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Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

Essay on my ambition in life to become a teacher with quotations. My aim in life to become a teacher essay. My ambition in life essay to become a teacher. Essay on my aim in life to become a teacher in English.

Essay on My Ambition to Become a Teacher

For as long as I can remember I always liked teaching people something, being helpful to others. It started with helping some trying to tie their shoe laces, or making my younger siblings remember alphabets through a sing song rhythm. The sense of accomplishment I used to feel when the other person finally learnt whatever it was that I have been teaching them was indescribable. I used to feel as happy as the other person when those moments happened. It used to feel like I truly passed the torch to someone else.

Sometimes teaching is not easy as it sounds. I remember one time my sister could not solve the division questions which were assigned to her as homework, and she just could not understand the concept of division, that day it was first time when I shouted at her, and right after that the realization occurred to me that patience has to be my strongest suit if I want to able to teach others. The main reason I always wanted to teach was firstly I thought teaching comes naturally to me, and secondly I always had utmost respect for my teacher, they knew my strengths, and weakness more than I did.

My teacher whom I was very close to Mrs. Dawson was my first inspiration to become a teacher, and the first person to make me realize the power of teaching. I had a friend who was dyslexic, and most teachers used to run out of patient when they try to educate her but Mrs. Dawson was the only teacher who used to understand that she may need more time to understand the concept, and she even used to give her after school classes.  I did not see that as a teacher teaching her a subject I saw that as  motivator building someone’s confidence, giving her enough knowledge so that she make world understand her words clearly.

What started from teaching my siblings in their homework ended in me volunteering to teach underprivileged children, and making me realize that in this world there could be never enough educators there are people in this world who are always in need of learning.

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  •   Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Future Educators

Future Educators

Helping America's Future Teachers

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

My dream is to become a teacher . If you have this dream, you’re not alone. Here’s a collection of short essays by aspiring teachers. Current and future education students were asked to describe their motivation; what inspires them to succeed at their teacher training studies.

In these 31 student essays, future educators answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”. The short student essays are grouped thematically, forming the top reasons to become a teacher.

1. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards

Early childhood teacher

Helping people is the unifying theme as to why students are inspired and motivated to become teachers. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way; potentially changing their lives for the better. Teaching is more than just a job.

For a significant percentage of education students, the opportunity to be of service provides plenty of motivation to pursue a teaching career. In each Why I Want to Become a Teacher essay here, a future educator explains why teaching is an opportunity to do something meaningful and beneficial.

by Hanna Halliar

If I can make an impact in just one child’s life, I will be able to consider myself successful. That is my motivation. As a future educator, what else would it be?

Every day that is spent in class, the late nights at the library, the endless hours of studying are all just steps getting me closer to the goal. When I am still up at 1 a.m. struggling to keep my eyes open, but only half way through my 6 page paper I remember how excited I am to work with my own students one day.

To me, being a teacher is so much more than the typical response most people have towards education majors. “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher. You know how much you will make?” Yes, I’m aware that I will be making an average of $50,000 a year in Indiana.

To me being a teacher means that I get the opportunity to not only teach my students math, English, and science but to teach life lessons that will stick with them as well.  It means walking into school every day being the reason my students look forward to coming to school. It means being surrounded by crafts, books, and music and not being stuck in an office. It means educating our future generation. And if somebody has to do it, it should be somebody who is passionate about it.

So what motivates me to study? It is so simple, it is the kids.

by Savannah Stamates

I lay awake at night and practice my first morning message to my first round of students whom I will not meet for more than a year.

I wonder if I will have hungry children, happy children, or broken children. I wonder if I will be good enough or strong enough to reach those most in need.  I wonder if my students will trust me enough to tell me that they are hungry, happy, or scared.

I worry that I will not be strong enough to share their burden or provide a place for peace and learning. I worry that I will misread their actions or their words or miss them reaching out.

So I study, even when I am tired from working two jobs or sick of not being where I want to be. When my time comes to walk into that classroom, my worries and doubts will be silenced by the knowledge I have mastered and the dream I have finally achieved.

by Charity Latchman

Dreams for the future are subjective. They can be based on what we desire. But visionary dreams are not only for us. Imagine asking some of the greatest revolutionaries and pioneers about their dreams. They generally had others in mind. In the famous “I have a Dream” speech, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said “we” more than thirty times. Dreams are not for our benefit alone, but to encourage, inspire and benefit others.

Recently I graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I was cared for my disabled mother. She was a religious studies professor who inculcated me with a diligent and steadfast approach to schoolwork. Managing the role of caregiver with university studies was challenging. But the goal to become a teacher kept me going. Approaching graduation, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. She didn’t worry about herself as much as you might expect but kept pushing me to finish the final paper in the program.

With her encouragement, my faith, and a burning desire to teach English literature, I graduated. My motivation comes from wanting to help, to encourage, and to inspire others.  Teaching is an act of giving that has its own rewards.  Life’s trials bring ups and downs. But we must always strive to attain our dreams, especially when others are central to them.

by Katheryn England

As a high school senior, many people assume I’m prepared for college and know what I want to study after graduation. These assumptions cause me to experience moments of self-doubt. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.

A goal I have in my life is to be an elementary teacher, also known as an early childhood teacher. As a teacher,  I can share the knowledge I’ve gained to leave behind a better future for our world .

Last year, I had the opportunity to work alongside a previous elementary teacher and mentor of mine. I’d visit her classroom daily, and taught lessons alongside her or independently. Uniquely, they were the opening act in my high school’s original winter play. They read first-hand from our scripts and learned what happens behind the scenes. Showing a new part of the world to the youth of my community has motivated me to pursue my dreams.

Remembering this experience and the positive influence I had on those students helps me overcome self-doubt and stay focused on my goals. Thanks to the goals I’ve set for my life, I not only can find purpose for my efforts, but find the will to be confident in whatever choices I make.

by Emma Lillard-Geiser

I have always known that I would become two things: a mother and a teacher. What I didn’t know is that I would become the mother before the teacher. Having a child that depends on me is what fuels my desire to succeed in life. When I get frustrated with my studies I take a deep breath, look at my daughter, and know that I have reason to persevere. I know that one hour of studying will give me hours with my daughter as soon as I am done.

My mother is a teacher and growing up I cherished learning from her. She had knowledge that I admired and I quickly realized that I had to spend my whole life learning. I love to learn, to have that light go off in my head when it all just clicks.

I cannot wait to see that light in the eyes of my daughter and my future students.  For every thing that I learn, is another thing I can teach someone else.  It isn’t easy to study when you have a small child to take care of but I know that my education will provide me with the ability to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

2. Help Disadvantaged Students

Teacher helping disadvantaged student

Students are disadvantaged for many reasons, whether it’s because of a handicap, where they live, economic disadvantage or a language barrier.

Future educators may want to become teachers so they can make a difference in the lives of students who face extra learning challenges. This special interest often comes from the future teacher’s own experience, either personally or involving people they’ve known.

by Ian T Thomason

While attending the University of Minnesota-Mankato, I have aspirations of becoming a Special Education Teacher. Becoming a Special Education Teacher and helping students who have a need for extra help and students who are having troubles with everyday life are things that I dream of doing.  I was in their shoes once and know how difficult it is to deal with everyday life and how nice it was have a teacher to talk to.

Becoming a Special Education Teacher is my ultimate goal and, when difficult times arise, I have to remind myself of the children out there who have it potentially worse than I. When I remember this, I also think back to all of the support that I had from my parents, family members, and teachers. I also know that there are lots of children who don’t have this type of support and, if I can be there for them, that would make my career choice all the more worth it.

My Special Education degree is something more than just a degree for me. It is a degree that allows me to help children improve their education. I realize that children are our future and that their minds are terrible things to waste. So, instead of wasting their minds, why not put our best foot forward to educate them? My dream is to help kids realize their full potential, promote education and a brighter future for every child.

by Katherine

Motivation allows you to persist through difficult circumstances. Mine comes from a desire to grow into an instructor who is able to make a difference to many children’s lives.

In elementary school, I actually was a special education student. I’ve had to work hard most days of my life to achieve anything. I could not have succeeded without the support of some absolutely amazing teachers. Now I desire to take on that supporting role for as many students as I can reach.

When a class or an assignment I don’t want to do come up, I think of what motivates me. And the motivation is children. Many students feel powerless about their education, just like I did.  I could be a teacher who turns their education around, providing vital support and motivation to succeed at their studies.  Ultimately, everyone motivates themselves by one way or another. My motivation comes from the pure desire to help future students.

by Robbie Watson

My road to graduate school has been a long one. I studied religion and culture in undergrad, interested in the material, yet not sure how I would apply it later. Yet I found places, got involved in community and international development, engaged with different cultures, and now feel I use my degree every day.

For over two years I worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps. It is these refugees, young and old, the students, the teachers, their passion and vision for a better future that has driven me to seek out more education for myself. I remember how they would pay from their families’ meager funds to attend classes led by volunteer teachers. When finances were against them, or time, or family obligations, or the dire depression of the camp life itself, or even government officials were against them, still those students attended, still those teachers taught.

It is their example of perseverance towards a goal against all odds that inspires me now. I think of them often, think of the friends they were, are still. And I think of how that passion is in me now, to better understand education so that I might better educate, and thus equip such downtrodden communities to work for transformation themselves. I work not only for myself, and am motivated by the potential in those students and educators, which is also in me, and in others like them.

by Natalie Pelayo

I’m a young Latino woman working towards the goal of earning a bachelor degree in bilingual education. On occasions, I feel a slowing in my motivation. But, every time it happens, I think about the goal and that pushes me to move forward.

Looking back to a middle school class I attended, there was a boy who never really participated. He sat in his hoodie, looking down to his desk. Only after trying to talk with him, I discovered he spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. It seemed as if no-one in our class actually knew that he struggled to understand what was being taught because it was presented in English.

By his manner, it was apparent that he had already accepted a dismal fate. Past teachers may have been unable to communicate with him. Eventually, he’d become demoralized.  Thinking about the disadvantages he had to endure provides ongoing motivation to study hard.

I aim to become a bilingual elementary school teacher to support young Spanish-speaking children. As a teacher, I’ll be able to show them that they can succeed. Children need not grow up thinking they’re incapable of learning due to a language barrier. I’ll keep working towards my goal to help ensure teaching is inclusive of all children, no matter their first language.

by Abigail Young

I am an American citizen, but my whole life I have lived in Cameroon, Africa. I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunities and a great education at a private international school.

Every day I have seen children and teenagers around me who do not get the same education or have the same possibilities of a “bright” future. I see schools that are forced to have three children share a small table, paper, and pens. I have seen a badly lit room with poor roofs and walls made from bricks. Even in my school there are numerous Cameroonians, my friends, and classmates that do not have the same chances at a higher level education, although they work just as hard.

When I study, I study hard because I do not want to let this chance and opportunity go to waste. I study because I have been undeservedly blessed to be able to go the United States for a high education with better chances at getting scholarship money. I study my hardest because  it is my dream that I may come back and make a difference in countries like Africa with poor education systems . It should be a right for children to be able to learn like I have. Therefore, because of this mindset, I am driven to study not just out of thankfulness for my circumstances, but also in hope that I may be able to give other children a better chance, and a greater reason to study.

3. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching

Crowded classroom with many hands up

A powerful source of motivation for some education students is the potential to touch and positively impact the lives of many people. Education is a field of consequence and that’s a good reason for wanting to join the teaching profession.

Over the course of a long career, a classroom teacher may help shape the learning experience of hundreds or even thousands of students. In policy roles, educators can affect millions of people.

by Rachel Bayly

Through high school I worked as a teacher at a daycare. When I left for college I said goodbye to a lot of people, including my students. All summer I had woken up at five in the morning to go to work and wait for them to arrive and put a smile on my face. Those kids motivated me to keep waking up and working hard, and leaving them was not easy.

The thing that made that goodbye worth it, the reason that I keep pushing through this tying chapter of my life is that  I am determined to improve early childhood education in the United States .

I want to be a positive force in the lives of as many children as I possibly can, and I plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and making it more affordable.

Every week I write in my planner, “I will make a difference” and one way that I will change the lives of children and families. On days that I find myself asking, “why am I here?” “why am I going into debt, paying to be stressed out all the time?” I think of my students. I read my “I will make a difference” statements.

I remember that some children out there are stuck in low quality child care centers, they will never reach their full potential, and they need help. I keep working hard everyday so that I can help those children.

by Megan Burns

My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people. Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help just one person changes everything.

It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It take one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken life, and make it brand new. Qualified teachers are those people.  We motivate students to do their best, we guide students to success when no one else will, and we are always available to listen.  One teacher can change the lives of thousands of students. That is my motivation.

I know that after college, I will be a teacher, a guider, a counselor, and a friend to so many students. No matter how many bad days I have or how many times I want to quit, I just think of what is to come in the future. I can be that change this world needs, even if its in a small high school classroom. It just takes one person.

by Victoria Shoemkaer

My dream is to make a difference in the life of children.

  • To make them excited about learning.
  • To make it fun the way it used to be when they were younger.
  • To show them that someone cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
  • To show that they are much more that a test score or a number.
  • To believe in them so much, that I do not let them get discouraged from chasing their dreams.
  • To showing them that everyone fails and it’s your recovery that determines what happens next.
  • To sacrifice myself to gives them more opportunities for success.
  • To encourage students to succeed in and out of the classroom for the betterment of themselves and the community.
  • To inspire them to change the world, because they can.
  • To help them transform into caring and compassionate adults who are ready to conquer the word, but remember where they came from.
  • To teach them to do good in the world because anyone can accomplish doing well.

Most importantly, my dream is to make children feel like their voice is important and valued and that they are loved more than they know.

4. Lives Can Be Improved by Dedicated Instructors

African boy showing a computer tablet

Teaching a subject such as Math or English is the everyday task of a teacher. But our prospective teachers see a greater purpose in their training and career path.

The daily motivation to teach doesn’t come from the superficial advantages of a teaching career, such as great job security or extra vacation time. Here are stories by future educators who want to go beyond the curriculum and improve people’s lives all round.

by Savannah Luree Weverka

Teachers are the ones who ignited my love for learning and there is not a day that goes by when I do not challenge myself to a personal goal of lifelong learning.

My mother is a teacher, so I was a student educated in an institution filled with support and a home that also supported education. I recall many teacher “get-togethers” and Husker parties where an informal invitation led to my presence.

Due to all of this support and interaction received throughout my elementary and high school career, Elementary Education continues to be at the top of my career choices. And now, as a senior looking forward to graduating from high school,  teachers remain my role models .

In considering a focus in Elementary Education, I now realize that many teachers not only teach children eight hours of the day, but become doctors for scraped knees, dictionaries for challenging words, mediators between students, and parents away from home.

Now, as I am taking the steps to make my dream come true I hope to make school an escape to free their minds and expand their knowledge. I want to share my love of learning with my students.

by Aaron Banta

Since I was younger, I have had the dream of becoming a history teacher at the high school level. The reason I am striving for this career is thanks to a teacher I had.  They held such a passion for history and taught it so well that it made me want to keep learning everything I could about it.

In college, I have had to work multiple jobs and attend school full-time. I would wake up early in the morning and not get home until late at night. The one thing that kept me on top of my studying and work was the dream I have; to be able to teach history and express my love for it by teaching the next generation. I strive to impact their lives for the better just like mine was.

Being able to pass my courses and get a degree and teaching credentials is the first main goal I am striving for. But being able to have a positive impact on students I have will be an even greater goal that I want to accomplish. I am hoping to guide them through their study of my favorite subject so I can teach them about the world and help them just like my teacher had helped me.

by Chelsea Rogers

At USC Upstate, I am studying to be a Secondary Education Mathematics teacher. The math courses are not easy and the education courses pushes you to challenge yourself. The thought of being a future teacher is what motivates me to keep pushing.

Although I do not know any of my students, they are precious to me and I believe it is my job to change their lives for the better.  Teaching math is my job, but looking beyond my content and into the wellbeing of my students is my passion.

The question I always ask myself is how can I teach students who may not trust me? I have to establish a connection with each student so that they will see I care about them academically, physically, and emotionally. Once students see that you care about them in these areas, it becomes easier to teach them and they are willing to perform to the best of their ability because they know their teacher supports them 100 percent. Being a great teacher is what motivates me to continue striving for my degree.

by Micayla Watroba

One plus one is two. Phone is pronounced with an F sound. 60 divided by 15 is 4. An essay typically has five paragraphs. I know all these things because I went to school. I also had teachers that helped me understand it even when I didn’t get the same opportunities as everyone else.

See, when I was in first grade I was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. This made school very hard. I was either out of school so often that I missed entire chapters or I was bullied so badly that I couldn’t focus because I was so scared. Having cancer also made it hard for my mom and dad to pay for food and rent much less after school activities and tutoring. I grew up knowing that there were some things that were just not in reach for us. 

For as bad as I had it, I can’t imagine having to live on the streets, going hungry, or even being taught in a language I don’t know.

My dream is to be the teacher that makes sure that every student gets an education that helps them succeed.  I want to make sure that my students not only enjoy being at school but feel safe while there.  My students will know that it doesn’t matter where they came from or what background they came from. I am going to be there and I will not leave them behind. This is my dream.

5. Promote Lifelong Learning in Young People

Curriculum delivery in the classroom

What inspires some people to become teachers is the power to set young people on the right education path. Helping children to have good early experiences and embrace the learning process can profoundly enhance someone’s life. The potential for transformative early development applies to handicapped and disadvantaged kids as much as anyone.

by Lesley Martinez-Silva

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Education has always been my priority. My parents always stressed the importance of obtaining an education, having missed that opportunity themselves. My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper.  Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get back on track.

by Brianna Rivers

One of my goals is to become a teacher and work in an public elementary school within the greater Boston area (possibly my own elementary school). I want to be a teacher because I enjoy working with children and I know how important teachers are in children’s lives. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s degree for Early Childhood Education and my Master’s degree in Special Education.

I want to major in Early Childhood Education because  early education is significant for children and is a building block for their future in learning . I also want to major in Special Education because I believe all children should receive equal learning opportunities as well as equal treatment (meaning an inclusive environment, etc).

I think all of my experiences have a positive impact on myself because I am learning more about what it takes to be a teacher and what it takes to be a good teacher. My experiences also have a positive impact on the children and adults I work with. I offer a helping hand to the teachers and a friendly face to the children.

I plan to continue to work hard and take advantage of learning opportunities to achieve both of my goals. Being a teacher is my desire and I will stop at nothing to be a great teacher one day.

by Jennamarie Moody

When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal  to inspire our youth to become self-advocates for their learning .

Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

by Julie Anderson

My long-time goal has been to become a teacher, and this year I’m in a class called Teachers for Tomorrow, where I get to shadow a kindergarten teacher. Working with her and the students has increased my interest in children with special needs.

From here on out, I want to support my students in academics and other parts of their lives so I can help them learn, grow, and succeed. I know that children need a strong start to their school career because the first few years of school are crucial; this is when students begin to love or hate learning itself. Whether or not children enjoy school, they deserve to appreciate learning. Students who love learning will always want to improve themselves.

I will make an effort to provide a loving environment where each child can prosper. However, for students with special needs, this task becomes even harder to accomplish because traditional classrooms are usually set up for non-disabled students.  While I know I can’t “save” every student I teach, and some of them will still hate learning, at least I can start them off right.

When I’m swamped with schoolwork, I will imagine my future students and how I could influence their lives. Even though not all of my college classes will relate to my major, forming a habit of working hard in college will help me to succeed as a future teacher.

6. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models

Enthralled student in classroom

The experience of being helped and transformed by a good teacher leaves a lasting impression. Teaching is considered a noble profession for good reasons.

Some education students are motivated to become a teacher to emulate their own role models. They want to provide the same kind of service they once received. An added reason for pursuing a teaching career is to be a role model to younger people outside the classroom, including one’s own children.

by Teresa Pillifant

My first day – well, more like first semester- of my freshman year in high school was the hardest semester of my whole school career. Usually the kind of student who loves school, I found myself getting stomach aches in the morning and dreading school with my whole being. I was new to the school, and the number of students was overwhelming.

It seemed like there was no relief, except for my first hour Spanish class. Having no friends, I would always arrive at my first hour class early. As this pattern continued, my Spanish teacher and I developed a relationship. My teacher started giving me books to read, asking my opinion on what we should do in class and just talked to me in general about life. Through my teacher’s support, I grew to find my place in the school and became more confident.

Her kind words and actions inspired me to become a teacher myself.  Now, whenever school or life gets difficult, I think of my freshmen year Spanish teacher and how she inspired me. I want to do what she did for me for my future students. Whether it be a difficult test or a challenging class, my goal of making a difference in a student’s life keeps me going.

by Mo Cabiles

The world we live in is hard, unsteady and ruthless. We see this everyday in the harshness of homelessness, to social media screaming for justice. What motivates me to continue on is that I have felt the bitter cold bite of homelessness. I know what it’s like to not have enough to eat and to be scared of what will happen next.

I am fortunate to no longer be in those situations but that, by no means, is an indicator that it will all now come easy. As an adult learner and your “non-traditional” student, there are other obstacles I must overcome. From transportation to childcare or education application mastery to APA formatting, the many roadblocks I tackle both large and small are what I consider to be my victories.

I’ve seen what having a higher education can do for someone and I want that for myself and that of my daughters.  I strive to be a good example for them , to show them that, regardless of social standing and unforeseeable circumstances, if they work hard and put their best effort forward, they can achieve their dreams.

My dream is to obtain my Masters in Education with an emphasis in counseling. I want to be an academic advisor or guidance counselor. I’ve seen so many youths attempt community college and fail because they fell through the cracks. These students need to realize their potential and I want to help them achieve that and to be their cheerleader.

by Gia Sophia Sarris

In every school I’ve ever attended, experienced teachers were there to support and inspire me. I have looked up to these people ever since I was in elementary school, and they have had an immense and positive impact on my life and my view of the world.  My fondness for these people [educators] has led me to aspire to become a teacher.

I want to “pay it forward” and improve the lives of children and teenagers who grow up struggling as I did, or in any way for that matter. I want to make a difference in their lives and let them know that they are not alone with their problems.

This is what motivates me to study hard. Becoming a teacher, I believe, will help me fulfill my purpose in life, which I think is to create happiness and ease the burdens of others. I feel that children and teenagers need this especially, because they are struggling to understand the world and their place in it. I study hard for their sake.

by Jennifer Wolfert

From elementary school to my first year at college, I struggled to establish a dream for myself. Trying to figure out what career I wanted to pursue as successful adult always filled me with anxiety. I had spent multiple years in special education and left with a low academic self-esteem. So, after high school I attended Bucks County Community College in search for more time. Still I made no progress. Then I decided to change my outlook. I stopped asking “what do I want to do?” and started asking “who do I want to be?”. That’s when my dream took shape.

The educators that I met during my time at community college were my inspiration.  They are brilliant, hardworking people with a passion for their specialty that I had never seen before. Their belief in hard work was infectious. School began to fill me with excited anticipation and my grades improved. I started to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could be like them and inspire others like they had inspired me.

At the end of my second year attending community college, I accomplished a task that had previously racked me with fear. I applied to Temple University as a Secondary English Education major. I have now completed my second semester at Temple and earned my first 4.0 GPA. In time, I am confident that I will be able to accomplish my dream. I will become the passionate and inspiring educator that my younger self never had.

by Jenyfer Pegg

My entire life has been filled with discouragement. I grew up in a household where I was constantly told “No”. I was told my ideas were stupid and would not work. In my junior year of high school, my teachers and counselors started talking about college and sending in applications to different places. At that point, I knew I was not going. I came from a poor family and I knew we could never have money for something like college.

But I went on college visits, I listened to people speak about their college, and I was set. I had a lot of things pushing me, except the one thing I really wanted, my family. No one in my family has gone to college, and when I told my mother, she was shocked. She told me she just wanted me out of the house.

When I came to school, I realized I wanted to teach high school. I want to make an actual difference in someone else’s life. My family has taken the same road for years, and I’m not going down that road. I won’t live paycheck to paycheck like my mom, I will be a person that others will look up to.

I’m going to do something worthwhile, and I will work harder than anyone else if it gets me there.  I’ve seen what my life will be like without school and motivation and there is absolutely no way I’m going down that road. I’ve got bigger plans.

7. Unlock the Success Potential of Students

College student holding books

Educators want to help students in every way they can but, for some future teachers, the focus is on helping students soar. That child in front of you in the classroom might grow up to do great things for society, raise a strong family, or just be happy and fulfilled.

Whatever the potential of a pupil, a teacher’s job is to help unlock talents and remove any barriers to future success.

by Tamara Vega

The thing that motivates me the most is the thought of having my own classroom someday. I want to be the teacher that changes a child’s life, inspires them to set high goals for themselves and encourages them to reach it.

College can be so hard at times and I get really anxious and scared. I worry about not passing my classes and exams, I worry about not getting my degree. Despite that I do not give up because I have to do this and I want to do this.

I cannot see myself doing anything else besides teaching, I have never been this passionate about something. I want to graduate and get my degree. I’d love to look at it and say, “I worked hard for this and I earned it”.

The idea that the students in my classroom could grow up to cure cancer, or become president, pretty much anything they want, brings me so much excitement.   I want to be the teacher that they remember, the one who helped them realize their dream and who gave them the knowledge needed to reach it.

Be the teacher that I needed as a child but unfortunately never had. That is what gets me through all the stress and anxiety, I know in my heart that all the studying I’m doing right now will be worth it in the end.

by Nicole Gongora

The dream of success motivates me to study – not my success, my future students’ success. I push myself through the rough spots for them.

I was a lost child in high school; I didn’t know how to apply to college, let alone afford it. No child should have to experience that. As a future educator, I am committed to helping my students succeed, achieve more, and continue onto higher education.  Every child should be given the opportunity to showcase their strengths and follow their dreams.

College was never a dream for me; it was a far off, unattainable fantasy. I met some inspiring teachers in high school who encouraged me to change my life and who helped me to thrive. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I plan to work at a low-income school similar to the one I attended. These types of schools are the ones who lack resources. I will serve as a resource to my students and I hope to be an inspiration to them. In turn, I hope they become kind, respectful adults. I want them to see the virtue in helping others and I hope they will serve others in their future careers. I want to be the teacher they remember. I want to be the teacher that helped them succeed.

I’ll feel successful as a teacher if my students are successful in attaining their goals. If one student decides to achieve more then I will have lived out my dream.

by Madison Sherrill

I’ve decided to become a teacher because I want to show the value of compassion and diversity.

As I begin college this upcoming fall, my main motivation is the students. While I haven’t even met them yet, they inspire me to persist in my classes and stay optimistic.  My classroom will support innovative thinking and celebrate each student’s individuality.

As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and positively influence the next generation. They should know that they can be successful and achieve what they aspire to become while making the world better. By teaching the value of inclusiveness and the power of kindness, my students may turn out to be visionary thinkers and leading members of society.

by Alicia Costin

I am returning to school after taking a few years off. After graduating from California Lutheran University with my BS in Mathematics, I wanted to land a job with benefits and begin my “adult life”.

While it took me a few months to find my current job, is it just that; a job. I have benefits, a full-time schedule, weekends and holidays off, but am I happy? Is this what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life? I have asked myself this question a few times and the answer is always the same; no.

My dream is to become a teacher and help motivate and encourage students to do their best in their studies and in life.  It is my dream to do what I was meant to do; shape young minds and help future generations.

When things become difficult during my graduate program, I know to keep pushing, thriving, and studying hard so that, when I do become a teacher, I can use this as a positive story to shape their way of life. I landed a job outside of college, however now it is time for me to land my career.

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My Ambition to Become a Teacher

Different people have different ambitions in life such as doctors, engineers, pilots, soldiers, etc. For as long as I can remember I always liked teaching people something, being helpful to others. From my childhood, I teach whatever I learn in school. It started with helping some trying to tie their shoelaces or making my younger siblings remember alphabets through a sing-song rhythm. This profession will enable me to make my humble contribution to the building of my nation by instilling the spirit of nationalism and patriotism in my students. The sense of accomplishment I used to feel when the other person finally learned whatever it was that I have been teaching them was indescribable. I used to feel as happy as the other person when those moments happened. It used to feel like I truly passed the torch to someone else. If I can help but one child achieves their goals, I will have accomplished something.

A teacher is someone who gives us a lot of knowledge that never fails. The main reason I always wanted to teach was firstly I thought teaching comes naturally to me and secondly, I always had the utmost respect for my teacher, they knew my strengths and weakness more than I did. According to Plato, education is the turning of the inner eye towards the light. By adopting the profession of teaching, I can hope to perform this stupendous task.

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.  My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

What started from teaching my siblings in their homework ended in me volunteering to teach underprivileged children and making me realize that in this world there could be never enough educators there are people in this world who are always in need of learning. I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper. Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. In view of the foregoing reasons, I am convinced that my preference to become a teacher is a step in the right direction. I will, therefore, spare no effort to achieve this ambition of my life.

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My Aim in Life (To Become a Teacher) – Essay

Category: Essays and Paragraphs On May 1, 2019 By Swetha

My Aim in Life

My aim in life is to become a teacher. Teaching is a very noble profession and I am passionate to pursue it as a career. As a teacher, I would get an opportunity to be a part of another individual’s life and play a transformative role. The inspiration to become a teacher comes from the role that teachers have played in my life. There are various steps in the process of becoming a teacher that requires sincere effort. There are also several difficulties associated with the profession that I need to prepare to endure.

Inspiration to become a Teacher

The inspiration to become a teacher comes from my experiences with teachers. Teachers have a lasting impression in our future as they prepare us for the future. I want to play such a role in the life of another person and help shape their life. This has really inspired me to take teaching as a prospective career choice.

Duties of a Teacher

A teacher has several important roles to perform. The first and foremost is to teach the students the subject in a way that they are able to understand the concepts and internalize them. Apart from the subject, the teacher plays an important role of instilling good values in the students. This is very much relevant for teachers handling students in the primary and secondary levels. The teacher also monitors the behaviors of the students and disciplines them. Above all, a teacher needs to inspire the students to be a responsible and good person.

Difficulties associated with Teaching

There are several difficulties associated with teaching and it is important to understand them so that I can be well prepared to handle them. It can be very difficult to handle a class of 30 to 40 students by a single teacher. There may be students who may not comply and misbehave and this would cause considerable stress. Therefore, it is essential to develop communication skills and patience to be able to deal with such problems smoothly. Also long hours of teaching can affect throat and legs. It is important to stay healthy and maintain a balanced diet and routine so that I am physically fit.

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Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher

Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher: My Ambition To Educate And Inspire Future Generations”

Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher: Ambition is an essential element of success, and having a clear vision of one’s aspirations can provide a sense of purpose and direction in life. As for me, my ambition in life is to become a teacher. I have chosen this career path because I believe that teaching is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling professions, where one can make a positive impact on students’ lives. In this Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher, I will discuss why I have chosen to become a teacher, the skills required to become a successful teacher, and the impact I hope to make on my students’ lives.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher

In this blog Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher, we include About Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children and students. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… About Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher is available in different languages. Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Why I Want To Become A Teacher

  • The decision to become a teacher was not a spontaneous one, but rather the result of a combination of factors that have shaped my personality, values, and goals. One of the main reasons why I want to become a teacher is my passion for learning and teaching. From a young age, I have always enjoyed acquiring knowledge, exploring new ideas, and sharing my insights with others.
  • I find great joy in learning and have a natural curiosity that drives me to seek answers to life’s questions. As I grew older, I realized that teaching is a natural extension of my love for learning, as it allows me to impart knowledge and skills to others and inspire them to pursue their own passions.
  • Another reason why I want to become a teacher is my desire to make a difference in students’ lives. I believe that teaching is one of the noblest professions, as it empowers students to reach their full potential and become active contributors to society.
  • As a teacher, I hope to be a positive role model for my students, helping them to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a passion for lifelong learning.
  • I also hope to instill in them values such as respect, empathy, and social responsibility, which are essential for a harmonious and sustainable society.

The Skills Required To Become A Successful Teacher

Being a successful teacher requires a combination of technical, interpersonal, and personal skills. These skills are essential for creating a positive learning environment, establishing effective communication with students, and nurturing their intellectual, emotional, and social development.

Some of the key skills required to become a successful teacher include:

Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively with students, parents, colleagues, and other stakeholders is critical for a teacher’s success. Teachers must be able to express their ideas clearly, listen actively, and provide feedback that helps students to improve their performance. Effective communication also involves using appropriate language, tone, and body language to convey the intended message.

Patience: Teaching can be a challenging and demanding job, and it requires a lot of patience and resilience. Teachers must be able to deal with students’ diverse needs, backgrounds, and learning styles, and adapt their teaching methods accordingly. They must also be able to handle students’ behavior and emotional issues with compassion and empathy, without losing their composure.

Creativity: A successful teacher must be able to come up with creative and engaging ways to teach students, making the learning process enjoyable and memorable. This involves using a variety of teaching methods, such as role-playing, storytelling, games, and technology, to capture students interest and attention, and promote their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Subject Matter Expertise: Teachers must have a strong knowledge base in their subject area and keep up-to-date with the latest developments and research in their field. This involves continuous learning and professional development, attending conferences and workshops, and collaborating with other professionals in the field.

Organizational Skills: Teachers must be able to plan and organize their lessons, activities, and assessments effectively, ensuring that they meet the curriculum standards and students’ learning objectives. They must also be able to manage their time efficiently, prioritize their tasks, and maintain accurate records of students’ progress and performance.

The Skills Required To Become A Successful Teacher

The Impact I Hope To Make On My Students’ Lives

As a future teacher, I hope to make a positive impact on my students’ lives, helping them to develop their potential and achieve their goals. I believe that education is a transformative process that can empower students to become active and responsible citizens, making meaningful contributions to their communities and society.

Some of the specific impacts that I hope to make on my students’ lives include:

Inspiring a Love for Learning: I hope to inspire my students to become lifelong learners, fostering their curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills. I believe that learning is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about developing a passion for exploration and discovery.

Encouraging Self-Discovery and Self-Expression: I hope create a safe and supportive learning environment that allows my students to express themselves freely, explore their interests and talents, and develop their unique identities. I believe that every student has a potential to make a difference in the world, and it is my job to help them find their voice and purpose.

Fostering Social Responsibility: I hope to instill in my students the values of respect, empathy, and social responsibility, helping them to become active and responsible members of society. I believe that education is not just about individual achievement but also about contributing to the common good and making a positive impact on the world.

In my Ambition in life is to become a teacher, and I believe that this career path will allow me to make a positive impact on students’ lives and contribute to society. To become a successful teacher, one must possess a range of skills, including communication, patience, creativity, subject matter expertise, organizational skills, empathy, and adaptability. As a future teacher, I hope to inspire my students to become lifelong learners, encourage self-discovery and self-expression, foster social responsibility, and build positive relationships. I believe that teaching is not just a job but a calling, and I am committed to pursuing this calling with passion and dedication.

Also Read: My Favourite English Teacher

Essay On My Ambition In Life To Become A Teacher (FAQ’s)

Question 1. What is a teacher short essay?

Answer: A short essay on teachers can be defined as a brief written piece that discusses the importance of teachers in society, their roles and responsibilities, and the impact they have on students’ lives. It can highlight the skills and qualities that make a successful teacher, the challenges they face, and the rewards of the profession. A short essay on teachers can serve as a tribute to their dedication, passion, and hard work.

Question 2. What is the full form of teacher?

Answer: There is no full form of the word “teacher” as it is not an acronym or an abbreviation. It is a common noun that refers to an individual who instructs or educates others, usually in an academic setting. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping students’ lives, helping them acquire knowledge and skills, and preparing them for future success. The word “teacher” comes from the Old English word “tæcan,” which means “to show, instruct, or guide.”

Question 3. What will you do if you become a teacher?

Answer: Cannot become a teacher as I am a computer program. However, if you are asking what a teacher typically does, they instruct and educate students in various subject areas, develop lesson plans and teaching materials, evaluate students’ progress and performance, provide feedback and guidance, and create a positive and engaging learning environment. Teachers also collaborate with other professionals in the field, attend professional development workshops and conferences, and participate in school and community activities.

Question 4. What are the qualities of good teacher?

Answer: There are several qualities that make a good teacher. Some of these include:

  • Passionate and enthusiastic about teaching and learning.
  • Knowledgeable and skilled in their subject area and teaching methods.
  • Patient, compassionate, and understanding towards students’ needs and challenges.
  • Effective communicators who can explain concepts clearly and listen actively to students. Good teachers also have strong organizational skills, a positive attitude, and a commitment to ongoing professional development to improve their teaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest educational trends and research.

Question 5. What is the success of a teacher?

Answer: The success of a teacher can be measured in different ways, depending on their goals and objectives. However, some common indicators of a successful teacher include:

  • High student achievement and academic progress.
  • Positive student feedback and engagement in the learning process.
  • Recognition and awards from peers, administrators, and the community.
  • Longevity and commitment to the profession, including continuous learning and improvement.

Ultimately, a successful teacher is one who has made a positive impact on their students’ lives, instilling a love of learning, inspiring them to reach their full potential, and preparing them for success in their future endeavors.

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My Aim of Life to Become a Teacher

My aim of life to become a teacher english essay, 150 words on my aim of life to become a teacher.

Different people have different ambitions in their life, for example someone wants to become doctors, someone who wants to become an engineer, someone hooked into pilots, and Someone who wishes to devote their lives to serving as a soldier, etc., but the aim of my life is to be a teacher. Teaching is a noble discipline, and I am eager to try it as a career. My ambition to be a teacher stems from the significant impact that my teachers have had on my life.

The most critical task of the teacher is to teach a lesson in an easy-to-understand manner. A teacher is also very important in instilling positive qualities in students. The teacher is an inspiration to be a responsible and decent citizen for all of the reasons mentioned above. There are also some difficulties with this profession, but when the passion comes first, all of the difficulties will fade away.

200 Words on My Aim of Life to Become a Teacher

Different people have different life goals, such as being surgeons, engineers, astronauts, or soldiers, but the aim of life is to become a teacher. Teaching is a noble discipline, and I am eager to try it as a career.

My ambition to be a teacher stems from the significant impact that my teachers have had on my life. I want to play a part in another person’s life that helps me to positively mold their life. By his profession, we can uplift our society. There are several phases in the process of becoming a teacher that requires our undivided attention.

250 Words on My Aim of Life to Become a Teacher

Ambition is important. All should have a goal in life. Some people do not set out their aim. Different people have different goals in life, such as being surgeons, engineers, astronauts, or soldiers, but the aim of my life is to become a teacher. Teaching is a very respectable profession, and I am very eager to pursue it as a career.

My ambition to be a teacher stems from the significant impact that my teachers have had on my life. I want to play a part in another person’s life that helps me to positively mold their life. By his profession, we can uplift our society.

There are several phases in the process of becoming a teacher that requires our undivided attention. For becoming a teacher, it is very important to develop communication skills and patience because it unable a teacher to deal with such problems calmly. This profession lightens our inner souls. The hardest work in the world is to teach people the right way, and I will do this in my career.

300 Words on My Aim of Life to Become a Teacher

Ambition is important. All should have a goal in life. Some people do not set out their aim. The aim of life is very important because it shows what man wants from their life. Different people have different goals in life, such as being surgeons, engineers, astronauts, or soldiers, but the aim of my life is to become a teacher.

Teaching is the profession of the prophet. Teaching is a very respectable profession, and I am very eager to pursue it as a career. My ambition to be a teacher stems from the significant impact that my teachers have had on my life. I want to play a part in another person’s life that helps me to positively mold their life. By his profession, we can uplift our society.

The most critical task of the teacher is to teach a lesson in an easy-to-understand manner. A teacher is also very important in instilling positive qualities in students. There are a lot of kids that don’t know what they want to do with their lives. I will use this career to mentor and assist them in learning and being successful people of the world. The teacher is an inspiration to be a responsible and decent citizen for all of the reasons mentioned above. There are also some difficulties with this profession, but when the passion comes first, all of the difficulties will fade away.

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Essay on My Ambition in Life to become a teacher

( Essay on my ambition/goal/aim/dream in life to become a teacher essay in English, I want to become a teacher, My dream/goal as the job is to be a teacher )

Every human being has an ambition . A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.

Different people have different tastes and likings. Hence, they have different ambitions . Some want to become a doctor , others want to be an engineer .

My father and mother both are teachers. So, I have experience of a teacher’s life. A teacher is a respectable man. He is a builder of the character of a child or a person . The teacher is the builder of a nation. When a child enters the gate of life, he comes across a teacher . The teacher makes the future of others. He has a respectable position in society. I am very much impressed by a teacher’s life . So, I have the ambition of becoming a teacher .

It is a noble profession. A teacher commands great respect in society. He is a nation-builder. He looks after the mental , moral and physical developments of his pupils. He teaches them discipline, good manners, and obedience. He makes them polite , well – behaved , and gentle . He builds their character and helps them to become good citizens. That is why I would like to be a teacher.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Children

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Key Points To Remember: Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Lower Primary Classes

Essay on ‘my ambition is to become a doctor’, essay on ‘my ambition is to become an engineer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a police officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become an ias officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a lawyer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a nurse’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a teacher’, what will your child learn from an essay on my ambition in life.

To become any professional, one has to devote years to studying. No one can just become a doctor, scientist, engineer, or even businessman in one day! They have to plan for their career, and then study that profession. Most professions need years of education, starting from the subjects chosen in the school. Therefore, teachers and parents keep asking and inspiring young kids to choose a specific profession to guide them accordingly. To make young kids think about their ambition or dream, they are asked to write an essay on ‘My Ambition in Life’ in school. This essay helps the kids dream about what they want to be, and improve their English creative writing, vocabulary and grammar.

Young students of lower primary classes might need guidance with essays on ‘My Ambition in Life’. When writing this essay, there are a few key points that will make it easy to write this about any profession of their choice. Some of these key points to remember when writing an essay on My Ambition in Life are:

  • Write about your ambition with a brief introduction to that profession
  • Write about the positive aspects of that profession
  • Explain what inspires you to pursue that profession
  • Mention any role models of that profession that inspired you

Being a doctor is considered a popular and noble profession. Therefore, when asked to write a short essay on My Ambition, most young kids write about becoming a doctor. Here is a sample essay in English on ‘My Ambition Is To Become A Doctor’ for kids:

My life’s ambition is to become a good doctor. There are many reasons why I want to become a doctor. I admire doctors because they heal sick people and make them healthy. They work tirelessly to serve humankind. Some doctors even treat the poor free of charge. One of my uncles is a doctor and has a hospital. Whenever I go to his hospital, I see him checking patients and making them healthy. I, too, want to ease the pain and sickness of people. To become a successful doctor, I know I will have to study a lot. But after years of studying, when I am able to make people healthy, it will be rewarding!

My life’s dream is to become an engineer. Engineers are responsible for making beautiful buildings, using machinery, and so much more. In short, they make our lives beautiful and easy. Everything is made by an engineer, from a pin to an aeroplane and a bridge to even a tower! Engineers not only make things but also repair and maintain things. If it weren’t for engineers, our world would not have so many inventions. There are several types of engineers, such as mechanical, electrical, civil and aviation. I am fascinated with the working of machinery. So I want to become a mechanical engineer and invent machines to make life simpler.

My life ambition is to become a police officer. The profession of police is brave and interesting. Police officers maintain law and order in our society. They save us from thieves and other criminals. Our society has different types of people, some good and some bad. The bad try to harm the good people physically or by cheating them. Police ensure the bad people are caught and put in prison. They ensure peace and safety in society. When I grow up and become a police officer, I want to catch criminals and make society a safe place for everyone.

Every kid dreams of becoming someone important and successful when they grow up. I too want to be someone important when I grow up. I also want to serve my country and make India the best country to live in. Therefore, I want to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. An IAS officer makes sure the country is functioning properly. They are the people who ensure the government projects, plans and schemes are executed properly. They also ensure the government funds are utilised honestly for the welfare of their fellow citizens. So as an IAS officer, I will make my county proud of my work.

Most kids want to become doctors or engineers when they grow up. But, I dream of becoming a lawyer when I grow up. A lawyer is a professional who helps people fight their judicial battles and win them. In our society, there are many kinds of people. Some people take advantage of others and wrongly cheat them of their property, money or rights. To punish such bad people, the people who are harmed file suits in court against them. Lawyers fight their court cases and ensure they get justice. As a lawyer, I will help the police send criminals to jail, and ensure that good people get justice.

Ever since I was a baby, I have been fascinated with nurses. Every time I visited the hospital with my parents for check-ups, the lovely nurses there pampered me a lot. Their smiling faces and caring attitude always impressed me. They are very helpful and caring. More than doctors, the nurses take care of the patients, and they are the ones who give medicines and injections and look after patients day and night. Therefore, it’s my dream to become a nurse when I grow up. As a nurse, I want to treat and care for people in their sicknesses and see them getting better.

Students are influenced by their teachers in their lives. So, it’s no wonder when asked to write a composition on my ambition in life, most students write that they want to become teachers. Here is a sample essay for class 1, 2 & 3 students on ‘My Ambition in Life is to Become a Teacher:

We become what we are due to the teachings and learnings we get in our lives. Apart from our parents, we learn so much from our teachers. Teachers play the most important part in education, starting from preschool to graduation degrees. Whatever profession we choose, we need a teacher to teach it to us. Whether it’s studying to become a doctor, engineer, or scientist, it would be impossible without a teacher. A teacher is responsible for not only imparting education but for teaching moral values to make their students better human beings and citizens. A teacher’s responsibility is to make the students realise and achieve their potential. A teacher is the one who lays the foundation of a good society. Therefore, my goal in life is to become a teacher.

I want to be a primary school teacher as I love teaching young children. Imparting good education to young kids ensures their foundation is strong. So as they progress in school, they will always be good at their studies. Also, young kids are the best learners and their inquisitive minds make teaching interesting. As their teacher, I want to motivate and inspire them to become good students and fulfil their dreams.

My Ambition In Life is an interesting essay topic to make young kids think about their dream in life. It makes them aware of different professions and gets them interested in learning about them. While writing an essay on my ambition in life, children will know what they want to become in life. Once they start learning about their chosen profession, they will be able to determine what they need to study and what subjects to pursue to realise their dream profession. 

Essay writing helps children learn new words, improve their grammar and expand their thinking. It also improves their general knowledge and English creative writing skills.

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My ambition in life is to become a school teacher

I am explaining in this essay that I want to be a teacher when I grow up and educate the society. My parents and grandparents have taught me the value and importance of teaching and education in life and so I want to be a teacher.

Different people have different ambitions in life such as doctors, engineers, pilots, soldiers, etc. But I always wanted to be a teacher because I feel really blissful when I teach people around me. From my childhood, I teach whatever I learn in school. By teaching people around us, we can uplift the society. My father is a professor in a science college and my mother who was a teacher in school earlier now runs a nursery in our house. The two large rooms upstairs are occupied for nursery school. My mother feels immensely happy when she teaches such tiny tots who are not aware of anything. She holds their hands and teaches them "A, B, C, D" and also plays with them many games by taking them to our garden along with one more teacher. I see that my mother feels really happy when she is teaching such innocent children and so I also want to become a teacher like her. My journey to becoming a teacher I want to become a teacher in a reputed international school to teach the students new methods of learning. English is always my favorite subject and also I love to teach social studies. I have introduced new methods of teaching grammar and vocabulary. I always love reading books and I have read many novels pertaining to children's activities and hence I began liking the language. To become a teacher, I should first become a graduate in arts and then study education as a major subject. I love teaching in school than in college because the atmosphere in school is really pleasing. Being in a children's company, just gives me pleasure. I love playing with children and teaching them something that I have learnt in kindergarten. When I become a teacher, I will always teach children mannerism and values too so that they can become good citizens of the future. As a teacher, my duty is not only to teach English and Social studies, but also teach the students the way of life. My teacher always guides us and teaches us the value of mannerism in daily life. After becoming a teacher, I will start preparing notes on English and Social studies so that the students can easily learn the subjects. I will explain to them clearly every chapter so that they can learn it easily and also like the subject. The type of teacher I want to be My grandparents always told me that teaching in a sacred profession and a teacher can make the world a sacred place. I do not want to be a strict teacher who is always flogging or screaming at students, but a compassionate teacher who nurtures the students with knowledge. When I become a teacher, I will never use a scale to scare away students, but speak so effectively that a student understands the meaning of discipline. My teacher is really lovable and I want to become a teacher like her. In our country great teachers were born such as Gandhiji, Swami Vivekananda, Ramkrishna Paramahansa, etc who taught us the greatest lessons of life. So, I will teach my students the values that will help us to succeed.

I really appreciate the author who is having a clear aim to become a teacher. Surely this is the greatest and noblest profession and much suitable for females. By teacher we mean making others to be moulded and guide them to the right path of development. Parents may teach moral lessons to the children, and it is the teacher who teaches the intricacies of life and that too connected to the daily lessons in any subject. A good teacher is one who mingles with the children and teaches the subject in a most jovial method, so that children should not have boredom in the class and they must be longing for that particular teacher every day. I know normally children are afraid of teachers because they have the tendency of beating the children if they are not listening or performing in the class. However, now a days even beating a student is not allowed and even chiding is not considered the best quality of a teacher. All a child needs is the good and soothing words from the teacher and the child yearns for love and affection on par like his parents and thus those teachers who care and show affection to the children are the winners and they get cent percent results from the students. All these qualities of a teacher makes every one to choose this noble and great profession which has no comparison. In other professions you are doing work and earning money, but in a teacher's profession you are moulding a future child for the nation and thus stands the importance of a teacher.

A good teacher is a teacher who goes to the level of the student and use all his knowledge to make the student to understand the teachings. Education is one wealth which can't be stolen away. It will go on increasing as you go on spending. It is really a boon to have a good teacher who teaches the importance of life, the moral values and ethics. It is a profession of honor. I congratulate the author for choosing the line and I hope he will definitely excel in this profession. I love teaching. I go to some colleges and Universities as guest lecturer and I really enjoy teaching there.

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My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my ambition.

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer . I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.

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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer , doctor or engineer . But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

teacher my ambition essay

I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do ambitions help people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must one have an ambition?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”} }] }

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  • My Ambition Essay


Essay on My Ambition

Every person, irrespective of age, has a dream or a wish to achieve something special in life. Even when I was very young, my relatives would ask about my ambition. While I did not know what it meant, now I understand what they meant. Ambition is all about considering what I want to become in life. It helps us to form a particular aim in my life. It also refers to concentrating on a specific goal.

My Ambition

The ambition in anybody's life would depend on the interests and choices of the person. My ambition is to become a fitness guide in the future. Though my parents feel that it is quite an unusual choice for me, they are very encouraging about it. My parents are well aware of my interest in outdoor sports, as well as in yoga and Karate. They have always supported me to follow my passion. 

Accordingly, they have enrolled me in yoga, swimming and Karate classes. I also play badminton regularly with my father. They have promised to help me in every way that they can provide. I never ignore my studies. Becoming a fitness expert might not be a very sought after choice, but my parents are happy with the choice nevertheless.

Why This Ambition?

From a very tender age, I have seen my grandparents very enthusiastic about morning walks and yoga. My mother would visit the gym and meditation classes regularly. And she was also very careful about what we eat. This is how I developed a liking for physical fitness. Now, I have become very passionate about different types of exercises. Also, I love communicating with people. It makes me feel great when I meet new people, talk to them and help them in any possible way. As a fitness guide, I may get the opportunity to meet new people, understand their problems and make them look and feel better with the right exercises. Moreover, if they have a healthy and fit body, then they would feel more confident than ever.

Also, I don't like to stick to a regular desk job. I feel that as a fitness expert, every working day is going to be different. I will have people of all age groups and from different walks of life coming to me. Each of them would have unique fitness needs. Every day, I will have a new challenge and something new to the plan.

What I Want To Do

As a fitness trainer, it would be my priority to instruct and give support to those who come to me. Depending on their physical condition and their needs, I would suggest and create workout plans. I will have to earn expertise in different forms of work out. I will use my knowledge and experience to create customized exercise plans. I can lead group classes, provide one to one sessions or combine both. Also, to keep me upgraded, I will keep on learning new exercise techniques.

Where to Work?

A fitness instructor can either be a freelancer or have his or her fitness studio. Several professionals also work in boutique hotels, as well as in gyms, hospitals, schools and similar places. Even in keeping with the trend of working from home after COVID 19 scenario, I have seen that some professionals are offering online classes as well. 

Before that, I will have to get a degree or diploma in fitness courses. It is also essential to develop my communication skills. For that, I may have to join special grooming classes. Also, I will need to research the latest developments and trends in fitness training. This will help me to perform even better.

Different types of fitness classes, such as aerobics, HIIT, Pilates, yoga, dance, cycling and the like are becoming more popular than ever. This is gradually increasing the job opportunity for fitness experts. Also, the modern lifestyle has become very sedentary. There is minimal scope for outdoor activities and rigorous physical exercise. So even some young people are suffering from severe conditions like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. So almost everyone, at one time or another, looks for a trainer for help.

Fitness is no more a bodybuilding game. It is all about following good postures, eating right and staying confident. This is where I might help.


FAQs on My Ambition Essay

1. What is the importance of ambition in life?

Ambition is a powerful motivator for human development. Without a healthy dose of ambition, no one can prosper. Those that aspire to be more, learn more, accomplish more, give more, or have more have a strong internal drive that propels them to dream greater and go further. They are motivated by an ambition to advance and achieve their objectives. Ambition shows healthy self-esteem and a higher power of abstraction and imagery of the future when it is well-directed and supported by values. As they get closer to their goals, ambitious folks have a glitter in their eyes. They have a higher vibration and a contagious passion for completing tasks. They motivate and inspire others.

It is important to remember that ambition does not imply a lack of morals or principles. It is not about a lack of control or being manipulative, as many people in Western civilisation believe. Ambition isn't valued here. We are afraid of it and distrust it. We are prone to conflating it with unbridled ambition. It is as if every ambitious person was born with the ability and willingness to cause harm to others. Of course, there are others with unrestrained ambition—the evil guy in the story stereotyped—who are capable of doing everything and running over anyone to accomplish what they want. However, persons with a healthy and positive amount of ambition are not inherently disqualified from succeeding and doing good at the same time. 

2. What are the disadvantages of being excessively ambitious?

This is a positive attribute in general, especially for people who are seeking to start their own business. Obviously, if you are more naturally motivated to establish and achieve goals, you will have a better chance of succeeding than someone who is not, right?

This is not always the case, though. Extreme ambition may, in fact, cause more harm than good in some circumstances. If you believe you are a person who is very ambitious, you should be aware of the following potentially dangerous side effects.

Fixation on the End Result: The tendency to focus too narrowly on one vision or ultimate goal is the first major adverse consequence of excessive ambition. For example, if your objective is to make $1 million by the age of 30, everything that doesn't appear to push you closer to that goal may seem pointless.

For two reasons, this is an issue. For starters, it limits your ability to adjust to new situations. If a new rival appears to be posing a danger to your organisation, you may need to adapt your strategy and goals, even if it means departing from your initial vision. This will be difficult if you have too much ambition.

Unfettered Growth: Excessive ambition can also lead to an overabundance of desire to advance. And, as you are probably aware, uncontrolled, excessively rapid expansion can lead to a company's demise. When you develop too quickly, you wind up squandering money; you invest in people, equipment, and resources before you need them; and your internal structures become so disorganised that keeping up is practically impossible.

Becoming Selfish: Being ambitious tends to make you more selfish, leading you to pursue personal ambitions at the expense of your family, friends, and community.

You might, for example, work late into the night instead of spending meaningful time with your spouse and child, or you might ignore your employees' demands and mental health in order to eke out a little more output. While this may help you make some short-term gains, relationships and community connections are greater predictors of success in the long run: These bonds are mutually beneficial, and they are considerably more vital to your mental health than ambition, which is the subject of my next section.

3. How to choose a career?

To choose your career, remember the following points:

Determine your Abilities and Passions: Choosing a career path is a significant decision. You will spend a large portion of your life at work, so make good career choices if you want to enjoy your job, stay motivated, and reach your full potential.

To begin, you must first understand yourself. This entails examining your abilities as well as your interests and values.

Consider your Options for a Career: Consider what your dream work sector would be, then examine the local, national, and worldwide employment markets to learn about its important trends. This will assist you in identifying other alternative career options as well as determining whether roles are expanding or dropping.

Make a Decision: You are now ready to start making choices. Combine what you have learned about yourself and your options with what you've learned about the graduate employment market.

Choose the role that most interests you from your list of work possibilities and one or two backup options in case you are unable to pursue your initial pick.

4. How to relax in life?

Breathe it out: One of the most basic relaxation techniques, breathing exercises can successfully soothe your stressed-out body and mind at any moment. Spot one hand on your belly and sit or lie down in a calm and safe place in your house, such as your bed or the floor. Inhale slowly to a count of three, then exhale slowly to the same count of three. As you breathe in and out, notice how your tummy rises and falls. Repeat five times, or as many times as necessary to feel at ease.

5. How to fight laziness?

Burnout can be caused by setting unreasonable objectives and taking on too much. Burnout symptoms are recognised by medical specialists, despite the fact that it is not a clinical diagnosis. Burnout at work can lead to exhaustion, a lack of interest and ambition, and a desire to leave. Set realistic and manageable goals that will get you where you want to go without overwhelming you along the way to avoid overloading.

Negative self-talk can sabotage your efforts to accomplish goals in many areas of your life. Negative self-talk includes telling yourself that you are a slacker. Go to the Vedantu app and website for free study materials.

6. What is the difference between aim and ambition in life?

Having an aim in life is as essential as having an ambition. Aim refers to a specific goal that a particular person might want to reach. However, ambition means a very strong wish to achieve what one aims in life. It is out of ambition that we can set realistic targets, plan and work to get the results. Serious ambition can keep people motivated and well-directed.

7. Why is ambition important?

With ambition, there is a strong desire to achieve something positive. It gives all the motivation to chase dreams. This, in turn, helps our mind to look for new scopes and opportunities, as well as find new strategies to reach our goals.

8. How to find your ambition?

Not every idea that comes to mind is an ambition. To find your true ambition, you need to take some time. Think about what you like to do in life. Also, think if you have any idea to use your favourite activity to do something fruitful. Also, consider the activities that you think are giving a lot of effort. These steps will help you to find your true ambition.


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My ambition in life is to become a teacher


  • Word count: 324
  • Category: Life Sociology Teaching

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Different persons have different ambitions in life because they differ not only in tastes and temperament but also in innate tendencies and physical capabilities. There are three factors which guide persons to choose their profession. They are power, pelf and popularity. After long sustained self-analysis, I have come to conclusion that teaching profession will suit me the most. An Essay and Article On My Ambition Of Being Of Teacher

Being the son of a teacher, I have perhaps inherited certain qualities of a teacher. I have natural bent of mind towards this noble profession. I know that this calling is not going to make me rich, nor a popular or powerful person. I am also conversant with the curious trend of the society that, on one hand, he is called the nation builder and, on the other hand, they Ambitionignorantly remark that those who cannot do any other kind of job become teachers. Despite this fallacy, I prefer to be a teacher. In my eyes this is the most humble profession as the avenues of allurements are negligible in comparison to other professions. A good teacher serves not only himself,’ but the society and the nation also without the expectation of any reward for his job.

He serves himself because he can enlighten himself as much as possible while being in this profession. He serves the society and the nation because the citizens of the country will be what he makes them today. He is a guide, a friend and a philosopher to the pupils under his charge. He kindles their souls by his ‘lamp of knowledge and spirituality. He himself lives a plain life so that they may live in gaudiness. His face beams with joy when any student of his attains a prestigious position in life because he feels that his labour, after all, has not gone waste. With this spirit does he work and serve the nation.

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Essay On My Ambition In Life For All Class In 100 To 500 Words

We all have some ambitions in life. All of us want to achieve something and be something that gives us meaning and purpose. My ambition in life is to be an honest and successful teacher. But what is your ambition in life?

If you are trying to write an essay on ‘my ambition in life,’ then this article should be able to help. In this article, I have listed three different samples of short essays about my ambition.

Here are essay samples within 100, 200, and 500 words, and you can use them as a sample to write your version of an essay on your ambition in life.

My Ambition In Life Essay: 500 Words  

My Ambition In Life Essay: 500 Words

Each living being has a calling in life. This calling gives them purpose and reason for being alive. So, it is very crucial to find our ambition in life and work on it till we become who we are. Each of us has a different dream. We want to be doctors, engineers, writers, politicians, teachers, firefighters, scientists, and more.

When we have ambition, we can plan our lives ahead. It is the driving force behind our lives, and our ambitions lead us to different places and phases in our lives.

The Importance Of Ambition In Life

It is essential to have ambition when we want to reach higher positions in life. We will not understand how high we can climb unless we look above. Having an ambition in life helps us create goals and keeps us motivated and energetic throughout our journey.

With a high and strong ambition, not only can we develop a plan, but we can also measure the amount of work we have to put in to reach the level we are dreaming of reaching. It works like an ultimatum that makes us work against the clock and the calendar. The cost of success and reaching our life’s goal is hard work and strong determination. Our ambition helps us strengthen that determination.

My Ambition In Life

My ambition in life is to become a successful teacher. I believe that teachers are essential contributors to society. They are the makers of engineers, scientists, journalists, doctors, engineers, and politicians of the next generation.

I want to gain as much knowledge as possible and distribute them among students of the next generation. Teaching is one of the noblest professions, and teachers are respected and loved by everyone in society.

But there is more to being a teacher than we generally know. Most importantly, teachers have the opportunity to meet different types of children . They know and understand that every child is unique and different. They take unique measures to help all of them blend in and learn their academic lessons in the environment of a school.

Teachers are also responsible for building their student’s moral, social, and ethical values. They help students learn about their cultures, help them become creative, and motivate them.

After the parents, it is the teachers who take the responsibility of teaching about the rights and wrongs to their students. Being a teacher is a heavy responsibility to take, and I am ambitious enough to fulfill my dream and take this responsibility seriously.

With ambition comes the fear of being over-ambitious. Growing up too fast only leads to longtime failure and resentment. So, we should always beware of an over-ambitious attitude. We should always measure our ambitions in life by calculating our steps and taking them accordingly.

In conclusion, our ambitions help us follow and achieve our goals in life. But, we should be very calculative and smart about what we desire. It is always wise to keep realistic ambition and move forward accordingly.

My Ambition in Life: 400 Words

Everybody in this world has this innate desire to do something meaningful that will make a difference in other people’s lives. This desire to attain a meaningful position or become someone important is known as ambition. People can have different ambitions in life. For instance, someone may want to be a doctor and save lives, another person may want to be a social worker and work at the grassroots level to help improve other people’s living conditions. Some people also want to be teachers or professors to not only educate but also help them to realize their potential.

However, my ambition since childhood was to become a journalist. I wanted to travel the world, cover exciting and interesting events, and write about them. Personally, the storytelling aspect of Journalism interests me the most. I want to visit new places, meet people from all walks of life hear their stories, and write about them. 

Now that I am in college and studying Journalism and media studies, I have realized that Journalism is much more than traveling the world and writing about people’s stories. It is also a kind of public service because all journalists have an ethical duty to collect and report accurate information in an impartial manner regardless of the field they are working in – politics, current events, business, or entertainment. 

I want to work as a reporter in the field of politics because this field will provide me with ample opportunities to travel all around the world and meet new people – which was my original reason for becoming a writer. But alongside traveling, now I want to write about different current events in politics and governments around the world. I also want to write and talk about the voting process in an impartial manner so that more people become aware and go vote. Furthermore, I want to cover stories on topics such as universal healthcare and education so as to keep the public informed about what steps are being taken by the government to improve these areas.

It is very important that everyone should have an ambition in life. It can be a big ambition or something small, but everyone should have an ambition. This is because life without an aim or an ambition becomes meaningless or directionless. The aim in life to do something meaningful and to become someone is what drives us and inspires us. And finally, when we are able to fulfill the aim we have set for ourselves, there is no better feeling in life than that.

My Ambition In Life Essay: 200 Words

My Ambition In Life Essay: 200 Words

My ambition in life is to become a successful doctor. I am confident that with dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude, I can achieve my goal and make a significant change in my life and in the lives of others around them.

I have always been passionate about helping people, and I am committed to pursuing a career as a doctor. Then I plan to gain the necessary education and degrees to become a doctor. My uncle, who is also a doctor, is my inspiration for pursuing this goal in life.

Aside from building my career as a doctor, my main ambition is to be capable of helping people. I want to help poor people who cannot get proper treatment due to their financial conditions. As a doctor, I also want to take part in different health charities and help people from different communities.

I dream of building a better future as a doctor and creating better health awareness among people. Overall, my ambition in life is to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life, both professionally and personally. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to working hard to achieve my goals.

My Ambition In Life Essay: 100 Words

My Ambition In Life Essay: 100 Words

Everyone has an ambition in life that lets them build a roadmap to their goals. Similarly, like everyone, I also have an ambition in life. I want to be a successful lawyer. As a lawyer, I want to settle difficult cases with the help of the law.

Lawyers give advice on legal matters. They can settle any dispute, crime, or case with the help of the law. With the application of law in different specific cases, lawyers can settle many cases. As a lawyer, I will be able to fight for many issues that remain unaddressed in front of the general public. I am doing everything necessary to fulfill my ambition of becoming a lawyer and being successful in life.

Bottom line

Ambitions are integral parts of our lives. When we want to proceed further in life, we have to have an ambition. The above essays on ambition in life should be helpful if you are trying to write an essay on ‘my ambition in life’. However, if you have any further queries, please reach out to us in the comment section. We will answer your queries as soon as possible.


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Essay on My Ambition

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Ambition in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Ambition

Understanding ambition.

Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something in life. Everyone has an ambition, which makes us strive and work hard towards our goals.

My Ambition

My ambition is to become a doctor. I am inspired by the noble job of serving people and saving lives.

The Path to Achieve

To fulfill my ambition, I know I have to study hard. I plan to excel in my studies, particularly in science, and get into a good medical school.

Having an ambition gives direction to our lives. My ambition to become a doctor motivates me to work hard every day.

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250 Words Essay on My Ambition


Every individual has a unique ambition that defines their professional trajectory. My ambition, specifically, is to become a renowned scientist. This aspiration has been a guiding force, shaping my academic pursuits and extracurricular activities.

The Genesis of My Ambition

My ambition to become a scientist was sparked by a profound curiosity about the world around me. The intricacies of nature, the mysteries of the universe, and the marvels of technology have always fascinated me. This curiosity was nurtured by my parents and teachers, who encouraged my inquiries and provided resources to satiate my thirst for knowledge.

Sustaining the Ambition

Maintaining this ambition requires continuous learning and exploration. I am committed to my academic studies, particularly in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology. However, my learning transcends the classroom. I actively participate in science fairs, workshops, and seminars to broaden my understanding and gain practical experience.

Shaping the Future

As a scientist, I aim to contribute to society by solving complex problems and advancing our understanding of the world. I aspire to work on groundbreaking research that can lead to innovations in healthcare, environmental conservation, and technology.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a scientist is more than a career goal; it is a commitment to lifelong learning, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge. It is a mission to use science as a tool to improve the world and human life. This ambition guides my choices and actions, propelling me towards a future where I can actualize my potential and make a meaningful impact.

500 Words Essay on My Ambition

Every individual has a unique set of aspirations and ambitions that drive them. These ambitions are the guiding forces that motivate us to strive harder, break boundaries, and achieve our goals. My ambition is no different. It is a reflection of my innermost desires and my vision for the future.

My ambition is to become a renowned scientist. The world of science has always fascinated me, with its endless possibilities and the potential to bring about significant changes in the world. The pursuit of knowledge, the thrill of discovery, and the satisfaction of contributing to society are what draw me towards this path.

The Inspiration

The inspiration behind my ambition stems from various sources. I am inspired by the great scientists of the past, like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Marie Curie, who, through their relentless pursuit of knowledge, have left an indelible impact on the world. Their stories of perseverance, dedication, and innovation inspire me to follow in their footsteps.

The Path Towards My Ambition

Achieving my ambition requires a clear path and proactive steps. First and foremost, I need to excel in my academic studies, particularly in the fields of science and technology. I am also aware that practical experience is as important as theoretical knowledge. Therefore, I plan to engage in research projects and internships that can provide me with hands-on experience.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Pursuing this ambition is not without its challenges. The field of science is constantly evolving, making it necessary to keep abreast with the latest developments. It requires immense dedication, continuous learning, and perseverance. However, I believe that with a strong will and determination, these challenges can be overcome. I plan to adopt a disciplined approach to my studies, stay updated with the latest research, and seek guidance from mentors in the field.

Contribution to Society

As a scientist, I aim to contribute to society by conducting meaningful research that can solve pressing problems. From finding solutions to environmental issues, to developing advanced technologies, the possibilities are endless. I believe that science has the power to transform societies and improve lives, and I aspire to be a part of this transformation.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a scientist is driven by my passion for science, my desire to contribute to society, and the inspiration I draw from the great scientists of the past. I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I am prepared to face them with determination and perseverance. I believe that with the right attitude and consistent effort, I can achieve my ambition and make a significant contribution to the world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on My Ambition 500+ Words

Ambition is like a spark that ignites the fire within us. It’s that inner drive that propels us to achieve our dreams and reach for the stars. In this essay, we will explore the significance of having ambition in our lives and how it can shape our future.

Ambition Provides Purpose

Having ambition gives our lives purpose and direction. Imagine a ship sailing without a destination; it would wander aimlessly. Similarly, without ambition, we might drift through life without clear goals. Statistics show that individuals with defined ambitions are more likely to succeed in their endeavors. For instance, a study revealed that 90% of accomplished people had strong ambitions.

Ambition Drives Achievement

Ambition is the driving force behind great accomplishments. It pushes us to work hard, set goals, and strive for excellence. Consider the example of Thomas Edison, whose ambition to invent the light bulb led to one of the greatest inventions in history. Experts agree that ambition is a key factor in achieving success. In fact, a survey of successful individuals found that 80% attributed their achievements to ambition.

Fosters Growth

Ambition encourages personal growth and development. When we set ambitious goals, we are motivated to acquire new skills and knowledge. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and explore our potential. Psychologists suggest that ambition is closely linked to self-improvement. Studies have shown that people who pursue personal growth through ambition tend to lead more fulfilling lives.

Ambition Overcomes Challenges

Life is full of obstacles and setbacks. However, ambition equips us with the resilience to overcome these challenges. When we face difficulties, our ambition acts as a guiding light, helping us persevere. A famous example is the story of J.K. Rowling, who faced rejection and adversity but never gave up on her ambition to become a successful author.

Ambition Inspires Others

Ambition is not only a personal motivator but also an inspiration to those around us. When others witness our determination and drive, they too are encouraged to set and pursue their own goals. Teachers often emphasize the importance of ambition as a positive influence on society. Ambitious individuals are more likely to give back to their communities and make a difference.

Conclusion of Essay on My Ambition

In conclusion, ambition is the force that fuels our dreams and propels us towards success. It gives our lives purpose, drives our achievements, fosters personal growth, and empowers us to overcome challenges. Ambition is not a distant concept; it’s a quality that each one of us can nurture and harness. So, whether your ambition is to become a doctor, a scientist, an artist, or anything else, know that it has the power to shape your future and lead you to greatness.

As you embark on your journey through life, remember the words of Helen Keller: “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Let your ambition be your guiding star, and you’ll find that the possibilities are endless. So, dream big, set ambitious goals, and work hard to make your dreams a reality. Your ambition is the key to unlocking the doors of success and leaving a lasting mark on the world.

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English that goes straight to the heart

Short Essay on My Ambition

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it. 

In this post, you will find a brilliant short essay on my ambition.

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Short Essay on My Ambition

Short Essay on My Ambition #1

My ambition in life is to become a physician and fulfil a great need in my village. Despite boasting many good things, my village lacks qualified doctors, forcing sick individuals to seek treatment from untrained individuals. This results in many deaths each year due to a lack of proper medical attention. After completing my Higher Secondary Examination, I have decided to pursue medicine and become an MBBS. My goal is to return to my village and establish a dispensary within my home where I will provide free treatment to impoverished patients. The medical profession will allow me to save countless lives from death’s grasp.

Short Essay on My Ambition #2

Having an ambition in life is crucial for achieving success. My ambition is to become a teacher as I believe it is a noble and responsible profession. The misery and distress in our country are due to the lack of education and illiteracy among people. Thus, I aim to spread education among the masses as much as I can within my capacity as a teacher. My goal is to impart man-making education that emphasizes moral values rather than the pursuit of money. As a teacher, I want to be a respected and beloved figure in society. Although the road ahead may be challenging, I will try my best to achieve my aim.

Short Essay on My Ambition #3

Ambition is a crucial objective in life that helps one to succeed. Having a goal is essential to guide one’s path in life. As a future citizen of my country, I understand that I have certain duties towards society and my country. Education is the foundation for the progress of any nation. Therefore, my ambition in life is to spread education. However, any noble work requires financial support.

After completing my graduation, I plan to join my father’s business, which will be a good source of earning money. I intend to use a significant portion of my profits to provide education and medical treatment to impoverished villagers. My plan includes setting up schools for children, night schools for adults, libraries, and training centres for young boys and girls to help them secure employment. I hope to make a positive impact on the lives of many people with my ambitions. Even though the path ahead may be challenging, I will put in my best efforts to achieve my goal.

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In This Heartbreaker, Hard Choices Come With Hidden Costs

An editor’s ambition. A coveted manuscript. The gift of a cow. Lives and lies graze one another in Neel Mukherjee’s tragicomic novel.

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An illustration in shades of blue, rust and pale orange has three images laid over one another: the head of a man wearing glasses, turned to the left; the head of a woman with her hair pinned up, turned to the right; and a cow with three udders in the center.

By Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee’s latest book, “The Great Mistake,” is out in paperback.

CHOICE, by Neel Mukherjee

Neel Mukherjee’s “Choice” is a novel full of characters deciding how much truth to tell. As in “The Lives of Others,” the author’s 2014 Booker Prize-shortlisted novel, we are confronted with subtle, powerful narratives within narratives exploring the gap between wealth and poverty, myopia and activism, fact and fiction. But here these themes deepen into an exploration of free will. A line from V.S. Naipaul’s “In a Free State” comes to mind: “The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves.”

In the first of the novel’s three parts, we follow a South Asian man named Ayush. The lie he is telling himself is that he can control his career, his family, his future. As the editorial director at a London publishing house, he reports to a white woman “reputed to have a ‘nose for a winner’” — but the press is called Sewer, and Ayush can’t “shake off the feeling that he is their diversity box, ticked.”

At home his husband, Luke, worries about Ayush’s O.C.D. tendencies, but also his attempts to expose their two children to the repercussions of their choices. When they choose to eat meat, Ayush swaps out a bedtime story for a video of pigs being slaughtered. And when the kids seem as if they might still take their privilege for granted, he redirects 200,000 pounds from their education fund to “three different climate change charities.”

These choices may seem like the actions of a crackpot, but Mukherjee’s trick is to make them also read as the plausible acts of a man clinging to a social conscience. Late capitalism doesn’t seem to have helped Ayush’s mental health, but when he acquires a brilliant manuscript, he is unburdened. Other people’s stories offer a space within which he can stop struggling to control his own narrative.

One such manuscript forms the second section of “Choice.” We have already experienced Ayush’s excitement about a short story by a publicity-shy author who goes by the pseudonym “M.N. Opie” — a tale about a young academic named Emily who gets caught up in a car accident. Now, in an enactment of Ayush’s own thrill, we get to read that very story.

Emily’s memory of the disastrous cab ride is fuzzy. But she is almost sure her driver, a struggling immigrant from Eritrea, committed a hit and run. “The familiar reasserted itself before she could react,” Mukherjee writes. “She was out of the car, standing in the cold rain, shaking, watching the car flee.”

Should Emily call the police immediately — or wait and see if her memory chooses to settle upon a more definitive version of the truth? “It was not even a decision, not a withholding, but a momentary inertia that ripened, without any intention on her part, into something weightier.”

Mukherjee is brilliant at tracing the ways a choice deferred becomes a fate sealed. But the book’s tripartite structure is even better at showing how we graze one another’s lives with our decisions, some of which may be catastrophic for our conscience but beneficial for our art.

Much like Ayush, Emily has been stuck in a job that has turned out to be “hostile ground for the flourishing of a love of literature.” Now, feeling complicit in the killing of another human being, she finally has something meaningful to write about. A death on the road has given her life on the page.

The final section of Mukherjee’s novel picks up the thread of another story dangled at the start — an anecdote Ayush is told over drinks about a cow being given to a poor family in West Bengal. For the family, this “grand, majestic gift” is just as transformative as anticipated — but in unexpected ways. The animal needs fresh water every day, and clean, dry straw. Not easy to find during monsoon season.

What happens to our choices when reality prefers not to comply? The answers, it turns out, are tragicomic and alarming. The “milk begins to spoil with increasing frequency.” The animal gets pregnant and requires the family, weak with hunger, to “massage her behind.” When the humans finally get to fill their bellies with her milk, “they get flatulence shortly afterwards and then the runs a bit later.”

A lesser writer would offer only pathos. Mukherjee is alive to all that — but also to the rich, cruel comedy of being saddled with an asset you can’t digest, a gift that costs you everything, a choice you can’t unmake.

This pattern of well-intentioned error bonds the three sections and makes for a strangely uplifting, exquisitely droll heartbreaker of a book. To be in the company of his cool, calm, all-noticing prose is to experience something like the helpless wonder his characters experience when they concede that the cursed cow now controls their lives. The milk of human kindness can be found — but we may not have the power to stop it souring.

CHOICE | By Neel Mukherjee | Norton | 320 pp. | $28.99.

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Should college essays touch on race? Some feel the affirmative action ruling leaves them no choice

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

teacher my ambition essay

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. (AP Video: Noreen Nasir)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

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Hillary Amofa, laughs as she participates in a team building game with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, second from left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, stands for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa, left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa sits for a portrait after her step team practice at Lincoln Park High School Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

CHICAGO (AP) — When she started writing her college essay, Hillary Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. About being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana and growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. About hardship and struggle.

Then she deleted it all.

“I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18-year-old senior at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago. “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.”

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in higher education, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. For many students of color, instantly more was riding on the already high-stakes writing assignment. Some say they felt pressure to exploit their hardships as they competed for a spot on campus.

Amofa was just starting to think about her essay when the court issued its decision, and it left her with a wave of questions. Could she still write about her race? Could she be penalized for it? She wanted to tell colleges about her heritage but she didn’t want to be defined by it.

In English class, Amofa and her classmates read sample essays that all seemed to focus on some trauma or hardship. It left her with the impression she had to write about her life’s hardest moments to show how far she’d come. But she and some of her classmates wondered if their lives had been hard enough to catch the attention of admissions offices.

“For a lot of students, there’s a feeling of, like, having to go through something so horrible to feel worthy of going to school, which is kind of sad,” said Amofa, the daughter of a hospital technician and an Uber driver.

This year’s senior class is the first in decades to navigate college admissions without affirmative action . The Supreme Court upheld the practice in decisions going back to the 1970s, but this court’s conservative supermajority found it is unconstitutional for colleges to give students extra weight because of their race alone.

Still, the decision left room for race to play an indirect role: Chief Justice John Roberts wrote universities can still consider how an applicant’s life was shaped by their race, “so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability.”

“A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination,” he wrote.

Scores of colleges responded with new essay prompts asking about students’ backgrounds. Brown University asked applicants how “an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you.” Rice University asked students how their perspectives were shaped by their “background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity.”

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


When Darrian Merritt started writing his essay, he knew the stakes were higher than ever because of the court’s decision. His first instinct was to write about events that led to him going to live with his grandmother as a child.

Those were painful memories, but he thought they might play well at schools like Yale, Stanford and Vanderbilt.

“I feel like the admissions committee might expect a sob story or a tragic story,” said Merritt, a senior in Cleveland. “And if you don’t provide that, then maybe they’re not going to feel like you went through enough to deserve having a spot at the university. I wrestled with that a lot.”

He wrote drafts focusing on his childhood, but it never amounted to more than a collection of memories. Eventually he abandoned the idea and aimed for an essay that would stand out for its positivity.

Merritt wrote about a summer camp where he started to feel more comfortable in his own skin. He described embracing his personality and defying his tendency to please others. The essay had humor — it centered on a water gun fight where he had victory in sight but, in a comedic twist, slipped and fell. But the essay also reflects on his feelings of not being “Black enough” and getting made fun of for listening to “white people music.”

“I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to write this for me, and we’re just going to see how it goes,’” he said. “It just felt real, and it felt like an honest story.”

The essay describes a breakthrough as he learned “to take ownership of myself and my future by sharing my true personality with the people I encounter. ... I realized that the first chapter of my own story had just been written.”

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)


Like many students, Max Decker of Portland, Oregon, had drafted a college essay on one topic, only to change direction after the Supreme Court ruling in June.

Decker initially wrote about his love for video games. In a childhood surrounded by constant change, navigating his parents’ divorce, the games he took from place to place on his Nintendo DS were a source of comfort.

But the essay he submitted to colleges focused on the community he found through Word is Bond, a leadership group for young Black men in Portland.

As the only biracial, Jewish kid with divorced parents in a predominantly white, Christian community, Decker wrote he constantly felt like the odd one out. On a trip with Word is Bond to Capitol Hill, he and friends who looked just like him shook hands with lawmakers. The experience, he wrote, changed how he saw himself.

“It’s because I’m different that I provide something precious to the world, not the other way around,” he wrote.

As a first-generation college student, Decker thought about the subtle ways his peers seemed to know more about navigating the admissions process . They made sure to get into advanced classes at the start of high school, and they knew how to secure glowing letters of recommendation.

Max Decker reads his college essay on his experience with a leadership group for young Black men. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

If writing about race would give him a slight edge and show admissions officers a fuller picture of his achievements, he wanted to take that small advantage.

His first memory about race, Decker said, was when he went to get a haircut in elementary school and the barber made rude comments about his curly hair. Until recently, the insecurity that moment created led him to keep his hair buzzed short.

Through Word is Bond, Decker said he found a space to explore his identity as a Black man. It was one of the first times he was surrounded by Black peers and saw Black role models. It filled him with a sense of pride in his identity. No more buzzcut.

The pressure to write about race involved a tradeoff with other important things in his life, Decker said. That included his passion for journalism, like the piece he wrote on efforts to revive a once-thriving Black neighborhood in Portland. In the end, he squeezed in 100 characters about his journalism under the application’s activities section.

“My final essay, it felt true to myself. But the difference between that and my other essay was the fact that it wasn’t the truth that I necessarily wanted to share,” said Decker, whose top college choice is Tulane, in New Orleans, because of the region’s diversity. “It felt like I just had to limit the truth I was sharing to what I feel like the world is expecting of me.”

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)


Before the Supreme Court ruling, it seemed a given to Imani Laird that colleges would consider the ways that race had touched her life. But now, she felt like she had to spell it out.

As she started her essay, she reflected on how she had faced bias or felt overlooked as a Black student in predominantly white spaces.

There was the year in math class when the teacher kept calling her by the name of another Black student. There were the comments that she’d have an easier time getting into college because she was Black .

“I didn’t have it easier because of my race,” said Laird, a senior at Newton South High School in the Boston suburbs who was accepted at Wellesley and Howard University, and is waiting to hear from several Ivy League colleges. “I had stuff I had to overcome.”

In her final essays, she wrote about her grandfather, who served in the military but was denied access to GI Bill benefits because of his race.

She described how discrimination fueled her ambition to excel and pursue a career in public policy.

“So, I never settled for mediocrity,” she wrote. “Regardless of the subject, my goal in class was not just to participate but to excel. Beyond academics, I wanted to excel while remembering what started this motivation in the first place.”

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


Amofa used to think affirmative action was only a factor at schools like Harvard and Yale. After the court’s ruling, she was surprised to find that race was taken into account even at some public universities she was applying to.

Now, without affirmative action, she wondered if mostly white schools will become even whiter.

It’s been on her mind as she chooses between Indiana University and the University of Dayton, both of which have relatively few Black students. When she was one of the only Black students in her grade school, she could fall back on her family and Ghanaian friends at church. At college, she worries about loneliness.

“That’s what I’m nervous about,” she said. “Going and just feeling so isolated, even though I’m constantly around people.”

Hillary Amofa reads her college essay on embracing her natural hair. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

The first drafts of her essay focused on growing up in a low-income family, sharing a bedroom with her brother and grandmother. But it didn’t tell colleges about who she is now, she said.

Her final essay tells how she came to embrace her natural hair . She wrote about going to a mostly white grade school where classmates made jokes about her afro. When her grandmother sent her back with braids or cornrows, they made fun of those too.

Over time, she ignored their insults and found beauty in the styles worn by women in her life. She now runs a business doing braids and other hairstyles in her neighborhood.

“I stopped seeing myself through the lens of the European traditional beauty standards and started seeing myself through the lens that I created,” Amofa wrote.

“Criticism will persist, but it loses its power when you know there’s a crown on your head!”

Ma reported from Portland, Oregon.

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