SSAT Writing: Essay Prompts and Samples

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The SSAT Essay

The SSAT essay is the first part of the SSAT exam. You will be given a choice of two topics, one creative writing topic, and one topic that asks for your opinion about an issue. You have 25 minutes to read the topics, choose the topic you wish to write about, organize your essay, and write.

Six Steps For Essay Writing: Getting It Right

1. Read the question to find out exactly what it asks you to do.

2. Choose a point of view or decide how to answer the question.

3. Outline your essay. For creative writing topics, use the topic given as the first sentence of your essay. Then write a descriptive story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. For all other essays, you will probably want four paragraphs: an introduction, two paragraphs for two supporting ideas or illustrations, and a conclusion.

4. Write the essay.

5. Proofread. Correct errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, and word choice.

6. If needed, make phrasing changes as neatly as possible.

Now let's try these steps on a couple of sample topics:

Topic: Every student should be required to complete 60 hours of community service during his or her high school years. Do you agree or disagree?

1. This question is asking you to choose sides, then support your position.

2. You must now decide whether you want to write in favor or in opposition. Choose the side that you will find easier to defend with strong examples; which side you choose does not matter. The question is not really seeking your opinion. For this exercise, let's disagree.

3. Introduction: Community service should not be compulsory.

Point 1: Involuntary activities are never performed well.

A. Beneficiaries suffer from half-hearted service.

B. Student is resentful and gains no satisfaction.

Point 2: Teenagers must learn to arrange priorities and manage their time for their own benefit.

A. Some poor students cannot afford to give up so much study time.

B. Many beneficial extracurricular activities compete for precious time.

C. Some students must hold part-time jobs to help their families.

Conclusion: Community service should be encouraged, not be compulsory.

5. Proofread. Ask yourself these questions:

- Does each paragraph have a topic sentence? Is the topic sentence well developed within the paragraph?

- Is my language colorful and descriptive? Have I varied my sentence

- Do I make a convincing argument for my position?

- How is my spelling? Is my punctuation correct? What about my grammar?

6. Refine the essay if necessary. Remember: Neatness counts.

Tips for Writing Excellent Essays for the SSAT and ISEE exams

SSAT Essay Samples

  • What Is the SSAT Writing Sample?
  • SSAT Essay Writing Sample 1
  • SSAT Essay Writing Sample 2
  • A Well-written SSAT Essay Example
  • SSAT Writing: Example of A Well-written Essay

SSAT Essay Prompts

  • SSAT Essay Prompt 1
  • SSAT Essay Prompt 2
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Creative Writing Prompts

SSAT Writing Prompts: Conquer the Writing Section

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

SSAT Writing Prompts: Conquer the Writing Section

Are you feeling uneasy about the upcoming SSAT exam? Don’t fret, because we’re about to equip you with the tools you need ⁤to conquer the ⁤writing ​section! Whether you’re ​a student preparing ⁢for the Secondary School Admission Test or a concerned parent searching for ways to support your child’s success, this‍ article is here to ⁢guide you through the ins and outs of ‌SSAT writing prompts. From understanding the requirements to crafting a compelling essay,⁢ we’ll unravel the secrets to acing this crucial section. So, get ready to⁢ unleash your inner ⁣wordsmith and discover the ⁤surefire strategies that ​will boost your confidence and propel you towards ⁤writing excellence!

Understanding the Structure and Scoring⁣ of SSAT Writing Prompts

Mastering‌ time management: key to success in ssat writing section, crafting effective introductions: grabbing the examiner’s attention, developing strong‌ body‍ paragraphs: coherent and persuasive arguments, enhancing your writing style:⁢ the secret to impressive ssat essays, effective conclusion strategies: leaving a lasting impression, editing and revising ssat essays: polishing your work ‍for perfection, frequently asked questions, future outlook.

The structure and scoring of SSAT writing prompts play a crucial role in determining a student’s performance⁤ on this section of the test. ‍Understanding these aspects can help you better prepare for‌ the exam and improve your writing skills. Here’s a ⁢breakdown of the key components to keep in mind:

1. ‌**Structure:** SSAT writing prompts typically provide a specific scenario or topic that requires you to⁤ express your thoughts‍ or opinions. Remember ​to address the prompt directly and ‌stay ⁤focused on the given topic. Organize your essay ⁣into three​ main sections: an introduction that ​clearly‍ presents your stance, ⁣body paragraphs that support your argument with evidence or examples, and⁤ a‍ conclusion that summarizes ‌your key​ points.

2. **Scoring:** When scoring‍ your essay, the SSAT considers four main ⁤areas: content, organization,​ sentence structure, and grammar. Content refers to the relevance and clarity of‌ your ideas, while organization‍ evaluates how well ​your essay is outlined‌ and ⁣flows⁢ from one ‍point to another. Focus⁢ on⁣ using‌ well-structured sentences and paragraphs,‍ demonstrating a variety of sentence structures, and utilizing proper ‌grammar and punctuation. Remember to support your arguments with specific ⁣examples⁣ or evidence to ⁤strengthen your​ response.

By , you can effectively approach the essay section with confidence. Practice writing essays using different prompts to​ familiarize yourself ​with both the format and ⁢requirements. Don’t forget to proofread your work ‌before submitting it,​ as clear and error-free writing can significantly enhance your⁣ final score.

Effective time management is crucial for achieving success in the SSAT Writing Section. In this section, students are required to craft a well-structured essay within a strict⁢ time ⁢limit . By‍ mastering time management skills, ​students can optimize their performance⁣ and showcase their writing abilities to the fullest. Here‍ are some essential tips:

  • Plan your‍ essay: Before you begin writing, take a few minutes ⁤to brainstorm and ⁢outline your ‍ideas. This will help you stay focused and organized throughout the writing process.
  • Allocate time wisely: Divide the available time to ensure​ you have enough ‌for planning, writing, and proofreading. Aim to spend approximately 10% of the‍ total time on planning,​ 70% ‍on writing, and the remaining 20% on editing.
  • Stick to the prompt: Ensure that your essay directly addresses the‌ given prompt. ​Straying off-topic can waste ⁤precious time and may result in a lower score.

Moreover, it is⁤ vital to ⁣practice ​time management⁤ techniques before the actual SSAT exam. By setting ‌aside regular study sessions and simulating test-like​ conditions, you can hone your ability to work efficiently under time constraints. ‍Remember, by mastering time management, you’ll enhance your chances of​ achieving a stellar score in the SSAT Writing Section.

Crafting Effective Introductions is a crucial skill that can elevate your writing to new heights. When it comes to ⁢academic or⁤ professional writing, grabbing the examiner’s attention from the very beginning is paramount. So, how ‌can you⁢ ensure that your ⁣introductions are not only captivating but also successful in setting the tone‍ for the rest ‌of your work? Dive in and ⁤discover some valuable tips that will make your introductions shine.

1. ⁢Know‍ your audience: Understanding who will be reading your work is essential. Tailor your introduction to resonate with the examiner’s interests‌ and captivate their⁤ attention right from⁤ the start.

2. Start with a provocative question: A well-crafted question can instantly engage the examiner’s curiosity. It’s an ‍effective technique ⁤to make them⁣ stop and think⁢ about the topic‌ you’re introducing.‍ Be sure to follow ⁣up with thought-provoking ‍points to maintain their interest.

3.​ Begin with an anecdote: Storytelling is a ⁤powerful tool. A thoughtfully chosen anecdote can create an emotional connection ​with‍ the examiner and make ‍your introduction ‍more relatable. Choose a story that aligns with your topic and supports the ⁢main idea of your ‌work.

Developing Strong Body Paragraphs: Coherent and Persuasive Arguments

Developing a strong⁤ body paragraph is essential for constructing coherent and persuasive arguments. By organizing your thoughts and providing solid evidence, you can effectively convince your readers ‌of your standpoint. ‍Here are a few tips ⁤to ⁢help ​you create impactful body paragraphs:

1. Clearly state your main idea: Begin each ⁣body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that highlights ⁣the main⁣ point you ‍are trying to convey. This will guide your readers and ensure that your argument stays focused and coherent.

2.​ Provide supporting‍ evidence: Back up your claims with reliable evidence and⁤ examples. This can include data, statistics, expert⁣ opinions, or anecdotes. Presenting solid evidence not⁣ only adds credibility⁤ to your argument but also persuades your readers ‌to consider your perspective.

3. Use⁤ logical transitions: Ensure that your paragraphs flow smoothly by using ‍logical ​transitions between ideas. ​This helps ⁣your readers⁢ to follow ⁢your‍ thought process effortlessly . Utilize transitional words and ​phrases such as “in addition,” “however,” “moreover,” and “on the ⁣other hand” ⁤to create coherence.

4. Develop counterarguments: Anticipate and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your persuasion. Acknowledging opposing ⁤viewpoints demonstrates ‌that you have considered different sides of the issue and can effectively refute them. By doing⁣ so, you establish credibility and‍ show that ‌you have thoroughly analyzed the topic.

5. Elaborate and explain: Provide detailed explanations and examples to support your argument. Elaborate on your evidence and clearly demonstrate its ⁢relevance to your main idea. This will help your readers understand the importance of your argument⁣ and engage with‌ your writing.

Remember, the key to writing⁣ coherent and persuasive body paragraphs lies in ‍organizing your thoughts, ⁣providing‌ evidence, using logical transitions, addressing counterarguments, and ‌elaborating on your points. By following these guidelines, you can create compelling arguments that ⁤will captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact.

Mastering the art⁢ of essay writing is crucial for success in the SSAT, and a powerful writing style can take your essays to the next level. With a captivating writing style, not only will you impress the graders, but you will also engage your readers and ​make a lasting impact. So, how can you enhance your writing style and make your SSAT essays stand out from the rest?

One key element⁢ to⁢ consider is sentence variety. Instead of​ using the same sentence structure throughout your essay, experiment with different sentence types, ⁤such as compound, complex, and‍ simple sentences. This​ will add depth and rhythm to your writing, making it ⁢more interesting to read. Additionally, avoid starting every sentence with the subject. ‌Instead, vary ​the beginnings ‌of your sentences ‌by⁤ using introductory phrases or clauses. This will make⁣ your writing more⁢ engaging and showcase your⁣ versatility‍ as‌ a writer.

  • Utilize vivid vocabulary​ to bring​ your ideas to life and make ‍your ⁢writing more impactful. Use strong adjectives and adverbs that paint ‌a vivid picture⁣ in the reader’s mind. Replace ordinary words with more descriptive alternatives to create‍ a more dynamic and ⁤engaging essay.
  • Don’t shy⁣ away from figurative language. Incorporating‌ literary devices such as ‌metaphors, similes, ​and personification can elevate your writing style to a whole new level. They not only add richness and creativity to your essays but ​also make ‍your ⁢ideas more memorable.

Structure your essay effectively by organizing⁣ your thoughts into coherent paragraphs. Each paragraph should ‌have a clear topic sentence⁢ that introduces the main idea. Support your claims ​with well-chosen evidence, examples, or ⁣anecdotes. ⁣Additionally, ⁢ensure smooth transitions between⁤ paragraphs to create a seamless flow of ideas. This ⁢will make your essay more readable and cohesive.

Effective Conclusion Strategies: Leaving a Lasting Impression

As you wrap up your‌ piece and aim to leave a lasting impression on your readers, it is crucial to employ effective⁢ conclusion strategies. ‍A strong conclusion​ not only reinforces your ​main points but also provides a sense of closure to your audience. ⁣By incorporating the following strategies, you can ensure that⁣ your conclusion leaves a​ memorable impact:

  • Summarize your main points: Remind your readers of the key arguments or ideas presented throughout your piece. Summarizing these points concisely helps reinforce your message while refreshing their memory.
  • Evoke emotions: Leave ⁣your ⁤audience with a⁤ powerful emotional appeal that resonates with them. Whether it’s ⁣through a poignant ‌story, a thought-provoking question , ⁤or a heartfelt call to action,​ engaging their emotions creates a lasting impact.
  • Inject a memorable quote: ‍ When appropriate, incorporating a relevant and impactful quote ‍can leave a strong impression on your readers. Choose ⁢a‍ quote that supports your arguments or conveys a powerful‍ message,⁣ ensuring⁢ it aligns with the ​overall ⁢tone and theme of your piece.

In addition to these strategies, ⁤remember to keep your ⁣conclusion concise and to the⁢ point. Avoid introducing new ideas ‌or ⁢arguments, as this may confuse or overwhelm your readers. Instead, focus on reinforcing your main message and leaving your audience with a⁢ sense of fulfillment and appreciation for the journey they have ⁣taken with you.

Editing and Revising SSAT Essays: Polishing Your Work for Perfection

When it comes to writing an impressive SSAT essay, ​the journey doesn’t end after‌ the last sentence has been typed. In fact, it is during the editing and revising stage where your essay‍ truly comes ⁢to life. ⁤This crucial step allows you to refine your ideas, enhance clarity, and ensure your work is flawless. So, grab your virtual red pen and let’s dive into the art of editing!

1. Review for⁢ structure and organization:

  • Check if your introduction sets​ the stage by capturing⁣ the reader’s ‍attention. Is it engaging?
  • Ensure that each ​paragraph focuses on a single idea⁢ and flows logically from⁢ one to the next.
  • Examine the conclusion: ‍Does it​ effectively summarize your ⁢main points and leave ⁤a lasting impression?

2. Polish your language and style:

  • Scan for grammatical errors, misspelled ​words, and ⁢punctuation mistakes. Make sure‌ your language is clear and concise.
  • Use vivid adjectives and strong‍ verbs to make your writing more engaging and⁤ descriptive.
  • Differentiate your ‍sentence structure⁤ by incorporating both‍ short and long sentences⁤ to create rhythm.

Q: What is the SSAT Writing section? A: The SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) Writing⁢ section ‌is a timed, 25-minute​ test that evaluates a student’s ability to organize and express their thoughts effectively through writing.

Q: How is the Writing section​ scored on the ⁤SSAT? A: The Writing section⁢ is scored on a scale of 0-6 by two different evaluators. These scores are then combined ​to determine the final score, ranging from 0-12.

Q: What types of prompts‌ can I expect in the Writing section? A: The writing prompts in ‍the SSAT can vary, ‍but‌ they generally require students to express their ⁢opinions, defend a viewpoint, or analyze a ⁣given‍ situation. Be prepared to write a persuasive essay or ⁢engage in critical thinking.

Q: How can I prepare for the SSAT Writing section? A: To⁤ prepare for the Writing section, practice brainstorming ideas, outlining your arguments, and structuring your essays. Focus on developing a clear thesis statement, using evidence to support your claims, and writing​ coherent ⁤paragraphs.

Q: Are there any specific strategies I should use during the exam? A: Yes, during the exam, spend a couple ⁣of minutes planning​ your essay before you start writing. This will provide a strong foundation for⁣ your response. Make ⁣sure to stay focused on the prompt, use relevant examples, and ⁣check ⁤for ​any spelling or grammatical errors before submitting ⁤your essay.

Q: Is handwriting important in the SSAT Writing ‌section? A: Yes, legible handwriting is crucial in the SSAT Writing section. Although ‌content matters most, an essay that is difficult to read can affect the evaluator’s understanding of your response.

Q: How much time should I spend ‍on each part of the Writing section? A:⁣ It is suggested to spend ⁤approximately 5 minutes on planning ⁣and organizing your thoughts, ‌around 15 ‌minutes on writing your essay, and the remaining few minutes on reviewing and⁤ editing your⁢ work.

Q: Can I use ​personal experiences in my response? A: Yes, incorporating personal experiences can add depth to your essay and make it more compelling.‌ However, ensure that your personal anecdotes directly relate to the prompt and support⁢ your ⁣argument.

Q: Are there any ⁣resources available to help me improve my writing skills for the SSAT? A: Absolutely! Many online platforms offer⁢ sample prompts, essay guides, and practice tests specifically designed ​for the⁢ SSAT Writing‍ section. ‍These resources can help you become familiar with the format, develop your writing skills, and increase your overall confidence.

Q: How important is the SSAT Writing section in⁢ the overall ⁢SSAT score? A: While the Writing section is just one component of the overall SSAT score, it ⁤is still crucial.⁤ Excellent writing skills demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, analyze information critically, and express‍ your thoughts‍ coherently – all valuable attributes for academic success. ​

In conclusion, by understanding the structure of the⁤ SSAT writing section and practicing with various prompts, you can confidently conquer ⁤this challenging part of the exam.‌

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  • School Entrance Exams

SSAT Practice Test

  • SSAT Writing

SSAT Writing Practice & Info

The SSAT Writing section is one of the four sections on the SSAT. Each student is required to write one essay, which is not scored. Continue reading to learn more about the SSAT Writing section.

View All SSAT Levels Here

About the SSAT Writing

Ssat writing prompts, elementary level, middle level, upper level, ssat writing tips.

The SSAT Writing section is not scored. On the SSAT Elementary Level, students are provided with one picture prompt and 15 minutes to complete the essay. The SSAT Middle* and Upper** Levels provides students with a choice of two written prompts and 25 minutes to write the essay.  *SSAT Middle Level is provided with a choice of two creative writing prompts **SSAT Upper Level is provided with a choice of one creative writing prompt and one essay prompt The SSAT Writing section provides students with the opportunity to express themselves. Though it is not graded, the SSAT essay is submitted to the admissions departments of the schools to which the students have applied. This allows admissions department to assess students’ writing skills. The essay is not included in the score report, unless it is purchased to be included in the student’s online score report (except for the Elementary SSAT essay, which cannot be purchased).

The SSAT essay prompts are written in a way that allows students to tell admissions departments more about themselves and their way of thinking. Students are provided with two pages to write their essays on.

Elementary SSAT Test takers are provided a prompt in the form of a picture. Students must write an essay based on the picture prompt and make sure that their writing sample is complete, with a beginning, middle, and end.

Both of the two Middle Level SSAT Writing prompts are creative. The response to the prompts must also be creative and make use of animated explanations. Students are expected to use grammar and vocabulary which conform to Standard English.

The Upper Level SSAT Writing section provides students a creative prompt and an essay prompt to choose from. If a student decides to respond to the creative prompt, the response must also be creative and make use of animated explanations. The creative prompt might be ambiguous and require the student for building the entire essay almost by himself or herself. If he or she responds to the essay prompt, the response must be supported by strong examples from the text. Back to top

Though the SSAT essay is not scored, it is still recommended that students write their essays as well as possible, as a copy of each students’ essay will be submitted to the schools selected during the SSAT registration process. Here are some helpful SSAT Writing tips to help your child produce the best work possible:

  • Begin the essay with a sentence either similar or identical to the one provided in the prompt
  • Write neatly in the space provided
  • Use proper grammar and vocabulary, conforming to the rules of Standard English. Pay careful attention to the rules of capitalization and punctuation
  • Stay on topic
  • Be creative, when suitable
  • Provide supportive information (statements, examples, etc.)
  • Maintain a standard essay structure, with an introduction, a minimum of two paragraphs in the main body, and a clear conclusion. Make sure your conclusion is tied back to the prompt and that you did not deviate from it too much
  • Stick to the expected word count of 350
  • Some people find making a list or a draft with their ideas before writing the actual essay useful – try to see whether it facilitates your writing
  • If you have enough time left, it is warmly recommended to go over your essay after you have finished writing and read it again to make sure the structure is logical and that you can easily understand the story
  • Keep your mind clear and writing-focused. Simple steps that might help are organizing your work environment and eating a healthy snack before you start writing

Click here to find out more about the other sections of the SSAT Test!

Admission to gifted and talented programs as well as independent schools has become increasingly competitive. Even with a high score on the SSAT, acceptance is not guaranteed. The SSAT essay section can give your child an opportunity to stand out against other candidates who may have the same score, and in that sense, be equally qualified. Help your child succeed by making sure he or she is properly prepared for all sections of the test, including this one. TestPrep-Online currently offers a collection of Upper Level SSAT Practice Packs, and will soon release two following packs for the Middle and Lower Levels. All our packs are designed to provide your child with the opportunity to improve and progress. Our goal is the same as yours: To get your child the score s/he deserves.

The SSAT and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with TestPrep-Online or this website.

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Your Complete Guide to the SSAT for 2024

Bonus Material: PrepMaven’s FREE SSAT Guide

The Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) is an important part of secondary school applications. If you’re applying to private school in the U.S., you’ll likely to submit SSAT scores when doing so.

The SSAT is a challenging standardized test for many reasons. That’s why we created this post — so that you can have confidence at every step of the SSAT test-taking journey, from wrapping your head around what the test is all about to actually taking it.

In this guide to the SSAT, you’ll learn the basics about the test, how to prepare, and what to expect on Test Day.

We also give readers access to PrepMaven’s SSAT Guidebook, which includes all of the information in this post and much more. It’s absolutely free and you can grab it below!

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Bonus Material: PrepMaven’s SSAT Guidebook

  • Details about SSAT scoring, content, testing options, and more
  • An introduction to PrepMaven’s SSAT strategies
  • Information about SSAT prep resources
  • Application essentials for the top U.S. private high schools

Click here to download a copy of our digital guide!

Here’s what we cover:

What is the SSAT and Who Needs to Take It?

  • The Sections of the SSAT
  • SSAT Scoring  
  • When To Start SSAT Test Prep

SSAT Prep Resources

  • Your SSAT Study Plan
  • When to Take the Test

The Character Skills Snapshot

  • SSAT Testing Accommodations
  • Next Steps: The Ultimate SSAT Guide

1) SSAT Basics

ssat sample essay prompts

The SSAT is one component of most secondary school applications. It is a standardized test focused on the following skills:

The Enrollment Management Association (EMA) administers the SSAT at three levels:*

  • Elementary Level for students in grades 3 and 4
  • Middle Level for students in grades 5-8 
  • Upper Level for students in grades 8-11 

*Students take the test that corresponds to the grade they are currently in , not the grade they are entering. The three different SSAT levels are designed to test material appropriate for each student’s respective grade level.  

According to the EMA, “the SSAT is not an achievement test or a measurement of personal characteristics. It is one component of a complete application.” It is written and reviewed by independent school educators and content and testing experts.

Most students applying to U.S. private schools must submit SSAT scores as part of their application. However, schools are likely to place different emphases on SSAT scores in the admissions process .

  • What’s on the SSAT?

No matter which level SSAT test you take, the sections are always the same: a Writing Sample section and Quantitative, Reading, and Verbal multiple-choice sections. 

Here is a birds-eye view of the Upper-Level SSAT’s structure and timing:

You can find a detailed breakdown of each section of the SSAT in our What’s on the SSAT? post . For now, here are the highlights for each!

SSAT Writing Sample

This section is unscored but sent to admission departments for review. It helps give admission officers a sense of a student’s writing abilities. Upper-Level SSAT test-takers will have the choice of writing a persuasive essay or creative story in 25 minutes based off of two prompts.

Here are two sample persuasive prompts typical of an Upper Level SSAT writing sample:

  • What does it mean to be a “well-rounded” student?
  • What is, in your opinion, the most pressing social issue today? How would you resolve it?

Here are two sample creative prompts:

  • She could not believe her eyes.
  • They knew it was time to turn back.

You can learn more about the SSAT Writing Sample–and get access to free SSAT Writing Sample prompts–in this post here .

SSAT Quantitative 1 & 2

The SSAT features multiple-choice questions that span a range of math topics. Questions are designed to be solved without a calculator (students are not allowed to use one).

In its official online practice portal, the SSAT provides a list of topic categories for practice. These are a good indication of the topics that will surface on the actual test.


  • Computation
  • Number Sense
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Statistics and Probability


  • Algebra 
  • Data Analysis
  • Measurement
  • Number Concepts
  • Number Conversion
  • Statistics & Probability 

Want more information about SSAT Quantitative? Check out our detailed post on SSAT Math and what to expect.

SSAT Reading

There are approximately 8 SSAT reading passages. Each is about 250-350 words in length, and there are generally 4-6 questions per passage. About half of the passages are narrative and half are argument-based. 

Passage genres include: 

  • Literary fiction 
  • Humanities (biography, art, poetry) 
  • Science (anthropology, astronomy, medicine) 
  • Social studies (history, sociology, economics)

SSAT Reading questions test your reading comprehension on both a general and specific level . Question types include:

  • Words in context
  • Author’s purpose
  • Author’s tone and attitude
  • Evaluation of author’s attitude and opinions
  • Evidence-based predictions

We discuss more in our Introduction to SSAT Reading and SSAT Reading Strategies from the Experts .

SSAT Verbal

The SSAT Verbal section contains 60 multiple-choice questions, divided into Synonyms and Analogies sections of 30 questions each.

In the Synonyms section, students must choose the answer that has the closest meaning to the capitalized word. Here is an example Synonyms question:

ssat sample essay prompts

An analogy is a comparison of two things. On an SSAT Analogies question, these two things will have a very specific relationship. Students must determine what this relationship is, and select the answer choice that most closely features that same relationship. 

Here is a sample Analogies question:

ssat sample essay prompts

Dive deeper into this section in our SSAT Verbal Introduction and SSAT Verbal Strategies from the Experts .

Experimental Section

This section is not scored and features questions from the different multiple-choice sections. It is intended to test the reliability of future SSAT questions.

Scoring on the SSAT

We demystify SSAT scoring in a separate post . For now, here are a few essential takeaways for students and parents new to the test.

1) Your SSAT score consists of 3 scored sections.

These include:

  • Quantitative

There are 2 additional unscored sections: a Writing Sample and Experimental section. The Writing Sample is the first section of the SSAT, while the Experimental section is the last.

2) There is a wrong answer penalty on the SSAT.

On the SSAT, test-takers receive 1 point for every correct answer. If you leave a question entirely blank, you neither lose nor gain points. However, if you answer a question incorrectly, you lose a 1/4 point.

3) Students earn a percentile ranking for each SSAT section.

Your raw score is the number of questions you get right on a section minus 1/4 point for each incorrect answer. This raw score is converted to a scaled score between 500 and 800. Then this scaled score becomes a percentile ranging from 1 to 99. 

This percentile compares performance to that of first-time test-takers of the same grade/gender who have taken an SSAT on a standard test date in the U.S. / Canada in the past three years (not including this year). This group of test-takers is called the “norm group,” and this norm sample is unique for every SSAT the test-makers score.

Most schools have an average SSAT percentile that they consider in the admissions process. Many look at your percentile score when reviewing your application.

We want to point out that a 50th percentile score on an SSAT section isn’t a big red F for failure: it’s right in the middle of the pack! In technical terms, it is the median score within the designated norm group.

Here’s an example of percentiles in action:

If you scored in the 50th percentile overall, you performed better than 50% of the test-takers in the “norm group.” The same goes for the individual sections: if you ranked in the 70th percentile on the Verbal section, you performed better than 70% of students in the norm group on the Verbal section. 

Remember that scaled scores and percentiles are calculated based on data from a unique norm group. Because every test’s norm group is different, it is difficult to precisely pinpoint what raw/scaled score you need to get a certain percentile ranking! EMA actually admits this on SSAT.org:

“The same scaled score on the SSAT may have a different percentile rank from year to year or even from test to test, and the SSAT percentile ranks should not be compared to those of other standardized tests because each test is taken by a different group of students.”

Here’s an example. Let’s say that Darla is a rising 9th grader who has taken the SSAT twice to date. Here are her raw and scaled scores and percentile rankings for the SSAT Math section.

On the second test, Darla got twice as many questions incorrect as she got wrong on the first test. Yet this only translated to losing four percentile points. From another perspective, however, getting only two more questions right meant Darla broke the 90th percentile range on her first test.

Our conclusion?

Because percentile rankings are essentially out of a student’s control, the best bet is to focus on maximizing the raw score of each section . Doing so is the safest means of increasing a student’s likelihood of earning a higher percentile on each section. We also strongly encourage SSAT students to take the official SSAT several times, given that test difficulty is likely to fluctuate from exam to exam.

Your SSAT Score Report

Student scores become available on the SSAT website within two weeks of the test date. Log in to the student version of your SSAT account to view your scores.

When you do so, you will first see a score overview page that looks like this:

SSAT Score Report

You may be wondering what the “T Scaled/V Scaled/Q Scaled/R Scaled” columns mean. These refer to a student’s scaled total SSAT score (T), Verbal score (V), Quantitative score (Q), and Reading score (R). Don’t worry about these too much, as scaled scores are mainly intermediaries to get to that percentile score, which schools are most focused on. 

There is a little more information we can get out of the SSAT score report.

Simply expand the menu and click “View Score Report.” This gives students their scaled scores, percentiles (“SSAT Reference Information”), and a listing of right, wrong, and unanswered questions in each section. 

ssat sample essay prompts

This report also includes a brief breakdown of question types for each section (i.e., “Main Idea” vs “Higher Order” for Reading). 

What’s a “Good” SSAT Score?

If you score in the 50th percentile on any SSAT section, you will achieve the “median” SSAT score for that test. And if you score higher than the 50th percentile, you perform better than the median.

A good starting place for SSAT test-takers is to surpass the median SSAT score for each individual section.

But what counts as a “good” SSAT score? 

Our answer: it depends.

Each student’s talents, interests, and goals are entirely unique. What’s more, a “good” SSAT score is likely to fluctuate depending on the institution a student is applying to.

We can still make some general conclusions, however, to guide students in their SSAT test prep journey. Find our thoughts on a “good” SSAT score here .

Additional Resources

  • PrepMaven’s SSAT Guide
  • SSAT Score Release Dates and Services
  • Scoring on the SSAT: Your Complete Guide for 2021
  • What is a Good SSAT Score for 2021?
  • How Important Are SSAT Scores to Private Schools?

2) Preparing for the SSAT

ssat sample essay prompts

One of the most difficult things to figure out is how to actually prepare for the SSAT! In many cases, it’s the first standardized test students take in the context of school admissions.

The good news, however, is that the SSAT is a standardized test . This means that the content is predictable, even if it is unfamiliar and highly strategy-based. It also means that students can and should take the time to learn the test so they can walk into that Testing Center with confidence.

Effective SSAT prep boils down to the three following components:

These three things all help students master the three aspects of the SSAT that set it apart from other tests: duration, content, and strategy.

When Should I Start Preparing for the SSAT?

We encourage students to start preparing for the SSAT as soon as possible, yet in general, we suggest allocating at least three months prior to an official test date for adequate preparation. 

Yet a percentage of our students choose to start preparing 1+ years beforehand . Doing so can enable students to more effectively build vocabulary, prepare for tested material not covered in school, and develop skills specific to standardized testing.

While many students take the test only once, most of the students we work with will sit for the SSAT at least twice to maximize the potential for score increases. Some private schools also “superscore,” meaning that they review a student’s highest scores across multiple test dates.

Great resources for your SSAT prep can be difficult to find, especially as EMA has released a very limited supply of official practice materials.

We’ve compiled a full list of reputable SSAT prep resources we recommend our students utilize when preparing for this test. Here are the highlights:

1) Official SSAT Practice Online*

The Enrollment Management Association doesn’t release a ton of materials, but their Official SSAT Online Practice is ideal for students preparing for the Middle and/or Upper-Level SSAT. An SSAT Practice Online account includes 3 full-length practice tests, 15 section tests, quizzes, on-demand content, and more.

2) Official SSAT Guide Books*

If you’d rather work from a physical book, we recommend that students purchase an Official SSAT Guide Book (Middle or Upper Level). Each book includes 3 full-length practice tests with answers and explanations, which are exactly the same as those offered online through the SSAT Practice Online package.

3) Tutorverse Upper-Level SSAT Practice Questions

Tutorverse is a third-party test prep company, but that being said, we do find the practice questions in this text to be more reflective of SSAT questions than other materials. This book comes with more practice questions than 10 official SSAT tests, spanning all content areas on the SSAT (Verbal, Reading, Quantitative, and Writing).

4) Success on the Upper-Level SSAT Course Book

Students seeking a supplementary text to official SSAT or Tutorverse content should consider this text by Test Prep Works. It includes content instruction, suggested strategies, drills, practice questions, and one full-length practice test.

5) PrepMaven’s SSAT Prep Resources

We’ve compiled a wide variety of SSAT prep resources for our students and families, including valuable strategies, practice questions, and more.

  • SSAT Verbal Strategies from the Experts
  • SSAT Reading Strategies
  • SSAT Writing Sample Strategies and Sample Prompts
  • Tips for Mastering SSAT Vocabulary

Creating an SSAT Study Plan

As we’ve already mentioned, we encourage students to allocate at least three months for effective SSAT prep. How should you fill those three months? Create an SSAT study plan that aligns with your goals and timeline.

1) Identify Your Testing Date & Type

Begin by identifying the first official SSAT testing date and type. EMA now offers multiple testing options and dates, which can you learn more about in our post on SSAT Testing Options .

2) Take a Diagnostic Exam & Establish a Target Score

Taking a diagnostic SSAT effectively introduces students to those components that make this standardized test so different from standard exams: duration, content, and strategy.

It also establishes a baseline score for all sections, giving students a clearer sense of what stands between them and their target score. Diagnostic score reports can additionally highlight content areas for further work, essential strategies, and timing issues.

3) Determine Your Resources & Study Tools

Effective SSAT studying requires effective resources. Take the time prior to jumping into your prep to assemble the study tools guaranteed to give you success! We’ve already outlined SSAT prep resources available to students. Tutors or test prep experts can also be helpful, specifically to aid in strategy development.

4) Set Aside Weekly Time

Effective SSAT prep requires consistent time and effort. Treat your prep as you would any high school class, and devote weekly time to homework and practice. 

5) Take Regular SSAT Practice Tests

Regular practice tests give students the surest means of enforcing the strategies they’ve been developing on their own. It can also build physical and mental stamina – not to be underestimated on Test Day! We recommend taking a practice test every 3-4 weeks prior to your official test date.

6) Establish Consistent Goals

Your SSAT study plan should include realistic, specific, and actionable goals. Begin by setting a goal SSAT score after you’ve taken your first diagnostic exam. Then set smaller, individual goals throughout your practice to help you reach this goal score.

Here are some examples:

  • Scoring 80% accuracy on all geometry questions on Quantitative 1 & 2
  • Getting Synonym questions 1-10 100% correct
  • Working through 80% of the Reading passages with high accuracy
  • Creating an effective outline for an SSAT Writing Sample prompt
  • SSAT Prep Resources: Your Guide
  • Creating an Effective SSAT Study Plan
  • SSAT Testing Options 2020-2021

3) Taking the SSAT

ssat sample essay prompts

When Should I take the SSAT for the First Time?

Many SSAT test-takers will take the SSAT for the first time in September, several months before they submit applications to secondary schools. The September administration is the first in the academic year testing cycle.

However, students who wish to have more opportunities to take the SSAT may take their first official exam in June. 

While the vast majority of students take the test only once, most of the students we work with will sit for the SSAT at least twice to maximize the potential for score increases. Some private schools also “superscore,” meaning that they review a student’s highest scores across multiple test dates.

Historically, the standard SSAT has been offered eight times at testing centers per academic year (August 1 – July 31) in the following months:

Yet as of August 2020, there are three current SSAT testing options, which have dramatically increased the available SSAT testing dates:

  • Computer-Based SSAT at Home
  • Computer-Based SSAT at a Prometric Testing Center
  • Paper-Based SSAT 

SSAT Flex Tests are also an option. Flex Tests occur on any date that is not a standard SSAT administration date. They can occur at member schools or special testing locations, called “educational consultants.”

There are a few reasons why a student may wish to take a Flex Test. They may:

  • have testing accommodations that require a special testing situation
  • prefer a non-traditional testing environment (i.e., small group or individual)
  • be unable to sit for any of the standard SSAT test administration dates

Member schools are those secondary schools that provide on-site SSAT Flex Testing. Your schools of choice may or may not provide Flex Tests on their premises–we recommend calling to see if they do!

If your school(s) of choice do(es) not offer on-site SSAT Flex Testing, you can work with an educational consultant to register for a Flex Test at their approved SSAT Flex Test center. Educational consultants are approved professionals who provide on-site SSAT Flex Testing and, in many other cases, other admissions services.

Here’s what Learning Associates , an educational consultant that offers SSAT Flex Testing in Morristown, New Jersey, says about Flex Tests:

Learning Associates is an approved SSAT Flex Test center. This means we can administer the SSAT in our office on dates we establish, outside the prescribed test dates. Some clients prefer the Flex Test because of the very small setting and greater scheduling flexibility. If your child has accommodations approved by the SSATB, those will be incorporated in our testing. Appointments can be made through our office.

Students can only take one SSAT Flex Test per calendar year. Any other SSATs they sit for must be standard administration.

It can also be pretty confusing navigating the registration process for SSAT Flex Tests. We walk you through the ins and outs of this process in our detailed post on SSAT Flex Testing .

There’s more to the SSAT than just the test itself. Students have the option of taking the SSAT Character Skills Snapshot, an additional online assessment that is meant to give schools a “richer holistic view” of an applicant.

Here’s what SSAT.org says about the Snapshot on its website:

It measures your student’s view of his/her character skill development and is meant to complement more traditional cognitive assessments such as the SSAT. The Character Skills Snapshot gives admission teams additional information and illuminates areas where their schools can help your student grow, thrive, and shine. 

Also, according to SSAT.org, the SSAT Character Skills Snapshot tests a wide range of character traits, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Social Awareness
  • Self-Control
  • Openmindedness
  • Intellectual engagement

This online assessment takes approximately twenty minutes to complete, and can be completed in one sitting at home. Students who are in grades 5 through 11 applying to grades 6-12 are eligible to take the Snapshot.

SSAT.org admits that the Snapshot may not be representative of the full scope of a student’s character:

The Snapshot is meant to provide a snapshot in time of your student’s view of his/her character skills – it is not a fixed, absolute measure.

While we agree that it’s pretty challenging to assess a person’s full character in twenty minutes, the Snapshot can provide potentially valuable information not otherwise able to be gleaned from other parts of an application.

You can check out the Character Skills Card for more details here , or read through our post on what to expect with the SSAT Character Skills Snapshot .

SSAT testing accommodations are designed to give every student a fair shot at demonstrating their academic potential on the test. According to the SSAT.org , testing accommodations are

“necessary practices and/or procedures which are intended to provide equitable access to the test for students with disabilities by limiting or eliminating the effects of a student’s disabilities on their performance.”

Students must fulfill two criteria for SSAT testing accommodations. They must:

  • Have an “identified disabling condition or impairment”
  • Be substantially limited by this condition or impairment in performing “major life activities”

We’ve written a lengthy pos t that walks families through the types of SSAT testing accommodations, how to request them, and other frequently asked questions.

  • SSAT Character Skills Snapshot
  • SSAT Flex Tests
  • SSAT at Home

Navigating the SSAT can be challenging, especially for first-time test-takers. That’s why we created our free SSAT Guidebook for 2021, an excellent resource for families starting the secondary school admission process.

Work with an expert SSAT tutor in 202 4

In this SSAT Guide, we’ve walked you through the ins and outs of the SSAT, from what the test actually is to how to prepare for it. Now you have a great foundation for beginning your SSAT prep!

To accelerate that prep, we encourage students to turn to the ultimate guide: a PrepMaven SSAT tutor.

The SSAT is a very specific test that is unlike any middle school exam out there. Success on the SSAT often boils down to gaining a deep understanding of the test itself and following through with a methodical preparation plan, which requires time and expert guidance.

Working one-on-one with an SSAT tutor is the fastest and most effective way of preparing for the SSAT–and getting that much closer to a competitive score.

At PrepMaven, we’re here to match students with the very best tutors in the industry, many of whom are Ivy League graduates. Learn more about SSAT private tutoring with PrepMaven today!

ssat sample essay prompts

Greg & Kevin

Greg and Kevin, Princeton graduates (and brothers) with over 20 years of education experience, are co-founders of PrepMaven and Princeton Tutoring. They apply research-backed problem-solving skills to the test prep and college preparation process. They also place a heavy emphasis on personal development, character, and service for successful college preparation.

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ssat sample essay prompts

SSAT Writing Sample: How to Ace It

ssat sample essay prompts

The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) includes a writing sample as part of the exam. This section is an opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills and provide admissions committees with insight into your abilities. To excel in the SSAT writing sample, follow these tips:

Understand the Format

1. familiarize yourself with the prompt: .

The SSAT writing sample provides a prompt or a question that you need to respond to. Understand the prompt thoroughly before you begin writing.

2. Time Limit: 

You have 25 minutes to complete the writing sample, so time management is crucial. Allocate a few minutes for brainstorming, writing, and revising.

Plan Your Response

3. brainstorm ideas: .

Before you start writing, jot down key points or ideas related to the prompt. Create an outline or rough plan to help structure your response.

4. Stay on Topic: 

Ensure that your response directly addresses the prompt. Straying off-topic can result in a lower score.

Organize Your Writing

5. structure your essay: .

A well-structured essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should have a clear purpose.

6. Introduction: 

Start with a compelling introduction that introduces the topic and your stance or perspective on it. A strong thesis statement can provide clarity.

7. Body Paragraphs: 

Support your thesis with relevant evidence, examples, and explanations. Use each paragraph to develop a single idea, and transition smoothly between paragraphs.

8. Conclusion: 

Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. Avoid introducing new information at this stage.

Focus on Clarity and Style

9. be clear and concise: .

Write in a clear and straightforward manner. Avoid overly complex sentences or vocabulary that may confuse the reader.

10. Varied Sentence Structure: 

Use a variety of sentence structures to make your writing more engaging. Avoid repetitive sentence patterns.

11. Effective Language Use: 

Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Avoid errors that can distract from your message.

12. Vocabulary: 

Use a range of vocabulary to convey your ideas effectively. Avoid excessive repetition of words or phrases.

Develop Your Ideas

13. provide examples: .

Whenever possible, support your arguments or ideas with concrete examples. Real-life anecdotes or well-chosen examples can make your writing more convincing.

14. Elaborate and Explain: 

Don't assume that the reader will understand your point without explanation. Provide context and elaboration to ensure your ideas are fully understood.

Revise and Proofread

15. revision: .

After completing your first draft, take a moment to review and revise your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and organization. Make any necessary changes to improve your writing.

16. Proofreading: 

Carefully proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Even minor mistakes can affect the overall impression of your writing.

17. Practice Writing Prompts: 

Familiarize yourself with different types of writing prompts and practice writing essays under timed conditions. This will help you become more comfortable with the format and improve your writing skills.

18. Seek Feedback: 

If possible, have a teacher or tutor review your practice essays and provide feedback. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

Stay Calm and Focused

19. stay composed: .

On test day, try to stay calm and focused. Manage your time wisely, and don't let anxiety affect your writing.

20. Review Your Work: 

If you finish early, take a moment to review your essay for any errors or improvements you can make.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, excelling in the SSAT writing sample requires careful preparation, effective organization, and strong writing skills. Understanding the format and prompt, planning your response, and structuring your essay are essential steps. Additionally, focusing on clarity, style, and the development of your ideas can make your writing more compelling. Don't forget to revise and proofread your work to ensure it's error-free.

Ultimately, the SSAT writing sample is a chance to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and express your thoughts coherently. While it's important to do your best, keep in mind that admissions committees consider a range of factors in their evaluation process. Approach the writing sample with confidence and use it as an opportunity to shine among prospective schools. Good luck with your SSAT and your future academic endeavors!

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Free Resources

Upper Level SSAT

The premier private high school admission test for students currently in grades 8–11 ( students may test up or down ), available in paper and Prometric testing worldwide and the SSAT at Home in the United States and Canada. Accommodations and fee waivers are also available.

Two female students at New Hampton School conduct a science experiment with a bunson burner.

SSAT Testing Options

The SSAT testing options vary depending on the student's grade and location. Selecting the right test method for your child often comes down to comfort level and convenience.

  • Available in the United States, Canada, and many international locations
  • U.S. and Canadian Middle & Upper students can take up to 6 Standard tests and 1 Flex test
  • International Middle & Upper students can take up to 4 Standard tests (5 in China) and 1 Flex test
  • Elementary students can take up to 3 tests including 2 Standards and 1 Flex
  • Available in the United States (including U.S. territories) and Canada only
  • Proctored computer-based testing at home
  • Students can take a total of 2 combined SSAT at Home and Prometric tests per testing year
  • Middle and Upper Level only
  • Proctored computer-based testing at a test center
  • Middle & Upper Level only

Please note: SSAT test availability is based upon the student's physical location on test day, not their current location or home address. For example, a student living in the United States that travels to Germany cannot take the SSAT at Home while in Germany. The testing year that defines the maximum number of SSAT tests students can take runs from August 1 through July 31. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.

What’s on the SSAT?

  • Quantitative (Math) : Composed of math computation.
  • Verbal : Vocabulary and analogy questions.
  • Reading : Reading passages.
  • Writing Sample : The writing sample is not scored, but schools use it to assess writing skills.
  • Experimental: Mixed content questions (verbal, reading, and math). This section does not count toward reported scores.

A college counselor at Le Jardin Academy talks to two female students.

SSAT Sections

Total duration: 3 hours, 10 minutes*.

Click on the items below to learn more about the content in each section of the Upper Level SSAT. Please note that the allotted time for each section may vary for students with approved testing accommodations. *Only on the SSAT at Home are students not required to use the full time.

Part 1: Writing Sample

Students have 25 minutes to write an essay, choosing between a personal or general question prompt. Writing samples aren't scored, but they are provided to the schools that you opt to receive the SSAT score report, helping them assess the student's writing abilities. Parents may obtain a copy of the writing sample as a separate purchase.

Part 2 & 5: Break

Students are allotted two ten-minute breaks.

Part 3 & 7: Quantitative (Math)

  • Number of questions:  50 in two 30-minute sections
  • What it measures:  Ability to solve problems involving arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry, and other concepts
  • Scored section:  Yes
  • Time allotted:  30 minutes for each section of 25 questions
  • The quantitative (mathematics) section of the Upper Level SSAT measures your knowledge of algebra, geometry, and other quantitative concepts.

Students aren't permitted to use calculators in this section.

Part 4: Reading Comprehension

  • Number of questions:  40
  • What it measures:  Reading ability and comprehension
  • Time allotted:  40 minutes
  • Topics covered:  Reading passages ranging in length from 250 to 350 words 

After reading each passage, students are asked about its content or the author's style, intent, or point of view. The SSAT uses two types of writing:  narrative , which includes excerpts from novels, poems, short stories, or essays; and  argument , which presents a definite point of view about a subject.

Reading passages come from:

  • Literary fiction
  • Humanities (biography, art, poetry)
  • Science (anthropology, astronomy, medicine)
  • Social studies (history, sociology, economics)

Questions related to the passage ask students to:

  • Recognize the main idea
  • Locate details
  • Make inferences
  • Derive the meaning of a word or phrase from its context
  • Determine the author's purpose
  • Determine the author's attitude and tone
  • Understand and evaluate opinions and arguments
  • Make predictions based on information in the passage

Part 6: Verbal

  • Number of questions:  60; 30 synonyms and 30 analogies
  • What it measures:  Vocabulary, verbal reasoning, and ability to relate ideas logically
  • Time allotted:  30 minutes
  • Topics covered:  Word similarities and relationships through synonyms and analogies

The verbal section asks students to identify synonyms and interpret analogies. Synonym questions test a student's vocabulary strength, while analogy questions measure the ability to logically relate ideas to each other.

Synonyms  are words with the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. For example, fortunate is a synonym for lucky, tidy is a synonym for neat, and difficult is a synonym for hard. Synonym questions ask students to choose the answer word with a meaning similar to the prompt word.

Analogies  are comparisons between two things with similarities. These comparisons play an important role in improving problem-solving and decision-making skills, perception and memory, communication and reasoning skills, and reading and vocabulary. Analogies help students process information actively, make important decisions, and improve understanding and long-term memory. Considering these relationships stimulates critical and creative thinking.

Part 8: Experimental

The experimental section quality tests future SSAT questions to ensure they are reliable, secure, and acceptable.

  • Number of questions:  16
  • Scored section:  No
  • Time allotted:  15 minutes
  • Topics covered:  This section contains six verbal, five reading, and five quantitative questions

A Harkness table discussion at The Frederick Gunn School.

Practice for the SSAT.

The Official SSAT Practice Materials from the assessment team that creates the SSAT include Online Practice and Guide Books . Both have four full-length practice tests mirroring the SSAT experience. Get started with the free online Mini-Practice Test to identify where to focus studying.

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SSAT Essay Prompts

ssat sample essay prompts

Quality Is the Major Tenet of Our Philosophy!

Forgetting about quality is the right way to nonsuccess.

Appreciate a 100% unplagiarized text composed based on your specific case. Receive a brilliant document that is capable of winning the selection officers’ attention from the very first sentence and making them flabbergasted for the next 24 hours!

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Get a doc that is written in accordance with all of the application standards. Do not doubt that we will guarantee precise conformity with the committee’s demands regarding critical things like the structure of the document and its content.

Feel like your final doc needs some revision? Received the completed order from the author and really would like to do away with some drawbacks of it? Well, you still have 14 days after the deadline is over!

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Demand your money back within 14 days after the deadline. You’ve had enough of undependable platforms! Don’t be frightened to use our service! Thanks to us, you can finally eliminate the fear of being conned.

Letter of Recommendation

Application Resume/CV

Waiver Request Letter

Statement of Purpose

Personal Statement

Admission Essay

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Now, the grueling process of preparing an application package is our duty.

ssat sample essay prompts

Meet Our Well-Liked Authors

Pin all of your hopes on our erudite and extremely proficient authors specializing in each academic area. Fear not because each writer that wishes to become part of our squad needs to cope with a tough contest to get employed.

Aside from being a skillful writer, Melinda can only feel fulfilled when working with computer/information science, website design, drafting, statistics, and some other math-related areas, though the list mentioned above is far from full. When Melinda is your author, you can be sure that your personal essay will be prepared superlatively!

Kasey’s range of specializations is just enormous. Fields such as court reporting, anthropology, history, and clinical counseling are just an introduction to what she is a real expert in. Kasey’s typing speed, breathtaking transitions, accurate comparisons, and popularity among clients prove that she’s an ideal author.

Angelina, our highly esteemed author, will cope with mechanical drafting, electrical/electronic engineering, industrial production, and a bunch of other fields somehow dealing with this specialization. Clients say she is a very energetic, inquisitive, detail-oriented, and intelligent person. All the experts in our squad respect Angelina for her dependability. She always does what she has pledged!

Even though Toby, with his doctorate, can easily write and publish scientific works, he decided to step upon a different path. Toby’s chief life goal is to assist others in getting their university diplomas. Educational administration, career & business education, and coaching are the major but not all the fields that Toby will gladly handle, crafting striking personal essays.

Seek help with digital communications, multimedia, animation, or other areas within this specialization? Murphy is the person whose help you need now! He effectively copes with the tightest deadlines. Murphy does not just deliver documents on time, often submitting documents earlier! Moreover, Murphy will eagerly make emendations or add extra significant data to your essay in a flash.

Health administration and assisting in all health-related areas are the specialties Neal will handle with ease. By ordering this professional’s assistance, you will be able to get rid of all the hesitations and stress regarding the quality of your personal statement. Why? Because the competency of this author is exceptional!

Paul will masterfully compose exemplary personal essays in areas such as insurance & risk management, HR development, and lots of other business fields. This peerless expert can effectively advertise any applicant’s strong suits to the selection officers from the educational institution they wish to enter most.

The fields Libbie is competent in include ecology, astronomy, and earth & atmospheric sciences. Based on tons of feedback, collaboration with Libbie is nothing but enjoyment. She’ll pay close attention to each remark and any additional material. Not a bit of valuable data will be missing!

Computer, mechanical, nuclear, and some other types of engineering specializations are Koby’s calling. This expert can hardly even exist without performing work relating to engineering. No one in our squad has such a deep passion for what they are doing. Koby will treasure your personal statement in the way he would treat his one if his chances of entry to the university were on the line, guaranteed!

Vanesa is a virtuoso when it comes to academic fields dealing with health sciences and technologies. Assign a task to her, attach all of the requirements that you want to be fulfilled, add some files if necessary, and wait until a sterling personal statement is delivered to you. You can be sure that the job will be done as per the agreed deadline or even beforehand, and your expectations will be surpassed!

ssat sample essay prompts

Personal Statement looks awesome! Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! The summary looks great! Thanks again for all the help.

How We Operate

This procedure is not about challenges at all. Simply fill out a form to get us acquainted with your instructions and click on the payment button! If you want to receive a maximally customized personal essay, you need to provide us with particular data regarding your application, such as your accomplishments, the course you have picked, and the admission committee’s formatting rules.

When the payment process is finished, your author will immediately get down to crafting your personal essay. Set your mind at rest because each and every transaction is highly secured. Moreover, each client gets a transaction confirmation letter by email.

Once we get notified about a client’s successful transaction, they will instantly be sent Customer Area sign-in information. A customer’s password can be modified for a more comfortable website experience. The chief feature your customer area can offer is an anonymous chat with the assigned author and support agent. Furthermore, you can use your Customer Area to save completed admission docs, request revisions, or order any other essays.

You will be informed about all the updates by email. Besides, customers can order SMS notifications to track the order execution nonstop. When your document is ready, the Quality Department will make sure it follows all the requirements. Then a client will be able to download the final copy with the help of the Customer Area. Your personal statement will be ready on time! If there is a necessity to modify something in your essay, reach out to us within 14 days. Our editors will do it in a flash.

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Expectations One Must Have with SSAT Essay Prompts

Every year universities and institutions ask students about the  writing perfect personal statement in explaining who they are and for them to show they write and think. On the other hand, most students need to choose the right prompt for them.

It is not necessary that a brilliant student can also write the admission application essay outstandingly. The phases of writing an admission essay or answers for SSAT essay prompts are not similar from start to the end. Try to write the content logically and clearly. Then, pay the whole attention to the topic. At last, edit it properly by concentrating on even the minor errors.

ssat writing prompts

Answering SSAT Essay Questions

When you apply for SSAT, you need to choose the perfect prompt for you. You should not just choose any prompts but see to it that you have the right one for you. The prompt you should choose must be able to deliver completely. When you decide to choose an SSAT essay question that tells about your personal qualities, then do not just present details but back it up with evidence, arguments and examples.

In answering SSAT  writing prompts , you need to be honest. You can include keywords or any verbs that support your essay. Just make sure that sure your answer is direct and avoid talking information that is not part of the prompt.

Since you have the freedom to write anything or, for instance, mechanical engineering personal statement , feel free to discuss but first you should identify your focus. When you have focus, it helps you on what the next thing you will do. Also, when you answer, do not forget about the purpose of your essay. You should be able to communicate your personality and passion to your audience.

When you answer essay prompts, focus on it. There is a word limit so every word is important to choose the words you include.

The Steps for Writing

Follow these steps for SSAT writing prompts answers. You have no chance to make the mistakes or showing a lack of interest in it.

  • Think about the topic when you begin to brainstorm for ideas
  • The next step is to write an outline once you’ve decided on your topic or opinion
  • Start the writing by following all the requirements carefully. It is an improvement over the original idea to make any deviation from the outline
  • You have to save time for proofreading. It is as important as writing quality content

Understand SSAT Writing Prompts

In order to answer the essay prompt, you need to understand it first. Read the prompt carefully and take time to think about what information you put. You have ample time in answering questions so no need to rush.

Do not forget that there are still and format you should follow. Don’t forget about it. Just be focused and determined. Make creating a personal statement for graduate school ahead of time so that you have plenty of time. End your essay with a striking conclusion. Most importantly, edit, revise and proofread your essay to ensure it is free from errors. Convince the committee that you are the best by answering all the questions incredibly.

The Services We Are Providing

We are delivering top-notch quality services because we care for you. If you are paying fully for a writing service, then it is our duty to send you the satisfactory work. We can help with writing admission documents targeted at specific programs/universities. The sample answers for SSAT essay questions can also be created for your assistance. In this way, you would get the proper idea of writing the best answers. Our team is based on the brilliant writers and editors. They can deal with all the major and minor flaws in the text.

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Personal statement writing services with professionals always provide you the list of particular assurances of services. But, many of such services providers do not meet all the claims. The editing specialists of our team would also give you the great experience of working with them. Here is a list of some guarantees that you’ll have by availing our services:

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  • 100% professionalism from receiving the order to sending the draft
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Ten Upper Level SSAT Essay Writing Tips

Prepped & Polished History Tutor and SSAT Instructor

The SSAT includes a writing section which may be administered either before or after the multiple-choice sections of the test. Students are presented with a choice of two prompts (one essay, one creative) from which the student will choose one. You will have 25 minutes to plan and complete your writing sample which can be up to two pages.

Your essay is not scored by SSAT . Instead, a copy is sent to each of the schools that receive your score report.

However, do not underestimate the power of your writing sample. Schools use your writing sample as an indication of how well you can write under controlled conditions, so approach the writing piece with this in mind. Schools use your scores to estimate your academic capability to perform in an independent school setting, to compare your performance with other applicants for admission, or with your current academic record. So, bottom line, the essay is often used as the final judgment.

Here are 10 tips to help you to be more successful on the writing portion of the SSAT :

Each essay question consists of a topic (short phrase, proverb, or question) and an assignment (usually to agree or disagree with the position taken). There is no right or wrong answer.

1) Stick to the topic

So many students go off on tangents instead of discussing the topic. Rephrase the question in your own words to make sure you understand what it is asking you. You may be creative in your approach, but you need to take a clear position and support that position with specific examples from your own experience, the experience of others, current events, literature, or history. Although you do not know the topic ahead of time, you can be prepared. Prior to the SSAT , think about meaningful personal experiences and observations, favorite literature, as well as current and historical events that interest you. Read some editorials – a great way to learn how good writers give opinions and provide examples. You will be relieved if you can apply some of this information on test day.

2) Have a plan for your essay

25 minutes is not much time, so you need to budget your time in order to complete your essay. You will need to write more than a short paragraph. A great essay lacking a conclusion will not be viewed favorably. Contrary to what many students think, planning your essay makes the writing process easier, faster, and more organized. Allow 3-5 minutes to decide on your stance, brainstorm two to three examples that support your thesis, and make a brief outline for 3-5 paragraphs. You probably will not have time to write a 5-paragraph essay. Allow 15 minutes to write your essay as neatly and legibly as you can. Allow approximately 5 minutes to revise and proofread your essay.

3) Show – don’t tell

Rather than explaining why you believe a statement is true or not, use relevant examples that illustrate the point that you want to make. Preferably, use examples other than from your personal life. Reading the newspaper on a regular basis will give you material for good supporting examples for your essay while improving your vocabulary.

4) Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure

When you proofread, check for two of the most common errors: sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

Complete sentences have a subject and verb and make sense when standing alone. Example: On that morning I sat in my usual spot. On the old wooden stool in the corner of my grandmother’s kitchen (fragment-lacks subject and verb). Correct: On that morning I sat in my usual spot, on the old wooden stool in the corner of my grandmother’s kitchen.

When two independent clauses appear in one sentence (run-on), they must be joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet), with a semicolon, or made into two sentences separated by a period. Avoid monotony by varying the rhythm and length of your sentences.

5) Word choice

Check for the overused words – “things” and “stuff”. Replace words that do not add quality to your essay with more detailed, advanced academic vocabulary. Use exciting verbs to empower your writing. Also, check for pronouns (him, her, they, it) that have no antecedent. This error makes an essay very confusing.

6) Legibility

Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that your writing is legible to those readers. Admissions officers read many essays, and if your writing is difficult to decipher, it may not be received as favorably. Edit carefully, just putting one line through a word or phrase that you revise.

1) Pre-write your essay

The creative essay prompt is open-ended. For example, the prompt “And then she came in the door…” could be the beginning of an essay about almost anything you choose. Your essay could be about a friend, sibling, teacher, mother, detective, etc. Other examples of creative prompts are:

– “He couldn’t believe they wanted his help…” – “The silence was deafening…” – “He was hanging on by a thread…”

Again, the possibilities are endless. Try writing a creative essay in advance that could be adaptable to a variety of prompts. Do some research on a favorite subject or think about an accomplishment that you would like an admissions officer to learn about you. Hopefully, you can adapt this idea to a creative prompt on test day.

2) Writing a story

If you use the creative prompt to write a story, start with some tension and immediacy (the unusual, the unexpected, an action or conflict) to grab the reader’s attention. A good story has a conflict, a climax (when the rising action of the story reaches its peak) and a resolution (conflict is resolved). In 25 minutes, it is difficult to provide a complete resolution, so you want to reveal that the characters are beginning to change or are starting to see things differently.

3) Words/Imagery

Your goal should be clear, lively writing that employs imagery and well-chosen vocabulary that shows rather than tells. For example, instead of writing that Linda was scared, you could write that her hands were clammy or that her body was quivering like a bowl of jello. Instead of writing that John asked the question nervously, you could write – “Where are you going?” John stammered, staring at his sneakers. Make it riveting! Avoid he said, she said. Reveal a character’s tone; for example, “….she snorted in amusement…” or “…he asked contemptuously…”


The best way to improve writing skills for either prompt (essay, creative) is to consistently read a wide selection of materials: newspapers (especially editorials), all types of literature, magazines, etc. Reading increases your vocabulary so that you can use the right word just when you need it. Reading books by your favorite authors empowers you to improve your own writing by developing the language you need.

Is your student taking the SSAT? What was your favorite SSAT essay tip?

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Terri graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Connecticut, with a dual degree in Education and English. She has 15 years of teaching and tutoring experience as a licensed teacher (Grades 5-12). Terri works with students from elementary school through college, and serves as an incredible resource when it comes to preparing for standardized tests (SAT, ACT, SSAT, ISEE, MCAS).

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, sat essay prompts: the complete list.

SAT Writing , SAT Essay


On every SAT Essay, you'll have to read an argument meant to persuade a broad audience and discuss how well the author argues his or her point. The passage you'll have to read will change from test to test, but you'll always need to analyze the author's argument and write a coherent and organized essay explaining this analysis.

In this article, we've compiled a list of the 14 real SAT essay prompts that the College Board has released (either in The Official SAT Study Guide or separately online) for the new SAT. This is the most comprehensive set of new SAT essay prompts online today.

At the end of this article, we'll also guide you through how to get the most out of these prompts and link to our expert resources on acing the SAT essay. I'll discuss how the SAT essay prompts are valuable not just because they give you a chance to write a practice essay, but because of what they reveal about the essay task itself.

UPDATE: SAT Essay No Longer Offered

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In January 2021, the College Board announced that after June 2021, it would no longer offer the Essay portion of the SAT (except at schools who opt in during School Day Testing). It is now no longer possible to take the SAT Essay, unless your school is one of the small number who choose to offer it during SAT School Day Testing.

While most colleges had already made SAT Essay scores optional, this move by the College Board means no colleges now require the SAT Essay. It will also likely lead to additional college application changes such not looking at essay scores at all for the SAT or ACT, as well as potentially requiring additional writing samples for placement.

What does the end of the SAT Essay mean for your college applications? Check out our article on the College Board's SAT Essay decision for everything you need to know.

SAT essay prompts always keep to the same basic format. Not only is the prompt format consistent from test to test, but what you're actually asked to do (discuss how an author builds an argument) also remains the same across different test administrations.

The College Board's predictability with SAT essay helps students focus on preparing for the actual analytical task, rather than having to think up stuff on their feet. Every time, before the passage, you'll see the following:

  • evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.
  • reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.
  • stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.

And after the passage, you'll see this:

"Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [her/his] audience that [whatever the author is trying to argue for]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author]'s claims, but rather explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [her/his/their] audience."

Now that you know the format, let's look at the SAT essay prompts list.

14 Official SAT Essay Prompts

The College Board has released a limited number of prompts to help students prep for the essay. We've gathered them for you here, all in one place. We'll be sure to update this article as more prompts are released for practice and/or as more tests are released.

SPOILER ALERT : Since these are the only essay prompts that have been released so far, you may want to be cautious about spoiling them for yourself, particularly if you are planning on taking practice tests under real conditions . This is why I've organized the prompts by the 10 that are in the practice tests (so you can avoid them if need be), the ones that are available online as sample prompts, and the ones that are in the text of the Official SAT Study Guide (Redesigned SAT), all online for free.

Practice Test Prompts

These 10 prompts are taken from the practice tests that the College Board has released.

Practice Test 1 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Jimmy Carter builds an argument to persuade his audience that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should not be developed for industry."

Practice Test 2 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Martin Luther King Jr. builds an argument to persuade his audience that American involvement in the Vietnam War is unjust."

Practice Test 3 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology."

Practice Test 4 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Paul Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience that natural darkness should be preserved."

Practice Test 5 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Eric Klinenberg builds an argument to persuade his audience that Americans need to greatly reduce their reliance on air-conditioning."

Practice Test 6 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Christopher Hitchens builds an argument to persuade his audience that the original Parthenon sculptures should be returned to Greece."

Practice Test 7 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Zadie Smith builds an argument to persuade her audience that public libraries are important and should remain open"

Practice Test 8 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Bobby Braun builds an argument to persuade his audience that the US government must continue to invest in NASA."

Practice Test 9 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Todd Davidson builds an argument to persuade his audience that the US government must continue to fund national parks."

Practice Test 10 :

"Write an essay in which you explain how Richard Schiffman builds an argument to persuade his audience that Americans need to work fewer hours."

Special note: The prompt for Practice Test 4 also appears on the College Board's site with real sample essays written in response. If you've written a practice essay for practice test 4 and want to see what essays of different score levels look like for that particular prompt, you can go there and look at eight real student essays.


Free Online Practice

This prompt comes from the College Board website .

"Write an essay in which you explain how Dana Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience that the decline of reading in America will have a negative effect on society."

This prompt comes from Khan Academy , where it is listed as an alternate essay prompt to go along with Practice Test 2:

"Write an essay in which you explain how Leo W. Gerard builds an argument to persuade his audience that American colleges and universities should be affordable for all students."

The Official SAT Study Guide 2020

The Official SAT Study Guide (editions published in 2015 and later available online for free) contains all 10 of the previously mentioned practice tests at the end of the book. In the section about the new SAT essay , however, there are two additional sample essay prompts (accompanied by articles to analyze).

Sample Prompt 1:

"Write an essay in which you explain how Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States."

Sample Prompt 2:

"Write an essay in which you explain how Adam B. Summers builds an argument to persuade his audience that plastic shopping bags should not be banned."


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How Do You Get the Most Out of These Prompts?

Now that you have all the prompts released by the College Board, it's important to know the best way to use them. Make sure you have a good balance between quality and quantity, and don't burn through all 14 of the real prompts in a row— take the time to learn from your experiences writing the practice essays.

Step By Step Guide on How to Practice Using the Article

#1: Understand how the SAT essay is graded .

#2: Follow along as we write a high-scoring SAT essay, step by step .

#3: Plan a set of features you'll look for in the SAT essay readings and practice writing about them fluidly. This doesn't just mean identifying a technique, like asking a rhetorical question, but explaining why it is persuasive and what effect it has on the reader in the context of a particular topic. We have more information on this step in our article about 6 SAT persuasive devices you can use .

#4: Choose a prompt at random from above, or choose a topic that you think is going to be hard for you to detach from (because you'll want to write about the topic, rather than the argument) set timer to 50 minutes and write the essay. No extra time allowed!

#5: Grade the essay, using the official essay rubric to give yourself a score out of 8 in the reading, analysis, and writing sections.

#6: Repeat steps 4 and 5. Choose the prompts you think will be the hardest for you so that you can so that you're prepared for the worst when the test day comes

#7: If you run out of official prompts to practice with, use the official prompts as models to find examples of other articles you could write about . Start by looking for op-ed articles in online news publications like The New York Times, The Atlantic, LA Times , and so on. For instance, the passage about the plastic bag ban in California (Official SAT Study Guide sample essay prompt 2, above) has a counterpoint here —you could try analyzing and writing about that article as well.

Any additional articles you use for practice on the SAT essay must match the following criteria:

  • ideally 650-750 words , although it'll be difficult to find an op-ed piece that's naturally that short. Try to aim for nothing longer than 2000 words, though, or the scope of the article is likely to be wider than anything you'll encounter on the SAT.
  • always argumentative/persuasive . The author (or authors) is trying to get readers to agree with a claim or idea being put forward.
  • always intended for a wide audience . All the information you need to deconstruct the persuasiveness of the argument is in the passage. This means that articles with a lot of technical jargon that's not explained in the article are not realistic passage to practice with.

What's Next?

We've written a ton of helpful resources on the SAT essay. I f you're just getting started, we recommend beginning with our top SAT essay tips for a quick overview of the essay task and what you need to know.

A little more familiar with the SAT essay but still not quite sure how to write one? Follow along with our step-by-step guide to writing the SAT essay .

Looking to earn a high score? Learn what it takes to get the highest score possible on the SAT essay here .

Plus, if you want a reference linking you to all of our great articles on the SAT essay, be sure to check out our ultimate SAT essay guide .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?

Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more.

Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice SAT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score.

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Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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  1. SSAT Writing: Essay Prompts and Samples

    1. Read the question to find out exactly what it asks you to do. 2. Choose a point of view or decide how to answer the question. 3. Outline your essay. For creative writing topics, use the topic given as the first sentence of your essay. Then write a descriptive story with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

  2. SSAT Essay Samples

    Practice Essay. Work through this topic as though it were the real thing. Brainstorm your ideas, make an outline, write, and proofread. Time yourself-you have 25 minutes to write your SSAT essay. Essay Topic: Voting is such an important responsibility that all citizens should be required to vote in every election.

  3. SSAT Essay Practice

    Upper Level Essay. The SSAT Upper Level Essay requires students to write either a short story or an essay in twenty-five minutes. The essay topics tend to be broad and varied. In some cases, you will be asked to take a side on an issue (in other words, you will be asked to write a persuasive essay). In some cases, you will be asked to offer a ...

  4. Essay Prompts to Practice for the Upper Level SSAT

    Although the essay for the Upper Level SSAT is not scored, it is still important to do your very best, as it will be sent to the admissions officer of the schools to which you are applying. Practicing ahead of time with some essay prompts is a good idea. The SSAT includes a 25-minute Writing Sample of one to two pages in length.

  5. The SSAT Writing Sample: What You Need to Know

    The writing sample is unscored but is sent to admissions departments with your SSAT scores. The writing sample is a 25-minute free response. Students have two pages to write their answer. SSAT writing sample prompts vary depending on whether you're taking the Upper-Level SSAT or Middle-Level SSAT: Upper Level: you have the choice to write a ...

  6. Essay Prompts to Practice for the Middle Level SSAT

    Practicing ahead of time with some essay prompts is a good idea. The SSAT includes a 25-minute Writing Sample of one to two pages in length. Middle Level students will be asked to write a story starting with a phrase or a sentence provided by the test. ... Although the Writing Sample will not affect your SSAT score, admissions officers consider ...

  7. Free SSAT Practice Tests

    SSAT Practice Material. Download a sample SSAT Middle Level and Upper Level exam into a printable format below. Middle Level Test (5th-7th Grade) Essay: 25 minutes. 1 prompt. Download. 1. Quantitative Section: 30 minutes. 25 questions. Download. 2. Reading Section: 40 minutes. ... SSAT Writing (Essay) SSAT Essay Topics Introduction to the ...

  8. PDF SSAT Prep Guide

    Students taking the SSAT on paper will complete their writing sample in pencil. Students taking the SSAT on a computer will type the essay. Note: the Elementary Level SSAT is only administered on paper. ... students do not get a choice of prompt. Sample personal essay prompt: LEVEL; PROMPT(S) Elementary Level; 1 picture prompt Middle Level;

  9. PDF SSAT The 2020-2021 Interpretive Guide

    The SSAT includes an unscored writing sample that is sent to schools with the student's score report. The Middle Level exam includes two prompts: one creative and one essay, from which the student will choose one. The Upper Level writing section presents two essay prompts: one personal and one general, from which the student will choose one.

  10. SSAT Essay Topics

    Understanding the SSAT Writing Sample. For the first section of the SSAT, you will have 25 minutes to produce a sample of your best writing. For the writing sample, you will choose from two prompts: one is a creative prompt in the form of a partial sentence. The other is a question that provides the starting point for a more traditional essay.

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  12. SSAT Writing Prompts: Conquer the Writing Section

    Allocate time wisely: Divide the available time to ensure you have enough ‌for planning, writing, and proofreading. Aim to spend approximately 10% of the‍ total time on planning, 70% ‍on writing, and the remaining 20% on editing. Stick to the prompt: Ensure that your essay directly addresses the‌ given prompt.

  13. SSAT Writing Practice: Prep for the SSAT Essay!

    Elementary SSAT Test takers are provided a prompt in the form of a picture. Students must write an essay based on the picture prompt and make sure that their writing sample is complete, with a beginning, middle, and end. Middle Level. Both of the two Middle Level SSAT Writing prompts are creative. The response to the prompts must also be ...

  14. Strategies for Acing the SSAT Writing Sample from AP Guru

    Acing the SSAT writing sample requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and a confident writing style. By understanding the prompt, organizing your thoughts, using clear and concise language, and practicing time management, you can approach the writing sample with confidence and produce a well-crafted essay that ...

  15. Your Complete Guide to the SSAT for 2023

    Here are two sample creative prompts: She could not believe her eyes. They knew it was time to turn back. You can learn more about the SSAT Writing Sample-and get access to free SSAT Writing Sample prompts-in this post here. SSAT Quantitative 1 & 2. The SSAT features multiple-choice questions that span a range of math topics.

  16. SSAT Writing Sample: How to Ace It from AP Guru

    Plan Your Response. 3. Brainstorm Ideas: Before you start writing, jot down key points or ideas related to the prompt. Create an outline or rough plan to help structure your response. 4. Stay on Topic: Ensure that your response directly addresses the prompt. Straying off-topic can result in a lower score.

  17. Upper Level SSAT

    Students have 25 minutes to write an essay, choosing between a personal or general question prompt. Writing samples aren't scored, but they are provided to the schools that you opt to receive the SSAT score report, helping them assess the student's writing abilities. Parents may obtain a copy of the writing sample as a separate purchase.

  18. Dealing WIth the SSAT Essay Prompts

    The phases of writing an admission essay or answers for SSAT essay prompts are not similar from start to the end. Try to write the content logically and clearly. Then, pay the whole attention to the topic. ... The sample answers for SSAT essay questions can also be created for your assistance. In this way, you would get the proper idea of ...

  19. SSAT Essay Practice

    The SSAT Middle Level Essay requires students to write a short story in twenty-five minutes. Two sentences will be provided, and students are asked to select the sentence they find most interesting and use it as the first sentence of a short story. Tips. Follow the instructions. Make sure the sentence provided by the SSAT is the first sentence ...

  20. SSAT Writing Essay Tips, South Natick, Wellesley, Newton

    The SSAT includes a writing section which may be administered either before or after the multiple-choice sections of the test. Students are presented with a choice of two prompts (one essay, one creative) from which the student will choose one. You will have 25 minutes to plan and complete your writing sample which can be up to two pages.

  21. Practice for the Middle Level SSAT with These Prompts

    The SSAT includes a 25-minute Writing Sample of one to two pages in length. Middle Level students will be asked to write a story starting with a phrase or a sentence provided by the test. Upper Level students will be asked to choose between writing a story and writing an essay in response to a question.

  22. SAT Essay Prompts: The Complete List

    No extra time allowed! #5: Grade the essay, using the official essay rubric to give yourself a score out of 8 in the reading, analysis, and writing sections. #6: Repeat steps 4 and 5. Choose the prompts you think will be the hardest for you so that you can so that you're prepared for the worst when the test day comes.