
Food Insecurity Essay

Food Insecurity Nutrition is important for healthy life. Many people are still hungry around the world even though there is mass production of food. This is because of unhealthy food production. In today’s world we see many obese people because of high intake of high fat and cholesterol containing food . It is important to have a healthy diet/ nutritional intake for individuals to have good foundation for physical and mental health. Now a day’s healthy food is getting more expensive rather than unhealthy food. Poor people are forced to eat unhealthy food, while the rich can afford to eat whatever the please. Food insecurity is caused by individuals not having healthy food for their families due to their low income or political and …show more content…

Even in developed country like The United States of America food security is a major problem. In the article “Association of Household and Community Characteristics with Adult and Child Food Insecurity among Mexican-Origin Households in Colonias along the Texas-Mexico Border” author Sharkey supports that over population of Mexicans, living in colonies along the Texas - Mexico border causes food insecurity. Because of the Overpopulation on the texas-mexico border there is low availability of healthy food, causing people to eat junk food which lacks of nutritional value, and has high amount of sugar, fat, cholesterol. Food insecurity causes health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and early mortality among young single mothers. According to author Christine A. Stevens young single mothers are affected by food insecurity in two ways “first, the stress of food insecurity can lead to compounding issues of depression for this mother, second, food choice.” Factors that assist these problems are socioeconomic status and the ability to obtain adequate nutrition . These young single mothers do not have enough money to give nutritional food to their families. With limited money they do not have a choice for nutritional food and according to Stevens are forced to buy “inexpensive, high fat, high carbohydrates food” (Stevens 163). In

Food Insecurity In Australia Essay

The global population is expected to reach 9 billion people by the year 2050 and scientific projections indicate that world is on a trajectory towards an environmental and global food crisis. World Leaders, environmental enthusiasts and aid agencies have cause for alarm as they support urgent policies for change, for without them mankind will face unprecedented food insecurity. In 2015 estimates were that there were “some 795 million people” [World Food Programme, 2015], experiencing food insecurity and 3.1 million children under 5 died through malnutrition, while Australians continue to waste an estimated 361 Kg’s of food per person per yr [PMSEIC, 2010, p.44] All the while the earth groans under the weight of Greenhouse Gas Emissions [GHG], deforestation, soil degradation and

School lunches are often unsung heroes of many modern American households. Frequently overlooked and disregarded because of their stigma, school lunches are a key ingredient that may help make the world a better place. Unknowingly, great numbers of individuals in our communities deal with food insecurities every day of their lives. It baffles me that in an advanced society many people do not have the resources to provide food for themselves or their families. Until it affected me personally, I was unaware nor passionate about the struggles of food insecurity. My passion for solving food insecurity in my local community has led me to gain both experience and leadership through understanding and advocating for those around me.

Listening to conversations about food on campus, I found that there was a common theme last year: it was difficult to find healthy food on campus.

Poverty and Nutrition in America Essay

  • 9 Works Cited

For most Americans, the word poverty means insufficient access to to housing, clothing and nutritious food that meet their needs for a healthy life. A consequence of poverty is a low socioeconomic status that leads to being exposed to poor nutrition. Since food and dietary choices are influenced by income, poverty and nutrition go hand in hand. There are many important factors that threaten the nutritional status of poor people. The number one factor is not having enough money to buy food of good quality and quantity. Not having enough money can have a profound impact on the diets of low-income people. Limited financial resources may force low income people to make difficult decisions about what kind and how much food to buy. Limited

Food insecurity is defined as the inadequate access to nutritious food and is simply represented by the orange slice on the plate. The unhealthy products (i.e., processed meat and non-perishable items) further emphasize food insecurity by showing the population’s unhealthy, yet

Food Insecurity : The Lack Of Access For Enough Food For Adequate Nutrition

Food insecurity is defined as “the lack of access to enough food to ensure adequate nutrition.”1 The Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) reported that 14.6% of US households were food insecure during at least some portion of 2008 (up 11.1% from 2007), the highest levels recorded since monitoring began in 1995.2 Food insecurity is a concern of under consumption and obesity is a disease of over consumption, yet both outcomes may coexist, seemingly incongruously, within the same household.2 The most popular explanation is that low-cost, energy-dense foods linked to obesity are favored by financially constrained households, who are the most likely to be food insecure.2 Another theory, focusing on environmental context net of individual circumstance, argues that obesity and insecurity are both symptoms of malnutrition, occurring in neighborhoods where nutritious foods are unavailable or unaffordable.2 A separate literature researches environmental roles in poor nutritional outcomes, recent studies link obesity as well as atherosclerosis and diabetes to the food environment, the local context of available food items.2 The theory is that local inaccessibility to healthy foods influences diet composition, a claim supported by evidence.2 Especially in poorer neighborhoods, food options are often limited to fast food restaurants, convenience stores, or grocery stores more poorly stocked both in

Food Insecurity At The United States Essay

Did you know in 2014, 48.1 million households in the United States were food insecure? (Feeding America, 2016) Additionally, household with children reported higher rates of food insecurity compared to households without children. According to new research, a great proportion of college students are suffering from food insecurity (Hughes et al., 2011; Patton-Lopez et al., 2014). According to the United States Department of Agriculture, food insecurity is defined by “the state of being without reliable access to sufficient quantity of affordable nutritious food” (2015). Since 2006, the USDA introduced new terms to categorize food insecurity ranges. Marginal food security is described as “anxiety over food sufficiency or shortage of food in the house. Little or no change in diet” (Gaines et al., n.d.). Low food security “reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet without reduced food intake. Very low food security “disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.”

Food Deserts

Food insecurity is a determent to health that has become more prevalent in low-income areas of the country. Food security is an important aspect of public health in which greater evidence is showing that food insecurity as a direct link to poor health. Food insecurity can be define as “the inability to acquire or consume and adequate diet quality or sufficient quantity of

Food insecurity is a major issue in Canada, affecting millions people across the country especially minorities. In 2012, four million Canadians experienced some form of food insecurity (Tarasuk, Mitchell, & Dachner, 2014). This paper aims to focus on how food insecurity affects women and children, and the costs associated with it. The results of food insecurity can be serious mental, and physical health problems for women and children. It shall demonstrate the need for government intervention, job security, prices of food, and public policies to protect low income families. This topic was chosen as it is an issue which often gets overlooked by many middle and upper class Canadians. Often times when people think of starvation, they picture children in Sub-Saharan Africa. The reality is that women and children in Canadian communities are affected by food insecurity daily. Action needs to be taken immediately in order for food insecurity to be fully eradicated, and justice to be achieved.

Food Insecurity In America Essay

People are without food worldwide. When we think of malnutrition and food insecurity we think about poverty stricken nations. The United States of America is not really discussed when it comes to food scarcity, but in reality this problem is prevalent in America and affects more than just homeless people. Some of the people that you least expect have to live without the adequate amount of food for survival. Scarcity of food is ignored by even the government and is embarrassing to those who have to live this struggle. The documentary A Place at the Table presents the food struggle in the U.S. with families who are suffering from a lack of food. This deficiency can cause serious health complications and can affect all aspects of life.

Food Insecurity Affects More Than 48 Million Americans Every Year ( Mcmillan ) Essay

Food insecurity affects more than 48 million Americans every year (McMillan). Those who reside in food insecure homes can generally not afford healthy foods, therefore increasing the incidence of obesity and other resultant chronic disorders. According to The American Journal of Public Health, “Food insecurity has been shown to diminish dietary quality and affect nutritional intake and has been associated with chronic morbidity (e.g., type 2 diabetes, hypertension) and weight gain” (Nguyen, Shuval, Bertmann, & Yaroch, 2015, p. 1453). Those who live without adequate access to nutritional food, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, have higher rates of obesity not because of the amount of food they eat, but the poor nutritional value of affordable meals.

How Does Hugo Chavez Deal With Food Insecurity In Venezuela

According to Derek Byerlee, food security can be defined as “the challenge of meeting food and nutritional needs while protecting environmental services.” Based on the definition given by Byerlee, food insecurity will be the exact opposite. Not meeting the food and nutritional needs of a country. Keep this definition in mind as this word will be mentioned throughout the paper.

Essay on We Can End World Hunger

  • 8 Works Cited

Food security is one of the largest problems facing our world today. To be "food secure" a country must have enough

Factors of Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity is defined as access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life, and at a minimum includes the following: the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods and the assured ability to acquire personally acceptable foods in a socially acceptable way, qualified by their involuntariness and periodicity. Even though food insecurity affects everyone in the household, it may also affect them differently. Food insecurity mostly exists whenever food security is limited. Uncertain or limited availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods results chronic diseases psychological, and suicidal syndrome (Cook & Frank, 2008)

One of most common problems in the world is food insecurity. It is not only happening in the third world countries, but it is also happening in the richest country in world, the USA. Food insecurity occurs when a family does not have enough food for all family members. The USDA confirms that 12.7 percent of U.S households are suffering from food insecurity. Food insecurity can be of two kinds: low food insecurity and very low food insecurity. In low insecurity households, family members just eat enough calories for their body, but their food is not nutritious. Low food insecurity makes up 7.4 percent of 12.7 of food insecurity households in the U.S, (USDA). The other type is very low food insecurity. The family members do not have enough food at specific times in the year because they lack money. This type makes up 4.9 percent out of 12.7 percent in the food insecurity, (USDA). Food insecurity most often happens in the households with children, especially households with children headed by a single man or a single woman. The USDA estimates that households with children headed by single woman have 31.6 percent chance of experiencing low food insecurity, and households with children headed by a single man have 21.7 percent chance for low food insecurity. The South has highest rate of food insecurity with 13.5 percent. The rate of food insecurity in the Northeast (10.8 percent) is lower than Midwest (12.2 percent). The rate of food insecurity according to states in the three

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Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help Essay (Speech)

  • General Purpose: To persuade
  • Specific Purpose: To persuade listeners that the food insecurity issue is severe and that everyone can contribute to its solution.
  • Time: ~ 8 min.


  • Imagine a day when you have little strength and energy – you feel weakness and soreness – the feelings are rather unpleasant. Now imagine that you feel this discomfort and lack of strength every day.
  • In a world where for many people, any food is within walking distance and abundantly presented on supermarket shelves, it is easy to forget how many people are still starving. Moreover, hunger in its usual understanding of lack of food is only part of the problem. Some families are forced to choose cheap and low-quality food, only worsening their health. This problem usually intersects with others – frequent diseases and chronic conditions, high medical expenses, moral oppression, and similar issues.
  • Tie to the audience: This is not just a problem on remote continents about which reporters talk. People suffering from food insecurity can live in your community. Moreover, an irresponsible attitude and nature can lead to consequences for each of us.
  • Thesis Statement: The problem of food insecurity today is not in the amount of food but its availability. It affects people’s life quality and social development, but there are several measures that each of us can take.
  • Thus, I want to talk to you today about the very problem of food insecurity, its causes and consequences, and what individuals can do to help.

[Transition into the body of speech: I will begin with what is food security and insecurity and why it is so important.].

  • Description of Problem: Food insecurity is “a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life” ( What is Food Insecurity? para. 2). Although the problem is closely related to hunger, this is a different concept since hunger refers to physical sensations, and insecurity refers to the lack of available resources and does not always imply hunger. Another phenomenon that helps to understand the problem better is food swamp – areas in which unhealthy food, such as fast food, is more accessible and common than a healthy one (Caspi para. 17).
  • Besides the daily feeling of hunger or weakness, food insecurity negatively affects physical and mental health and development, especially in children.
  • People experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, anemia, and similar issues ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 5). Without enough energy and health, they cannot improve their life quality.
  • Example, Narrative, or Testimony: Quality food is an essential condition for maintaining a person’s intellectual and physical abilities.
  • Extent of Problem: Some households often have a difficult choice between quality food and other vital needs.
  • According to the United Nations, the number of people suffering from the problem in the world reaches 690 million inhabitants, or almost 9% ( Goal 2: Zero Hunger para. 1).
  • In America, one in nine citizens experience food insecurity problems, equating to 37 million people, of which 11 million are children ( What is Food Insecurity? para. 1).
  • More than 60% of American citizens facing food insecurity are forced to choose between food and utilities, healthcare, or transportation ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para 2). To save money, about 80% of affected people choose unhealthy food ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 4).
  • At the same time, about 1.3 billion tonnes of food, a third of all food produced for people, is wasted every year (Depta para. 2).
  • Who is Affected: Food insecurity can affect adults, children, people of different nationalities – all low-income citizens. It can be caused by economic instability, extreme weather events such as drought or flooding, armed conflicts, and similar problems ( Global Report on Food Crises 2021 para. 2-3).

Example/Narrative and/or Facts/Statistics: Nevertheless, the representation of the problem reflects the general picture of the population – African Americans and Hispanics suffer more (Caspi para. 14). Injustice is associated with general discriminatory practices and their consequences – difficulties accessing opportunities, lack of affordable housing, and other problems.

[Transition: As you can see, the reasons for food insecurity are deep, and states should devote part of their activities to its solution. However, each person can also take several measures to help improve the situation.]


  • How Solution Satisfies Need: A responsible attitude towards the environment will slow climate change, giving time to solve problems in the long term. Charity will have an effect in the short term, as it will provide the necessary resources to those who need them.
  • How Solution can be Implemented: To take action, you need awareness of the problem and solutions and participation in charitable organizations’ work.
  • Step 1 of Plan: Responsible attitude to the environment involves recycling, not pollution of nature, saving natural resources, and similar measures that everyone can learn.
  • Step 2 of Plan: It is necessary to prevent the excessive purchase of food and its throwing out by planning meals and supporting local producers.
  • Step 3 of Plan: Participation in charity can be different – volunteering or making donations. You only need to find suitable initiatives in your area using the Internet.

[Transition: Thus, you can start solving global problems with small steps but achieve great results.]


  • Describe Expected Results of Action: The more people learn about the problem and take action, the greater their effect. In particular, responsible food consumption and the purchase will reduce surplus production and use resources in less affluent areas. Taking care of the environment will also slow climate change. Finally, helping people get the nutrition necessary for a healthy life will improve the nation’s health and well-being.
  • Describe Consequences of Inaction: If the problem is ignored, the number of people who do not receive the necessary nutrition will increase. Their oppressed condition will prevent them from showing their potential and talents and investing it in the development of society. Moreover, we contribute to inequality, discrimination, environmental degradation, and other related issues by ignoring the problem.

[Transition: In conclusion]

  • Brakelight: In conclusion, as you see, the solution to global problems is the shared responsibility of each of us.
  • Summary: I provided to you information about what food insecurity is, its danger, the reasons, and how to deal with it. The inaccessibility of quality food negatively affects people’s health and well-being and can be triggered by poverty, environmental disasters, inequality, and other causes.
  • Tie Back to the Audience: Although it may seem that the responsibility lies with others – politicians, corporations, international organizations, everyone makes a choice – whether or not to help.
  • Concluding Remarks:

CALL TO ACTION: I encourage you to be responsible in your lifestyle, help others and take care of your health.

Works Cited

Caspi, Caitlin. “What is Food Insecurity?” The Conversation , 2021, Web.

“Compromises and Coping Strategies.” Feeding America , Web.

Depta, Laura. “Global Food Waste and its Environmental Impact.” Reset , 2018, Web.

“Global Report on Food Crises 2021.” Reliefweb , 2021, Web.

“Goal 2: Zero Hunger.” United Nations , Web.

“What is Food Insecurity?” Hunger + Health , Web.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, August 25). Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help.

"Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." IvyPanda , 25 Aug. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help'. 25 August.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." August 25, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." August 25, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help." August 25, 2022.

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  1. Food Insecurity Essay

    Food Insecurity Essay. Food insecurity is defined as the inadequate access to nutritious food and is simply represented by the orange slice on the plate. The unhealthy products (i.e., processed meat and non-perishable items) further emphasize food insecurity by showing the population’s unhealthy, yet. 1287 Words.

  2. Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help

    People experiencing food insecurity are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure problems, anemia, and similar issues ( Compromises and Coping Strategies para. 5). Without enough energy and health, they cannot improve their life quality. Example, Narrative, or Testimony: Quality food is an essential ...

  3. What is Food Insecurity?

    Food insecurity is an official term from the USDA. It's when people don't have enough to eat and don't know where their next meal will come from. It's a big problem in the United States, where over 44 million people, including 13 million children, experience food insecurity annually. However, many more people, including millions who do not meet ...