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french environment essay


Just some of my 6th Year essays that I thought might help out some others in French. Feel free to use my notes as inspiration :) Please note that these may not be in perfect French, especially since they have been typed up. I have tried my best and...

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Le réchauffement climatique est un souci réel. Actuellement, l'environnement de Terre souffre énormément. La couche d'ozone qui nous protège des rayons nocifs du soleil, est maintenant trouée, ce qui entraîne de graves problèmes comme les cancers de la peau. Les conditions climatiques extrêmes telles que les inondations, la sécheresse, le froid glacial, les canicules sont de plus en plus fréquents. Les glaces se fondent vites et le niveau de la mer est trop élevée. Par conséquent, certains animaux sont en voie de disparition, comme les ours blancs.

La pollution est une des causes du réchauffement climatique. Il y a trop de voitures sur les routes et l'air devient irrespirable dans les villes. Les voitures polluent l'air, et plus il y a des voitures, plus il y a de la pollution. Les gens perdent beaucoup de temps dans les embouteillages et ils sont devenus trop dépendants sur la voiture. Il faudrait qu'on prenne les transports en commun ou qu'on aille a pied, ou à vélo. Notre planète est en danger, il faut la protéger, et je soutiens toute initiative pour sauver la nature et la vie sur notre planète.


Global warming is a real issue. At the moment, the earth's environment suffers enormously. The ozone layer which protects us from toxic rays from the sun is now torn, causing serious problems like skin cancer. Extreme climate conditions such as floods, droughts, ice, heatwaves, are more and more frequent. The ice is melting fast and the sea level is too high. Consequently, certain animals are in danger of disappearing, like polar bears.

Pollution is one cause of global warming. There are too many cars on the roads and the air becomes unbreathable in the cities. Cars pollute the air, and more cars, more pollution. People lose lots of time in traffic jams and they are becoming too dependent on the car. We must take public transport or walk or cycle. Our planet is in danger, we must protect it, and I support all initiatives to save nature and life on our planet.


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french environment essay

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  • Sentence Completion

Protecting the environment is ...

Protéger l'environnement est ....

a growing concern.

a sensible thing to start thinking about, not just something to do because it is fashionable.

a world focus now and should continue to be addressed.

about using only what is needed, not desired.

crucial is we want to l

everyones responsibility.

extremely important although I don't do as much as I could to protect it.

important because it determines the state of our health, facilities, and various other resources upon which we depend.

important but difficult.

important for reasons other than aesthetics and scientific curiosity.

important, but may be a little overblown currently, since given the way society and technology are evolving, it will be very difficult to seriously make any major steps toward improving the environment.

intuitively important. Don't leave something, i.e. the world, in a worse state than you find it.

making a conscious effort to minimize usage of resources. It also means to recycle when possible

necessary, a big issue, and something that most people ignore, not realizing that global warming is occurring now.

necessary. trendy. misunderstood.

nice, but it is easier to destroy it.

of utmost importance for individual and social health.

one of the most significant challenges for the human race that must be addressed in the coming years.

recycling, printing less, proper waste depositing and using alternative means.

The job for our generation

very important.

very important. The world isn't ours to damage, and with any luck will be here long after humanity is gone.

worthwhile, a fad, green.

devenu une composante essentielle de notre mode de vie

important pour l'avenir, pour que nous puissions vivre dans de bonnes conditions dans plusieurs années, mais ne pas essayer d'en faire trop d'un coup.

important pour que les générations futures puissent avoir un avenir convenable.

important si l'on veut garantir une bonne planète pour les générations à suivre.

important, urgent

indispensable et nécessaire

indispensable pour le futur mais implique de changer des comportements.

indispensable pour nos enfants

indispensable pour notre planète, un problème d'actualité, difficile à faire de nos jours

indispensable, essentiel

la principale chose sur laquelle le monde doit se concentrer, sans jamais faiblir

le respecter et le préserver au mieux, afin que les générations futures puissent profiter d'un environnement sain et non pollué. Protéger l'environnement c'est protéger notre terre, notre vie, et celle des générations futures.

nécéssaire, surtout aujourd'hui

nécessaire et urgent.

nécessaire, facile, prendre le vélo

primordial pour nos générations futures, car sans lui plus rien n'existe.

primordial pour pouvoir se projeter dans la vie future.

une nécessité un petit effort quotidien secondaire pour certains

une priorité tout en conservant une agriculture compétitive.

Since environmental awareness and preservation is such a prevelant global issue right now, I thought it would be interesting to examine the answers to this sentence completion.  Both sets of students seem to agree that protecting the environment is very important - the French students mention this idea 17 times, while the American students mention it 12 times.  However, there were some differences in reasoning between the two groups.  The French students put a very strong emphasis on preserving our planet for future generations.  As one student eloquently put it:  "Proteger l'environement est proteger notre terre, notre vie, et celle des generations futures."  While I think all of us would be in agreement with that statement, none of the American students mentioned future generations in their responses.  Instead, the responses focused on the idea that protecting the environment is a problem that needs to be addressed.  One student even went so far as to say that protecting the environment is "the job for our generation."  It seems to me that while all the students consider environmental protection to be an important issue, the Americans tend to approach it more as a problem to be solved.  However I'm sure all the French students will agree - it's simply a difference of statements that I'm pointing out.

Finally, it was interesting to me that the Americans hinted that protecting the environment was trendy.  Generally I would agree - environmental conservation and global warming are hot button issues in the US right now.  But I was wondering - is "being green" considered a trend in France?

One of the French students used the phrase "mode de vie" in their response.  It is my hope that something that is currently an American trend will eventually become a global way of life.

I had the exact same reaction to the responses as Diana had.  The French students speak heavily about the future, while the Americans speak about the present.  One way to look at it is to say that Americans approach it as a current problem and actively seek solutions--Americans are more "proactive".  But from the flip side, does this show that Americans tend to care more about the present and place less emphasis on the future (while the first reaction of the French is to consider future consequences)?  (this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation)

Going further, do we see protecting the environment as such a big issue because it is trendy in America?   I'm also curious, to people outside of America, does it seem like America is at the forefront of protecting the environment?  Or does it seem overblown sometimes?  The "green" movement is certainly expanding, and having grown up in California, it's was everywhere all through high school--you couldn't escape being green if you wanted to.

I think there are cultural reasons behind the differences in response between Americans and French.  French culture appears to be more reverant toward authority and stability (although this is debatable with the protest culture that France has) leading to longevity, whereas America is still nascent and a nation constantly in flux.  Our history is filled with problems and innovative solutions, and thus our mindset is viewing environmental preservation as not something continuous, but a singular problem to solve. 

Je pense qu'il faut réfléchir à l'utilité de penser à l'environnement. Si l'on souhaite préserver la terre, c'est bien pour qu'elle puisse vivre plus longtemps, non? Je ne comprends donc pas bien le point de vue des américains. Pourquoi se préoccuper des problèmes environnementaux en pensant seulement au présent? Quelle utilité? Etes-vous en général plutôt d'accord ou pas sur le fait que l'environnement est le "job for our generation"?

Juste pour répondre à ta question, oui, c'est très à la mode "d'être vert". En France, on utilise plus le terme d'écologiste.

Je suis surpris de voir qu'aucun d'entre vous n'a mentionné le film d'Al Gore, on en a bcp parler ici, et je voudrais savoir s'il a eu le même impact chez  vous?

ne prends pas cela mal, mais tu sembles avoir une vision assez négative de la France (although this is debatable with the protest culture that France has),(Our history is filled with problems and innovative solutions): penses-tu que la France est en retard concernant l'écologie et que vous allez trouver des solutions à ce problème du réchaffement climatique? Il me semble que les US ont longtemps refusé de signer le protocole de Kyoto et d'autres accords du même genre...J'espère que je ne te vexe pas en diasnt cela, ce n'est pas le but, je veux seulement avoir ta réaction...

Following on from Yoan's comments, I think the general European opinion, irrespective of whether it's right or wrong, is that rather than being at the forefront of protecting the environment, America, in general, is one of the targets of blame for environmental problems. Is this something Americans are particularly aware of?

In terms of the responses, I found it quite interesting that some Americans highlighted the difficulty of protecting the environment. Although a couple of the French responses also mentioned this, there were a couple of responses in stark contrast: one response reads 'facile', while another is 'un petit effort quotidien'. I guess this reflects some of the previous comments. Americans appear to view protecting the environment to be a grand challenge to be solved by scientists and engineers, whereas the French perhaps treat it as a potential way of life for everyone. I like the contrast here because both approaches probably have their part to play.

On the subject of An Inconvenient Truth, I was recommended the following French film as an alternative:

I actually remember it put me to sleep (I blame the music) and I found it a little patronising, but at least it's good listening practice for us French learners and the aerial photography is nice to look at!

I did not mean to imply that France lacked a history of successful problem-solving!  I'm sure that that's not the case.  My opinions are based solely in the responses on the forum.  No, I do not think France is behind in the effort to preserve the environment.  As you point out, it is the United States who has been difficult, especially with respect to Kyoto.  But I think, if you speak to people of our generation, you will find that most of us feel that the US needs to make huge strides in improving our carbon emissions (among many other things).  We feel that this is the problem of our generation - one we hope to solve in the near future.  Indeed, as so many French students point out, if we succeed the world will be better preserved for ourselves and future generations.

J e me trompe peut-être mais je pense qu'en Europe, et particulièrement dans les pays nordiques (comme la Finlande) la protection de l'environnement est déjà quelque chose de bien avancé, elle est ancrée dans les esprits et dans les comportements... Votre pays semble avoir de bonnes ambitions dans la matière depuis quelques temps, et le président l'a prouvé lors de la catastrophe de la station de pétrole BP en condamnant sévèrement l'entreprise.

L e Mondial de l'Automobile a lieu à Paris cette semaine. Vous-êtes vous renseignés sur les nouvelles voitures électriques ou à faible émission de CO2 qui ont été exposées?

My take on the question of thinking ahead vs. in the present is that maybe the reason the American and French responses differ isn't a difference in problem solving ability or tendencies, but rather a difference in understanding of the nature of the problem.  As seen in the French responses, it's mentioned "un petit effort quotidien".  In America, there is definitely this feeling--we have recycling and composting, and we try to carpool whenever possible (in San Francisco, there is a big carpool system for crossing the bridges, where you can go to pick up random people every morning, and then be allowed in the carpool lane to avoid traffic).  I think maybe the French and the Americans place emphasis on different aspects of the environment.

I'm curious as to what types of things are being done in France (besides the showing of the new electric cars) to enhance environmental awareness and activism.

tu as remarqué avec justesse que les français pensent plus à de petites choses pour l'environnement (peut-être notre vieille idée que vous appelleriez "socialiste" que si nous nous donnons tous la main pour faire bouger les choses, nous y arriverons tous ensemble, et pas en ayant des comportements individualistes ou opportunistes); nous avons ce que nous appelons le tri sélectif, des eco emballages, des recharges pour certains produits, etc... Avez-vous la même chose? Nous construisons des maisons basse consommation, nous utilisons des isolants naturels au lieu d'utiliser des isolants à base de laine de verre, qui ont des solvants chimiques, au dernier salon de l'auto, à Paris, la semaine dernière, tpoutes les marques françaises ont présenté des voitures électriques, qui ne polluent pas. Où en êtes-vous de tout cela?

C'est vrai que le film Home est très ennuyeux, moi aussi j'ai failli m'endormir, celui de Al Gore était plus dans l'action et moins dans la leçon de morale...

merci pour ta réponse, c'est vrai que ton pays est souvent considéré par les européens comme ne faisant pas assez d'efforts sur le plan de l'environnement, mais nous nous trompons peut-être.

Pour le film HOME, je suis d'accord avec toi et avec Martine, il est soporifique!

Diana, je suis ravi de voir que les jeunes américians pensent différemment et que la vision que nous avons est sans doute celle des plus anciens, ceux de la génération Bush!

D'ailleurs, comme le dit Elodie, votre président a eu le c ourage de tenir tête à BP!

Kenneth - I had no idea they did that in SF!  I rarely drive to the city, but what an interesting idea.

There are certainly many things that we can do on a daily basis to protect the environment.  Recycling, composting, driving less and biking more, driving more fuel-efficient cars, buying organic produce and eliminating the use of styrofoam are just some of the steps one can take.  However, there certainly are bigger aspects of environmental change that need to be considered and handled.  What will be the eventual effects on our planet if we continue along this path?  What are the worst of these?  How can it be prevented most effectively?  There is, in fact, a whole budding field of environmental engineering which considers large-scale methods of eliminating the atmospheric rise in carbon levels.  I personally am very uncomfortable with most of the proposals made by this group of researchers - I feel that we don't understand our environment well enough to tamper with it on a large scale; we already did this by accident and it's working out badly - but they do exist.  (There are positive examples as well, I just think this one is interesting).

One more note of interest:  I read a recent National Geographic article about the effects of global warming in Greenland.  While the rest of the world is concerned about the melting ice caps and warming temperatures, Greenland, due to global change, is suddenly being able to grow it's own crops for the first time in history.  The natives are hopeful that one day they'll be able to grow enough to sustain their own, independent economy.  But for now, they're greatest hope lies in oil deposits that are opening up off-shore.  I felt absolutely torn about this - how ironic that at the very heart of climate change, the locals would find hope in oil!

D iana vas-tu utiliser le "carpool" dont Kenneth a parlé maintenant que tu c'est que ça existe?!

Diana, je suis d'accord avec toi, je trouve aussi que se réjouir de la possibilité de trouver du pétrole facilement n'est pas très écologique!!!

Concernant le climat, avez-vous remarqué des changements dans votre région?

Learn French with Lara - Have fun learning French !

➨ 10 things we should do to save the planet in French┃GCSE French Environment questions

Lara Tabatabai

  • Video , French for kids , French for teenagers , French GCSE Free videos , Non classé , Podcast

Welcome to my blog ! May I invite you to download the FREE sensational COLOR-CODED guide to conjugating 24 of the most common verbs in French ! Click here to download 😀

Welcome back to my site ! May I invite you if you have not done so yet to download the FREE sensational COLOR-CODED guide to conjugating 24 of the most common verbs in French ! Click here to download 😀

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (9.5MB)

Que devrait-on faire pour sauver notre planète ? 🤭 What should we do to save the planet ? Watch the video at the end of this article 🙂

Get top marks at your French GCSE speaking exam ! In this article you will learn 10 different ways to answer GCSE French environment questions, which is part of your GCSE French Revision. You will also learn how to say should in French.

gcse french environment questions

How to use the conditional in French ? ┃Should in French

To be able to say what we should do to protect the environment, we need to use could or should in French. This is the conditional. Here is a table with two versions of the conditionals in French.

To form the conditional in French , use the stem of the verb for the conditional and add the following endings :

  • Il/elle/on ☞ ait
  • Nous ☞ ions
  • Ils/elles ☞ aient

To know which stem to use, download my free 24 verb conjugation table, check it out here 🙂

To answer the question using the conditional = On devrait/On pourrait + infinitive like the sentences below

GCSE French Environment questions

Que devrait-on faire pour sauver notre planète .

french environment essay

10 things we should do to save the planet in French 🌏

1. Eteindre les appareils électriques

Turn off appliances

2. Baisser le chauffage

Turn down the heating

3. Eviter les produits jetables

Avoid disposable products

4. Acheter des produits verts

Buy green products

5. Utiliser les transports en commun

Use public transport

6. Favoriser le covoiturage

Encourage car-sharing

7. Aller au collège/ au travail en vélo

Go to school/ work by bike

8. Refuser les sacs plastiques

Turn down plastic bags

9. Fermer le robinet pendant que tu te laves les dents

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth

10. Prendre une douche au lieu de prendre un bain

Have a shower instead of having a bath

In the French GCSE e-learning course, you will find 20 ways to save the environment in French + the complete podcast + The Quizlet link to learn the vocabulary + the quiz to validate your knowledge.

Would you like you or your children to get top marks at their French GCSE exam 🙌

Would you like you or your children to have an easy way to revise for their French GCSE Exam? Would you like to learn whenever you want, wherever you want and at your own pace? Would you like a course prepared by a French teacher which gives you as a bonus a free once a month online class ?

This French online course will enable you to do just that ✅ Why not try my French GCSE online Course ?

french environment essay

  • Online course : Access from tablet, telephone or computer
  • 7 topics revised
  • French GCSE Speaking exam practice
  • Grammar points explained
  • Colour-coded conjugation table included
  • Video, audios
  • Interactive exercises
  • Possibility to liaise with teacher

What we should do to save the planet in video

Here is the video, enjoy 🙂

➢  Do you need help with your French GCSE speaking exam ? ☞  Download your free GCSE French speaking booklet here

French GCSE videos

➢  Do you want to watch more videos like this to help you learn French for your French GCSE exam ? ☞  Check out the French GCSE Videos here

French GCSE idioms

➢  Do you want to learn new French idioms and know how to use it in your French GCSE speaking or writing exam ? ☞  Check out the French GCSE idioms here

French GCSE podcasts

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More about Lara

french environment essay

Lara is a  French and English teacher  with over 20 year experience in languages. She gives private lessons of French and English in Les Sables d’Olonne, France where she lives and in videoconferencing via zoom. Her style is relaxed and her sense of humor is legendary.  « I can help you take your French further and realize your full potential » 

To book a French class with Lara ►  Simply contact me here

Would you like to visit my French website to help the French learn English ☞

Happy learning ! 


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The sensational 'nail the french conjugation table'. learn how to conjugate easily thanks to this color-coded method all 80 most common french verbs .

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Climate crisis: generational and political divides in France

  • 27 October 2021

The first part of the 2021-2022 EIB Climate Survey explores people’s views on climate change in a rapidly changing world. The results from this release focus on citizens’ perceptions of climate change and the actions they expect their country to take to combat it. 

  • 83% of French people think that climate change and its consequences are the biggest challenge for humanity
  • 74% believe that they are more concerned about the climate emergency than their government
  • 71% feel that climate change has an impact on their everyday lives
  • 40% think the country will succeed in drastically reducing its carbon emissions by 2050, as pledged in the Paris Agreement
  • 73% are in favour of stricter government measures that impose changes on people’s behaviour (seven points higher than last year)
  • 70% would welcome a tax on products and services that contribute most to global warming

83% of French people think that climate change and its consequences are the biggest challenge for humanity in the 21 st century. This figure is greater than 70% across all age groups and political leanings of the French population.

However, this apparent consensus hides significant gaps between different groups of the French population. There are very diverse levels of concern and expectations on the topic of the climate among younger and older citizens, as well as among people who have left-leaning and right-leaning political views.

These are some of the results from the first release of the 2021-2022 Climate Survey published today by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The EIB is the lending arm of the European Union and the world’s largest multilateral lender for climate action projects .

Perception of the climate crisis

The vast majority of French people (71%) feel that climate change has an impact on their everyday lives. While this is particularly marked among 15-29-year-olds (78%), this figure drops 16 points (62%) for people older than 64. 76% of people who have left-leaning political views say they feel this impact in their everyday lives, which is 10 points higher than for those who have right-leaning political views (66%).

74% believe that they are more concerned about the climate emergency than their government. As a consequence, they are fairly pessimistic regarding their country’s capability to undergo an ambitious green transition. Only 40% think that France will succeed in drastically reducing its carbon emissions by 2050, as pledged in the Paris Agreement. The generational gap here is particularly telling, with a 22-point difference between people younger than 30 (51% of them believe France will succeed) and people older than 64 (29%). 71% of people over 64 believe France will actually fail to meet the 2050 deadline. 66% of people with left-leaning political views share this pessimism, which is seven points higher than the figure for people with right-leaning political views (59%).

As a consequence, almost three-quarters (73%) of French people are in favour of stricter government measures that impose changes on people’s behaviour (seven points higher than last year, 66%).

Meanwhile, only 5% of French people who have left-leaning political views believe that global warming is not due to human activities, which is 11 points below the figure for people with right-leaning political views (16%). Furthermore, 22% of French people who have far-right political leanings are still sceptical about humans being the main cause of the climate crisis.

The energy debate

When asked about the source of energy their country should rely on to fight global warming, the majority of French people favour renewable energies (54%) to address the climate emergency. This sentiment is shared even more by Europeans as a whole (63%). Support for renewables in France is seen strongly among people younger than 30 (63% in favour). This figure drops 22 points for people over 64 (41%). French people with left-leaning political views support renewables more strongly than those with right-leaning political views (61% compared to 48%, a difference of 13 points).

French people overall are slightly more supportive of nuclear energy than other Europeans (16% vs. 12%). In France, men (23%) and people older than 64 (27%) are much more in favour of nuclear energy than women (9%) and people younger than 30 (8%). People with right-leaning political views in France are much more in favour of the development of nuclear energy (24%) compared to those with left-leaning political views (11%).

Finally, French people are slightly more likely to think that their country should rely on energy savings than other Europeans (20% vs. 17%). French respondents over 64 are particularly in favour of this option (28%). This is 16 points more than for respondents younger than 29 (only 12% in favour of saving energy as a priority).

Most popular solutions to fight climate change among French respondents

The majority of French people (70%) would support – similar to other Europeans (69%) – the introduction of a tax on products and services that contribute most to global warming. Even 66% of respondents with lower incomes would be in favour of such a tax in France. They are also in favour of a 5-year minimum warranty on any electric or electronic product (92%) and replacing short-distance flights with fast, low-emission trains (88%). They also favour softer measures like strengthening education and increasing youth awareness of sustainable consumption (91%).

EIB Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle said: “Despite clear generational and political divides, a strong majority of French people would like stricter measures and tools, such as cleaner energy sources, to help them fight climate change. In the perspective of COP 26, this strengthens our determination to increase our efforts and accelerate the ecological transition. As the European climate bank, the role of the EIB is to finance projects focused on clean energy, energy savings, sustainable mobility solutions and innovations that will help limit the rise in temperature to 1.5 ° C or less.”  

Download the Excel spreadsheet with the raw data for all 30 countries surveyed here . Please click  here  to access the EIB website that presents key findings of the EIB Climate Survey IV.

About the EIB Climate Survey

The European Investment Bank has launched the fourth edition of the EIB Climate Survey, a thorough assessment of how people feel about climate change. Conducted in partnership with market research firm BVA, the fourth edition of the EIB Climate Survey aims to inform the broader debate on attitudes and expectations in terms of climate action. More than 30 000 respondents participated in the survey between 26 August and 22 September 2021, with a representative panel for each of the 30 countries polled.

About the European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank is active in around 160 countries and is one of the world’s largest multilateral lenders for climate action projects. The EIB Group has recently adopted its Climate Bank Roadmap to deliver on its ambitious agenda to support €1 trillion of climate action and environmental sustainability investments in the decade to 2030 and to deliver more than 50% of EIB finance for climate action and environmental sustainability by 2025. As part of the Roadmap, all new EIB Group operations have also been aligned with the goals and principles of the Paris Agreement since the start of 2021.

BVA is an opinion research and consulting firm recognised as one of the most innovative market research firms in its sector. Specialised in behavioural marketing, BVA combines data science and social science to make data inspiring and bring it to life. BVA is also a member of the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN), a global network of some of the world’s leading market research and survey players, with over 40 members.

french environment essay

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France: medical robotics company quantum surgical gets eib loan to advance tumour treatment.

French medical robotics company Quantum Surgical is borrowing €30 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to accelerate the worldwide commercialisation of a technology designed to treat abdominal and lung cancer with minimal invasiveness.

Gambia: strong international support for a new era of renewables with inauguration of historic 23 MWp solar plant

The Government of The Gambia, through the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and The National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC), along with the European Investment Bank, the European Union, and the World Bank, has recently inaugurated a new milestone in the Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project (GERMP). The Inauguration Ceremony, which was presided over by His Excellency Adama Barrow, the President of the Republic of The Gambia, celebrated the completion of a 23 MWp Photovoltaic Solar plant in Jambur, Kombo South District, West Coast Region.

Germany: EIB and DKB to finance small renewable energy projects

The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide a framework loan of €100 million to Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) to finance onshore wind and solar photovoltaic projects in Germany. Using the EIB loan, DKB will invest at least €200 million to support companies that are setting up small and medium-sized green energy projects, with investment costs of up to €50 million for the individual sub-projects.

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Sample Answer- Opinion Piece 2019 (The Environment)

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Questions et réponses sur l'environnement.

One hundred questions about the environment on a range of issues including climate, agriculture, water supply, oceans forests and waste. Answers are given to the questions and the language is quite accessible.

How it maps to the curriculum

Strand: Topics

Strand unit: Environment

Suggestions for use: Ask some of these questions in class. Explore the responses and make sure the students understand the terms.

Key Skills: Communicating Literacy

Strand: Speaking

Dévellopement Durable

French Department of Education website aimed at informing about environmental issues. The Agir section has a lot of highly visual presentations on how to protect the environment.

Strand: Reading

Suggestions for use: Pick an issue within the 'agir' section and discuss. .

Le coin de Rafel

Environmental website from Canada aimed at young people. Touches on a number of topics that relate to climate change.

Suggestions for use: Pick a specific strand within the site and read in class. Ask what are the environmental issues facing your locality.

Key Skills: Being Creative Communicating Literacy

WWF - French Language Version

The World Wildlife Federation is a major campaigning movement on matters relating to climate and nature. The French site presents their calls to action, their missions and an information section. There is always something topical too that might give it a special relevance in class.

Suggestions for use: Pick something topical and present to class.


Looks at the nature and wildlife issues affecting Guyana - a French Department in South America. Contains topical issues including the impact of cutting amazon forests.

Suggestions for use: Using this resource will expose students to a different part of France - one not normally to the fore. Pick something topical from the site and discuss in class.

Environment Canada

Official Sstate site for environmental issues. Always topical and available through both French and English.

Suggestions for use: Honours students mainly. Pick something topical and discuss.

L'impact écologique des marées noires

Looks at the environmental disaster of the 'Prestige' - an oil tanker that sank off the Spanish coast releasing 50,000 tonnes of oil into the sea. Well structured site with sections on petroleum, protecting sensitive areas, cleaning shorelines.

Suggestions for use: Could be a good case study for the class to look at over a period of a week.

Do something for our planet, print this page only if needed. Even a small action can make an enormous difference when millions of people do it!

All official European Union website addresses are in the domain.

Try our suggestions

France country briefing - the european environment — state and outlook 2015, main themes and sectors addressed in the national state of environment report.

France publishes a report on the state of the environment every four years. The report aims to inform the general public as to the situation of the different parts of the environment in France and to explain the pressures acting on these parts. The report is not intended to assess public policy or the actions resulting from public policy. The last edition of the report was published in December 2014. [1]

Since 1994, the amount of information available on the environment has increased and has become widely accessible to different stakeholders and members of the public. Given the abundance of information, and the fact that this information comes from multiple sources, the challenge is now to help the public to better understand the mechanisms at work in the environment .

The 2014 report therefore provides a synoptic view of different elements of the environment such as biodiversity, pressures on natural resources, and exposure to hazards and nuisances. It then addresses societal responses to meet environmental challenges such as the decline in biodiversity, depletion of resources, or vulnerability of sub-national territories. These responses include changes in lifestyles and patterns of consumption, the greening of economic activities, and the reduction of environmental inequalities.

Key findings of the State of Environment report

Since the 1990s, the French economy has increasingly turned towards service activities rather than industrial ones. As a result, emissions of some pollutants – and consumption of natural resources within French territory – have decreased accordingly. The global economic crisis since 2008 has amplified this trend. The transfer of some industrial activities to other countries has led to an externalisation of certain environmental pressures : greenhouse gas emissions (Figure 1), consumption of natural resources, etc.

Since the 1990s, coastal areas and major urban agglomerations have experienced an increase in the construction of housing and other infrastructure development due to their attractiveness as a living environment. This growth of urban areas has created a corresponding need for mobility . At the end of 2012, urbanised areas (areas containing housing, transport infrastructure, etc.) accounted for 9.1% of French territory.

From 1990 to 2012, France reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 13% . However, emissions from the transport sector (the sector with the greatest emissions) have not fallen in this time. Pollution from industrial facilities and urban-wastewater treatment plants has been reduced, but pollution from diffuse sources such as agriculture or transport has not fallen . Thus, phosphate levels in rivers have fallen by almost half since 1998, due to better urban-wastewater treatment and less use of phosphate-containing fertilisers. However, nitrate levels in rivers remain stable and are increasing in groundwater bodies.

Figure 1. Comparison of evolution of carbon footprints and emissions from national territory [2]

french environment essay

While air quality has improved on average by 20% from 1990 to 2012 (largely as a result of a decrease in sulphur dioxide emissions) the threshold levels for protection of public health for certain pollutants (ozone, fine particulates, and nitrogen dioxide) were exceeded at one measurement station in ten in 2012. Soils are subject to severe pressures , and are being degraded by erosion, sealing and pollution.

To meet its needs, France calls heavily on natural resources, both from its own territory and in other countries . Since 1990, annual per-capita domestic material consumption has remained close to 14 tonnes, despite improved material productivity and the development of the repair industry. In fact, improvements in resource-efficiency achieved in manufacturing processes are offset by increasing demand . Taking account of unused domestic extraction (e.g. displaced materials, crop residues) and flows related to foreign trade, total per-capita consumption reaches 26 tonnes (Figure 2). Waste generation is slow to reduce , and has stayed at around 5.5 tonnes per inhabitant in 2010 (mostly waste from construction, building and public works). The quantities of municipal waste collected per inhabitant every year have increased by 25% since 1996, reaching 600 kg in 2011. On the positive side, the annual amount of household waste from which value is recovered (either by recycling or by using waste for biomass) has grown by 60% in the past ten years.

Figure 2 : Apparent material input and consumption, and hidden flows of materials mobilised by the French economy, 2010 [3]

french environment essay

Environmental contamination, destruction of natural areas, proliferation of invasive species and over-exploitation of resources all contribute to the decline in biodiversity . For instance, the numbers of specialist farmland birds have decreased by 35% since 1990.

Main policy responses to key environmental challenges and concerns 

Numerous steps have been taken to restore the natural environment and to maintain ecosystems. The network of sites protected under Natura 2000 covered 12.6% of national territory in 2013, representing around 69 000 km².

The proportion of protected marine areas in the waters under French jurisdiction went from 0.1% in 1980 to 2.4% in 2012.

These actions, together with measures targeting species protection, have contributed to an improvement of the situation of some species previously threatened with disappearance (wolves, otters, beavers, etc.).

Beyond the implementation of European environmental policies, France is attempting to bring about change in consumption and production patterns and to reduce environmental inequalities .

Many national and territorial action plans are being implemented to reduce emissions of pollutants (pesticides, nitrates, etc.) into the water: the Ecophyto action plan [4] and the introduction of nitrate vulnerable zones [5] are leading to changes in agricultural practices. In 2012, organic farming accounted for 3.8% of the total agricultural area. In addition, wastewater treatment plants are being upgraded.

The implementation of regional plans to protect the atmosphere [6] in large cities has helped to improve air quality .

Other changes in habits and practices are already perceptible . These include greater sales of appliances that help to conserve resources and energy; increased sales of lower-emission vehicles; greater development of public transport; and increased use of renewable energy. All of these changes are leading to a reduction in certain emissions of pollutants, better material and energy productivity and a reduction in waste generation.

The public authorities are also moving to support the development of new environmentally-friendly businesses . Their actions have led to support for R&D, eco-innovation, and other strategic sectors. The promotion of environmental training is another lever for action that is contributing to more rapid integration of environmental concerns into the economy. Since 2004, the number of environment-related jobs has increased by 36%. In 2012 there were 447 500 such jobs, mainly in the areas of water, waste management and renewable energy. The numbers of students taking environment-related courses is constantly increasing.

The French government is also seeking to reduce environmental inequalities . Remedial measures are being implemented in a variety of sectors (management of contaminated sites and soils, preservation of water resources intended for human consumption, noise abatement, and prevention of air pollution).

Actions are also being developed by regional and local governments in areas such as adaptation to climate change, the prevention of natural and technological hazards, and the creation of "green" and "blue" conservation corridors. France's urban planning law promotes the sustainable development of sub-national territories in order to reconcile territorial development, environmental preservation and reductions in exposure to hazards and nuisances. "Green" city areas are also being developed along with dedicated-right-of-way transport infrastructure (notably for trams).

Country specific issues

The 2000s have seen the development of several tools to promote understanding of the French environment. Relevant and appropriate information is emerging such as the idea of the environmental footprint , which provides a clear illustration of pressures on the environment. For decision makers, research work into areas such as environmental health, unpaid ecological costs, and the evaluation of ecosystem services will provide support for the decision-making process.

France's population and territory are highly exposed to natural and technological hazards, with some risks being exacerbated by climate change . Another issue is the exposure of the French population to nuisances such as chemicals present in the environment, electromagnetic waves, radioactivity, and noise, all of which could affect health.

Lastly, in a context of national and international mobilisation around environmental issues (climate change, exposure to hazards, etc.), environmental awareness among French people has increased . This is the case even though economic issues – always preponderant in a time of economic crisis – tend to be uppermost in their individual concerns.

[1] SOeS, 2014, L’environnement en France , Collection RéférenceS, Service de l’Observation et des Statistiques, Paris, France (in French)

[2] SOeS, 2012, The carbon footprint of French consumption: evolution between 1990 and 2007 , Collection Le Point Sur n°114, Service de l’Observation et des Statistiques, Paris, France, Accessed 9 th October 2014

[3] SOeS, 2013, The hidden face of materials mobilised by the French economy , Collection Le Point Sur n°177, Service de l’Observation et des Statistiques, Paris, France, Accessed 9 th October 2014

[4] MAAF, 2014, Ecophyto, réduire et améliorer l'utilisation des phytos , Accessed 9 th October 2014 (in French)

[5] MEDDE, 2014a, Directive Nitrates : les zones vulnérables en 2013 , Accessed 9 th October 2014 (in French)

[6] MEDDE, 2014b, Plans de protection de l'atmosphère (PPA), Accessed 9 th October 2014 (in French)

Suggested websites

  • State of the Environment Reporting Information System (SERIS) for France
  • Statistics of the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (in French)
  • French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) (in French)
  • "Tout sur l'Environnement", portal for public environmental information (in French)
  • French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) (in French) 
  • French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES)
  • French Centre for the Study of Atmospheric Pollution (CITEPA)
  • French Institute for Environmental Technology and Hazards (INERIS)
  • French National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN) (in French)

Related content

Related briefings.

The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.

Older versions

Geographic coverage, temporal coverage.

SOER 2015 country briefings provide an overview of state of the environment across 39 European countries. They are part of the EEA's report SOER 2015, addressing the state of, trends in and prospects for the environment in Europe. The EEA's task is to provide timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information on Europe's environment.

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french environment essay

Leaving Cert Notes and Sample Answers

French in 90 words: Pollution, Environment, Nuclear Energy, Recession, Terrorism

Pollution / la pollution.

( 1. Est-ce-que vous considérez que la pollution est un problème dans votre ville?)

La pollution est un vrai problème dans ma ville. En été, ça devient insupportable. Quand on se promène en ville, on ne respire que des gaz d’échappement ! C’est suffocant et on voit des cyclistes qui portent des masques pour éviter de les respirer. Dans les rues, il y a des ordures partout sur les trottoirs : des mégots, des paquets de cigarettes vides, des papiers gras, des bouteilles vides et des canettes. C’est dégoûtant ! Et c’est aussi une forme de pollution. Si j’étais responsable de la municipalité, j’imposerais des amendes à toute personne qui jette des ordures par terre et qui ignore les poubelles.

les gaz d’échappement – exhaust fumes

on voit des cyclistes qui portent des masques pour éviter de les respirer – we see cyclists wearing  masks to avoid breathing them in (fumes)

des ordures sur les trottoirs – waste on the pavements

des mégots, des paquets de cigarettes vides, des papiers gras, des bouteilles vides et des canettes –  butts, empty cigarette packs, soiled papers, empty bottles and cans

imposer des amendes – to impose fines

jeter des ordures par terre – to throw rubbish on the ground

les poubelles – bins

( 2. Est-ce-que vous considérez que la pollution est un problème mondial?)

En ce qui concerne la pollution du monde, je crois que nous risquons d’éliminer la race humaine. La nature ne peut en effet pas surmonter l’empoisonnement par les polluants chimiques dans l’air, dans le sol et dans l’eau. De plus, tout le monde utilise tout ce qui nuit à l’environnement et à la santé. Nos aliments contiennent des « poisons » comme des herbicides, des OGM (organismes génétiquement modifiés) et de nombreux additifs. Nous les amenons chez nous dans des sacs plastiques qui ne disparaissent jamais. Des tonnes de plastique se déplacent dans les océans avec les ordures produites par l’homme. Par exemple, l’huile de palme des savons et des détergents ménagers. Les substances synthétiques coûtent peu pour les producteurs et les grandes sociétés mais elles tuent la nature et la vie sur Terre. Cela me met en colère!

éliminer – to destroy

l’empoisonnement par les polluants chimiques – poisoning by chemical waste

de plus – in addition

nuire à la santé – to harm one’s health

OGM (organismes génétiquement modifiés) – GMOs (genetically modified organisms)

de nombreux additifs – many additives

des sacs plastiques qui ne disparaissent jamais – plastic bags that never disintegrate

des tonnes de plastique se déplacent dans les océans – tons of plastic items in the oceans

l’huile de palme des savons et des détergents ménagers – palm oil contained in soaps and household detergents

Les substances synthétiques coûtent peu pour les producteurs et les grandes sociétés mais elles tuent la nature et la vie sur Terre – synthetic substances cost little for producers and corporations but kill nature and life on Earth

Cela me met en colère! – this makes me angry !

Pollution french leaving cert sample answer

Environment / L’environnement

(Votre région est-elle polluée? Le réchauffement de la planète vous inquiète-t-il?)

Actuellement, l’environnement de la planète souffre énormément. Il y a trop de voitures sur les routes et l’air devient irrespirable dans les villes. La couche d’ozone qui nous protège des rayons nocifs du soleil a un trou. Cela entraîne de graves problèmes comme les cancers de la peau et des maladies oculaires. Le réchauffement de la planète provoque des sécheresses, des tempêtes et des inondations. Les glaciers fondent vite et le niveau de la mer est trop élevé. Par conséquent, certains animaux comme l’ours polaire sont en voie de disparition. La plupart des gens sont contre le nucléaire parce que cette énergie est très dangereuse. Les déchets radioactifs sont souvent stockés dans le sol et polluent l’air, la terre et les rivières. Certains gouvernements augmentent leur potentiel militaire en armes nucléaires sans s’engager à la sécurité. La population mondiale est menacée. On doit absolument réduire les gaz d’échappement, utiliser des produits biodégradables et des énergies renouvelables – solaire ou éolienne – au lieu du pétrole. Je suis fermement opposé à toute sorte de pollution. Je soutiens toute initiative pour protéger la nature et sauver la planète.

le réchauffement de la planète – global warming

la couche d’ozone – the ozone layer

les rayons nocifs du soleil – harmful sun rays

avoir un trou – to have a hole

entraîner/provoquer – to provoke

les cancers de la peau – skin cancers

les maladies oculaires – eye conditions

les sécheresses – droughts

les inondations – floods

Les glaciers fondent vite – glaciers are melting quickly

Le niveau de la mer est trop élevé – The sea level is too high

par conséquent – therefore

être en voie de disparition – to be on the way to extinction

les déchets radioactifs/toxiques – radioactive, toxic waste

polluer – to pollute

Certains gouvernements augmentent leur potentiel militaire en armes nucléaires sans s’engager à la sécurité – Some governments increase their military potential with atomic weapons without taking on security commitments

La population mondiale est menacée – the global population is threatened

réduire les gaz d’échappement– to reduce exhaust fumes

Utiliser les énergies renouvelables, solaire ou éolienne, au lieu du pétrole – to use renewable energy, solar or wind, instead of oil

Je suis fermement opposé à – I am strongly opposed to

Je soutiens toute initiative – I support any initiative

sauver la planète – to save the planet

Nuclear energy / Le nucléaire

L’énergie nucléaire est très répandue dans les pays développés. En France, par exemple, 80 % de l’électricité provient des centrales nucléaires. Ce type d’énergie est peu coûteux et certains pays construisent des centrales pour compenser le déficit énergétique. Cependant, il est effrayant de voir ce qui s’est passé au Japon en 2011. Un tremblement de terre a provoqué de gros dégats dans la centrale de Fukushima. Des fumées radioactives se sont échappées – cela dans un pays qui avait déjà survécu deux bombes atomiques en 1945. Les déchets radioactifs sont souvent stockés dans le sol et polluent l’air, la terre et les rivières comme on l’a vu à Tchernobyl en Ukraine en 1986. Moi, je suis tout à fait contre le nucléaire. Le danger de son exploitation est en effet énorme et il menace la vie de l’humanité.

L’énergie nucléaire est très répandue – nuclear energy is very widespread

Les centrales nucléaires – nuclear plants

peu coûteux – inexpensive

provoquer de gros dégats – to cause great damage

un tremblement de terre – earthquake

les bombes atomiques – atomic bombs

les déchets nucléaires/radioactifs – nuclear/radioactive waste

le sol – the ground

Je suis tout à fait contre – I am totally against

énorme – huge

menacer – to threaten

Recession / La récession

(Le Tigre celtique est–il mort dans votre région? La récession a–t–elle touché vos proches? )

Je n’ose pas affirmer que le Tigre celtique est mort ou vif. J’espère que la récession est finie. On sait que le budget du pays est maintenant équilibré, la dette publique est en baisse, la consommation est en hausse et le chômage recule. Aujourd’hui, les Irlandais partis à l’étranger depuis 2008 reviennent en Irlande. Ceci est la preuve du réveil du Tigre celtique. Mais jusqu’ici, les Irlandais ressentent les effets de l’austérité et un certain épuisement après de nombreux sacrifices. Mes proches ne peuvent pas s’offrir ce qu’on avait dans le passé. C’est pourquoi, la plupart des Irlandais – ma famille y compris – tardent à voir la reprise du Tigre se matérialiser dans leur vie.

oser affirmer – to dare say

le budget est équilibré – the budget is balanced

la dette publique est en baisse – public debt is down

la consommation est en hausse – consumption is rising

le chômage recule – unemployment is falling

la preuve du réveil du Tigre celtique – the proof of the awakening of the Celtic Tiger

ressentir les effets de l’austérité – to feel the effects of austerity

l’épuisement – exhaustion

s’offrir quelque/se permettre quelque chose – to buy/to afford

tarder à voir la reprise du Tigre se matérialiser – to be cautious in claiming that the Tiger is back

Terrorism / Le terrorisme

(Le terrorisme vous fait-il peur? Que pensez-vous de la guerre?)

Il est incroyable qu’il y ait encore des guerres au 21è siècle ! Certains pays utilisent des armes de plus en plus sophistiquées pour régler les conflits régionaux, territoriaux, nationaux, religieux ou économiques. Les êtres humains ont déjà survécu des guerres atroces avec des millions de victimes. Toutefois, les conflits internationaux continuent d’apparaître. Il est très important de les éviter en transformant la violence en compromis et en résistant aux affronts avec calme. La prolifération des armes de destruction massive est un véritable problème. Le terrorisme international en est un autre. Des attentats terroristes sur les centrales nucléaires et les usines chimiques menaceraient le monde entier. En tant que pacificiste, je crois qu’une paix stable et durable est possible. Pour y arriver, le monde a besoin de dirigeants politiques capables de prévoir et de mettre en place, sans tarder, les changements nécessaires pour protéger la communauté internationale.

incroyable – unbelievable

des armes sophistiquées – sophisticated weapons

régler les conflits – to sort the conflicts

des guerres atroces – terrible/cruel wars

les éviter en transformant la violence en compromis – to prevent them by turning violence into compromise

en résistant aux affronts avec calme – by resisting affronts with calm

la prolifération des armes de destruction massive– the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

des attentats terroristes – terrorist attacks

menacer le monde entier – to threaten the world

une paix stable et durable – a stable and lasting peace

capables de prévoir et de mettre en place, sans tarder, les changements nécessaires pour protéger la communauté internationale– capable of anticipating and implementing, without delay, necessary changes for the international community

You can get the full version of the French in 90 words here.

It is a 20,000 word pdf download covering over 40 important topics in a 90 words with vocab, making it super useful for both the written and the oral! Contents

  • What has changed in Ireland in recent years?
  • Women’s place in society
  • I like English
  • I dislike English
  • I like Irish
  • I dislike Irish
  • I like Maths
  • I dislike Maths
  • I like French
  • I dislike French
  • Addiction. Alcoholism.
  • Addiction. Drugs.
  • Health. Obesity.
  • Violence, crime and delinquency
  • Nuclear energy
  • Environment
  • Are we dependent on the media?
  • What are the advantages of advertising?
  • What are the disadvantages of advertising?
  • The cult of death and mortality in young people
  • The threat of the lack of fresh water
  • Processed foods
  • I miss having friendship
  • What do you think of the Irish Leaving Cert?
  • Is verbal or physical harassment or cyberbullying present in your school/in Ireland?
  • Are you dependent on new technologies, such as the internet, iPad, mobile phone, etc?
  • Can you live without your mobile phone?
  • Culture and art
  • Do you do any sports? Do you think everyone should do sports?
  • How destructive is doping to the spirit of sports?
  • Social problems in France
  • Inequality in Ireland
  • Racism in Ireland
  • Immigration in Ireland
  • The European Union
  • Globalisation
  • The Eighth Amendement
  • Third World
  • Sport and money
  • Yellow vests
  • Climate change
  • Brexit (updated April 2019)
  • Northern Ireland
  • Trump and Russia
  • MeToo movement
  • Gender pay gap
  • Blasphemy referendum
  • Housing crisis
  • Cost of living crisis

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  • Post author: Martina
  • Post published: May 7, 2020
  • Post category: French

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French Vocabulary: The Environment

Posted by Barbara Kruger on Friday, July 17, 2015 · Leave a Comment  

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project

French Vocabulary: The Environment le vocabulaire français: l’environnement

  • Environmental terms include the preservation and protection of all forms of life.
  • Elaborate the concepts of environmental utilization and conservation .

l’air (masculine) : air

La qualité de l’ air est malsaine aujourd’hui. The air quality is unhealthy today.

le changement climatique : climate change

Le changement climatique affecte les tendances méteorologiques. Climate change is affecting weather patterns.

la contamination : contamination / pollution

Nous devons réduire les niveaux de contamination . We must reduce contamination levels.

la couche d’ozone : ozone layer

Le trou dans la couche d’ozone est un problème très grave. The hole in the ozone layer is a very serious problem.

les déchets  (masculine) : trash / waste

Nous avons beaucoup de déchets . We have a lot of trash.

la déforestation : deforestation

La deforestation est irresponsable. Deforestation is irresponsible.

détruire : to destroy

Je ne vais pas détruire la planète. I’m not going to destroy the planet.

le dioxide de carbone : carbon dioxide

Les arbres absorbent le dioxide de carbone . Trees breathe carbon dioxide.

l’eau  (feminine) : water

L’ eau est essentielle pour la vie. Water is essential for life.

l’écologie  (feminine) : ecology

Ils étudient l’ écologie . They study ecology.

l’environnement  (masculine) : environment

If faut préserve l’ environnement . We have to preserve the environment.

la nature : nature

La nature est fragile. Nature is fragile.

le pétrole : petroleum / oil

Nous pouvons réduire notre dépendance au pétrole . We can reduce the dependence on petroleum.

la pluie acide : acid rain

La pluie acide endommage les bâtiments et les statues. Acid rain damages buildings and statues.

la pollution : pollution / contamination

Cette plage a été abîmée par la pollution . This beach has been ruined by pollution.

la pollution atmosphérique : air pollution

La pollution atmosphérique est un problème grave en Chine. Air pollution is a serious problem in China.

préserver : to preserve

Nous allons préserver le front de mer. We’re going to preserve the beachfront.

protéger : to protect

Ils vont protéger le lac. They are going to protect the lake.

le réchauffement climatique : global warming

Le réchauffement climatique est en train de changer le climat du monde. Global warming is changer the world’s climate.

le recyclage : recycling

Je vais organiser le recyclage . I’m going to organize the recycling.

recycler : to recycle

Notre ville recycle tout. Our city recycles everything.

les ressources naturelles  (feminine) : natural resources

Nous devons être responsables des ressources naturelles . We must be responsible with natural resources.

le smog : smog

Le smog fait du mal aux poumons. Smog is bad for the lungs.

la terre : earth / dirt / soil

Il faut sauver la terre . We must save the earth.

Je fais quoi avec le recyclage? What do I do with the recycling?

D’où vient l’eau? Where does the water come from?

Qui étudie l’environnement? Who studies the environment?

Comment est-qu’on protège les ressources naturelles? How do we protect natural resources?

Quand est-ce qu’on prend la responsabilité? When do we take responsibility?

Pourquoi est-ce qu’on produit tant de déchets? Why do we produce so much waste?

Combien de dioxide de carbon est produit par l’usine? How much carbon dioxide is produced by the factory?

Quel est le problème avec la couche d’ozone? What is the problem with the ozone layer?

  • Quizlet: French Vocabulary – The Environment via Kruger
  • Youtube / monsieurwest8655: Introduction à l’environnement

Category: French Vocabulary Lessons · Tags: earth , environment , francais , french , l’environnement , terre , vocabulaire , vocabulary

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French Environment and Ecology Vocabulary

French Environment and Ecology Vocabulary

The issues of global environmental destruction and ecology have become increasingly urgent over the past few decades. On this page you’ll find a complete list of environment and ecology vocabulary which will help you to read articles and understand TV reports on this topic.

Image: ecology

  • biodegradable biodégradable
  • biodiversity biodiversité f
  • environmental biologist biologiste en environnement (m/f)
  • coal charbon m
  • climate climat m
  • ozone layer couche d’ozone f
  • deforestation déforestation f
  • desertification désertification f
  • sustainable development développement durable m
  • carbon dioxide dioxyde de carbone m
  • ecologist  écologiste (m/f)
  • energy conversation économies d’énergie fp
  • greenhouse effect effet de serre m
  • fumes émanations, fumées fp
  • wind energy énergie éolienne
  • energy énergie f
  • clean energy énergie propre f
  • renewable energy énergie renouvelable f
  • solar energy énergie solaire f
  • environment environnement m
  • environmentalist  environnementaliste
  • endangered species espèce en voie d’extinction f
  • unleaded petrol essence sans plomb f
  • extinction extinction f
  • waste gaspillage m
  • flood inondation f
  • carbon footprint l’empreinte carbone f
  • oil slick marée noire f
  • carbon monoxide monoxyde de carbone m
  • NGO  ONG f
  • acid rain pluie acide f
  • pollution pollution f
  • pollutant produit polluant m
  • disposable products produits jetables mp
  • Kyoto protocol protocole de Kyoto m
  • global warming réchauffement climatique m
  • recycling recyglage m
  • natural resources ressources naturelles fp
  • preservation sauvegarde f
  • scientist  scientifique (m/f)
  • drought sécheresse f
  • earthquake tremblement de terre m

More resources:

  • French climate change and global warming vocabulary
  • French geography vocabulary
  • French weather terms
  • French names of trees
  • French environment vocabulary (PDF)
  • French ecology vocabulary (

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

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A father teaching his daughter environment vocabulary in French

The most essential French environment vocabulary

by Anne-Lise Vassoille

Published on February 7, 2023 / Updated on January 3, 2024

As in many other countries, protecting the environment and curbing the effects of climate change are currently two of the hottest topics in France. If you don’t brush up on your French environment vocabulary, you may have a difficult time exploring how the French approach these key issues in modern politics.

Par exemple : The environment is the primary issue and driving purpose behind the parti écologique (ecological party), often referred to as le parti écolo or les verts (the green). It’s also the raison d’être of Greenpeace, one of the most famous organisations non gouvernementales or ONG (non-governmental organizations or NGOs) in the world. 

French environmental vocabulary regularly shows up in the media and in some of the most celebrated French documentaries . Even if you only have a quick look at the weather report , you may hear about higher-than-average temperatures or extreme weather events. To help you get acclimatized, we’ve compiled this guide to the most important vocabulary about the environment in French.

9 French terms about the ecology and climate change

13 french words around pollution and its effects, 15 french words around solutions to protect the environment, learn languages at your pace.

Before we wade further into the details, you’ll need to learn some basic terms to talk about the environment in French at a beginner’s level . Far from being limited to the fringes of the ecological movement, these key terms show up in the agendas of all the main political parties in France . 

Why is the environment such an important area of concern in France? As in the rest of the world, it’s because of the many dangers it faces. Here is some French vocabulary that describes the biggest culprits that put our planet at risk, from fossil fuels to greenhouse gasses.

Thankfully, not everything is hopeless. Solutions are being developed to reverse environmental degradation and protect the world’s ecosystems more effectively. At a micro level, every one of us is able to take daily actions to help. On a larger scale, countries around the world are learning that they must be more committed to taking action. 

Every year, la Conférence des Parties (Conference of the Parties, or COP) gathers all the member states to review and advance the implementation of la convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Le protocole de Kyoto (the Kyoto Protocol) and l’Accord de Paris sur le climat (the Paris Climate Accords) are among the other significant steps taken in recent decades to improve the situation.

If you’re interested in reading up on the above initiatives in French, you’ll benefit from the vocabulary in the table below.

Speak up about the environment in French

Now that you know the most important French vocabulary about the environment, you can start learning about and discussing more of these important issues. The French language — or any other language, for that matter — may not be understood everywhere in the world, but environmental issues are felt everywhere. The more we learn about and address the roots of the problems, the closer we get to implementing possible solutions. 

french environment essay

Anne-Lise Vassoille

Anne-Lise is a translator and copywriter working for various industries... Settled down in London, she cannot get enough of the exceptional cultural life in the English capital city, starting with theater, be it to see a new West End show or to roll up her sleeves with her amateur drama group. She is also interested in photography, as her Instagram profile shows. She indulges her passion for languages in a translation blog she writes with other linguist friends. Go to her Linkedin page to know more about her background and her professional experience.

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French Notes

Pollution – Environment



  • Il faut reconnaître que les problèmes de santé provoqués par la pollution atmosphérique représentent un coût substantiel pour notre société

We must recognise that health problems caused by air  represent a substantial cost for our society.

  • C’est une bonne idée de prendre les transports publics afin de réduire la pollution de l’air et d’éviter les embouteillages.

It is a good idea to take public transport in order to reduce air pollution and avoid traffic jams.


  • Il faut reconaître que = It must be recognised that
  • C’est une bonne idée de + verb in the infinitive + afin de + verb in the infinitive. [It is a good idea to + verb + in order to + verb]
  • Quand on parle de = when we speak about
  • Autrement dit = In other words
  • être à l’origine de = To be the cause of …
  • Par voie de conséquence = As a result..
  • Malgré les violentes polémiques = Despite rigourous debate

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A full version of these Leaving Cert Sample Sentences is available to members of our Leaving Cert Annual Plan or Teacher Annual Plan . As a member of the Leaving Cert or Teacher Plan, you would have immediate access to…

  • Over 500 sample topic sentences on a wide-range of topics
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  18. French Environment and Ecology Vocabulary

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  23. Pollution

    KEY GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS…POLLUTION - ENVIRONMENT. Il faut reconaître que = It must be recognised that. C'est une bonne idée de + verb in the infinitive + afin de + verb in the infinitive. [It is a good idea to + verb + in order to + verb] Quand on parle de = when we speak about. Autrement dit = In other words.