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What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important?

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care

What Is Self-Care?

  • Building a Self-Care Plan

Self-care is the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness.

While many people may view self-care as a form of selfish indulgence, the act of caring for oneself is an important part of a person's overall well-being.

Many people do not fully understand what self-care means. Read on to find out more about what self-care is, examples of practicing self-care, and why it’s important for your mental and physical health.

Maskot / Getty Images

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), self-care is being able to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.

The WHO also mentions that self-care is a broad term and many facets of a person’s life come into play, including:

  • Hygiene (general and personal)
  • Lifestyle factors such as exercise level and leisure activities
  • Environmental factors such as a person’s living conditions or social habits
  • Socioeconomic factors such as a person’s income level or cultural beliefs
  • Self-medication and following treatment plans for current illnesses

The main goal of self-care is to prevent or control disease and preserve overall well-being through consistently taking care of various aspects of your health.

For a person to practice true self-care, they must use personal responsibility and self-reliance in a way that positively impacts their health in the current moment and the future.

Overindulgence in spending

Binge-eating your favorite but unhealthy foods

Participating in activities that provide instant gratification

Going on expensive and lavish vacations

Perfecting oneself by any means necessary

Numbing bad feelings using alcohol or illicit substances

Binge-watching television

Prioritizing one's physical and mental health

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits that can be maintained long-term

Eating a healthy diet

Finding exercise activities that you enjoy and participating in them regularly

Getting an adequate amount of good-quality sleep

Following treatment plans for existing conditions accordingly

Taking time out for yourself to participate in healthy activities you enjoy

What Types of Self-Care Are There?

Various forms of self-care involve different activities or actions. Each form is as important as the other and drives optimal health and well-being.

Physical Health

Taking care of your physical health is a form of self-care that helps improve quality of life and prevent or manage chronic conditions.

Physical self-care will be different for each person, but ways you can practice physical self-care include:

  • Getting the proper amount of exercise
  • Eating regular, well-balanced meals that are mostly whole foods and staying hydrated
  • Engaging in relaxing activities that can help manage stress
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Getting regular medical and dental care

Mental Health

Mental self-care is designed to drive a healthy mind by practicing brain-stimulating activities and healthy mental behaviors. Mental self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.

While no two people are the same, these strategies can help you manage stress and stimulate your mind:

  • Use relaxation programs or apps regularly to incorporate meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. 
  • Practice gratitude by reminding yourself daily of things you are grateful for. Write them down at night or replay them in your mind.
  • Participate in creative activities you enjoy.
  • Read a book or do a puzzle.
  • Play games such as Scrabble, crossword puzzles, or other brain teasers.
  • Try a new hobby.
  • Engage in exercise.
  • Take adult education classes.
  • Seek help from a professional as needed.


Having healthy relationships is a form of social self-care all its own. Research has shown that different forms of relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, or familial, can all benefit overall health and well-being.

On the flip side, not having healthy relationships can be detrimental to health. When people lack platonic relationships, they are more likely to be subject to psychological distress and engage in unhealthy behaviors.  

Ways to foster relationships include:

  • Regularly scheduling get-togethers (coffee, a walk, a meal, going to the movies, or just hanging out) with friends or family members
  • Connecting with community or faith-based groups
  • Volunteering for a local organization
  • Joining a local group, such as a hiking club, knitting group, or other interest group

Not everyone has a spiritual or religious need. However, for some people nurturing their spirit allows them to connect on a deeper level with themselves and to think beyond themselves.

Spiritual self-care practices might include:

  • Hiking or spending time in nature
  • Listening to inspirational music
  • Going to church or attending virtual spiritual activities or groups
  • Talking with a spiritual advisor

Why Is Self-Care Important?

Practicing self-care regularly can bring about both short- and long-term benefits that lead to improved well-being and an improved health status.

In the short term, people who practice self-care can see positive changes such as:

  • Reduced stress levels : Putting your health and needs first along with giving yourself a bit of rest can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Increasing self-worth : The more you take care of yourself, the better you will feel about who you are as a person. This is because more of your core needs will be met on a regular basis.
  • Feelings of belonging : A short-term benefit of spending time with others will provide feelings of belonging and love, which is good for your overall mental health.

While the short-term benefits of self-care are good, the long-term benefits are what self-care is more focused on. Some long-term benefits include:

  • Managing chronic conditions: By practicing physical and mental self-care strategies, conditions such as depression, diabetes, and heart disease can be more effectively managed.
  • Disease prevention: Implementing self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management techniques, reduces the risk of heart attack , stroke , and obesity in the future.
  • Stress reduction: Stress affects all systems in the body. Chronic stress can lead to chronic health conditions. Practicing self-care that reduces chronic stress can help lower the risk of developing health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, and more.
  • Healthier relationships: When taking better care of our personal needs, we are better able to engage in healthy relationships partially due to increased self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Improved job satisfaction: A study of nurses found those who implemented intentional self-care practices had significantly higher job satisfaction. The authors suggest implementing self-care practices could improve job satisfaction and teamwork while reducing burnout.
  • Reduced burnout: Authors of a review of multiple studies concluded the solution for burnout is complex, but self-care strategies are one of several components that could be effective.
  • Improved quality of life: When self-care practices help to better manage health conditions, reduce stress, or create a greater sense of belonging, overall well-being and quality of life improve.

How to Practice Self-Care

Building your perfect self-care plan will depend on your personal health and lifestyle. To create a plan to encourage better health and well-being:

  • Determine your overall level of health: Once you know your starting point health-wise, you can begin adding or subtracting certain activities or stressors in your life to focus on improving your health.
  • Identify your stressors: Make a list of things that cause you stress in all aspects of your life. The next step is to do your best to avoid certain stressors. If they are unavoidable, teach yourself coping techniques that can help lessen your stress reaction to certain situations.
  • Identify your coping strategies: Everyone develops strategies to cope with health issues, stress, and other life problems. Make a list of your coping strategies and see which ones are healthy and which ones aren’t. The unhealthy ones that don't serve you well can be swapped out for healthier coping mechanisms.

After completing these three steps, you can begin to formulate a plan that you can commit to.

Self-Care Strategies for People With Chronic Disease

If you have a chronic disease, your self-care plan may look a little different than that of someone who does not. This is only because you will have to incorporate certain activities that will benefit you. For example, if you have diabetes , ensure that coping strategies and activities you utilize as self-care help you manage your condition while you follow your treatment plan.

Self-care is the practice of taking care of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. It is a lifestyle that enables you to set aside time for your health to ensure your overall well-being now and for years to come.

If you do adopt the right techniques to care for yourself, you will be able to reap the benefits, such as better physical and mental health, the prevention or better management of disease, and better personal and workplace relationships.

World Health Organization. What do we mean by self-care?

National Institute of Mental Health. Caring for your mental health .

Holt-Lunstad J. Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors: The Power of Social Connection in Prevention . Am J Lifestyle Med. 2021 May 6;15(5):567-573. doi: 10.1177/15598276211009454

Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Wilson SJ. Lovesick: How Couples' Relationships Influence Health. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2017 May 8;13:421-443. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032816-045111

David D, Dalton J, Magny-Normilus C, Brain MM, Linster T, Lee SJ. The Quality of Family Relationships, Diabetes Self-Care, and Health Outcomes in Older Adults. Diabetes Spectr. 2019 May;32(2):132-138. doi:10.2337/ds18-0039

Amati V, Meggiolaro S, Rivellini G, Zaccarin S. Social relations and life satisfaction: the role of friends. Genus. 2018;74(1):7. doi:10.1186/s41118-018-0032-z

Riegel B, Moser DK, Buck HG, et al. American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; and Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Self-Care for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: A Scientific Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Aug 31;6(9):e006997. doi:10.1161/JAHA.117.006997

American Psychological Association. Stress effects on the body .

Monroe C, Loresto F, Horton-Deutsch S, et al. The value of intentional self-care practices: The effects of mindfulness on improving job satisfaction, teamwork, and workplace environments . Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2021 Apr;35(2):189-194. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2020.10.003

Adnan NBB, Dafny HA, Baldwin C, Jakimowitz S, et al. What are the solutions for well-being and burn-out for healthcare professionals? An umbrella realist review of learnings of individual-focused interventions for critical care . BMJ Open. 2022 Sep 8;12(9):e060973. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-060973

California State University Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling. How to Create an Individualized Self-Care Plan.

By Angelica Bottaro Angelica Bottaro is a professional freelance writer with over 5 years of experience. She has been educated in both psychology and journalism, and her dual education has given her the research and writing skills needed to deliver sound and engaging content in the health space.

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Developing Your Self-Care Plan

Flourish in social work.

Steps to Self-Care.

Preserving personal longevity and happiness, relationships and your career.

  • 6/9/21 View the full infographic

To develop your self-care plan, you will identify what you value and need as part of your day-to-day life ( maintenance self-care ) and the strategies you can employ when or if you face a crisis along the way ( emergency self-care ).

self-care steps.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” self-care plan, but there is a common thread to all self-care plans: making a commitment to attend to all the domains of your life, including your physical and psychological health, emotional and spiritual needs, and relationships.

Woman in a breeze on the beach.

Think of your self-care plan as a roadmap -- with planned vehicle maintenance, travel activities and rest stops along the way.

winding road.

Steps to guide you...

Don't be overwhelmed by the steps in this process! They are simple and straightforward and will help to guide you on your path.  

On this page:

1. how do you cope now.

Identify what you do  now  to manage the stress in your life. The Lifestyle Behaviors (pdf) ( Transcript of Lifestyle Behaviors ) (“Is your life causing you stress?”) assessment can help you to identify the coping strategies you currently use and whether they are likely to be good (or not so good) for your well-being.

Decreasing or eliminating at least one “negative” coping strategy can be one of the goals of your maintenance self-care; employing more "positive" strategies can be another.

2. What do you do for self-care now?

The Self-Care Assessment  (pdf) will help you highlight the good things you are already doing for yourself and whether there is an imbalance in the areas in which you practice self-care.

The items in this assessment can also give you some ideas for additional things you may want to do in the future to help prevent stress and burnout and to maintain and enhance your well-being. Make a note of the items that you would like to add (or add more of) to your self-care practice. In considering this, try to be sure that each domain of self-care is well represented. If you think of things that are not included in this list, just add them at the end.

3. Maintenance self-care: Adding self-care practices and eliminating obstacles

"Maintenance self-care" refers to the activities that you have identified as important to your well-being and that you have committed to engage in on a regular basis to take care of yourself.

My Maintenance Self-Care Worksheet (pdf)  ( Transcript of My Maintenance Self-Care Worksheet ) provides an opportunity for you to identify the activities you would like to add to your self-care practice in each self-care domain (“new practice”).

It is also useful to identify possible barriers or obstacles that could get in the way of implementing and/or maintaining these new activities. Think about what you anticipate these barriers/obstacles to be (try to list at least 3 or 4 in the spaces provided), how you can address them, and how you can remind yourself to follow your plan. Write these solutions on the last page of the My Maintenance Self-Care Worksheet. If you have chosen to limit or eliminate a negative coping strategy that you currently use, note this as well.

You can revisit this topic and revise your list as the demands of your personal and professional life change. 

4. Emergency self-care: Be prepared

So far we have focused on maintenance self-care: the kinds of things one does regularly to reduce stress and maintain and enhance well-being. But planning out what you would do under extremely trying circumstances, even though they are rare, is also important.  To do this, develop a framework using your Emergency Self-Care worksheet (pdf)   before  you are faced with a crisis or feel overwhelmed. This is not to suggest that you will invariably face such a situation; the idea is to be prepared  just in case .

Think of developing your emergency self-care plan in the way you would think about preparing for other possible emergency situations: it is important to figure out your plan in advance when you have the time, wherewithal, and concentration to do so effectively!

5. Make a commitment to yourself

Two fingers in pledge sign.

Remember: Just like the flight attendant says, you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before you can be of help to others. So, take a moment, think it over, and then make your personal commitment to your own self-care. You deserve it!

If you find making a commitment to be a challenge, then take some time to explore your reservations. Do you have a tendency to put the needs of others first? The truth is that your self-care is not only essential to your well-being, but it is also a necessary element for you to be effective and successful in honoring your professional and personal commitments.

Preparing a plan is important; it identifies your goals and the strategies to achieve them. However your success in implementing your plan is ultimately based on the level of commitment you make to your self-care.

6. Share your plan

Once you have developed your plan and made your commitment, remember that friends, family, peers, and/or colleagues may be good additional resources for exchanging new self-care ideas/strategies and to provide support and encouragement.

Consider taking your commitment a step further by joining or starting a support or discussion group (see Tips for Starting a Support or Discussion Group ).

7. Follow your plan

Now that you have completed the assessments and worksheets described above, you have identified the core elements of your personal Self-Care Plan.  The final step is to implement your plan and keep track of how you are doing . Keeping track of your progress will help you recognize your successes and identify and address any difficulties you may not have anticipated. Don’t forget that you can revise your plan as needed. Remember, also, to employ your emergency plan should emotionally difficult circumstances arise.

Remember that self-care is always a work in progress!

(Prepared by Lisa D. Butler, PhD, based in part on materials provided by Sandra A. Lopez, LCSW, ACSW, University of Houston, Graduate School of Social Work)

An Introduction to Self-Care

Introduction to Self-Care

“Self-care” is a trendy phrase these days, but what exactly does it mean? Look on social media or in a magazine, and it might seem like the concept of self-care is just an excuse to indulge in luxury or to treat yourself in some way. But there’s much more to it than that.

Self-care is the practice of asking yourself what you need – mentally, spiritually, or emotionally – and making sure you get it. It is not inherently indulgent or selfish; it is necessary. As adults, we are solely responsible for managing our own health, emotions, and personal growth. Self-care is the set of practices that allow us to accomplish this.

Why Self-Care?

As flight attendants say, “Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.” This cautionary instruction is a great self-care metaphor. Modern living makes it easy to overlook your own wellbeing in order to keep up with other responsibilities, but it’s unsustainable and even risky to do so for the long term.

Maybe you’ve experienced one of these common symptoms of not taking enough care of yourself:

  • Compassion fatigue , the kind of exhaustion that hurts your ability to experience joy and genuine care for others. When you’re physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually drained, it’s impossible to expend energy to be grateful and fully present for your loved ones. Compassion fatigue is like trying to pour from an empty cup.
  • Burnout , a state of chronic stress from being overworked. Burnout is often career-related but it may also stem from school, family life, or any other type of occupation. Symptoms include physical and mental exhaustion, feelings of cynicism, irritability, or rigidity, and various states of “inoperability” – feeling ineffective, detached, or useless. Burnout often leads to unhealthy self-medication.
  • Poor physical health.  Everything from doctors’ appointments, to preparing healthy meals, to exercise and fitness classes count as physical self-care. Overlook these practices and you’ll eventually experience an avoidable decline. Furthermore, a lack of self-care leads to increased stress, which has physically damaging effects of its own. Stress contributes to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and more.

How to Get Started

Self-Care Audre Lorde Quote

The first step in quality self-care is to learn what it is and understand its importance. So if you’re reading this article, congratulations! You’re already on your way.

The next step is to believe that you deserve it, which is easier said than done. We repeat: taking time out for yourself does not make you selfish, weak, or inferior in any way! Only you have the power to manage your life. It’s your responsibility to take good care of yourself. And, as we like to remind you, you deserve to feel better .

Part of this process is learning to silence the inner critic – the little voice in your head saying “It’s not worth it”, “You should be doing more,” or “Everyone else is doing better”. These critical, judgmental, self-blaming phrases reinforce the message that you’re not enough and keep you feeling small and unworthy. So challenge this voice and realize it’s not true. It’s just a feeling. When you find yourself making the occasional unhealthy decision, don’t beat yourself up about it. Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and plan how you’ll do better next time.

If you want to take better care of yourself but don’t know what to prioritize, try a self-exploration or reflection exercise to identify where you have the most to gain.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you giving your body quality nutrition and drinking plenty of water?
  • Do you exercise regularly? Do you have consistent movement in your daily life?
  • Are you satisfied with your relationships? Do you have a community of social support?
  • Do you go to the doctor for regular check-ups? What about the dentist or eye doctor?
  • Do you have any hobbies that excite you and inspire you to learn more?

Introduction to Self-Care

When you're feeling ambitious about self-care, it’s tempting to try too much at once. Remember that creating habits takes time, energy, and mindfulness. Start small and kindly check in with yourself regularly.

Apart from your routine self-care practices, make a plan for those S.O.S. moments when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the many roles that you play. Think: what practices and activities make you feel calm? Where do you feel safe? Who are people that support you and build you up? What’s a self-care plan you can make for in-the-moment stress?

Create a list of the activities and interactions that boost your spirits. Consider scenarios when you’re at home, at work, or traveling. Self-care in the workplace is just as important as personal self-care, especially if your work is demanding or exhausting.

Quick Self-Care Ideas

  • Share something funny with a friend
  • Use an aromatherapy oil, light a candle, or listen to music that resonates with you and makes you feel calm
  • Hand-write a note or doodle to a friend or coworker that you appreciate
  • Make a cup of tea or have a glass of fruit-infused water
  • Take a walk around the block
  • Snuggle with a pet
  • Practice breathwork or meditation
  • Ask a loved one for a quick pep talk
  • Take a yoga/mobility break or follow a myofascial release routine
  • Put your phone in airplane mode and go screen-free for a while
  • Take a moment to schedule an appointment you’ve been putting off or not allowing yourself to indulge in – medical appointments, therapy, a massage, haircuts, pedicure etc.

All in all, these practices can look like a luxury from the outside. But material objects and commercial luxuries are just superficial perks if they don’t actually add value to your life and increase your sense of wellbeing. The real work is done whenever you listen to yourself and honor the needs of your mind, body, and soul.

self care plan essay

self care plan essay

30 Inspiring Emotional Self-Care Examples to Nourish Your Inner Self

Have you ever noticed how easily we get caught up in the daily grind of work, family, relationships, and everything else? It’s like we’re constantly on the go, leaving little room to take care of our own emotional well-being. We forget to prioritize some good old-fashioned “me time” for some well-deserved emotional self-care. So, to take the guesswork out of emotional self-care, I’ve compiled a list of 39 inspiring emotional self-care examples that will help you nourish your soul and create a sense of inner peace.

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What Is Emotional Self-Care?

Emotional self-care is about tending to our emotional needs and cultivating a healthy relationship with our feelings. It’s about acknowledging that our emotions are valid and deserving of care and attention.

eggs with funny faces painted on them/emotional self-care examples

By dedicating time to our emotional well-being, we empower ourselves to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Related Post: Self-Care Tips For Women:  Are You Really Taking Care Of Yourself?

Benefits of Emotional Self-Care

Emotional self-care offers so many benefits that can positively impact various aspects of your life.

Here Are Some Key Benefits of Emotional Self-Care:

. improved emotional well-being.

Engaging in emotional self-care allows you to nurture and support your emotional health. It helps you manage and regulate your emotions, creating a greater sense of well-being and inner peace.

.Emotional Self-Care Benefit: Enhanced Self-Awareness

By practicing emotional self-care, you develop a deeper understanding of your own emotions, triggers, and patterns. This self-awareness enables you to make conscious choices and respond to situations in a more balanced and effective manner.

.Increased Resilience

Emotional self-care equips you with tools and strategies to cope with life’s challenges. It enhances your resilience, enabling you to bounce back from setbacks with greater strength and adaptability.

Related Post: How To Make Time for Yourself Even When Life Seems Crazy

.Emotional Self-Care Helps Reduce Stress

Taking time for emotional self-care can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and emotional release, such as mindfulness, journaling, or deep breathing exercises, can have a huge impact on reducing stress levels.

Related Post: What is Mindfulness? How to Get Started & Enhance Your Midlife Well-Being

.Emotional Self-Care Helps Improve Relationships

When you prioritize emotional self-care, you become better equipped to engage in healthy, meaningful relationships. By understanding and addressing your own emotions, you can communicate more effectively, set boundaries, and cultivate deeper connections with others.

Related Post: 20 Simple Strategies for Building Strong Connections: A Guide on How to Nurture Relationships

Family/emotional self-care examples

.Increased Empathy and Compassion

Emotional self-care fosters empathy and compassion, both towards yourself and others. When you care for your own emotional needs, you develop a greater capacity to understand and support the emotions of those around you.

Related Post: Self-Compassion Examples Unmasked: Do They Encourage Complacency or Drive Success?

.Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Taking care of your emotional well-being enhances your cognitive functioning and decision-making abilities. When you are in a balanced emotional state, you can approach problems and challenges with clarity, creativity, and a more solution-oriented mindset.

.Boosted Productivity and Focus

Engaging in emotional self-care allows you to recharge and rejuvenate, leading to improved focus and productivity. When your emotional needs are met, you can approach tasks and responsibilities with a clear and focused mind.

.Emotional Self-Care Can Help Increase Self-Compassion

Emotional self-care encourages self-compassion, which involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. This practice helps combat self-criticism and fosters a positive self-image and higher self-esteem.

Related Post: 5 Ways to Improve Self-Esteem: What I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life

.Overall Well-rounded Well-being

Emotional self-care is a vital component of holistic well-being . By nurturing your emotions, you create a strong foundation for overall health and happiness, allowing you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Incorporating emotional self-care into your routine can have a positive impact on your well-being, enabling you to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Let’s dive into the 10 inspiring emotional self-care examples.

Emotional Self-Care Examples to Nourish Your Inner Self

1. practice mindfulness meditation.

By grounding yourself in the present moment, you can experience a greater sense of peace, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall emotional well-being.

Engage in regular journaling to express and process your emotions.  This will allow for greater self-reflection and emotional growth.

3. Take A Soothing Bath

Take a soothing bath with essential oils and candles. Create a serene environment that promotes relaxation, eases stress, and rejuvenates the mind and body.

Related Post: Self-Care Bath Ideas To Create The Perfect At-Home Spa Experience

4. Listen to Calming Music

Listening to calming music or creating your favorite playlist can help elevate your mood, and provide a sense of emotional comfort and inspiration.

5. Emotional Self-Care Examples For The Animal Lover

Spending quality time with a beloved pet offers companionship and emotional support, fostering a deep sense of connection, joy, and unconditional love.

Human showing affection to a cat

6. Surround Yourself With Nature

Go for walks in the park or spend time in a garden.  This emotional self-care example can provide a rejuvenating experience that promotes inner peace, reduces stress, and boosts overall well-being.

7. Practice Deep Breathing

Practicing deep breathing exercises offers a simple yet effective way to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and restore a sense of balance and tranquility.

8. Engage In Physical Exercise

Engaging in regular physical exercise enhances emotional well-being by boosting your mood, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of accomplishment and overall energy.

9. Practice Gratitude 

Practicing gratitude through journaling allows you to reflect on and capture the moments and blessings for which you are grateful which fosters a sense of appreciation and contentment.

10. Emotional Self-Care Examples: Engage Your Creativity

 Engaging in creative activities ignites self-expression, stimulates the mind, and nurtures emotional well-being, fostering a sense of fulfillment and joy.

11. Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries safeguards your emotional well-being by empowering you to prioritize self-care, maintain healthy relationships, and preserve your mental and emotional energy.

12. Seek Support From A Therapist or Counselor

Reaching out to a therapist or counselor is a valuable emotional self-care example, as they can provide guidance, tools, and emotional self-care examples to support your journey of healing and growth.

13. Connect With Loved Ones

Connecting with loved ones and engaging in meaningful conversations nourishes your emotional well-being, fostering a sense of belonging, support, and deep connection.

14. Engage In Self-Reflection

This will allow you to deepen your understanding of yourself, gain valuable insights, and promote personal growth as part of your emotional self-care journey.

15. Find A Hobby or Activity You Enjoy

Spend time engaging in hobbies or activities that bring you joy.  This will nourish your emotional well-being, ignite passion, and cultivates a sense of fulfillment and happiness.

16. Self-Compassion

Engage in acts of self-compassion, such as positive self-talk and self-acceptance. These are essential emotional self-care examples that foster a nurturing and supportive relationship with yourself.

17. Forgiveness

Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others. This is a transformative act of emotional self-care that releases burdens, promotes healing, and cultivates inner peace.

18. Emotional Self-Care Examples: Explore Your Emotions

Explore and express your emotions through writing poetry or songs.  This serves as a creative emotional self-care practice that allows for self-expression, healing, and personal growth.

19. Laughter

Engage in activities that promote laughter.  For example,  watch a funny movie or spend time with humorous friends.

20. Join In Relaxation Exercises

Try relaxation exercises such as yoga or tai chi to calm your mind and body.  These activities offer a holistic approach to emotional self-care fostering inner calm, balance, and harmony between the mind and body.

21. Emotional Self-Care Examples: Take Breaks From Technology

This is a crucial emotional self-care example that allows for creating space for mindfulness, connection, and rejuvenation in the offline world.

22. Engage In Random Acts of Kindness

This is a heartwarming emotional self-care practice that uplifts both others and yourself, fostering a sense of empathy, connection, and fulfillment.

23. Practice Self-Compassion

Embrace your imperfections and treat yourself with kindness.

24. Creative Writing

Engage in creative writing practice. This allows for self-expression, soul-searching, and the exploration of personal narratives.

25. Emotional Self-Care Examples: Practice Visualization Exercises

Utilizing visualization exercises as part of your emotional self-care routine taps into your imagination, enabling you to cultivate positive emotions, enhance motivation, and manifest your desired outcomes.

26. Self-Care

Engage in acts of self-care, such as taking yourself on a date or pampering yourself with a spa day at home .

at home spa day

27. Spend Time Alone

This allows for emotional self-care by providing an opportunity to recharge, reflect on emotions, and tend to personal needs, fostering self-awareness and rejuvenation.

28. Get Cozy At Home

Create a cozy and comforting space at home.  Establishing a cozy and comforting space at home is an essential element of emotional self-care, providing a haven where you can unwind, find tranquility, and cultivate a sense of peace and well-being. Engage in acts of self-expression, such as writing, painting, or dancing, to channel and release emotions.

29. Self-Care Rituals

Engage in acts of self-care with your favorite self-care rituals.  This is a powerful emotional self-care example, offering moments of personal pampering, relaxation, and self-love to enhance overall well-being.

30. Emotional Self-Care Examples To Nurture Your Senses

Engage in self-care activities that nurture your senses, such as aromatherapy or indulging in a massage.

Remember, emotional self-care is a personal journey, so feel free to explore and experiment with these examples to find what resonates with you and nourishes your inner self the most.

Final Thoughts On Emotional Self-Care Examples

We’ve explored 30 inspiring emotional self-care examples that can nourish your inner self and foster emotional well-being. From practicing mindfulness meditation to engaging in creative activities, setting boundaries, and connecting with loved ones, each example offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and growth.

Remember, prioritizing your emotional self-care is not selfish; it is essential for your overall well-being. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and inner peace.

Now it’s your turn to take action. Choose a few self-care examples that resonate with you and commit to integrating them into your life. Start small and gradually expand as you navigate your emotional self-care journey.

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Embrace the journey of self-nourishment and self-discovery. Your emotional well-being matters, and by investing in yourself, you create a ripple effect of positivity in all areas of your life.

I’d love for you to leave a comment on how you will be incorporating one or more of these emotional self-care examples into your self-care routine.

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self care plan essay

30 thoughts on “ 30 Inspiring Emotional Self-Care Examples to Nourish Your Inner Self ”

I absolutely love this article and appreciate that you explain all the different types of self-care. I’m a licensed clinical social worker who is passionate about self-care and the intersection between self-care and mental health. People all strive to be happy so I wrote a post about happiness hacks which go perfectly with your self-care suggestions https://pantearahimian.com/how-to-be-happy-10-happiness-hacks-you-can-begin-now/

Hi Pantea! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed my post on emotional self-care. I’ll check out the link you left as well.

Lots of great ideas for self-care. I especially liked the meditation tip. I have been meditating for about a year, and the practice has been life-changing.

Hello Sara! Meditation is such a powerful tool for self-care and I’m happy to hear it has been helpful for you. I appreciate you stopping by to comment on my emotional self-care post. 🙂

These are some great tips Karen! I love reading your posts and I always feel inspired to try out some new self care activities after reading. I’m a big fan of #6 but I’m excited to try these other ideas as well!

Hi Courtney! Thank you so much for your kind words! It makes me happy to hear you are inspired by my posts. I’d love ot hear if you give any of the emotional self-care examples a try.

Thank you so much for this detailed and thoughtful article. I like the recommendations regarding animals and nature. Have a good day!

Hi Melissa! So glad you enjoyed my post on emotional self-care examples. Hope you have a fantastic day too!

This is so helpful! I have been really searching for some self care recommendations, and this was spot on for what I needed. Thank you so much for sharing!

Hi Chelsea! Happy to hear you found my post on emotional self-care examples at a time when you really needed it!! I hope you find the examples easy to implement and enjoyable. Thanks for popping in to comment 🙂

Thank you for this list that is chocked full of ideas for self-care. I especially loved the one on spending time with your pet. My cats truly do bring so much joy to my and my family’s lives. One of my favorite ways to practice self-care is to take the time to listen and watch the stream that is behind my house – really is good for the soul.

Hi Catherine! Isn’t it amazing how pets bring us so much joy?!! We have 3 dogs and I truly enjoy just chilling with them, watching them play or snuggling with them. Having a stream behind your home sounds absoultely devine!! I must admit, I’m a little jealous. Water is very soothing for sure.

These are some fabulous self-care ideas! Journaling is always my go to for everything and going to the gym.

Hello Rihay! So glad you enjoyed my post on emotional self-care examples. Sounds like you have found a nice groove in practicing self-care through journaling and exercise. Keep up the great work!

Such a helpful post! I really do need to be more compassionate with myself. I definitely hold myself to a different standard.

Hello Tracy! So happy to hear you found my post on emotional self-care examples helpful. I don’t think you are alone in holding yourself to a different standard as I think many of us are guilty of that. Why is that though?!! It’s something for us to work on 🙂

Love the focus on emotional self-care in this post. I don’t think people realize there are different types of self-care and that at times we all need something different. What works for one person may or may not work for another because their self-care needs are physical not emotional (or vise versa).

Hello Katie! You are right, many people are not aware of the various forms of self-care which is partly why I’m so passionate about sharing information on each form of self-care.

Reading this article at a great time. My selfcare care has been lacking, and in attempts to help everyone else and not hurt feelings, I skip my emotional self-. Thanks for recentering me and reminding me of the importance of emotional self-care!

Hi Brandi! So glad you found this article on emotional self-care at a moment in your life when you really need it. I hope you can take the examples and start practicing at least a few of them. You deserve it!

There are some brilliant ideas here. Setting (and keeping) boundaries is still something I struggle with though!

Hi Amanda! Thank you for your kind words. I would have to agree with you that setting and keeping boundaries is probably one of the most difficult emotional self-care examples for me to practice. All we can do is keep on trying…I’m rooting for you!!

Really great advice. Emotional self care is often overlooked and neglected. These tips are more vital than we would assume. Thanks for the post snd remider

Hi Amber! It is so true that we don’t realize how important emotional self-care is. Thanks for stopping by to comment 🙂

  • Pingback: Self-Care Tips For Women:  Are You Really Taking Care Of Yourself? -

For me, this right here – By dedicating time to our emotional well-being, we empower ourselves to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. Thank you for sharing at the SSPS

Hi Julie! You are spot on 🙂

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  • Pingback: Embracing Holiday Self-Care: A Guide to a More Joyful Season -

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Self-Care and Wellness

Developing a self-care plan is imperative in life. This is because of the many stressors that can affect one’s health and wellness. A self-care plan ensures that one controls behaviors, choices, and actions that promote health and wellness. Understanding the components of a self-care plan can be important in covering all areas. Several models can be used in developing self-care plans. This paper uses the invisible-self evidence-based model of wellness. This model outlines the five focus areas that a self-care plan should emphasize. They include the essential self, social self, creative self, physical self, and coping self. An effective self-care plan ensures that activities cover each of the five elements. The self-care plan developed in this paper consists of attaining a healthy balance in my work, personal life, and schoolwork; healthy living through exercise and healthy food; and building strong relationships and support system that will be available during good and bad times.

Self-Care and Wellness Reflection Paper

The concept of self-care is premised on the notion that every individual is capable of developing skills and knowledge and having an attitude that is necessary for undertaking health promoting behaviors. Self-care demands that individuals take control of their behaviors, actions, and choices to be healthier and achieve a state of wellness (Butler et al., 2019). In this case, health and wellness are not the absence of illness but the achievement of a dynamic state where an individual can attain their full human potential. Several models of wellness can guide individuals in developing personal wellness self-care plan. These models provide frameworks that can be used in developing a holistic self-care plan that incorporates all elements of wellness. The indivisible-self evidence-based model of wellness by Myers and Sweeney (2004) focuses on the sum of the 5F-Wel in developing a self-care plan. These are: social self, coping self, creative self, essential self, and physical self. Based on the indivisible-self evidence-based model, my self-care plan entails attaining a balance in my personal, work, and school life; establishing a support network that includes family and friends; and adopting a healthy living style that takes care of the mind and the body.

Overview of Model

The components of the invisible-self evidence-based model provide the framework for the development of my self-care plan. This model consists of five components. The creative self is one of the components. This element pertains to the steps that an individual ought to take to improve on their creative side. Catering to the creative self is important in controlling one’s emotions and improves an individual’s thinking capabilities. The coping self is another imperative component of a self-care plan (Myers & Sweeney, 2014). This involves activities that target an individual’s ability to manage stress and conserve energy. Activities can include leisure, relaxation, setting limits, and so forth. The third element that makes up the model is the social self. This element involves the relationship that one builds with others. The social self requires that one forms strong and beneficial relationships with others. The essential self should also be considered when developing a personal self-care plan. The essential self includes the activities that enrich one’s life and improves one’s self-worth. This can include meditation, prayer, and services that provide meaning (Myers & Sweeney, 2014). Lastly, the model also consists of the physical self. These are activities and steps that are undertaken to improve one’s physical body. Exercise, sleep and rest, and a healthy diet are some of the activities that can be included in this category.

Self-Care Plan

Attaining a healthy balance in my personal, school, and work life is an integral part of my self-care plan. This mainly falls under the coping self of the wellness model and strives to ensure that one can effectively cope with the many demands in life. One of the strategies that I aim to use in maintaining a healthy balance is time management. I will develop a schedule that caters to all the three to ensure that the right balance is achieved amidst competing imperatives. Given that school has more demands now, I will ensure that the plan prioritizes this part of my life, but the other areas are also allocated ample time. In addition, I also aim to set realistic goals while avoiding unrealistic expectations. For instance, aiming to go on a vacation with my family during or right before my examinations is unrealistic. Setting personal time for activities that I like, such as reading or leisure activities not only help to cope with challenges but can also be important in improving my creative self (Butler et al., 2019). As such, when scheduling personal time, I will include activities that can enrich my creative self. My personal time can also be used in improving my physical self through the inclusion of activities such as swimming, running, or going to the gym. Personal time can also improve my essential self through activities such as prayer, meditation, and activities such as volunteering in the community.

Establishing a support network that consists of family, friends, and therapists is also an important part of my self-care plan. This part considers that there are stressors in life that may be beyond our understanding and control. These stressors may require outside help to effectively manage (World Health Organization, 2021). A support system derived from family and friends relates more to the social self. My plan entails building strong and worthy relationship with family, friends, mentors, and colleagues. Such social relationships are not only important during times of adversities but also make the good times more enjoyable. In addition to the social self, establishing a strong support system can also be essential in meeting the social and essential self. Friends and family give us a social identity that is essential in meeting the needs of our essential self (World Health Organization, 2021). Showing compassion to our friends and family can be essential in providing meaning to our lives that can be an important part of self-care. However, I also plan to set limits to how much I can give to friends and family and how much I can take at the same time. This is an essential part of a self-care plan as giving out too much to our family and friends can end up being too draining. Part of my self-care plan is to enlist the services of a therapist. Therapists can be important in helping us cope with life challenges that our friends and family cannot help with (Butler et al., 2021). When facing challenges of such dynamics, an external help such as a therapist can ensure that the challenge does not translate into a crisis.

Lastly, part of my self-care plan is to adopt healthy living that tends to my physical body and my mental state. Physical exercise forms a big part of my healthy living self-care plan. I intend to go to the gym for at least four days a week. I also intend to include swimming as part of my physical exercise plan. In addition, I also intend to incorporate healthy eating and frequent physical examination as part of my healthy living plan. In terms of my mental health, I will take up meditating and occasional yoga as part of my plan. This part of my plan not only meets the physical-self part of the model but also cover the essential self, coping self, and the creative self. For instance, meditation can unlock creative juices that allow me confident when studying and competent when undertaking my work-related duties.

Potential Challenges to Meeting Self-Care Plan

There are several challenges that can hinder the effective implementation of my self-care plan. One of the potential hindrances is time (Butler et al., 2021). Juggling work, school, and personal life may be difficult because of lack of enough time. Both school and work require intensive investment in terms of time and may end up taking a substantial part of my time. In addition, my personal time may also need to be apportioned among several activities such as leisure, family, and friends, exercising, meditating, among others. Another potential issue is an emergency that can end up disrupting my schedule. Challenges can crop up from time to time. Lastly, healthy living may also require a financial commitment. Gym subscription, healthy eating, and seeing a therapist are all paid for and can be expensive depending on choice. These are some of the challenges that I anticipate.

Mitigating Against Challenges

Planning and scheduling is the best way to mitigate against the issue of time. Ensuring that all my time of a day is accounted for is important in making proper use of time. I will strive to ensure that I develop a comprehensive plan of my time that includes all the elements of the self-care plan. In addition, I will strive to ensure that I set aside flexible time that I can use to cater to emergencies. It is imperative to ensure that the schedule and timing plan is flexible to cater for any unforeseen circumstances and challenges. To ensure that I meet my goals of leading a healthy life, I will look for affordable healthy food and look for gyms and therapists that provide student discounts.

A self-care plan is imperative in ensuring one’s wellness. A self-care plan identifies and mitigates against potential challenges to health and wellness. The invisible-self evidence-based model of wellness provides a framework that can be used in developing a self-care plan. The model covers critical areas such as the essential self, social self, creative self, physical self, and the coping self. Based on this model, my self-care plan covers a healthy life, work, and school balance, healthy living, and strong and beneficial relationships and a support system.

Butler, L. D., Mercer, K. A., McClain-Meeder, K., Horne, D. M., & Dudley, M. (2019). Six domains of self-care: Attending to the whole person.  Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment ,  29 (1), 107-124.

Myers, J. E., & Sweeney, T. J. (2004). The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness. Journal of Individual Psychology , 60(3), 234-245.

World Health Organization. (2021).  WHO guideline on self-care interventions for health and well-being . World Health Organization.

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Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health Essay

Introduction, improving the quality of life and improving their self-management skills.

There is no doubt that self-care remains one of the most important notions connected to the spheres of social work and healthcare. Speaking about self-care, it is necessary to say that the notion includes anything related to physical and mental health that can be controlled by the person. Therefore, the significance of self-care cannot be overstated as it can be called a basis of health condition. Realizing the importance of such activity, many specialists extend their knowledge on the principles of self-care to be ready to consult their clients effectively. Thus, it is necessary to discuss certain attributes of the self-care that can be called the most important to success in the counseling relationships.

To begin with, promoting self-care and giving an advisory opinion concerning it, the specialist has to attract the clients’ attention to the fact that they are unable to achieve a better quality of life without improving their skills at self-management (Pulvirenti, McMillan, & Lawn, 2014). Also, there is a variety of approaches that can be used to improve self-care, and it is essential to introduce the client to all of them. The approaches include the use of different regular exercise programs, diets, the proper and regular use of medicinal drugs or folk remedies, and stopping bad habits. In this connection, it is also necessary to remember that self-care should be performed based on the specific situation of the client, and the specialist needs to know everything that should be taken into consideration during counseling.

As for the concept of supervision and mentoring connected to personal theory development, I suppose that this question seems to be easier than it is. On the one hand, mentoring remains an extremely important measure applied in different spheres as it allows one to encourage people to do necessary things that they would prefer to ignore (Knott & Scragg, 2016, p. 40). On the other hand, some clients would like to feel that they are not urged to do something and the intention to yield advice is their own decision. Nevertheless, it often happens that people lack knowledge of the concepts of self-care and the particular diseases and disorders that they suffer from; in such cases, self-medication about the specialist’s advice is not enough for success. Instead, due to people’s lack of specific education, mentoring needs to be regarded as a necessary step in any work connected to mental and physical health. Developing the personal theory, it is necessary to consider the importance of supervision that cannot be substituted by another practice because many people are just unable to do necessary things regularly if nobody controls them. In such a way, their problems may become even more serious and it means that supervision is critical for success in the majority of cases.

Also, it is necessary to discuss the specific personal qualities that help people to develop their therapeutic-selves. The latter involves people’s ability to define and take measures that will help them to mitigate or even estrange the negative consequences of their problem. To begin with, such development is almost impossible if the person lacks self-confidence. I am sure that this quality is critical because its absence encourages the person to see no opportunities to address the issue. Besides, it is important to develop self-control because an ability to help yourself is closely connected to making yourself do the things that are necessary and avoiding doing the things that seem to be more attractive but may deteriorate the situation.

Knott, C., & Scragg, T. (2016). Reflective practice in social work . London, UK: Learning Matters.

Pulvirenti, M., McMillan, J., & Lawn, S. (2014). Empowerment, patient-centred care and self-management. Health Expectations , 17 (3), 303-310.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 1). Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health. https://ivypanda.com/essays/self-care-physical-and-mental-health/

"Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health." IvyPanda , 1 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/self-care-physical-and-mental-health/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health'. 1 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health." February 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/self-care-physical-and-mental-health/.

1. IvyPanda . "Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health." February 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/self-care-physical-and-mental-health/.


IvyPanda . "Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health." February 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/self-care-physical-and-mental-health/.

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Self-Care Plan, Essay Example

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In order to accomplish my objectives of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing in the professional nursing role, I must identify the possible alternative solutions and resources that are available that will have a favorable impact on patient care. These perspectives provide a basis for the exploration of alternative therapies, such as those offered by Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). For my patients, I will employ different uses of CAM that address pain management and other symptoms that require this form of therapy. In addition, it is possible that CAM therapies might be beneficial for other types of symptoms or complications. I will consider these treatments as a means of improving health and wellbeing for my patients who require them. However, I must also consider how my own strengths as a nurse will support my use of CAM therapies in this manner because my needs are critical to me wellbeing and strength as a professional nurse.

For my patients in need, I would consider the application of CAM therapies as a means of treating different types of pain (Saquib et.al, 2011). The types of CAM that are in use vary; therefore, I must recognize the importance and potential severity of different interactions that may occur with these therapies in conjunction with traditional treatments (Saquib et.al, 2011). When I administer these treatments, however, I must consider not only how my patients feel but how I feel as I treat them so I do not become overstressed or overtired as I perform my regular nursing duties. This is a critical component of my wellbeing and requires my regular attention to ensure that I preserve my own health and wellbeing in conjunction with that of my patients.

CAM therapies such as supplements, acupuncture, and massage therapy might be considered safe on their own; however, I would exercise caution when recommending these therapies and enabling their patients to adopt these therapies for their own use (Saquib et.al, 2011). With any treatment plan, I would evaluate the adoption of CAM therapies and determine which method was most appropriate to administer to my patients to achieve optimal results. Establishing a balance between the needs of my patients and my own needs must be a key priority in my own plan of self-care so that I am able to provide the best possible outcomes for my patients at all times.

For all patients, I will utilize my practical and knowledge-based skills because CAM therapies may constitute a high-risk approach; therefore, I must consider these risks in determining whether or not this type of treatment is feasible (Birdee and Yeh, 2010). Under these conditions, I must reflect upon my own demeanor with my patients and if I see any signs of fatigue or other stressors, I must take a step back and determine how to best move forward in order to provide my patients with much-needed support and guidance without hesitation.

I believe that it is possible for my patients to be more receptive to CAM treatments and to recognize their potential benefits. I must consider the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of CAM and discuss them with my patient so that the he or she is aware of all possible treatment alternatives and is able to make an informed decision. However, during this process, I must also address my own needs and my own self-care as a nurse working with patients facing any number of debilitating conditions. I must also conduct my own form of personal reflection on a regular basis in order to accomplish these objectives and to demonstrate the importance of new perspectives in order to continue to provide my patients with much-needed care and the focus that they deserve.

As a professional nurse, I must recognize that treating patients with cancer and other serious diseases may be stressful on many levels. Therefore, as I consider the adoption of CAM therapies as part of the treatment plan, I must consider myself as part of this process and demonstrate my ability to remain fresh and focused, in spite of the stressors of this role and the potential burnout that may occur. I must learn how to balance my needs as a human being with my role as a nurse in order to accomplish the goals of the profession. If I am experiencing any form of burnout, I must take time for myself and develop a strategy that will allow me to take time for myself as necessary. This will enable me to provide optimal care and treatment to my patients as necessary. Furthermore, the compassion that I provide to my patients may sometimes be difficult to sustain, particularly when the nursing role involves working with patients who endure extreme pain and suffering. Therefore, it is necessary to find time to heal and to overcome any challenges that I face so that I am able to positively contribute to my patients as a listener, care provider, and compassionate human being.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine has become increasingly common in many communities and provides a basis for the exploration of new ideas and approaches to improve patient care outcomes. The patients I treat that suffer from a variety of diseases such as cancer or diabetes, and as result, they might be willing to try these treatments to alleviate pain or obtain improved glycemic control, respectively. However, I must realistic in that the desired treatment outcomes might not be effective in all cases, which requires an open discussion with patients in order to determine the most feasible course of action. I believe that CAM therapies might be beneficial to some patients, but the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of patients is at stake; therefore, I must explore these challenges with them so that they recognize the benefits and risks of these treatments. I must also exercise my own level of self-care in order to accomplish the objectives of the nursing profession as best as possible, including taking time for myself as necessary in order to achieve success in this role for all of the patients that I treat at all times.

Birdee, G.S., and Yeh, G. (2010). Complementary and alternative medicine therapies for diabetes: a clinical review. Clinical Diabetes, 28(4), 147-155.

Saquib, J., Madlensky, L., and Pierce, J.P. (2011). Classification of CAM and its correlates in early stage breast cancer patients. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 10(2), 138-147.

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  2. Track your self-care plan, mood, progress on a daily basis. Create reminders for your to-do list

  3. What I eat, self care, health & routine

  4. Track your self-care plan, mood, progress on a daily basis. Create reminders for your to-do list

  5. Self-Care Tips


  1. Self Care Essay example

    Self Care Essay example. Decent Essays. 714 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Just to think about self care can be a task in itself. I never really thought it about it, to be honest, but it is an essential part of living. We get so busy and caught up living in our everyday lives that we forget about the most important part, ourselves.

  2. Why You Need a Self-Care Plan

    Example Self-Care Plan. 1) Develop friendships that are supportive. 2) Write down three good things that you do each day. 3) Do something that brings you joy (Go to the movies, sit in a café, hit the beach, or set off on a hike). 4) Regularly meet with your social group/community of care. 1.

  3. What Is Self-Care and Why is It Important?

    Types. Benefits. Building a Self-Care Plan. Self-care is the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. While many people may view self-care as a form of selfish indulgence, the act of caring for oneself is an important part of a person's overall well-being.

  4. Creating A Self-Care Plan (Crafting Your Well-Being Roadmap)

    Sleep and Rest: Prioritize sufficient sleep by creating a sleep-friendly environment and developing a regular nighttime routine. Allow yourself to unwind before bed, avoiding electronic devices that can interfere with your sleep quality. Nutrition and Hydration: Nourish your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods.

  5. Self-Care Plan

    Biological Self-Care. Though precautions are taken in cases where a social worker is dealing with sick people, it is advisable to have regular checkups. Short-term strategies include showering twice a day. Long-term strategies include signing up with a fitness club, travelling and exercising regularly. We will write a custom essay on your topic.

  6. Self-Care and Wellness: [Essay Example], 653 words

    Self-care and wellness pertain to the conscious and deliberate actions taken to maintain and improve one's overall well-being. While self-care focuses on specific activities and habits that promote physical, mental, and emotional health, wellness encompasses a holistic approach to achieving optimal well-being. It is essential to understand ...

  7. Self-Care as a Crucial Aspect of a Personal Health Essay

    Conclusion. In conclusion, it is important to provide a complete health estimation to improve self-caring, consisting of five aspects of a person's well-being — physical, psychological, spiritual, and professional. Physical health mainly depends on a healthy diet and daily exercise. Psychological well-being hangs on starting a journal of ...

  8. Developing Your Self-Care Plan

    Preparing a plan is important; it identifies your goals and the strategies to achieve them. However your success in implementing your plan is ultimately based on the level of commitment you make to your self-care. 6. Share your plan. Once you have developed your plan and made your commitment, remember that friends, family, peers, and/or ...

  9. 13 Examples of Self Care and How to Create Your Own Plan

    13 Examples of Self Care. 1. Move Your Body. Simple stretches and yoga are a great way to move your body every day when you don't have time for more extensive exercise. Moving your body doesn't always need to be about strenuous exercise. Something as simple as a short yoga routine or stretching can be just as beneficial, and there are ...

  10. Personal Self-Care Plan Essay Examples

    Self-care is the ability of people to prevent disease, promote health, maintain health and cope with illness (WHO,2021). It also includes everything possible, enabling one to stay physically and mentally healthy, maintaining proper nutrition and hygiene (WHO,2021). Self-care can also be described as all the steps one needs to manage life ...

  11. Self-Care Progress Plan: Personal Experience Essay

    The first step to my self-care progress was compiling a schedule for myself and my children. I prepared a detailed plan of our daily activities and outlined my desired events. I introduced my children to the new rules about their bedtime, emphasizing this schedule's importance. We will write a custom essay on your topic. 809 writers online.

  12. An Introduction to Self-Care

    Self-care is the practice of asking yourself what you need - mentally, spiritually, or emotionally - and making sure you get it. It is not inherently indulgent or selfish; it is necessary. As adults, we are solely responsible for managing our own health, emotions, and personal growth. Self-care is the set of practices that allow us to ...

  13. PDF My Self-Care Plan

    activity you'll design a plan for how to take good care of yourself when you really need it. You'll start by recognizing stressors in your life, your typical coping methods, signs you need more self-care, and finally by designing a self-care plan. 1. Recognizing stressors in my life 2. Recognizing my typical coping methods 3. Recognizing ...

  14. 30 Inspiring Emotional Self-Care Examples to Nourish Your Inner Self

    Spend time engaging in hobbies or activities that bring you joy. This will nourish your emotional well-being, ignite passion, and cultivates a sense of fulfillment and happiness. 16. Self-Compassion. Engage in acts of self-compassion, such as positive self-talk and self-acceptance.

  15. 12 Self-Care Plan Examples For Physical Health And Wellness

    Table Of Contents. Importance of self-care for physical health and wellness. 11 Self-Care Plan Examples For Physical Health And Wellness. 1. Practice Yoga or Stretching Exercises. 2. Take a Walk or Jog in Nature. 3. Cook a Healthy and Balanced Meal.

  16. Self-Care and Wellness

    The indivisible-self evidence-based model of wellness by Myers and Sweeney (2004) focuses on the sum of the 5F-Wel in developing a self-care plan. These are: social self, coping self, creative self, essential self, and physical self. Based on the indivisible-self evidence-based model, my self-care plan entails attaining a balance in my personal ...

  17. Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health

    Introduction. There is no doubt that self-care remains one of the most important notions connected to the spheres of social work and healthcare. Speaking about self-care, it is necessary to say that the notion includes anything related to physical and mental health that can be controlled by the person. Therefore, the significance of self-care ...

  18. The Importance of Self-Care: Definitions and Practices: Free Essay

    A holistic self care-care plan is what Jones advises. Self-care indeed need a purposeful effort to engage in behaviours that ensures wellness by reducing stress. In literature, five self-care domains are recognised in particular. These domains are physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and professional self care.

  19. Self Care Essay

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite This Essay. Download. Self-care is the art of minding our well-being alongside that of others. Of late, self-care has been posted to be trumping stone to most of us, where we are way too ...

  20. My Self Care Plan

    SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound hence the word SMART. Specific being that it explains exactly what I want to accomplish by answering the five W's (who, what, where, when, and why). It is measurable to help me demonstrate and evaluate what goals I have met.

  21. Self-Care Plan, Essay Example

    Self-Care Plan, Essay Example. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. In order to accomplish my objectives of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing in the professional nursing role, I must identify the possible alternative solutions and resources that are available that will have a favorable ...

  22. SELF-CARE Reflective Paper Assignment

    Proverty - this essay explains the poverty I experienced in my life. ... Self-Care Plan and Reflective Paper Assignment Rachel Gillum April 25, 2023 Professor Hailey Downey Liberty University. Self-Care Self-care is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall well-being, and it contains diverse aspects, including physical, psychological, spiritual ...

  23. Self Care Plan Essay

    Personal Self Care plan plan nick leon february 10, 2020 internship work with dual diagnosis patients in an outpatient setting. serving primarily adults but. ... Self Care Plan Essay. Personal Self Care plan. Course. General Psychology (PSYC 100) 247 Documents. Students shared 247 documents in this course. University