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Essays About Work: 7 Examples and 8 Prompts

If you want to write well-researched essays about work, check out our guide of helpful essay examples and writing prompts for this topic.

Whether employed or self-employed, we all need to work to earn a living. Work could provide a source of purpose for some but also stress for many. The causes of stress could be an unmanageable workload, low pay, slow career development, an incompetent boss, and companies that do not care about your well-being.  Essays about work  can help us understand how to achieve a work/life balance for long-term happiness.

Work can still be a happy place to develop essential skills such as leadership and teamwork. If we adopt the right mindset, we can focus on situations we can improve and avoid stressing ourselves over situations we have no control over. We should also be free to speak up against workplace issues and abuses to defend our labor rights. Check out our  essay writing topics  for more.

5 Examples of Essays About Work

1.  when the future of work means always looking for your next job by bruce horovitz, 2. ‘quiet quitting’ isn’t the solution for burnout by rebecca vidra, 3. the science of why we burn out and don’t have to by joe robinson , 4. how to manage your career in a vuca world by murali murthy, 5. the challenges of regulating the labor market in developing countries by gordon betcherman, 6. creating the best workplace on earth by rob goffee and gareth jones, 7. employees seek personal value and purpose at work. be prepared to deliver by jordan turner, 8 writing prompts on essays about work, 1. a dream work environment, 2. how is school preparing you for work, 3. the importance of teamwork at work, 4. a guide to find work for new graduates, 5. finding happiness at work, 6. motivating people at work, 7. advantages and disadvantages of working from home, 8. critical qualities you need to thrive at work.

“For a host of reasons—some for a higher salary, others for improved benefits, and many in search of better company culture—America’s workforce is constantly looking for its next gig.”

A perennial search for a job that fulfills your sense of purpose has been an emerging trend in the work landscape in recent years. Yet, as human resource managers scramble to minimize employee turnover, some still believe there will still be workers who can exit a company through a happy retirement. You might also be interested in these  essays about unemployment .

“…[L]et’s creatively collaborate on ways to re-establish our own sense of value in our institutions while saying yes only to invitations that nourish us instead of sucking up more of our energy.”

Quiet quitting signals more profound issues underlying work, such as burnout or the bosses themselves. It is undesirable in any workplace, but to have it in school, among faculty members, spells doom as the future of the next generation is put at stake. In this essay, a teacher learns how to keep from burnout and rebuild a sense of community that drew her into the job in the first place.

“We don’t think about managing the demands that are pushing our buttons, we just keep reacting to them on autopilot on a route I call the burnout treadmill. Just keep going until the paramedics arrive.”

Studies have shown the detrimental health effects of stress on our mind, emotions and body. Yet we still willingly take on the treadmill to stress, forgetting our boundaries and wellness. It is time to normalize seeking help from our superiors to resolve burnout and refuse overtime and heavy workloads.

“As we start to emerge from the pandemic, today’s workplace demands a different kind of VUCA career growth. One that’s Versatile, Uplifting, Choice-filled and Active.”

The only thing constant in work is change. However, recent decades have witnessed greater work volatility where tech-oriented people and creative minds flourish the most. The essay provides tips for applying at work daily to survive and even thrive in the VUCA world. You might also be interested in these  essays about motivation .

“Ultimately, the biggest challenge in regulating labor markets in developing countries is what to do about the hundreds of millions of workers (or even more) who are beyond the reach of formal labor market rules and social protections.”

The challenge in regulating work is balancing the interest of employees to have dignified work conditions and for employers to operate at the most reasonable cost. But in developing countries, the difficulties loom larger, with issues going beyond equal pay to universal social protection coverage and monitoring employers’ compliance.

“Suppose you want to design the best company on earth to work for. What would it be like? For three years, we’ve been investigating this question by asking hundreds of executives in surveys and in seminars all over the world to describe their ideal organization.”

If you’ve ever wondered what would make the best workplace, you’re not alone. In this essay, Jones looks at how employers can create a better workplace for employees by using surveys and interviews. The writer found that individuality and a sense of support are key to creating positive workplace environments where employees are comfortable.

“Bottom line: People seek purpose in their lives — and that includes work. The more an employer limits those things that create this sense of purpose, the less likely employees will stay at their positions.”

In this essay, Turner looks at how employees seek value in the workplace. This essay dives into how, as humans, we all need a purpose. If we can find purpose in our work, our overall happiness increases. So, a value and purpose-driven job role can create a positive and fruitful work environment for both workers and employers.

In this essay, talk about how you envision yourself as a professional in the future. You can be as creative as to describe your workplace, your position, and your colleagues’ perception of you. Next, explain why this is the line of work you dream of and what you can contribute to society through this work. Finally, add what learning programs you’ve signed up for to prepare your skills for your dream job. For more, check out our list of simple essays topics for intermediate writers .

For your essay, look deeply into how your school prepares the young generation to be competitive in the future workforce. If you want to go the extra mile, you can interview students who have graduated from your school and are now professionals. Ask them about the programs or practices in your school that they believe have helped mold them better at their current jobs.

Essays about work: The importance of teamwork at work

In a workplace where colleagues compete against each other, leaders could find it challenging to cultivate a sense of cooperation and teamwork. So, find out what creative activities companies can undertake to encourage teamwork across teams and divisions. For example, regular team-building activities help strengthen professional bonds while assisting workers to recharge their minds.

Finding a job after receiving your undergraduate diploma can be full of stress, pressure, and hard work. Write an essay that handholds graduate students in drafting their resumes and preparing for an interview. You may also recommend the top job market platforms that match them with their dream work. You may also ask recruitment experts for tips on how graduates can make a positive impression in job interviews.

Creating a fun and happy workplace may seem impossible. But there has been a flurry of efforts in the corporate world to keep workers happy. Why? To make them more productive. So, for your essay, gather research on what practices companies and policy-makers should adopt to help workers find meaning in their jobs. For example, how often should salary increases occur? You may also focus on what drives people to quit jobs that raise money. If it’s not the financial package that makes them satisfied, what does? Discuss these questions with your readers for a compelling essay.

Motivation could scale up workers’ productivity, efficiency, and ambition for higher positions and a longer tenure in your company. Knowing which method of motivation best suits your employees requires direct managers to know their people and find their potential source of intrinsic motivation. For example, managers should be able to tell whether employees are having difficulties with their tasks to the point of discouragement or find the task too easy to boredom.

A handful of managers have been worried about working from home for fears of lowering productivity and discouraging collaborative work. Meanwhile, those who embrace work-from-home arrangements are beginning to see the greater value and benefits of giving employees greater flexibility on when and where to work. So first, draw up the pros and cons of working from home. You can also interview professionals working or currently working at home. Finally, provide a conclusion on whether working from home can harm work output or boost it.

Identifying critical skills at work could depend on the work applied. However, there are inherent values and behavioral competencies that recruiters demand highly from employees. List the top five qualities a professional should possess to contribute significantly to the workplace. For example, being proactive is a valuable skill because workers have the initiative to produce without waiting for the boss to prod them.

If you need help with grammar, our guide to  grammar and syntax  is a good start to learning more. We also recommend taking the time to  improve the readability score  of your essays before publishing or submitting them.

work study essay

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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Essay on Work Study: Top 7 Essays | Organization | Production Management

work study essay

Read this essay to learn about:- 1. Meaning of Work Study 2. Definitions of Work Study 3. Objectives 4. Importance 5. Components 6. Situations 7. Determination of Utility of Techniques. 

Essay # 1. Meaning of Work Study:

Work-study is a management tool to achieve higher productive efficiency of an organization. It is concerned primarily with human manual work, more efficiently with the efficient design of such work and with the establishments of standards of performance.

An industrial enterprise, if it is to survive must use latest technology and most efficient methods improvised with a consistent aim of producing better quality goods at lower prices.

One way to improve the performance of production process is efficient utilization of plant, equipment and labor. This can be done by studying the work methods and evaluating their performance. Work- study is simply the study of work. It is the analysis of work dividing it into smaller parts followed by rearrangement of these parts to give the same effectiveness at lesser cost.


It examines both the method and duration of the work involved in a process.

Essay # 2. Definitions of Work Study:

In 1825 Robert Owen expressed that from management viewpoint any population along with the mechanism and other parts of an organization should be taken as a system composed of many parts which should be combined in such a way, that every hand, as well as every spring, lever and wheel should effectively co-operate to produce maximum pecuniary gain to the proprietors

Taylor gave more importance to ‘Time factor’ in work, realizing that ‘Overall times’ for jobs were of little value as standards of performance, and that times for elements of jobs were appropriate, if methods were to be examined. His objective was to treat work and management in a scientific manner.

Gilbreth gave more emphasis on Methods of performing some job and was of the opinion that once optimum methods are established the time factor would look after itself.

He described manual work with the help of seventeen fundamental movements and developed principles of motion study by which optimum work methods can be developed. In Motion study the work is broken into a number of fundamental movements and by analysing these movements the best methods of doing a job can be developed.

Charles Bedeaux introduced the concept of rating to evaluate the discrepancy between observed/actual and standard times. He tried to evolve some system of time study by which work methods could be compared. Provisions for rest and relaxation allowances were also made in the study.

Later on using precision measurement and detailed analysis techniques, optimum work methods were developed with full utilization of resources, thus benefiting both the organization and the individual. Relationship in work has been a continuing trend since the introduction of scientific management. It is responsible for tremendous economic growth and increase in the standard of living.

The nature and object of work-study can be explained by various definitions given below:

(i) Work study/Time and Motion study is primarily concerned with discovering the best ways of doing jobs and with establishing standards based upon such methods.

Structure of Work-Study

(ii) ILO defines “work study” as the technique of method study and work measurement employed to ensure the best possible use of human and material resources in carrying out a specified activity.

(iii) Work study is to minimize costs either by designing work for higher productivity or by improving productivity in existing work through improvements in current methods and by reducing ineffective or waste of time.

Method study is normally conducted before work measurement:

(iv) Work Study is a management service based on those techniques, in particular method study and work measurement, which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts and which lead to the systematic investigation of all the resources and factors which effect the efficiency and economy of the situation being reviewed, in order to effect improvement.

(v) Work Study may be defined as the analytic investigation of the methods, conditions and effectiveness of industrial work, and thereby the determination of the ways in which human efforts may most economically be applied.

(vi) The term work-study is use to embrace two distinct but interdependent groups of techniques: Methods study and Work measurement. Both these techniques are mutually supporting and should be applied in ordered sequence.

(vii) Work-study is a generic term used for those techniques which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts.

Essay # 3. Objectives of Work-Study :

The prime function of a work-study department is to submit proposals and implement schemes to increase Productivity and reduce Waste.

It should be capable of:

(i) To recommend and implement the desired improvements in work methods by establishing the most economical way of doing the work.

(ii) Investigation and analysis of existing situation.

(iii) Examination of weakness if any in the production process.

(iv) Most effective use of the exiting or proposed plant.

(v) Efficient use of human efforts.

(vi) Ensure proper performance of those employed in the production process.

(vii) Measurement of work values.

(viii) To initiate and maintain incentive bonus schemes.

(ix) Setting standards for labor cost control documentation.

(x) To standardize the method, material and equipment used in the production process.

(xi) To determine the time required by an ideal (a qualified and properly trained) operator to perform the task at some desired level of performance.

Essay # 4. Importance of Work Study :

(i) It is a mean of raising productivity of a factory by reorganization of the work involving little or no capital expenditure on plant and equipment.

(ii) It is a systematic study where no factor of production is overlooked.

(iii) It is most accurate method of determining the standards of performance on which effective planning and control depends.

(iv) It results in savings and efficient use of resources by increasing out-put reducing scarp.

(v) Results in improved safety.

(vi) Reduction in training time.

(vii) It is a tool, which can be, applied everywhere.

Essay # 5. Components of Work Study:

The main branches of work study are:

(i) Method study,

(ii) Work measurement,

(iii) Ergonomics and

(iv) Job-Evaluation; Functional/Non-functional.

Steps in Various Components of Work Study

Method study is the Systematic Recording, Critical analysis, Development and implementation/installation of new methods to perform job to reduce costs etc. with regard to exiting/proposed jobs. It is some sort of MOTION STUDY.

Work Measurement is TIME STUDY, which determines the amount of time required to perform a job/task by a worker following a particular/prescribed method. It is a technique for recording the time and rates of working for the elements of specified job carried out under specific conditions and for analysis of the data so as to obtain the time necessary for carrying out the jobs at a defined level of performance is working at a standard pace and using some standard methods.

Ergonomics is the study of relationship between worker and his working environment. It tries to adjust the job process according to the worker taking care of physical and mental strains. The study of Ergonomics includes a mix of working environment, working place and human physiological considerations.

Job Evaluation is a systematic and analytical study of evaluating the work relation and values of different jobs to decide wage rates ensuring fairness to all job holders in the organization. Merit Rating is a process/technique for knowing how efficiently and effectively a job is being carried out by a worker.

It is designed to assess the merit of the person doing the job. It decides the reward an employee should get in addition to his/her wages depending upon individual merit.

Financial and non-financial incentives are used to stimulate/motivate people to improve their performance level. These schemes are designed to suit specific situations, environmental conditions etc. Financial incentives are part of total wages and provide extra pay for extra performance.

These introduce monetary differences with-in the job. Non-financial incentives include comfortable working environment and conditions; promotion and job security viz. training and development programmes, pension, promotion and job security, housing, medical, recreational, educational, incentives, subsidized lunch, transportation incentives etc.

Essay # 6. Situations where Work Study should be Used :

The technique of work-study is used to evaluate the performance of tasks in an enterprise and to determine the corresponding level of performance. It is mainly concerned with effort, time, material, equipment and space used by an effective management for obtaining its goal. It results in increased productivity, reduced costs, better use of resources etc.

The indicators for using work-study methods in a process can be:

(i) Delay in work,

(ii) Rejection of finished goods and

(ii) Low efficiency of production.

There can be very little benefit in applying work study methods when:

(i) There is little manual work in a job. Here the performance of machines etc., cannot be improved.

(ii) There is some manual work but it is of temporary nature or short lived.

Essay # 7. Determination of Utility of ‘Work-Study’ Techniques :

(i) Anticipated life of the job.

(ii) Whether manual work is a significant part of the job or not.

This can be indicated by:

(a) Wage rate for the job.

(b) Ratio of machine time to manual time in the work cycle.

(iii) Whether utilization of machine, tools, jigs etc. is dependent or work method.

(iv) Importance of job towards the output, profit margin etc.

(v) The existing job needs work study investigation if there is:

(a) Low machine utilization.

(b) Excessive Over-time/idle time

(c) Complaints from worker.

(d) Inadequate quality

(e) High scarp/wastage rate.

Related Articles:

  • Essay on Method Study: Top 4 Essays | Organization | Production Management
  • Essay on Work Measurement: Top 4 Essays | Workers | Production Management
  • Work Study: Definition, Need and Advantages | Production Management
  • Essay on Production Order | Organization | Production Management

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A Guide to the Federal Work-Study Program

A Guide to the Federal Work-Study Program

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Want to minimize student loan debt while attending college or graduate school? A work-study job can help. 

The federal work-study program ensures part-time jobs are available to undergraduate and graduate students with financial need. 

How do you apply for the program? 

How much money can you make? 

What types of jobs can you get? 

Are work-study jobs better than traditional part-time jobs? 

Great questions! We’ll answer all of them (and more) in this guide so you know exactly what to do when you see your work-study award amount in your financial aid package. 

Let’s begin. 


What is the federal work-study program, federal work-study program eligibility and requirements, how to apply for the federal work-study program, how does the federal work-study program work, how much can you earn from work-study, state work-study programs, benefits of work-study jobs, work-study vs loans, more information on how to pay for college.

The federal work-study program is a government-funded program that helps undergraduate and graduate students secure part-time jobs to pay for education expenses. 

The money you earn from a work-study job supplements other forms of federal financial aid, such as grants and federal loans. You do not need to pay back money earned from work-study. 

Some colleges and universities partner with off-campus organizations, such as non-profits, to offer students work-study jobs. However, most work-study jobs are on-campus to ensure you can easily balance your work with your academic schedule.

Work-study jobs are also typically community-service oriented or related to your academic field. Some examples of work-study jobs include:

Hospital lab assistant

Library clerk 

Academic tutor

Child care provider 

Research assistant

College admissions student ambassador

Intern at an off-campus non-profit organization

Administrative staff support in an on-campus organization

Administrative staff support in an on-campus academic department 

Here are two examples of work-study positions at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) :

work study essay

If you have financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you’re likely eligible for the federal work-study program. 

The program is available to both part-time and full-time students at the undergraduate or graduate level. 

According to the U.S. Department of Education, around 3,400 colleges and universities currently offer students the opportunity to participate in the federal work-study program. 

However, not all schools offer work-study. To ensure your school participates in the federal work-study program, check with the financial aid office.

To apply for the federal work-study program, you just need to submit the FAFSA. 

The FAFSA opens to applicants every year on October 1 (though in 2023/24 there were serious errors and delays). If you’ve never filled out the FAFSA or have doubts about completing it, check out this resource: How to FAFSA . 

We recommend submitting the FAFSA as early as possible since, like all forms of federal financial aid, schools have limited work-study funds available. 

You’ll know if you qualify for work-study and exactly how much you can earn for one academic year when you receive your financial aid award letter. You’ll typically receive this letter a few weeks or months after submitting the FAFSA.

If your financial aid award letter does not include a work-study offer but you believe you should qualify, consider submitting a financial aid appeal letter . 

Submitting the FAFSA and receiving an offer for work-study in your financial aid package are just the first steps. You’ll still need to find, apply, and secure a work-study job on your own. 

Fortunately, many colleges and universities make it easy for students to find work-study jobs. 

Typically, there will be an online job portal that lists open positions for students qualifying for work-study. The link we shared above for USCF students is one such example.  

After submitting a job application, you’ll likely need to attend an interview with the employer and, if hired, agree to a set of responsibilities and schedule.

The schedule for most work-study jobs is flexible so that work does not interfere with your academic commitments.

Undergraduate students can earn between $1,000 to $4,000 per year from work study. Graduate students can earn up to $5,000 per year.

According to Sallie Mae's “ How America Pays for College 2023 Report ”, the average amount awarded for work-study is $1,821. 

Undergraduate students with work-study jobs get paid by the hour at least once a month. Graduate students may also be paid by the hour or receive a monthly salary. 

All work-study jobs pay at least the federal minimum hourly wage. However, you can only earn up to the amount listed on your financial award letter.

For example, if you’re offered $2,500 for a year of work-study and take a job paying $30 per hour, you can only work around 83 hours during the entire academic year. You also have the flexibility to work fewer hours and earn less than the total amount offered.

There’s also no obligation to take a work-study job if you don’t want one. If you don’t get a work-study job, the money offered to you will simply go back to the university’s financial aid funds.

Even if your school does not participate in the federal work-study program, you may still be able to find a work-study job through a state-funded program. 

State work-study programs may also be a good option if you’d like to explore more job options than those listed by your school. 

The following links provide more information on several state work-study programs:

Florida Work Experience Program  

Minnesota State Work Study Program

Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program

Pennsylvania PA State Work-Study Program

California Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP)

The eligibility requirements for these programs vary. But typically, you’ll need to be a state resident, submit a federal and/or state financial aid form, and demonstrate financial need. 

State work-study programs are not currently available in every state. Check with your school’s financial aid department or your state's department of higher education for more information.

Some part-time jobs pay more than work-study jobs. So, why would you consider applying for this type of job? Here are a few top benefits of work-study jobs that can make them the better option. 

You have job security on campus 

A typical part-time job might require you to spend hours commuting, eating into your valuable time and potentially causing fatigue before even starting your shift.

Most work-study jobs are on-campus, making it easy to balance your work commitments with your academic responsibilities.

You’re also less likely to be laid off unexpectedly or have your hours cut from work-study jobs since the employer receives the funds to pay you directly through a government-funded program.

Your hours and schedule are flexible

You can only work a set number of hours with a work-study job. 

Typically, the employer is mindful of your academic schedule and won’t require you to work more hours than you can handle while balancing your studies. You can easily cut down your hours if your school work becomes more demanding, say during final exam periods. 

You also won’t have to worry about taking time off during regular holidays and breaks when your campus is closed.  

Your earned income doesn’t affect your financial aid eligibility 

Unlike money earned from a typical part-time job, the money you get from a work-study job isn’t calculated into your FAFSA. 

That means the money you earn from work-study won't reduce your eligibility for financial aid, allowing you to earn income without risking your financial assistance.

You still need to report the money you earn on federal and state income taxes. However, your work-study income is exempt if you work less than 20 hours per week and attend school full-time. 

You can minimize student loans 

As mentioned earlier in this guide, you don’t need to pay back the money earned from work-study jobs. 

That means money earned from work-study is much better than money received through student loans, which must be paid back after you graduate, with interest. (See next section for more.)  

There are also no requirements on how you spend the money earned from a work-study job. Most students use the money to pay for everyday expenses while attending school. 

If you have to choose between getting a work-study job or taking out an additional student loan, we highly recommend you choose the job. 

At the end of 2023, the average college graduate with a four-year bachelor’s degree had  $37,090 in student loan debt , according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid. 

According to the Education Data Initiative, it also takes the average borrower 20 years to pay back student loans .

Of course, with a limit on how much you can work and earn per year, a work-study job won’t eliminate every student’s need for student loans. 

But suppose you can cover some of your expenses through a work-study job. In that case, you'll reduce the amount you need to borrow in student loans, ultimately lowering your overall debt burden upon graduation.

Need more advice on how to find your college or graduate education without getting into frustrating student loan debt? Check out these resources:

How to pay for college in 4 steps

How to pay for grad school

Crash Course on How to Pay for College (Using as Little of Your Own Money as Possible)

A guide on how to pay for grad school

Special thanks to Ameer Drane for writing this blog post.

work study essay

Ameer is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about college admissions and career development. Prior to freelancing, Ameer worked for three years as a college admissions consultant at a Hong Kong-based education center, helping local high school students prepare and apply for top colleges and universities in the US. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from UCLA. When he’s not working, Ameer loves traveling, weight lifting, writing, reading, and learning foreign languages. He currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Top values: Growth / Diversity / Empathy

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Home › University › How To Write A Personal Statement? 10 Tips + Student Questions Answered › How To Write About Work Experience In Your Personal Statement

How To Write About Work Experience In Your Personal Statement

  • Published October 25, 2021

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Table of Contents

We get it – you’re dying to include your work experience in your personal statement, but how do you write about work experience in your personal statement ? Work experience is an essential component of your personal statement . It shows that you are passionate and knowledgeable about your chosen course. Some courses require prior work experience before you can apply.

So if you’re looking for a way to showcase your work experience, this blog post is just what you need. Learn how to write about work experience effectively in your statement to help you stand out from the crowd and get into the university of your dreams.

Female writing on notebook and in front laptop

Check The Course Requirements For Work Experience

Some courses require you to have work experience before applying (e.g. medical courses.) You may need to complete a certain number of working hours before you’re eligible. It’s best to check out the course requirements before writing your work experience personal statement. If you’re thinking of applying to medicine then check out our medical personal statement advice , likewise with our how to write a law personal statement .

With that said, other courses don’t require work experience. But it does elevate your personal statement if you have relevant work experiences to share.

Examples Of Work Experience

Man and woman passing donation box

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to writing your work experience personal statement is determining whether an activity counts as “work experience” or not. Here are examples of work experience you may need to include:

  • Extracurricular Activities

These are activities that are not included within your formal curriculum. Being a member of the sports team, debate club, Red Cross, or theatre group are good examples.

  • Formal Work Placements

Formal work placements are exposures to real-world experience. These are often required as part of your curriculum.

  • Volunteer Work

There are tons of volunteer work you could’ve participated in. Maybe you helped out at animal shelters, environmental conservation activities, or feeding programs.

  • Part-Time Jobs

Part-time jobs are significant for your work experience personal statement. Working as a customer service agent, freelance writer, or salesperson at a local store demonstrates a sense of responsibility on your part. Mention what’s relevant to the course you’re applying for! Competitions. Look out for competitions in areas that interest you, for example, design, writing, maths, or business.

  • Personal Projects

Your personal projects reflect what you love doing. That’s why there’s a high probability they’re related to the course you’re applying for.

If you love coding, you may have built websites. Love writing? Maybe you’ve set up your own blog! Write them down in your work experience personal statement.

  • Leadership Positions

If you occupied leadership positions in your organisations relevant to your chosen course, mention them! Universities are on the lookout for motivated individuals willing to take responsibility.

The list of work experiences to include in your personal statement hopefully helps, but make sure to check out our what not to put in a personal statement .

Writing down your leadership positions can take your work experience personal statement up a higher notch.

State Your Work Experience

Woman talking to manager at work

You now have a solid idea of relevant work experience you need to include in your personal statement. But how will you present it? Here are questions to eliminate writer’s block:

Make good use of these starters to kick off your writing. Brainstorm all relevant details of your work experience. We’ll sort them out later. And, if you’re wondering how to start a personal statement then wonder no more!

Discuss What You Learned, And Why It’s Essential

After stating the facts about your work experience, it’s time to get to the heart of the matter. You are writing your work experience personal statement not to brag about your achievements, but showing why you’re serious about your course .

That’s why discussing what you learned is essential. Beyond your role, share what insights you’ve gained that helped shape your character.

If you’re not sure how to start, let these questions unknot your ideas:

  • How did this position impact you?
  • What are the primary skills you’ve gained that are relevant to your course?
  • How does this experience influence your decisions in pursuing your study goals?
  • How does this experience relate to your general ability to succeed in your course?
  • What are the major lessons you’ve learned that are helping you grow as an individual person ?
  • What is your biggest takeaway from this position?
  • Are there significant interactions that impacted your desire to take the course?

After answering these questions, craft a powerful paragraph that demonstrates how deep your understanding is.

The more interesting facts you share about yourself, the better. Bring your work experience personal statement to life with vivid details that convey essential ideas about who you are.

Ideas For Essential Skills

Man presenting to coworkers in office

You may be unaware of skills you possess that are relevant and essential for your course. To make sure you won’t forget to mention them, here are skill ideas common across fields:

  • The ability to communicate to higher-ups, colleagues, and clients
  • Perseverance amidst challenges
  • A sense of duty and obligation
  • Eagerness to serve the community, especially the marginalised
  • Critical thinking skills to overcome setbacks
  • Initiative to work independently
  • Knows how to work in a team setting
  • Shows energy and enthusiasm to
  • Motivation to work hard and do well

These are some of the common skills valuable across several fields of study. Among these, which describes you most? Go ahead and write about it!

Demonstrate Understanding Of The Course You’re Applying For

Your work experience should deepen your understanding of the course you’re applying for. Dig deeper and reflect on these points:

  • How is your course making a positive change in the world? If you’re eyeing health-related courses, explain how health workers significantly impact people’s lives. Do you want to apply for education-related courses? Relay a story of how significant educators in your life changed you for the better.
  • Mention the gaps and problems you see in the field. Do you see a severe lack of health facilities? Perhaps you’ve witnessed the challenges teachers and professors experience in the education system.
  • What do you plan to do about it? Demonstrate that you’re applying for your chosen course because you want to help solve the problems that you see. Convince the admissions board that you’re the person for the course by writing about your desire to be an agent of change!

Reach Out To People Who’ve Been Where You Want To Be

To enhance your work experience personal statement, reach out to people who’ve been where you want to be. University students and practising staff are the perfect individuals you can approach.

Set appointments with them and ask them about their experience. What is it like to be in their position? What are the challenges that they see? What are they doing to improve their field of study?

Best of all, solicit advice on how to write your work experience personal statement. What skills do the admissions boards search for?

Then go back to your personal statement and write about your new connections. Mention how their insights and advice shed greater light on how your work experience will help you succeed in your course.

Do this, and you’re guaranteed to show a richer work experience personal statement.

Read Up On The Current Situation Of Your Chosen Field

Soak up knowledge on the current challenges and breakthroughs of your chosen field. Read journal articles, news websites, and featured stories. You can also visit blogs written by practitioners or university students.

Make sure to cite authoritative sources and figures when discussing the status quo. Then weave the information back to your work experience.

Do you have similar experiences with the figures you’ve mentioned? Have they discussed situations you experienced yourself? How are you making a difference in the field? Will your perspective matter?

What a perfect way to build credibility for your work experience personal statement!

Check Out Work Experience Personal Statement Examples

You now have a rich draft of your work experience personal statement. But you’re unsure of how to word and structure it.

Why not check out work experience personal statement examples on the web? Examine how they presented their experiences and insights. Make sure to read as many examples as you can.

Choose your top 3 favourites and save them in your documents. If you’re short of ideas, go back to them. Don’t forget to highlight paragraphs, sentences, and words that inspire you.

Be Authentic And Vulnerable 

Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable in your work experience personal statement. The admissions board needs to know if you are genuinely passionate about this course or not, so don’t hold back!

But remember to stay authentic. Don’t overdramatise mundane events. State events as they happened, and share your realisations as they are. Authenticity is a precious factor!

Action The Above To ‘Work’ On Your Personal Statement

With the suggestions mentioned above, you’ll be able to craft a more compelling and impactful work experience personal statement. Understand that this is YOUR story. Don’t copy others’ work experience personal statements.

Make your own angle and spin, and rest assured that the admissions board will want to read about YOU in your chosen course!

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The bright future of working from home

There seems to be an endless tide of depressing news in this era of COVID-19. But one silver lining is the long-run explosion of working from home. Since March I have been talking to dozens of CEOs, senior managers, policymakers and journalists about the future of working from home. This has built on my own personal experience from running surveys about working from home and  an experiment  published in 2015 which saw a 13 percent increase in productivity by employees at a Chinese travel company called Ctrip who worked from home.

So here a few key themes that can hopefully make for some good news:

Mass working from home is here to stay

Once the COVID-19 pandemic passes, rates of people working from home will explode. In 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics  figures show  that 8 percent of all employees worked from home at least one day a week.

I see these numbers more than doubling in a post-pandemic world.  I suspect almost all employees who can work from home —  which is estimated  at about 40 percent of employees ­— will be allowed to work from home at least one day a week.

Why? Consider these three reasons

Fear of crowds.

Even if COVID-19 passes, the fear of future pandemics will motivate people to move away from urban centers and avoid public transport. So firms will struggle to get their employees back to the office on a daily basis. With the pandemic, working from home has become a standard perk, like sick-leave or health insurance.

Investments in telecommuting technology

By now, we have plenty of experience working from home. We’ve become adept at video conferencing. We’ve fine-tuned our home offices and rescheduled our days. Similarly, offices have tried out, improved and refined life for home-based work forces. In short, we have all paid the startup cost for learning how to work from home, making it far easier to continue.

The end of stigma

Finally, the stigma of working from home has evaporated. Before COVID-19, I frequently heard comments like, “working from home is shirking from home,” or “working remotely is remotely working.” I remember Boris Johnson, who was Mayor of London in 2012 when the London Olympics closed the city down for three weeks, saying working from home was “a skivers paradise.” No longer. All of us have now tried this and we understand we can potentially work effectively — if you have your own room and no kids — at home.

Of course, working from home was already trending up due to improved technology and remote monitoring. It is relatively cheap and easy to buy a top-end laptop and connect it to broadband internet service. This technology also makes it easier to monitor employees at home. Indeed, one senior manager recently told me: “We already track our employees — we know how many emails they send, meetings they attend or documents they write using our office management system. So monitoring them at home is really no different from monitoring them in the office. I see how they are doing and what they are doing whether they are at home or in the office.”

This is not only good news for firms in terms of boosting employee morale while improving productivity, but can also free up significant office space. In our China experiment, Ctrip calculated it increased profits by $2,000 per employee who worked from home.

Best practices in working from home post pandemic

Many of us are currently working from home full-time, with kids in the house, often in shared rooms, bedrooms or even bathrooms. So if working from home is going to continue and even increase once the pandemic is over, there are a few lessons we’ve learned to make telecommuting more effective. Let’s take a look:

Working from home should be part-time

I think the ideal schedule is Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the office and Tuesday and Thursday at home. Most of us need time in the office to stay motivated and creative. Face-to-face meetings are important for spurring and developing new ideas, and at least personally I find it hard to stay focused day after day at home. But we also need peaceful time at home to concentrate, undertake longer-term thinking and often to catch-up on tedious paperwork. And spending the same regular three days in the office each week means we can schedule meetings, lunches, coffees, etc., around that, and plan our “concentration work” during our two days at home.

The choice of Tuesday and Thursday at home comes from talking to managers who are often fearful that a work-from-home day — particularly if attached to a weekend — will turn into a beach day. So Tuesday and Thursday at home avoids creating a big block of days that the boss and the boss of the boss may fear employees may use for unauthorized mini-breaks.

Working from home should be a choice

I found in the Ctrip experiment that many people did not want to work from home. Of the 1,000 employees we asked, only 50 percent volunteered to work from home four days a week for a nine-month stretch. Those who took the offer were typically older married employees with kids. For many younger workers, the office is a core part of their social life, and like the Chinese employees, would happily commute in and out of work each day to see their colleagues. Indeed,  surveys in the U.S.  suggest up to one-third of us meet our future spouses at work.

Working from home should be flexible

After the end of the 9-month Ctrip experiment, we asked all volunteers if they wanted to continue working from home. Surprisingly, 50 percent of them opted to return to the office. The saying is “the three great enemies of working from home are the fridge, the bed and the TV,” and many of them fell victim to one of them. They told us it was hard to predict in advance, but after a couple of months working from home they figured out if it worked for them or not. And after we let the less-successful home-based employees return to the office, those remaining had a 25 percent higher rate of productivity.

Working from home is a privilege

Working from home for employees should be a perk. In our Ctrip experiment, home-based workers increased their productivity by 13 percent. So on average were being highly productive. But there is always the fear that one or two employees may abuse the system. So those whose performance drops at home should be warned, and if necessary recalled into the office for a couple of months before they are given a second chance.

There are two other impacts of working from home that should be addressed

The first deals with the decline in prices for urban commercial and residential spaces. The impact of a massive roll-out in working from home is likely to be falling demand for both housing and office space in the center of cities like New York and San Francisco. Ever since the 1980s, the centers of large U.S. cities have become denser and more expensive. Younger graduate workers in particular have flocked to city centers and pushed up housing and office prices. This 40-year year bull run  has ended .

If prices fell back to their levels in say the 1990s or 2000s this would lead to massive drops of 50 percent or more in city-center apartment and office prices. In reverse, the suburbs may be staging a comeback. If COVID-19 pushed people to part-time working from home and part-time commuting by car, the suburbs are the natural place to locate these smaller drivable offices. The upside to this is the affordability crisis of apartments in city centers could be coming to an end as property prices drop.

The second impact I see is a risk of increased political polarization. In the 1950s, Americans all watched the same media, often lived in similar areas and attended similar schools. By the 2020s, media has become fragmented, residential segregation by income has  increased dramatically , and even our schools are starting to fragment with the rise of charter schools.

The one constant equalizer — until recently — was the workplace. We all have to come into work and talk to our colleagues. Hence, those on the extreme left or right are forced to confront others over lunch and in breaks, hopefully moderating their views. If we end up increasing our time at home — particularly during the COVID lock-down — I worry about an explosion of radical political views.

But with an understanding of these risks and some forethought for how to mitigate them, a future with more of us working from home can certainly work well.

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How to Balance Studies With Work

In the present world, managing work, study and family is a serious issue among many individuals. When studies come along the way of work or family, life gets more hectic. We should be able to spend time for study, work as well as family. Effectively balancing studies with work and other important activities of our life including family time, sports, hobbies etc requires efficient management of time and activities. Time is the most precious factor here and for many, there is too much to do within a small time. This essay inspects some steps that can be taken to create a balance between study, work and family.

How to balance studies with work and/or family demand?

Effectively balancing studies with work and other important activities of our life including family time, sports, hobbies etc requires efficient management of time and activities. Making a perfect model of study – work – family is almost impossible. Each individual has his/her own set of responsibilities. Time is the most precious factor here and for many, there is too much to do within a small time. Targeting for a perfect balance between studies and life may not be possible but it is the best if we can plan our life accordingly, so that activities which require high priority are given adequate attention.

Balancing studies with work and life involves realizing the right philosophy of life. The balance depends on how we want to live our life – whether to have a busy schedule with all work and no studies, or to live our life the fullest with family. Our ambitions on a career or studies should never be impaired by work or family. For that, the first step is to set goals for our life. We should review our life from time to time to see how much closer we are approaching to the goal. We should assess what is important and what is not. Some matters may appear urgent to us. A proper assessment on whether it is actually important is the factor for balancing life.

Priorities of life should be set with the goals. As a full time working single mother of two children, my most important priority will be my children. Raising them as good responsible citizens must be my top priority like any other mother. For me my family is thus the most important thing in life. But at times, work priorities may take more of the family and study time than intended.

In order to balance studies with family, focus should be on spending quality time with the family members. It is the quality of the time spent that is considered than the quantity. Family members will appreciate us more if we could attend to them when they are in need like for attending meetings in children’s schools or taking the kids out for their birthday.

When studies come along the way of work or family, life gets more hectic. We should be able to spend time for study, work as well as family. The first step is to talk to the family about the nature of our study and the requirements like time, quietness etc. Without the support of the family members, one will not be able to study or work. Family members should be convinced about the need to study and should be supportive and cooperative. This can act as a great confidence booster for the study. Also one should have a clear cut focus on the topic of study and its purpose. The pros and cons of studying a subject should be analyzed.

The next step is to choose the most suitable work. If the present work timings do not provide ample time for studies and family, it will be better to find a job that is more flexible with the time schedule. The nature of the work and the character of the colleagues and employers should be considered before attempting to start studying. A person with a hectic and tiring job schedule will end up being more tired at the end of the day leaving no time for study or family. Late hour working and over time works should be avoided completely to strike a balance between work and study. It is better to adopt target oriented work which allows flextime working schedules so that studying in between is possible.

Setting up a timetable for each day of the week and following it religiously will impart good results in studying. The timetable should consider immediate needs as well as not so essential needs. An important factor to bear in mind while constructing the time table is to make it as realistic as possible. Motivating ourselves is an inevitable step that should be taken to avoid conflicts between study and work. The biggest challenge that will be faced is to concentrate on the studies after a day’s work. Work issues will creep into the minds when studying making it impossible to study properly. Work issues for the day have to be settled before studying.

Keeping a track of deadlines and important dates at work, study and family is strongly advised. “Try to plan ahead. If you know a busy time is coming up on your course or at your place of work, plan ahead as much as possible and try to move things around to create a balance.” (Combining Work and Study, 1). Seeking advice and support from the tutor will help to solve problems at study better and will reduce frustration.

Finding time for relaxation can actually boost the quality of time spent for studies or work. Relaxing with the family members and getting their support and care can make studying worriless.

Finally, balancing between study and work or family is a matter of practice than theory. Implementing these theories in life requires great effort. Self motivation and mental strength are the most important requirements to balance study with work and family.

Works Cited

Combining Work and Study . University of Bath Students Union. 2009. Web.

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Essay on Work-Study | Techniques | Production Management

work study essay

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Work-Study 2. Area of Work-Study 3. Objective 4. Procedure 5. Advantages 6. Techniques.

Meaning of Work-Study:

Work-study is term for those techniques which evaluate the performance of tasks in an enterprise in context with the level of performance of various factors. It is concerned with efforts, time, materials, equipments and space used by an effective management in obtaining the goal of the enterprise. The main stress of work-study is to examine the human works in all its context and to motivate the human efforts at all levels to make the life productive.

A few definitions of work-study reproduced below will help to understand the meaning of work-study:

(i) “The work-study may be defined as one of the management techniques which can be applied to achieve the optimum use of the resources available to an establishment for the accomplishment of the work.” – Brig. K. Pannathar.


(ii) “The systematic, objective and critical examination of all the factors governing the operational efficiency of any specified activity in order to effective management.” – Russel M. Currie.

Thus work-study is designed to bring out how much better a job could be done rather than show up how much badly it is being done. The task of finding a better method is termed as work-study. It investigates all the factors which affect the efficiency and economy of the situations being reviewed in order to effect improvement.

Thus, work-study immensely affects the productivity of concern, costs, better use of available resources and planning and control devices. It aims at and results in greater productivity through improved methods with less costs and efforts and improved production.

Area of Work-Study:

Work-study techniques can be effectively applied anywhere human work is performed.

The techniques of work-study are necessary in the following circumstances:

(i) Where process is time consuming and there is delay in work performance.

(ii) Rejection of finished goods at high rate.

(iii) If there is low efficiency in production.

(iv) Where incentive wage plans for workers are being introduced.

(v) Work-study techniques are also needed to improve the bad working habits of the untrained workers.

(vi) Problems in layout also demand the application of work-study techniques.

Objective of Work-Study:

Work-study is a short term approach to the problems of productivity.

The principal objective of work-study may be enumerated as:

(i) To ensure the best possible and most effective use of existing or potential resources of the firm.

(ii) To establish the most economical ways of performing the job considering the various limitations.

(iii) To secure proper performance of the plant, methods and materials through standardization process. By standardization process, better quality and higher production can be ensured.

(iv) To determine the time required (standard time! to perform a standard task at a given level of performance by a qualified trained operator. It helps in fixing the wages of different categories of personnel.

(v) To introduce the methods and standards as accepted routine practice.

Procedure of Work-Study:

Work-study is a procedure oriented and systematic study to establish the one best way (standard) method of doing an operation by investigation and analysis of all the details regarding the job or operation carried out as per the established standard method.

In effective work-study following procedure should be adopted:

(i) Select:

In this step the work (i.e., job or process), to be studied, is selected.

(ii) Record:

After selection, all the details concerning job are recorded by using various recording techniques such as graphical representation methods.

(iii) Examination/Evaluation:

All the concerning facts related with purpose, place, person, means along with some questions like who, what when, where are examined.

(iv) Develop:

Development of alternative and economical method.

(v) Measure:

It relates with the amount of work and standard time for each process.

(vi) Define:

Select the best possible and economical method and define it.

(vii) Install:

Installation of new selected method.

(viii) Maintain:

Maintain new method as per the standards.

Work-Study Procedure

Advantages of Work-Study :

As we know work-study forms the basis for work system design. The purpose of work design is to identify the most effective means of achieving necessary functions.

The main advantages can be summarized as:

(i) It is a means of enhancing the productivity of any industry by reducing wastages and not required processes.

(ii) It eliminates the unvalued operations by examining the factors affecting work.

(iii) For establishing time standards it is very accurate and systematic process.

(iv) It gives contribution in profit by saving expenditures on unnecessary activities.

(v) It assists in achieving the smooth and efficient production flow with minimum problems.

(vi) Developing better employee-employer relationship with harmony.

(vii) Enhancing the delivery commitment.

(viii) Higher utilization of resources leads to minimum rejection and wastages.

(ix) Better working environment and layout.

(x) Helps in standardization and simplification.

(xi) It also helps in planning regarding manpower, scheduling, routing and controlling activities in industry.

Techniques of Work-Study :

Study is encompassed by two techniques i.e. method study and work-measurements (or time-measurement) or (Time-study) as shown in fig. (1.7).

Work-Study Techniques

(I) Method-Study:

It is concerned with the systematic recording, analysis and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of performing a particular job and find out and develop the best and most effective way or method of doing the job after proper analysis. The modern concept of method study is a development of Gilbenth’s technique of motion-study.

According to different thinkers, the following are the main objectives of method-study:

(a) Improvement of the process of production.

(b) Improvement in the design and layout of a factory, a shop or a work-place.

(c) Economy in human efforts and reduction in unnecessary motions causing fatigue.

(d) Improvement in the use of materials, machines and manpower.

(e) Development of better working conditions.

(II) Time-Study (Work-Measurement):

It is the application of techniques designed to establish the work-content of a specified task to determine the time required for carrying out at a defined standard of performance by a skilled worker.

In other words, the output from a given machine is calculated by measuring the time required to perform a task. Work measurement is also known as time-study. Method or work design is a prerequisite for efficient work-measurement technique.

According to different thinkers, the time-study attempts to measure not only the minimum time required for work-content of the task but also the time added by the following factors and suggest measures to eliminate or minimise this time.

These factors are:

(a) Ineffective methods of production.

(b) Defects in design and specification of the product.

(c) Ineffective time within control of management, and

(d) Ineffective time with the control of workers.

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  • Comparing and contrasting in an essay | Tips & examples

Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on August 6, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

Comparing and contrasting is an important skill in academic writing . It involves taking two or more subjects and analyzing the differences and similarities between them.

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Table of contents

When should i compare and contrast, making effective comparisons, comparing and contrasting as a brainstorming tool, structuring your comparisons, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about comparing and contrasting.

Many assignments will invite you to make comparisons quite explicitly, as in these prompts.

  • Compare the treatment of the theme of beauty in the poetry of William Wordsworth and John Keats.
  • Compare and contrast in-class and distance learning. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Some other prompts may not directly ask you to compare and contrast, but present you with a topic where comparing and contrasting could be a good approach.

One way to approach this essay might be to contrast the situation before the Great Depression with the situation during it, to highlight how large a difference it made.

Comparing and contrasting is also used in all kinds of academic contexts where it’s not explicitly prompted. For example, a literature review involves comparing and contrasting different studies on your topic, and an argumentative essay may involve weighing up the pros and cons of different arguments.

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As the name suggests, comparing and contrasting is about identifying both similarities and differences. You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must be some grounds for comparison in the first place.

For example, you might contrast French society before and after the French Revolution; you’d likely find many differences, but there would be a valid basis for comparison. However, if you contrasted pre-revolutionary France with Han-dynasty China, your reader might wonder why you chose to compare these two societies.

This is why it’s important to clarify the point of your comparisons by writing a focused thesis statement . Every element of an essay should serve your central argument in some way. Consider what you’re trying to accomplish with any comparisons you make, and be sure to make this clear to the reader.

Comparing and contrasting can be a useful tool to help organize your thoughts before you begin writing any type of academic text. You might use it to compare different theories and approaches you’ve encountered in your preliminary research, for example.

Let’s say your research involves the competing psychological approaches of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. You might make a table to summarize the key differences between them.

Or say you’re writing about the major global conflicts of the twentieth century. You might visualize the key similarities and differences in a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between World War I, World War II, and the Cold War.

These visualizations wouldn’t make it into your actual writing, so they don’t have to be very formal in terms of phrasing or presentation. The point of comparing and contrasting at this stage is to help you organize and shape your ideas to aid you in structuring your arguments.

When comparing and contrasting in an essay, there are two main ways to structure your comparisons: the alternating method and the block method.

The alternating method

In the alternating method, you structure your text according to what aspect you’re comparing. You cover both your subjects side by side in terms of a specific point of comparison. Your text is structured like this:

Mouse over the example paragraph below to see how this approach works.

One challenge teachers face is identifying and assisting students who are struggling without disrupting the rest of the class. In a traditional classroom environment, the teacher can easily identify when a student is struggling based on their demeanor in class or simply by regularly checking on students during exercises. They can then offer assistance quietly during the exercise or discuss it further after class. Meanwhile, in a Zoom-based class, the lack of physical presence makes it more difficult to pay attention to individual students’ responses and notice frustrations, and there is less flexibility to speak with students privately to offer assistance. In this case, therefore, the traditional classroom environment holds the advantage, although it appears likely that aiding students in a virtual classroom environment will become easier as the technology, and teachers’ familiarity with it, improves.

The block method

In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects you’re comparing in a block. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you’ve already said about the first. Your text is structured like this:

  • Point of comparison A
  • Point of comparison B

The most commonly cited advantage of distance learning is the flexibility and accessibility it offers. Rather than being required to travel to a specific location every week (and to live near enough to feasibly do so), students can participate from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows not only for a wider geographical spread of students but for the possibility of studying while travelling. However, distance learning presents its own accessibility challenges; not all students have a stable internet connection and a computer or other device with which to participate in online classes, and less technologically literate students and teachers may struggle with the technical aspects of class participation. Furthermore, discomfort and distractions can hinder an individual student’s ability to engage with the class from home, creating divergent learning experiences for different students. Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

Note that these two methods can be combined; these two example paragraphs could both be part of the same essay, but it’s wise to use an essay outline to plan out which approach you’re taking in each paragraph.

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Some essay prompts include the keywords “compare” and/or “contrast.” In these cases, an essay structured around comparing and contrasting is the appropriate response.

Comparing and contrasting is also a useful approach in all kinds of academic writing : You might compare different studies in a literature review , weigh up different arguments in an argumentative essay , or consider different theoretical approaches in a theoretical framework .

Your subjects might be very different or quite similar, but it’s important that there be meaningful grounds for comparison . You can probably describe many differences between a cat and a bicycle, but there isn’t really any connection between them to justify the comparison.

You’ll have to write a thesis statement explaining the central point you want to make in your essay , so be sure to know in advance what connects your subjects and makes them worth comparing.

Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:

  • The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time.
  • The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

It’s also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from

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Job vs Education

Studying vs Working? What Is Better for You?

L K Monu Borkala

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of furthering your education before applying for a job?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting a job after basic graduation?

Although this is a very debatable topic, through this article, we will try and give an unbiased view from both angles that will help you make a wiser decision.

After completing your graduation, you are often confronted with the thought- higher education or job, which one should you go in for?

Though one particular answer may not be the right one for everyone, it depends on your priorities that define the answer. Let us look at both the cases and then try and conclude a possible definite answer.

While some would argue that educational qualification is directly proportional to the level of job you get, others would say that education has least to do with your job. It is only the experience you have that ultimately matters.

Higher Education Before a Job

Students throwing their graduation caps

1. Higher Education Is Closely Related to Higher Incomes

Here the argument stands that the higher the education, the higher the income.

A survey conducted by the National Centre for Education Statistics stated that for 25- to 34-year-olds who worked full time, year-round, higher educational attainment was associated with higher median earnings; this pattern was consistent from 2000 through 2018.

For example, in 2018, the median earnings of those with a master’s or higher degree were $65,000, some 19 percent higher than those with a bachelor’s degree ($54,700).

In the same year, the median earnings of those with a bachelor’s degree were 57 percent higher than the earnings of high school completers ($34,900), and the median earnings of high school completers were 25 percent higher than the earnings of those who did not complete high school ($27,900).

This pattern of higher incomes associated with higher levels of educational attainment also held for both males and females and for those who were White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian.

According to a research article published in May 2020 by The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics , states that Education leads to higher wages and lower unemployment.

The data collected showed that those possessing a doctoral degree earned more than a person holding a professional degree who earned more than a master’s degree holder and so on.

2. Great Performance Leads to Better Academic Qualifications

Great scores in high school or graduate level can allow you to apply for scholarships and other financial aid.

3. Better Education Leads to Lower Rates of Unemployment

Education most definitely leads to employment. Without education, employees will not be in a position to fill vacancies with skilled manpower.

Therefore, the more education, the fewer chances of unemployment.

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4. Higher Education Is Important for Careers Initially

In the argument working Vs. Studying, the ones supporting studying state that the higher your education is, the better chances of a great start in your career.

They argue that getting a  job in the first place is a tough task. People get jobs based on their qualifications.

Keeping a job and climbing up the corporate ladder may depend on your output and your experience, but getting the job in the first place depends on your level of education.

The more you study, the better you are prepared for the future. Research conducted by the Association of American colleges and Universities states 80% of employers believe that it is important to have a college education.

When it comes to answering the question of higher education or job, some people say that higher education prepares you for the skills required in the future . Many times theory teaches you what your experience can not.

5. Eliminates Training Period

Many argue that when it comes to Studying Vs. Working, people who study and then apply for a job can be absorbed on the job without spending much time on training for the job.

This saves the employer the time and effort of training.

Why Opt for A Job?

Happy Employee

They argue that when it comes to deciding between a job or higher education, one must definitely opt for a job.

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1. Internships Completed While Studying Count as Work Experience

Those who are for working more than studying say that internships , projects, and assignments completed during the college days are also considered as work experiences.

Employers look at all these work experiences before hiring a prospective professional. Apart from degrees of education, employers look at work experience while studying.

In an article published in The Chronicle of Higher Education and written by George D Kuh , he states that experience can be the best teacher .

He further states that “research suggests that working during college is related to acquiring such employer-preferred skills as teamwork and time management .”

2. Degrees Have Nothing to Do with The Level of Output

The best example is that of Steve Job, Co-founder of Apple inc. Apparently, Steve Jobs had not finished any formal degree of education.

In fact, he dropped out of college after one semester, and his highest qualification was high school.  Therefore, it is evident that the level of education has nothing to do with your capabilities.

3. A Degree Lapses with Time

Many argue that degrees attained almost 20 to 30 years ago are irrelevant today because of the fast-changing technology.

It is the work experience that matters today. They state that in the debate Working vs. Studying, it is advisable to always choose to work because work experience is what will get your career soaring.

4. Loss of Time

Every year spent furthering your education is a year of experience lost. Some believe that you can further your education at any point in time, even while working, through certificate courses and online channels.

Spending a lot of time on higher education instead of working will result in a lot of time waste.

5. While Working Your Earn Money

The best part about starting to work early is that you earn a good amount of money. Higher studies involve expenses for courses and other expenses.

However, starting to work means you get to earn good money early on.

The bottom line when it comes to choosing between higher education or a job is that a mix of both would be ideal.

A good degree that shows employers you have the educational qualifications and a few internships completed while studying will make a perfect balance.

While looking for a job, employers look at both educational qualifications and work experience.

Educational qualifications let the employer know that you have the skill and technical know-how to perform.

In contrast work experience eliminates the time and money , an employer may have to spend on training a candidate.

In conclusion, we can say that working Vs. studying both have their pros and cons. Determining what suits you is more important.

Sometimes financial constraints can drive one to take the decision to work rather than to study further. Or an economic slowdown can make a student study further rather than look for a job.

So whatever you choose to do definitely depends on the circumstances you are in. Ultimately, both education and work experience go hand in hand when it comes to brighter career prospects.

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Essay on Hard Work

500 words essay on  hard work.

Hard work is an essential thing we all need in life. It is impossible to achieve greatness without working hard. In other words, an idle person cannot gain anything if they wish to sit and wait for something else. On the other hand, one who keeps working hard constantly will definitely gain success in life and this is exactly what essay on hard work will elaborate upon.

essay on hard work

Importance of Hard Work

Hard work is important and history has proved it time and again. The great Edison used to work for many hours a day and he dozed off on his laboratory table only with his books as his pillow.

Similarly, the prime minister of India, late Pt. Nehru used to work for 17 hours a day and seven days a week. He did not enjoy any holidays. Our great leader, Mahatma Gandhi worked round the clock to win freedom for our country.

Thus, we see that hard work paid off for all these people. One must be constantly vigil to work hard as it can help you achieve your dreams. As we say, man is born to work. Just like steel, he shines in use and rusts in rest.

When we work hard in life, we can achieve anything and overcome any obstacle. Moreover, we can also lead a better life knowing that we have put in our all and given our best to whatever work we are doing.

Key to Success

Hard work is definitely the key to success. What we earn by sweating our brow gives us greater happiness than something we get by a stroke of luck. As humans, we wish to achieve many things in life.

These things need hard work to be able to come true. Poverty is not the curse but idealness is. When we waste our time, time will also waste us. Hard work can help anyone achieve success. Great people were born in cottages but died in palaces.

Thus, it shows how through great work one can get the key to success. When you start working hard, you will notice changes in your life. You will become more disciplined and focused on your work.

Moreover, you will start seeing results within a short time. It is nothing but proof that when you work hard, things like determination, focus, concentration, come automatically to you. As a result, nothing will stop you from achieving success .

Success is not just someone being famous and rich in life. When you work hard and lead a comfortable life filled with love that is also a success. Hard work must not limit to work but also your personal life. When you put in hard work in work and relationships, life will prosper.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Hard Work

If we get the determination and focus, we can all work hard for a better future. It is important to concentrate as it ensures our work is finishing on time and in a better manner. Therefore, by working hard, we can increase our concentration power and open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ of Essay on Hard Work

Question 1: What is the importance of hard work?

Answer 1: Hard work teaches us discipline , dedication and determination. It is certainly important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Thus, we all must work hard.

Question 2: Does hard work lead to success?

Answer 2: Yes, hard work, together with the time will definitely lead to success. It is what can help you achieve a better life. Moreover, the harder you work, the more confident you will become in life.

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How Mercer’s CEO planned her own retirement–and succession

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Martine Ferland has spent more than 40 years on the front lines of retirement. This week, the CEO of Mercer and vice chair of Marsh McLennan is stepping down to start her own. Over the past five years, she has led the consulting giant to its best growth since 2008. In recent months, she’s also focused on facilitating a smooth transition for her successor, Pat Tomlinson. That includes traveling with him on a grand tour of Mercer’s global locations, holding weekly two-hour meetings on a wide range of topics, and letting Tomlinson own all the long-term decisions so they’re aligned with his vision.

She also gave him a book–a slim volume published last year by McKinsey called The Four Seasons of a CEO . Although it was not for sale (“a complete black market,”  Ferland jokes), she did secure an extra copy that she presented to Tomlinson a few weeks ago at her retirement party in London. (This collection of articles might give you a taste of McKinsey’s leadership advice.)

Leaders like to impart wisdom through gifting books–or writing them. George David gave Louis Chenevert half a dozen history books to read when handing over the reins as CEO at United Technologies Corp. in 2008. (While writing a story on David, he sent me the same collection; Lenin’s Tomb stood out.) Ferland often gives books to colleagues, with a current favorite being The Heart of Business by former Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly in 2021.

Tomlinson says he plans to read Four Seasons . “I have it right here!” he said on a Zoom call, reaching above his desk. While the first chapter on becoming a high-potential CEO candidate didn’t captivate him, he says the second “would be good to read over the next few weeks as it’s about your first six to twelve months.”

More important was joining Ferland on global visits, especially as Tomlinson has built his career in the U.S. Along with helping him build key relationships, he says, Ferland shows “how you get good economic growth and outcomes and doing it with empathy.”

When asked which books have influenced him, Tomlinson reaches for two: The 2004 classic Blue Ocean Strategy and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by executive coach Marshall Goldsmith in 2007. The latter came at a time in his career when he had to transition from building to influencing others as a leader. “Someone said, ‘Look, if you keep running things like this, you won’t have time for anything else.’ I gave that advice to somebody two days ago.”

Even for an HR consultancy, this CEO succession was unusually well-planned. “I wish I’d had an introduction similar to this one,” says Ferland, who recalls that her onboarding was rather short and sweet. Having helped her successor, her next best practice? Get out of the way.

Diane Brady [email protected]

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Working While Studying: Pros and Cons Essay

Modern students seek financial independence and opportunities to receive practical skills from an early age. Nowadays more than 57% of students worldwide work part-time to cover their living and tuition costs as well as to satisfy some higher personal demands (Richmond par.1).

Working while studying helps students to realize their potential and develop crucial professional skills. Only in the working environment, it is possible to gain invaluable practical experience and knowledge. Apart from financial rewards, students receive necessary team-working, organizational, planning, time-management, leadership, and decision-making skills. They learn how to deal with real situations, take full responsibility for their actions, and efficiently interact with their colleagues.

A person who is engaged in a busy working environment also develops interpersonal, communicational, and conflict handling skills (Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills 79). Moreover, employers are more favorable to those who already have working experience after graduation, especially if to speak about relatively prestigious positions (Wignall 21).

At the same time, working while studying entails many challenges. A student will face pressure and need to achieve the balance between work and studying process. The quality of his or her studies might deteriorate significantly, as well as social life. A working person faces the risk of nervousness and tiredness, which may affect his or her ability to retain and process information at the University. In some cases, over-exhaustion may even lead to health problems (Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills 78).

Thus, it is up to the student to decide whether he or she can combine studies with working. Working while studying might be exhausting and stressful, but it brings significant benefits to young people and facilitates their finding in the modern economically unstable world.

Works Cited

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2013. Working While Studying: A Follow-up to the Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2011/12 . Web.

Richmond, Leone. Student Part-time Work Increases . 2013. Web.

Wignall, Alice. The Guardian Postgraduate Guide . London, UK: Guardian, 2012. Print.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 30). Working While Studying: Pros and Cons.

"Working While Studying: Pros and Cons." IvyPanda , 30 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Working While Studying: Pros and Cons'. 30 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Working While Studying: Pros and Cons." October 30, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Working While Studying: Pros and Cons." October 30, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Working While Studying: Pros and Cons." October 30, 2023.

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