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16 Effective Persuasive Language Techniques

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Persuasive language is the language being used when convincing others for something. It can be seen and heard around you every day. You’ll see it in TV commercials, social media, magazines, billboards, and any other medium where advertisement campaigns are placed. While you may think persuasive language is only for the ones who communicate with the public to convince, it is actually helpful to learn it. At one point or another, you may have used it without noticing it, and you may also need to use it in the future. Persuasive language can be employed when you want others to believe your viewpoints and conclusions, accept your facts, and get someone to take a certain action. It can be done verbally, nonverbal, or even written. To make your message easier and more compelling, different techniques can be used. Your audience and your motive become the basis on which technique to use. Scroll down and read to know the commonly used techniques in persuasive language.

Your claim is your main point. It is the gist of your argument. When delivering a persuasive message, state your claim as clearly as possible. This will enable you to get your point across vividly and have your message be understood by your audience correctly. It also ensures that there is only one interpretation thus prevents leading to other interpretations. 

“I’d like you to eat dark chocolates because it is a healthier option compared to other sweet foods.”

2. Repetition

To emphasize your point, and reinforce an argument, you can do repetition. As you keep on repeating words or phrases, it creates a familiarity with your main point or message. This eventually stays in the mind of your audience thus making your message more memorable. To do this, choose the key points that you want to emphasize. Keep on repeating those words throughout your text or speech, however, remember to do it judiciously. If you overdo it, people will think the content of your message is redundant. Do it fluidly by repeating your main point in different ways. You can put it on your details, evidence, examples, and summary.

“You can easily choose from the alternatives that I offered you. Both of them are easy solutions.”

3. Colloquial Language

Using colloquial language is effective when persuading others because it makes your message clearer to them. Since it is common for people to use it, they will understand your point easily. Your audience can identify with you and feel as if you are on the same wavelength as them. Moreover, it sounds more friendly and can make your point appear more practical and realistic. To do this you can use slang when delivering your message. 

“If you follow their demands then you’re a bunch of half-wits.”

“Did you travel abroad just to follow his instructions? What a joke!”

4. Jargon words

While we are often told not to use jargon or complex terminology as much as possible, using them in the persuasive language is effective. This is helpful if your audience is professional or intellectual. Using jargon words and formal language can make you sound knowledgeable thus making your point sound reasonable and rational. 

“Share your advocacy to your clients to guide them to be aware of value-based purchasing.”

5. Emotive appeals

Engaging people’s feelings is another technique used to convince others. Most of the time, emotions become the motivation for why people do things. When people emotionally get in touch with you and are swayed by their emotions, they are more likely to agree with you. Through carefully choosing your words, you can evoke emotion from them. It may invite them to feel sympathy, disgust, guilt, anger, or excitement. To do this use emotive language or euphemism. 

Learn more about emotive language by reading  our article:  How To Communicate Your Emotions Into Words

“In some places across the country, you can see people agonizing from poverty. The locals are living without food nor shelter to live in. That’s why giving something of what we have no matter how small or big it may be would mean a lot to them.”

6. Inclusive language

Inclusive language is a technique where you try to create an impression that you and your audience are on the same side and share the same viewpoint. This is effective in persuasive language because you position your audience to agree with you by showing that you belong in a team, campaign, or project that they can be part of. To employ inclusive language use ‘us’, ‘we’, and ‘our’.

“We are in this together.”

“By doing your part we can mitigate the effect of this virus crisis.”

7. Rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are questions that are asked but not required to be answered. They are often used to get the audience’s attention, imply certain answers, emphasize a point, or guide audiences to draw certain conclusions. When a rhetorical question is asked, an obvious answer is already posed to a particular issue. You just ask to make the audience think about the same question and realize that your point is rational, and to disagree with it seems foolish.

“Who wouldn’t want to progress to live in comfort?”

“Should we allow this malpractice to continue?”

8. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration. It is often used to make a point or emphasize it. Overstating can be effective as your point can be viewed as greater than it actually is and more urgent and important. Using exaggeration can make two things, to communicate value, or make the situation seem worse. By describing an extreme version of events, it creates a dramatic impact. This provokes strong emotional responses from your audience which makes them more likely to accept your viewpoint.  However, when using exaggerations, make sure that it is done appropriately and can be backed up by proof. 

“They are selling the best ice cream in the country.”

“They can do it in one second.”

9. Anecdotal evidence

An anecdote is a short story involving real-life events. It is used to illustrate a point and simplify complex issues. It triggers imagination thus makes your point more vivid and relatable thus keeps your audience engaged. By providing real stories your persuasive message sounds more realistic, credible, and interesting. It is effective especially when backed up by facts.

To know more about storytelling read:  How To Tell A Story In English

“Recently a colleague of mine experienced this dilemma first-hand”

“To give you an example, I’d like to share my experience on this issue.”

Bias is providing only a partial or one side of an issue to influence others. It is commonly used to highlight good reasoning to motives and ignore counter-arguments. To make this effective, state your claim and biases then explain why this one-sidedness helps and makes sense to your audience. 

“Our product is environmentally-friendly thus assures you that it is safe, sustainable and value for money.”

“The newly released phone is the best in the market today.”

11. Expert opinion

Quoting expert’s opinions can help your persuasion message sound more credible. Not only does it add substance but also puts more weight on your argument. When people see that experts agree with you, people are influenced and believe that it would be rational to agree with you. Do this by including quotes that refer to experts who agree with your viewpoint. Make sure that the personalities you will quote are respectable and well-known to make your claim stronger and believable.

“Dr. Murphy’s extensive research on the virus proves that it can be transmitted via… “

12. Facts and statistical evidence

Add weight to your argument by incorporating statistics and facts into your persuasive message. This is effective especially to an analytical audience. Including facts and statistics in your message shows that you researched and investigated your claim. It makes you appear that you know what you are talking about. Your message will be seen as valid since facts and statistics are unquestionable and irrefutable. Make sure that when using statistics it is accurate and taken from reliable sources.

“According to the survey presented by ABC statistics, 90% are… ”

“A recent survey conducted by ABC Statistics found that…”

13. Generalization

Generalization is a statement that suggests that what is true for some is true for the majority. It is often used to simplify an issue, and to prove that your claim is logical because the effect is experienced by many. This is effective if your audience stance is already on the same side as yours, but uncompelling to those that have doubts and proofs to disprove it. If you are going to employ it, use generalizations that tell commonly held beliefs that many accept or support. 

“Teenagers today are more expressive, vocal, and bolder.”

“The locals are skillful and entrepreneurial.”

14. Comparison

Comparison is a technique where you compare two things to present a point. It is another way to simplify complex issues. It can guide your audience to see the connection of things thus will help in making your audience agree with your point. Similes, metaphors, and analogies are often used to illustrate comparisons. 

“The shade of the newly launched lipstick is like red roses.” 

“Our fabric is as soft as cotton.”

A pun uses homophones, homonyms, or rhymes to play with words. The use of words that sound similar is intended to suggest a double meaning. This other meaning often represents a positive or negative connotation that influences the audience’s viewpoint or response on the issue. It is effective because its humor catches the attention and interest of your audience. 

“She is returning the dress she purchased because she is experiencing post-traumatic dress syndrome.”

16. Clichés

A cliché is an overused phrase. Although it is normally discouraged to use cliché, it can be effective when delivering your persuasive messages. Clichés allow you to communicate your viewpoints quickly. Since the expressions you are using are familiar and uncomplicated your audience can easily grasp and understand your point. This enables them to easily accept your idea. 

“We are doing our best to resolve it but we are still uncertain about the outcome. Time can only tell.”

The techniques given above are easy and simple to follow. By employing them, you will deliver a message that is compelling and convincing. Keep in mind that your aim is not to be manipulative. While sharing your message, remember that you have to persuade your audience with something that makes sense and beneficial to them to create a win-win situation. 

Learn the commonly used expression and how to incorporate persuasive language into your conversations. LingualBox offers courses that can help you improve communicating in English effectively. Avail your free trial class today.

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In a world brimming with information, persuasion is a valuable skill. Whether you’re a marketer aiming to sway consumers, a politician seeking votes, or a writer hoping to engage and inform, persuasive writing is your secret weapon. It’s the art of crafting words and arguments that convince, influence, and inspire action, presenting many persuasive writing examples to underscore your viewpoint.

Have you ever wondered what sets persuasive writing apart from the rest? How does it work, and why is it so powerful? In this blog, we’ll delve deep into the world of writing persuasive essays, exploring its techniques, psychology, and real-world applications, including persuasive writing examples. When you finish reading, you’ll understand the fundamentals and have the tools to apply persuasive writing in your endeavors.

So, let’s embark on a journey into the realm of words and ideas, where the power of persuasion awaits. Join us as we uncover the strategies and secrets behind compelling narratives and convincing arguments and learn how to master the art of persuasive writing.

Understanding Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is an art that shapes our decisions, beliefs, and actions daily. Whether convincing a friend to try a new restaurant, supporting a political candidate, or buying a product, persuasive elements are ever-present. To master persuasive writing, it’s crucial to comprehend the underlying psychology that drives it.

writers must understand how people think and make choices. One of the key foundations of writing persuasive essays is Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos. These principles are the building blocks of effective communication. Understanding and utilizing persuasive writing examples that incorporate ethos (ethical appeal), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (logical appeal) can significantly enhance the impact of persuasive writing by appealing to the audience’s emotions, ethics, and reasoning.

Ethos involves establishing the credibility and authority of the speaker or writer. It’s about showcasing your expertise, trustworthiness, and authority on the subject matter. An audience is more likely to be persuaded by someone they perceive as a credible source. Exploring persuasive writing examples that effectively utilize ethos can provide a deeper understanding of how credibility and authority are established to influence an audience.

Pathos taps into emotions. It’s about crafting your writing to resonate with your audience’s feelings, values, and desires. Emotional appeal can be a potent tool in persuasion to convince the reader, as it forges a connection with readers on a personal level.

Logos employs logic and reasoning. It involves using evidence, data, and well-structured arguments to support your claims. A logically sound argument can bolster your persuasive efforts, especially when dealing with a rational or analytical audience.

In addition to these three principles, it’s important to recognize the role of cognitive biases in persuasion. Human brains often take cognitive shortcuts, resulting in biases that influence decision-making. By understanding these biases, such as confirmation bias, anchoring, and the bandwagon effect, writers can strategically shape their persuasive content to convince the reader to work with, rather than against, these cognitive tendencies.

Furthermore, the power of storytelling should not be underestimated. People are naturally drawn to write narratives. A well-told story can captivate, resonate, and persuade better than a dry recitation of facts. By weaving persuasive elements into a compelling narrative, writers can engage their audience on a deep, emotional level.

Persuasive Writing in Professional Life

Effective writing to write persuasive content is a versatile and significant tool in numerous professional scenarios. Whether in a corporate setting or freelancing, knowing how to wield the power of words can greatly enhance your career prospects and bring about desired outcomes. Here are five situations where persuasive writing is particularly effective:

1. Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

Marketing And Advertising Campaigns 1

To write persuasive essays lies at the core of marketing and advertising efforts. Crafting compelling and engaging copy that resonates with the target audience can persuade consumers to purchase products, subscribe to services, or take specific actions. Successful marketers use persuasive language, storytelling, and emotion-evoking content to connect strongly with potential customers.

2. Business Proposals and Reports

When presenting business proposals, reports, or recommendations, a persuasive essay can make a substantial difference. Convincing stakeholders or decision-makers to endorse your ideas, allocate resources, or support your strategies often hinges on how effectively you can articulate the benefits and potential returns on investment.

3. Sales Emails and Correspondence

Sales Emails And Correspondence 1

Sales professionals and account managers frequently employ persuasive writing techniques in their emails and client communication. Skillful use of persuasive language, personalized content, and the presentation of unique selling points can win over potential clients, retain existing customers, and close deals.

4. Job Applications and Resumes

Job Applications And Resumes 1

In the competitive job market, a persuasive essay is vital for crafting attention-grabbing resumes and compelling cover letters. The ability to present your skills, experiences, and qualifications persuasively can help you stand out among a sea of applicants, ultimately securing interviews and job offers.

5. Public Relations and Crisis Management

Persuasive writing plays a crucial role in managing public relations and handling crises. Communicating effectively during challenging situations requires language that can restore trust, mitigate damage, and convey a sense of responsibility and accountability.

As we’ve explored the power of persuasive writing in professional life, let’s now delve into crafting a persuasive message for specific scenarios.

Crafting A Persuasive Message

Creating a persuasive message is an art that combines the mastery of language, psychology, and strategy. To write a great persuasive message, you need to consider various elements and techniques that can captivate and influence your audience effectively. Here are some techniques how:

Crafting A Persuasive Message 2

Establish Compelling Statement

Your persuasive message should begin with a concise and powerful thesis statement. This statement serves as the core idea you want to convey to your audience. It should be clear, specific, and easily understood. For example, suppose you’re writing a persuasive essay on the importance of recycling. In that case, your thesis statement might be: “Recycling reduces waste and conserves resources, making it an essential practice for a sustainable future.”

Structure Your Arguments

The structure of your message plays a crucial role in how persuasive it is. Arrange your arguments logically, beginning with the strongest points and gradually leading to the supporting details. This structure not only reinforces your main thesis but also ensures your audience remains engaged. An effective structure guides the reader from their initial skepticism to a point of agreement or action.

Use Persuasive Language

Employ persuasive language and rhetorical devices to make your message more convincing. These include metaphors, analogies, vivid imagery, and emotionally charged words. For example, in a persuasive speech advocating for better healthcare access, you could use the metaphor, “Healthcare is the cornerstone of a strong, healthy society,” to evoke a powerful image.

Address Counterarguments

Acknowledging and addressing potential counterarguments in your message demonstrates that you’ve thoroughly considered the issue. Anticipating and refuting opposing viewpoints adds credibility to your argument and reassures your audience. For instance, if you’re advocating for a particular environmental policy, address common objections and provide compelling counterarguments to debunk them.

Engage Reader’s Emotions

One of the most powerful tools in persuasive writing is emotional appeal. Engage your audience’s emotions by telling relatable stories, sharing personal anecdotes, or using emotional language. Suppose you’re writing a persuasive message to encourage donations to a charitable cause. In that case, a heartwarming story about a beneficiary can resonate deeply with your readers and inspire them to take action.

Having discussed the art of crafting a persuasive message, let’s now shift our focus to the broader skill of developing persuasive writing for various professional contexts.

Developing Persuasive Writing

Mastering the art of persuasive writing requires practice, dedication, and a deep understanding of the key principles and techniques. Here are some essential steps to help you develop persuasive writing skills:

Developing Persuasive Writing 1

Understanding Your Audience

Start by researching your target audience. Understand their demographics, interests, and the concerns. Engage with your readers or listeners to gain insights into what motivates them and what matters most to them. Use surveys, social media, and other feedback mechanisms to gather information. Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, tailor your writing to address their specific needs and the desires. Speak directly to their concerns, values, and goals. Use language and examples of persuasive essays and writing that resonate with them, demonstrating empathy and a deep connection.

Compelling Storytelling

Study the art of storytelling. Read books and articles and listen to speakers known for their storytelling skills. Practice storytelling in various contexts, from personal anecdotes to fictional narratives. Weave stories into your writing to illustrate key points and connect with your readers emotionally. Craft narratives that evoke feelings and provide relatable examples of persuasive storytelling. A well-told story enhances the impact of your message.

Call To Action

Study successful examples of persuasive calls to action in various contexts, from marketing campaigns to political speeches. Understand the elements that make a call to action compelling and actionable. Practice creating calls to action in different scenarios. Conclude your piece with a strong and specific call to action. Clearly state what you want your readers to do, believe, or think after reading your content. Make it actionable and inspiring, motivating your audience to engage or take the desired steps.

Impact Of Persuasive Writing: Examples

The impact of persuasive essays extends far beyond the written words on a page or screen. It can potentially effect significant change, influence decisions, and shape opinions in various domains. Here’s a closer look at the profound impact of persuasive writing:

Impact Of Persuasive Speech 1

Shaping Public Opinion

Persuasive writing is a formidable force in shaping public opinion and influencing policy. Op-eds, research papers, and advocacy campaigns can sway lawmakers, prompting them to adopt new laws or regulations in alignment with the writer’s perspective. Additionally, a persuasive essay has a significant impact on how the public perceives issues, organizations, or individuals. Media outlets, public relations campaigns, and persuasive speeches play a vital role in generating both positive and negative public perceptions, which, in turn, can affect public behavior, from supporting a cause to boycotting a product.

Greta Thunberg’s Climate Change Speech (2019)

Greta Thunberg’s speeches on climate change have ignited a global movement. Her speeches are characterized by their passionate and urgent pleas for environmental action (pathos). Thunberg’s use of moral and ethical arguments, reinforced by her ethos as a young environmental activist, has spurred climate strikes and rallies worldwide, leading to increased awareness and calls for policy changes.

Effective Leadership

Persuasive writing is an indispensable tool for effective leadership. Leaders across various domains use persuasive communication to motivate their teams. Whether through an inspirational email, a compelling speech, or a well-structured persuasive essay, compelling writing fosters a shared sense of purpose, drives high performance, and encourages team members to embrace a common vision. Additionally, leadership’s persuasive writing plays a fundamental role in shaping an organization’s culture. By communicating core values, vision, and expectations through written messages, leaders contribute to a cohesive and thriving workplace culture, positively impacting team dynamics and overall success.

Barack Obama’s 2008 Inaugural Address

In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama used eloquent language and a message of hope and unity to inspire the nation. He appealed to the audience’s emotions (pathos) by emphasizing common values and dreams, fostering a sense of national purpose and unity (ethos).

Motivating Action

Persuasive writing is a catalyst for motivating action on multiple fronts. It is a driving force behind social change, as activists, NGOs, and grassroots organizations use persuasive content to mobilize individuals to take action, whether signing petitions, participating in rallies, or donating to causes they believe in. Additionally, persuasive essays are instrumental in personal growth and development. Self-help books, motivational articles, and life coaching resources harness persuasive language to inspire people to adopt positive behaviors, set and achieve goals, and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Emma Gonzalez’s “We Call B.S.” Speech (2018)

Emma Gonzalez, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, delivered a passionate speech advocating for gun control. Her speech combined personal anecdotes and data-driven arguments (logos) to emphasize the need for policy changes. The emotional impact of her speech (pathos) resonated with many and fueled the gun control movement, contributing to legislative reforms and activism.

Empower Yourself With Persuasion

In an era of information overload and constant communication, the ability to wield persuasive communication is a powerful tool that can transform your personal and professional life, so empower yourself with persuasion. Acquire the skills to express your ideas effectively, build authentic connections, and drive positive change. With the art of persuasion in your toolkit, you hold the key to leaving a lasting mark on the world and shaping your unique history.

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What Is Persuasive Writing? (Complete Answer With Examples)

No matter what you do in life, you will probably find yourself needing to master persuasive writing.

What is persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing is a type of writing that is used to convince or persuade someone of something. It is often used in business and marketing contexts but can be used in any type of writing. Persuasive writing uses logical, emotional, and structural techniques to seek agreement and initiate change.

In this article, I will answer the most common questions related to “What is persuasive writing?”

What Is Persuasive Writing? (Detailed Answer)

Table of Contents

A more complete explanation of persuasive writing is that it is a type of writing that is used to try to change or influence the opinion of the reader.

It can be used in many different contexts, such as in business, politics, or marketing, but it can also be used in other types of writing, such as essays or articles.

These are the common characteristics of persuasive writing:

  • Evidentiary support (facts, statistics, case studies, etc)
  • Easy reading experience (transitions, word choice, etc)

In order to be persuasive, your writing must be well thought out, purposeful, and bookended with a strong introduction and conclusion.

Persuasive writing can be formal, informal, or even colloquial in style and tone.

As far as the point of view, you can use first-person, second-person, or third-person. No matter what point of view you use, keep the focus on the reader.

What Is the Purpose of Persuasive Writing?

The purpose of persuasive writing is to grab attention, compel readers to think differently, arouse emotions, challenge assumptions, facilitate agreement, change minds, and—ultimately—convince the reader to take a specific action.

For example, you can convince:

  • Website visitors to sign up to your email newsletter
  • Blog post readers to click on an affiliate link
  • Your manager to allow you to work remotely
  • Clients to buy your product or service
  • A politician to fix a broken streetlight
  • An artist to hire you as a ghostwriter for rappers
  • A literary agent to represent your novel or book
  • Your favorite writer to respond to your letter to an author
  • Dissertation reviewers to give you higher marks
  • Readers to positively comment on your Power Rangers Fan Fiction

3 Types of Persuasive Writing

The three major types of persuasive writing are ethos, pathos, and logos. In my opinion, the best persuasive writing includes all three.

Here are definitions and examples of all three types.

Ethos is the writer’s character or credibility.

In order to be persuasive, a writer must establish trust with the reader. One way to do this is by being transparent and honest about who you are and your credentials.

You can also build ethos by using credible sources, such as statistics, case studies, and expert opinions.

An example of ethos in persuasive writing is:

“As a lifelong resident of this community, I know the importance of keeping our streets clean. I urge you to vote in favor of the cleanup proposal.”

Pathos is the emotional appeal to the reader.

The persuasive writer must connect with the reader on an emotional level in order to convince others to agree with them.

You can use word choice, stories, and “emotional” language to trigger a guttural feeling response in readers.

Here is an example of pathos in persuasive writing:

“Please fix this streetlight. It’s been broken for weeks and it’s very unsafe. Our children play in this neighborhood and I’m worried about their safety.”

Logos is the logical appeal to the reader.

The persuasive writer must make a rational argument in order to be persuasive. You can use facts, statistics, and expert opinions to make your argument.

Here is an example of logos in persuasive writing:

“The national evidence shows that working remotely can increase productivity by up to 43%. My productivity is even higher at 47%. Please consider allowing me to work from home.”

13 Forms of Persuasive Writing

There are many forms of persuasive writing.

Here are 13 forms:

  • Editorials —Opinion pieces that argue for or against a position.
  • Letters to the Editor —Written responses to articles or editorials, often voicing an opinion.
  • Print advertisements —Adversiting materials that try to sell a product or service.
  • Sales letters —Written materials used to sell a product or service.
  • Pamphlets —Flyers or brochures that promote a product, service, or cause.
  • Songs —Emotional music-based lyrics to inspire unity and action.
  • Social media postings —Tweets, posts, and pins that try to create agreement.
  • Speeches —Presentations given before an audience in order to persuade them of an idea or course of action.
  • Treatments —Proposals made to individuals or groups in order to influence them.
  • Websites —Pages or sites that attempt to persuade the reader to take a desired action.
  • Poems —Verses that try to convince the reader to believe in a certain idea or course of action.
  • Email marketing —Messages that try to convince the recipient to buy a product or service.
  • Personal essays —Narratives that argue for or against a position.

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What Is Persuasive Writing? (Examples)

One of the best ways to learn persuasive writing is to read actual examples.

Here are 5 persuasive writing examples to answer that question.

Example 1: Editorial on Car Accidents at an Intersection

It’s time for the city to take action and stop car accidents from happening at an intersection. There have been too many accidents at this intersection, and it’s only a matter of time before someone is killed.

The city needs to install a traffic light or stop sign to help control the flow of traffic.

This will help to prevent accidents from happening, and it will also make the intersection safer for pedestrians.

Example #2: Essay on Changing the School Mascot

The school should consider changing its mascot. There are many reasons why this is a good idea.

One reason is that the current mascot is offensive to some people.

Another reason is that the mascot doesn’t reflect the diversity of the school’s student body.

Changing the mascot would be a symbolic gesture that shows that the school values all of its students.

Example 3: Letter to the Editor about Gun Control

I am writing in support of gun control. I believe that we need stricter gun laws to prevent mass shootings from happening.

The current laws are not working, and we need to take action to make our schools and public places safer.

I urge you to join me in supporting gun control. It’s time for us to take a stand and make our voices heard.

Example 4: Advertisement for a Credit Card

Looking for a credit card that offers low-interest rates and no annual fees? Look no further!

Our credit card has everything you need and more. It offers 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers, and no annual fees.

Apply today and get started on your path to financial freedom!

Example 5: Email to Teacher to Allow Extra Credit for Class Participation

Hi Mrs. Jones,

I was wondering if I could get some extra credit for class participation. I have been trying to participate more in class, and I think it has improved my grades and helped the entire class feel more motivated.

Is there any way that I could get an extra point or two for my participation grade?

Thank you for your time and consideration!

What Is Persuasive Writing? (Famous Examples)

Here are a few famous examples of persuasive writing:

  • Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Tilbury Speech by Queen Elizabeth I
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine
  • Ain’t I A Woman by Sojourner Truth
  • Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States by Susan B. Anthony

What Is Persuasive Writing? (The Parts)

Persuasive writing is made up of several parts. To truly answer the question, “What is persuasive writing?” it’s helpful to understand these various parts.

Let’s explore the following four persuasive writing terms:

  • Counterargument
  • Call to action

What Is a Hook in Persuasive Writing?

A hook in persuasive writing is a technique that writers use to capture the reader’s attention. It’s a way to get the reader interested in what you have to say.

There are many different types of hooks, but some of the most common include:

Here is a good example of a hook in persuasive writing:

“Birth control is not about birth, it’s about control.”—Anonymous

This quotation is a good hook because it is provocative and makes the reader think. It gets them interested in the topic of birth control and makes them want to read more.

What Is a Claim in Persuasive Writing?

A claim in persuasive writing is a statement that you make to support your argument. It is your position on the topic that you are discussing.

Your claim should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. You should also be able to back it up with evidence.

Here is an example of a claim:

“Donating to Clean Water International will save thousands of innocent lives.”

What Is a Counterargument in Persuasive Writing?

A counterargument in persuasive writing is a statement that opposes your position.

It is an argument that the other person could make against you.

You should be prepared to address any counterarguments that the other person might raise. This will help you to strengthen your argument and convince the other person of your position.

Here is an example of a counterargument:

“Donating to Clean Water International is not a sustainable solution.”

What Is a Call to Action in Persuasive Writing?

A call to action is a request that the reader takes some specific action. It is a plea for the reader to help you achieve your goal.

Your call to action should be clear, specific, and actionable. You should also make it easy for the reader to take action.

Here is an example of a call to action:

“Please donate to Clean Water International today to help save thousands of lives tomorrow.”

Persuasive Writing Techniques & Tips

When writing to change hearts and minds, there are techniques and tips you can use to maximize your results.

Apply these proven persuasive writing techniques:

  • Reframing —Presenting the issue in a different light.
  • Framing —Using specific language to create a particular impression.
  • Bandwagoning —Emphasizing that many people support your position.
  • Pathos, Logos, & Ethos —Appealing to the reader’s emotions, logic, and association with authority.
  • Figurative language —using creative language to make your argument more impactful (stories, analogies, similies, etc).
  • Repetition —Using the same words or phrases to convince the reader. Repeating your claim.
  • Language patterns —The artful use of phrases to subtely shift a reader’s thinking.
  • Rhetorical questions —Asking the reader a question that forces them to think about the issue.
  • Speak directly to the reader —Making a direct appeal to the reader.

When using these techniques, it’s important to be aware of your readers and their interests.

Tailor your message to match their needs, hopes, fears, and belief systems.

What Is a Persuassive Writing Map?

A persuasive writing map is a way to structure and organize your argument.

Here is a persuasive writing map that works well for me:

  • Start with a strong and clear claim.
  • State your reasons for supporting that claim.
  • Include supportive evidence.
  • Sprinkle in persuassive techniques.
  • Address any counterarguments that the other person might raise.
  • Finish with a short and simple call to action.

Using a persuasive writing map can help you stay on track and make sure that your argument is clear and easy to follow.

It can also help you to be more persuasive by addressing the other person’s interests and concerns in the most compelling way.

A persuasive writing map is also known as a persuasive writing outline.

How Is Persuasive Writing Different than Other Forms of Writing?

Persuasive writing is easy to confuse with different types of writing.

Many people ask me how persuasive writing is different from:

  • Argumentative writing
  • Expository writing
  • Informational writing

Persuasive Writing vs. Argumentative Writing

Argumentative writing is a type of persuasive writing. It is a more formal type of writing that mainly uses evidence to support your position.

The big difference is that argumentative writing is based more on logic and reason.

Persuasive writing usually relies heavily on emotion-laden opinions.

Expository Writing vs. Persuasive Writing

Expository writing is a type of informative writing.

It is a less formal type of writing that explains a topic or idea.

The main difference between expository writing and persuasive writing is that persuasive writing attempts to convince the reader to take a specific action.

Informational Writing vs. Persuasive Writing

Informational writing is a type of non-fiction writing. It is a formal type of writing that provides information about a topic or idea.

Persuasive writing might inform but its main goal is to change thinking, feeling, and behavior.

Persuasive Writing vs. Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is a type of creative writing.

It tells a story and uses the writer’s own experiences to support the story.

The main difference between persuasive writing and narrative writing is that persuasive writing is non-fiction and uses evidence to support the argument, while narrative writing is fiction and does not have to be true.

However, narrative writing can include elements of persuasive writing.

Persuasive Writing vs. Technical Writing

Technical writing is a type of informative writing. It is a formal type of writing that provides information about a technical topic or idea.

Both types of writing are nonfiction.

One major difference is that technical writing is usually written for people who are already familiar with the general topic, while persuasive writing might be written for people who are not as familiar with the topic.

Technical writing also includes step-by-step guides on how to perform a specific task.

What Is Persuasive Writing for Kids?

Many kids start to learn persuasive writing in first or second grade.

As kids get older, their teachers give them more challenging persuasive writing assignments.

In high school and college, students often write persuasive essays, speeches, and arguments.

Here is a short video that goes over persuasive writing for kids:

What Is a Persuasive Writing Anchor Chart?

A persuasive writing anchor chart is a visual tool that helps younger students learn and remember the key elements of persuasive writing.

It typically includes:

  • The 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, why)
  • The 3 C’s (claim, clear evidence, clever reasoning)
  • How to Appeal to Emotions
  • How to Appeal to Logic
  • How to use Persuassive Devices

A persuasive writing anchor chart might also give students sentence starters to help jog their creativity.

It serves as a kind of “Mad Lib” or “fill in the blank” template for students.

Why Is Persuasive Writing Important?

Persuasive writing is important because it can be used in so many different contexts.

It’s a great way to get your point of view across or to convince someone to do something. Additionally, persuasive writing is an essential skill for business and marketing.

If you know how to write persuasively, you can write better resumes and cover letters.

That can get you a better job— with more pay.

If you sell anything (and, let’s be honest, we ALL sell something), you can attract more clients. You can also convert more clients into customers.

In school, you can get better grades. As an employee, you can foster better teamwork and move people to action.

Persuasive writing can also convince funders to give money to worthwhile causes, such as feeding children or bringing clean water to people in need.

In short, persuasive writing can make the world a better place for all of us to live.

Can You Use Persuasive Writing in Any Type of Writing?

Yes, persuasive writing can be used in any type of writing. However, it is often most effective when it is used in business or marketing contexts, where the goal is to change or influence the opinion of the reader.

You can apply persuasive writing tips and techniques to:

  • School assignments (reports, essays)
  • Nonfiction books
  • Grant proposals
  • Reviews (movies, books, products, etc)
  • Blog posts and articles
  • Love letters
  • Writing a Dungeons and Dragons book
  • Internal newsletter
  • Affiliate marketing
  • And much more!

What Are Some Tips for Writing Persuasively?

Here are some good tips for writing persuasively:

  • Know your audience : In order to be persuasive, you must understand who you are trying to persuade.
  • Start with a strong claim: In order to be persuasive, you must make a strong argument that is not easily deconstructed or debunked.
  • Support your claim with evidence : This is where the rubber meets the road. You must back up your argument with facts, data, and expert testimony (if applicable).
  • Use deep reasoning to explain the evidence: Once you have presented your evidence, you must then explain why it supports your argument.
  • Make an emotional appeal: People are often persuaded more by emotion than logic. You can use powerful words and images to create an emotional response in your reader.
  • Be succinct: Don’t ramble on and on. Get to the point and make your argument understandable by everyone.

Persuasive Writing Topics

There are an almost unlimited number of persuasive writing topics. Below you’ll find a few ideas to spark your own creativity.

Here is a list of possible persuasive writing topics to consider:

  • Education: Should college be free?
  • Dating: Is it bad to give up on dating and relationship?
  • Prosperity: How to achieve financial prosperity
  • Politics: Is it time for a new political party?
  • Lifestyle: Veganism – pros and cons
  • Environment: Should we all become vegetarians?
  • Morality: Abortion – is it right or wrong?
  • Art: Books are better than TV
  • Texting: Do guys like good morning texts?
  • Science: Is cloning moral?
  • Technology: AI will one day take over the world
  • Food: Is our food killing us?
  • Energy: Should we all live off grid?
  • Health: Is organic food better for you?
  • Pets: Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
  • Transport: The rise of the electric car
  • Religion: Is there a God?
  • Parenting: Raising a child in the internet age
  • Gaming: Can a DM cheat at D&D?

Best Persuassive Writing Tools and Resources

I’ve been writing persuasively for over 20 years.

Here are my favorite persuasive writing tools and resources:

If you only try one tool, I highly recommend Jasper AI (formally known as Jarvis and

I use Jasper every day to automatically generate thousands of original words for persuasive writing, blog posts, contracts, and more.

Final Thoughts: What Is Persuasive Writing?

The next step in learning persuasive writing is lots of practice. You’ll get better the more you do it.

There are a ton of helpful articles on this site about how to write better.

Here are a few related posts hand-selected for you:

  • How To Write An Editorial (Your Expert Cheat Sheet)
  • How to Write an Ode (Step-by-Step with Examples)
  • Time Skips in Writing: 27 Answers You Need To Know

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10 Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques

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Want to use persuasive writing to convince your readers to do something or agree with your point of view?

OK, that was a silly question. Of course you do. You’re learning how to be a copywriter .

We all know how easy it is to get distracted these days, and you want your online business ideas to stand out and reach the audience you’re aiming to serve.

It’d be great if that happened by itself, but smart content entrepreneurs know it takes research, dedication, and skill to make a living online .

What is persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing is generally an exercise in creating a win-win situation. You present a case that others find beneficial to agree with …

You make them an offer they can’t refuse, but not in a manipulative way that violates marketing ethics .

It’s simply a good deal or a position that makes sense to that particular person. To make your job easier, though, there are techniques that you can learn to make your case more compelling.

Why learn persuasive writing?

If you’ve ever wondered why some blogs turn into businesses, and others stay hobbies, it’s likely because the blogger has studied persuasive writing and call to action examples .

Nothing’s more disappointing than having great blog post ideas that no one pays attention to … learning how to write a good blog post that persuades not only attracts people to your content, it also keeps them interested in your message.

More on that in a bit, but now let’s look at persuasive writing examples.

Persuasive writing examples

While this list is in no way a comprehensive persuasive writing tutorial, these 10 strategies are popular … because they work.

1. Repetition

Anyone who’s familiar with psychology will tell you repetition is crucial.

It’s also critical in persuasive writing, since a person can’t agree with you if they don’t truly get what you’re saying.

Of course, there’s good repetition and bad. To stay on the good side, make your point in several different ways, such as:

  • A direct statement

You could also use inspirational quotes for writers when they’re appropriate, and restate your point once more in your summary.

2. Reasons why

Always remember the power of the word because .

Psychological studies have shown that people are more likely to comply with a request if you simply give them a reason why … even if that reason makes no sense.

The strategy itself does make sense if you think about it. We don’t like to be told things or asked to take action without a reasonable explanation.

When you need people to be receptive to your way of thinking, always give reasons why.

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3. Consistency

It’s been called the “hobgoblin of little minds,” but consistency in our thoughts and actions is a valued social trait.

We don’t want to appear inconsistent, since, whether fair or not, that characteristic is associated with instability and flightiness, while consistency is associated with integrity and rational behavior.

Use this in your persuasive writing by getting the reader to agree with something up front in your headline writing and introduction that most people would have a hard time disagreeing with …

Then rigorously make your case, with plenty of supporting evidence, all while relating your ultimate point back to the opening scenario that’s already been accepted.

4. Social proof

Looking for guidance from others as to what to do and what to accept is one of the most powerful psychological forces in our lives.

It can often determine whether or not we take action in many situations.

Obvious examples of social proof can be found in testimonials and outside referrals, and it’s the driving force behind social media.

But you can also casually integrate elements of social proof in your writing and marketing stories , ranging from skillful alignment with outside authorities to blatant name dropping.

5. Comparisons

Metaphors, similes, and analogies are the persuasive writer’s best friends.

When you can relate your scenario to something that the reader already accepts as true, you’re well on your way to convincing someone to see things your way.

But comparisons work in other ways too. Sometimes you can be more persuasive by comparing apples to oranges (to use a tired but effective metaphor).

For example, when you’re learning how to create digital products , you won’t want to compare the price of your online course to the price of a similar one — compare it to the price of a live seminar or your hourly consulting rate.

6. Agitate and solve problems with persuasive writing

This is a persuasion theme that works as an overall approach to making your case.

First, you identify the problem and qualify your audience. Then you agitate the reader’s pain before offering your solution as the answer that will make it all better.

The agitation phase is not about being sadistic. It’s about empathy and writing better content .

You want the reader to know unequivocally that you understand his problem because you’ve dealt with it and/or are experienced at eliminating it.

The credibility of your solution goes way up if you demonstrate that you truly feel the prospect’s pain.

7. Prognosticate

Another persuasion theme involves providing your readers with a glimpse into the future.

If you can convincingly present an extrapolation of current events into likely future outcomes, you may as well have a license to print money.

This entire strategy is built on credibility. If you have no idea what you’re talking about, you’ll end up looking foolish.

But if you can back up your claims with your credentials or your obvious grasp of the subject matter, this is an extremely effective persuasive writing technique that also builds trust in relationships .

8. Unify … selectively

Despite our attempts to be sophisticated, evolved beings, we humans are exclusionary by nature.

Give someone a chance to be a part of a group that they want to be in — whether that be wealthy , or hip, or green, or even contrarian — and they’ll hop on board whatever train you’re driving.

The greatest sales letter ever written uses this technique. Find out what group people want to be in, and offer them an invitation to join while seemingly excluding others.

9. Address objections in persuasive writing

If you’ve ever presented your case and left someone thinking, “Yeah, but …”?

Well, you’ve lost.

This is why direct marketers use long copy — it’s not that they want you to read it all, it’s that they want you to read enough until you buy.

Addressing all of the potential objections of at least the majority of your readers can be tough, but if you really know your subject, the arguments against you should be fairly obvious.

If you think there are no reasonable objections to your position, see what happens if you enable comments on your content.

10. Storyselling

This is really a catch-all technique — you can and should use storyselling in combination with any and all of the previous nine strategies.

But the reason why storyselling works so well lies at the heart of what persuasion really is …

Stories allow people to persuade themselves, and that’s what it’s really all about. You might say that we never convince anyone of anything — we simply help others independently decide that we’re right.

Do everything you can to tell better stories, and you’ll find that you’re a terribly persuasive writer.

Persuasive writing, simplified

What if you could write in a way that automatically engaged your readers? What if your words had the power to persuade?

Many people don’t understand the true power of great copy. I remember when I was starting out with my business … I spent hours crafting blog posts that I thought would be useful and helpful for my desired audience.

But when I hit publish … crickets.

That’s because I didn’t yet understand the differences between content and copy.

Once I learned persuasive writing, a new world opened up to me.

Suddenly …

  • My headlines generated clicks
  • People subscribed to my newsletter
  • Visitors stayed on my website longer

Best of all, I was generating sales and making money

Here’s the secret

Copywriting is not about trickery, manipulation, or even trying to convince people. Great copy is about storytelling, empathy, relatability, and service.

Without great copy, it’s unlikely you will ever be able to grow your online business. It’s that important.

To learn more, sign up below to keep your finger on the pulse of modern content marketing.

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Brian Clark

Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger, the midlife personal growth newsletter Further, Unemployable, an educational community that provides smart strategies for freelancers and solopreneurs , and Creative Affiliate, affiliate marketing advice for creators .

  • Copyblogger Academy - The Copyblogger Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to turn your writing into income. Join 1300+ members inside.
  • Content Marketing - We're Digital Commerce Partners, Copyblogger's Content Marketing & SEO Agency. Fill out this form to apply for our program.
  • Promote yourself to 100,000+ subscribers by sponsoring our newsletter.

Reader Interactions

Reader comments (246).

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September 26, 2007 at 6:51 pm

This is flat-out one of the best posts you’ve ever written.

One of the best posts I’ve ever read, for that matter.

This incredibly useful information is immediately being printed out and taped to my wall.

– Mason

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September 26, 2007 at 7:06 pm

Yeah, I’m spreading this around to my friends in sales and marketing. Thanks for all the links back to older content, too. I haven’t been reading the site faithfully for very long, so that’s helping me catch up with the gems that have been posted earlier.

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September 26, 2007 at 7:28 pm

great tips on writing techniques

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September 26, 2007 at 7:35 pm

Wonderful post! I think the storytelling approach is one of the best. Readers of any background or age group can get into a good story and if it’s about how the writer (the normal guy/gal) sticks it to “the man” or “the system”, all the better. If “the man” or “the system” has horribly wronged the writer to some unbelievable degree, that works just as well. Thanks for the great info once again.

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September 26, 2007 at 7:37 pm

you’ve done it again.

you repeated yourself, and at the same time sent us off to get some of your previously written top content.

thanks for repeating yourself 🙂 and nice list.

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September 26, 2007 at 8:42 pm

Regarding consistency, when I read this post I couldn’t help remembering with a smile the characters in the movie Next Stop Wonderland . They reminded us that what Emerson actually said was that only “foolish” consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds. The kinds of consistencies you describe are the good and useful kind.

Thanks for a great list. Very practical and, like the others, I’ll be taping it to the wall

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September 26, 2007 at 8:47 pm

They reminded us that what Emerson actually said was that only “foolish” consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.

Ahhh… it’s moments like this when I regain my faith in humanity. Very smart recollection, David.

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September 26, 2007 at 11:21 pm

This is fantastic! It’s going to really help me with the sales letter I’m working on.

Thanks, Brian!

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September 26, 2007 at 11:54 pm

I’m gonna have to agree with the tribe, this is one of the finer posts of all time.

The comparison portion was worth the cost of admission all by itself.

Great info, great intra-links, great all around.

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September 27, 2007 at 5:34 am

This amazing post is just the thing I need to compliment the amazing book The Writer Behind the Words . Absolutely a pleasure to come upon your site.

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September 27, 2007 at 8:31 am

Like everyone said above, great post. I never stop learning from this site.

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September 27, 2007 at 8:48 am

Many of these persuasive strategies are used in the development of white papers (although perhaps with different names like trends rather that social proof).

As usual you show your grasp of persuasion with elegance.

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September 27, 2007 at 10:39 am

This post is like the cliff-notes of marketing! You just cost the gurus a lot of book sales, cd sales, membership and conference fees 🙂 All you need to know is right here.

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September 27, 2007 at 10:51 am

The storytelling piece is the most important, as it will make someone more interested in reading.

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September 27, 2007 at 10:52 am

Don’t forget about the power of writing lists in persuasive writing. In fact your post is in list form!

Nice run through.

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September 27, 2007 at 11:03 am

I’m a big believer in the rule of threes. Typically, people believe something if they hear if from three different sources. Keep that in mind when attempting to write persuasively and it will give you an advantage.

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September 14, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Nice. I like that theory. I’ll have to test it out.

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September 27, 2007 at 11:10 am

Excellent post. Every time I read your posts I learn something new. Thanks.

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September 27, 2007 at 11:12 am

I forget to really tie the reader back in during the ending. Thank you for the most crucial and important reminder.

You are like a waterfall of constant inspiration. thanks

What about odd numbers? Why did you use 10? I thought that was “bad”.

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September 27, 2007 at 1:16 pm

Fantastic post. I have recently discovered this site and am now an avid reader.

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September 27, 2007 at 2:24 pm

Thank you for the great website – a true resource, and one many people clearly enjoy.

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September 27, 2007 at 3:59 pm

Great post. Like you said, these are things we already know, but it’s always good to be reminded.

Your point on consistency is supported by the fact we elected an idiot to be President, twice, because the masses assumed his consistent message meant that the man had integrity and was rational.

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September 27, 2007 at 7:39 pm

i totally disagree with you, so this techniques didn’t really work…

just kidding… 🙂 it’s a great post!

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September 27, 2007 at 10:50 pm

Very comprehensive plan to persuade – I would say you have succeeded in persuading me to use these techniques to persuade others 🙂

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September 28, 2007 at 8:07 am

Very good reminders. It’s so easy to be caught up in my 4 little walls syndrome.

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September 28, 2007 at 11:44 am

“Don’t compare the price of your home study course to the price of a similar course—compare it to the price of a live seminar or your hourly consulting rate.”

In some cases, you can also compare it to the cost of NOT buying the home study course (or whatever your product is).

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September 28, 2007 at 11:38 pm

Brian, this is one of the best articles I have come across on the topic of Copywriting. I like your site and am definitely going to read the previous stuff.. Peace

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September 29, 2007 at 2:30 am

Read, printed and cherished! Great article. Thanks

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September 30, 2007 at 10:33 am

Excellent post! We have learned to use these techniques over the years, but to have them all tied together is a precious gift. Thanks!

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October 1, 2007 at 9:00 pm

You forgot one… show pictures.

If reading is slower in on your computer, the adequate imagery is even more critical.

Your post is right though.

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October 2, 2007 at 9:04 am

This is exceptional advice.

I think the only way it could be improved on is to use more of the techniques you recommend in the post.

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October 4, 2007 at 10:59 am

It’s a great list, but why do you seem to never have numbers beside your Top X lists? I don’t know about others, but its nice to know which number I’m on so that I know how many I have left to read.

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October 7, 2007 at 4:44 pm

Hello Brian, what you are telling here is really intresting, do you know where this is coming from? 😉 It is NLP (the other side of that self-healing stuff). Things like the use of negation (your unconsciousness does not recognise it) and storytelling (hypnosis, works also on single&flirt-websites^^), the use of “but” (it changes the meaning of the sentence before) a.s.o. All that is really interesting and it can be dangerous, but if you really have to persuade people, this stuff works – it is the dark side of the force. I’ve tried about a year in my main job and everyday conversations and I’ve been frighten about myself. Please excuse my english, I just can read it good 😉

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October 8, 2007 at 3:53 am

Wonderful post! I think the storytelling approach is one of the best. and i know how to promote my site:

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October 9, 2007 at 2:26 pm

this would really boost my english essays… you’ve done a good deed to the nation or perhaps … the world ! 😛

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October 10, 2007 at 7:58 am

Having re-read it since it was first published, I noticed I still have learned something new. An awesome article. Thanks.

October 11, 2007 at 2:28 am

You forgot one… show pictures.

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October 12, 2007 at 12:35 am

Then you agitate the reader’s pain before offering your solution as the answer that will make it all better. This sounds very much like Churchill. “Social proof”, anyone?

Anyway, thanks for the tips!

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October 23, 2007 at 4:25 am

This is a good site but i suggest that this website needs a catergory of some samples of persuasive writing so it gives students the potential for them to understand persuasive writing and give them the oppotunity to express what persuasive writing they have in mind.

so yeah this is my suggestion of this website thank-you to allthe people who are reading my comment.


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October 24, 2007 at 12:13 pm

This I’ve been meaning to grasp! Thanks for the wonderful tips.

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October 30, 2007 at 8:34 am

Definitely, this is the best write-up on Copy Writing I ever read in years.

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October 30, 2007 at 2:38 pm

Definitely a great read, jam packed with content!! Thank you for allowing me, as well as my readers, the opportunity to your knowledge!!

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November 1, 2007 at 3:30 am

nice post , thank you !

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November 9, 2007 at 12:46 pm

Fantastic article!

This has really helped me out a ton. Thanks again for all the hard work.

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November 27, 2007 at 10:10 pm

What writer, would be so kind, as to assist those who compete with him? Apparently, you have such grace of character, that you are able to resist the vanity inherent in writing. Thank you, for your surprisingly objective insights, and unexpected compassions.

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November 28, 2007 at 5:39 pm

I’m a student, and this article here has been a big help in my persuasive letter writing. Thank you so much. ; )

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December 15, 2007 at 6:07 pm

Thanks Brian, this post has helped clear up a few questions I was having about converting my traffic to registrations.

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December 24, 2007 at 5:45 am

Great to read on your articles, inspire & thanks a lot,

Merry Christmas & Happy New year

Tracy Ho wisdomgettingloaded

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December 29, 2007 at 12:25 pm

Thanks for the wonderful tips.

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February 8, 2008 at 9:15 pm

thanks 4 all the tips

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March 11, 2008 at 5:08 am

ingenious truly..

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March 13, 2008 at 12:32 pm

This was really helpfull with my english coursework, thanks.

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April 26, 2008 at 12:31 am

This is really a great posts and I really learn a lot from the techniques shared here about persuasive writing. I would use these techniques to attract readers to my site.

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May 17, 2008 at 1:30 pm

Nice post. There are even more you left out. Can you reference the psychological study you found which shows that telling people the reason why increases compliance? That doesn’t ring true for me. Personally, if someone tells me the “reason why” and it “makes no sense,” then I’m even less likely to comply, and it strengthens my resolve to keep not complying. Even with kids, I some point you have to give up giving reasons and say, “Because I said so.”

May 17, 2008 at 1:35 pm

Martin, there’s a link for you to follow at “makes no sense” that provides the source of the study and the actual results.

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May 31, 2008 at 3:17 pm

I am applauding you on this end in the most worshipful manner I can muster.

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June 6, 2008 at 4:47 am

I found this post and I thought to my self, wow, this is the best resume that a journalist could ever had on how doing his job. My profession? Guess what?

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June 17, 2008 at 4:20 am

Some very good tips there, definitely will incorporate some of the points made here in to my own life.

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June 17, 2008 at 3:48 pm

These tips seriously have to be the Ten Commandments of Persuasive Writing. I can definatly score a 6 on my Eng 12 speach w/ these techniques. Thks ;D

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July 1, 2008 at 3:47 pm

What an excellent article? Does anyone know of any other resources on persuasive writing?

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July 8, 2008 at 3:58 pm

Absolutely wonderful article. I will refer to it often and pass it on. Keep up the great work.

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July 15, 2008 at 3:46 pm

Brilliant article. Bookmarked for the future!

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August 6, 2008 at 11:05 pm

Wow! What a great post! You have written something which one can write if he is knowledgeable enough. Keep up the good work.

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August 16, 2008 at 10:39 am

Getting all the objections can be hard especially if you are attached to the product yourself. I find it’s good if you ask people directly “Why wouldn’t you buy this?” and to ask myself that question too.

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August 18, 2008 at 4:18 pm

nice list thanks good work

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November 7, 2008 at 12:09 pm

This is fantastic! It’s going to really help me with the sales letter I’m working on. Thanks, Brian!

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December 6, 2008 at 5:38 pm

I find too much repetition annoying. Some of these sales messages go on for pages until your eyes glaze over. Better than sleeping pills for insomniacs!

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January 3, 2009 at 3:09 am

We all want more success, don’t we?

We all want to be respected and stay ethical, right?

Well that’s what real persuasive copywriting is all about.

Reaching out to the clients needs and showing them how our product will meet or benefit those needs, without disrespecting them or powerselling them.

Good copywriting is the essence of success when you are selling something and I found these tips definately helpful.

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January 14, 2009 at 2:17 am

Hi! thanks for such a nice post, its very informative but the best thing i found in it and story telling and i believe in word of mouth marketing as it results best in the long run….any way keep it up….cheers!!!

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February 16, 2009 at 12:10 am

I liked the Tribal thing. The people living in the western United states only 250 years ago were all totally tribal.

I didn’t understand that “because” is such a powerful word but I will try using it more just because. Rick

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May 10, 2009 at 6:44 am

I’m gonna have to agree with the tribe, this is one of the finer posts of all time

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August 11, 2009 at 11:51 am

I am starting to blogging and as a newbie I have to learn to write articles. This postng is giving much help.

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September 5, 2009 at 6:22 pm

Having re-read it since it was first published, I noticed I still have learned something new. An awesome article. Really hanks.

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September 16, 2009 at 11:13 pm

This is a great article. It would have been extremely beneficial if I knew all this information before I got started myself.

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September 23, 2009 at 1:53 pm

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October 2, 2009 at 11:01 pm

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October 15, 2009 at 4:09 pm

A story tied in with other persuasive techniques results in the ultimate writing.

A personal story can show your experience and results – social proof. Your experience also acts as a prognosis for the reader’s future: if I could do it, so can you, and here’s how.

If your story is an amplified version of yourself, you go tribal and become super-relatable to those similar to you.

Add to the mix agitating and solving their problem while addressing any objections they have, and your writing becomes insanely persuasive.

Great tips Brian, they’re indeed timeless and will be used in whatever form writing evolves to next after blogging, Oleg

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October 27, 2009 at 9:34 am

Prognosticate is my new favorite word for the day:)

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November 25, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Great strategies for persuading. Thanks for this list and discussion. Each of these is a rhetorical strategy, with a fancy greek name, applied to persuasion. When combined with common strategies for impact, they are even more effective:

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November 25, 2009 at 4:21 pm

This is great. This will come in handy for our presentations as well.

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November 25, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Great article! This should be required reading for all salespeople, marketing executives and small business owners.

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November 28, 2009 at 11:48 pm

I got to agree this is one the best posts I have seen since I found copyblogger. It really strikes at the heart of what we all are trying to do “influence the reader to a point of action” very well done.

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December 24, 2009 at 3:26 am

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January 30, 2010 at 9:14 am

Thanks for the great article! Prognosticate – I think this one is definitely the most effective way of persuasion. I like your analogy – like having a license to print money!

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February 10, 2010 at 10:50 pm

wow thanks so much for this!! really helped me with my english assignment!! they’re seriously good tips! thanks a million, maybe now I will pass college!

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February 24, 2010 at 10:03 am

Bingo! Your insight is spot on & inspires to write with a purpose, which sometimes gets lost in the assignment or deadline to produce a well written, persuasive piece. Thank you copyblogger again (and again) for providing valuable and motivational copy for all writers!

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March 1, 2010 at 11:00 am

Tremendous food for thought here. Using just a few of these tips will greatly improve my posts.

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April 6, 2010 at 10:43 am

Oh! this is really like a God`s gift for novice students like me. really thank you Brian!

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April 8, 2010 at 4:16 am

Nice post, thanks. The idea of storytelling (your last point) is a really important one.

Lots of people make sense of the world through political or religious narratives. And in their personal lives, people love casting themselves as the hero, villain or love interest depending on their circumstances. Just listen to people talking on their cell phones next time you’re out in town!

So stories are potentially very powerful tools for copywriters. If you can deliver you copy messages through a well-written story, you can make strong emotional connections with your readers. And that’s got to be a good thing. . .

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May 24, 2010 at 5:33 pm

Great article, love it! Well written and concise.

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June 3, 2010 at 5:43 am

Thank you so much for your help! This should really improve my GCSE English grade.

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June 11, 2010 at 8:01 am

Found the article on Ten Timeless Persuasive writing techniques to be very good. Even though I’m a professional copywriter, I think the tips will help me write with even more persuasive impact.

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June 24, 2010 at 2:54 am

I appreciate your ideas so much. I’m a content writer and writing content for 5 years. I used to take 1 hrs for write a article but now your technique would be more useful for me.

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July 23, 2010 at 8:26 am

thanks for sharing this info. this is good article.

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July 29, 2010 at 12:11 pm

gold for a copywriter/blogger

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August 5, 2010 at 10:30 am

Quite a lucid and useful presentation. It saves the time of wading through Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Thanks.

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August 5, 2010 at 10:33 am

I’m a content writer and writing content for 5 year

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August 18, 2010 at 1:17 pm

Great post, will adopt them to my list of blogging strategies!

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September 4, 2010 at 1:38 pm

Thank you for these tips. I will surely review this the next time I write.

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September 19, 2010 at 8:52 pm

There is a Russian proverb: repetition is the mother of learning. Repetition you describe brings best results, the way it is intended.

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September 23, 2010 at 10:11 pm

Having accumulated dozens of books and guides on the art (and science) of Copywriting – it’s always to go back to the basics – to the most important rules for writing a compelling and persuasive copy.

Great refresher!

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September 24, 2010 at 12:01 am

I also know one of the best Japanese proverb: ” No One Ca Do this, so I am Sure I will DO this” well with this attitude thay made country very good in very recent time. nice article

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September 28, 2010 at 3:22 am

Well, what can I say? This got me thinking. HARD. I think I read it like three times! Great, great article Brian! Thanks for reminding us what really matters.

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October 29, 2010 at 2:07 pm

This was great! You’re right, there are sooooo many ways to be persuasive. One thing that I do (when it fits) is to take a subject or idea that I’m attempting to share and dramatize it. Exaggerate it. It helps to get a point across. For example, a friend of mine just wrote a great radio ad for a business that wanted to let everyone know of ALL their many services. Which is no easy feat if you’re trying to stay away from being boring. So, he wrote an ad for the business as if you were ordering their services at a drive-thru fast food joint. This particular concept also would fit into your “Comparison” tip.

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November 11, 2010 at 8:57 am

This very helpful. Thanks a lot!

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January 8, 2011 at 3:08 pm

wow, that really helped!! I’m in the eighth grade, and the writing test in a month or two is really important to pass. My ELA teacher has only taught us a few persuasive writing techniques, and I’m so glad to find more ways to persuade than just the few (maybe like, four) ways she has told us about. Wow, I feel a bit more confident about (probably) getting a persuasive topic for the writing test!

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January 25, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Brian, i’m a freelance writer who would love to pull a quote from this blog and post it on my website in a tips section. what’s the protocol for doing so? thanks, Karen

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February 18, 2011 at 1:04 am

Great methods! Have looked at some of these techniques on my website about persusasive techniques.

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February 25, 2011 at 2:24 pm

Another persuasive technique to use is Scarcity – letting the reader think there is a limited availability of something.

It is used by Amazon a lot where they display things like – ‘only 5 copies of your DVD left’. Scarcity acts as a call to action prompting the reader to put more value in the product/ebook/service you provide.

This concept also works by showing a scarcity of time (‘only available today’) on sales sites.

It can work on information sites too when showing access to information may be hard to get at (e.g. membership only data, mailing list only special webcasts/information/etc).

Super post BTW

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April 11, 2011 at 10:07 am

Combining the scarcity with exclusivity can be a killer plan. People want to know that they have the chance to be part of something that no one else is, and they love the idea that it is only for a limited time – stroking the ego!

September 14, 2011 at 4:48 pm

I agree with Mason Hipp that this is one of the best posts I’ve read here (interesting considering it was on the topic of persuasion). You convinced us you know your stuff! And the advice to study past advertising copy that works is EXCELLENT. Amazing how easy it is to overlook the simple things that can make the most difference.

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November 14, 2011 at 4:19 am

A proffessional post,highly persuasive and educative.

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May 7, 2022 at 1:25 pm

Brian, I knew what’s persuasive writing, only until I read your post. Having finished, I concluded I hadn’t known earlier. It’s a gem of a post. You’ve cited the techniques so clearly, one can keep the list in front for reference while doing a persuasive piece. Thanks. Looking forward to reading more articles from you.

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May 10, 2022 at 3:07 pm

Thanks for the great tips! I especially love that you reference storyselling because it is such a critical part, not only of selling, but engaging readers in the first place so you can get them to a place where they’re ready to be sold to.

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May 12, 2022 at 5:57 am

A succinct, well-curated list. Will be archiving this as a reference when writing. Thx!

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May 12, 2022 at 10:04 am

Great tips! For someone like me who just started blogging, techniques like this will definenlty help me write better articles. Thanks a lot.

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  • Writing Tips

6 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques

6 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques

3-minute read

  • 8th December 2021

Persuasion is used to sell something, whether an idea, product, service, or request. So, a business professional’s persuasive writing skills are integral to the success of their marketing campaigns, proposals, emails , articles, newsletters, speeches , reports, blog posts, presentations , and more.

If you’d like to see how being a persuasive writer can benefit your career by improving your professionalism, confidence, credibility, and ability to command attention, check out our six persuasive writing tips and techniques:

  • Understand your audience so you can more effectively write to them.
  • Start with a hook to grab your reader’s attention.
  • Evoke an emotional connection to keep the reader engaged.
  • Keep your language simple and concise so your writing is accessible.
  • Use repetition to maximize your influence.
  • Proofread your writing to make sure it’s error-free.

Read on below to learn more.

1. Understand Your Audience

Take the time to analyze your intended audience. Consider things like their interests, level of understanding of the topic, and their attitudes and beliefs. When you understand who you’re talking to, you can be more persuasive by writing in a way that not only considers your audience’s wants and needs but also meets those needs. For example, if you’re putting together an advertising campaign for the general public, you probably want to avoid using an overly formal tone or technical terminology.

2. Start with a Hook

Even if you’re offering great content, without grabbing your reader’s attention from the start, they’re unlikely to want to continue listening. Start with a compelling hook, such as a question, quote, interesting fact, or story, to pull the reader in and get them interested in learning what else you have to say.

3. Evoke Emotion

Using emotive language and demonstrating empathy will resonate with your reader. If you can establish an emotional connection by relating to their experiences, they will likely feel understood and compelled to keep listening and entertaining your message. One way to evoke emotion is through storytelling. Include an anecdote to hold your reader’s attention and connect to them.

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4. Use Straightforward Language

Writing in concise sentences will keep your message accessible. When you focus on including only the most essential information and avoid overloading content, you reduce the mental energy required for the reader to digest the new information. Simple language can be more impactful and memorable, which, in turn, makes it more persuasive.

5. Repetition

Repetition of an idea leads to more familiarity, understanding, and acceptance. It’s been proven that we prefer what we’re familiar with, so once we’re accustomed to something, we’re more likely to understand and accept it.

Choose keywords or phrases that relate to your main message and strategically repeat them so the reader is consistently reminded of it. Repetition done incorrectly can alienate your reader, so find different ways (e.g., through stories, data, metaphors ) to repeat your message without overdoing it.

6. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing your professional communications is crucial to maximizing their persuasiveness. If your writing contains grammar and punctuation errors, you could be dismissed as unprofessional, incompetent, and inattentive, which would hinder your ability to sell your product or idea.

At Proofed, we have professional editors available 24/7 to help with any of your professional communication needs. Try it for free by uploading a trial document today!

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Top 5 Persuasive Writing Techniques for Students

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“The purpose of a persuasive text is to convince , motivate , or move the reader towards a certain opinion or course of action.”

The Innovative Guide to Teaching Nonfiction Writing (2021)

Writing persuasively is an important skill for our students to develop. These skills will be helpful when writing a wide range of different persuasive text types, including these. Click the links for a detailed guide on each section.

●      Persuasive essays

●      Debate speeches

●      Advertisements

●      Editorials

●      Reviews

●      Letters

Though the structures of the text types listed above may differ, many of the persuasive strategies and skills used in them are common.

This article will examine the top five persuasive writing skills our students will need to convince their readers to do or believe something.

The Top 5 Persuasive Writing Techniques

1. understand the audience/build rapport.


One of the most important aspects of persuasive writing begins long before the student even puts their pen to paper.

Before students begin writing, they will need to determine who it is they are writing for. This is true regardless of the text type involved, but it’s especially imperative when persuasion is the name of the game.

When students respond to a writing prompt, they can often mine details of the intended audience from the prompt itself, either through a close analysis of the wording or by inferring an audience from the topic of the prompt itself.

Where a specific audience isn’t stated explicitly or implicitly, it is still good practice for the student writer to create an audience ‘avatar’ in their mind.

Having a clear picture of who they are writing to, helps students:

●      build a rapport with their audience that they can later leverage as a persuasive strategy.

●      create an intimate tone that builds trust with the reader.

●      choose an appropriate language level.

●      select the most relevant information to share.

●      decide on which persuasive tools to employ and what tone to adopt.

As the student writes their persuasive text, they should keep a clear picture of their intended reader in their mind at all times. This will help them make decisions on tone and choose an appropriate language register. It will also help the student decide on which specific persuasive strategies to use and when to use them.

Each audience is different, with their own preferences and biases. A persuasive writer needs to understand this and use the knowledge to maximize the persuasive effect of their writing.

Persuasive Writing Practice Task: Create a Reader Profile

One effective way to help student writers keep their target audience in mind is to have them create a profile of their target reader. Though this profile will be essentially fictional, it will serve to help the student develop a more vivid picture of their intended audience in their mind’s eye.

To create a reader profile, students should consider a number of details, including:

  • The reader’s age
  • The reader’s sex
  • Their level of education
  • Their economic status
  • Their values
  • Their beliefs
  • Their interests
  • Their location

Students can add other categories according to the specific needs of the text they are writing. Students should keep their reader profile close to hand and refer to it constantly throughout the writing process.


persuasive writing techniques | RHETORIC | Top 5 Persuasive Writing Techniques for Students |

2. Adopt a Strong Writing Structure

As we’ve mentioned, there are many different types of persuasive texts. Each of these has its own distinctive underlying structure. Over time, students will get to know the particular features of each of these many different persuasive text types, including persuasive essays, advertisements, letters, leaflets, and reviews. With experience, students will learn to select the appropriate structure for their specific text.

In the first instance, it is helpful for students to see these structures in action. To do this, gather together a selection of persuasive texts structured similarly to the one your students will write. In groups, have your students go through each text to identify and list the various structural features used.

Students can share their findings as a whole class at the end as you list the various elements and structural features on the whiteboard. They can then use this list as a guide when they come to produce their own persuasive text.

Persuasive Writing Practice Task: Use a Graphic Organizer

The chances are that your students will be familiar with graphic organizers and have used them in the past. For this activity, however, they’ll be challenged to design their own.

Designing their own graphic organizers forces students to pay attention to the various structural elements of the text type itself. They will also have to consider the relative position of each element as they lay out their template in a visual form. Finally, their graphic organizer will serve as an excellent planning tool and, best of all, it’s reusable!

This activity often works most effectively when completed as a group activity, as students will be able to share and discuss the merits of different ways of laying out their graphic organizer. While students can design their organizer freehand on paper, there are many excellent tools online that students can use to design professional-looking templates. One of the best of these graphic design tools is Canva. [2]

3. Support with Evidence


We live in a cynical age. In days gone by, even the most outlandish of claims could work if delivered with a smile and some confidence. But times are getting harder and harder for the snake-oil salesmen among us. For a persuasive text to convince an educated reader to do or believe something, the writer better brings some proof along with their claims.

There are several types of evidence which students can use to support their persuasive efforts. The most common of these are:

●      Facts

●      Statistics

●      Quotes

●      Anecdotes

Let’s take a look at each of these in turn.

Facts: As facts are indisputable by nature, they are perhaps the most powerful form of evidence available to our students. Facts are usually gathered during the planning and research stage of the writing process, though if the student is well-informed on the subject already they may already retain some relevant facts to support their assertions. It’s important that students do not confuse opinions and facts , especially as opinions are often presented as if they were facts.

Example Fact: All dogs are mammals.

Statistics: Numbers are concrete – or at least have the appearance of solidity. Though most of us are familiar with the phrase ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics’, most of us still find numbers to be highly persuasive. Although the careful selection of statistics can be used to prove almost anything, sourcing statistics from reliable and respected sources can go a long way to persuading even the most sceptical of readers. Often, the writer will also cite the source of any statistics to be used as evidence.

Example Statistic: Mandarin Chinese is the language with the largest number of native speakers in the world. Source: Ethnologue (2019, 22nd edition)

Quotes: Using quotes from experts in the field, or similar authorities, can lend weight to students’ arguments. However, as with statistics, students need to choose their sources carefully. A poorly selected source can do more harm than good. For a quote to carry its full weight, the reader will often need to know who that source is and why they should be listened to on that topic. Therefore, if the reader cannot be reasonably expected to know who the source is, then the writer must identify them adequately in the text.

Example Quote: However, not everyone believes the Olympic Games offer good value for money. Paula Radcliffe, a six-time world champion runner, argues that “the money could be thrown at other areas such as grass-roots sports.”

Anecdotes: Anecdotes are a form of evidence usually based on personal observations or experiences. Unlike statistics, this form of evidence is collected in a casual, non-systematic manner. Given their informal nature, anecdotes are sometimes looked down on as a form of evidence. However, they can be very effective, as the widespread use of testimonials in advertising reveals.

Example Anecdote: It is time that zoos are banned. A recent visit to my local zoo revealed cramped, inhumane conditions for the majority of animals who all appeared miserable and poorly cared for.

Persuasive Writing Practice Task: Put the Tools to the Test

For this activity, provide students with or allow students to choose a debate topic. For example:

●      All zoos should be banned.

●      Physical education is as important as academic education.

●      The Olympic Games are a waste of money.

Students should choose a side on the issue and then provide an example of each of the four different evidence types supporting their position.

4. Employ Powerfully Persuasive Writing Strategies


As with any text type, persuasive writing has its own tools and tricks specific to its purpose. Your students won’t be able to produce truly compelling persuasive writing without a firm grasp of at least some of these strategies.

There are many possible persuasive strategies for students to choose from, and it will take time to familiarize your students with them all, but here are five of the most effective.

i. Directly Addressing the Reader: This persuasive strategy works by connecting directly with the reader using second-person pronouns such as you and your . While a very effective technique, readers don’t like to be ordered around, so it’s essential to first build rapport with the reader. Which very smoothly brings us to our next strategy!

ii. Build Rapport and Trust with the Reader: Persuasion is an art, and we are much more likely to be persuaded by someone we like and trust. One way to create a sense of intimacy in writing is to adopt a conversational style. This will be much easier to do if the writer has already clearly defined their reader persona. To help create trust in the reader, students might establish their credibility at the outset by relating why they are qualified to speak on this topic.

iii. Humor: Using humor in a text also helps build that all-important rapport with the reader, but it also makes the idea expressed more memorable. For this reason, it is a common strategy employed in advertising and debates especially. Of course, students will need to consider whether or not it is appropriate in each instance. For some more serious topics, humor is more likely to offend than persuade.

iv. Flattery: Praising the reader can help convince them to give up one idea for another. Sometimes our student writers make the mistake of thinking that if they aggressively attack the current beliefs of the reader, this will help convince them of the error of their ways. The reverse is often true. When we feel attacked, we often shut down and refuse to accept any of the arguments made by the person doing the attacking.

v. Presumption: This technique works by shutting down space for the reader to disagree with the writer’s position. It subtly implies that the matter has already been decided and that any opposition to it is foolish. It can be easily be identified by the use of phrases such as ‘As everybody knows,’ ‘Everyone agrees,’ or  ‘Of course, we all know that…’

Persuasive Writing Practice Task: Offer the students a range of persuasive writing topics to choose from, some topics are listed in the previous activity. Challenge your students to write a single paragraph using each of the persuasive strategies above for their chosen topic.

5. Use Persuasive Images


While not every persuasive genre requires the use of images, text types such as advertisements and persuasive leaflets often use images to great effect.

Images and their accompanying captions can help catch and hold a reader’s attention. They can come in many forms, e.g. photos, pictures, infographics, diagrams, logos, etc. Visuals can help lead the reader’s eye into the text as well as support the text’s overall persuasiveness.

Persuasive Writing Practice Task: Create a Persuasive Image

Nowadays, many free stock photo websites such as Pixabay and Unsplash and online graphic design tools such as Canva and Gravit can help students create their visual masterpieces.

Challenge students to play with the above tools to create their own persuasive image to accompany one of the paragraphs they wrote in the previous activity. Can they write a suitable caption to accompany their image too?

As with any writing, when students have completed their persuasive text, it’s time to edit and proofread.

The main focus in these final stages of writing will be to establish whether or not the text succeeds in convincing the reader to do or believe something. This is the primary measure of success for any persuasive text and with mastery of the skills outlined above, the answer should be a resounding “Yes!”


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31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques

Persuasive Writing Techniques

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Writing persuasive copy is the goal of every professional copywriter. Persuading readers to agree with you can help convert them into paying customers. While it can prove challenging at times, persuasive copywriting can be learned and perfected by following some basic techniques.

Here are 31 persuasive writing techniques that are a combination of psychological methods and proven strategies to gain your readers’ trust and get them to agree with you.

1. Focus On Your Best Audience

Writers tend to cast a wide net, hoping to influence everyone. However, focusing on the people who are most likely to benefit from the content and  writing for them will bring better results.

2. Tell Them Why

Readers are constantly bombarded with messages on a daily basis. If you want their attention, justify it with a good reason up front, preferably something that will benefit them.

3. Rely on a Proven Copywriting Formula

Copywriting formulas exist solely to help copywriters persuade readers. There are several excellent copywriting formulas that are both effective and easy to remember, and it’s well worth your time to learn a handful of them.

4. Use the Right Tone of Voice

What you say is important, but how you say it is vital. Tone influences how your reader perceives your message, so decide which one will be most effective then use it consistently.

5. Be Authoritative

Establish yourself as an authority up front and be consistent in backing up that authority with proof, statistics and examples. Be honest and transparent, don’t waver, and pretty soon your audience will believe you.

6. Take The Reader’s Point of View

If you were the reader, what would grab your attention? When you are writing persuasive copy, you have to become the reader to understand what appeals to them.

7. Show That You Understand

Before you can persuade your reader, you must establish that you are just like them in some way. Perhaps you share the same problem or have similar desires. Find a mutual connection and state it early on.

8. Tell a Story

From the time we are old enough to understand language, humans are suckers for a good story that makes us feel . Anecdotes, especially when backed by facts, are a great way to connect with your readers on an emotional level.

9. Tell Both Sides of the Story

There is always another side of the story. Unlike addressing objections, telling the other side of the story allows you to paint a compelling picture of what life would be like without your product or service. It would be awful. Tell them.

10. Use Influential Words

To write persuasive copy, use persuasive “action” words like miracle, discovery, discount, and bargain. Use uplifting words like vitality, grace, wisdom, and confidence. Finally, make sure your copy has ‘Free’, ’How’, ’New’ and ‘You’ in abundance.

11. Simplify & Amplify

Simplify your core ideas into hard-hitting individual thoughts, then amplify them with the help of things that are important to the reader. Use words that help empower your readers. Get! Learn! Results! Now!

12. Be Specific

Place a laser focus on specific facts and benefits. For example:

  • 90% of customers see results in 2 weeks or less!
  • Results can be seen in 2 weeks.

The first line is more specific, making it more persuasive.

13. Be Repetitive

If you’ve said it once, you can say it again. Repetition is a time-honored tactic for remembering anything. Use it to your advantage.

14. Address Objections

Even the most agreeable readers will likely have objections, and you are much better off addressing them up front than waiting for your potential customer to voice them. This is another means of establishing authority, and also tells your reader that you have thought the matter through.

15. Show Proof

As previously mentioned, showing proof helps establish you as an authority on the subject, and shows your reader that you respect them.

16. Focus on Headline Psychology

Headlines matter. If the headline is not catchy enough for a click, the rest of the content will fall flat. Make sure that the headline is psychologically stimulating and interesting to your readers. However, don’t sacrifice clarity for the sake of flash. Your headlines should be catchy but concise.

17. Be Consistent

State your position up front, then proceed to be unfailingly consistent in backing it up with facts, stats and proof. Essentially, you want your readers to trust you. A reader who trusts you will tend to agree with you, and nothing builds trust more effectively than being consistent.

18. Use These Tips to Get Results Immediately

So you’ve delivered a punchy hook to start off your article. Your reader is intrigued.

But you want them to keep reading, right? Follow these tips to help your reader see it through to the end.

First, though, don’t go too far. If you promise your reader a spaceship when you can’t even afford a bike, they’ll be irritated – and you’ll lose trust points.

19. Use Simple Language

Don’t overload your content.

Write as simply as possible.

Make your message accessible to every reader.

Don’t use complex terminology unless you need to. If you do need to, explain it in simple words.

Copyblogger’s 21 juicy prompts that inspire fascinating content says that content which is simple, short and easy to understand leads to thousands of shares, which makes your work  affordable and pretty simple.

You should be able to explain even the most complex processes in simple phrases. We all have a lot going on in our lives –- your text should be a place where the reader can relax and enjoy interesting, straightforward information.

20. Be Precise

People love details. Using detail in your writing shows that you’re a person who really knows what you’re writing about – a person to be trusted. Be as specific as you can.

Visibility and accessibility should be your main principles.

Here is a simple example. Why is GSM Arena at the top of Google’s results for searches containing the words “phone review”? Because GSM Arena shows all the details the readers are looking for. Xiaomi Mi Max ’s review contains NINE pages of information about mobiles. It has details about anything that you could possibly ask for.

21. “Sir! Yes, Sir!”

Use all of your imagination to create a situation in which the reader will agree with you.

It’s very easy to do. Make some general statements or ask questions that are difficult to challenge. Ask questions where the only possible answer is YES.

Here are some examples:

  • “Do you want to be healthy?”
  • “Do you want to earn good money?”
  • “Do you want to live in peace?”
  • “You want to be great dad, right?”

A reader who agrees with the author is much easier to convince.

22. Predict Your Reader

Anticipate the reader’s questions, and answer them before they’re even asked – before they’ve even thought about.

Neutralize possible questions before they even appear. Comprehensive information is exactly what your reader is looking for.

23. Prove it!

It’s easy to write persuasive text if you can back up your claims with facts and studies. Numbers and percentages have the best effect. They’re your strongest tools for convincing readers.

24. Be Specific

Use real-life examples. We believe in examples we can relate to.

It’s easy to say: “Do this, do that.” But how can you apply it in real life?

Examples from the real world make material understandable. They make readers think, “If someone else achieved this, why can’t I?”

25. Touch the Emotions

Evoke emotion in the reader.

As we know, emotions are the main motivation behind making a purchases or sealing a business deal.

Emotions awaken desire. As Napoleon Hill said : “The starting point of all achievement is desire.”

26. Use Greatness

Cite great wisdom. Well-chosen quotes from successful people will elevate your text to the next level. A couple of good quotes from well-known experts in the field will help you to make your material more compelling.

27. Use Structure

Divide your articles into paragraphs, headings, subheadings and lists. These increase the visual appeal of the text. Paragraphs should contain between 2 and 5 sentences, and no more. That will make it much easier for your reader to digest your material. Numbered lists can:

  • add interest
  • give the reader a break
  • help the reader to remember what you’re saying.

None of these techniques alone will win over your readers, but combined strategically and used wisely, they can help you write persuasive copy that will turn readers into customers.

28. Call to Action

Have conversations. Involve your readers. Make readers feel that you’re really interested in their comments, and that you won’t abandon them.

Create a community by asking questions, seeking opinions, inviting comments, initiating polls, setting up contests, and sparking controversy. Use your creativity.

Be sure it’s easy for readers to get involved, and always keep things polite and cheery.

29. Make it Right

The web is littered with low-quality content. No matter how interesting and useful your text is, grammatical errors will spoil the impression of your content – and give a bad impression of the author.

Text with grammatical errors is like a road with potholes.

In order to write well, read a lot. Use your dictionary, spell check and grammar check. Brush up on your school rules. Have someone proofread your article. And keep writing.

30. Draw Your Text

If you can express your idea in a few pictures, rather than 10 paragraphs of text, use the pictures! What would you rather share on social networks – a picture or a link to text?

Infographics are a great way to get your ideas across.

Modern readers are reluctant to spend a lot of time reading, but they’re quick to register and interpret visual information.

Images are an incredibly efficient way to organize information and make things a little less formal. They’ll also save your readers some precious time – and they’ll thank you for that.

31. Use Your Imagination

Writing that tells a story makes is so much more special than that which is only informative.

Story-telling awakens our imagination and makes your message relatable to the reader. It’s also far more interesting to read. Use words such as “imagine”, “see” and “remember”.

Want to learn more? Check out the Writtent Academy for information and tips on how to write effective and persuasive copy.

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Karri Stover

Karri Stover enjoys helping small business owners and entrepreneurs establish a competitive online presence through the use of valuable content and smart marketing strategies.

Other posts by Karri Stover

Comment (1)

Juan Santana

Karri, I really like your postings, and I feel its a great help for many of us, particularly for those of us who’s English is a second language. I am in the process of having to write for our website, in English, persuasively, and sufficiently different from other similar firms, while telling a compelling story… (sound easy, right?). Well, to complicate things, I to come up with slogans that are analogies (some complex), with accompanying photos to visually support the analogies…, but I actually like it…, just that I would like someone else to take a “final look.” Do you offer that type of services ? Is it affordable for a tiny company? I’d love to hear from you. Thanks, Juan

persuasive writing techniques examples

Understanding Persuasive Writing (Definition, Examples, Tips)

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a type of non-fiction writing that has the aim of spreading information while persuading the reader of the writer’s stance or point of view. Persuasive writing has been used in the English language for years . It can easily be found in reviews, advertisements, marketing copies, etc.

This article will detail the basics of persuasive writing, its importance, core components, and tips for effective persuasive writing.

Persuasive writing

What exactly is persuasive writing?

In simple terms, persuasive writing is a written way of communication that is used to try and convince the readers of a particular viewpoint. It basically aims to change or influence the readers’ viewpoint about a topic and drive them to take an action, through facts, logical arguments, or an emotional appeal.

Wikipedia defines persuasive writing as – “ any written communication with the intention to convince or influence readers to believe in an idea/ opinion and to do an action.”

The very fact that persuasive writing is not just about spreading information, but about persuading the reader enables it to have a different set of techniques and strategies to effectively convince the reader.

What is the importance or real-life applications of persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing has lots of real-life applications , some of which are as follows:

  • In a company blog article to convince the reader to buy a company product or service
  • In a research proposal or a technical paper to convince the readers of the findings and deductions
  • In a review article of food, a book, or a movie
  • In a cover letter of a job applicant
  • In an advertising campaign script to create a sense of urgency and convince the audience to buy a product or service. Advertising or marketing forms one of the biggest use cases for persuasive writing.
  • In a political speech script to convince the audience of the leader’s opinion. Persuasive writing is heavily utilized in political speeches.

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos- the three pillars of persuasive writing

An effective piece of persuasive writing utilizes three fundamental features viz. ethos, logos, and pathos. These three features are to be strategically embedded at the core of any piece of persuasive writing to enhance it.

Let’s have a quick look at each of them and understand their significance:


Ethos is a Greek word that means “character”. Ethos is the foundational pillar in persuasive writing which aims at establishing the credibility of the writer.

To convince any reader of any written piece of content, the first step is to make them believe the writer, and ethos achieves exactly that. Ethos helps establish a positive mindset in the minds of the readers, even before they start reading the written piece.


Logos is a Greek word that means “logic”. Logos is the second pillar in persuasive writing which aims at backing the arguments or viewpoints of the writer with evidence, logical arguments, and data to persuade the readers.

Any form of written content or argument becomes more persuasive when it is backed by facts and data. Backing their work with relevant facts expresses that the writer did a lot of research and has a very good idea of what they are talking about.

But merely having the facts and data is not enough. This is because if presented in a haphazard way, it will not be effective in capturing the reader’s attention. Thus, logos also deals with structuring the persuasive writing piece in the best possible manner to present them in the most effective manner.


Pathos is a Greek word that means “experience”. Pathos is the third pillar in persuasive writing which aims at involving a writer’s appeal to emotion. A lot of human actions tend to be led by emotions rather than facts.

Hence, it is important for the readers to sympathize or empathize with the writer in order to be convinced of their viewpoint. These emotions can be engrained in the reader through the personal experiences of the writer.

Effective storytelling helps achieve a significant persuading impact. However, it is important for the writer to reflect on the various feelings that the readers might have while sharing this, as every person thinks differently.

What are some tips and strategies for effective persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing finds its applications in a wide variety of scenarios and, if effectively framed, can help achieve tremendous outcomes.

Here are some tips that writers can use for result-generating persuasive writing :

1. Choosing the right topic is important

It is crucial for writers to have deep knowledge about the topic for which the content is going to be written. Effective persuasive writing will involve a lot of subject knowledge, research, experiences, and passion for the topic. Only when a writer is absolutely clear about their own stance, will they be able to convince their readers.

2. Targeting the right audience and researching about them can do wonders

As much as possible, the writing should try to focus on a specialized set of reading audiences. This is because trying to cater to a broader audience will only dilute the impact of the content.

Writers must have a clear idea about their audience and what they want. In this way, they will be able to emotionally engage with them and deliver the message in a crisp and effective manner, inevitably persuading a larger number of readers.

3. The thesis statement should be defined appropriately

A clear and well-defined thesis statement is the heart and soul of any persuasive writing piece. Basically, it briefly summarizes the stance of the author (what the author wants to convince the audience). Clearly defining the thesis statement will help the author to appropriately structure the content around it. 

4. Extensive research

A piece of persuasive writing content will involve a lot of logical arguments, facts, evidence, etc. Thus, writers must thoroughly research every piece of evidence or data that they plan to present to the readers. Even a glimpse of truthlessness might be a major turn-off for the reader.

5. Strategic repetition is important

It is important to remind the reader of the actual point of view that needs to be established and prevent them from getting swerve off the main topic. Hence, strategically repeating the main points in different ways in different places will keep the readers on track.  

6. Address counter-arguments

One of the most interesting, but useful ways to convince the readers or increase the credibility of the content is by addressing the counter-arguments. This will strengthen the author’s original argument as contrasting viewpoints will be proved weaker.

7. Directly speaking to the readers is important

Merely targeting the right reading audience will not suffice. The audience needs to connect with the content and feel that this content is what they wanted to read .

Speaking directly to the reader will help achieve this in an impactful manner (for example referring to them as “you” and asking relevant questions at the right places).

8. Careful selection of words

Choosing the right words is one of the most important things in persuasive writing. Persuasive writing involves creating a bond with the reader through facts and emotions. It involves strong and emotive language (words that describe feelings).

Thus, any wrong choice of word or phrase might discourage the reader from forming a deep and impactful connection with the writer.

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are at the core of every piece of persuasive writing. Complementing them with the strategies mentioned above will help create an extremely impactful piece of persuasive writing.

Persuasive writing can be defined as a form of non-fiction writing that is used to convince the reader of the writer’s stance or point of view.

The writer provides their point of view and backs it up with research, evidence, and data. Along with this, they also try to emotionally appeal to the reader and convince them per that viewpoint or change their pre-existing viewpoint.

Persuasive writing can be used in a variety of places like advertisements, brochures, editorials, proposals, reviews, political speeches, etc.

Advertising is one of the major areas where persuasive writing is heavily used to urge customers to buy the product or service of a company.

Persuasive writing is important because it finds a lot of real-life applications or scenarios. For example, it can be used in book reviews where the author tries to give an opinion about a book and back it up with their thoughts and opinions.

It can also be used in marketing campaigns or political speeches which has tremendous political or business impact. Hence, if persuasive writing is utilized effectively, it has the ability to create impactful changes in society or tremendous business or political outcomes.

Persuasive writing has three key components or types or pillars, namely ethos, logos, and pathos.

  • Ethos: Credibility of the author
  • Logos: Relevant logical arguments, evidence, data, and facts to back the viewpoint of the author.
  • Pathos: Emotional appeal toward the reader. 
  • Wikipedia-Persuasive writing – Definition
  • Grammarly-6 persuasive writing strategies
  • Your Dictionary – persuasive writing examples
  • Interaction Design Foundation – Persuasive writing foundation

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persuasive writing techniques examples

About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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  • Coordinating Conjunction
  • Coordinate Adjective
  • Cumulative Adjective
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  • Declarative Statement
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  • Direct Object
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  • Future Perfect
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  • Intensive Pronoun
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  • Infinitive Phrase
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persuasive writing techniques examples

Persuasive Writing: 20 Examples, 10 Analyses and Various Teaching Resources

Persuasive writing has long since played into our everyday lives, influencing our decisions on tasks as minor as selecting a shampoo product and as significant as voting for the president. If we look closely, examples of persuasive writing exist everywhere.

Enlist the help of an Engram's Paraphraser to enhance the clarity and eloquence of your writing, as persuasive writing only works with high-quality writing.

persuasive writing techniques examples

And rightfully so, people view persuasive writing as an important factor in their choices. In a study by Manifest, it was found out that " 50% of a group of people said a company's slogan is the brand element that helps them understand the company's purpose the most, [as opposed to] the company's name (13%). "

So, how can we write persuasively and influence decisions? Let's start with the basics. For one to become a good writer, one should read examples of good writing. Hence, if one wants to be a persuasive writer, one should read more examples of persuasive essays and speeches.

In this blog post, we provide famous examples of persuasive writing, analyze each one, and offer a variety of resources that can help improve your persuasive writing skills or that can be given to students in a persuasive writing class.

Table of content

What is persuasive writing, what are the ten most famous examples of persuasive writing, persuasive speech examples, persuasive essay examples, persuasive writing techniques.

  • How to start a persuasive essay

Grading rubrics

Persuasive writing is a form of writing in which the writer aims to convince the audience to take a certain viewpoint. Persuasive writing employs logical reasoning (logos), evidence (ethos), emotional appeal (pathos), and other specific types of persuasion techniques to influence the audience.

We will divulge a later section on the different techniques of persuasive writing.

persuasive writing techniques examples

The following are the ten most famous examples of persuasive writing throughout history. We show excerpts from these persuasive writing examples and analyze the persuasive writing techniques in each specific excerpt.

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

It is no surprise that the first persuasive writing example is the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

In this particular excerpt, Martin Luther King incorporates pathos and strong imagery to persuade the audience to rise against the wrongs of racial discrimination.

The imagery of “slavery,” “brotherhood,” and “hills” evoke strong visuals of hardship, but also a future in which these unjustified sufferings will soon be replaced with higher ideals of equality and unity.

"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.” - Thomas Pain

The second persuasive writing example is Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense," which was published in 1776 during the American Revolution.

In this example, Paine uses logos and emotive language to demonstrate that America would be better off without British rule. He uses rational reasoning by saying that the country is no different with a government than without one. When people realize this, they will be overwhelmed with anguish, as they know that they are paying for their suffering.

He uses language such as "calamity" and "evil" to emphasize the uselessness of British rule on the American colonies. This extreme language heightens the feelings of mistrust towards the British government among the American colonists.

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.” - Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” speech is the third persuasive writing example.

The speech was delivered during the American Civil War to appeal to the audience's patriotism by honoring the fallen Union soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg and reaffirming the American ideals of national unity and freedom.

This particular excerpt uses logos with a rhetorical question: "Whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure." This question challenges the audience to think of the war's purpose, the importance of the nation's ideals, and a nation's endurance.

"Along the shores of the sea, there were many blossoms: the leaves of the bayberry shone with a deep glossy green, and the plumes of the goldenrod were bright against the blue water, but the bees that had once hummed among the blossoms were gone. Their hives, hidden under the eaves of deserted buildings or standing in fields grown up in brambles, were silent. The poison had passed on, but the bees had not returned. As for the few survivors, where could they go in search of food? Into what empty fields could they descend, since the flowering grasses no longer grew?" - Rachel Carson

The fourth persuasive writing example is the “Silent Spring” speech by Rachel Carson.

Carson wrote this book to urge for a reevaluation of pesticide use and for governments and people to take proactive and responsible actions to protect the environment. Rachel Carson uses vivid imagery in this speech. She depicts idyllic images of nature to emphasize that nature is fragile, beautiful, and thus worth safeguarding. She wants people to feel a sense of responsibility to not poison but to protect nature’s delicate splendor for future generations.

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, landing grounds, in fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” - Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech is our fifth persuasive writing example. It was delivered in 1940 during World War 2 to rally the British people to resist Nazi aggression.

Churchill uses anaphora and the pronoun "we" to urge for a unified call to action. Anaphora is a rhetorical device that involves the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a sentence. He repeatedly says "We shall fight," prompting people into action and to "fight" for what is right.

"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked; his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours." - Jonathan Edwards

Our sixth persuasive writing example is Jonathan Edwards's "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Jonathan uses images of a "spider," a "loathsome insect," and a "pit of hell" to cast the sinners and hell in a repulsive light. He is trying to persuade the audience to always act dutifully towards God, as God will be the one to grant salvation and show kindness.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"- Patrick Henry

The seventh persuasive writing example is “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” by Patrick Henry .

This speech starts with a rhetorical question: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" This rhetorical question directly engages the audience, making them ponder whether life is truly sweet if slavery is the price to pay for it. It appeals to our rationality; hence, it employs a technique known as logos.

He also appeals to authority by incorporating "God" into his cry for what is right. By adding a religious figure such as God, he is validating his claims in a moral light.

"That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free..."- Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation" is an executive order rather than a piece of persuasive writing, but the order uses a lot of persuasive writing techniques to promote the abolition of slavery.

Lincoln used logos to legally justify his decision as the Commander-in-Chief of the United States to abolish slavery. He also purposefully states the number "one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three" to make his writing appear precise. This precision provides more impact as the writing seems clear and direct.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"Declaration of Sentiments" by Elizabeth Cady Stanton is our ninth persuasive writing example.This speech persuades the audience to support the virtues of the women's rights movement.

In this particular excerpt, Stanton shows her authority by quoting from the Declaration of Independence. She uses the quote "all men and women are created equal" to emphasize that women are also deserving of rights because they are equal to men. This logical progression substantiates her claim both logically and legally.

“Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Day of Infamy” by Franklin D. Roosevelt is the last example of persuasive writing. In this speech, Roosevelt wanted to rile up the public to gain approval of his political response to the Pearl Harbor attack.

Roosevelt uses emotive language, such as "suddenly" and "deliberately attacked," to contrast the peaceful nature of the United States. This contrast highlights the inhumanity of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States' innocence; the United States had been blindsided by Japan.

More persuasive writing examples

Here are ten other examples of persuasive writing. Now it's your turn. Use our infographics to analyze why these techniques have been noted in history as successful examples of persuasive writing.

"There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin. There are some who say that Communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say, in Europe and elsewhere, we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin. And there are even a few who say that it is true that Communism is an evil system, but it permits us to make economic progress. Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin." - John F. Kennedy
"We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan
"I have done whatever I did, both as an individual and as a leader of my people, because of my experience in South Africa and my own proudly felt African background, and not because of what any outsider might have said. In my youth in the Transkei, I listened to the elders of my tribe telling stories of the old days. Amongst the tales they related to me were those of wars fought by our ancestors in defence of the fatherland. The names of Dingane and Bambatha, Hintsa and Makana, Squngthi and Dalasile, Moshoeshoe and Sekhukhuni, were praised as the glory of the entire African nation. I hoped then that life might offer me the opportunity to serve my people and make my own humble contribution to their freedom struggle. This is what has motivated me in all that I have done in relation to the charges made against me in this case." - Nelson Mandela
"It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men. And it is downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government—the ballot." - Susan B. Anthony
"Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor — never his victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten. The political prisoner in his cell, the hungry children, the homeless refugees — not to respond to their plight, not to relieve their solitude by offering them a spark of hope is to exile them from human memory. And in denying their humanity, we betray our own." - Elie Wiesel
"By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." - James Madison
"Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about? That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man—when I could get it—and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?" - Sojourner Truth
"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour." - Frederick Douglass
"The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable.' The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice, have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different." - George Orwell
"The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at night—she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question—'Is this all?'" - Betty Friedan

Here are some of the most effective persuasive writing techniques. Feel free to use the information and infographics in the classroom or for your own use.

Another resource is Engram's Grammar Checker and Paraphraser. Engram's AI tools are optimized to elevate your English to its full potential. Click the button below and write away, worry-free and with ease.

persuasive writing techniques examples

How to start a persuasive speech and essay

Below is a step-by-step infographic on how to write a persuasive speech and essay. Feel free to use the information and infographic in the classroom or for your own use.

persuasive writing techniques examples

Feel free to use these worksheets in the classroom or for your own use.

Persuasive speech

Persuasive essay.

Below, we have provided example rubrics to grade persuasive speeches and essays. Feel free to use or modify these rubrics in the classroom or for your own use.

Writing a persuasive essay requires careful planning, strong evidence, and compelling arguments to sway your audience to your viewpoint.

By following the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can craft compelling essays that effectively persuade your readers to embrace any viewpoint. So, whether you're advocating for a political stance, promoting a social cause, or arguing for a particular policy, use these techniques to make your or your student's voice heard and influence change.

persuasive writing techniques examples

Check out Engram's Grammar Checker to level up your English and ensure that grammatical and punctuation errors do not get in the way of your persuasion skills. Write away with confidence!


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Languagetool vs. engram: which is the better paraphrasing tool for non-native speakers (2024).

persuasive writing techniques examples

Persuasive Writing – Examples, Format & Techniques Of Persuasive Writing

Surf Excel is one of the leading detergent brands in India. You’ve probably come across the daag achhe hain advertisement campaign,…

702. Persuasive Writing - Examples, Format _ Techniques Of Persuasive Writin

Surf Excel is one of the leading detergent brands in India. You’ve probably come across the daag achhe hain  advertisement campaign, which not only changed the brand’s fate but also helped it establish a unique brand identity in the detergent market. The ads address the value kids can demonstrate, despite tough stains.

In short, Surf Excel convinces its customers of the power of the detergent through the daag achhe hain slogan. This is how persuasive writing is used to convince people to act and listen. Read on to find out what is persuasive writing and its importance in the business world.

What Is Persuasive Writing?

Common persuasive writing techniques.

As the name suggests, persuasive writing is a type of writing style that’s used to persuade or convince a reader. It provides an opportunity to convince someone of a particular viewpoint or take a particular action. Examples of persuasive writing are commonly found in advertising, newspapers, blogs and editorials. ( ) In professional settings, writing recommendation letters and sales pitches are some popular examples of persuasive writing.

Successful business writers use persuasive writing in social marketing, emails, requests for meetings, reports and speeches. There are several reasons behind choosing this type of writing style.

Helps you express your views about a topic

Encourages you to do research before you write and present information

Helps you impress your reader and sway their decision

Persuasive writing is a useful skill that allows you to present your thoughts in a clear and structured manner. But presenting facts in an expressive yet succinct way isn’t always easy. Here are several persuasive writing techniques that’ll help you enhance your writing process.

Know Your Audience

In order to appeal to your readers, you need to understand them first. For example, if you’re trying to convince women to purchase your product, you need to identify what is it that appeals to that target group.

Captivate Reader’s Attention

The primary goal of a persuasive writing format is hooking your reader’s attention. You need to clearly express your viewpoints by using declarative sentences. Research findings and evidence help you establish your stance quickly—use them to your advantage.

Think About Both Sides

If you’re getting someone to agree with something, you also need to know what you’re trying to get them to disagree with. The more effectively you can counter the opposition, the more credible and convincing will your arguments look.

Be Empathetic

Emotional appeal is what drives your persuasive writing format. It adds credibility as readers are more inclined to believe you when they read something they can relate with. Targeting the audience’s sensitivities while convincing them why their beliefs should change is the crux of the persuasive style.

Ask Rhetorical Questions

Asking questions to your readers that they’ll be encouraged to answer themselves later is a fruitful persuasive technique. By doing so, you provide them with nudges that are supportive of your views.

Emphasize Your Point

Exaggeration is another persuasive writing strategy that can express urgency and exclusivity. Hyperbolics can also be used to communicate an impactful image. For example, Disney’s slogan says ‘happiest place on earth', which immediately creates a desirable feeling for its target audience (children).

Repeat Yourself

Repetition helps you remind your readers of your core message. Make sure that you find different ways to reinforce your point without making it sound boring. You can use metaphors, anecdotes, rephrasing and other literary devices for strategic repetition.

While these strategies are useful ways to enhance your persuasive narratives, it’s equally important to pay attention to the persuasive writing format. Additionally, make sure that you proofread and edit as required. You don’t want to send across a sloppy email to your client or someone at the workplace.

Harappa Education’s  Writing Proficiently course will teach you how to write clearly, concisely and compellingly. This online writing course will help you structure your thoughts and polish your writing style to convey your message effectively. The SCQR (Situation, Complication, Question and Resolution) framework, in particular, will help you present your points and tell your story confidently. Discover how to tell your story with every communication you draft!


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25 writing tips for business owners and content marketers: part 1.

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These easy-to-read tips will help you improve your marketing content, step by step, word by word, ... [+] bit by bit.

Imagine your most promising sales lead opens your latest email newsletter... and immediately deletes it. They might have been ready to schedule a call or request a demo, but your content didn't justify investing any more of their precious time.

How often do you find yourself doing the same—dismissing content because it fails to capture or hold your interest? If you're like most people, your interactions with marketing content is more necessity than choice. You dive in and accept content indignities when facing purchase decisions, sizing up competitors, seeking inspiration, and understanding your audience. Otherwise, you’re outta there!

But let's be honest: It's hard to create content that consistently stands out and captivates busy readers—which is why much of the content out there misses the mark. It's either as bland and uninspiring as a turkey sandwich without the fixings or so jargon-laden that it feels like a meal too dense to digest. Because of this, today's ocean of content has become a sea of sameness, where buzzwords and clichés often drown out originality and kill engagement.

Is your marketing content getting lost in the sea of sameness? Put these writing tips into effect to ... [+] start to make it to shore.

Yet, there's hope. The Content Marketing Institute reports that content marketing generates three times more leads than paid search advertising. But, paradoxically, only about 22% of marketers are truly satisfied with their conversion rates. This chasm between potential and satisfaction highlights a monumental opportunity for us to refine our content and elevate the quality of our engagements.

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What if the secret to bridging this gap lay in the minutiae—the seemingly small but mighty elements that determine the quality, resonance, and effectiveness of your marketing content? That’s exactly what we’re exploring in this five-part series on writing tips for marketers.

From the foundation of varied sentence lengths for rhythm and readability to the persuasive power of active voice, each tip is a step toward captivating content that draws readers and leaves a lasting, positive impression. Each tip comes with explanations and examples to help you quickly get the ah-has you need to improve your content—and your readers’ experiences.

Let’s dig in.

1. Vary sentence length for readability and rhythm

Vary your sentence lengths to improve readability.

While long, monotonous sentences lull readers to sleep, constant short bursts make them feel like they’re in choppy waters. Mix sentence lengths to create a reading experience that mirrors natural speech. This will subtly persuade readers to stay invested in your message.

In his book 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing : Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power , Gary Provost shares two great examples of varied sentence length.

First, he writes in short, staccato bursts.

“ This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous. Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The sound of it drones. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety. ”

Next, Provost varies the length of his sentences from short to medium to long.

“ Now listen. I vary the sentence length, and I create music. The writing sings. It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use sentences of medium length. And sometimes, when I am certain the reader is rested, I will engage them with a sentence of considerable length, a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus of a crescendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals—sounds that say listen to this, it is important. ”

Bottom line: Readers have short attention spans and a low tolerance for boredom. Constant short sentences? Snooze-fest. Relentlessly long blocks of text? Eyes glaze over. Mix it up to keep readers engaged. Your content (and your audience) will thank you.

2. Use active voice for authority and impact

Use active voice to add movement and momentum to your content.

You’ve heard of active voice? Active voice makes your writing more direct and lively, giving your words an authoritative ring. It’s your ally when you want to emphasize action and drive a point home.

  • Before : A complete list of features can be found on our website.
  • Question: Who can find the list? (Answer: You can.)
  • After : Explore the list of features on our website.

The first example focuses on the list rather than the reader's actions. It also raises the question: Who can find the list of features? The second example uses the active verb explore because the reader is doing the action — exploring. It implies a discovery, making the content more engaging.

Here’s another example:

  • The last few cookies were eaten last night.
  • Question: Who ate the cookies?!
  • Grandpa ate the last few cookies last night.

Watch for phrases with the following constructions, which often signal passive voice:

  • can be verbed
  • has been verbed
  • were verbed

Before weeding out passive voice became second nature, I’d use my writing app’s Find function to search for phrases like can be , was , and has been . Do the same, and you’ll quickly learn to spot passive voice like a pro.

Bottom line: Using active voice isn't just about grammar. It's about infusing your marketing content with action and ownership, so ditch those pesky passives and give your words power.

3. Use vivid verbs instead of weak adverbs for precision

Use vivid verbs instead of weak verbs plus adverbs to power up your writing. And avoid weak ... [+] modifiers, which you can (often!) eliminate.

Weak adverbs clutter sentences and dilute your message. Instead, choose powerful verbs that stand alone, carry emotion, and paint a clear picture, making your writing more memorable and persuasive.

  • Before : The CMO was very happy to see how the new content editor totally revamped her go-to-market content.
  • After : The CMO was elated to see how the new content editor overhauled her go-to-market content.

Other substitutions that might come in handy:

  • explained clearly -> clarified
  • understood completely -> grasped
  • increased rapidly -> surged
  • decreased significantly -> plummeted
  • worked together closely -> collaborated
  • investigated thoroughly -> scrutinized
  • improved greatly -> enhanced
  • changed completely -> transformed
  • planned carefully -> strategized

Also, beware of the following weak modifiers, which you can likely eliminate without hurting your content:

A final note on the adverb very : Mark Twain is thought to have said:

“ Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it, and the writing will be just as it should be .”

Damned good advice!

Bottom Line: Don't rely on adverbs to prop up weak verbs. Instead, choose powerful verbs that paint a clear picture, making your writing more concise, memorable, and engaging.

4. Use the rule of three to create memorable messages

Use the rule of three to make your content easier to remember.

Tap into the power of patterns to make your message stick. People tend to remember information better when presented in groups of three. This tip is particularly useful for creating marketing slogans and taglines. For example:

  • I’m Lovin’ It
  • Impossible Is Nothing

You can also use the rule of three to emphasize key points. Group your points in threes to make them more powerful and easier for readers to remember.

  • Our new skincare line is natural, nourishing, nurturing.
  • We’re committed to innovation, integrity, and impact.
  • Join us on a journey to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Bottom line : The power of three is simple and undeniable when it comes to crafting sticky messages. Use it for slogans, taglines, and when highlighting key benefits to create marketing content that lingers in the minds of readers.

5. Be specific and avoid generalities to increase credibility

Have you heard the saying, "Specific sell; generalities repel"?

Have you heard the saying, Specifics sell; generalities repel ?

Writing in generalities opens the door for readers to object and ask questions. It may even drive readers away, towards Closed Lost .

Writing with specificity answers reader questions and overcomes objections—in advance.

Concrete details build trust and draw readers into your world, whereas vague statements undermine your message. Specific details paint vivid pictures, making your content authentic and persuasive.

  • Before : A lot of people like our product.
  • After : More than 5,000 customers rated our product five stars, praising its ease of use and transformative results.

Here, the switch from the vague, a lot, to the specific, 5,000+ reviews, opens the door to instant trust. The added detail about what's liked makes the text even more persuasive and implies that the reader will have a similar, positive experience.

Bottom line : Specificity builds trust and overcomes objections before they even arise. Swap out vague phrases for precise details and numbers to make your content infinitely more persuasive.

Try it yourself—and stay tuned for Part 2

Inspired to give these tips a try? Share a sentence you've revised using these tips in the comments below.

And for even more guidance in crafting captivating content, sign up to receive the rest of the tips in this series.

In the next article, I’ll share five more writing tips to help you improve readability and add clarity and authority. Stay tuned!

Renae Gregoire

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Persuasive Writing Scavenger Hunt

Persuasive Writing Scavenger Hunt

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Game/puzzle/quiz

Schooled Resources

Last updated

27 March 2024

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persuasive writing techniques examples

Do you want your students to improve their persuasive writing? Look no further! This activity makes learning persuasive techniques fun, practical and memorable!

Dive into the world of persuasive language as students search for the techniques around your classroom. This engaging and interactive activity is perfect for learning or revising persuasive techniques.

How it works Place the cards randomly around the classroom and give each student an answer sheet.

Students walk around the room and read the definitions on the cards. There are examples and visuals also to support students. When they know what persuasive technique is being described, they put it next to the correct number on their sheet.

At the end of the activity, I go through the answers with them so there is a teacher sheet included with the correct answers- you can display this on the board to check understanding.

Differentiation Options

This resource is easily adaptable and can be completed independently, in pairs or in small groups. One idea I use is to pair students up so one stays at the desk writing and the other goes hunting for definitions. Once they are halfway through, they swap roles.

Persuasive techniques included are:

Repetition Triple (Rule of Three) Adjective Simile Exaggeration Fact Adverb Rhetorical Question Pun Statistics Logic Alliteration Humour Metaphor Anecdote Tone Imagery Direct Address Expert Opinion Emotive Language

What’s included?

  • 20 color cards (on 6 pages ready to print and play!)
  • Each card features a different persuasive technique
  • Each card includes a clear definition, an example sentence and a visual
  • Student Worksheet
  • Teacher Instructions and Answer Sheet

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    Today, most of this advocacy is accomplished through writing.2 Therefore, persuasive writing is, as one professor puts it, "essential to the practice of law."3 Persuasive writing enables you to make strategic decisions about how to present and package your arguments to ensure your document is as convincing as possible.

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    With this English article, learn to understand the techniques used in persuasive writing. ... Use your table to note down examples of persuasive writing as they appear in the article.

  20. Persuasive Writing

    It provides an opportunity to convince someone of a particular viewpoint or take a particular action. Examples of persuasive writing are commonly found in advertising, newspapers, blogs and editorials. ( In professional settings, writing recommendation letters and sales pitches are some popular examples of persuasive writing.

  21. Persuasive devices

    Persuasive language is used for many reasons, for example, to help to sell products or services, or to convince people to accept a view or idea. Politicians often use persuasive techniques to get ...

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    In his book 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing: Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power, Gary Provost shares two great examples of varied sentence length. First, he writes in ...

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    This engaging and interactive activity is perfect for learning or revising persuasive techniques. How it works Place the cards randomly around the classroom and give each student an answer sheet. Students walk around the room and read the definitions on the cards. There are examples and visuals also to support students.