1.4 Evolution of the Marketing Concept

Learning outcomes.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • 1 Describe the production concept.
  • 2 Define the product concept.
  • 3 Discuss the selling concept.
  • 4 Explain the marketing concept.
  • 5 Summarize the societal marketing concept and its features.

The Evolution of Marketing

So now you’ve gotten the bird’s-eye view of marketing as a practice, and you now know what marketing is. However, let’s take a trip back through time to look at the evolution of marketing practices and how many of today’s marketing strategies came to be. As you can see from Figure 1.9 , and to use an old TV commercial tagline, you’ve come a long way, baby!

The Production Concept

In order to understand the production concept, it’s important first to understand the history of technology and mass production. Spurred on by the use of steam power, the Industrial Revolution began in the United States by the middle of the 19th century. Although much of the population was still employed in agriculture, the expansion of commerce and industry drew millions of factory workers into cities and towns. Suddenly, an abundance of manufactured goods was available to households at a rate never experienced before.

The production concept assumed that consumers were mostly interested in product availability and price, not necessarily product features. As a result, companies concentrated on high production, low costs, and mass distribution. In other words, to use the oft-used line from the movie Field of Dreams , “If you build it, they will come.” People were so hungry for mass-produced goods that companies didn’t have to do a lot of sales or marketing. The production concept is thought to have lasted from just after the Civil War (1861–1865) until the 1920s. 35 For example, inventor Samuel Colt’s company began mass -producing revolvers in 1835. The Waltham Watch Company (founded in 1850 in Waltham, MA) was the first to use division of labor to mass produce watches and clocks.

The Product Concept

From the 1920s until the 1950s, the product concept dominated. With product availability a thing of the past, consumers began to favor products that offered quality, performance, and/or innovative features. As a result, companies concentrated on making superior products and improving them over time. One of the problems with this type of thinking is that marketers may fall in love with a product (known as “marketing myopia”) and may not realize what the market truly wants or needs. Consider the manner in which railroad marketers overlooked the growing competition from airlines, buses, and automobiles. In his book Marketing Myopia , author Theodore Levitt writes, “The railroads did not stop growing because the need for passenger and freight transportation declined. That grew. The railroads are in trouble today not because that need was filled by others (cars, trucks, airplanes and even telephones) but because it was not filled by the railroads themselves. They let others take customers away from them because they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business.” 36

Link to Learning

The reckoning.

When American cars developed a reputation for not being reliable or dependable, this opened an opportunity for Toyota and other Japanese exporters in the late 1960s and 1970s. Learn more about this issue from David Halberstam’s 1986 book The Reckoning . Read the New York Times 1986 review of this book .

The Sales Concept

By the 1950s, mass production had become the norm rather than the exception. Competition had increased over the years, and there was little unfulfilled demand in the marketplace. Marketing evolved from simply producing products that customers wanted to trying to persuade customers to buy through advertising and personal selling. The basic premise of the sales concept was that consumers and businesses need to be “coaxed” into buying, and the aim of companies was to sell what they made rather than make what consumers wanted.

The Marketing Concept

The marketing concept was built on the premise that an organization will achieve its goals when it satisfies the needs and wants of the consumer. As a result, firms began to focus on customer needs before developing products, rather than developing products and then trying to “sell” them to consumers. The marketing concept was also the start of relationship marketing— fostering long-term relationships with customers in order to ensure repeat sales and achieve stable relationships and reduced costs.

The Societal Marketing Concept

In a nutshell, the societal marketing concept is simple. Companies make good marketing decisions by considering not only consumers’ wants and needs but additionally the balance between those wants and needs and the company’s capabilities and society’s long-term interests. The concept emphasizes the social responsibilities that companies bear. This means meeting consumers’ and businesses’ current needs while simultaneously being aware of the environmental impact of marketing decisions on future generations’ ability to meet their needs. 37

Knowledge Check

It’s time to check your knowledge on the concepts presented in this section. Refer to the Answer Key at the end of the book for feedback.

  • the quality of the product a company intends to sell
  • the operations of manufacturing the product a company intends to sell
  • the selling strategies a company will use to sell the product
  • the needs of the customer
  • Production concept
  • Marketing concept
  • Societal marketing concept
  • Sales concept
  • Product concept
  • Selling concept
  • Production, product, sales, marketing, societal
  • Product, sales, production, marketing, societal
  • Marketing, production, sales, societal, product
  • Societal, production, sales, marketing, product
  • customers’ wants and needs were first identified as essential
  • trustfulness, honesty, and transparency became most important
  • promotional efforts to move inventory were essential
  • the customer was the focus

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  • Authors: Dr. Maria Gomez Albrecht, Dr. Mark Green, Linda Hoffman
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Principles of Marketing
  • Publication date: Jan 25, 2023
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/principles-marketing/pages/1-unit-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/principles-marketing/pages/1-4-evolution-of-the-marketing-concept

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Mastering the Craft: Penning an Impactful Marketing Essay

Essay on Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing

an essay about marketing concept

In today's digital age, it's fascinating to realize that we are constantly bombarded by marketing messages. On any given day, whether you're scrolling through social media, watching TV, driving on the highway, or simply walking down the street, you're likely to encounter an astonishing number of advertisements – somewhere between 4,000 and 10,000, to be more precise. These messages are strategically designed to catch your attention, evoke emotions, and ultimately influence your choices as a consumer. It's this very power of marketing that makes it an incredibly captivating subject to explore and understand. If you're a chief content officer or tasked with writing an essay on marketing, get ready to dive into the world of marketing messages and the psychology that influences how people make choices.

Essay on Marketing: Short Description

In this guide, professional essay writer will lead you through the process of creating a powerful marketing essay. Marketing is a dynamic subject, and we've designed this guide to equip you with essential tools. We'll start by defining a marketing essay's purpose and structure, ensuring logical flow. We'll then detail the steps, from choosing a relevant topic to organizing research effectively. Additionally, we'll provide expert tips to help your essay excel academically and make a lasting impact. So, let's embark on this educational journey together as we dive deep into the captivating realm of marketing and equip you with the knowledge and skills to create an essay that shines!

Purpose of the Marketing Essay

So, why exactly are you diving into the world of marketing essays? Well, it's not just an academic exercise; it's an opportunity to unravel the fascinating layers of marketing. Your marketing essay serves as a window into understanding how businesses capture your attention, influence your choices, and create brand loyalty.

But it's not all about business. A marketing essay is your chance to explore the psychology behind consumer behavior, the impact of persuasive techniques, and the ever-evolving trends in this fast-paced industry.

Moreover, it's your ticket to honing essential skills. You'll learn to research meticulously, craft a persuasive essay on marketing, and present your thoughts coherently – talents that are valuable not only in academia but also in the real world.

Essay on Marketing: Steps to Create an Effective One

Crafting a compelling essay on marketing isn't just an academic task; it's your gateway to unraveling the secrets of an industry that shapes our choices daily. From the moment you encounter thousands of advertisements daily to the psychology behind consumer decisions, marketing is a dynamic world worth exploring. In the following sections, our custom essay services experts will unveil the steps to create a powerful essay on marketing and advertising that not only meets academic standards but equips you with skills and insights to navigate this captivating realm.

Choose a Marketing Topic

Picking the right marketing subject, like writing an essay about marketing ethics, is the crucial first step in creating an excellent essay. Your choice not only influences your engagement with the subject matter but also determines the relevance and appeal of your essay to your audience.

First, let's understand why your choice of topic matters. In the dynamic field of marketing, topics can range from traditional concepts like branding and consumer behavior to emerging trends like influencer marketing and digital advertising. The key is to select a topic that piques your interest and aligns with your essay's purpose.

Tips for Choosing the Right Topic

choose marketing topic

  • Passion and Interest: Start by identifying areas of marketing that genuinely fascinate you. Writing about a topic you're passionate about will not only make the process more enjoyable but also result in a more compelling essay.
  • Example : If you're an avid social media user, exploring the impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior might be a natural choice.
  • Relevance: Consider the relevance of your chosen topic to current marketing trends and debates. Timely topics often resonate more with your readers.
  • Example : In today's digital age, a topic like 'The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing' would be highly relevant.
  • Scope and Depth: Balance the scope and depth of your topic. Ensure it's neither too broad nor too narrow. You want to have enough material to explore without overwhelming yourself or your readers.
  • Example : Instead of a broad topic like 'Marketing Strategies,' narrow it down to 'Content Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses.'
  • Uniqueness: While common topics can be appealing, consider adding a unique twist or perspective to stand out. Find an angle or question that hasn't been extensively explored.
  • Example : Instead of a generic analysis of Coca-Cola's branding, you might focus on 'Coca-Cola's Sustainability Initiatives and Branding.'
  • Research Availability: Ensure there is enough research material available on your chosen topic. This will make the research process smoother.
  • Example : Before committing to a topic, check if there are academic papers, books, or recent articles discussing it.

an essay about marketing concept

Research and Gather Information

With your marketing topic selected, the next crucial step in crafting an effective essay is thorough research. This phase is the backbone of your essay, providing you with the knowledge and evidence needed to support your arguments and insights. 

Research is the process of exploring existing literature, data, and insights related to your chosen marketing topic. It serves several vital purposes:

  • Understanding the Topic: Research helps you gain a deep understanding of the subject matter, allowing you to approach it from an informed perspective.
  • Supporting Your Claims: It provides evidence and data that support the arguments and claims you make in your essay, lending credibility to your work.
  • Exploring Diverse Perspectives: Research exposes you to various viewpoints, enabling you to present a well-rounded analysis of your topic.

Practical Steps for Effective Research

  • Use Reliable Sources: Start by identifying reputable sources for your research. Academic journals, books, industry reports, and government publications are excellent places to begin.
  • Example : If you're researching influencer marketing, look for peer-reviewed articles in marketing journals or reports from marketing research firms.
  • Dive into Primary and Secondary Sources: Primary sources, such as interviews, surveys, or original data, provide firsthand information. Secondary sources, like books or articles that analyze primary data, offer valuable context.
  • Example : If your essay on marketing research examines consumer behavior, you might conduct surveys (primary) and also reference academic papers discussing similar surveys (secondary).
  • Organize Your Notes: As you gather information, organize your notes systematically. This will make it easier to retrieve and cite information when you start writing.
  • Stay Current: Marketing is ever-evolving. Ensure that your research includes up-to-date information and recent trends, especially if you're working on an essay on digital marketing or technology.
  • Example : In the rapidly changing landscape of digital advertising, information from just a few years ago may already be outdated.
  • Critical Evaluation: Don't accept information at face value. Evaluate the credibility and relevance of your sources. Be critical and discerning in your analysis.
  • Example : If you find a statistic in an article, check the source of that statistic and assess its reliability.
  • Take Notes and Cite Sources: Keep detailed notes of all the sources you consult, including page numbers, publication dates, and URLs. Properly cite these sources in your essay to avoid plagiarism.
  • Example : Use citation styles like APA, MLA, or Chicago as required by your academic institution.

If this sounds too overwhelming, you can always consider the option to pay for essay writing and have it professionally completed without any stress! 

Master the Marketing Essay Structure

Now that you've conducted thorough research on your chosen marketing topic, it's time to delve into the art of structuring your paper effectively. A well-structured essay on marketing concept not only enhances readability but also ensures that your ideas flow logically. In this step, we'll break down the essential components of a marketing essay structure, providing you with a roadmap for crafting a compelling piece of writing.

Components of a Marketing Essay Structure

  • Introduction: Begin your essay with an engaging introduction. Here, you should:
  • Provide a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of your essay.
  • Create a hook or attention-grabbing statement to captivate your readers.
  • Offer a brief overview of the key points you'll discuss in the essay.

Example : If your essay explores the impact of social media marketing, your introduction might begin with a startling statistic about social media usage.

  • Body Paragraphs: The body of your essay should be divided into multiple paragraphs, each addressing a distinct point or aspect of your topic. Here, you should:
  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates to your thesis.
  • Provide evidence, examples, and data to support your arguments.
  • Ensure that your paragraphs flow logically, with smooth transitions between ideas.

Example : In a paragraph discussing the effectiveness of influencer marketing, you might present case studies and statistics to support your claims.

  • Conclusion: Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and reiterating your thesis statement. Here, you should:
  • Avoid introducing new ideas; instead, recap the main arguments.
  • Provide a thought-provoking closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Example : In a conclusion about social media marketing's future trends, you might emphasize the need for marketers to adapt to changing consumer behavior.

Write Your Marketing Essay

With your topic selected, research completed, and a solid essay structure in place, it's time to roll up your sleeves and start writing your marketing essay. This is where you bring together all your research and ideas to create a compelling, well-structured piece of writing. Alternatively, you always have the opportunity to order an essay online from our experienced authors. Now let’s dive into the specifics of crafting your own paper:

how to write marketing essay

  • Start with a Strong Thesis Statement: Begin your essay by restating your thesis statement from the introduction. This serves as a reminder of your main argument and helps orient your readers.
  • Example : If your thesis is about the influence of online reviews on consumer purchasing decisions, remind your readers of this focus.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon, first-person narration, or overly complex language that might confuse your readers. Aim for a unique voice and simplicity in your writing.
  • Example : Instead of saying 'utilizing novel paradigms for customer engagement,' you can write 'using new methods to engage potential clients.'
  • Support Your Points with Evidence: Throughout your essay, back up your arguments with evidence from your research. This can include statistics, case studies, expert opinions, or real-life examples.
  • Example : If you're discussing the effectiveness of email marketing, provide data on open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • Maintain a Logical Flow: Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next. Use transition words and phrases to guide your readers through your essay on online marketing.
  • Example : Use transitional phrases like 'Furthermore,' 'In addition,' or 'However' to connect ideas.
  • Balance Perspectives: If your topic involves contrasting viewpoints, acknowledge and address counterarguments. This shows that you've considered various angles and strengthens your essay's credibility.
  • Example : If discussing the pros and cons of influencer marketing, present arguments from both sides before stating your position.

Steps After Completing Your Writing

Congratulations! You've successfully completed the writing phase of your marketing essay. However, the journey isn't over yet. What comes next is equally crucial, as it involves refining and polishing your work to ensure it shines brightly. In this section, our marketing essay writing service experts will explore the vital steps that follow the completion of your essay, helping you take your work from good to exceptional.

Editing and Proofreading

Now that you have your marketing essay written, it's time to shift your focus to the critical task of editing and proofreading. This step is like giving your essay a fine polish, ensuring that it's free from errors, flows smoothly, and communicates your ideas with clarity. Editing and proofreading serve several essential purposes:

  • Error Elimination: It's your opportunity to catch and correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors that might have slipped through during the writing process.
  • Clarity Enhancement: You can refine your sentences for clarity, ensuring that your ideas are expressed precisely and concisely.
  • Consistency: Check for consistent formatting, style, and citation throughout your essay.
  • Readability: Ensure that your essay flows logically, with smooth transitions between paragraphs and sections, enhancing overall readability.

Practical Tips for Effective Editing and Proofreading

  • Take a Break: After completing your essay, give yourself some distance from it. Returning to your work with fresh eyes makes it easier to spot errors and awkward phrasing.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your essay aloud helps you identify issues with sentence structure and flow. It's an excellent way to detect awkward or unclear sentences.
  • Focus on One Element at a Time: When proofreading, concentrate on specific elements in each pass. For example, in one round, focus solely on grammar and punctuation, and in the next, concentrate on clarity and coherence.
  • Use Editing Tools: Utilize grammar and spell-checking tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word's built-in proofreading tools. However, don't rely solely on these; they can miss nuanced errors.
  • Print and Review: Sometimes, seeing your essay on paper rather than on a screen can help you spot errors more effectively.
  • Proofread Backward: When proofreading for spelling and grammar errors, start at the end of your essay and work your way backward. This forces you to focus on individual words rather than the content as a whole.
  • Don't Rush: Take your time during the editing and proofreading process. Rushing can lead to missed errors.

References and Citations

Properly referencing and citing your sources is not only an academic requirement but also a mark of intellectual honesty and rigor. It showcases your commitment to acknowledging the work of others and adds credibility to your marketing essay. According to our experts, who you can buy essays online from, references and citations serve several crucial purposes:

  • Credit to Sources: They give credit to the original authors and sources of the information and ideas you've used in your essay.
  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Proper citations demonstrate that you have not plagiarized others' work, a serious academic offense.
  • Verification: They allow readers to verify the information you've presented and find additional resources on the topic.

Practical Tips for References and Citations

  • Know Your Citation Style: Familiarize yourself with the specific citation style required by your academic institution or instructor (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Each style has its own guidelines for formatting citations.
  • Create a Reference List: Compile a list of all the sources you've used in your essay. This list typically appears at the end of your essay and is called the 'References,' 'Works Cited,' or 'Bibliography' page, depending on the citation style.
  • Follow the Citation Style: Ensure that your in-text citations and reference list adhere to the rules of your chosen citation style. This includes formatting, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Use Citation Tools: Consider using citation management tools like Zotero, EndNote, or Citation Machine. These tools can help you format citations correctly and manage your references efficiently.
  • Understand In-Text Citations: Learn how to properly use in-text citations to indicate where you've used information from a particular source within your essay.
  • Be Consistent: Ensure that your citation style is consistent throughout your essay. For instance, if you're using APA style, maintain APA style for all citations, including quotations, paraphrases, and references.

What's a Short Essay About Marketing?

A short essay on what is marketing is a concise written piece that explores specific aspects of marketing, often within a limited word count. These essays aim to provide insights into marketing concepts, strategies, or trends while maintaining brevity. Short marketing essays are typically used in academic settings to assess students' understanding of marketing topics or in professional contexts to communicate key marketing ideas succinctly.

What Is Marketing in Just 250 Words?

According to our authors who professionally writing essays for money , marketing is the multifaceted process of promoting and selling products or services. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from understanding consumer needs and preferences to designing effective advertising campaigns. Marketing involves the four essential elements known as the '4 Ps': Product (creating and offering the right product), Price (setting a competitive price), Place (making the product accessible to consumers), and Promotion (communicating the product's value and benefits).

In a world that's constantly evolving, marketing has embraced digital platforms, social media, and data-driven insights. It's not just about selling anymore; it's about building lasting customer relationships, enhancing brand visibility, and adapting to changing consumer behaviors.

In 250 words, it's challenging to cover all aspects of marketing comprehensively, but this brief overview highlights its central role in connecting businesses with their target audiences, driving sales, and shaping consumer choices in today's competitive marketplace.

Why Is Marketing So Crucial?

Marketing is crucial because it is the bridge between businesses and their customers. It not only introduces products and services to the world but also cultivates a deep understanding of consumer needs. In a crowded marketplace, effective marketing sets businesses apart by capturing attention, building trust, and driving sales. It's the cornerstone of brand success and a vital tool for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behavior and preferences. In essence, marketing isn't just important; it's the lifeblood of businesses seeking growth and sustainability.

From choosing the perfect topic to mastering the intricacies of essay structure, conducting research, and refining your writing, you've acquired the tools and insights needed to craft compelling narratives. Whether you're working on an essay on global marketing or delving into a specific niche, keep in mind that a meticulously crafted composition serves a purpose beyond academics—it's your gateway to exploring the dynamics of persuasion and consumer behavior.

Meanwhile, if needed, you can always hit us up with your ‘ help me write my essay ’ request. We’re ready to help you find inspiration in the dynamic field of marketing and continue to explore its ever-evolving landscape with curiosity and confidence!

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Marketing Concept

Updated 28 September 2023

Subject Corporations ,  Marketing

Downloads 34

Category Business

Topic Company

Johnson " Johnson is a publicly listed healthcare company. The company’s headquarters is in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the company also includes 250 subsidiary companies with operations in 60 countries and with an estimated over 125,000 employees (Johnson " Johnson, 2018). The company is well known for their medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturing company founded in 1886. Johnson " Johnson is one of the most recognised healthcare companies globally.

In a functional organizational structure, there exists a number of units or departments. These units include but is not limited to legal, human resources, finance, product, information technology and marketing. Each department operates jointly with the others under the CEO of the company to ensure seamless execution of the company's objectives. At Johnson and Johnson, for instance, the marketing department works in tandem with other departments, such as information systems and human resources to ensure delivery of company goals and targets (Ivy 2008, p.293). Finance department has a responsibility to facilitate research into current marketing trends.

The marketing department has been charged with promotion of products, thus boosting sales and income. This department is also charged with maintaining and further curating the Johnson and Johnson brand name. In this way, every other department is intertwined with marketing in the sense that they eventually lean heavily on marketing to rake in income, thus keeping the company, and thus each department, alive and thriving (Khan 2014, p.95)

The concept of marketing is a framework called the “Marketing Mix” made up of 7 variables, the 7P’s consisting of Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Process, Physical environment and People. Each of these elements plays an important part in achieving the overall objective of satisfying customer needs. Not to be confused with advertising, which although is an element of marketing it is not the only function. Marketing is also closely linked to the sales function in an organisation, and in some cases sales report into a Sales " Marketing function head (Muala and Qurneh 2012, p.8).

Definitions of Marketing

i) Marketing is the management of selling and buying exchange relationships this definition highlights the role with regards to the relationship between the business and the changing outside environment. Through continued market research the consumers’ needs can be managed closely and matched with the product or services of the business. With the expected outcome of profitable customer satisfaction.

The main purpose of marketing is the mutual satisfaction of both supplier and customer as well as other stakeholders.

The method is the process of shaping and managing the marketing mix in a way which takes into consideration the needs of the customer and the goals of the organisation at one and the same time (Muala and Qurneh 2012, p.13).

ii) Current and future trends need to be monitored by any business, to enable marketing focus in the appropriate areas external factors must be top of mind. The tool generally used for this purpose is a PESTLE. The study of Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legal and Environmental factors. Or a STEEPLE sociocultural, technological, economic/competitive, ethical, political/legal and ecological factors as seen in the diagram below.

External Environment is an always changing factor where there is little or no control or influence. Therefore, it is vital that marketers or the marketing function understand and identify these elements to minimise negative impact on the business strategy.

These factors consist of 2 areas: the Micro and Macro environment.

- Micro Environment is made up of factors that are closest to the business on a day to day basis. Competitors are part of the micro environment, so conducting regular competitor analysis to ascertain the market trends Vis a Vis discounts, promotions and giveaways with purchase activity that is currently on offer is vital to keep ahead of the curve. Other factors that have effect on the business are customers, banks and trade unions their activity has impact on the business (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis 2014, p.332). Exchange rates can impact an organisation especially those that export goods or import raw materials. Businesses importing materials will face higher costs of imports for businesses. Some factors can be controlled such as customers by putting their needs first and accommodating their wants it is imperative for the company to anticipate these factors to minimise the negative impact and to avoid reputational risk (Ivy 2008, p.296).

-Macro Environment is generally factors that are not close to the organisation but still affect the business on the long term. The factors that affect the business are legalisation, the economy and technological changes. For example, marketing objectives were impacted because of the downturn in oil prices which lead to some instability and uncertainty. With the growth and popularity of internet shopping, online marketing needs to keep up with e-commerce through innovative market plans, to reach the digital consumer (Muala and Qurneh 2012, p.15).). Macro factors are uncontrollable but affect business strategies.

The Role of Marketing

Structures and operation of the marketing function will vary in different organisations depending on the size. A company with the size and scope of Johnson " Johnson will have a structure shown below. There are a number of roles within the marketing function which support product advertising, sales team tools, and category growth. The structure will depend on the business requirements and different roles will aid in covering all basis of establishing strategic plans to attract customers to purchase products or services (Khan 2014, p.93). In some cases, the marketing function will sit within the business and report to the GM but have a dotted line to a wider marketing head thus regional or global (Ivy 2008, p.289). Alternatively, the marketing head can report directly through a marketing chain, with a dotted line to the local business manager to ensure there is alignment on strategies.

Overview of the Marketing Process

The diagram below shows the stages of the marketing process. Each point plays an important part of successful marketing from identifying the customer’s needs, the strategic planning to then implementation. Marketing firstly needs to embrace the company’s mission, and then secondly understand the overall strategy and business objectives, around which any marketing plan is written.

The goals of a marketing department will always revolve and involve the 7 P’s. Growing awareness to their consumers, getting product to market at the right price point.

The key of any successful marketing department or plan is to conduct thorough market research to get a comprehensive understanding of their customer’s needs, competition and market trends. Underpinning this element is the use of SWOT analysis to determine the business strengths and weakness, opportunities and threats. In conducting this framework, the function will better understand the external and internal factors influencing the approach needed to implement a successful marketing plan.

Strategic Planning is a process that all businesses undertake generally guided by the senior leadership team, but encompassing all the organisation (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis 2014, p.329). It is the process of achieving the company goals through the available resources of people and budgets. A vital element of strategic planning is understanding the internal and external factors of your own company, the competition and market environment. Generally considered a “work in progress” document guided by changes in any of the factors involved in the process i.e. external market influences – such as interest rate changes, or internal such as people or product.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is a renowned term which helps a business promote their products by using the right combination of the mix together to achieve a successful marketing plan. The marketing mix is known by the 4Ps (price, place, product and promotions) which are related in some or other to the product itself.

However, there are in fact three further Ps, which include process, people and physical evidence, these are primarily related to the service industry. These elements are used to assess the less tangible components of service. They can monitor how a company or brand represents itself, through staff uniforms (airlines), answering service (song or advertising slogan) and benchmark the level of service offered vs the experience the consumer is expecting. The process or flow is key for good service delivery if one area or process is the weak link it will undermine the whole customer experience and can lead to negative feedback/Net Promotor Score (NPS) and ultimately loss of custom (Khan 2014, p.82). Including these 3P’s of People, Processes and Physical Evidence to the previous 4P’s completes the Marketing Mix 7P’s.

The Johnson and Johnson Marketing Department uses a marketing mix labelled the 7Ps to advance its marketing agenda. This mix attempts to capture every facet of the effective marketing machine that is being used by Johnson and Johnson.

A product is an item that is created or produced to satisfy the needs of a consumer within a certain target group. The product can be tangible such as an item, or intangible in the form of a service.

Johnson and Johnson manufactures and sells a variety of products broken down into three main categories, which include Consumer Healthcare, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices and diagnostic. These groupings help to focus the efforts of Marketing to target groups.

The amount the consumer pays to use the product or service. The price point is a critical factor in determining the success and life cycle of any product or service within the business. Johnson and Johnson has cultivated a differential pricing model to allow their customers to conveniently access their products

Distribution and placement of a product that has the best accessibility to consumers. High footfall locations (shopping malls) or mid shelf displays (supermarkets) for example. Johnson and Johnson products are available in almost every retail channel that is available. From community stores to supermarket chains to online retail portals, one might be sure to find a Johnson and Johnson product.

Promotion is made up of various elements such as sales, advertising and public relations. The overall objective is to increase awareness of the brand or service by advertising. Johnson and Johnson company has embarked on a litany of advertisement campaigns promoting a healthy family life with which the majority of the customers immediately relate.

People who are directly linked to influencing the business both internal (employees) and external (consumers). It is vital to identify your target market and then discover the demand for a certain type of product or service. In the service industry the people are a direct reflection of the company or product they represent. A miserable check in agent at an airport can give the passenger a bad impression of the airline even before they board the aircraft.

Johnson and Johnson marketing team continually thinks about how to establish and further cement their already respectable position in the hearts and minds of their customers. The goal here is to further entrench the positive quality experiences attributed to Johnson and Johnson products.

Systems and processes need to be efficient to provide a competitive and effective execution on the service or product. The smooth and swift flow of a service determines its success, a weak or slow link in the flow can ruin a customer experience, a bad waiter in a restaurant for example. Johnson and Johnson is always looking to sharpen and refine the marketing procedures and models, in tandem with current marketing trends. The biggest tools employed here are marketing insight, scientific innovation and manufacturing expertise.

Physical Evidence

Physical evidence is how a business and its product is portrayed in the marketplace. You immediately know their presence in the market as they are generally market leaders, or top of mind in consumer research analysis. Brand equity plays an important part in this physical evidence factor. In the service industry the people can represent their product in terms of a uniform or way of speaking to make their service easily and instantly recognizable to the consumer, for example, McDonalds or Airline Crew (Muala and Qurneh 2012, p.19)

Johnson and Johnson products are packaged in high quality containers with a clean design and the company logo clearly emblazoned on the face of the packaging. This makes the products quite easily identifiable by the shopping customers.

The roles B2C and B2B play in marketing

 Split into two areas of Business to Consumer and Business to Business, each has a clear definition and area of focus.

B2C - is direct awareness, advertising and promotion to the end user of a product or service. This may be through a website portal, social network advertising or email/SMS campaigns. It generally talks about the benefits to the user as apposed the features and advantages of the product which in most part doesn’t concern the consumer. The “what’s in it for them” if they use this product or service is what is important.

B2B – is how the company messages other business, quite often in larger organisations there will be a marketing person solely responsible for this role (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis 2014, p.341) One aspect may be a website dedicated to the product or service which other business can link into, it will explain the features and advantages in more detail, maybe including such information as manufacturing techniques, materials used and weights of items for example. The type of information that the end user may not be so interested in. B2B also focuses on category growth, working with the store, or showroom on how best to enhance and grow the category in which the business is operating.

Interrelationships of functional units

i). Marketing is involved with a number of activities such as research, budget planning, product pipeline, promotion and advertising. Their interaction with other departments is crucial to the success of achieving the overall business objectives. It drives the sales by ensuring commercial competencies are maintained, and influences consumers to buy into the brand or service.

ii). The marketing function does not act alone, marketing connects with other functions within the business.

Human Resources - marketing would use HR to help with the recruitment process of marketing roles, ensuring the job description was accurate and encompassing to on-board a candidate with the right skill set. HR would help with training and development within the function. pg. 6 Unit 2 Marketing Essentials

Finance – Marketing work with Finance to set the right pricing structure to ensure profitability to the business and finding the right price point for the end user. In between this pricing structure is the expenditure of Advertising and Promotion (A"P). This spend mix ensure marketing achieves their goals in securing top lines sales and increased customer user base (Khan 2014, p.91). Finance generally provides the annual operating budget for the marketing function to work with and reports the progress via the P"L statement.

IT - and marketing would work closely together when establishing and maintaining websites particularly the B2C and B2B sites. They would also play a crucial role in ensuring digital tools, such as iPads or tablets were updated with the latest materials for sales and marketing team use internally or externally when addressing customers’ needs.

Sales – the interaction between the marketing department and sales team is vital to ensure leads are obtained, shared and followed up (by sales) (Muala and Qurneh 2012, p.8). The marketing materials required are created by marketing with input from the market experience a sales person can share. If sales are not on target it is important for the sales team to share with marketing what is and isn’t working to make the necessary changes in focus or direction. Conversely if a campaign works well in one customer or market it is necessary for sales to feed this information back for the campaign to be rolled out in a wider area or customer base.

Based on the 2018 Strategic Plan of Johnson " Johnson Vision for Middle East and Africa. Goals " Objectives for MEA

- Grow category in existing GCC markets where we are the current market leaders in all clear, spherical contact lens segments.

- Build organisation capabilities for sustainable business growth, to include training and skill assessments.

- Larger geographical footprint in Saudi Arabia, to include sub-distributors and tele-sales for remote product supply.

- Invest in Key Business Drivers and drive strategic collaboration with customers through category growth activities, and sales promotions in store.

The Marketing Plan below is built around the above objectives, using the 7P’s of marketing as a foundation for each pillar of activity and support.

Before starting out on the basic plan we explored the current economic and political situation within the GCC, and took into account how these might impact the overall business while creating our plan.

It is also important to recognise the internal and external factors which are represented in the SWOT Analysis which follows.

Finally, before building the pillars of the plan it is important to evaluate your current position within the market. We do this with data obtained through a professional third-party agency. Looking at the current market trends versus our own share in each segment we can build a sustainable platform for growth.


Figure 1: Effects of war on economic growth. Source: Masood Marina and Uri, 2010.

Figure 2: Source: Wintour, 2017



Figure 3: Data based on the last 12 months. Source: Johnson " Johnson, 2018.


Johnson " Johnson Vision compete in 4 segments of contact lens wearers. Of these areas in which we operate the focus is broken down in the following way. New Product " product line extension to drive the growth as indicated below.

- Full-fledged support and focus on the newly launched ACUVUE OASYS 1-Day across ME"A to increase wearer base and weighted distribution

- Launch the new variant of Define lenses to further compete in Beauty segment

- Launch Moist Multifocal for emerging presbyopes in the most heavily populated countries of UAE " KSA and selectively support in other markets

- Extend Moist Toric lens range of powers to fit more astigmatic patients and plan for the launch of a new astigmatism daily disposable which is currently in the pipeline.

Figure 4: graphical representation of contact lens for Johnson " Johnson. Source: Johnson " Johnson, 2018.

PRICE: In line with J"J’s global pricing strategy the price to optical retailers is set and no discounts for volume purchases are given to discourage the over stocking of product in stores. Commercial terms are agreed per customer and discounts are aligned with promotions and digital campaigns. RRP - Consumer or patient price is a recommendation only, and is controlled by the store in line with their current sales or promotion activities (Johnson " Johnson, 2018)

In areas of our market where parallel trade (imports from outside our region) have become an issue we are sampling the initiative to reduce buying prices across all products by 10% which in turn will be carried forward to the consumer. This is a move to address the current price difference to product offered via an on-line retailer.

PLACE: Currently J"J Vision values its wide range of distribution network of optical stores, and it continues to be a goal to have the ACUVUE brand in every professional optical store in the GCC. Our channels are segmented into Key Accounts (chains with multiple doors) and are the first and continued focus for all products to be stocked. Smaller independent stores may have all the product range, but may also choose to be selective in the product choice (Johnson " Johnson, 2018). Sub-Distributors in the larger geographical area of Saudi Arabia will continue to manage product distribution to the more remote and hard to reach areas of the country.

Our B2C website now has a store locator by region to drive the consumer directly to the supplier most convenient to them.

To support and enhance our distribution network we have introduced a tele-sales function which will be responsible for identifying our distribution gaps, source potential business opportunities and support chains in un-covered more remote stores.

Figure 5: Regional Market Data. Source: GFK data

PROMOTION: The key objective for J"J Vision is to increase the user base of contact lens wearers in a market which has a growing young population, and grow the category by bringing new wearers into the brand. Target is 1.8 million wearers out of 6.2 million considerers, so opportunity for growth is huge. This will be addressed by the following:

Consumer Communication to improve interaction with digital media and social network site advertising, awareness and consumer product education. These will focus on the lifestyle benefits of contact lens wear, particularly for occasional users in conjunction with spectacles.

Outreach Programmes – to encourage contact lens considerers into the brand. A promo stand is set up in a high foot fall location and consumers are offered a free vision check and trial of contact lenses. A voucher for discount on first purchase is then handed to the consumer (Johnson " Johnson, 2018).

In-Store Promotions – bundle and promo offers such as buy 3 packs and get 1 free to pantry load the consumer will address product switching to a competitor brand. Or buy 3 packs and receive a high value item (sunglasses) free of charge, again to front load the consumer with product.

Driving the development of our internal team will be crucial in implementing and continuing to succeed in achieving our goals. To this end an individual development plan has been put in place for each marketing employee and well and a competency analyses for the sales team on product knowledge the training is taken from our internal J"J learning portal, as seen below.

Figure 6: Creative work that appeals to customers. Source: Johnson " Johnson, 2018

To ensure focus on implementation of certain projects within this marketing plan we have re-aligned the department to now have a Category Manager in both major regions whose responsibilities are focused on growing the user base, plus the continued support of the Brand Managers for product, all employees will continue to report to the marketing manager.


Our in-market data received from GFK is a clear indication of our market share by segment i.e. Daily Disposables, Re-Useable, Beauty and Toric. In 3 out of 4 of these segments we are the market leader and intend to maintain that position, but grow the category and along with it our share. Beauty remains a secondary focus for our lens segment, but one within which we still want to compete (Johnson " Johnson, 2018).

New wearer results from our outreach programmes are a clear indicator as to new fit numbers and are monitored by event to benchmark the success vs resource investment.

Although out of scope for our marketing plan a risk factor to our success is the delivery or distribution process which currently sits with a 3rd party service provider. To maintain our market leadership, it is crucial to offer the best customer delivery service and keep ahead of the competition in terms of speed and accuracy of order processing.

In essence, professionals in the marketing department of a given organisation have the free reign to chart the future of the company as a whole. Once manufacturing, human resources and other departments have done their part, they hand it over to marketing to get the product out there to customers and capture the sales and profits. The sales and profits are the lifeline of the company and are in turn used to facilitate day to day operations.

The company thrives because it has established itself as a brand that identifies in part with a strong mother to child connection. The future of an organisation significantly depends on the robust marketing department that is aware of its target market at an intimate level. Some marketing schemes employed by Johnson and Johnson further demonstrate the marketing mix of 7Ps. One such marketing scheme is the presence of free products sprinkled across the suite of products being offered by the company. This marketing approach appeals and connects to the target customer, thus establishing a sometimes lifelong company-customer relationship

The success of this plan will be assessed by the following factors:

1) Number of new contact lens wearers entering the daily disposable category.

2) Growth in overall market and within that J"J’s market share by segment.

3) B2C website traffic, and uptake of promotions placed on social media sites.

4) Reduction in volume of parallel imported product into Saudi Arabia vs our 10% price reduction to address this issue.

Al Muala, A. and Al Qurneh, M., 2012. Assessing the relationship between marketing mix and loyalty through tourists satisfaction in Jordan curative tourism. American Academic " Scholarly Research Journal, 4(2), p.1.

GFK. (N.d). Regional Market Data. [Online] Available at: Accessed on June 12, 2018

Ivy, J., 2008. A new higher education marketing mix: the 7Ps for MBA marketing. International Journal of educational management, 22(4), pp.288-299.

Johnson " Johnson. 2018. about Johnson " Johnson. [Online] Available at: <https://www.jnj.com/about-jnj> Accessed on June 12, 2018

Khan, M.T., 2014. The concept of ‘marketing mix ‘and its elements (a conceptual review paper). International journal of information, business and management, 6(2), p.95.

Masood Ahmed, Marina Ottaway, Uri Dadush. 2010. Economic and Political Outlook for the Middle East and North Africa. Carnegie Europe. [Online] Available at: http://carnegieeurope.eu/2010/12/15/economic-and-political-outlook-for-middle-east-and-north-africa-event-3115> Accessed on June 12, 2018

Tsimonis, G. and Dimitriadis, S., 2014. Brand strategies in social media. Marketing Intelligence " Planning, 32(3), pp.328-344.

Turban, E., Strauss, J. and Lai, L., 2016. Marketing Communications in Social Media. In Social Commerce (pp. 75-98). Springer, Cham.

Wintour Patrick. 2017. UAE announces new Saudi alliance that could reshape Gulf relations. . [Online] Available at: Accessed on June 12, 2018

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Uncover the Secret Tips of How to Write an Essay for Marketing


Yes, it is true when one says that marketing is almost everywhere. A famous proverb suggests that words are as good as swords for marketing students, however, many may not know that pupils are also required to be creative in their writing. University essays demand an essay for marketing which covers almost all the aspects.

While some manage to excel the task with extreme proficiency, others may fail to do so. This usually happens when students are not quite aware of marketing essay tips. Hence, this blog comes as a guide for marketing students to understand the concept and tips on how a well-qualified essay for marketing is written.

What is the concept of an essay for marketing?

Table of Contents

To start off, let us first get familiar with the concept of marketing. Marketing has over 200 meanings. Marketing can be defined as an organizational function. It is a set of processes used for producing, clear communication as well as delivering value to buyers. Marketing succeeds in managing customer relationships that prove beneficial to the company and its employees.

Everything from presenting oneself during a job interview to selling your goods/services comprises marketing. The main goal of any company is to increase their profit levels which can be achieved only through the process of marketing for their products. Marketing is one of the greatest means to generate demand among the consumers. A company is not bound to survive in a competitive market if effective marketing strategies are not applied. An essay for marketing is a way of attending to customer needs and wants.

Tips on how to write an essay for marketing

Now that the concept of marketing is all clear, let us now jump to the section where an essay for marketing comes into play. An essay for marketing stands under the category of persuasive writing. Here, the main aim is to promote the goods and services a brand has to offer. No doubt, writing an essay for marketing requires strong critical thinking, excellent communication as well as marketing skills.

Written skills and a keen interest in the subject equally count while drafting a marketing essay. In order to guide the readers, given below are some tips on how to craft a well-written essay for marketing.

Existing frameworks

In marketing essay writing, once a central thesis is decided, one will need to create an essay outline. It is divided into different sections with notes for each one. These outlines serve as a blueprint or a specified plan for your essay. It not only helps put your ideas and arguments to order but it also contributes to the growth of a strong essay.

An effective outline must include information about any existing framework(s) one has selected. It should portray how these frameworks apply to business places in a real economy. Later, you can add relevant case studies examples to help you argue your main point or idea.

Case studies help you argue your main point or idea. When drafting a marketing essay introduction and outline, the utilization of case studies proves to be an effective way of understanding how that chosen topic is relevant to both marketing analysts as well as business owners. This approach will surely capture the attention of the readers. Yes! It is also an easy method to begin an essay for marketing.

Body and conclusion

The case study will be followed by the main body paragraphs enough for supporting your marketing point of view. This section must compile all the relevant information in a convincing manner along with your personal opinions. Get acquainted with necessary marketing terms and expressions.

Make use of some abbreviations and acronyms when required. Only then a suitable conclusion must be provided. One is not given the option of leaving the question in the conclusion answered.

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After completion of your marketing essay conclusion – the next and the last stage of your essay – is revision. It can prove to be a costly mistake if not paid divided attention to the same. There are a number of reasons for revising a finished essay.

For example, there is a possibility that you may have forgotten to write an important problem or skipped a significant idea, etc. Nevertheless, there is a golden chance of discovering a valuable idea for a future piece of writing. Thus, you should keep yourself free at least a day for revision when organizing your marketing essay writing.

In an argumentative essay in relation to marketing, many may think that the editing stage is the same as revision. However, that is just not true. While this step entails the rigorous process of checking grammar and language tone, revision has to do more with details and ideas.

A professional spell-checker or a marketing field expert can be used to identify grammatical errors and certain marketing terminologies. Remember that their feedback is equally valuable for editing the write up. Reading the essay aloud is also a good way of recognizing mistakes.

After being certain that all the marketing essay ideas are properly covered, we suggest you take a look at your essays formatting. If you are able to understand the writing process, you will know your paper’s format.

This step is often acknowledged while at the grading stage in order to check that the drafted essay is written in the necessary format. Keep in consideration that an outstanding essay for marketing is always written in a serious. And a formal tone and that it must answer all topic-related questions with ease.

Conclusion on essay for marketing

In view of the final analysis, we can come to the conclusion noting the concept. And tips on how a well- drafted and structured essay for marketing is written. All the above tips mentioned in the blog must be carefully used. This should come as no surprise that a marketing essay can also be called a persuasive piece of writing.

Marketing is the process of promotion of goods and services provided by an organization. Customer needs and relationships are given utmost importance in this context. Effective marketing plans are very essential for a company to sustain in a market. So if you want to get the best marketing essay writing service . Get the best marketing essay help from us and clear all your doubts with experts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on essay for marketing

What is the concept of marketing.

Marketing is a creative and organizational function. It is used for the promotion of products offered by a company. The process of marketing is very crucial for maintaining customer relationships and knowing their wants and needs.

What happens when proper marketing strategies are not implemented?

Today, the market is very competitive. There are a million products that can be purchased in the same category. If proper and effective marketing strategies are not implemented, a company is less likely to survive in the market.

What are some tips to write an essay for marketing?

This blog contains certain very useful tips on how an essay on marketing can be well written. Some tips include usage of relevant case studies, in depth revision as well as going through the process of editing and formatting.

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