
Enma: Zoro's Powerful Upgrade In One Piece

In the vast world of anime, swords have always held a significant role, symbolizing honor, power, and a character’s journey. Among these, 'One Piece,' with its myriad of powerful characters and captivating storyline, stands out. Swords in 'One Piece' are not just weapons; they are part of a character's identity. Roronoa Zoro, the series’ resident swordsman, exemplifies this bond. Known for his unique three-sword style, Zoro's latest acquisition, the legendary sword Enma, marks a pivotal moment in his journey.

Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro is a fictional character in the anime and manga series "One Piece" created by Eiichiro Oda. He is introduced as the first member to join Monkey D. Luffy in his quest to become the King of the Pirates and find the ultimate treasure known as the "One Piece."

Zoro is a skilled swordsman who practices a unique fighting style known as "Santoryu" or "Three-Sword Style," in which he wields a third sword with his mouth in addition to the ones in his hands. His dream is to become the world's greatest swordsman, and he is known for his fierce loyalty to his comrades and his strong sense of direction (or lack thereof, as a recurring gag in the series is Zoro's terrible sense of direction).

Zoro's Sword Journey in One Piece

Roronoa Zoro's journey as a swordsman is one of relentless pursuit and strength. He began his adventure with three katanas: Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Yubashiri. His unique 'Santoryu' style, wielding a sword in each hand and one in his mouth, set him apart from traditional swordsmen.

However, Zoro's journey took a heartbreaking turn when Yubashiri was destroyed during the Enies Lobby Arc. The loss of Yubashiri paved the way for Shusui, the treasured sword of Wano's legendary samurai, Ryuma. Each of these swords, though instrumental in his journey, were stepping stones leading to his encounter with Enma.

The Legend of Enma

Enma, a legendary sword of Wano, carries a significant legacy. It was once wielded by Kozuki Oden, the only samurai who ever injured the Yonko Kaido. Known for its ability to draw out the user's Haki to its extreme limits, Enma has a reputation that precedes it. When Zoro first received Enma, it was more of a curse than a blessing. Its ability to drain the user's Haki uncontrollably proved to be a challenge for even Zoro, renowned for his indomitable spirit and immense strength.

When Zoro acquired Enma, it wasn't without its trials. The sword’s power was overwhelming, draining his Haki and leaving him weakened. However, true to his character, Zoro saw it as an opportunity to grow stronger. The sword's unique ability forced Zoro to gain better control over his Haki, pushing his capabilities beyond their limits.

The Impact of Enma on Zoro's Abilities

The acquisition of Enma has significantly enhanced Zoro's abilities. Its power was notably demonstrated during the fight against Kaido, where Zoro, using Enma, managed to wound the seemingly invincible Yonko - a feat achieved only once before by Oden. This event was not only a testament to Enma's power but also to Zoro's growth as a swordsman.

Since then, Zoro's mastery over Enma has continually improved. His ability to control the draining of his Haki showcases his growing strength and adaptability. With Enma at his side, Zoro has risen to new heights, ready to face more formidable foes in the future.

Enma’s Role in The Plot Development

Enma's introduction has profoundly impacted the storyline of 'One Piece.' It has not only served as a tool for Zoro's growth but also created deeper connections between Zoro, Wano, and its history. The sword's legacy, having been wielded by Oden, connects Zoro directly to the tragic history of Wano and its struggle against Kaido. As the story progresses, Enma's role is likely to become even more significant. Moreover, the sword has also amplified the mystery around Zoro's origins. With fans speculating about a potential link between Zoro and Wano, Enma might just hold the key to unveiling Zoro's lineage and his destiny.

Comparison of Enma with Other Iconic Anime Swords

While Enma has its unique charm and power, it shares the stage with other iconic swords in anime. In comparison to Inuyasha's Tessaiga or Bleach's Zangetsu, each with their unique abilities and lore, Enma stands out for its power to bring out the user's potential. Unlike the others that offer specific abilities, Enma's power is a direct reflection of its wielder's strength, making it an ultimate test for any swordsman.

In conclusion, Enma's introduction into Zoro's arsenal isn't just an upgrade; it symbolizes a pivotal moment in his character development. This legendary sword, with its rich history and unique attributes, has become a beacon of Zoro's growth, pushing his limits and revealing his untapped potential. It also weaves Zoro deeper into the fabric of Wano's tragic history, hinting at grander narratives yet to unfold. As the saga of 'One Piece' continues, fans around the world eagerly await the new heights that Zoro will reach, wielding the mighty Enma in the battles to come.

zoro essay enma

  • The Kitetsu Swords: An In-depth Look at One Piece's Cursed Blades
  • Kin'emon's Sword: The Blade that Slices Fire in One Piece
  • Yamato's Sword: Exploring One Piece's Famed Weapon
  • Trafalgar Law's Kikoku: The Sword that Cuts through the Chaos
  • Cavendish's Durandal: An Elegant Weapon in a Ruthless World

One Piece: The Origin of Zoro's Swords

Zoro has had quite a few blades over the years in his journey to become The World's Greatest Swordsman.

Roronoa Zoro aims to be the World's Greatest Swordsman in One Piece , but a good swordsman can't get far without his swords by his side . Zoro has had quite a few different swords across his travels, and with his most recent bout against King in the Onigashima Raid, there's no better time than to chronicle the beloved blades of this master swordsman.

Wado Ichimonji

The Wado Ichimonji is far and above Zoro's most beloved treasure. Zoro grew up at a dojo in a small village in the East Blue, where he would constantly get bested by the top student, Kuina, in duels. The two made a promise to each other that one day, one of them would hold the title of World's Greatest Swordsman, but an untimely accident took Kuina's life. Zoro begged his master, and Kuina's father, for her daughter's sword. Now in possession of the Wado Ichimonji, he promised his name would reach the heavens, for both his sake and the promise he made to Kuina. Zoro has kept Wado Ichimonji ever since, and it is far and above, his most relied upon weapon .

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The Wado Ichimonji was forged by the legendary Wano blacksmith, Shimotsuki Kozaburo. After his exile from Wano, it was passed down to his granddaughter, Kuina, most likely. Its name means "Straight Road of the Harmony." It's classified as one of the 21 Great Grade Swords, known for its excellent durability and cutting power. For reference, when Tashigi examined the Wado Ichimonji in Logue Town, she said Great Grade Swords were worth at least 10,000,000 beli.

Kitetsu III

Sandai Kitetsu, or Kitetsu III, was the first sword Zoro picked up after two of his previous swords shattered in his duel with Dracula Mihawk. He found it in a barrel of unremarkable blades in a sword shop in Logue Town, where he met Tashigi and the sword seller, Ipponmatsu.

However, Kitetsu III was not an ordinary sword, Ipponmatsu called it a cursed blade. The sword was forged by Tenguyama Hitetsu as an imitation of one of the infamously sharp Kitetsu blades and eventually found its way overseas. Its name means "Third Generation of Oni Piercer." Kitetsu swords are known to be cursed, as the swordsman who wields them will eventually die by their own blade, but this had Zoro intrigued.

He decided to test his luck against this cursed blade, and so he tossed the sword into the air with his arm outstretched. The sword rotated and fell back to the floor without cutting Zoro's arm and the Pirate Hunter decided to take the sword right then and there. Zoro has called Kitetsu III a troublemaker, known for cutting when Zoro doesn't want it to. Back in Whiskey Peak, when Zoro faced 100 Baroque Works bounty hunters, he had trouble getting Kitetsu to bend to his will, but he eventually tamed the cursed sword.

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Yubashiri is the second blade Zoro received from Ipponmatsu in Logue Town. The merchant respected the swordsman for testing his luck against the cursed Kitetsu and acknowledged his skill by giving him both the Kitetsu and his best sword, Yubashiri, for free. This light blade is one of the 50 Skillful Grade Swords and Zoro would often use alongside its partner, Kitetsu. Its name means "Snow Run." In Water 7, Zoro was able to cut a sea train in half using Yubashiri and Kitetsu III.

Unfortunately, Zoro would lose Yubashiri when faced with the Rust-Rust Devil Fruit user, Shu, in Enies Lobby. This marine was able to corrode Yubashira's blade down to its hilt. Zoro would keep the blade in its hilt till Thriller Bark where he left it at the Rumbar Pirates burial site as its resting place.

This black blade is not only another of the 21 Great Grade Swords but was wielded by the legendary samurai of Wano, Shimotsuki Ryuma. Its name means Autumn Water, and according to legend, Ryuma used this sword to slay a dragon. The sword and Ryuma's corpse were stolen by Gekko Moria 23 years ago from present-day and after Brook's shadow was placed inside Ryuma, he became one of the Warlord's strongest zombies.

Zoro would challenge Ryuma to a duel in the Thriller Bark, with the desire to take Shusui to replace Yubashiri. After their duel, Ryuma acknowledged Zoro's victory and so entrusted his blade to the swordsman.

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During the Wano arc, Zoro would wander into the land of Ringo where Shusui would be stolen by the warrior monk, Gyukimaru. However, Gyukimaru was secretly the fox companion, Onimaru, of the late daimyo of Ringo, Shimotsuki Ushimaru. Shusui is considered a national treasure of Wano, so the former oiran, Kozuki Hiyori, implored Zoro to let the black bade rest here at the burial site of its master, Ryuma. In exchange, Hiyori gifted Zoro with one of her father's swords, Enma.

Enma is another legendary sword, one of the 21 Great Swords and forged by the master blacksmith, Shimotsuki Kozaburo, just like Wado Ichimonji. Enma was originally wielded by the late hero of Wano, Kozuki Oden, alongside his other blade, Ame no Habakiri. At the time, these two swords were the only blades that ever injured Kaido, giving him his famous x-scar on his waist. After Kozuki Oden's death, the swords were entrusted to his children, with Hiyori meant to care for Enma. Hiyori decided to entrust Enma to Zoro to express her gratitude for returning Shusui back to its former resting place.

Enma is by far the most difficult sword Zoro has ever used. Enma is unique in the fact that draws out the armament Haki of its wielder, allowing for some tremendous striking power, at the cost of draining a person's stamina and haki extensively. Its power is why Kozaburo named the sword Enma, after the King of Hell from the Japanese-Buddhist myth. Oden was the only person ever to tame Enma's wild nature, but like with Kitetsu III, Zoro found the challenge intriguing and took the blade. Initially, Zoro had some trouble fully utilizing Enma when fighting both Kaido and King, but in the most recent chapter, he earned the sword's trust .

One Piece 's worldbuilding isn't just good because of the grand sweeping locations and factions, but the work that has gone into giving various items, such as swords, their own history , and legacy. It's these little details that make the world and characters feel so much richer and interconnected. The fact that Zoro's swords are not simply tools but have a bit of story behind each of them sticks in your mind, especially in the different ways Zoro obtained each blade. It'll take some well-earned swords for this Pirate Hunter to be one day be called The Worlds Greatest Swordsman.

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Roronoa Zoro: One Piece character profile

Roronoa Zoro, known as the Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, is an iconic character from the widely popular anime and manga series One Piece. With his unwavering loyalty, fierce combat skills, and strong sense of honor, Zoro captivates audiences with his depth and complexity. In this blog post, we will delve into an analytical and theoretical exploration of Zoro's character, using high-minded concepts while maintaining an easy-to-understand style.Zoro's loyalty is perhaps one of his most defining traits. As a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, he has stood by his captain, Monkey D. Luffy, through thick and thin. This loyalty goes beyond mere friendship or camaraderie; it is rooted in a fundamental belief in the bond they share as fellow dreamers. Zoro's loyalty is not blind, however. He holds his captain to high standards and will not hesitate to challenge Luffy if he feels the need to do so. This dynamic creates a captivating interplay between trust and accountability within the crew.In exploring Zoro's fierce combat skills, we encounter the concept of "bushido," the samurai code of honor. Zoro embodies the essence of bushido, emphasizing the importance of discipline, strength, and determination in battle. His dedication to mastering the art of swordsmanship is a testament to his unwavering pursuit of becoming the world's greatest swordsman. This commitment is not merely about personal glory or power; it is a deep-seated drive to honor his fallen childhood friend, Kuina, and fulfill her unfulfilled dreams.Zoro's tremendous strength and unwavering willpower are displayed through his iconic technique, the Three-Sword Style. By wielding three swords simultaneously, Zoro amplifies his attack power while showcasing his mastery of this unique fighting style. This technique not only mesmerizes viewers but also exemplifies Zoro's ability to overcome the physical limitations that bind ordinary individuals. He pushes himself to the limits, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inspiring others to do the same.Another concept that intertwines with Zoro's character is the philosophy of the "strongest swordsman." Zoro's ultimate goal is to surpass the current strongest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, and claim the title for himself. This pursuit echoes the philosophical idea of self-improvement, as Zoro constantly challenges himself to push beyond his limits and grow stronger. In this way, he serves as a symbol of inspiration for viewers, urging them to embrace their own dreams and overcome any obstacles in their paths.Zoro's strong sense of honor adds a layer of depth to his character, setting him apart from other fighters in the series. He holds himself accountable to a strict moral code, always prioritizing integrity and fairness. Zoro's moral compass serves as a guiding force, influencing his decisions in battle and shaping his interactions with others. This sense of honor is not confined to his own actions alone; he expects the same level of integrity from those around him, holding them accountable for their choices.In conclusion, Roronoa Zoro is a multifaceted character who, through his loyalty, fierce combat skills, and strong sense of honor, captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression. His journey as the Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates embodies a myriad of high-minded concepts such as loyalty, bushido, self-improvement, and honor. Zoro's character serves as a source of inspiration for viewers, reminding them to chase their dreams, find strength in adversity, and uphold their own sense of honor. As One Piece continues to unfold, we eagerly await the further development of this beloved character and the invaluable lessons he imparts to both his crewmates and fans alike.

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Monkey d. luffy: one piece character profile.

Every Sword Wielded by Zoro in 'One Piece'

"Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame."

Even though Monkey D. Luffy doesn't officially have a vice-captain, two crew members are often referred to as "The Wings of Luffy." Roronoa Zoro serves as one of these wings, and he is striving to become the greatest swordsman in the One Piece anime series. To realize his dream, he must defeat Dracule Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in One Piece .

Dracule Mihawk wields the All Black or Yoru Sword, considered the most formidable blade and cementing his reputation as the best of the best. However, in addition to Yoru, there are other impressive swords in the world of One Piece , and Zoro has managed to acquire some , proving his worth as a warrior and marking another achievement in his journey to becoming a great swordsman. And while each of these blades has something to offer, a few of Zoro's swords in One Piece are superior.

Monkey D. Luffy sets off on an adventure with his pirate crew in hopes of finding the greatest treasure ever, known as the "One Piece."

7 Dual Katana

First appearance: romance dawn arc.

Zoro's initial swords were a pair of katanas, which might've been ordinary in the hands of any other swordsman; however, in Zoro's hands, they were deadly weapons waiting to strike. Dual Katana was part of Zoro's three sword styles until Dracule Mihawk shattered them in battle . Although these blades were unnamed katanas and did not withstand attacks from Mihawk, their quality could not be overlooked, given Zoro's outstanding knowledge of swords.

The destruction of the Dual Katana came along with Zoro's first defeat. It was at this moment that Zoro promised Luffy to remain unbeaten, and he still stands by his words. Dual Katanas paved the way for Zoro, teaching him how to fight and accompanying him during his early days with Luffy, including some of the best episodes in One Piece .

6 Sandai Kitetsu

First appearance: loguetown arc.

Chronologically, Sandai Kitetsu is the third katana Zoro acquired in One Piece . After the wreck of his Dual Katana, Zoro came across Sandai Kitetsu in Loguetown. Sandai Kitetsu is a superior-quality sword minted by Kozuki Sukiyaki , the father of Kozuki Oden.

Sandai Kitetsu shares the descent of the cursed swords of the Kitetsu family. Despite being a cursed sword, Sandai Kitetsu did not deter Zoro. However, there were some instances where Sandai disobeyed Roronoa by acting unpredictably, thus affecting his battling prowess. Eventually, as expected, Sandai Kitetsu accepted Zoro as its new master, owing to his strong willpower and physique. Unfortunately, it is the weakest sword that Zoro currently has.

5 Wado Ichimonji

Wado Ichimonji was entrusted to Zoro by Koshiro, his first mentor. After the mysterious death of Shimotsuki Kuina, Zoro's childhood rival and friend, he resolved to surpass every swordsman in the world as a way of honoring her, accepting Wado Ichimonji. Zoro's admiration for Kuina and his grief for her death, coupled with his perseverance to defeat her, made him develop the Three-sword Style - a Sword style using three katana: two in the hands and one in the mouth.

Despite being Zoro's first sword, Wado Ichimonji must not be underestimated , as it was crafted by the legendary Shimotzuki Kozaburo, who also forged the mighty Enma. Zoro still handles the esteemed katana, whose endurance in the famous One Piece fight against Dracule Mihawk demonstrates its remarkable vitality. Moreover, Wado Ichimonji holds great emotional value for Zoro , and it's unlikely to be left behind.

4 Nakiri Swords

First appearance: arlong park arc.

In a clash against the officers of Captain Kuro - Nyaban Brothers (Buchi and Sham) - it became painfully clear that one-sword fighting wasn't Zoro's way. During the Arlong Park Arc, Zoro was exposed to fighting exponentially tough adversaries, meaning he needed to be in top shape. Therefore, after losing his dual katanas, Zoro found replacements and borrowed Nakiri Blades from Johhny and Osaku to confront Hachi, a swordsman of the Arlong Pirates. Johhny and Osaku were friends of the former bounty hunter Zoro.

Apart from Kamaza's Scythe, Nakiri swords are among the few swords that Zoro borrowed and returned after the battle . The battle against Hachi was still tough, as Zoro was already suffering wounds from Hawkeye. However, he eventually won.

3 Yubashiri

Even though the Blade Yubashiri is considered the family heirloom of Ipponmatsu - the owner of the shop in Loguetown - the sword was handed over to Zoro. Zoro himself acknowledged the superior strength of Yubashiri to Sandai Kitetsu. Unfortunately, during the Ennies Lobby Arc, Yubashiri was corroded by a captain of marines who manifested the powers of Rust-Rust or Sabi Sabi no Mi, a dangerous evil fruit in One Piece . The wielder of the Sabi Sabi no Mi devil fruit can disintegrate any metal substance it touches.

Zoro had great admiration for Yubashiri, and he even paid tribute to this blade during Thriller Bark Arc. However, One Piece is very much a parade of swords, meaning the decline of Yubashiri made way for yet another formidable sword .

First Appearance: Thriller Bark Arc

Gecko Moria was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who stole the corpse of the legendary Ryuma, a samurai from the Land of Wano and Zoro's ancestor. Ryuma was converted into a zombie by Gecko Moria's Kage Kage no Mi devil fruit, and, in the Thriller Bark Arc, Zoro confronted the zombie Ryuma. After indulging in combat with Zoro, Ryuma was impressed with Zoro's judgment and gave him the legendary sword Shusui. The Shusui is an extraordinary katana, ranking among the 21 greatest swords of all time . Nonetheless, Zoro decided to replace Shusui with Enma.

Even though Sandai Kitetsu has been with Zoro for a long time, some fan theories say Zoro might substitute it and take Shusui again. Given the fact that Shusui is a Black Sword, continuously coated with the mystical One Piece magic of Haki , the theory makes sense. In addition, the blood relation of Ryuma with Zoro adds strength to this claim, adding a layer of complexity to Zoro's sword choices.

First Appearance: Wano Country Arc

After the death of Kozuki Oden, Enma was inherited by his daughter, Kozuki Hiyori. To preserve the Wano treasure Shusui on the Land of Wano, she offered Enma to Zoro in exchange. Enma is the most powerful sword that Zoro ever wielded and the only known blade to ever injure Kaido , former Emperor of the Sea.

Enma features a unique ability to draw Haki from the user's body to enhance its strength. Not everything is perfect, though; just like the Sandai Kitetsu, there were instances when Enma disregarded Zoro. He used this sword to confront Kaido and was able to put a permanent scar on the Emperor of the Sea's body. It was Enma's attacks combined with the other two swords that defeated King. Despite the given triumphs, the temperamental Enma has not fully given into Zoro's commands, meaning he has not yet mastered its true potential.

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zoro essay enma

One Piece: Zoro's Sword Upgrades In The Final Saga, Explained

  • Zoro is a powerful and important character in One Piece, known for being the Straw Hat Pirates' swordsman and the first member recruited by Luffy.
  • Zoro has upgraded his swords throughout the series, starting with one named blade and eventually obtaining powerful swords like Sandai Kitetsu and Enma.
  • While Zoro's Wado Ichimonji and Enma are unlikely to be replaced, there is a possibility that he will find a new sword to replace his Sandai Kitetsu in the final saga of One Piece.

The phenomenal swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates , Zoro is an incredibly powerful character and one that fans hold very dear to their hearts. Zoro has been extremely important to Luffy's journey, being the very first person that he recruits on his crew. Oda has illustrated some of the most incredible sword battles in One Piece and, at the same time, showcased many powerful fighters as well.

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Zoro himself is a three-sword style swordsman, and fans have seen him wield some of the most amazing blades over the years. Zoro constantly builds up his strength with each passing arc, however, at the same time, sometimes, sword upgrades are needed for him to push himself to the next level. Zoro recently received Enma in Wano and there might be more swords coming his way in One Piece.

Zoro's Sword Upgrades Over The Years

When Zoro started his journey as a swordsman after leaving from the dojo in the East Blue, he only had one named blade with him. This sword was an O Wazamono sword, called Wado Ichimonji. This is an incredible blade that Zoro holds very close to his heart. This sword belonged to Kuina once, his childhood best friend who made a promise with. Unfortunately, Kuina ended up dying and Zoro inherited her will, and, with that, aimed to become the greatest swordsman in the world to fulfill a promise to her. Zoro's other two blades were unnamed regular swords.

In his fight against Mihawk in Baratie, Zoro ended up losing two of his unnamed swords, as was expected. Given that Zoro himself is a three-sword style swordsman, it was only a matter of time before Zoro got his hands on two more blades and it didn't take him long to do that and pick some of the most incredible ones. As soon as the Straw Hat Pirates got to the final island in the east blue, Loguetown, Zoro decided to go buy some swords for himself and, his curious swordsman eye noticed an incredible blade with a very cursed history.

This sword was none other than the Sandai Kitetsu. Sandai Kitetsu belongs to the Kitetsu line of swords and it is a known fact that this sword cuts very deep. It is cursed because it is incredibly difficult for anyone to tame and, according to Ipponmatsu, it brings a terrible fate to whoever wields it, leading them to die in various ways. Zoro tested his luck against this sword the moment he got it and, thankfully, his luck won out. As a result, Zoro ended up buying the sword. Because he showcased an incredible display of bravery, Ipponmatsu ended up giving him another famed blade called Yubashiri. When compared to Sandai Kitetsu, Yubashiri was known to be a very light and sharp blade. This sword wasn't disobedient and was rather easy to wield for Zoro.

Zoro carried these swords for quite a long time. Over time, his control over them increased and he brought the best out of them. However, in the Enies Lobby arc, Zoro lost one of these incredible swords to Shu, who used his rust powers to corrode Yubashiri. With the death of Yubashiri, Zoro was forced to get a new sword and he found it in the following arc in Thriller Bark. There, Zoro traded blows with the corpse of the samurai Ryuma, who wielded another O Wazamono grade sword, Shusui. Known to be a black blade with incredible durability, Shisui became Zoro's go-to sword as soon as he received it and he carried this blade all the way up to Wano.

Zoro's Current Swords

Zoro went into the timeskip with Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui, and came out of it with those three swords intact. In fact, he ended up carrying these swords all the way to Wano, which is where he changed his blades once again. It must be noted that Zoro will never in his entire life change Wado Ichimonji. This sword is the last memento he has of Kuina and this blade will be with him until he becomes the world's greatest swordsman, and, perhaps, beyond that as well. As such, this blade is never changing.

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However, every other blade that Zoro has can change. This was proven to the fans in Wano once again , where he ended up returning Shusui, which was the national treasure of the country, to the people and, in return, he was given another powerful sword, Enma. As fans know, Enma belonged to none other than Oden and was incredibly difficult to tame as well. This sword held the power of the underworld and was known to be sharp enough to cut through all the way down to hell itself. This sword also had a special power to drain the Haki of whoever wielded it, and Zoro also suggested that Enma was a problem child. It took Zoro quite a long time to wield and perfectly tame Enma, however, now, he has mastered this sword completely. Currently, Zoro wields Sandai Kitetsu, and Enma, and he would likely carry two of these swords right until the end of his journey.

Will Zoro Get New Swords?

The question of whether Zoro will get new swords or not is rather easy to answer. As mentioned earlier, Wado Ichimonji is never going to be replaced. As such, Zoro is going to carry this sword right until his last day. A similar case can be made for Enma as well. Zoro inherited Enma from Hiyori , and this blade is Oden's lost legacy that he has. Zoro cannot give away Enma at any cost. A massive reason why Enma will stay with Zoro until he becomes the world's greatest swordsman is the fact that this blade hasn't blackened just yet. Kozuki Sukiyaki mentioned to Zoro that the sword has the potential to be blackened eventually and that under him, it will reach its full level. This is proof of the fact that Zoro will have to blacken Enma at some point, and this means that Zoro will not be giving up the sword anytime soon.

This leaves the door open for just one more sword for Zoro to replace and that is Sandai Kitetsu. By all means, Sandai Kitetsu doesn't offer anything special to Zoro at the time. He has completely tamed this blade and it might be time for Zoro to upgrade his sword. As to where he would do it and with what blade, that is up to Oda to decide. It is also very likely that Zoro will replace this sword because both swords that Zoro has currently belong to the 21 Great Grade Swords. Sandai Kitetsu too is the only blade that belongs to the Wazamono grade swords. Fans Already know that Zoro will end up blackening all of his swords and, if that happens, they will all increase in rank by one grade. As such, Wado as well as Enma will join the Supreme Grade Swords, while Sandai Kitetsu will join the 50 Skillful Grade Swords.

This simply doesn't sit right. It is highly likely that all three of Zoro's swords will end up becoming Supreme Grade Swords and the total count will go from 12 to 15. As such, the idea is that Sandai Kitetsu will, at some point, be replaced is quite valid. Zoro could have replaced it with Nidai Kitetsu, however, the chance for that went away with Wano. As such, there has to be a completely new sword for Zoro to find and wield in the final saga of One Piece.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Since One Piece is going to be on break, the release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1102, is set to be December 25, 2023.

Creator Eiichiro Oda

Studio Toei Animation

Number of Episodes 1082+

Streaming Service(s) Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll

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One Piece: Zoro's Sword Upgrades In The Final Saga, Explained

  • Super Rookies
  • Former Marine Prisoners
  • Former Bounty Hunters
  • Non-Canon First Mates
  • Roronoa Family
  • Straw Hat Pirates
  • Worst Generation
  • Haoshoku Haki Users
  • Kenbunshoku Haki Users
  • Busoshoku Haki Users
  • Paradise Residents
  • Shimotsuki Village Residents
  • Bahasa Indonesia

Roronoa Zoro

  • View history
  • Introduction
  • Personality and Relationships
  • Abilities and Powers
  • Past and Before the Timeskip
  • During and After the Timeskip

Roronoa Zoro , [20] also known as "Pirate Hunter" Zoro , [9] is a main combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates , one of their two swordsmen , one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet , [4] and is publicly recognized as the right-hand man of his crew's captain Monkey D. Luffy . [21] [22] Formerly a bounty hunter , [6] he is the second member of Luffy's crew and the first to join it, doing so in the Romance Dawn Arc . [2]

Born in the East Blue , Zoro is the son of Tera and Roronoa Arashi , the grandson of Shimotsuki Furiko and Roronoa Pinzoro , and the grandnephew of Shimotsuki Ushimaru , making him a descendant of both the Shimotsuki Family of Wano Country and the legendary samurai, Shimotsuki Ryuma . [3] [11] As a master of Three Sword Style , a swordsmanship style which he created during his childhood training in Shimotsuki Village , Zoro is one of the three most powerful combatants of the Straw Hats, alongside Luffy and Sanji , who are referred to as the "Monster Trio". [23] [24] His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world , in order to honor a promise he made to his deceased childhood friend and distant cousin Kuina . [25]


  • 1.1 Before the Timeskip
  • 1.2 After the Timeskip
  • 1.3 Non-Canon
  • 2 References
  • 3 Site Navigation

Appearance [ ]

Zoro is a tall, muscular man with lightly tanned skin. He always carries his three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip, allowing him to easily draw them with his left hand. Of the three swords he has on his person, he has always been seen carrying the Wado Ichimonji , while his other two swords have varied over time due to them being destroyed and subsequently replaced with progressively better ones. Although his right hand is usually seen resting over them, he can also use this hand to pull his swords out before sitting down. He has three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe. Zoro normally keeps a black bandana tied around his left bicep and ties it around his head when he is fighting seriously against an opponent.

Zoro's body is covered with scars from his many battles, most notably the massive scar stretching from his left shoulder to his right hip that he acquired during his loss against the world's greatest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk , at Baratie . His other visible scars are the scars he inflicted upon his ankles in a desperate attempt to free himself from Mr. 3 's Tokudai Candle Service Set by trying to cut his feet off at Little Garden . After the timeskip, he gained another scar over his left eye, obtained through unknown means.

Zoro's other remarkable feature is his cropped green hair, which Sanji often teases him about by calling him "marimo" ( moss-ball , moss-head in the VIZ manga and Funimation adaptations) due to its resemblance to one.

Before the Timeskip [ ]

Similar to most of his male crewmates, Zoro has the same outfit throughout most of the series. Before the timeskip, he would consistently wear black trousers tucked inside black boots, a plain white shirt with three undone buttons at the collar and his green haramaki. However, only Zoro's shirt varies from time to time in the arcs .

During the Arlong Park Arc , he disembarked Sanji's fishing ship neglecting to put on a shirt. After beating up most of Arlong 's crew, he wore an opened, navy-blue shirt decorated with light blue whirlpools that he stole from one of the fish-men . Since Zoro received his scar from Mihawk during the Baratie Arc before the Arlong Park Arc, Zoro wore bandages that were visible underneath his shirt.

During the Loguetown Arc , Zoro acquired Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri to replace the two conventional katana which were broken by Mihawk in the Baratie Arc.

During the Drum Island Arc , Zoro was bundled up for the winter island , but later stripped down after a foolish choice to swim in the frigid water on the island. He remained shirtless and barefoot in the beginning of the arc after getting lost from the Going Merry and left unable to redress himself, until he stole a parka from a man in Wapol 's army, which was a hooded, forest green parka with a light green sash and white fur on the cuffs, hood, and hem, as well as a pair of boots.

During the Arabasta Arc , he wore an orange keffiyeh with a gold chain on his head, a long-sleeved white coat with black lines all over it, and the bottom of his black trousers were torn above his ankles.

During the Skypiea Arc , he wore his usual outfit in the beginning of the arc until he took it off after fighting a sky shark to save Chopper from being eaten. Afterwards, he wore a long, deep blue tank top and goggles strapped either on his head or around his neck, which were later broken and discarded.

During the Water 7 Arc , he wore his usual outfit until near the end, where he wore an unzipped, bright yellow jacket with a closed pocket flap on each side. He continued wearing this outfit throughout the Enies Lobby Arc .

During the Post-Enies Lobby Arc , he wore a black shirt with the Galley-La Company emblem on it in white.

At the end of the Thriller Bark Arc , he wore an opened, gray shirt. He also replaced Yubashiri, which was rusted away by Shu in the Enies Lobby Arc, with Shusui , which was entrusted to him by the zombie of Ryuma brought to life by Brook 's shadow .

During the Sabaody Archipelago Arc , he wore an opened white shirt with red stripes.

During his time at Kuraigana Island , shortly after being sent there by Bartholomew Kuma , he wore an opened, dark blue shirt. Since Zoro was critically injured when he arrived at the island, Perona patched him up, so bandages were all over his body.

After the Timeskip [ ]

During and after the two-year timeskip, Zoro gains a new scar running down over his left eye, which is implied to be a permanent injury, as it is always closed. His frame gets larger, showing considerably more muscle mass, and his hair has gotten shaggier, while slicked back. Zoro now wears a long, open dark-green coat closed on his waist that's held by a muted red sash, into which his three swords are tucked. His black bandanna is tied around his left forearm. His coat exposes his bare chest, revealing his green haramaki underneath the coat. He has also grown noticeably taller, as he is similar in height to Robin .

During the Punk Hazard Arc , he wore a white furry coat for protection against the cold weather on the COOL side of Punk Hazard , which he took from Brownbeard 's Centaur Patrol Unit .

During the Dressrosa Arc , he wore a black suit and a white dress shirt with the top button undone. He also wore black sunglasses and a fake white mustache as a disguise. His sunglasses were destroyed in his clash with Admiral Fujitora . Additionally, he discarded the moustache upon his identity being exposed. After the battle against the Donquixote Pirates , Zoro took off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, leaving his chest and scar exposed.

During the Zou Arc , Zoro wore a dark-blue T-shirt with his green coat and haramaki over a pair of long, black trousers and boots.

During the Wano Country Arc , Zoro wore a white yukata with black details and a green cloud pattern on its bottom. He wore a dark green jittoku haori with a mon of a black sun over a khaki gear, and zōri with a black strap. Zoro also styled his hair in the chonmage style. After agreeing to allow Shusui to return to Ryuma's grave and remain in Wano, Zoro was given the legendary blade Enma in exchange, which was entrusted to him by Kozuki Hiyori , the daughter of the sword's original owner, the legendary Samurai, Kozuki Oden . [28] During the Raid on Onigashima , Zoro donned a black version of his normal coat and a new bright red sash. He also briefly wore a Beasts Pirates uniform created by Kin'emon , before he and Luffy were discovered by the enemy pirates.

During the Egghead Arc , after reaching the control tower, Zoro changed into a black body jumpsuit with the SSG logo on the side of the left thigh, with a dark-blue coat, blue gloves, and a belt across the upper body to hold his three swords on his back, along with a pair of orange DOM Shoes.

Non-Canon [ ]

Similiarly to the main series, Zoro wears his standard outfit in most non-canon material. Starting with Movie 11, his standard wear is completely absent with very few exceptions.

In the Movie 2 , after the Trump Pirates stole the Going Merry with his clothes inside, he had to wear a black kimono from a wedding store. Then he changes his clothes for an open black jacket, a white scarf, and black pants like the ones he normally wears.

In the Movie 3 , he wears an open blue jacket with short sleeves, with a white line on the sleeves, short black pants, and still wearing his green haramaki. Also momentarily, he wears an extravagant penguin costume designed by Usopp.

In the Movie 6 , he wears black pants, and a brown shirt, which he later exchanges for an open white jacket.

In Movie 10 , prior to meeting Shiki, Zoro wore a burgundy button-up shirt with one pink and one indigo stripe going over the left shoulder and down to the bottom of the shirt, plus black pants with a vertical yellow stripe going down each outer side and black sandals with blue straps after being separated from the rest of the Straw Hats, he wears a brown t-shirt with a deep v-neck and a beige design around the collar, a red headband, and black cowboy boots, along with his regular haramaki and black pants. During the raid on Shiki's palace, he wears a black three-piece suit (which he later ditches the jacket of) with a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black shoes.

In Movie 12, prior to meeting Z , Zoro wore yellow tinted sunglasses, a dark gray jacket with a thin light gray plaid pattern, a haramaki in a much duller green, navy blue pants, and black shoes. After meeting Kuzan on Secon Island, he wears a gray blazer with matching shorts, a light gray and white shirt with vertical stripes over a white undershirt and white shoes. During the final battle against the Neo Marines on Piriodo , he wears a long coat with yellow accents and a similar outfit to his normal one, except with a burgundy coat instead of a green one and an olive green sash instead of a magenta one.

In the 17th anime intro, Wake up! , Zoro wears olive green robes with a thin yellow line lining the dge, a green sash, a lime green boa scarf, and a short green cape with fish and a lily pad pattern on it.

In Movie 13 , before entering Gran Tesoro , Zoro was wearing a green cap and white swim trunks with a camo pattern. After boarding the island, he changes into a white blazer, waistcoat, and necktie, a black zip-up shirt with sky blue accents, black pants, black shoes, and green-tinted sunglasses. After the "heist" is done, he changes into a black short-sleeved leather jacket with sky blue accents, black leather pants, black gloves, and black shoes.

In Movie 14 , upon arriving to Delta Island , he was wearing a green noragi with a lime green pattern, matching shorts, and brown sandals. During the treasure hunt he wore a black short-sleeved jumpsuit with two orange lines rounding the right thigh and the word "KATANA" on his back in yellow text with an orange wing on each side and black boots. In the post-credits scene, Zoro wore an outfit almost identical to his main pre-timeskip look, just with a white t-shirt instead of a henley.

In Movie 15 , his initial outfit consisted of a white t-shirt with a white, blue, and black diamond shape within a black ring with small white circles within it, a gold necklace with three rectangular pieces, black pants ripped at the knee with a zipper circling the left thigh and a silver ring hanging from the side of each him, and black high-top sneakers. His second outfit, forced onto him by Uta consists of a black leather jacket with a circular pink patch with gray edges on the left arm that has a gray sunflower within it, plus another pink patch on the back with a winged cross with the bottom turned into an arrow shape a white dress shirt, a white cravat, black leather pants, and black boots with silver rings hanging from the top.

References [ ]

  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 3 (p. 8) and Episode 1 , Zoro makes his debut.
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 5 (p. 19) and Episode 3 , Zoro decides to join Luffy's crew to survive against the Marines ' 153rd Branch .
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 (p. 132), Zoro's parents and lineage are revealed.
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1086 , The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties post-Wano Country.
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 909 (p. 13-17) and Episode 892 , Zoro's alias in Wano is revealed.
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 5 Chapter 42 (p. 16) and Episode 20 , Zoro is revealed to have been a bounty hunter by Yosaku .
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 5 and Episode 19 .
  • ↑ Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0002), Zoro-juurou is romanized.
  • ↑ 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 3 (p. 1) and Episode 2 , Both Zoro's epithet is seen in the title of the chapter and he is mentioned and recognized by Koby as the Pirate Hunter.
  • ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 4 (p. 28), Zoro's age is revealed.
  • ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 205), Zoro's profile after timeskip is revealed.
  • ↑ 12.0 12.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 69 (p. 66), Zoro's age and height after timeskip are revealed.
  • ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 15 (p. 90), Zoro's birthday is revealed.
  • ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 10 (p. 46), Zoro's height is revealed.
  • ↑ SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 66 (p. 162), Oda explains the blood types of the world and reveals Zoro's blood type.
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 Correction to Zoro's bounty . One Piece Staff (@Eiichiro_Staff) on Twitter.
  • ↑ 17.0 17.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 (p. 15-17) and Episode 746 , The Straw Hat Pirates are given new bounties after Dressrosa .
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 435 (p. 16-17) and Episode 320 , The crew members' bounties for attacking Enies Lobby are revealed.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 23 Chapter 213 (p. 22) and Episode 128 , Luffy's and Zoro's bounties after Arabasta.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 2 (p. 11) and Episode 1 , Roronoa is first mentioned by Alvida .
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 723 (p. 3) and Episode 653 , Bartolomeo referred to Zoro as the first mate of the Straw Hat Pirates.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 995 (p. 11) and Episode 1008 , Queen mentions that Zoro and Sanji are seen as Luffy's "right hand".
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 47 Chapter 455 (p. 14) and Episode 349 , Nami refers to the "Monster Trio"
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 606 (p. 5) and Episode 525 , Caribou refers to the "Monster Trio"
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 1 Chapter 6 (p. 6) and Episode 3 , Zoro says he's going to become the greatest swordsman in the world.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 10-11) and Episode 392 , Luffy along with Zoro are revealed by Shakky to be two of 11 Super Rookies due to their bounties.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 (p. 11) and Episode 589 , Brownbeard explains the Worst Generation.
  • ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 955 and Episode 956 .

Site Navigation [ ]

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  • 2 Devil Fruit

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One Piece

Zoro’s Three Final Swords

First, we know Zoro will never lose Wado Ichimonji.

zoro essay enma

In chapter 955 we see that Zoro accepted Enma in exchange for returning Shusui.

zoro essay enma

In chapter 954, it was introduced Ame no Habakiri. Being one of the 21 O Wazamono swords, Ame no Habakiri is an extremely powerful sword on par with Enma. According to Hitetsu, it can cut even the “heavens”.

zoro essay enma

Once wielded by Kozuki Oden, alongside his other blade, Enma, it was bequeathed to his son, Kozuki Momonosuke. Since Momonosuke is currently such a weakling (in conjunction with his idolization of Zoro as a swordsman => there’s a reason why Momonosuke wants to be trained by Zoro and blindly followed the “sunacchi!” battle cry Zoro probably mentioned in passing/half heartedly) he cannot even touch Ame no Habakiri. Most cursed swords cannot be touched by weaklings (or they get possessed) and Oda appears to follow the stereotype that the stronger the curse, the stronger the sword.

zoro essay enma

Unless Hitetsu is going to magically upgrade Sandai Kitetsu (which is impossible in a real world bladesmithing mechanics in that the great majority of a blades quality is determined by its creation. Once the blade is completed, only minuscule changes can be made and primarily only maintenance), Zoro will probably take Ame no Habakiri too.

zoro essay enma

So that leaves Zoro with three swords of the second tier (great grade). Some may be thinking, wouldn’t Zoro get three top grade swords? The key aspect is the black blade upgrade. Zoro will make them into the highest grade through the magical blackening. I would assume the information comes after the war(s) finish, but Hitetsu’s comments indicates he knows the exact mechanics of this “sword awakening”.

zoro essay enma

It may take several arcs, but I fully expect Zoro to have all three become black blades and this upgrades them to become supreme grade swords.

*Theory by Seiryu

zoro essay enma

Kaido’s Wife and Yamato’s Mother Theory

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The contrast between Luffy and Zoro’s Advanced Armament Training

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zoro essay enma

One Piece: Zoro's Rise To Yonko Level, Explained

Zoro's power in One Piece's endgame will match that of a Yonko.

  • Zoro is on his way to becoming the World's Strongest Swordsman, with new powers and skills emerging.
  • Fans can expect Zoro to face even stronger opponents, potentially reaching Yonko level strength.
  • Zoro's growth is tied to mastering new abilities like Conqueror's Haki and blackening his swords.

Zoro is one of the main characters in One Piece and certainly one that fans hold incredibly close to their hearts. Being the first person that Luffy recruited on his crew, Zoro has always been pivotal for the main story to move forward. Of course, Zoro being a combatant meant that strength was an important part of his character, and he has only gotten stronger over time. This is expected of him, given that he wants to become the World's Strongest Swordsman.

One Piece: The Iron Giant's True Goal, Explained

Right now, Zoro has reached quite high levels of strength. However, he's still not at his very strongest. Zoro still has a lot of room to grow and potential left to fulfill. Come the end of the series, Zoro will most definitely be around the same level the Yonko, and that is what the fans are incredibly excited to see.

Zoro's Current Level Of Strength

Zoro has acquired great power heading into egghead.

Zoro has only gone from strength to strength over the years. It can be said that the biggest jump that Zoro took came during the timeskip. He was a completely different person and his skill with the sword had improved greatly. After the timeskip of One Piece, Zoro showcased his mastery over different arts of swordplay, as well as Haki, which he picked up during the timeskip as well. For instance, in Dressrosa, Zoro was able to defeat Pica, a high-ranking officer of the Donquixote Pirates, with rather ease. In Wano, Zoro’s skills were tested to the next level. He was made to fight against strong characters such as Kamazo, and, in the Onigashima section of the arc, even Kaido. Zoro lost his battle against Kaido, as was expected, however, later down the line, when he fought against King, he received yet another power-up.

This power-up of Zoro might just be the most significant of all and it came through the blade that he was offered in the land of Wano, Enma. Enma is an incredibly powerful blade that has the ability to draw out Haki from one's body. When Zoro allowed this blade to suck up as much Haki as it wanted unregulated, it brought out his latent Conqueror's Haki and allowed him to use an advanced version of this technique straight away. With this power, Zoro was able to topple even King, who was the strongest of the three right-hand men of Kaido.

Having the ability to utilize Conqueror's Haki Infusion automatically makes Zoro one of the strongest individuals in One Piece. However, in his case, he can only utilize this power for a very short period of time, or else it can end up consuming his life. That said, it appears Zoro has maintained decent control over this skill ever since, as, in Egghead, he has actually shown enough skill to fight against the likes of Lucci and beat him in combat.

Zoro's Future Opponents

Zoro still has powerful enemies left to topple.

In the future of One Piece , fans will most definitely get to see Zoro fight against many powerful opponents. It is expected of Zoro to fight strong individuals and there are many that will stand in his path from here onwards. In fact, given that One Piece is in the Final Saga, from here onwards, Zoro will only fight against the strongest of opponents. Having already defeated King, all the other major opponents that Zoro will face from here onwards are going to be stronger than a Yonko first mate. For instance, later down the line, Zoro might and the trading blows with an Admiral of the Marines and this might be his next big step towards reaching the level of the World's Strongest Swordsman. From there onward, Zoro will have to fight against Dracule Mihawk , who fans know to be the world's strongest swordsman and Zoro's ultimate goal.

One Piece: Oda Confirms The True Power Of The Gorosei's Haki

Defeating Mihawk would automatically put Zoro at a very high level of strength. If Zoro gains the title of the World's Strongest Swordsman, then he will be an individual to be feared. Anyone who can defeat Mihawk is most definitely an individual worthy of being compared to the Yonko themselves, and, as such, it is absolutely beyond any doubt that Zoro will end up reaching the same level as that of the Emperors of the Sea.

Yonko Level Zoro

Zoro will be as strong as en emperor eventually.

While it is inevitable for Zoro to reach the level of the Yonko, fans might still wonder as to how Zoro will attain this power. After all, Zoro has recently received the ability to utilize Conqueror's Haki Infusion and he still doesn't appear to be anywhere close to that level. The answer to this question isn't all that complicated. For one, Zoro needs to improve his control over Conqueror's Haki. By his own admission, Oden could utilize the power of Enma like it were a feather. To Zoro, this is too much of a burden and he might actually die if you use it for more than a few minutes.

Once Zoro stabilizes his control over Enma, he will automatically be stronger. However, there is more to him than just that. Zoro still has one power up to achieve, and that is, the blackening of his swords. By the end of One Piece, Zoro will have to make significant progress in that regard. Once Zoro blackens his swords, they will upgrade in rank and increase his power as well. At that point, Zoro will be at his strongest and this will allow him to bring out the best of his other skills as well , such as utilizing the King of Hell form, or, even utilizing the Ashura form. These powers, when put together, should be enough for Zoro to face off against Mihawk and potentially even defeat him. When he attains these abilities, then, it goes without saying that Zoro will be Yonko level.

Of course, Zoro won't be the strongest individual in One Piece , as there are still those who will rank above him, however, he would still be at a similar level to those of the Emperors and that is certainly something that he has worked incredibly hard towards. With his newfound powers, Zoro will go on to uphold the title of the World's Strongest Swordsman. But, above all, he will have fulfilled his promise to Kuina, and, at the same time, he will then be in the best position to help Luffy become the Pirate King. The path for Zoro to reach the same tier of strength as the Yonko is certainly not going to be easy, but it is certainly one that he can traverse and fans can rest assured that Zoro will deliver come the end of One Piece. All that the readers need to do is sit back patiently and watch his growth in the upcoming arcs of the story as he edges closer to the throne that Mihawk is currently warming for him.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1112, is set to be April 21, 2024.

One Piece: Is Saint V. Nusjuro Stronger Than Mihawk?

What Episode Does Zoro Get Enma? The Sword That Pierced The Yonko Discussed

  • Home » What Episode Does Zoro Get Enma? The Sword That Pierced The Yonko Discussed

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One-Piece is currently a popular trend, with the Straw Hats fully prepared to defeat Kaido. However, the preparation for this challenge was extremely intense and filled with struggles. Throughout the Wano arc, Oda revealed many new elements, such as mastering ryou and obtaining Enma. Today, we will delve into the story behind Enma, a sword that originally belonged to Oden but is now wielded by Zoro. How did Zoro acquire this sword, and what are its abilities? This article will reveal the answers and also disclose the episode in which Zoro obtains Enma.

Let’s dive right into discussing Zoro, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat crew and commonly known as Luffy’s right-hand man. Zoro is renowned for his exceptional swordsmanship and holds an ambition to become the greatest swordsman in the world. He received training from the former Warlord and the current top swordsman, Mihawk, which has honed his skills. Additionally, Zoro has mastered observation Haki and conqueror Haki. With plenty to cover in this article, let’s not waste any more time and begin.

Caution: This article may include spoilers. Proceed with caution.

What Episode Does Zoro Get Enma? All About Enma

Enma is one of the 21 Wazamono grade swords and is currently owned by Roronoa Zoro as one of his three blades. Two decades ago, this sword was used by Oden alongside his other sword, Ame no Habakiri, to injure Kaido, making Oden the only known person to accomplish this. Following Oden’s tragic death, the sword came into the possession of his daughter, Hiyori, who later gifted it to Zoro after recognizing his determination and skill. Zoro chose to replace his previous third sword, Shusui, with Enma. These events took place in episode 956 of One-Piece, where Zoro demonstrated the immense power of Enma by effortlessly destroying half of the island cliff with a single swing.

Enma is renowned for its exceptional abilities, believed to possess the capability of cutting through the depths of Hell. It is considered a worthy substitute for the esteemed national treasure, Shusui. The sword exudes immense power and sharpness when skillfully wielded, making it one of the rare blades alongside Ame no Habakiri that has ever harmed Kaido. Enma proved its worth when Oden utilized it to endure a clash against Whitebeard, who possessed the formidable Murakumogiri. Notably, Enma possesses the unique ability to absorb Haki from its user and unleash it upon opponents. While inexperienced Haki users may face fatal consequences when wielding Enma, Zoro showcased his exceptional control over the sword with relative ease.

zoro essay enma

Have you wondered which episode showcases Sarada meeting Sasuke and explores their unique father-daughter bond?

Other Two Swords Of Zoro Discussed

Let’s discuss Zoro’s collection of swords. First, there’s the Wado Ichimonji, which was his initial sword. This particular blade is among the 21 esteemed swords known for their exceptional quality, capable of even rivaling Supreme grade swords to some extent. It was skillfully crafted by the legendary Shimotzuki Kozaburo, the same master who forged Enma. Next, there’s the Sandai Kitetsu, Zoro’s second sword. He obtained it during a shopping trip in Loguetown. Legend has it that this sword carries a curse, foretelling a gruesome death for its wielder. However, Zoro decided to test his luck by tossing it in the air, narrowly avoiding a fatal encounter by a mere hair’s breadth.

Witnessing Zoro’s unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit, the shopkeeper bestowed upon him the esteemed ancestral blade known as Yubashiri. Sadly, during the perilous events at Thriller Bark, this exceptional sword met its untimely demise at the hands of Ryuma. In a gracious gesture, Ryuma presented Zoro with his own revered sword, Shusui, a cherished national treasure of Wano. However, as the series progressed, Zoro made the poignant choice to honor Ryuma’s memory by leaving Shusui at his final resting place.

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These are the swords that Zoro has held up until now.

More About One-Piece Anime

One-Piece is an action-packed Japanese anime series inspired by a popular manga of the same name, created by Eiichiro Oda. The captivating storyline revolves around Luffy, a determined character who embarks on a thrilling adventure to uncover the mysterious One-Piece treasure and claim the title of Pirate King. Along the way, Luffy gathers a remarkable crew, each possessing their own unique ambitions and talents. Together, they fearlessly confront and defeat formidable pirates throughout their epic journey. Currently, the anime is ongoing, with the crew engaged in a fierce battle against Kaido, one of the mighty emperors of the Sea. This anime encompasses more than just entertainment; it takes viewers on an immersive journey filled with excitement and discovery.

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We sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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  1. Enma

    Enma emitting Oden's presence. During the Battle on Onigashima, Kaidou had sensed a "strange Haki" emanating from Enma, producing a flame-like aura whenever Zoro started releasing its power. It worried Big Mom, who even warned Kaidou to dodge, who noted it beared Oden's presence, causing him to recognize it as his sword.Applied on his techniques, it allowed Zoro to wound Kaidou in dragon form ...

  2. One Piece: The Power Of Zoro's Enma, Explained

    After finally allowing Enma to absorb as much Haki as possible, Zoro was finally able to take the next big step as a swordsman and defeat even someone as strong as King the Wildfire of the Beasts ...

  3. Roronoa Zoro's NEW Sword "ENMA" Explained

    Roronoa Zoro's new Sword "ENMA" Explained - "Yonko Level Sword"One Piece 955 is out! One Piece Discord - Anime Discord - https://d...

  4. One Piece: A New Flashback Strengthens the Bond Between Zoro and Enma

    One Piece 's last chapter showed that the developing fight between Roronoa Zoro and King the Wildfire has not been in the swordsman's favor. Worst yet, out of nowhere, Zoro's sword, Enma, is suddenly engulfed in flames without warning. Zoro's in a tough spot, but chapter #1033 reveals an enlightening flashback from the swordsman's humble ...

  5. Enma

    Ep 956: Zoro tries out his new sword, Enma! Watch One Piece: Wano Kuni on Crunchyroll: Collection brings you the...

  6. [Spoilers] Zoro, Enma, and Haki Explained : r/OnePiece

    476 votes, 187 comments. true. Interestingly you can see this with Luffy and Sanji as well. What we first thought were power ups by themselves (advanced armament haki, enma and the raid suit), were all methods of achieving real power ups in the form of advanced conquerors and better haki for Luffy and Zoro, and unlocking dormant DNA abilities for Sanji.

  7. Zoro Fully Controls Enma

    Episode 1060: Now nothing it holding him back! Watch One Piece on Crunchyroll! D. Luffy refuses to let anyone or anything sta...

  8. Enma: Zoro's Powerful Upgrade In One Piece

    Roronoa Zoro. Roronoa Zoro is a fictional character in the anime and manga series "One Piece" created by Eiichiro Oda. He is introduced as the first member to join Monkey D. Luffy in his quest to become the King of the Pirates and find the ultimate treasure known as the "One Piece." Zoro is a skilled swordsman who practices a unique fighting ...

  9. One Piece: Has Zoro Completely Mastered Enma?

    With the All-Star's defeat, Zoro could finally relax. However, this left a lot of questions in the fans' minds. The biggest of which was whether Zoro had mastered Enma or not. The short answer is ...

  10. Zoro and Enma. My interpretation (1033+ spoilers) : r/OnePiece

    My understanding is. Enma is supposed to be used with massive amounts of haki, like oden did. But zoro kept refusing to give haki to enma. So enma keeps acting up sometimes and drain his arm dry. Finally, last chapter zoro gave enma lot of haki, which is how it is meant to be used. Doing so he unconsciously let even his COC out.

  11. Episode 1060

    "The Secret of Enma! The Cursed Sword Entrusted to Zoro" is the 1060th episode of the One Piece anime. As Zoro recalls his past involving an old man he once knew, the clues from his memory help him realize the secret necessary to truly master Enma. Zoro retrieves two of his swords and proceeds to attack King. The two engage in an intense exchange of blows. King launches his Barizodon attack ...

  12. Explanations about Enma and Zoro usage of such sword.(Oden aswell

    Zoro got Enma two weeks ago in the Mangá timeline and still is training with it and such sword enhanced his attack power with the cost of consuming and depleting him out of haki far quicker than ever, in some minutes and seconds Zoro gets out of haki just by using Emma. Oden can stays Days fighting with Enma when he had total control and a ...

  13. One Piece: Zoro's Swords

    Enma is by far the most difficult sword Zoro has ever used. Enma is unique in the fact that draws out the armament Haki of its wielder, allowing for some tremendous striking power, at the cost of draining a person's stamina and haki extensively. Its power is why Kozaburo named the sword Enma, after the King of Hell from the Japanese-Buddhist myth.

  14. Roronoa Zoro: One Piece character profile

    Roronoa Zoro, known as the Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, is an iconic character from the widely popular anime and manga series One Piece. With his unwavering loyalty, fierce combat skills, and strong sense of honor, Zoro captivates audiences with his depth and complexity. In this blog post, we will delve into an analytical and theoretical ...

  15. Every Sword Wielded by Zoro in 'One Piece'

    Enma is the most powerful sword that Zoro ever wielded and the only known blade to ever injure Kaido, former Emperor of the Sea. Enma features a unique ability to draw Haki from the user's body to ...

  16. One Piece: Zoro's Sword Upgrades In The Final Saga, Explained

    Zoro cannot give away Enma at any cost. A massive reason why Enma will stay with Zoro until he becomes the world's greatest swordsman is the fact that this blade hasn't blackened just yet. Kozuki ...

  17. Roronoa Zoro

    The subject of this article is sometimes called Roronoa Zolo. Roronoa Zoro, also known as "Pirate Hunter" Zoro, is a main combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates, one of their two swordsmen, one of the Senior Officers of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, and is publicly recognized as the right-hand man of his crew's captain Monkey D. Luffy. Formerly a bounty hunter, he is the second member of Luffy's crew ...

  18. Zoro's Three Final Swords

    Zoro's Three Final Swords. First, we know Zoro will never lose Wado Ichimonji. In chapter 955 we see that Zoro accepted Enma in exchange for returning Shusui. In chapter 954, it was introduced Ame no Habakiri. Being one of the 21 O Wazamono swords, Ame no Habakiri is an extremely powerful sword on par with Enma.

  19. One Piece: Does Enma give Zoro Oden's Haki? How the sword ...

    More specifically, some One Piece fans are under the impression that Enma gives Zoro Oden's Haki, which is implicitly stored within the blade in this context. Much of the reason why fans are ...

  20. Zoro Gets Enma!

    Oden's two swords, Ame-no-Habakiri and Enma! Zoro tests Enma power but it comes at a cost. [From Ep. 956] Watch new episodes of One Piece: https://weareani.m...

  21. One Piece: Zoro's Rise To Yonko Level, Explained

    Once Zoro stabilizes his control over Enma, he will automatically be stronger. However, there is more to him than just that. Zoro still has one power up to achieve, and that is, the blackening of ...

  22. The reason Zoro could not control Enma : r/OnePiece

    The reason Zoro could not control Enma. People over-estimate Oden's strength, especially his strength before leaving Wano but also after. Enma is actually not a very old sword (considering there are swords hundreds of years old), and Oden was the first to be able to use it as the swords drained Haki from it's user. however Oden could freely use ...

  23. What Episode Does Zoro Get Enma? The Sword That Pierced The Yonko

    Zoro chose to replace his previous third sword, Shusui, with Enma. These events took place in episode 956 of One-Piece, where Zoro demonstrated the immense power of Enma by effortlessly destroying half of the island cliff with a single swing. Enma is renowned for its exceptional abilities, believed to possess the capability of cutting through ...

  24. One Piece: What is Shimotsuki Kuina's Relationship With Zoro?

    Like Zoro, Kuina has some relationships with the Wano country as her grandfather, Shimotsuki Kozaburo, is regarded as the greatest blacksmith for his unique swords, Enma and Wado. While in the ...

  25. Controversial Zoro Enma Theory? : r/OnePiece

    Emma suits Zoro, not because of it's ability but because of who made it and what it represents. Just like with with Sandai and Shusui, Zoro trains to get stronger and master the sword. Zoro will eventually be able to imbue much more of his own haki than what Enma would take on his own. 12. nobarachinsama • 2 yr. ago.