorded on there. But not engineering, the temperature of each cylinder, power distribution sensors."

There were no tug boats with Dali at the time of the collision. That's normal, NTSB chief says

People look at the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge while visiting Fort McHenry in Baltimore on Wednesday.

There were no tugs with Dali when the cargo vessel collided with Baltimore's Key Bridge, which is normal protocol, according to National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy.

Remember: At 01:26:39 on Tuesday, Dali's pilot made a general very high frequency (VHF) radio call for tugs in the vicinity to assist, the NTSB investigator Marcel Muise had said.

"The tugs help the vessel leave the dock, leave the port and get into the main ship channel. And then they leave. Once it's on its way, it's a straight shot through the channel. So there are no tugs with the vessel at the time. So they were calling for tugs," she said.

NTSB chair says she saw some containers that were carrying hazardous materials in the water

National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy said she did see some of the 56 containers that were carrying hazardous materials in the water.

When asked how many

When asked how many containers of hazardous materials were in the water, Homendy said:

"I did see some containers in the water, and some breached significantly on the vessel itself," she said. "I don't have an exact number, but it's something that we can provide in an update."

Homendy said that a preliminary report should be out in two to four weeks.

This post has been updated with more quotes from Homendy.

Bridge did not have any redundancy, unlike the preferred method for building bridges today, NTSB chair says

Baltimore's Key Bridge did not have any redundancy, which is included in the preferred method of building bridges in the present day, according to National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy.

"The bridge is a fracture critical," she explained. "What that means is if a member fails that would likely cause a portion of, or the entire bridge, to collapse, there's no redundancy. The preferred method for building bridges today is that there is redundancy built in, whether that's transmitting loads to another member or some sort of structural redundancy. This bridge did not have redundancy," Homendy said.

There are 17,468 fracture critical bridges in the United States out of 615,000 bridges total, she said, citing the Federal Highway Administration.

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    Your reaction paper format should include an introduction and conclusion header at the start and end. It should also delve into several different points throughout that support or talk against them. Ensure the headers constitute a single train of thought, telling a "story" by how it starts, continues, then ends through the whole piece.

  10. How do I write a reaction essay?

    Pre-writing process. Step 1. List the author, the title of the article, the publisher, and the date of the publication. Step 2. Write a brief summary of the article. See writing a summary (link inserted) if needed. Step 3. Craft a thesis statement that includes your reaction to the article (see prompting questions).

  11. Reaction Paper

    Reaction papers usually start with a brief summary of the text(s) that will be discussed in the paper. It is necessary to include the title and author(s) for each text. A summary in a reaction paper should capture the thesis statement or main argument/idea from the text within a few sentences.

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    To develop the first part of a report, do the following: Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. For magazines, give the date of publication. Write an informative summary of the material. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.

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  18. How to write a reaction paper (with steps and tips)

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