German for Beginners: 'Haus und Hof' (House and Home)

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Because Germany's rate of home ownership is the lowest in Europe, most Germans live in a rented apartment  ( Wohnung ) rather than in their own single-family house ( das Einfamilienhaus ). For various reasons, including high costs, only about 42 percent of German families own the home they live in, compared to a rate of about 70 percent of people in the U.S. and Britain.

Even if they own their home, the typical German family often lives in a condominium ( die Eigentumswohnung ) or row house ( das Reihenhaus ) rather than in a detached single-family house. Despite a high standard of living, the costs of land and home financing in Germany, especially in larger cities, keep the German dream home ( das Traumhaus ) beyond the means of most people.

Housing Vocabulary

Vocabulary related to a German house or apartment and furniture ( die Möbel ) found in a typical home is important for students of the language to learn. Also important is vocabulary related to typical activities likely to occur in a home, such as bathing, sleeping, cooking and watching TV. 

Below is an alphabetical list of the various rooms ( Die Zimmer ) found in a house or flat. Review these words before reading the story, "Dirk's Apartment" below. Note the genders for each room, since you'll need to know that when you start talking about what is "in" each room.

Dirk's Apartment

Unsere Wohnung ist im zweiten Stock eines 7-stöckigen Wohnblocks. Obwohl es einen Aufzug gibt, benutze ich meistens die Treppe, weil es schneller und gesünder ist.

In meiner Familie sind vier Leute: meine Eltern, meine kleine Schwester und ich. Wir haben drei Schlafzimmer, aber nur ein Bad (mit WC).

Das Wohnzimmer und das Esszimmer sind zusammen in einem Raum mit einem kleinen Balkon. Natürlich ist die Küche neben dem Esszimmer. Die Küche haben wir vor einem Monat total renoviert, und meine Mutter ist damit sehr zufrieden.

Der Flur ist im Zentrum der Wohnung. An einem Ende ist die Eingangstür und am anderen gibt es einen kleinen Abstellraum. Wenn man in die Wohnung kommt, sind die Schlafzimmer und ein Arbeitszimmer rechts und das Badezimmer links. Die Tür zum Wohnzimmer ist auch auf der linken Seite.

Im Badezimmer ist ein Waschbecken, die Toilette, eine Badewanne (mit Handdusche) und auch die Waschmaschine. (Meine Mutter hätte gern eine echte Waschküche, aber dafür haben wir keinen Platz.)

Unser Fernseher ist im Wohnzimmer. Dort spielen meine Schwester und ich Videospiele. Mein Vater hat sein Büro mit einem Computer in seinem Arbeitszimmer.

Other Key Terms

Dirk and his family live in a  Wohnung  in a block ( Wohnblock ) or tenement ( Mietshaus ), but there are other kinds of residences . A  Reihenhaus  is a row house or attached house, with each house attached to the other. A duplex is a  Zweifamilienhaus . The German word  Appartement  or  Apartment  is a false cognate that actually means a studio apartment.

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Freier deutscher Aufsatz über mein Haus: mein Haus

Inhaltsverzeichnis:, beschreibe dein haus, du kannst es schaffen, das einfamilienhaus, einfamilienhaus wortschatz, dreizimmerwohnung, worte in der dreizimmerwohnung, unsere ranch, ranch essay vokabular, konjugierte verben, deutsche phrase des tages, danke fürs lesen.

Das bedeutet "Beschreibe dein Haus" und ist ein weiteres häufiges Thema, über das dein Lehrer dich vielleicht gebeten hat zu schreiben.

Hier finden Sie deutsche Aufsätze und was Sie möglicherweise brauchen, wenn Sie mit Ihrem deutschen Aufsatz noch unzufrieden sind und weitere Unterstützung benötigen. In diesem Artikel finden Sie einige fertige kurze Aufsätze. Die Beispiele, die ich Ihnen unten zeige, sind folgendermaßen aufgebaut:

  • Zunächst finden Sie ein Beispiel für einen kurzen Aufsatz in deutscher Sprache. Es zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Haus oder Ihre Wohnung beschreiben könnten. Da es viele Orte gibt, an denen Sie leben könnten, habe ich einige Beispiele geschrieben, aus denen Sie auswählen können.
  • Nach dem deutschen Teil finden Sie einen kursiven Teil, in dem ich Ihnen die englische Übersetzung für den deutschen Text gebe.
  • Nach jedem kurzen Aufsatz finden Sie eine Liste von Schlüsselwörtern und konjugierten Verben, die ich für Sie bereitgestellt habe, damit Sie sie nicht in einem Wörterbuch nachschlagen müssen. Mein Ziel ist es, eine zeiteffektive Hilfe für Ihre deutschen Hausaufgaben bereitzustellen.

Jetzt fangen wir an!

my house german essay

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Nachher: ​​Glückwunsch!

Wenn Sie also in einem Einfamilienhaus wohnen, sehen Sie sich dieses Beispiel an!

Dies bedeutet auf Englisch (Denken Sie daran: Dies sind keine Eins-zu-Eins-Übersetzungen):

Ich wohne in einem Einfamilienhaus. Es besteht aus drei Schlafzimmern, einem Wohnzimmer, einer Küche, einem Esszimmer, einem Computerraum, zwei Badezimmern, einem Gästezimmer und einem Dachboden. Draußen gibt es einen mittelgroßen Garten im hinteren Teil des Hauses, eine Garage an der Seite und einen kleinen Vorgarten mit Rosen und zwei Kastanienbäumen. Das Haus ist auch von einem Holzzaun umgeben. Im hinteren Garten gibt es einige Gartenstühle zum Entspannen, eine Schaukel, eine Rutsche für meine kleine Schwester und einen Schuppen für die Gartengeräte. Unsere Küche hat einen großen Tisch in der Mitte, an dem wir die Mahlzeiten zubereiten oder wo wir Snacks haben. Es hat große Fenster, so dass wir beim Kochen den Blick auf den Garten genießen können. Die Wände des Wohnzimmers sind mit Bücherregalen und Gemälden bedeckt. Es gibt auch ein großes Sofa und einen Sessel neben dem Zeitungsständer. Mein Zimmer ist oben und von meinem Fenster aus,Ich kann die Straße vor dem Haus sehen. Mein Bett ist zwischen dem Fenster und dem Kleiderschrank. Mein Schreibtisch ist ziemlich groß und ich habe meinen eigenen Computer darauf. Meine Wände sind voller Fotos und Poster. Das Zimmer meiner Schwester befindet sich nebenan und das Gästezimmer befindet sich auf der anderen Seite des Korridors. Das Schlafzimmer unserer Eltern befindet sich am anderen Ende des Korridors. Wir haben auch einen Dachboden, der nur zur Aufbewahrung dient und etwas staubig ist.

my house german essay

Das ist eine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung, denn in Deutschland zählen wir das Wohnzimmer und die Schlafzimmer als Zimmer. Alle anderen Zimmer sind extra. Wenn Sie also in einer Wohnung in einem mehrstöckigen Gebäude wohnen, schreiben Sie möglicherweise Folgendes:

Und so würde ich es auf Englisch sagen:

Ich wohne mit meiner Familie in einer Wohnung mit zwei Schlafzimmern im obersten Stock eines mehrstöckigen Gebäudes. Neben den beiden Schlafzimmern haben wir ein kleines Wohnzimmer, eine große Küche mit einer Sitzecke und einem Vogelkäfig, einen langen und schmalen Korridor und ein Badezimmer. Im Badezimmer gibt es ein Waschbecken, eine Badewanne und eine Toilette. Mein Bruder und ich haben ein Schlafzimmer. Wir haben ein Etagenbett und einen Computer zum Teilen. Da wir nicht genug Platz für all unsere Sachen haben, stellen wir einige unserer Spielsachen und Bücher in unseren Keller. Es ist ziemlich groß und manchmal benutzen wir den Aufzug, um dort zu spielen. Dort feiern wir auch unsere Geburtstage. Es ist ein richtiger Partykeller. Meine Eltern haben dort unten sogar eine kleine Küche aufgestellt, obwohl wir dort keinen Wasserhahn haben. Unsere Nachbarn sind manchmal etwas laut, wenn sie in ihrer Wohnung feiern, und wir können nicht gut schlafen, wenn sie es tun. Hinter dem Gebäude,Es gibt einen schönen Spielplatz mit Blumenbeeten. Dort kann ich alle meine Freunde treffen, die im selben Gebäude wohnen. Da unsere Wohnung so hoch ist, ist die Aussicht aus den Fenstern wirklich toll.

my house german essay

Lebst du auf dem Land auf einer Ranch? Überprüfen Sie dies heraus:

Und hier ist meine englische Version:

Ich lebe auf einer Ranch weit weg von der Stadt. Unser Haus ist ziemlich groß mit einer Veranda auf der Vorderseite. Auf der rechten Seite des Hauses befindet sich eine Scheune mit Werkzeugen und Platz für unseren Van. Im Haus haben wir fünf Schlafzimmer, zwei Badezimmer, eine Gästetoilette, ein Wohnzimmer, eine kleine Bibliothek, ein Arbeitszimmer, eine Waschküche, eine große Küche und einen Dachboden zur Aufbewahrung. Wir haben keinen Keller, aber hinter dem Haus haben wir Ställe für unsere Pferde. Links von unserem Haus befindet sich ein kleines Gästehaus für unsere Sommergäste. Kinder können zu uns kommen, um in den Ferien das Reiten zu lernen. Vor dem Gästehaus gibt es einen kleinen Swimmingpool, den wir manchmal während der Schule benutzen. Mein Zimmer befindet sich neben dem Zimmer meines Großvaters, sodass ich ihn manchmal nachts schnarchen hören kann. Ich habe meinen eigenen Fernseher in meinem Zimmer. Der Computer befindet sich in der Studie. Von meinem Fenster,Ich kann die Wiesen mit den Schafen und Kühen sehen.

Das heutige Sprichwort lautet:

Ein Unglück kommt selten allein.. .

Das heißt: Pech kommt selten alleine…

Das englische Äquivalent, das ich gefunden habe, war: Wenn es regnet, gießt es.

Ich würde sagen, dass dieses deutsche Sprichwort eines von denen ist, die jeder, der Deutsch spricht, kennen sollte.

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German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

German Essays on My Family Meine Familie

Learning or Practising German Language? or your tutor asked you to write about your family, or you can say you need to write an essay on My family (Meine Familie) but you have no idea how to do that and where to start?

Well, In this blog post, I have shared some Easy Essays on My Family (Meine Familie) . All the best and keep learning.

Before Start, First we need to discuss some vocabulary related to Family.

The following list includes most of the members of your family tree. Get familiar with these words so you can recognize them:

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  • der Bruder (dêr brooh -der) ( brother )
  • der Cousin (dêr kooh -zen) ( male cousin )
  • die Cousine (dee kooh- zeen -e) ( female cousin )
  • die Eltern (dee êl -tern) ( parents )
  • die Frau (dee frou) ( woman/wife )
  • die Geschwister (dee ge- shvis -ter) ( siblings )
  • die Großeltern (dee grohs -êl-tern) ( grandparents )
  • die Großmutter (dee grohs -moot-er) ( grandmother )
  • der Großvater (dêr grohs -fah-ter) ( grandfather )
  • der Junge (dêr yoong -e) ( boy )
  • die Kinder (dee kin -der) ( children, kids )
  • das Mädchen (dâs maid -Hên) ( girl )
  • der Mann (dêr mân) ( man/husband )
  • die Mutter (dee moot -er) ( mother )
  • der Onkel (dêr on -kel) ( uncle )
  • die Schwester (dee shvês -ter) ( sister )
  • der Sohn (dêr zohn) ( son )
  • die Tante (dee tân -te) ( aunt )
  • die Tochter (dee toH -ter) ( daughter )
  • der Vater (dêr fah -ter) ( father )

Use the following words for the in-laws:

  • der Schwager (dêr shvah -ger) ( brother-in-law )
  • die Schwägerin (dee shvai -ger-in) ( sister-in-law )
  • die Schwiegereltern (dee shvee -ger-êl-tern) ( parents-in-law )
  • die Schwiegermutter (dee shvee -ger-moot-er) ( mother-in-law )
  • der Schwiegersohn (dêr shvee -ger-zohn) ( son-in-law )
  • die Schwiegertochter (dee shvee -ger-toH-ter) ( daughter-in-law )
  • der Schwiegervater (dêr shvee -ger-fah-ter) ( father-in-law )

To express the term step-, you use the prefix Stief- with the name of the relative, like in this example: Stiefbruder ( steef- brooh-der) ( step-brother ). The term for a half relative uses the prefix Halb- , so half-sister looks like this: Halbschwester ( hâlp- shvês-ter).

German-speaking children use the following terms to talk about their parents and grandparents:

  • die Mama (dee mâ -mâ) ( mom )
  • die Mutti (dee moot -ee) ( mommy )
  • die Oma (dee oh -mâ) ( grandma )
  • der Opa (der oh -pâ) ( grandpa )
  • der Papa (dêr pâ -pâ) ( dad )
  • der Vati (dêr fâ -tee) ( daddy )

When directly addressing their elders, children leave out the articles dee (dee) ( the ) and der (dêr) ( the ). For example, Mama! Komm her! ( mâ -mâ!! kom hêr!) ( Mom! Come here! )

Read our Complete Vocabulary: Talking about – The Family – in German

Essay One: The Average Family

Meine Familie ist eine kleine Kernfamilie, die zu einer bürgerlichen Familie gehört. Meine Familie besteht aus vier Mitgliedern, einem Vater, einer Mutter, mir und einer kleinen Schwester. Wie andere indische Familien sind wir keine große Familie. Wir leben in Berlin, aber meine Großeltern leben auf dem Land. Zusammen mit meinen Großeltern wird meine Familie eine kleine Familie. Meine Familie ist eine vollständige, positive und glückliche Familie, die mir und meiner Schwester viel Liebe, Wärme und Sicherheit schenkt. Ich fühle mich in meiner Familie so glücklich, dass es auf mich aufpasst und alle meine Bedürfnisse erfüllt. Eine glückliche Familie bietet ihren Mitgliedern die folgenden Vorteile.

Here is what the text is about (this is not a 1-to-1 translation!)

My family is a small nuclear family that belongs to a middle-class family. My family consists of four members, a father, a mother, me and a little sister. Like other Indian families, we are not a big family. We live in Berlin, Germany, but my grandparents live in the countryside. Together with my grandparents, my family becomes a little family together. My family is a complete, positive and happy family, giving me and my sister a lot of love, warmth and security. I feel so happy in my family that it takes care of me and meets all my needs. A happy family offers the following benefits to its members.

Essay Two: The Average Family

If you live with your Mum, Dad, and with your brother or sister. Then use this text to describe your family in your German essay:

Wir sind eine ganz normale Familie. Ich wohne zusammen mit meinen Eltern, meiner kleinen Schwester Lisa und unserer Katze Mick. Meine Großeltern wohnen im gleichen Dorf wie wir. Oma Francis arbeitet noch. Sie ist Krankenschwester. Die Anderen sind schon in Rente. Oma Lydia nimmt sich viel Zeit für mich und geht häufig mit mir Kleider oder Schuhe kaufen. Leider will meine kleine Schwester dann auch immer mit. Mein Vater arbeitet bei einer Bank und fährt am Wochenende gern mit seinem Motorrad. Das findet meine Mutter nicht so gut, da sie meint, dass Motorradfahren so gefährlich ist. Sie sagt, dass ich und meine Schwester auf keinen Fall mitfahren dürfen. Mein Vater versteht das nicht, aber er will sich auch nicht streiten. Nächstes Jahr wollen wir in ein größeres Haus ziehen, weil meine Eltern noch ein Baby bekommen. Ich hoffe, dass wir nicht zu weit weg ziehen, da alle meine Freunde hier in der Nähe wohnen. Meine Tante Clara, die Schwester meiner Mutter, wohnt sogar genau gegenüber. Meine Cousine Barbara kommt deshalb häufig zu Besuch.

We are a very normal family. I live with my parents, my little sister, and our cat Mick. My grandparents live in the same village where we live. Grandma Francis still works. She is a nurse. The others are already retired. Grandma Lydia spends a lot of time with me, and we often go shopping together to look for clothes or shoes. Unfortunately, my little sister wants to come with us as well. My father works in a bank and likes to ride his motorbike on the weekend. My mother does not like that because she thinks it is very dangerous. She says we are never allowed to ride with him on the bike. My father doesn’t understand why, but he doesn’t want to argue with her. Next year, we are going to move into a bigger house because my parents will have another baby. I hope we are not moving too far because all of my friends are here. My aunt Clara even lives opposite to us. Therefore, my cousin Barbara often visits us.

Example Three: A Big Family

If you have a big family, this example may help you with your German essay:

Meine Familie ist sehr groß. Ich habe zwei Schwestern, einen Bruder, drei Tanten, einen Onkel und sechs Cousins. Meine große Schwester hat lange blonde Haare und heißt Laura und eine kleine Schwester heißt Miranda und ist dunkelhaarig. Mein Bruder heißt Fred und trägt eine Brille. Ich verstehe mich gut mit meiner kleinen Schwester und meinem Bruder. Mit meiner großen Schwester streite ich mich oft um den Computer. Mein Vater arbeitet zwar viel, aber am Wochenende hilft er uns immer bei den Hausaufgaben. Meine Mutter backt gerne Torten. Ihre Schokotorten mag ich besonders gerne. In den Ferien besuchen wir häufig meine Großeltern, da sie leider so weit entfernt wohnen. Meine anderen Großeltern, die Eltern meiner Mutter wohnen eine Straße weiter. Das finde ich schön, da wir uns oft sehen können. Außerdem haben sie eine süße Perserkatze, mit der ich immer spiele. Wenn uns meine Cousins besuchen kommen, unternehmen wir meist etwas Besonderes. Letztes Wochenende waren wir alle zusammen im Zoo. Das war lustig, da mein Cousin Ben Angst vor Schlangen hatte. Ich mag meine Familie!

Now, the same story in English:

My family is very big. I have got two sisters, one brother, three aunts, one uncle, and six cousins. My older sister has long blond hair, and her name is Laura. My little sister is called Miranda and has dark hair. My brother’s name is Fred and wears glasses. I get along well with my little sister and my brother. But I argue a lot with my older sister about the computer. Although my father works a lot, he always helps us with homework on the weekend. My mother likes to bake cakes. I especially like her chocolate cake. During the holidays, we often visit my grandparents because they live so far from us. My other grandparents, the parents of my mother, live on the street next to ours. I like that because that way we can see each other a lot. In addition to that, they have a cute Persian cat I always play with. When my cousins visit us, we always do something special together. Last weekend, we went to the zoo together. That was fun because my cousin Ben was afraid of the snake. I like my family!

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Essay Four: A Small Family

If you are living with only one parent, check out this text:

Meine Familie ist sehr klein. Ich lebe zusammen mit meiner Mutter und meinem Bruder. Tanten oder Onkel habe ich nicht. Meinen Vater sehe ich nur in den Sommerferien, da er weit weg wohnt. Meine Oma wohnt gleich nebenan. Sie kūmmert sich nachmittags um mich und meinen Bruder, wenn meine Mutter arbeiten muss. Meine Oma ist schon in Rente. Sie hat frūher mal bei der Post gearbeitet. Mein Opa und meine anderen Großeltern sind leider schon gestorben. Mein Bruder heißt Patrick und ist sehr gut in der Schule. Er ist sehr groß und schlank und hat blonde Locken. Meine Freundin findet ihn sūß. Das verstehe ich gar nicht. Ich mag es aber nicht, wenn er laut Musik hört und es gerade meine Lieblingssendung im Fernsehen gibt. Dafūr geht er immer mit unserem Hund Gassi, so dass ich das nicht tun muss. Ich wūnschte, ich hätte noch eine Schwester, die mir helfen könnte, meine Haare zu frisieren, oder mit der ich die Kleider tauschen könnte. Ich hoffe nur, dass meine Mutter nicht noch mal heiratet.

In English:

My family is very small. I live with my mother and my brother. I have no aunts or uncles. I only see my father during the summer holiday because he lives far away. My grandma lives next door. She looks after me and my brother when my mother has to work. My grandma is already retired. She used to work at a post office. My grandpa and my other grandparents are already dead. My brother’s name is Patrick, and he is doing very well at school. He is very tall and slim and has curly blond hair. My friend thinks he is cute. I cannot understand that at all. But I do not like it when he listens to loud music when my favorite tv show is on. On the other hand, he always walks the dog so that I don’t need to do that. I wish I had a sister who would help me style my hair or who I could swap clothes with. I do hope that my mother is not going to marry again.

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Essay Five: Living with Grandparents

Do you live with your grandparents? Then check out this example if it suits you:

Ich wohne bei meinen Großeltern, da meine Eltern gestorben sind, als ich noch ein Baby war. Wir wohnen in einem großen Haus, und ich habe ein riesiges Zimmer mit meinem eigenen Balkon. Im Sommer mache ich dort immer meine Hausaufgaben. Meine Großeltern sind ganz lieb zu mir. Mein Opa hilft mir immer, mein Fahrrad zu reparieren und meine Oma lädt meine Freunde oft zum Essen ein. Ich habe auch noch einen Onkel, der manchmal am Wochenende vorbeikommt und Architekt ist. Momentan arbeitet er jedoch in Japan für drei Monate. Wir passen solange auf seinen Hund auf, und er hat mir versprochen, mir eine Überraschung aus Japan mitzubringen. Eine Frau hat mein Onkel nicht. Meine Oma sagt immer, er sei mit seiner Arbeit verheiratet. Dann gibt es noch Tante Miriam, die eigentlich keine richtige Tante ist, sondern die beste Freundin meiner Oma. Die beiden kennen sich aber schon so lange, dass sie inzwischen auch zur Familie gehört. Tante Miriam hat viele Enkelkinder und manchmal treffen wir uns alle zusammen im Park. Dann machen wir ein großes Picknick und haben ganz viel Spaß.

And here is what the text is about (Remember, this isn’t a 1-to-1 translation!):

I live with my grandparents because my parents died when I was a baby. We live in a big house, and I have a huge room with my own balcony. In the summertime, I do my homework there. My grandparents are very nice to me. My grandpa always helps me repair my bike, and my grandma often invites my friends for dinner. I also have an uncle who comes around for the weekend from time to time, and he is an architect. At the moment, he is working in Japan for three months, and we are looking after his dog. But he promised me to bring a surprise back from Japan. My uncle has no wife. My grandma always says he is married to his job. Then there is aunt Miriam who is not a real aunt actually but the best friend of my grandma. Since they have known each other for such a long time, she became a member of our family. Aunt Miriam has lots of grandchildren, and sometimes we all meet in the park. Then we have a great picnic and much fun!

If you have any doubt or have some suggestions for us, or even if we missed something to mention in My Family (Meine Familie), Let us know by writing in a comment box. Thanks for reading and sharing with your friends.

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My Dream House German Reading: Mein Traumhaus

My Dream House German Reading: Mein Traumhaus

Subject: Languages

Age range: 14 - 16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Language Resources by Nina

Last updated

30 July 2021

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This fun German reading allows students to review common vocabulary around the house while reading a description of someone’s dream home!

The reading is followed by seven reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment.

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  • 13 minute read

How to write an essay “My hobbies” in German or just talk about different hobbies in German, what words you may need and what basic rules you should keep in mind – in our today’s article, which will be useful not only for schoolchildren and students, but also for those who learn German as an adult .

Four things to keep in mind!

1.  Since we are writing about what has already happened, we will use the past tense or the perfect past ( Präteritum or Perfekt  – when to use what  ).  Präteritum , and this is the second form of the verb, is correct in writing and emphasizes the descriptive character.  Perfect , on the other hand , is used more in colloquial speech, and in writing it conveys the shade of a story or conversation.

2.  There is also an important grammatical feature worth remembering:  wenn and als temporary conjunctions  – “ when “.  Wenn  tells us about “when” that happens regularly, several times, every time.  Als  tells about a one-time event in the past.

3.  The essay format involves writing a related text, expressing opinions and wishes, as well as a touch of sincerity, so when you start writing, stock up on a set of cliché expressions and introductory words, a la “  Ich hoffe, dass…  “, “  Ich denke, …  “,”  Hoffentlich “, etc.

4.  It is also necessary to remember the grammatical difference between the questions “  where?  ” and “  Where?  “. “Where?” – WO?  – requires after itself strictly Dativ, and  “Where?” – WOHIN?  – supplemented in  Akkusativ .

Having discussed the main points of writing an essay, let’s move on to the necessary vocabulary.

The most basic:

  • aufführen  —  to perform
  • sammeln  —  to collect
  • schreiben  —  to write
  • konkurrieren  —  to compete
  • spielen  — to play
  • singen   — to sing
  • Ski laufen  — to ski
  • bowlen   — to bowl
  • tanzen   — to dance
  • fischen  — to fish
  • zeichnen  — to draw
  • mahlen   — to paint
  • reisen  — to travel
  • kochen  — to cook
  • einkaufen  — to shop
  • nähen  — to sew
  • zocken   — to gamble
  • campen gehen  — to camp
  • fotografieren  — to photograph

Popular German hobbies

There are many popular German hobbies that people enjoy. Some of these hobbies include playing sports, hiking, biking, and spending time outdoors. Germany is a country with a rich culture and history, so it is no surprise that its citizens enjoy spending time doing things that are both fun and educational.

Playing sports is a popular German hobby. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the country, followed by basketball, handball, and volleyball. Germans love to watch and play sports, and many of them are very good at it.

Hiking is another popular German hobby. The country has a large number of forests and mountains, so there are plenty of places to explore. Germans often hike with friends or family, and it is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air.

Biking is also a popular German hobby. Germany has a large network of bike paths, and many people use bikes as their primary form of transportation. Biking is a great way to see the country and get some exercise.

Spending time outdoors is a popular German hobby. Germany has a temperate climate, so there are many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Germans often spend time in parks, forests, and mountains.

They also enjoy activities such as swimming, fishing, and camping. Germany is a country with a rich culture and history, so it is no surprise that its citizens enjoy spending time doing things that are both fun and educational. Playing sports, hiking, biking, and spending time outdoors are all popular German hobbies.

Example essays:

  • Wandern – hiking.
  • Tennis spielen – playing tennis.
  • Gärtnerei – Gardening.
  • Reisen – travelling

1. Wandern – hiking.

Mein Hobby ist das Wandern. Ich liebe die Natur und die frische Luft. Wandern ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich zu bewegen und die schöne Umgebung zu genießen.

Ich wandere normalerweise am Wochenende. Meistens treffe ich mich mit Freunden oder meiner Familie und wir gehen gemeinsam wandern. Manchmal mache ich aber auch alleine eine Wanderung. Das ist besonders dann schön, wenn ich in der Natur Ruhe finden möchte.

Für das Wandern braucht man nicht viel. Bequeme Schuhe und Kleidung sind natürlich wichtig, aber ansonsten benötigt man keine besonderen Ausrüstungsgegenstände.

Ich finde das Wandern ist ein sehr schönes Hobby, weil man dabei die Natur genießen und sich gleichzeitig gut bewegen kann. Es ist auch ein sehr geselliges Hobby, da man es gemeinsam mit anderen Leuten machen kann.


My hobby is hiking. I love nature and the fresh air. Hiking is a great way to get exercise and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

I usually go hiking at the weekend. I usually meet up with friends or family and we go hiking together. But sometimes I also go on a hike by myself. This is especially nice when I want to find peace in nature.

You don’t need much for hiking. Comfortable shoes and clothes are important, of course, but apart from that you don’t need any special equipment.

I think hiking is a very nice hobby because you can enjoy nature and get good exercise at the same time. It is also a very sociable hobby because you can do it together with other people.

2. Tennis spielen – playing tennis.

Mein Hobby ist Tennis. Ich spiele Tennis, weil ich es gerne mache und weil ich gesund bleiben möchte. Tennis ist ein guter Sport für die Gesundheit. Man muss sich nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch mental anstrengen.

Ich spiele Tennis, seit ich ein kleines Kind bin. Meine Eltern haben mich zum Tennisspielen mitgenommen. Sie sind sehr stolz auf mich, weil ich Tennis so gut spiele.

Ich spiele Tennis jeden Tag. Ich stehe um sechs Uhr auf und gehe zum Tennisplatz. Dort treffe ich meine Freunde und wir spielen zusammen.

Wir spielen immer bis zum Mittag. Dann gehen wir nach Hause und essen zusammen.

Tennis ist ein sehr teurer Sport. Man braucht einen Tennisplatz, einen Ball und einen Schläger. Manchmal muss man auch einen Trainer bezahlen.

Tennis ist ein sehr sozialer Sport. Man trifft viele Menschen und lernt sie kennen. Man kann auch mit anderen Menschen Freundschaften schließen.


My hobby is tennis. I play tennis because I like doing it and because I want to stay healthy. Tennis is a good sport for your health. You have to make an effort not only physically but also mentally.

I’ve been playing tennis since I was a little kid. My parents took me to play tennis. They are very proud of me because I play tennis so well.

I play tennis every day. I get up at six o’clock and go to the tennis court. There I meet my friends and we play together. We always play until noon. Then we go home and have dinner together.

Tennis is a very expensive sport. You need a tennis court, a ball and a racket. Sometimes you also have to pay a coach.

Tennis is a very social sport. You meet a lot of people and get to know them. You can also make friends with other people.

3. Gärtnerei – Gardening

Der kleine Garten vor meinem Haus ist das Ergebnis meines Lieblingshobbys, der Gärtnerei. Gartenarbeit ist mein Lieblingshobby. Ich denke, es ist das beste aller Hobbys, dem man mit viel Vergnügen und Nutzen für die Gesundheit nachgehen kann. Ich habe einen kleineren Garten angelegt, der Spaß macht und der Gesundheit zugute kommt. Ich habe einen kleinen Garten vor meinem Haus angelegt. Wenn ich in meinem kleinen Garten sitze, ist das eine große Freude. Süße duftende Blumen in verschiedenen Farben versüßen mir das Gemüt. Er hilft mir in vieler Hinsicht. Bei der Arbeit im Garten verbringe ich nicht nur meine Zeit sinnvoller, sondern verbessere auch meine Gesundheit, denn ich treibe unwillkürlich Sport. Es bringt mich der Natur näher und ich fühle mich verloren in der Schönheit der Blüten und Blumen um mich herum.

Der Garten vor meinem Haus ist wahrlich klein, aber trotzdem bin ich stolz auf das Ergebnis meiner eigenen harten Arbeit. Es gibt kleinere Blumenbeete, in denen ich saisonale Blumen anpflanze. Wenn die Pflanzen blühen, fühle ich einen Schauer der Freude und bin stolz auf meine kreative Arbeit. Wann immer einer meiner Freunde mich etwas über die Aussaat und Pflege von Pflanzen fragt, gebe ich ihm mit Freude Informationen. Ich gebe ihm mit freudigen Gefühlen Auskunft.

Umgeben von den Blumenbeeten gibt es eine kleinere Rasenfläche mit weichem, samtgrünem Gras. Ich mag diesen Rasen sehr und bin stolz darauf, dass er gepflegt, ordentlich und sauber ist. Abends sitzen wir auf dieser Wiese und plaudern und diskutieren über verschiedene Dinge. Am Rande der Wiese habe ich Obstbäume gepflanzt. Einige der Obstbäume tragen Früchte, aber die meisten sind noch jung. Wenn einer meiner Freunde kommt, biete ich ihm voller Stolz die Früchte aus meinem eigenen Garten an. Die Trauben, Guaven und Granatäpfel aus meinem Garten sind sehr süß und saftig. Letztes Jahr habe ich einen Mangobaum gepflanzt, der zur Überraschung meiner Freunde, Verwandten und sogar meiner selbst dieses Jahr Früchte getragen hat. Wenn heutzutage ein Besucher in mein Haus kommt, zeige ich ihm voller Stolz den kaum zwei Meter hohen Baum, der die Früchte trägt. Dieser kleine Garten ist ein Ort, an dem ich Frieden und Glück finde.

The small garden in front of my house is the result of my favourite hobby, gardening. Gardening is my favourite hobby. I think it is the best of all hobbies to pursue with a lot of pleasure and health benefits. I have started a smaller garden which is fun and beneficial to health. I have created a small garden in front of my house. When I sit in my small garden, it is a great joy. Sweet smelling flowers in different colours sweeten my mind. It helps me in many ways. When I work in the garden, I not only spend my time more wisely, but also improve my health because I involuntarily exercise. It brings me closer to nature and I feel lost in the beauty of the blossoms and flowers around me.

The garden in front of my house is truly small, but nevertheless I am proud of the result of my own hard work. There are smaller flower beds where I plant seasonal flowers. When the plants bloom, I feel a shiver of joy and am proud of my creative work. Whenever one of my friends asks me something about sowing and caring for plants, I give him information with joy. I give him information with joyful feelings.

Surrounded by the flower beds, there is a smaller lawn with soft, velvety green grass. I like this lawn very much and am proud that it is well-kept, neat and clean. In the evenings we sit on this lawn and chat and discuss various things. At the edge of the meadow I have planted fruit trees. Some of the fruit trees bear fruit, but most of them are still young. When one of my friends comes, I proudly offer him the fruits from my own garden. The grapes, guavas and pomegranates from my garden are very sweet and juicy. Last year I planted a mango tree which has borne fruit this year to the surprise of my friends, relatives and even myself. These days, when a visitor comes to my house, I proudly show him the tree that is barely two metres high and bears the fruit. This little garden is a place where I find peace and happiness.

4. Reisen – travelling

Reisen ist eine der wenigen Aktivitäten, die eine Art Reset-Knopf in unserem Leben darstellen. Man geht für ein paar Tage oder Wochen weg und kommt frisch und bereit zurück, sich den Anforderungen des Lebens zu stellen. Für viele Menschen ist das Reisen eher eine Frage der Bequemlichkeit als eine Freizeitbeschäftigung. Sie reisen nur dann, wenn sie ein Geschäft haben, um das sie sich kümmern müssen. Reisen ist auch nichts für Eskapisten, wie viele Menschen zu glauben pflegen. Ich verwende das Wort “Eskapisten” nicht im literarischen Sinne des Wortes, sondern im Sinne von Menschen, die vor ihren Problemen davonlaufen. Reisen ist ein Hobby wie jedes andere.

Die meisten Menschen verstehen nicht, dass das Fortbewegen von einem Ort zum anderen mit unterhaltsamen Aktivitäten wie Filme schauen, Schwimmen, Tanzen oder Zeichnen gleichzusetzen ist. Obwohl es mehr Herausforderungen als andere Hobbys mit sich bringt, ist es abenteuerlicher und bringt denjenigen, die es lieben, das gleiche Maß an Zufriedenheit oder mehr.

Reisen war schon immer Teil unserer Familientradition. Meine Eltern haben uns von klein auf beigebracht, wie wichtig es ist, mindestens einmal im Jahr in den Urlaub zu fahren. Obwohl sie sich wünschten, wir könnten jedes Jahr viele Reisen machen, waren wir finanziell nicht gut gestellt, und meine Eltern mussten mit dem Wenigen, das sie hatten, kreativ umgehen und manchmal das ganze Jahr für eine einzige Reise sparen. Wir hätten Kreditkarten benutzen können, aber das hätte uns nur noch mehr in finanzielle Nöte gestürzt. Mein Vater war sehr streng, wenn es um Finanzen ging, und er warnte uns davor, Schulden zu machen, um Luxusgüter zu kaufen. Wenn wir etwas wollten, mussten wir kreative und legale Wege finden, um das Geld dafür zu verdienen.

Obwohl wir nicht viel hatten, war Geld für ihn nie eine Ausrede. Meine Eltern fanden kreative Wege, um mit dem Budget auszukommen. So fuhren wir zum Beispiel mit dem Auto zu unserem Zielort, anstatt zu fliegen, und wir nahmen die hausgemachten Mahlzeiten meiner Mutter mit. Wir haben nur selten Kreditkarten benutzt, und wenn, dann ging es um Leben und Tod. Die meisten unserer Urlaube fanden daher in den Dezemberferien statt. Das waren die schönsten Tage in meinem Leben. Es waren auch die Tage, an denen unsere Familienbande gestärkt wurden. Wir stritten und zankten uns, aber am Ende kamen wir immer wieder zusammen und fanden eine Lösung.

Auf diesen Reisen lernten wir mehr über das Leben als in den Jahren, die wir zu Hause verbrachten. Was ich gerade gesagt habe, mag für jemanden, der nicht viel reist, weit hergeholt erscheinen, wenn man die Kürze der Ferien bedenkt, aber die Realität ist, dass Ferien nie wie geplant verlaufen. Der Urlaub ist weit entfernt von der normalen Lebensroutine, die darin besteht, morgens aufzuwachen, zur Arbeit/Schule zu gehen und abends wieder nach Hause zu kommen. Ein Urlaub ist mit vielen Risiken verbunden. Man ist in einem fremden Land mit neuen Menschen und einer neuen Kultur. Sie müssen mit den wenigen Mitteln, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen, arbeiten, um die Reise so unterhaltsam wie möglich zu gestalten, aber mit einem gewissen Maß an Einschränkungen, damit Ihre Familie nicht gestrandet ist.

Das Schöne am Reisen ist, dass man nie ganz aus ihm herauswachsen kann. Ich fahre auch als Erwachsener noch in den Urlaub, auch wenn meine Gründe vielleicht etwas anders sind als die meiner Eltern. Abgesehen von dem offensichtlichen Grund, dass ich mich amüsieren und vom Alltagsstress ablenken will, setzt der Urlaub in mir die “kreativen Säfte” frei. Als Schriftstellerin neige ich dazu, mich ausgebrannt zu fühlen, wenn ich zu lange in der gleichen Umgebung lebe. Manchmal brauche ich einen Tapetenwechsel, damit meine künstlerische Arbeit das Licht der Welt erblicken kann. In der Welt der Literatur ist bekannt, dass die meisten der besten Schriftsteller ihre besten Ideen in fremden Ländern hatten.

Ich mache gelegentlich nur deshalb Urlaub, um andere Kulturen kennen zu lernen und mit anderen Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen, um Ideen für meine literarische Arbeit zu bekommen. Außerdem lernt man seine Heimat umso mehr zu schätzen, wenn man sie nicht mehr kennt. Das Gefühl, das man nach einem Urlaub hat, wenn man sich auf der Couch niederlässt und einfach nur entspannt, ist unbezahlbar. Wenn man reist, lernt man die Menschen und ihre Kulturen schätzen, und vor allem lernt man sein Leben und das Wenige, das man hat, zu schätzen.

Travelling is one of the few activities that is a kind of reset button in our lives. You go away for a few days or weeks and come back fresh and ready to face the demands of life. For many people, travel is more about convenience than leisure. They only travel when they have a business to attend to. Travelling is also not for escapists, as many people tend to believe. I use the word “escapists” not in the literary sense of the word, but in the sense of people who run away from their problems. Travelling is a hobby like any other.

Most people don’t understand that moving from one place to another equates to enjoyable activities like watching movies, swimming, dancing or drawing. Although it brings more challenges than other hobbies, it is more adventurous and brings the same level of satisfaction or more to those who love it.

Travelling has always been part of our family tradition. My parents taught us from a young age the importance of going on holiday at least once a year. Although they wished we could take many trips each year, we were not well off financially and my parents had to be creative with what little they had, sometimes saving all year for a single trip. We could have used credit cards, but that would only have put us in more financial hardship. My father was very strict when it came to finances and he warned us not to go into debt to buy luxuries. If we wanted something, we had to find creative and legal ways to earn the money for it.

Although we didn’t have much, money was never an excuse for him. My parents found creative ways to get by on a budget. For example, we drove to our destination by car instead of flying, and we took my mother’s home-cooked meals with us. We rarely used credit cards, and when we did, it was a matter of life and death. Most of our holidays therefore took place during the December holidays. Those were the best days of my life. They were also the days when our family bonds were strengthened. We argued and bickered, but in the end we always came back together and found a solution.

We learned more about life on those trips than in the years we spent at home. What I just said may seem far-fetched to someone who doesn’t travel much, considering the shortness of holidays, but the reality is that holidays never go as planned. Holidays are a far cry from the normal routine of life, which is to wake up in the morning, go to work/school and come back home in the evening. A holiday comes with many risks. You are in a foreign country with new people and a new culture. You have to work with the few resources you have to make the trip as fun as possible, but with a certain amount of restrictions so that your family is not stranded.

The beauty of travel is that you can never quite outgrow it. I still go on holiday as an adult, although my reasons may be a little different to those of my parents. Apart from the obvious reason that I want to have fun and distract myself from the stresses of everyday life, holidays release the “creative juices” in me. As a writer, I tend to feel burnt out when I live in the same environment for too long. Sometimes I need a change of scenery so that my artistic work can see the light of day. In the world of literature, it is well known that most of the best writers had their best ideas in foreign countries.

I occasionally go on holiday just to get to know other cultures and come into contact with other people, to get ideas for my literary work. Besides, you learn to appreciate your home country all the more when you don’t know it anymore. The feeling you get after a holiday when you settle down on the couch and just relax is priceless. When you travel, you learn to appreciate the people and their cultures, and most of all, you learn to appreciate your life and the little you have.

More essays to come.

my house german essay

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Essay on My House in English: Check 300, 500 & 800 Words Essay

Home is where the heart is, and within the sanctuary of our homes lies a special place that holds memories, shelter, and comfort – my house. From the architectural style to the interior design, every aspect of the house speaks volumes about who we are and what we value. But beyond its physical attributes, the house holds a deeper significance in our lives. It’s where we create cherished memories, celebrate milestones, and forge bonds with loved ones. A house is more than just a place to live; it’s a symbol of stability, love, and the countless moments that make life worth living.

In this article, we’ll explore writing an essay on my house, exploring its significance, structure, and the role it plays in shaping our lives.

Table of Content

Important Terms for House

10 lines on my house, 500 word essay on my house, 800 word essay on my house.

Here are some terms that can help you write an essay on my house:

  • House: A building or structure where people live, providing shelter and accommodation.
  • Home: Not just a physical structure, but also a place of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment.
  • Architecture: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
  • Interior Design: The arrangement and decoration of the interior spaces of a house to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Floor Plan: A diagram showing the layout of rooms and spaces within a house, including dimensions and furniture placement.

Here are 10 lines that can help you write an essay on My House:

1. My house is a cozy place where I feel safe and happy.

2. It has a welcoming door and colorful flowers in the garden.

3. Inside, there’s a living room where my family plays games and watches TV together.

4. The kitchen smells delicious with Mom’s cooking, and I love helping her sometimes.

5. Upstairs, my bedroom is my favorite spot, filled with my toys and books.

6. From my window, I can see the trees and birds chirping in the morning.

7. Outside, there’s a swing where I love to play with my friends.

8. Sometimes, we have a barbecue in the backyard, and it’s so much fun!

9. My house is where I make lots of happy memories with my family.

10. I’m grateful for my house because it’s where I feel loved and cozy every day.

My small house may be tiny in size, but it is bursting with charm and coziness that make it a special place for me. Situated in a quiet corner of the neighborhood, my cute little house stands out with its colorful exterior and welcoming front porch that beckons visitors with its friendly vibe.

As I step through the front door, I am greeted by a snug living room that feels like a warm hug. The space may be small, but it is filled with love and laughter, making it the heart of our home. A comfy sofa sits against the wall, inviting me to sink into its soft cushions and relax after a long day at school. The kitchen, though compact, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are cooked with care and shared with family. Every inch of space is cleverly utilized, from the neatly organized cabinets to the cozy dining nook where we gather for meals and conversations. The aroma of freshly baked cookies or simmering soup fills the air, creating a sense of comfort and warmth. Upstairs, my bedroom is a cozy retreat that reflects my personality and interests. The limited space has been transformed into a magical haven where I can dream, play, and unwind. A colorful bedspread adorns my bed, while shelves filled with books and toys add a touch of whimsy to the room.

One of the most delightful features of my small house is its backyard, a tiny oasis of greenery and tranquility where nature’s wonders unfold. A small garden patch blooms with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs, attracting butterflies and bees that flit about in the sunshine. A swing set beneath a shady tree offers hours of fun and laughter as I soar through the air with glee. Despite its size, my small house is filled with big memories and moments that make it truly special. From family movie nights in the living room to impromptu picnics in the backyard, every corner of my house is alive with joy, love, and togetherness.

In conclusion, my small house may be petite in size, but it is grand in charm, coziness, and character that make it a cherished haven for me. Its compact layout encourages creativity and imagination in design, while its warm ambiance fosters a sense of comfort and belonging. My cute little house may be small on the outside, but it is mighty in love, laughter, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home.

My house in Delhi is not a grand mansion, but a cozy middle-class home that holds a special place in my heart. Situated in a bustling neighborhood, it stands tall with four floors that offer ample space for my family and me to live, play, and create memories together. Despite its modest size, our house is filled with love, laughter, and warmth that make it a cherished haven for us.

As I walk through the front door of our house, I am greeted by a cozy living room on the ground floor that serves as the heart of our home. The walls are adorned with family photos and colorful artwork, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. A comfortable sofa and a small coffee table sit in the center of the room, inviting us to relax and unwind after a long day at school or work.

The kitchen, located on the first floor, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are prepared with love and care. The aroma of spices and cooking fills the air as we gather around the dining table to share stories and laughter. Despite its compact size, the kitchen is well-equipped with all the essentials needed to whip up our favorite dishes and treats.

Each floor of our house has its own unique charm and purpose. The second floor houses our bedrooms – cozy retreats where we rest and recharge after a busy day. My room is filled with my favorite toys, books, and posters that reflect my interests and personality. From my bed by the window, I can watch the world go by and daydream about adventures yet to come.

The third floor is a versatile space that serves as a family room where we come together to watch movies, play games, or simply spend quality time with each other. The walls are lined with shelves filled with board games, books, and family photos that tell the story of our lives. It is a space where memories are made and bonds are strengthened through shared experiences and laughter.

The fourth floor leads to our rooftop terrace – a hidden gem that offers panoramic views of the city skyline. From here, we can watch the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, listen to the sounds of the city below, or simply bask in the warmth of the sun on lazy afternoons. It is a peaceful retreat where we can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoy moments of tranquility together.

In conclusion, my house in Delhi may not be extravagant or luxurious, but it is filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments that make it truly special. Its four floors offer ample space for us to live, play, and grow together as a family. From cozy bedrooms to bustling kitchens, from family rooms to rooftop terraces, every corner of our house holds memories and experiences that shape who we are and bring us closer together. Our middle-class home may not be grand in size or stature, but it is rich in love, warmth, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home for me and my family.

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My House Essay- FAQs

What is a house.

A house is a structure designed for human habitation, providing shelter, comfort, and privacy. It typically consists of rooms for living, sleeping, cooking, and other activities.

What are the different types of houses?

There are various types of houses, including single-family homes, apartments, townhouses, condominiums, and mobile homes. Each type has its own layout, size, and ownership structure.

What factors influence the design of a house?

The design of a house is influenced by factors such as location, climate, cultural preferences, budget, and the needs of the occupants. These factors determine aspects like architectural style, materials used, and layout.

How does a house contribute to our well-being?

A well-designed house can contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It provides a safe and comfortable environment for rest, relaxation, and social interaction, promoting overall quality of life.

What are some common household maintenance tasks?

Common household maintenance tasks include cleaning, repairs, landscaping, and regular inspections of systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. These tasks help ensure the safety, functionality, and longevity of the house.

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‘We Jews are just arrested; Palestinians are beaten’: Protesters in Germany

In Germany, phrases including ‘from the river to the sea’ are banned and police are arresting people for using them.

Germany protest

German-Israeli activist Iris Hefets was arrested for the first time in Berlin just a few weeks after the start of Israel’s war on Gaza last October – for holding a sign which read, “As a Jew and Israeli, stop the genocide in Gaza”.

That time, the police told Hefets, a 56-year-old psychoanalyst who is a member of the anti-Zionist activist group Jewish Voice for Peace, it was down to a blanket ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

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She was released shortly afterwards but says: “I didn’t think I would get detained for that – I was naive it turns out.”

She was arrested a second time on November 10 for “inciting racial hatred” when she held the same sign – her charge was recently dropped. Her third arrest was for a sign warning that “Zionism kills”. Again, she was released soon after but, this time, her sign was confiscated.

Hefets has lodged a complaint with the police to get her sign back, and intends to put it in a future “museum of Palestinian liberation”, she says.

She believes that, for the latter two arrests at least, the decision to detain her was made on the advice of a new special police task force which “is the contact point available for all police forces in connection with the Middle East conflict”, a Berlin police spokesman confirmed to Al Jazeera. The task force was set up on October 30 last year – shortly after Israel’s war on Gaza began.

This “Besondere Aufbauorganisation” (BAO) task force, which is part of the Landeskriminalamt (LKA) – the police intelligence centre – keeps an eye on “left-wing and foreign ideologies”, including communist groups and pro-Palestine groups, the police spokesman confirmed. It issues guidance and instructions to police forces about what phrases and words used by activists may be deemed illegal. For example, the Berlin police spokesman told Al Jazeera that, in Berlin, using the phrase “from the river to the sea” is currently considered a crime.

“The criminal classification of .. slogans is carried out in close consultation with the Berlin public prosecutor’s office,” the Berlin police spokesman said.

Free speech under attack in Germany

Palestinian protesters seem to be bearing the brunt of police crackdowns on protests in Germany – “We Jews are just getting arrested, the Palestinians are being beaten,” Hefets says. One example was the brutal arrest of a hijab-wearing protester at a sit-in in Berlin central station this past weekend, which was captured on video and posted to social media channels.

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But Hefets believes her group of Jewish activists is also being specifically targeted at demonstrations because of its Jewish identity.

Last week, Jewish Voice’s bank account was frozen ahead of mid-April’s Palastina Kongres (Palestine Congress) – for “regulatory reasons”, according to the state-owned Berliner Sparkasse bank. The group’s account has been frozen before, in 2019, because of its support for the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

“They [Jewish protesters] get in the way of the narrative of Jews being protected by Germans against Muslims – but when you see Jews marching, then you see it’s not needed,” says Hefets.

Her case was one of the reasons that Germany’s ranking was dropped to “narrowed” in the Civicus Monitor, an annual ranking that measures civic freedoms to protest.

“Germany’s downgrade should be a wake-up call for the country and continent to change course,” said Tara Petrovic, Europe and Central Asia researcher at Civicus Monitor. But there have been many other incidents of heavy-handed policing – or, as critics charge, repression.

Earlier this month, Berlin police raided a 41-year-old woman’s apartment for writing “from the river to the sea” four times on social media. This was reported by police as “usage of anti-constitutional symbols”, the same law that bans displaying the swastika, the symbol of the Nazis.

But this was just one particularly stark example of Germany’s strict policing – or, critics charge, repression – of pro-Palestinian speech.

The legality of the phrase, “from the river to the sea”, has been interpreted differently across Germany’s federal states. A court in the central state of Hesse ruled in late March that an event named “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free for Everyone” could go ahead, on the basis that the phrase could have many different meanings.

However, in mid-November, the phrase was banned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which considered it a call to destroy Israel and said it should be regarded as a slogan of Hamas, which has been formally labelled a terrorist organisation in Germany.

In November, the phrase was banned in Bavaria where public prosecutors said they considered the phrase to be supportive of Hamas and should be subject to the same law that bans showing the Nazi swastika.

Germany protest

A ‘very dangerous restriction on expression’

Germany’s capital city, Berlin, which is home to the largest Palestinian community (estimated at 300,000) in Europe, has been a particular flashpoint for clashes between demonstrators and police.

Prosecutors have registered 2,140 possible criminal cases and launched more than 380 investigations between October 7, 2023 and mid-February 2024.

Recent arrests amount to an “almost unprecedented” crackdown on freedom of speech since October 7, according to Berlin-based migration and criminal lawyer Alexander Gorski. He warned that laws which were originally designed to combat hate speech in Germany are now fast approaching a “very dangerous restriction of expression which could set a precedent which severely limits the freedom of expression in this country”.

In one case in December, seven residential and business properties were raided by 170 police officers a statement was posted on Instagram by feminist collective Zora expressing support for “all revolutionary Palestinian freedom fighters” including the PFLP (the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), which has been categorised as a terrorist group by the EU since 2002 – as a “progressive force”. Investigations are ongoing.

“Germany rightfully decided that there should be restrictions on political speech after the second world war, but some of the laws which should protect democracy are narrowing down the political discourse around Palestine and Israel,” Gorski said.

Since October 7, this has led to “absurd” situations such as “Jewish activists being detained for alleging Israel is committing a genocide”, he added.

German protester

Another German-Israeli member of Jewish Voice for Peace in the Middle East, a female software developer in her mid-50s who spoke to Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity, was detained by five police officers for holding up a sign “Another Jew for a Free Palestine” after coming to Berlin for a number of protests in February.

The activist said police told her that the sign’s combination of a Jewish flag in Palestinian colours could be understood as “a call to destroy Israel”.

“When they first surrounded me – this still haunts me at night,” the activist said, adding that the experience had made her question her decision to move here. “The police want to frame it all as hate speech, but what we are saying is freedom.”

Chatham House fellow and Germanist Hans Kundani described the country’s “Zionist McCarthyism” for its zeal in cancelling or prosecuting those who criticise Israel or its response to October 7 in an essay titled Zionism uber alles (“Zionism above all”).

Despite lukewarm public support for the war on Gaza –  69 percent of German citizens responding to a poll by broadcaster ZDF said Israel’s military actions in Gaza were unjustified in late March – lawmakers have continued to support it unwaveringly. “What has emerged in the last decade is not so much a post-Zionist Germany as a hyper-Zionist Germany,” Kundani wrote.

Despite demographic change, he added, “German elites have doubled down on their commitment to Israel” partly because “they fear their understanding of the lessons of the Nazi past is no longer widely shared, and they want to make it non-negotiable before it is too late.”

‘Someone grabbed my face from behind – it was the police’

Palestinian activist Ola Alzayat attended a protest in February and explains that, being pregnant, she took special care to stay out of trouble.

Suddenly, “somebody grabbed my face from behind. I didn’t know what was going on”, she says.

It was the police. In a video of the incident which has been seen by Al Jazeera, a visibly pregnant Alzayat can be seen being dragged away by the neck, with her keffiyeh pulled from her neck to her face. She is screaming: “I’m pregnant, please, please!”

Alzayat says that officers slapped her face when she tried to move, leaving her with bruising. They initially accused her of trying to “prevent an arrest”, later adding another accusation of hitting police officers with a flag, even though she claims not to have even had a flag with her.

She says she was carried by five officers and put into a police car, from which she saw her husband being arrested as well. Though the charge of preventing an arrest was dropped, she says investigations continue over the allegations that she assaulted a police officer.

Stella Maris

Artist and activist Stella Meris has been arrested three times since October 7. At an anticolonial demonstration that she took part in, she said the police declared that Palestine had “nothing to do with colonialism” and so Palestinian flags were banned.

“They arrested me and tried to tackle me to the floor just for wearing a Palestinian flag,” she says. “They said it was the same as the swastika, an illegal symbol I could never show in a public space.”

At another demonstration, Meris was holding a sign which read “from the river to the sea, we demand equality”. After leaving, she went to a nearby metro station, where she says about 15 police officers were looking for her. She was arrested on charges of inciting racial hatred. “At that time I didn’t know that the slogan was in the process of being criminalised,” she says.

Essay on My House for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my house.

Essay on My House:  The world consists of all types of people. Some are fortunate enough to have amenities while some aren’t. Especially in a country like India, where the majority of the population lives below the poverty line . To own a house here is no less than a luxury, one which I thankfully have. I am blessed to be protected by four walls and a roof.

Essay on My house

It is my parent’s hard work that has given us this blessing. Many people in today’s world are always complaining about the things they don’t have. The person who has a house wants a bungalow. The one who owns a bungalow wants a palace. The one living in a palace wants an island. This never-ending cycle goes on. However, if we look at the people below us rather than those who are above us, we will be happier.

An Underrated Blessing

Having a house is an underrated blessing. If you have not realized it yet, you can go and ask any person who doesn’t have a house. Only then will you realize what a great blessing it is to have a house. Houses do not necessarily have to be luxuriously filled with the latest amenities. A house is complete if you have a roof over your head.

Moreover, if you have your loved ones around, then there can be no greater blessing. You must realize the importance of your house before it gets too late. Even I never knew how precious my house was up until one incident that changed my outlook.

We had house help growing up. The maid who used to work for us always came early in the morning and would leave in the evening. Even when my mother asked her to leave early as she completed the work on time, she never did that. On the other hand, she used to do extra work. Later we found out that she never really had a house. It was just a hut which had one chair and one folding. And that she liked spending time most of the time at our house because she had access to all basic facilities like electricity and clean water.

This incident made me realize how I took my house for granted. It is truly an underrated blessing which is overlooked by others. We must value our homes before it gets too late.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

I live in my ancestral home with my grandparents, parents, and siblings. My grandfather built this house with his hard work. It has four rooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms, and a patio. My house is at least fifty years old.

I admire the beauty of my house. The vintage vibes make it even more beautiful. My grandparents have a small garden in the patio which adds greenery to my house. Moreover, it also has two trees. One is a pomegranate tree and the other is a Henna tree. They provide us with shade and sweet fruits.

My house has very high ceilings as it was made many years back. It has vintage switchboards which give it a very unique look. My house is situated in the middle of four roads. It is not joined to any other house. My house has four entrances from each side.

Whenever my friends come over to my house, they click a lot of pictures. Even my relatives love the interior of the house which is a mix of modern and vintage architecture. My house is colored in brown and beige color and it stands out in our locality.

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