hobby topic deutsch

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Do you know how to speak about your hobbies in German?

Because knowing how to talk about your hobby in two languages makes it even more interesting and you may even learn something new along the way.

Keep reading to learn more about the activities Germans do in their free time and how to talk about your own favorite things to do.

Common German Verbs and Phrases to Talk About Hobbies

Words for popular hobbies in german, additional verbs for talking about hobbies, german phrases for describing your interests, popular german hobbies, cooking and drinking, foreign flicks and crime series, traveling and exploring, sports and fußball (soccer), why learn how to talk about hobbies in german, where to practice talking about hobbies in german.

Here’s a very important word you’ll want to know for this post:

das Hobby — hobby

If you want the plural form, well that’s pretty easy:

die Hobbies — hobbies

To help you jump-start your vocabulary, let’s take a look at a few of key German hobby words.

Here are some popular hobbies and how you’d say them in German:

Obviously, the verbs you use to talk about your hobby are going to be specific to what you like to do. We recommend looking up the infinitive of your hobby in an online dictionary .

Some other verbs you might want to use together with a noun include:

Poets might tell you:

Ich schreibe die Zweizeiler. — I write couplets.

Or what if your sister competes in an event where she’ll dance? You’d say:

Meine Schwester konkurriert im Tanzturnieren. — My sister competes in dance tournaments.

These are just a few ways to talk about the hobbies you love to do.

Beyond describing what we actually like to do with action words, we can also talk about our hobbies in a more general way.

Here are a few German phrases you might consider memorizing to describe how you feel about your hobby:

Ich ___ gerne. — I like to [verb conjugated in simple present].

Ich mag ___. — I like [infinitive verb].

Ich ___ ___ gut. — I [verb conjugated in simple present] [noun] well.

Ich kann gut ___. — I’m good at [noun] [infinitive verb].

Here are some examples of the formulas above:

Ich tanze gerne. — I like to dance.

Ich mag kochen. — I like cooking. 

Ich spiele Baseball gut. — I play baseball well.

Ich kann gut Deutsch sprechen. — I speak German well.

Now, you may be wondering about the difference between saying, for example, “I like painting pictures” and “I like to paint pictures.” In German, it’s really about what you’re trying to express.

For example, you’d say:

Ich mag  Bilder malen. —  I like painting pictures.

Ich male gerne Bilder. — I like to paint pictures.

Both sentences express that you like to paint pictures. However, subtle differences exist between the two: The first expresses that you like the act of painting pictures, while the second implies that you like painting pictures, rather than something else.

You could just as easily say:

Ich male gerne Landschaften. — I like to paint landscapes.

Like any language, it’s all about what you’re trying to express. You can get a better sense of how to speak more naturally by listening to German speakers talk to each other.

Though the German people cannot be stereotyped into specific pastimes or hobbies, there are quite a few popular activities that they share with the rest of the world.

Germans love to cook . They bake breads and, of course, cook up some sausage for their guests, family members and friends. Good food is something almost anyone can enjoy.

And to go with good food, Germans love their alcohol, specifically beer! Though, to be fair, for many, drinking is more of a lifestyle than a pastime.

Societal restrictions on drinking alcohol are much looser than you’d find in the States, so many times it’s more casual than anything else.

Like most of us, Germans love their TV shows and movies .

Most Americans are exposed to few foreign films but in Germany, they’re just as prevalent as domestic films . This gives the German audience a wider cultural view than you might find among American films.

But, of course, both cultures—and likely many others—enjoy the thrills of dramatic TV shows. Germans love the TV show Tatort , meaning “crime scene.” There’s nothing as satistfyingly suspenseful as figuring out a murder mystery.

Germans also love to explore the world around them . Whether it’s weekend trips or excursions to countries close by and far away, Germans are explorers and adventurers.

Perhaps it’s related to the proximity of many other cultures or just simply a case of wanderlust (did you know that this is derived from a German word?), but the itch to see new places and experience new things engulfs the German people.

But one of the biggest hobbies consuming die Deutschen (the Germans) is soccer, and by that we mean Fußball.

The Bundesliga Fantasy Manager is a soccer program similar to that of U.S. Fantasy Football leagues. If you ever want to dabble in the world of German soccer, this a great place to start.

The word Bundesliga  translates to “federal league” in German. Mention it to probably any German you meet and they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about.

In fact, there’s an entire culture built around teams, games, coaches, players, etc. The culture is similar to that of American football and there are entire songs and chants surrounding German football.

If you’re interested in German soccer or the Bundesliga, check out these German sports terms or these German soccer terms to memorize and add to your vocabulary. Not only will you be participating in a large cultural German movement, but you’ll also be improving your language skills at the same time.

  • Hobbies are a way for us to connect with the world and people around us. We can express ourselves and our interests in a common subject or field. Whether you join others in hiking famous mountains, visiting historic landmarks or even conquering the levels of a video game, hobbies allow you to connect with your peers, both in person and online.
  • Speaking about your hobby in German also helps you increase your vocabulary. In fact, you might find that it’s easier to memorize vocabulary surrounding your hobby because well, it’s your hobby! You’ll learn new verbs, nouns and adjectives to describe what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.
  • Finally, talking about your hobbies in German can be a great way to learn about—and even experiment with—other hobbies. As you improve your German fluency, you’ll delve further into the German way of life , hobbies, traditions and cultural aspects of Germany . After all, languages are never too far removed from the people who speak them!

At its core, practicing your German to talk about hobbies is really about pinpointing vocabulary terms for your particular hobby of choice. Here are some ways you can practice:

  • We recommend this flashcard set from Quizlet for words you’ll likely use to talk about your hobby. 
  • If you like to play sports, you’d definitely find these flashcards from Quizlet to be useful .
  • If you’ve already compiled a list of vocabulary words, you can use this free wordsearch creator . Sprinkle in a few words you’re struggling with that may not be hobby-related for extra practice. Just remember that you’ll have to use an “e” instead of an umlaut.

Hobbies bring people together. Now you can speak about your hobbies in German—and maybe you can discover some new German-speaking friends who share the same interests as you!

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I really like learning with the videos. I have studied using other methods and it was very hard to put what you were learning into context. With the videos, not only are you learning new vocabulary, you are seeing how it is used. For example the tone which is used, the body language of the person using the phrase and the reaction to the phrase being said.

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hobby topic deutsch

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Talking About Hobbies in German Posted by Larissa on Oct 19, 2015 in Language

Servus, I got my inspiration for this post over on the Greek blog (which you can find here if you’re also interested in learning Greek). Hobbies are an important part of everyday life and are a great way to start up a conversation, whether it’s horse riding, painting, reading, or just going to the cinema!

hobby topic deutsch

Magst du auch lesen? Do you also like reading? Photo by Kate Ter Haar on Flickr under CC BY 2.0

The German language has taken the English word “hobby”, making it one less German word for you to remember. If you wanted to ask “what are your hobbies?” in German it would be “Was sind deine Hobbys?” . However you could also say “Was sind deine Interessen?” – “What are your interests?”.

Here are a few hobbies I translated into German, if you have one that isn’t up here than leave me a comment and I can translate it for you!

Horse riding                                                        reiten

Reading                                                                lesen

Painting                                                                malen

Dancing                                                                 tanzen

Going to the cinema                                       ins Kino gehen

Swimming                                                           schwimmen

Writing                                                                 schreiben

Meeting up with friends                                    mit Freunden treffen

Travelling                                                             reisen

Fishing                                                                  angeln

Doing sport                                                         Sport machen

If you want to ask someone what their favourite hobby is (maybe they’ve listed you a hundred hobbies already and you want to narrow it down) then ask “was ist dein Lieblingshobby?”/”was ist deine Lieblingsinteresse?” . The word  lieblings  means “favourite” so you can use this for other questions too, such as Lieblingsessen (favourite food), Lieblingsfach (favourite subject), Lieblingsbuch (favourite book) and so on.

When someone asks you what your hobbies are, you can reply by saying “Meine Hobbys sind…” (My hobbies are…) or if you just have one hobby then say “Mein Hobby ist…” (My hobby is…). In reply to your favourite hobby you can say “Mein Lieblingshobby ist…” (My favourite hobby is…), or if you’re indecisive and can’t pick one favourite hobby you can reply “Ich liebe alle meine Hobbys, ich kann mich nicht entscheiden!” (I love all of my hobbies, I can’t decide!).

hobby topic deutsch

Conversation. Photo by Daniel on Flickr under CC BY-ND 2.0

Now that you know what to say here is an example of how the conversation could go:

Person 1: Was sin d d eine Hobbys? / Was sin d deine Interessen?

(Note that the question has „sind” instead of “ist” in it which means it is plural)

Person 2: Meine Hobbys sind Schwimmen und ins Kino gehen.

Person 1: Ich mag auch Schwimmen! Was ist dein Lieblingshobby?

Person 2: Mein Lieblingshobby ist Schwimmen, ich schwimme drei mal pro Woche.

I haven’t written the translation so see if you can understand what they’re saying to each other!

Thanks for reading 🙂

hobby topic deutsch

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About the Author: Larissa

Hello I'm Larissa. I live in Germany and I am half German and half English. I love sharing my passion for Germany with you through my posts! Apart from writing posts I teach fitness classes in Munich.

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Nice article. Yes “hobby” has become the new german word for this, but there is actually an old german word for – “Steckenpferd”. (in english hobby-horse 🙂 Thanks.

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@Alcazar Hi Alcazar, I haven’t heard of “Steckenpferd” before so thank you for the info! 🙂 Larissa

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Instead of “Sport machen”, it should be “Sport treiben”.

@Constantinus Hi Constantinus, You’re right you can also say “Sport treiben” but both are correct 🙂 It’s completely normal to say “Ich mache sport” as well! Thanks for the comment, Larissa

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@Constantinus Yes, I heard from a young adult German person recently that Sport ‘treiben’ is a little outdated and most say Sport ‘machen’ now 🙂

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Maier Alina:

Yes “hobby” germani

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Lisa Gorrell:

I have several hobbies:

birdwatching = vogelbeobachten genealogy = Geneologie

and model railroading. How do the Germans call modeling trains?

@Lisa Gorrell Hi Lisa, Thanks for sharing your hobbies! A model railroad is “Eisenbahnmodel” in German. You could say “Ich habe eine Modelleisenbahn” – “I have a model railroad”. Hope this helps 🙂 Larissa

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Look at ur hairline

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would the gehen change acording to who you were adressing, for example du?

@cupcake Hello!

Yes it would: “du gehst” “Ich gehe” “wir gehen”

Thanks for commenting, I hope that helps 🙂 Larissa

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Hallo ich einen Deutsch Lehrer aus Uganda , ,lightning. Danke schön ich magge deine unterrichten…..

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super. das ist toll

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Nice… I had to refer to your website to understant how to express my hobbies to a potential employer in Germany. It was helpful. Thanks! Avinash. Singapore.

Emma Loves German

Hobbies in German [How to Talk About Your Interests]

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In order to talk about your hobbies in German, you not only need to learn what the German word for your hobby or interest is, but also how to correctly use it in a sentence. After reading this post you will know:

  • Verbs used to describe hobbies in German
  • German translations for common hobbies
  • How to create sentences to describe your hobbies

Why Learn About Hobbies in German?

People love talking about their hobbies and interests. Talking about your hobbies in German is a great ice-breaker when meeting new people.

Perhaps you’ve started talking to a new language partner on Tandem . One of my first questions is hast du Hobbys? (do you have any hobbies?)

Talking about hobbies in German can give you a great idea of what someone is like, and if you have similar interests that’s fantastic because you’ll have plenty to talk about. If not, you’ll learn about something new.

German Verbs for Hobbies

Just like in English, for certain hobbies we need to use a verb to describe the action. For example, in English we don’t say ‘I football’, we say ‘I play football’. And it’s the same in German.

Let’s take a look at some common verbs used with hobbies:

These verbs are all similar to their English counterparts, apart from treiben (to drive or push). This is a tricky verb for English speakers, because it translates roughly as ‘to do’ and is used for the noun Sport .

Think of it this way, if you ‘do’ sport, you normally need to push yourself and there is some physical effort involved. However you can also use machen (to do) but you will see treiben used a lot as well.

Hobbies in German & Their Verbs

You’ve seen how we need to use certain verbs to describe hobbies. You can’t simply ‘basketball’ you ‘play basketball’. This is because Basketball, Fußball, Tennis etc. are nouns.

However some hobbies are verbs themselves. For example you can say ich schwimme (I swim) and because schwimmen is a verb, it doesn’t need an additional verb to describe it.

The only exception in the list below is spazieren gehen (to go for a walk) where both spazieren (to walk / stroll) and gehen (to go) are verbs.

Top Tip : It’s quite easy to tell nouns and verbs apart in German: nouns are always C apitalised & verbs are not c apitalised, usually end -en and have to be conjugated depending on the subject.

So you know that some hobbies need to use verbs to describe them. But which hobbies pair with which verbs? Mostly these are similar to their English counterparts.

To make things clearer, you’ll see the nouns in purple and the verbs in orange :

If you’re not into playing sports yourself, but would rather watch them live or on TV, you can change the verb to gucken or schauen (to look / watch) so we have Basketball gucken (to watch basketball) instead of Basketball spielen (to play basketball).

hobbies in german: photography

German Phrases to Talk About Hobbies in Sentences

So now we have all the nouns and verbs we need to talk about our hobbies and interests. But how to we actually build a sentence?

Well first of all there are some standard questions you can learn to ask others about their hobbies:

Asking About Hobbies

Of course with the last question you can swap out Fußball for any other hobby noun.

These examples are all in the informal du form, because it’s likely you’ll been using this form if you’re chatting to someone about their interests. But you can always change this to the formal Sie form: Haben Sie Hobbys? etc.

Talking About Your Hobbies & Interests

Whenever you want to talk about a hobby that uses a verb (remember verbs are shown in orange in the table above) we need to remember to conjugate it depending on the subject:

To talk about enjoying a hobby in German, I need to introduce you to a useful little word , gern(e) (gladly). You can say both gern or gerne as they both mean the same thing and you can just say whichever sounds better to you.

If you want to add further information, you can add it after gerne :

If you are talking about a noun hobby (Eishockey) that requires a verb (spielen) , you don’t have to use gerne, but you can if you want to say that you ‘like’ doing it. Let’s take a look:

hobbies in german: playing video games

If we are using a noun hobby that requires a verb , we need to follow a certain word order. Let’s break it down with Rad fahren (to cycle / ride a bike):

We can see that the subject always takes position 1, the verb always takes position 2 and the noun goes to the end. Any other information goes after the verb, into position 3.

When we use gerne , that always goes after the verb so we have:

Subject + Verb + ‘Gerne’ + Other info + Noun

So now you know how to say common hobbies in German, and how to correctly use them in sentences. Leave a comment below and tell me what your hobbies are in German.

Read next : German Sentence Structure Explained

How would you say you like painting watercolors or I like drawing and painting.

Hallo Barb, to say you like painting with watercolours, we need to use the verb ‘malen’ (to paint) and the verb ‘das Aquarell’ (the watercolour). So we end up with ‘ich male gern Aquarell’ (I like to paint watercolour).

The verb for ‘to draw’ is ‘zeichnen’ so you can say ‘ich zeichne gern’ (I like drawing) or ‘ich male und zeichne gern’ (I like painting and drawing).

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You are currently viewing 20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

Hobbies help us relax and unwind ourselves. The free time activities keep us going!

Every person has at least one hobby, which he or she loves the most. Keep scrolling to learn how to talk about your favourite free time activities in German. Discuss Hobbies in German by memorizing words in the flashcards given below.

Frequently Asked Questions

German hobbies flashcards, to listen to music.


To read books


To play the guitar


To play football


To play ice hockey


Horse riding




To watch movies


German Hobbies Podcast

German verb game : guess the verbs.


German Vocabulary List for Hobbies

German verbs related to hobbies, german adjectives related to hobbies, list of hobbies, sentences to discuss hobbies in german.

Solution for “Guess the Verbs” – 1. angeln 2. tauchen 3. Yoga machen 4. kicken 5. aufschlagen 6. kegeln

If you enjoyed learning words related to Hobbies, also check out the theme Home on your favorite blog “All About Deutsch”.

Loved learning with flashcards? Check out Hobby related flashcards on Quizlet .

PS – On this blog, you will find vocabulary lists just like this one, articles related to countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as quizzes to test your language skills and a lot more. Keep scrolling, keep learning!

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Genine Torres

  • , May 2, 2023

117+ Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

Tired of “meh” conversations that fizzle out before they even get deeper? Let’s face it, small talk can be a drag. But what if we told you that mastering the right words for die Hobb y s or hobbies in German could help you unlock more engaging conversations? From basic words to sentence patterns, we’ll give you the low down on everything you need to know to express yourself better. Let’s start!

What sets your soul on fire? That thing you do in your free time that fills you with immense passion and purpose? You see, we all have our own unique ways of unwinding after a long day or weekend – whether it’s perfecting our downward dog, scoring goals on the football field, or whipping up a culinary masterpiece. But imagine being able to share that enthusiasm with others, especially in a foreign language? If you’re lucky, you might just win a friend or even have a new buddy to bond with! I know this because this is precisely what I experienced when I visited North Rhine-Westphalia!

I’ve always been a history buff at heart, and nothing gets my adrenaline pumping quite like a good flick set in the past – like the epic Netflix series, Barbarians. So when my friends planned to travel to Germany, I knew I couldn’t miss the chance to explore the hallowed grounds of Teutoburg Forest . Sure, it might not be on every tourist’s radar, but being able to step into the very same location where the legendary ambush happened is such an exciting experience for geeks like me.

When other foreigners asked me, I shared with them everything I know about the place. Boy, I was in my element! But as the day turned into night and dinner was served, I suddenly found myself in a predicament. As I sat there with my tour group, surrounded mostly by locals, one of the ladies turned to me and asked the dreaded question, “ Was sind deine Hobbys? ” My mind went blank, and before I knew it, another person chimed in with, “ Was sind deine Interessen? ” I was caught off guard and had no idea how to respond! So like any non-native speaker, I blurted out the only German word I knew: “ Ja .”

Friends, I don’t want you to find yourself in that embarrassing situation ever! That’s why I’m here to save you from that cringe-worthy fate with this comprehensive guide to all the German vocabulary and basic sentences you need to know. Trust me, I wish I had a resource like this back in 2018 so I wouldn’t be cringing today. Anyway, let’s begin!

photography hobby in German

How To Ask About Hobbies In German

The easiest way to ask about someone’s hobbies in German is to say, “ Was sind deine Hobbys?” Since we are inquiring, we need to use the question word “ was “, which translates to “what” in English. We also utilized a “to be” verb in the form of “ sind ,” which is the third-person plural form of the verb “sein.” Basically, “sind” is the translation for “are” in English. We also use the possessive form “ deine ” to refer to “your” hobbies, which come from the German word “du.” And, of course, we can’t forget about the word “ Hobbys ,” which is the straightforward translation of “hobbies” in English.

Other Ways To Ask About Hobbies In German

Learning German doesn’t have to be a drag – in fact, it can be downright fun! And when it comes to asking about someone’s hobbies, why settle for just “good enough?” Let’s step up our game and learn some additional ways to express ourselves and connect with others on a deeper level. In the previous section, we covered the basics of asking, “Was sind deine Hobbys?” – but now, let’s explore some other common phrases and expressions to add to our arsenal.

  • What do you like doing best? = Was machst du am liebsten?
  • Do you have any hobbies? = Welche Hobbys hast du?
  • What is your favorite leisure activity? = Was ist deine Lieblingsfreizeitaktivität?
  • What do you like to do? = Was machst du gern?
  • What do you like doing in your free time? = Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit?
  • How do you like to spend your free time? = Wie verbringst du gern deine Freizeit?
  • What sports do you play? = Welche Sportarten treibst du?
  • Do you play + sport ? = Spielst du + Sport ?

Did you see how easy those questions were? I know they might seem like a mouthful at first, but trust me – they’re incredibly handy, especially when you find yourself conversing with native German speakers.

gardening hobby in german

How To Say Your Hobbies In German

While learning the right questions to ask can take you far, learning how to formulate your responses to the same question can also help you out! The easiest way to express your hobbies in the German language is by using this sentence formula: Mein Hobby ist + German word for the hobby . The word “Mein” means “my” in English, while “Hobby” is a loanword from English that means the same thing in German. Finally, “ist” is the third person present tense of the verb “sein.” So, when you put it all together, “Mein Hobby ist” means “My hobby is” in English.

  • My hobby is skiing = Mein Hobby ist Ski fahren .
  • My hobby is cooking = Mein Hobby ist Kochen .
  • My hobby is painting = Mein Hobby ist Malen .
  • My hobby is watching movies = Mein Hobby ist Filme schauen .

Can’t pick which thing you want to do during your spare time? You can also answer by saying, “ Meine Hobbys sind + German word for the hobby. ” In this instance, we are using the plural version of the word “hobby,” which is “Hobbys” in German.

  • My hobbies are skiing, cooking, and painting = Meine Hobbys sind Skifahren , Kochen und Malen .
  • My hobbies are playing soccer and horse riding = Meine Hobbys sind Fußball spielen und Reiten .
  • My hobbies are traveling, taking pictures, and playing games = Meine Hobbys sind reisen , fotografieren und spielen .
  • My hobbies are swimming and going to the cinema = Meine Hobbys sind Schwimmen und ins Kino gehen .

Here’s the tricky part about this point: Some hobbies require verbs. Whenever you want to talk about a hobby that uses a verb, always conjugate the word depending on the subject. Some of the verbs you can use are spielen (to play), gehen (to go), and machen (to do). To use it, simply start with Ich + Verb + gern(e) + German word for the hobby.

  • I like playing ice hockey = Ich spiele gern Eishockey .
  • I like playing football and basketball = Ich spiele gerne Fußball und Basketball .
  • I like going to the mall = Ich gehe gerne ins Einkaufszentrum .
  • I like going to the park = Ich gehe gerne in den Park .

Words For Hobbies In German

Words For Hobbies In German

Ready to use the sentence formulas we shared above? If that’s the case, then learning about the common hobbies in the German language is important. To help you get started, we rounded up the best words in the tables below.

Outdoor Hobbies

Get ready to explore the great outdoors with these thrilling hobbies! From scaling mountains to kayaking rapids, these outdoor activities will get your heart pumping and your spirit soaring.

Sports Hobbies

Are you ready to kick your fitness routine up a notch? These sports hobbies will have you sweating, strategizing, and having a blast! From classic games like basketball and soccer to unique sports like racquetball and cricket, there’s something for anyone to enjoy.

Travel Hobbies

Ready to embark on an adventure? These travel hobbies will have you packing your bags and exploring the world! From cruising the high seas to backpacking through foreign lands, these activities will help you create unforgettable memories and broaden your horizons.

Crafts Hobbies

Are you a DIY master? These crafts hobbies will have you channeling your creativity and producing stunning works of art.

Cooking Hobbies

Ready to whip up some culinary delights? These cooking hobbies will have you mastering the kitchen and impressing your taste buds! From baking decadent treats to experimenting with exotic flavors, these hobbies will bring a whole new level of flavor and fun to your life.

Collecting Hobbies

Ready to become a collector extraordinaire? These collecting hobbies will have you amassing a unique and fascinating collection of treasures!


Ready To Start Learning German?

Ready to take your language skills to the next level? Then you need to check out Ling – the ultimate language learning platform! With its dynamic and immersive courses, Ling makes learning a new language not only easy but also entertaining and exciting! Whether you’re looking to improve your grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, this gamified resource got you covered!

So why settle for boring language textbooks when you can join the Ling community and learn a new language the fun way? Try it out today by downloading it from the Play Store or the App Store to get started!

Genine Torres

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Familie und Freunde

Lektion 6: hobbys.

In dieser Lektion

  • 1.1.1 Sprechen
  • 2 Wortschatz
  • 3.1 Regular Verbs
  • 3.2.1 Sprechen
  • 4.1 Arbeit mit dem Hören
  • 4.2 Sprechen

Yasmin : Ich bin 21 Jahre alt und komme aus München. Als Hobby spiele ich gern Fußball und gehe gern Windsurfen. Ich bin ein aktiver Mensch, aber ich besuche meine Freunde oft z um relaxen. Wir spielen gern Karten zusammen oder wir hören Musik. Manchmal gehen wir tanzen.

Max : Ich komme aus New York, aber ich wohne jetzt in Wien, wo ich bei einem Theater arbeite. Ich singe sehr gern als Hobby, und natürlich gehe ich gern ins Konzert. Ich muss jeden Tag aktiv sein, und ich schwimme gern oder ich gehe gern Fahrrad fahren. Manchmal laufe ich, aber ich mache das nicht so gern.

Johannes : Ich bin 16 Jahre alt und komme aus Stuttgart. Mein Hobby ist Lesen. Ich lese gern Romane und Zeitungen, und oft lese ich in einem Cafe, denn ich trinke gern Kaffee. Ich koche auch gern und gehe gern ins Kino. Ich finde ausländische Filme besonders interessant.

Julia : Ich komme aus Hamburg. Ich arbeite bei einer Computerfirma, aber in der Freizeit gehe ich gern in dem Park spazieren. Dort fotografiere ich gern die Natur—und ich gehe auch gern in Foto- und Kunstausstellungen.

Arbeit mit dem Lesen

Reaktion: Welche Hobbys von Johannes, Julia, Yasmin und Max finden Sie interessant? Welche nicht?

You’ve already read about different types of hobbies. But work with the following activities to help learn the verbs that describe those hobbies.

Notice that there are a number of phrases that involve the verb gehen (to go), just like in English: to go to a concert, to go for a walk, to go to the movies. Check out some of those compounds below.

And finally, note these phrases that related to music.

Regular Verbs

Remember those regular verbs? Many of the verbs we need to  discuss the topic of hobbies and free time are regular verbs, such as: reisen, besuchen, spielen (Fußball spielen, Basketball spielen, Karten spielen, Volleyball spielen), gehen (ins Kino gehen, ins Theater gehen, ins Konzert gehen, ins Museum gehen, in eine Ausstellung gehen, spazieren gehen), tanzen, schwimmen, singen, Musik hören, kochen, schreiben, fotografieren, sammeln (Briefmarken sammeln, Bücher sammeln).

gern/nicht gern

Gern is a great adverb in German: it’s used to express that you like doing something. You can use it with any verb to show that you enjoy doing that action. As Johannes says in the text above, “Ich lese gern” or “I like to read.” Give it a try in the following interview activity.

Interview : Was machst du besonders gern? Was machst du nicht gern?

Schatzsuche-Interview : Welche Person in dieser Klasse:

  • spielt gern Fußball?
  • kocht gern?
  • hört gern Musik?
  • fährt gern Fahrrad?
  • singt gern?
  • spielt gern ein Instrument?
  • schwimmt gern?
  • geht gern ins Theater?
  • schreibt gern?
  • tanzt gern?

Arbeit mit dem Hören

Rollenspiel: Spielen Sie die Rolle von Sarah, Beate, Evi oder Susanne. Ihr*e Partner*in ist die/der Interviewer*in. Stellen Sie Fragen über Hobbys!

hobby topic deutsch

Hobbies in German

  • by Deutsch mit Leo
  • 6 minute read

What do Germans do in their spare time? How have the interests of Germans changed during the lockdown? How do you support a conversation about hobbies in German? Today we will talk about hobbies and find out what they are called in German.

Normal everyday life still seems far away, and the world will probably reckon with the limitations of social life for some time yet. The situation with the epidemic has given us plenty of time to devote to new hobbies that we have been missing for so long.

For some of us, being forced to stay at home has been the perfect excuse to watch every soap opera possible. Others have used this time to discover new hobbies.

Whatever your interest, any hobby, new or old, is a lot of fun. After all, hobbies allow us to rediscover ourselves.

What hobbies are popular among Germans

Most people have a hobby of some kind – whether it’s playing video games, sports or cooking, hobbies diversify our routine and sometimes become a way of life. We’ve compiled the top 9 hobbies that Germans devote their free time to:

#1: The most popular hobby is gardening

More than 30% of the German population spend their free time gardening. This is also a health hobby, as spending time in the fresh air and exercise is very rewarding.

#2: Shopping

Whether it’s food or clothes – we all love to go shopping. Don’t have anything to wear again? You can take a walk to the nearest clothing shop!

#3: Riddles.

No, we weren’t wrong to include this hobby in the list. Many people in Germany remark that they like having something to think about.

Friday evenings are often spent having dinner with friends or family. It is more of a ritual than a hobby, but cooking together or organising family gatherings like this can become a real hobby. And let’s not forget the famous German barbecue!

#5: Gambling

Most people have already forgotten about the time before gaming consoles, but in Germany they are still popular.

#6: The gym

We’ve all had the idea of exercising more at some point. Germans haven’t given up hope.

If you have spent any time in Germany and have friends there, you know that Germans love to go for long walks, hiking and even journeys on foot.

#8: Jogging

If a sport, then jogging in the fresh air.

#9: Board games

A hobby that can easily be combined with Friday nights out with friends.

What hobbies became popular during the pandemic

Social distance and supermarket entry control, fewer tables and meals in restaurants have all led to more and more Germans ordering food and groceries online.

Car cinemas were just something of a nostalgia for years, but lately this entertainment – especially in summer – is back at the peak of popularity. Some markets, parks and sports stadiums in Germany have been adapted to car cinemas and show both classic and modern films.

Today, anyone can see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, stroll through the Guggenheim Museum in New York, listen to a concert in the Elbe Philharmonic or attend a concert of a famous band. All of this is possible, at least virtually, and this kind of entertainment has become very popular among Germans.

Many have decided to try something completely new. Whether it was a new language, a sport or a craft skill. Others, on the other hand, used the time to rediscover an old hobby, decorate or renovate their own home or devote themselves to new projects.

Those who can’t or don’t want to meet in person have moved into the digital space. Zoom, Team, Skype or any other program: video calling has become a viable alternative. Not only are many companies moving their meetings into virtual space, but family conversations, meetings with friends, parties and even weddings often take place in the online space.

To stay in shape, many people continue to exercise vigorously at home. This can be a workout in front of the television, a virtual yoga class or a treadmill in the study, as German citizens, like many others, have had to give up going to the gym, team sports and other sporting events.

During the pandemic, the number of subscriptions to online movie and TV series watching services rose sharply. Almost three out of five citizens regularly use offers from Netflix, Sky, Amazon Prime or similar services.

With the verb spielen

With the verb gehen

Sports activities

Phrases for talking about hobbies in German

An example of talking about a hobby in german.

Hallo, mein Name ist Peter. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. Von Montag bis Freitag habe ich fast keine freie Zeit, weil ich viel arbeite. Nur am Abend habe ich ein paar Stunden frei und dann gehe ich zum Yogaunterricht. Ich mache schon seit 3 Jahren Yoga. Wenn ich nach Hause komme, bin ich schon sehr müde. Ich koche mir etwas Leckeres, schaue fern und unterhalte mich mit meinen Freunden. Wir besprechen unsere Pläne für das Wochenende. Wir verbringen es immer zusammen, z.B. gehen wir spazieren, ins Museum oder ins Kino, oder wir bleiben zu Hause und spielen Brettspiele. Das ist immer ein großer Spaß. Obwohl wir alle sehr beschäftigt sind, finden wir immer Zeit für unsere Hobbys. Ich bin überzeugt, dass jeder ein Hobby haben muss, um sein Leben interessanter zu gestalten.


Hello, my name is Peter. I am 22 years old. From Monday to Friday I have almost no free time because I work a lot. I only get a couple of free hours in the evening and then I go to yoga classes. I have been doing yoga for 3 years. When I get home, I am already very tired. I cook something delicious for myself, watch TV and chat with my friends. We discuss our plans for the weekend. We always spend it together, e.g. go for a walk, to the museum or to the cinema, or stay at home and play board games. It’s always a lot of fun. Although we are all very busy, we always find time for our hobbies. I am convinced that everyone must have a hobby to make their life more interesting.

Quotes about hobbies in German with translation

  • Wenn man Spaß an einer Sache hat, dann nimmt man sie auch ernst (If you get pleasure from an activity/work/object, you also take it seriously).
  • Angeln: die unverdächtigste Art des Nichtstuns (Fishing is a hidden kind of idleness).
  • Wer man ein Hobby hat, macht aus Freizeit auch Freuzeit (Whoever has a hobby makes time of joy out of free time).
  • Ein Mensch ohne Liebhaberei ist wie ein Dampfkessel ohne Ventil (A man without a hobby is like a steam boiler without a valve).
  • Ein Mensch muss sein Hobby schon sehr schätzen, wenn er es ohne Hoffnung auf Ruhm und Geld ausübt, ja sogar ohne jede Chance, es gut zu machen (A man should greatly appreciate his hobby if he does it without hope of fame and money, and also without any chance of doing it well).

Essays on the topic of hobbies

We have also compiled different essays on the topic of hobbies in German which you can take a look by clicking here !

hobby topic deutsch

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Listen to the Dialogue Hobbies

Learn the dialogue.

hobby topic deutsch


Free German tests to learn Hobbies

Use our German tests for the topic " Hobbies " to check your German Hobbies vocabulary with our 2 quick and simple tests. The German you will be tested on is in the vocabulary list below - so don't look unless you have to.

These German tests are designed to round off your learning experience here at learn-German.net by testing whether you can correctly recognize the language you have learned (in the multiple choice test) and that you can correctly write out that language (in the writing test).

Learn German with the little frog !

Learn German with the little frog !

Make sure you have chosen the correct topic before starting! Although these tests are timed, try to relax and concentrate on getting the answers right at first - later you can try the tests again more quickly.

The two types of tests are:

  • A multiple choice quiz to check your recall of the spoken and/or written German.
  • A writing test to check your written German for the selected topic.

Key features of our German tests include:

  • You can do these tests at home (or at school) without the help of a teacher.
  • You can repeat our tests as often as you need to improve your scores.
  • The tests check your vocabulary and comprehension for the topic.
  • The writing test also checks your written / typed German for the topic.

You should expect to score 8+ / 10 in each test before you select a new topic. It is a good idea to repeat the test for each topic you do after two weeks to 'reinforce' the language for that topic

How to use our German tests

  • On the settings screen, select the test you would like to take.
  • A new screen will open with information concerning the test.
  • When you are ready to begin, click "Start the test".

See below for detailed instructions on using the two tests:

Multiple choice test

This is a multiple choice activity similar to "What is it" in the German lessons - you are shown a randomly selected picture from the topic you are using. A selection of 5 texts from your topic are displayed as a list. Click on the speaker button to hear the audio for that text.

Multiple choice test to revise German at german-games.net

For each picture, you must click on the word/s that match that picture. If your answer is correct you will hear a bell and one star will be lit. The next picture will be shown. If your answer is wrong, a box will open showing you what the correct answer was.

The test is timed, and the clock starts when you click the Start button. At the end of your test a screen will tell you how many of the questions you got right and how long you took to complete the test.

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


  1. Was sind deine Hobbys? bildwörterbüc…: Deutsch DAF Arbeitsblätter pdf & doc

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  2. HOBBYS: Deutsch DAF Arbeitsblätter pdf & doc

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  3. Hobbies Wechselspiel

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  4. Hobbies Loop Cards German (teacher made)

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  5. Freizeit und Hobbys: Deutsch DAF Arbeitsblätter pdf & doc

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  6. Kinder und ihre Hobbys (+Lösung)

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  2. 😂Deutsche VS Russen



  5. GPS Einstellung Case (AFS 700)

  6. Hobby


  1. 48 Hobbies

    Here you will learn: how to talk about different hobbies; how to say what you like to do in your spare time

  2. Hobbies in German: How to Talk About Them and Express ...

    Beyond describing what we actually like to do with action words, we can also talk about our hobbies in a more general way. Here are a few German phrases you might consider memorizing to describe how you feel about your hobby: Ich ___ gerne. — I like to [verb conjugated in simple present]. Ich mag ___.

  3. 48 Hobbies

    Ich surfe im Internet. - I surf the internet. Ich spiele Computerspiele. - I play computer games. Ich treffe mich mit Freunden. - I hang out with friends. Ich gehe gern shoppen. - I like going shopping. Ich höre lieber Musik.

  4. Talking About Hobbies in German

    However you could also say "Was sind deine Interessen?" - "What are your interests?". Here are a few hobbies I translated into German, if you have one that isn't up here than leave me a comment and I can translate it for you! Horse riding reiten. Reading lesen. Painting malen. Dancing tanzen. Going to the cinema ins Kino gehen.

  5. Hobbies in German [How to Talk About Your Interests]

    They horse ride. To talk about enjoying a hobby in German, I need to introduce you to a useful little word, gern (e) (gladly). You can say both gern or gerne as they both mean the same thing and you can just say whichever sounds better to you. Ich lese gern. I like reading. (I read gladly) Er schwimmt gerne.

  6. 20 Useful Flashcards to Discuss Hobbies in German(Hobbys)

    Solution for "Guess the Verbs" - 1. angeln 2. tauchen 3. Yoga machen 4. kicken 5. aufschlagen 6. kegeln. If you enjoyed learning words related to Hobbies, also check out the theme Home on your favorite blog "All About Deutsch". Loved learning with flashcards? Check out Hobby related flashcards on Quizlet.

  7. 117+ Easy Words For Hobbies In German Language

    The easiest way to express your hobbies in the German language is by using this sentence formula: Mein Hobby ist + German word for the hobby. The word "Mein" means "my" in English, while "Hobby" is a loanword from English that means the same thing in German. Finally, "ist" is the third person present tense of the verb "sein.".

  8. Hobbies in German

    Ich treffe mich gerne mit Freunden. I like meeting friends. Ich fotographiere gerne. I like taking photographs. Here are some more useful phrases about things that you might like to do... Ich fahre gerne Ski. I like skiing. Ich tauche gerne. I like scuba diving.

  9. How do I talk about hobbies? Learn the most essential German phrases

    Here you'll find phrases that will help you describe your own hobbies. Let others get to know you more by using them! Save Phrases as PDF. German. English. Ich spiele gerne Fußball in meiner Freizeit. I like to play soccer in my free time. Ich mag es, fern zu sehen. I like watching TV.

  10. Lektion 6: Hobbys

    Als Hobby spiele ich gern Fußball und gehe gern Windsurfen. Ich bin ein aktiver Mensch, aber ich besuche meine Freunde oft zum relaxen. Wir spielen gern Karten zusammen oder wir hören Musik. Manchmal gehen wir tanzen. 00:00. 00:00. Max: Ich komme aus New York, aber ich wohne jetzt in Wien, wo ich bei einem Theater arbeite. Ich singe sehr gern ...

  11. Learn German Vocabulary

    #LearnGermanOriginal #LearnGerman #GermanVocabularyIn this video you will learn various hobbies in the German language.It is highly recommended to listen and...

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    Playing sports is a popular German hobby. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the country, followed by basketball, handball, and volleyball. Germans love to watch and play sports, and many of them are very good at it. Hiking is another popular German hobby.

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  14. Hobbies in German

    Quotes about hobbies in German with translation. Wenn man Spaß an einer Sache hat, dann nimmt man sie auch ernst (If you get pleasure from an activity/work/object, you also take it seriously). Angeln: die unverdächtigste Art des Nichtstuns (Fishing is a hidden kind of idleness). Wer man ein Hobby hat, macht aus Freizeit auch Freuzeit (Whoever ...

  15. A1- German lesson 9

    Willkommen zurück! ( Welcome back!)This is the ninth video of my A1- course and in this video you will learn how to say what your hobbies are and how to ask ...

  16. German Hobbies Vocabulary

    German Hobbies Vocabulary. Maria Elena has taught Spanish and German to learners of all levels in Europe, Asia and Australia and has a Master's degree in Cultural Studies and Communication. In ...

  17. Listen to the Dialogue: Hobbies

    Here you will find all the different ways to stay up to date with the newest units and learning methods on our website. You will also find lots of learning tips.

  18. German tests: Hobbies for primary learners free online

    Use our German tests for the topic " Hobbies " to check your German Hobbies vocabulary with our 2 quick and simple tests. The German you will be tested on is in the vocabulary list below - so don't look unless you have to. Ich lese. I read. Ich spiele Computerspiele.

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    Round table 2021. "Electrostal" Metallurgical plant" JSC has a number of remarkable time-tested traditions. One of them is holding an annual meeting with customers and partners in an extеnded format in order to build development pathways together, resolve pressing tasks and better understand each other. Although the digital age ...

  20. LLC "TFN" Company Profile

    Other Miscellaneous Retailers Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers Retail Trade. Printer Friendly View Address: d. 22 kv. 44, ul. Pushkina Elektrostal, Moscow region, 144005 Russian Federation Employees (this site): ...

  21. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  22. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.