7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

NurseJournal Staff

If you are pursuing a career as a family nurse practitioner, you will likely be required to submit a personal essay. Your nurse practitioner personal statement explains why you want to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and is an important step in the graduate nursing program application process.

What you say in your nurse practitioner essay should tell the admissions committee who you are as a person and why you will make an effective and ethical nurse practitioner.

When answering the section on “why I want to be a nurse practitioner,” your response may come easily. Others might struggle with putting their reasons into words in an original and clear way. This guide will show you how to convey who you are and why you make an excellent candidate.

1. Be Specific

When you receive your essay questions, you will notice that they are reasonably generic. What the university is looking for, however, is how you turn that into something specific.

Don’t just outline your overall feelings about a full topic. Instead, go into detail and use specific examples from your personal experience that truly demonstrate your capabilities. Not only is this a better way of answering the question, but it also means your essay will be far more interesting. It will properly showcase your personality, which is a very important part of nursing.

2. Be Concise

Always remember that you are writing an essay and not the next great saga. Oftentimes, there will be a word count limit. However, if there isn’t, you shouldn’t write every little detail you come up with. What matters is that the information is complete and doesn’t go off-topic. Stick to the guidelines provided, as they have been given for a good reason (one of them is to test you on how well you can follow instructions). You must be concrete in your answers.

Admissions committees must get through dozens or hundreds of applications. If your nurse practitioner essay is too long, they’ll likely lose focus. In addition, nursing requires concise communication in daily work. If you come across as taking a long time to get to the point, this may leave an unprofessional impression.

3. Demonstrate Your Passion and Commitment

When you describe why you want to be a nurse practitioner, your passion and commitment should leap off the page and make the admissions committee excited to offer you a place. They should see you as the kind of student and colleague that they want to represent their school. You can do this by making sure that your nurse practitioner essay:

  • Shows how your experience and education motivate you
  • Describes specific motivators, such as mentors, experiences with nurses, or even experiences as a patient
  • Shows that you are committed to all aspects of nursing, including patient care, collaboration, cultural competence , and continual learning and improvement
  • Clearly summarizes these elements to match your background and passion to the school’s culture, as well as to nursing

Avoid clichés or general statements about why nursing is important. They already know that. What they don’t know — what you have to tell them — is why your passion will make you an excellent FNP.

4. Tell a Story

Storytelling is the most powerful and memorable form of communication. The stories we’ve lived shape who we are. Leverage the power of storytelling in your nurse practitioner essay.

  • Choose the right story and apply it to nursing. It doesn’t have to be about nursing specifically, but it needs to apply to nursing. Talk about instances where you’ve demonstrated teamwork, perseverance, crisis response skills, or communication successes.
  • Start with a vivid hook that makes the reader want to know what happens next.
  • Use clear language that helps the reader understand and identify with the choices you made.
  • Make stories about more than just yourself. Nursing is a team practice, and if you write as though you’re the only important character in the story, it can seem arrogant or self-involved.
  • Show empathy. Empathy doesn’t mean having a lot of feelings or dwelling on them. It means understanding others and meeting them where they are.
  • Customize your nurse practitioner essay to the program. What values does the school hold? How does the school site describe learning, teachers, and current students? Make these values and priorities stand out in your writing.

5. Highlight Your Strengths

Your essay is an opportunity for you to show what you are made of. Highlight all the things that are good about you, such as your education, your career, your background, and other experiences. Perhaps you have done volunteer work, or you have already been employed in the medical field. It is always a good idea to give some examples of the experiences you have had to demonstrate why you are good at what you do and why you want to become an FNP.

When highlighting these strengths, it is best to be specific and include examples. For instance, saying you are hardworking may sound like a good trait to focus on, but it could be more impactful to provide a specific example of how you have worked hard during your career. This will add credibility to your essay and reinforce your claims.

6. Keep it Professional

You want your nurse practitioner personal statement to be memorable, but only in the right way. Keep your tone professional and individual. Think of your essay as though you were a stranger reading it. Would you want the person who wrote this essay to be in charge of your or a loved one’s care?

Never make a colleague or patient look bad in your nurse practitioner essay. This is a surefire way to get rejected, as it comes across as unprofessional, unfair, and potentially unethical. While a sense of humor is invaluable for a nurse practitioner, humor is very difficult to convey to an audience you don’t know.

Avoid exaggerating, even for dramatic effect. While exaggerating might improve the story, obvious exaggeration will cast doubt on your professional judgment.

Lastly, don’t use foul language in your nurse practitioner essay. Just like humor, while many nurses use it as a coping method, they are careful about their intended audience.

7. Edit Again and Again

Finally, once you have completed your essay, proofread it. After that, give it to someone else to proofread and then edit it once more yourself. Spelling errors, typos, and layout problems are certain to have your application denied because they show a lack of attention to detail. Share your essay with as many people as possible and ask for their suggestions and edits before you finally submit it.

Remember that the faculty members of the FNP program you are applying for also look at how well you can write. Clear communication will be an important skill for successful FNPs. Hence, you must make sure that your essay is well-reviewed and well-written. This is also why you should start developing your essay as early as possible, as this is not a job that can be rushed.

Putting Pen to Paper

Think of your nurse practitioner essay as a way to show who you are, to reflect what is most important to you, and why you will be an excellent FNP.

If you’re not sure where to start, try having a conversation with a friend who is a good listener and have them ask you questions about why you want to be a nurse practitioner. Ask them to probe into what you say and tell you when something comes across as especially meaningful or significant.

Begin by writing anything at all about “why I want to be a nurse practitioner.” Turn your inner editor off. For this first step, the goal is quantity, not quality. Either as you keep writing or when you review it later, you’ll usually find something valuable you can use.

A few final tips:

  • Start early. Even if you’re not sure when you’ll want to earn your MSN, you can start keeping notes now. Once you know when you want to apply, outlining your nurse practitioner essay months ahead will pay off.
  • Ask a variety of people to review your writing. Different people bring different perspectives.
  • Think of it not just as an essay but as a chance for reflection. This is another reason to start early, since this kind of reflection can bring new insights that you’ll want to use.
  • Remember that the better your nurse practitioner personal statement reflects you, the better the decision the committee can make. Be your best self, but be yourself.

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A world-class city filled with art and culture and an incredible campus that offers cutting edge resources–that’s what students receive at Penn Nursing. And that’s just the start. Penn Nursing and the wider university offer something for everyone, as well as a lifelong community.

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Penn Nursing is globally known for educating dynamic nurses—because our School values evidence-based science and health equity. That’s where our expertise lies, whether in research, practice, community health, or beyond. Everything we do upholds a through-line of innovation, encouraging our exceptional students, alumni, and faculty share their knowledge and skills to reshape health care.

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Penn Nursing students are bold and unafraid, ready to embrace any challenge that comes their way. Whether you are exploring a career in nursing or interested in advancing your nursing career, a Penn Nursing education will help you meet your goals and become an innovative leader, prepared to change the face of health and wellness.

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Penn Nursing is the #1-ranked nursing school in the world. Its highly-ranked programs help develop highly-skilled leaders in health care who are prepared to work alongside communities to tackle issues of health equity and social justice to improve health and wellness for everyone.

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Penn Nursing’s rigorous academic curricula are taught by world renowned experts, ensuring that students at every level receive an exceptional Ivy League education . From augmented reality classrooms and clinical simulations to coursework that includes experiential global travel to clinical placements in top notch facilities, a Penn Nursing education prepares our graduates to lead.

role of nurse practitioner essay

Nurse Practitioners: Shaping the Future of Health Care

role of nurse practitioner essay

Today, many Americans use Nurse Practitioners (NPs) for much of their health care needs and NPs are now fully accepted by both health care consumers and most other care providers as a critical component of a modern health care system. For more than fifty years, NPs have provided a vast amount of services in both acute, chronic and community settings, making their presence in the health care system essential. Furthermore, expectations are that NPs will become even more crucial to health care delivery as more Americans gain access to broader services through health care reform efforts. This essay discusses several of the major factors involved in the establishment of the nurse practitioner role identifying past and current critical issues revolving around this significant health care provider.

What is a Nurse Practitioner?  

NPs (also referred to as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses or APRNs) are one of the four roles that encompass advanced practice nursing: nurse mid-wife, nurse anesthetist, nurse practitioner, and clinical nurse specialist. All four roles require graduate degrees in order to qualify as a practitioner. In most states, NPs must be registered nurses, graduates from accredited graduate programs, and hold certification that reflects the specialized nature of the graduate program (e.g. primary care certification if graduating from a primary care nurse practitioner program).  In addition, as NPs become more commonplace in health care settings, the licensure, accreditation, and certification requirements continue to evolve in response to changing needs. In the United States, each state sets its own requirements for practice, and NPs must meet the particular state’s criteria in which they work. Because different practice requirements are confusing and in some cases can lead to inefficiencies in care, recent efforts on the part of nurse practitioner groups have been directed towards creating standards that are national in scope. For example, a new regulatory document finalized in 2008 and released by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, called the Consensus Model , set new national standards for core competencies, roles, and six population-based foci (individual/family health across the life span: adult-gerontology, pediatrics, neonatal, women’s health/gender, and psychiatric/mental health). Currently, states are in the process of revising practice acts, and schools of nursing are examining their APRN or NP programs to reflect the new model, which is expected to be nationally implemented by 2015 for new practitioners.[1]​​

The Evolution of the Nurse Practitioner Movement

Nurse Practitioner Loretta Ford with unidentified nurse and baby

NPs are part of the constant change, however subtle, in how the public decides who has the authority to provide health care. Physicians traditionally were considered the normative providers of medical services by patients and the state. Indeed, it is the physicians’ perspective that guides much of what is understood about patients, health policies, and institutions. However, as access to physicians has dwindled, it has been midwives, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants that have emerged as primary care providers within the mainstream health care system. For example, independent nurses and lay providers were and are the norm in many rural clinics, but, until recently, not in urban academic institutions or in places with many physicians. One of the only consistencies across types of practices is the satisfaction of patients with nurse practitioner services which has always been and remains quite high.

Over the years, the role of the nurse has expanded in response to advances in scientific knowledge and changes in health care needs. As a consequence of the broadening of the role of the nurse within health care, the need for additional formal education and training became more commonplace. Such was the case with the development of the advanced practice nurses.[2]  Many contextual factors supported the development and growth of the nurse practitioner clinical role. For instance, by the 1960s, American medicine had become highly specialized with growing numbers of medical students moving into more economically and socially lucrative specialty practices. The general practitioner, long a staple for primary care in suburban and rural communities, was slowly disappearing from the health care landscape. At the same time, the demographics of the American public were changing and marked by an aging population as well as a growing number of chronically ill adults and children. Medical education, situated primarily in academic acute care hospitals, failed to reconceptualize​ medical education and residency offerings in a way that could offset the specialization trend. Even the development of family practice specialties and medical schools that focused on community-based medicine could not counterbalance a trend that was supported by higher payment and status for specialists. At the same time, nurses were looking for ways to apply the skills and knowledge they already possessed through experience or their own education programs. Nursing’s growth occurred organically in clinics, as well as visiting nurse associations and private offices, where daily interactions with physician colleagues facilitated a vast amount of new and advanced knowledge and skills.  Over time, it became clear that many in the nursing profession were particularly eager to formalize further and expand their clinical practice responsibilities. In pockets across the country, in poor rural and urban areas, individual nurses and physicians began to work together in response to the shortage of primary care physicians, growing numbers of people with health insurance, and population changes to improve patient care. Soon, formal education and training programs followed at the University of Colorado, spearheaded by nurse Loretta Ford and pediatrician Henry Silver; at the University of Kansas, with Barbara Resnick and Charles Lewis and at the University of Rochester, with nurses Joan Lynaugh and Harriet Kitzman and physicians Barbara Bates and Evan Charney—the latter funded by the Division of Nursing of the U.S. Public Health Service.

As reports of these experiments were published, the number of programs for nurse practitioners grew rapidly, supported in part by federal funding through the Nurse Training Acts in the next two decades, and through the largesse of private foundations which supported new types of service models and training programs. Nursing education responded to both the opportunity for funding and to the numbers of nurses demanding access to nurse practitioner programs. The number of programs increased, and so did specialization. Early on, pediatrics and gerontology programs were the most common programs, but by the 1990s, NPs specialized in oncology, neonatology, and cardiology. Certification programs that focused on training the practitioner to work in a specific field followed specialization, and were sometimes tied to state licensure requirements.

By the early 1980s, nurse practitioner education moved into graduate programs and by 1981, most states required graduate degrees for nurse practitioner practice.  In response to the scientific knowledge explosion, programs kept adding new courses, expanding their length and their credit loads. By the turn of the 21 st century, most nurse practitioner programs credit hours far exceeded those in other graduate programs. At the same time there was a growing movement towards practice doctorates in other professions and this led educators to think about new types of nurse practitioner programs. By 2005, the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) became the newest level of practitioner training, giving credit for the breadth of content in the nurse practitioner programs.

Today, NPs have proven their effectiveness in delivering high quality, lower cost heath care services. Health care consumers, recognizing the value of a good service flock to NPs for numerous health care needs. While it remains unclear at this time how health care reform effort will change health care delivery, it is abundantly clear that nurse practitioners will be a vital component of future American health care services. 


[1] APRN Consensus Work Group & the National Council of State Boards of Nursing APRN Advisory Committee (May, 2008). Consensus Model for APRN Regulation:

[2] Julie Fairman, Making Room in the Clinic: Nurse Practitioners and the Evolution of Modern Health Care , New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2008.

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9 Tips for Writing the Perfect NP Program Application Essay

While many NP program application deadlines are still months away, now is the perfect, stress-free time to start getting your application materials together.  Filling out endless amounts of personal information, gathering transcripts and requesting letters of recommendations is easy.  The application essay?  Not so much.

We all hate responding to the types of questions NP program applications typically ask.  “Why do you want to become a nurse practitioner?” and “Talk about a time you overcame a challenge” can be difficult questions to answer…eloquently at least.  Responding by saying you want to become an NP “so you can make decent money and aren’t sure what else to do with your life” isn’t going to cut it.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure your admissions essays are top notch.

  • Get Specific – Most application essay questions are generic.  This doesn’t mean your response should follow suit.  Rather than describing how you feel about a topic, give details.  Outline a specific example from your own personal experience.  This makes your essay more interesting and memorable while highlighting your experience and personality.
  • Keep it Simple – Admissions staff want to read an essay, not a novel.  Avoid verbosity keeping your essay simple and succinct but complete.  Make sure to stick to specified length guidelines.  They are there for a reason.
  • Understand the Role of a Nurse Practitioner -NP program faculty want to know that you understand the role of nurse practitioners .  Make sure you accurately present the NP profession in your essay responses.  If you aren’t quite sure what an NP does, job shadow an NP or two for a day to learn more about the career before applying.
  • Be Concrete -Even if you aren’t 100% sure what your future holds, explain your future plans and goals as if they are set in stone.  Saying you “might” do this or you “hope” to do that isn’t as powerful as saying you “will”.
  • Keep Your Essay Appropriately Personal – Many essay topics ask you to explain a time you overcame an obstacle or hardship in life.  If your life’s major challenge has been extremely personal, choose something else to discuss in your essay. Don’t mention your marriage woes or your teen’s problems with the law to admissions staff.  Instead, choose something career or volunteer related (but not trivial) even if it isn’t actually your life’s most insurmountable obstacle.
  • Follow Directions – Yes, you learned this in kindergarden but some of us still have trouble sticking to guidelines.  If a school asks for an essay written in APA format, for example, make sure you exhaustively research APA requirements and format your essay appropriately.
  • Brag a Little -Application essays are your chance to shine .  Highlight your career, education and experience.  If you have volunteered extensively or worked in the medical field, share examples of your experiences and how they have helped shape your interest in becoming a nurse practitioner.
  • Stick with Facts Over Characteristics -When describing yourself in your application essay, examples and facts speak louder than description.  Anyone can say, for example, they are hardworking.  If you can describe your involvement in multiple nursing organizations while raising a family and working full-time in the ICU, however, this proves your industrious character.
  • Edit, Edit, Edit -Nothing ruins an application essay like typos and misspellings.  Look over your essay multiple times continuing to refine your work.  Then, share it with family, friends and colleagues asking for feedback.  The more eyes you have read your essays before submitting your application, the better.

NP program faculty are looking at your essays as samples of your writing ability.  Start your application essays early making sure you have enough time to review them thoroughly.  You wouldn’t want a poorly written writing sample to hurt your chances of admission.

Questions about your NP program application essay?  Ask other NP’s their opinions by commenting below.

You Might Also Like: A Sneak Peak Into the World of NP Program Admissions 

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What is a nurse practitioner? 

By Michael Feder

Female nurse's profile

This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee.  Read more about our editorial process.

Raelene Brooks, Dean, College of Nursing

Reviewed by  Raelene Brooks , Dean, College of Nursing

In this article

  • Nurse practitioner vs. other practitioner roles
  • Day-to-day responsibilities of an NP
  • Types of nurse practitioners
  • How to become an NP: Educational pathways
  • Nurse practitioner salary information
  • Learn nursing skills at University of Phoenix

The United States is experiencing a physician shortage . American Medical Association President Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, cites “critical strains” on physicians and considers “an urgent crisis … hitting every corner of this country.” The physician shortage can limit access to vital healthcare for millions of Americans.

How can healthcare professionals — including nurses — reduce the impact of the shortage?

Part of the answer may lie with nurses who want to grow their skills and continue their education and career by becoming nurse practitioners (NPs).

Nurse practitioners fulfill a vital role in the healthcare system. An NP is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has completed additional training beyond that required of registered nurses (RNs). Nurse practitioners can provide either primary or specialty care, depending on their focus, education and experience.

Explore degrees that expand your skills and prepare you to lead in nursing. 

NPs work with patients of all ages and in various settings, including hospitals, clinics and private practices. NPs have extensive training that enables them to provide many of the same services as physicians, often at a lower cost . Depending on the state, they may also be able to practice independently without physician oversight, further increasing their ability to meet patients’ needs. In fact, an NP might be a patient’s primary healthcare provider.

Nurse practitioners undergo training to perform various duties , including:

  • Conducting physical exams
  • Ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests
  • Diagnosing acute and chronic conditions
  • Prescribing medications
  • Providing health education
  • Making necessary specialist referrals

Becoming a nurse practitioner involves substantial training and certification, including active licensure as an RN, a graduate degree in nursing and advanced clinical training. Read on to learn more about nurse practitioners, including their daily responsibilities, practices and differences from other healthcare professionals.

Nurse practitioner vs. other practitioner roles 

While nurse practitioners can share many of the same responsibilities as physicians or physician assistants, critical differences between professions go beyond experience and salary.

Nurse practitioners vs. doctors 

Even though nurse practitioners and physicians have overlapping responsibilities, key differences between the roles include education, training and scope of practice.

Medical doctors must complete a four-year undergraduate degree, four years of medical school and three to seven years of residency. NPs typically need a bachelor’s degree in nursing , a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing practice and to pass an NP board exam.

University of Phoenix requires all nurse practitioner students to attend a five-day, in-person residency. This is to ensure the efficacy of their training, says Raelene Brooks, PhD, RN.

Brooks is the dean of the College of Nursing, and she points to the importance of this program differentiator. During their residency training, students perform exams on live models as a way to put theory into practice and gain skills that will benefit them in healthcare settings.  

While NPs and medical doctors can diagnose conditions, prescribe treatments and act as primary care providers, the scope varies for NPs based on state laws. In some states, NPs can practice independently; in others, they must have a collaborative agreement with a physician.

Because of their shorter training period, NPs can often cost less to employ than medical doctors . This can help make healthcare more affordable and accessible in underserved areas.

Nurse practitioners vs. physician assistants 

Nurse practitioners and physician assistants (PAs) provide patient care services, but there are big differences in their education, training, practice model and areas of specialization.

Compared with the nursing background of NPs, which emphasizes a holistic approach to patient care, PAs usually focus on a disease-centered medical model.

To illustrate this difference, Brooks refers to a diabetes diagnosis. A physician or PA might focus on managing the illness through medication, she says, whereas a nurse practitioner will try to understand the patient’s community, diet and lifestyle as well. Does diabetes run in the family? Are there other ways, such as diet and exercise, to mitigate the effects of the disease? Understanding this will help them diagnose, educate and treat patients for their diseases.

Most PAs hold a master’s degree in physician assistant studies . Their education typically mirrors that of doctors, focusing on diagnosis and treatment, and the scope of care is greater. For example, nurse practitioners cannot provide surgical care, but physician assistants who work with surgeons may, for example, be able to close incisions and perform duties before, during and after surgery.

Areas of specialization and practice can overlap between NPs and PAs. NPs often serve specific populations like pediatrics, women’s health, mental health and older adults, while PAs also work in areas such as family medicine, emergency medicine and psychiatry. 

Nurse practitioners vs. registered nurses 

While NPs and RNs are types of nurses who play crucial roles in patient care, nurse practitioners have more education and responsibilities than RNs.

RNs usually hold a diploma, associate degree or bachelor’s degree in nursing. After completing the degree or program, they must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) to become licensed RNs .

Although NPs all begin as RNs they must go on to complete a master’s or doctoral degree and additional clinical training. They must also pass a national certification exam in their specialty .

The responsibilities of NPs and RNs differ significantly. Consider the following job duties of RNs:

  • Provide direct patient care
  • Administer medications
  • Monitor patient progress
  • Educate patients and families

NPs have a broader scope of practice. They can diagnose and treat acute or chronic conditions, prescribe medication and perform certain procedures.

RNs and NPs can both work in different medical settings and gain experience in various fields. RNs might specialize in critical care or trauma, for example, and NPs can specialize in areas like family practice, pediatrics, adult gerontology, mental health and women’s health, among others.

Day-to-day responsibilities 

What does a nurse practitioner do each day? Like any nursing-focused profession, the answer depends on where they practice and what they specialize in. Generally speaking, however, NPs often perform the following tasks :

  • Take medical histories and conduct exams
  • Diagnose acute and chronic illnesses
  • Develop treatment plans and prescribe medication
  • Educate their patients on health promotion

Remember, the scope of an NP’s practice can vary based on their location, autonomy and specialty.

Types of nurse practitioners 

While not exactly among the many related but alternative careers to nursing , working as an NP does offer a discrete professional experience. That’s especially true if you want to specialize in a particular branch of care. Some nurse practitioners focus on family medicine, while others might devote their practice to pediatrics. Other specialties include psychiatric and mental health care, acute care and neonatal care.

NPs specialize in particular areas of focus and their education is tailored to their chosen focus. Let’s walk through a couple of specialties for NPs below.

Family nurse practitioner 

Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) focus on providing care for patients of all ages throughout their lives. That includes holistic care, disease prevention, counseling and more. FNPs often act as advocates who help their patients navigate the healthcare system, and they can coordinate care among specialists or other health providers. The role of an FNP can vary widely, depending on the state in which they practice and the healthcare setting they choose. Some FNPs may choose to work in a busy physician’s office, for example, while other FNPs dedicate their careers to caring for patients in rural areas.

Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner 

Nurse practitioners focusing on psychiatric mental health help patients manage their mental health conditions with therapy and medication. Known as psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs), these professionals conduct comprehensive psychiatric evaluations to identify mental health issues, including substance use disorders, depression and anxiety. They’re also able to provide various forms of crisis intervention, including psychotherapy and medications.

The MSN/PMH program at University of Phoenix was launched in 2022 in response to national health trends outlined by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion , Brooks says. The UOPX program not only teaches disorder assessment and prevention, self-care management and psychotherapeutic intervention, she explains, but it also emphasizes the importance of identifying possible physical causes behind mental health disorders.

For example, Brooks mentions that hyperthyroidism can appear as substance abuse or even a mental health disorder. Having a solid understanding of physical health factors and assessing for those first can help PMHNPs provide more effective and accurate care. 

Educational pathways 

The educational pathways to becoming a nurse practitioner are relatively straightforward. It all starts with earning your RN license.

  • If you’re an RN with an associate degree or nursing diploma, you’ll need to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). BSNs strengthen relevant skills and help continue your progress toward graduate-level coursework.

The University of Phoenix RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing helps you build on what your experience has taught you while empowering you to focus on advanced skills.

  • If you already have a bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field and wish to earn your Master of Science in Nursing, the UOPX nurse bridge program could be right for you. This program begins with required nursing bridge courses that prepare students to choose one of five available master’s degree tracks. Two of these prepare students for nurse practitioner roles.
  • If you already hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing and have three years of  full-time work experience within the past 10 years (two years of which are clinical-based RN experience), you can apply to either the Master of Science in Nursing/Family Nurse Practitioner or Master of Science in Nursing/Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner programs.

In addition to the standard degree pathways, every prospective NP must successfully complete supervised clinical hours. University of Phoenix requires students to complete 600 hours of clinical experience through designated program courses.

After that, you’ll need to pass your state’s licensing exam and earn the appropriate certification(s) from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board or the American Nurses Credentialing Center (each requires periodic renewal). UOPX’s nurse practitioner programs academically prepare students for this step, Brooks notes.

Nurse practitioner salary 

Nurse practitioner salaries can vary based on many factors, including location, experience and specialty. As of May 2022, those who worked in hospitals and outpatient care centers earned more than NPs who worked in doctor offices or with other health practitioners. As of May 2022, nurse practitioners salaries ranged between $91,250 and $208,080 , according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of University of Phoenix. Actual outcomes vary based on multiple factors, including prior work experience, geographic location and other factors specific to the individual. University of Phoenix does not guarantee employment, salary level or career advancement. BLS data is geographically based. Information for a specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website.

Consider a nurse practitioner role 

Because of their versatility and skill set, NPs fulfill a vital role in the communities they serve. Becoming a nurse practitioner is an excellent way for RNs to grow their knowledge and enhance their careers, especially in rural or other underserved areas.

Prospective NPs can leverage their existing skills and competencies to grow their education in one of UOPX’s two nurse practitioner programs:

  • Master of Science in Nursing/Family Nurse Practitioner : In this program, you’ll gain such skills as research analysis, policy analysis, diagnosis formulation, treatment planning, patient education, holistic care, advanced assessment and much more.
  • Master of Science in Nursing/Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner : Learn how to treat psychiatric disorders within diverse populations. Areas of focus include assessment, intervention and pharmacological management.

To learn more about online nursing degrees at UOPX — including those that lead to a fulfilling career as a nurse practitioner — contact University of Phoenix.

Headshot of Michael Feder


A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. Dixon Literary Prize, Michael Feder brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. His academic and professional background includes experience in marketing, content development, script writing and SEO. Today, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.

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Nurse Practitioner Role The role of nurse practitioner is valuable when discussing collaborative care. There are so many levels of care, so many health entities, and so many insurer criteria involved that it is instrumental to have a role that can work towards help bring all aspects together. In addition to diagnosing, treating, and managing care, the role of the nurse practitioner is to manage simple and episodic acute health issues along with chronic disease (Sangster-Gormley, Martin-Misener, & Burge, 2013). It is important to note that although this is a function of this role, nurse practitioners also practice from a holistic point of view which allows them to help manage patient conditions or wellness in a more complete fashion. This includes helping patients have access to care beyond primary and secondary care settings. This encourages nurse practitioners to work alongside other health care and allied health professions, and families to create an individualized plan for every patient (van …show more content…

This theory highlights meaning and transcendence in our lived experiences (Parse, 2014). In the idea behind meaning, individuals are encouraged to state their personal understanding of living and being and individual. Humans construct meaning through lived experiences. Likewise, nurse practitioners share responsibility along with patient in constructing meaning through their health care journeys. In the same way, results from these health experiences helps patients to transcend and go beyond the limits of their condition to understand more about themselves and realize the value of wellness. Lastly, the bible also encourages humans to come together as one. John 4:12 reminds us that if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. This is the essence of collaboration, and for this reason, the American health care system should continue to strive for

Becoming A Professional Nurse Essay

I became a mother at a very young age, seventeen years old. When I was in labor at the hospital, I experienced the nursing care of two very distinct nurses. I quickly became aware of the demeanor of the night nurse. She was unkind, pushy, and insensitive. She also did not explain things and did not smile much. On the other hand, the day nurse was merrier, compassionate, caring, informative, and reassuring. Despite my juvenile state, my comprehension was very astute. I comprehended that there are two types of nurses. One who solely works to attain a paycheck and the nurse who chose the nursing profession because they value humanity. Simultaneously, I was becoming a mother and discovering what my profession would be thanks to the caring day nurse who was a role model.

Essay about Nursing Philosophy and Nursing Theory

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This author’s personal philosophy in practice is to provide holistic care to my patients and their families. This author feels that encompassing the whole family or the patients support framework in the plan of care is the best approach to returning the patient to their optimum state of health. It is important to this author to evaluate the all of the aspects of the patient’s lives that they will share. It is important to evaluate the patient’s learning style,

Becoming A Professional Nurse Assignment Essay

Nursing is a practice in which nurses promote health and the well-being of patients. I believe that nursing is not only a job that prevents and cures illness, but has a deeper meaning and understanding. Becoming a nurse gives the opportunity to maximize and promote patients’ well-being. It is a way to learn and understand new perspectives and expand prior knowledge, to build relationships with patients, community, and other nurses, in addition to learning how to empathize and realize the patient’s needs, and to value and see people as human beings. I think even with the list given is not enough to define or explain a nurse. I believe being a nurse is a diverse and immeasurable experience, and what happens in this field is unknowing and uncertain. My goal in nursing practices is to take in life experiences and use the skills and ideas learned to shape me to become a better nurse and a better person.

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Your motivation for pursuing a career in the MSN specialty for which you are applying

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In this essay we are going to explore the connection between professional nursing practice and professional caring. I will outline the terms of professional nursing practice and what makes nursing a profession? I will describe the term of professional caring and the connection to the nursing practice and discuss the dilemma of care and cure. And also determine the importance of both in professional nursing practice.

Nurse Practitioner Essay

The role of a family nurse practitioner is a fundamental portion of the future of healthcare. The role is clearly not as understood by other healthcare professionals as needed which results in the disagreement if the role of a family nurse practitioner is even required for primary care. As people are getting older, the need for medical professionals that can provide patient care to our ever growing population increases. The need for the role of family nurse practitioners will grow too. The role of the family nurse practitioner, the ability of the FNP to be able to transition into their role.

Nurse Educators Essay

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The webinar titled “Succeeding as a Nurse Educator” was presented by Diane Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN. The three objectives for the webinar were to be able to “differentiate between the roles of faculty appointment: teaching, service, and scholarship; implement strategies for working smarter, not harder; and develop a career plan for success as a nurse educator” (Billings, 2013).

Becoming a Nurse Essay

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As of 2008, there were about 753,600 Licensed Practical Nurses and 2,618,700 Registered Nurses in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). In the year 2018, the LPN employment percentage is expected to rise 21% while the RN rate should be approximately 22% (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). This may not seem that high, but it is, when one considers that the expected employment rate for a Dentist is only expected to be 16% (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). Nursing is a highly respected and sought after career because every person that enters this profession is able to make a difference and is needed by the general population for his/her skills and contributions to the medical field. When a person is contemplating entering

Role And Scope Of Practice Of Nurse Practitioner (NP)

The success of NPs depends on practicing evidence-based care with competency in assessment, diagnosing, managing patients, and maintaining a caring practice. The nursing component of the NP role continues to be challenged from within nursing, as well as by large national physician organizations. NPs are extensions of nursing practice who are guided by nursing theory. The transformation from nurse to the advanced practice role of NP involves development of advanced knowledge and skills for listening, knowing, being with patients, connecting patients to their communities, promoting health,

Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers Essay

Every individual in the world deserves to enjoy health and wellness. Maintaining or achieving proper health needs enables individuals to be productive at work and leisure. Traditionally, many people have had barriers obtaining adequate healthcare due to economic constraints or personal inconveniences. Despite impressive technological advances in medicine, the challenge of delivering quality healthcare to the Americans continues to be debated amongst the nation’s political and healthcare leaders. The aging baby-boomers and the increased number of uninsured people add to the equation of population growth which results in limited access to primary healthcare for the entire public. On the

Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner Essay

Many Americans use Advance Practice Nurse Practitioners (APRN) for a number of their health care needs. For more than fifty years, APRN’s have provided a great amount of services in primary care and acute settings, making their presence in the health care system important. Likewise, expectations are that APRN’s will become even more crucial to the delivery of healthcare as more Americans gain access to providers through the new tax reform. With this being said, it is imperative that the APRN be able to practice to his or her full practice authority. “Full practice authority is comprised of state practice and licensure laws that allow advanced practice registered nurses to practice fully in the four domains of practice, under the exclusive licensure

Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Essay

Nurse practitioners are advanced registered nurses who have been obligated with providing professional care to patients within their jurisdiction. They are expected to perform comprehensive healthcare services from caring for acute illnesses, injuries, and immunization to the treatment of chronic conditions (Cusack, et al., 2015).

Nursing Philosophy Essay

NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document.

Nurse Practitioner Consultation Essay

For the purpose of this essay, I will discuss the case of a five years old patient presenting to my place of work with the symptom of shortness of breath (SOB). To maintain confidentiality the pseudonym “Ryan” will be used to refer to the child and Ryan’s mother will be frequently referred to as “mum”.

The Role Of Nurse Practitioner

The role that nurse practitioner (NP) plays within the increasing complex health care system is a constant changing role with the Consensus Model and the introduction of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. The scope of the nurse practitioner (NP) includes the care of the young, the old, the sick and the well. The educational needs of a nurse practitioner vary greatly from that of a Registered Nurse (RN), in the amount of education as well as the focus of the education. NPs provide coordinated primary care with the use of comprehensive health histories and physical examinations, diagnosing and treating acute and chronic illnesses, the management of medications and therapies, ordering and interpreting tests results, and educating and

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The Job of Nurse Practitioner

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Published: Jan 15, 2019

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Hook Examples for Nursing Essay

  • Compassion in Care: Nursing is more than a profession; it’s a calling. Explore the pivotal role of compassion in nursing and how it shapes patient outcomes and the healthcare experience.
  • The Unsung Heroes of Healthcare: Nurses often work behind the scenes, but their contributions are invaluable. This essay sheds light on the diverse responsibilities of nurses and their impact on the healthcare system.
  • Nursing Ethics: Upholding Patient Dignity: Delve into the ethical dilemmas nurses face daily and the principles that guide them in providing dignified and compassionate care, even in the most challenging situations.
  • Nursing: A Bridge to Health Equity: Discover how nurses play a crucial role in addressing healthcare disparities and promoting equitable access to quality care, making a difference in the lives of marginalized communities.
  • The Future of Nursing: Innovations and Challenges: Explore the evolving landscape of nursing, including technological advancements, new roles, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in this dynamic healthcare field.

Works Cited

  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2019). Nurse Practitioner Job Satisfaction and Retention: Results of a National Survey. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/news-feed/nurse-practitioner-job-satisfaction-and-retention-results-of-a-national-survey
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2021). Nurse Practitioner FAQs. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/position-statements/nurse-practitioner-faqs
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021). Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/nurse-anesthetists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm
  • Cashin, A., Heartfield, M., Bryce, J., Devey, L., Buckley, T., Cox, D., … & Duffy, E. (2017). Standards of practice for registered nurses in Australia. Collegian, 24(3), 255-266.
  • Fitzpatrick, J. J., & Kazer, M. W. (Eds.). (2019). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Hooker, R. S. (2020). The Expansion of the Nurse Practitioner Workforce in the United States: Time for a Change. Medical Care, 58(6), 469-470.
  • Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. The National Academies Press.
  • Kleinpell, R. (Ed.). (2020). Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination and Practice Preparation. Springer Publishing Company.
  • National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2020). Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification & Education.
  • Phillips, S. J., & Jonas-Simpson, C. (Eds.). (2019). Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective. Springer Publishing Company.

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role of nurse practitioner essay

Professional Goals of a Nurse Practitioner Essay

Short-term goals, long-term goals.

The job of a nurse practitioner (NP) involves a variety of skills based on which one can identify professional goals. The basic requirement for NPs is that they should be able to provide different health services to their patients (Buppert, 2018). NPs are expected to perform a physical and psychosocial assessment of their clients. Also, they should be skilled in urgent and critical care delivery, as well as in promoting the aging population’s health (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], n.d.).

Also, AANP (n.d.) gives priority to the role of NPs in rural health development. The core competencies of NPs include analyzing data, integrating knowledge, and promoting new practice approaches based on research and practice. Employing the best evidence to enhance the quality of services and care is another important competency (Thomas et al., 2012). Apart from that, NPs need to serve as advocates for their patients by suggesting and promoting positive changes to law regulations (Reinisch, 2014). Based on the mentioned aspects of NPs’ professional preparation and practice, one should set SMART goals and come up with the plan of achieving them to become a successful NP.

Based on the mentioned requirements and expectations of NPs, I have identified the following short-term goals:

  • to receive high-quality education which will allow me to become a knowledgeable and skilled professional;
  • to improve my knowledge of working with the aging population;
  • to enhance the experience of working in rural health settings.

Each of these objectives is related to my professional career development since their attainment will promote my development as a high-skilled healthcare worker. The strategic plan for achieving short-term goals is the following:

  • to enrich my research skills and learn how to be able to disseminate evidence (Thomas et al., 2012);
  • to constantly engage in analyzing clinical guidelines and investigate the unknown issues;
  • to improve my practical skills by reviewing patients’ cases and carefully examining them;
  • to increase the amount of practice in rural settings.

The long-term objectives are associated with innovation in practice and serving as an advocate for my patients. The following three goals have been identified for the 3-5-year period:

  • to participate in the development and analysis of new health technologies;
  • to promote patients’ rights to health care through removing barriers in state laws (Reinisch, 2014);
  • to become a successful leader in healthcare settings.

The mentioned goals are linked to my professional career development since they will enable me to cooperate successfully in different environments and at various levels. The strategic plan of reaching my long-term goals includes the following aspects:

  • performing an overview of innovations in health care and participating in some of the research projects;
  • increasing my knowledge of leadership styles and learning to interact with people from different teams (interprofessional collaboration);
  • learning health care initiatives of the state and identifying what aspects of legal regulations might be improved to reach benefits for patients.

To become a successful professional in health care, one needs to set professional goals and continuously work on achieving them. It is crucial to bear in mind that the sphere of health care is constantly developing, setting new requirements for individuals working in it. The short- and long-term SMART goals that I have identified will help me to enhance my professional qualities and create a positive change for my clients.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Nurse practitioners in primary care . Web.

Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Reinisch, C. E. (2014). Loretta Ford: Envisioning the future. Clinical Scholars Review, 7 (1), 82-84.

Thomas, A. C., Crabtree, M. K., Delaney, K. R., Dumas, M. A., Kleinpell, R., Logsdon, M. C., … Nativio, D. G. (2012). Nurse practitioner core competencies . Web.

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role of nurse practitioner

Category: Term paper

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Level: University

Role development for the Nurse Practitioner Name Institution

Abstract According to Stewart and DeNisco, (2018), the role of the nurse practitioner was mainly developed for the provision of care for those that were underserved. This is a role that is said to have emerged in the 1960s. Even though the roles of the nurse practitioner have been on transition, the basic functions have been maintained. Those that were at the New York streets used to provide care for the immigrants by treating the most common illnesses as well as the emergencies that could not be referred to the main hospitals. This paper looks at the role that the Nurse practitioner plays in the world today in comparison to those roles that were played in the early 90s. Also, the transition between the practitioners and advanced nurses is analyzed according to the book. In addition to this, there is the summary of the main details presented in the book by Stewart on the change that has been realized through the time. Keywords: Nurse Practitioner, healthcare programs, the NPs, professional nurse, student nurse.

Introduction Stewart and DeNisco, (2018) state that; the role of the nurse practitioner is to advance the medical profession of the new and graduate nurses. However, they were also supposed to give the medical attention to those in the rural areas and those in the underserved areas. The program was mainly implemented in Colorado at the beginning. The first recognizable program was known as t…

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Nurse Practitioners Essay

Nurse practitioners are are among the four roles that advance nursing practice encompass. They are midwives, anesthetists, clinical nurse specialist, and a nurse practitioner. All the four require one to have a graduate degree to qualify. The certification of those joining the profession should indicate their areas of specialization. In most countries, nurse practitioners are required to have licenses and accreditation to practice. For students pursuing a career in this profession, writing a nurse practitioners essay can be daunting. Let NursingWritingServices.com help you out.

We can assist you write, edit, proofread, and rewrite your nursing practitioners essay among other services. We have a team of professional writers who have several years of experience in the field. Most of our writers are native English speakers and come from the UK, US, and Canada. Thus, when you get in touch with us, you are assured of the best papers. We also offer help in a thesis, term papers, assignments, dissertation, and many more.

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The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner

Healthcare practitioners have been experiencing immense pressure in the course of their work. In order to alleviate such pressures that are linked to increased patient perspicacity as well as medical endeavors, there has been operationalization of advanced nursing practice (APN) in various hospitals. The purpose and intend of the advanced nursing practice is to broaden the customary range of nursing information as well as furthering the advancement of this sector (Rolfe & Fulbrook, 1998). An advanced nursing professional cooperates and confers with colleagues within the profession, which therefore means that he/she is a representative of change. The paper is going to examine the role of a family nurse practitioner and the role that the practitioners play to ensure that patients are safe.

According to the National Patient Safety Goals, famously referred to as the NPSGs, the Family Nurse Practitioner is non-clinical. Family, they say, affects a wide range of an individual’s health (Vaughan, 1998). The role of a Family Care Practitioner (FCP) entails the provision of thorough primary healthcare services to an individual as well as their family throughout their lives. Similar to other Advanced Nursing Practitioners, FCPs can work either autonomously or collaboratively with other players in the sector. They also undertake their duties in multifarious environments including homes, clinics, and workplaces.

The practice of family nursing promotes safety in a number of ways. They work closely with other physicians, meaning that they will refer those conditions that they cannot handle. Family practitioners are also sufficiently trained (Benner, Turner, & Chesler, 2009). Consequently, they ensure the safety of patients by enhancing the safety of utilizing drugs through the recommendation of appropriate drugs for various conditions (Maurer & Smith, 2014). Further, these healthcare professionals perfect the process of the identification of patients to avoid treating a patient using wrong information.

The issue of transition between cares has been acknowledged as a period of substantial susceptibility for kids. This is especially the case if the children in question are suffering from multifarious chronic conditions and when they have social necessities. Transferring a patient between healthcare providers needs effective communication between the two. Dearth of such communication jeopardizes the health of the patient. Consequently, such a commission will decrease the patient’s quality of life as well as increase the cost of care. In Overview & Summary: Care Coordination: Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration, Lamb examines various articles that have reflected on crucial advancements regarding the growth and history of the coordination that exists between family nursing practitioners and their counterparts in conventional medicine.

According to one of the articles examined, evidence was produced to the effect of the impact that a Transitional Care Model, which was pioneered by scholars at the University of Pennsylvania, has had on the cost and quality of healthcare services. According to the results of the study, the model reduced the cost of treatment of patients in critical care. Therefore, the system needs to be subscribed even by the Nursing Practitioners in order to improve their services. Lamb, in his article, postulates that practitioners need to improve, continuously, the quality of services that they provide. The paper emphasizes on the need for hospitals and nursing practitioners to enhance the care transition in order to guarantee quality services. Further, the author analyzed a study that examined the roles of nursing practitioners as well as other health practitioners. However, similar to other studies, the author opines that collaboration is the key ingredient in the success of nursing practitioners’ services.

In The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care by Naylor and Kurtzman, the authors state that nurse practitioners belong to the fundamental group of Advanced Practice Nurses that provide services known as primary care in the health system in the United States. The article evaluated the existing nurse practitioners as well as the projected figures of the workforce. Moreover, the author used the obtainable proof of the nurses’ impact on enhancing the healthcare sector. Additionally, the challenges that the nurses face, such as inadequate workforce, were captured in this article. Furthermore, factors such as rules and regulations instituted by States, the existing policies for payment and the tensions between the players in the sector have contributed to the impediments that nurse practitioners face.

Naylor and Kurtzman also studied the solutions that can be adopted to overcome the barriers. Research has always identified unwarranted limitations as hampering the delivery of healthcare services by nurse practitioners. Therefore, such restrictions ought to be eliminated. In addition, the equalization of payments between hospital settings and the ones that nurse practitioners charge should be made. This will have the desirable impact of ensuring that individuals get quality services at affordable rates (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). There is need to hold nurses accountable for their involvement in the provision of excellent-value care. The authors opine that this should be done through the disclosure of information related to nursing practitioners to the public.

The most important solution that the article offers is its suggestion regarding the tension between professionals. Tension has caused a drop in the quality of services provided by both independent nursing practitioners and hospital physicians (Rolfe & Fullbrook, 1998). According to The Joint Commission (2015), the co-ordination among them consequently becomes disjointed. Patients are the ones who suffer if the situation persists. The article therefore recommends rapid resolution of such tensions to ensure that more nursing practitioners are utilized to manage certain acute conditions.

In an article that featured in the Wall Street Journal, Angela Golden, a member of the American Association of Nursing gives her expert opinion on why these practitioners ought to treat patients minus oversight by the doctors. According to her, these practitioners plug a gap that has been tremendously expanding over the years. In fact, seventy-five per cent of all states have allowed them to practice without oversight. Therefore, Angela argues that it is time that all the states adopted the same policy.

One of the reasons why nursing practitioners ought to have independence is the amount of hours that they take to attend to their patients. She quotes studies, which have concluded that nursing practitioners use relatively more time to offer care collaboration, counselling and education to patients.

Besides, research has indicated that the satisfaction rates that are delivered by these practitioners are either equal or higher compared to doctors (Naylor & Kurtzman, 2010). She further states that a revered peer review journal known as Heath Affairs, which reports on policies and practices in health care, stated that studies between the two groups concluded that their clinical results are similar.

In addition, Angela states that nurse practitioners are academically qualified. Just like their physician counterparts, they undergo intensive doctoral graduate education. They also undertake clinical education. Consequently, their preparation is sufficient for them to offer services independently.

In the article, Angela also argues that nurse practitioners make referrals in a manner that is similar to the physician. Therefore, all the stakeholders should concentrate on ensuring that the patients are safe. She further charges that for this to happen, the lacuna between the legal and educational aspect of nurse practicing ought to be closed.

The Joint Commission (2015). Hospital national patient safety goals . Web.

Benner, P. E., Tanner, C. A., & Chesla, C. A. (2009). Expertise in nursing practice, second edition: Caring, clinical judgment, and ethics . New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2014). Community/Public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations . Los Angeles, LA: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Naylor, M. D., & Kurtzman, E. T. (2010). The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care. Health Affairs Journal , 34 (10).

Rolfe, G., & Fulbrook, P. (1998). Advanced nursing practice . Oxford; Butterworth Heinemann: Elsevier.

Vaughan-Cole, B. (1998). Family nursing practice . Philadelphia, PS: W B Saunders Company.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, April 25). The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-a-family-nurse-practitioner/

"The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner." StudyCorgi , 25 Apr. 2022, studycorgi.com/the-role-of-a-family-nurse-practitioner/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) 'The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner'. 25 April.

1. StudyCorgi . "The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner." April 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-a-family-nurse-practitioner/.


StudyCorgi . "The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner." April 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-a-family-nurse-practitioner/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner." April 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-a-family-nurse-practitioner/.

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  1. 7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

    3. Demonstrate Your Passion and Commitment. When you describe why you want to be a nurse practitioner, your passion and commitment should leap off the page and make the admissions committee excited to offer you a place. They should see you as the kind of student and colleague that they want to represent their school.

  2. The Roles Of Nurse Practitioner

    The role of a Nurse Practitioner first gained its popularity back in 1965, when a public health nurse named Loretta Ford, a pediatrician, would establish the first NP certification program. It was then; primary care physicians would slowly start to move outward from a general practice type of setting to a more acute care complex setting.

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  4. Nurse Practitioner Essay

    Family Nurse Practitioners ( Fnp ) Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) are nurses who have acquired a higher level of education after Nursing. FNP are trained to treat, prescribe, and to provide quality healthcare needs for patients. The role of a FNP varies according to their realm of practice and state requirements.

  5. The Role of Nurse Practitioner

    The Role of Nurse Practitioner. Words: 880 Pages: 4. Nurses constitute the largest category of health practitioners in the US healthcare system, and they are usually the first ones who contact patients in hospitals. The number of the registered nurse practitioners (NPs) continues to grow and the demand for high-quality care and well-developed ...

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  7. The Role Of Nurse Practitioner

    1749 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. The role that nurse practitioner (NP) plays within the increasing complex health care system is a constant changing role with the Consensus Model and the introduction of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. The scope of the nurse practitioner (NP) includes the care of the young, the old, the sick and the well.

  8. The Nurse Practitioner Role

    The Nurse Practitioner Role. Words: 582 Pages: 2. A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse who possesses a graduate degree and who works to improve the health outcomes of patients (Mannheim, 2012). The role of the nurse practitioner has evolved tremendously over the last decade. As the need for quality health care increases, the role of nurse ...

  9. What is a nurse practitioner?

    Nurse practitioners fulfill a vital role in the healthcare system. An NP is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has completed additional training beyond that required of registered nurses (RNs). Nurse practitioners can provide either primary or specialty care, depending on their focus, education and experience. ...

  10. The Family Nurse Practitioner: Role in Modern Healthcare System: [Essay

    In conclusion, the Family Nurse Practitioner role is a critical component of modern healthcare systems. FNPs provide comprehensive, patient-centered care across the lifespan, and can work in a variety of settings to meet the unique healthcare needs of different patient populations.

  11. Essay On Nurse Practitioner Role

    In addition to diagnosing, treating, and managing care, the role of the nurse practitioner is to manage simple and episodic acute health issues along with chronic disease (Sangster-Gormley, Martin-Misener, & Burge, 2013). It is important to note that although this is a function of this role, nurse practitioners also practice from a holistic ...

  12. Primary Health Nurse Practitioner Program Essay (Critical Writing)

    Primary Health Care and the Role of the NP-PHC. Primary health care is the first point of contact of the healthcare system for patients. It encompasses a broad range of services that address factors that affect patient health. Therefore, it is primarily concerned with promoting healthier lifestyles, disease diagnosis and treatment, health ...

  13. The Job of Nurse Practitioner: [Essay Example], 696 words

    Nurse practitioners are expected to execute certain duties and possess specific qualities to be successful in their career. Nurses practitioners diagnose various health problems and analyze test results or changes in patient's condition, and alter treatment plans, as needed. Nurse practitioners are a much needed role in the health-care ...

  14. The nurse practitioners

    Nurse practitioners possess a body of knowledge on which professional practice is based, a specialized education to transmit this body of knowledge to others and the ability to use the knowledge in critical and creative thinking. (Hood, L.J & Leddy S.K, 2006) The roles of nurse practitioners

  15. Family Nurse Practitioner's Role

    In Georgia, Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) can join the United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (UAPRN), which is a non-profit organization that is focused on improving access to healthcare for Georgian citizens. FNPs can act as advocates for the population who experience issues accessing healthcare and participate in the promotion of ...

  16. Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

    APNs are trained in one of the four recognized APN roles: Nurse Practitioner (NP), Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA). Each of these roles impacts APNs' practice settings and experience. The present paper will explain the four APN roles in greater depth and ...

  17. Nurse Practitioner Role Free Essay Example

    The role of a Nurse Practitioner first gained its popularity back in 1965, when a public health nurse named Loretta Ford, a pediatrician, would establish the first NP certification program. It was then; primary care physicians would slowly start to move outward from a general practice type of setting to a more acute care complex setting.

  18. Advanced Nursing Role: Family Nurse Practitioner

    The role of an FNP includes patient assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic illness, and preventative healthcare for families and individuals (NONPF, 2013). The commitment is to family-centered care by understanding the relevance of the community in order to deliver family-centered care.

  19. Professional Goals of a Nurse Practitioner Essay

    Based on the mentioned requirements and expectations of NPs, I have identified the following short-term goals: to receive high-quality education which will allow me to become a knowledgeable and skilled professional; to improve my knowledge of working with the aging population; to enhance the experience of working in rural health settings.

  20. The Roles of Family Nurse Practitioner

    Britt 2012 argued that the role of family nurse practitioner goes beyond the provision of primary care. The family nurse practitioner has the responsibility of promoting and maintaining wellbeing of the patients (Britt, 2012). Besides, the family nurse practitioners have the role of detecting and preventing infections among the families and ...

  21. role of nurse practitioner Essay Sample

    Introduction. Stewart and DeNisco, (2018) state that; the role of the nurse practitioner is to advance the medical profession of the new and graduate nurses. However, they were also supposed to give the medical attention to those in the rural areas and those in the underserved areas. The program was mainly implemented in Colorado at the beginning.

  22. The Role of Nurse Practitioners: An In-Depth Essay

    Explore the important role of nurse practitioners with our in-depth essay. From their history and education to their scope of practice and impact on healthcare, +1 406 637 6982 +1 406 637 6982 ... Nurse practitioners are are among the four roles that advance nursing practice encompass. They are midwives, anesthetists, clinical nurse specialist ...

  23. Critical Analysis of Nurses' Roles and Responsibilities

    This essay will critically analyse the nurses' role and responsibilities within care provision, discussing their role as a primary caregiver, a leader, advocate, educator, collaborator, practitioner, in addition to their responsibilities in line with professional codes of practice (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015).

  24. The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner

    According to the National Patient Safety Goals, famously referred to as the NPSGs, the Family Nurse Practitioner is non-clinical. Family, they say, affects a wide range of an individual's health (Vaughan, 1998). The role of a Family Care Practitioner (FCP) entails the provision of thorough primary healthcare services to an individual as well ...