Essay on Zoo for Students and Children

500 words essay on zoo.

The world is a huge place to see. It consists of so many living organisms that it is impossible to see each and every one of them. Especially for human beings, who are fascinated very much by animals. For the same reasons, zoos were created so that humans can interact better with animals.

Essay on Zoo

In other words, a zoo is a facility that has animals, birds, and reptiles of all kinds. They are confined to space where they are given food and medical facilities. The government has given strict guidelines to maintain a zoo. This is done keeping in mind the animal’s safety. In addition, zoos are made breeding grounds for animals to protect their species.

Benefits of Zoo

Zoos were made to bring wildlife closer to humans. It gave humans a better and up-close view of them. This allows various researchers and scientists to note the behavioral pattern of the animals. It helps them in their studies and discover new things.

In addition, zoos are a great source of entertainment for kids. They love visiting zoos and interacting with animals. This helps them learn practical knowledge about the animal. It also gives them exposure to wildlife and widens their knowledge.

Furthermore, zoos give us easy access to rare animals. Had it not been for zoos, we would have never been able to see what some animals looked like. We enjoy their behavior and it also creates awareness about the extinction of the rare species.

Similarly, zoos are a safe breeding ground for animals. They ensure the animal breeds so they never go extinct. This helps in creating a good balance. Moreover, the zoos ensure the animals get all the nutrition in their bodies to lead a healthy life. This is beneficial as the animal may not get guaranteed meals in the forests.

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Disadvantages of Zoo

While the zoo is a great place for entertainment, it is also very exploitive. It takes advantage of the poor animals to make a profit off them. The zoos keep animals in very bad conditions. It takes unethical methods just to create revenue.

Furthermore, zoos are very unfair to animals. They take the animals out of their natural habitats just for the sake of human entertainment. Why would the animals be put into cages as humans want them to? They are voiceless creatures who are being forced to live in poor conditions. Imagine putting humans into cages so animals could come to see them. It sounds inhumane the other way around but not when we do the same to animals.

Most importantly, zoos do not take proper care of exotic animals. They bring them over in their facility despite knowing that they cannot survive in that climate. Some zoos do not take enough precautionary measures to keep the animals safe. This has resulted in so many deaths of animals that it seems cruel.

In short, though zoos are very helpful to humans and animals to an extent. They must be monitored constantly to ensure the animals are safe. The unethical zoos must be shut down at once to prevent any further loss of animals.

FAQs on Zoo

Q.1 List the advantages of Zoo

A.1 Zoos bring the wildlife close to humans. It helps researchers study them closely and discover new things. It protects rare species and provides a safe breeding ground for them as well.

Q.2 How are zoos harmful to animals?

A.2 Zoos are very harmful to animals. They take them out of their natural habitat for human entertainment. They make them stay in poor conditions due to which they also lose their life and get infections.

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Are Zoos Good or Bad for Animals? The Argument, Explained

Debates about the ethics of zoos abound — but when it comes to animal welfare, there are certainly more cons than pros.

captive primate with person taking photo with phone, pros and cons of zoos

Explainer • Entertainment • Policy

Björn Ólafsson

Words by Björn Ólafsson

For many people, zoos are the only chance they’ll have in their entire lives to see beautiful animals native to far-flung ecosystems — lions, elephants, pandas, lemurs — the list goes on. And they’re popular — over 181 million people visit a U.S. zoo every year . But zoos face criticism from animal welfare organizations and environmental activists for inhumane treatment of the animals they claim to protect. Zoos maintain that they are important aspects of conservation and education. 

So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of zoos ?  Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of these controversial organizations. 

What Are Some Pros and Cons of Zoos ?

First, not all zoos are created equal. While it is easy to imagine animal ethics as a binary of evil and moral, zoos can vary widely on how they treat their animals, how much space they are given and how the animals are obtained. Still, most zoos tend to have the same positives and negatives overall. 

Arguments Against Zoos

Poor conditions for animals.

Animals Often Only Have Quite Limited Space

Many zoos’ enclosures are too small, especially for animal species that are used to roaming, flying or swimming large distances in the wild. For example, polar bears are used to home ranges of about 1,000 square kilometers in the wild — large swaths of land and ice they enjoy exploring . In zoos, they get a couple hundred square feet. 

Zoos Are  Crowded

In addition to limited space, many zoos cram in as many animals as possible into the enclosures. Many visitors prefer seeing animals up close, instead of peering at them from afar, hidden in their dens or nests. This encourages zoos to increase the number of animals per exhibit,  increasing the likelihood of visitors seeing animals on the move near the boundaries of the enclosure. 

Animals Are Trapped in Unnatural Environments

Anyone who has visited a zoo knows the exhibits are a far cry from the natural landscape they are trying to imitate. Nearly all zoo enclosures contain fences, glass or other barriers for visitors to look through, which are inherently artificial. And the natural-seeming landscapes can sometimes be made out of astroturf, concrete or plastic.

Confinement May Alter the Behavior of Animals

The lack of space, unnatural environments and crowded conditions can directly affect the behavior of animals ; most notably in the form of what’s known as “stereotypy.” Stereotypy is a condition in which non-human animals engage in repetitive behaviors with no apparent purpose, such as pacing for hours on end, wagging tails abnormally or picking their own fur. 

The structure of zoos increases the likelihood of stereotypic behavior due to a lack of enrichment, mundane environments and boring, repetitive schedules. This prevalence of stereotypy in zoos even has its own name: “zoochosis,” or psychosis caused by zoos . 

‘Surplus’ Animals Can Be Killed

After an animal has reproduced successfully and the zoo no longer requires the animal to maintain an exhibit, the animal is deemed “surplus.” At this point, the animal’s welfare is no longer profitable . Zoos can sell the animal to private owners (who may keep the animal in tiny cages for amusement or kill the animal for taxidermy purposes), sell the animal to other zoos or enclosures, or “euthanize” the animal. 

Animals Are Often Mistreated 

Animal mistreatment is much more than hitting or beating an animal. It also includes harmful training techniques, separation from family members and forcing animals to behave in abnormal ways. 

In a report from World Animal Protection, three-fourths of zoos include human-animal interactions , many of which can be very stressful or physically harmful for animals. In some extreme cases, visitors rode on the backs of animals (causing injury) or encroached on the animals’ enclosure (causing stress).

Investigations into popular zoos sometimes reveal that caretakers don’t always clean the exhibits frequently , leaving the animals to live near their feces. The research also reveals many zookeepers hitting animals who “misbehave,” and not helping animals with injuries sustained in the enclosures. While not all animal caretakers behave this way, the reporting suggests many zoos around the world are lax with animal welfare. 

Animals Don’t Like Being Visited

The mere presence of human beings can negatively affect wild animals, especially in massive crowds that are common at zoos. Being bombarded by the sounds, smells and appearances of swaths of humans can trigger the stress responses of some animals . Some studies show that the number of visitors correlates with the amount of stress hormones in many animal species. 

Animals Struggle to Form Connections

Many animals are highly social creatures. Elephants, lions, pigs, cows and many more species are shown to have complex connections, hierarchies and relationships with members of their own kind — especially with friends and family. However, zoo animals rarely stay with the same herd or family for their entire lives. Instead, zoos opt to transfer, sell, buy or relocate animals throughout their lifespans, making it difficult for animals to form social connections . This lack of bonding can harm the animals emotionally. 

Zoos Are for Humans, Not Animals

Most zoos are for-profit enterprises, meaning they have one goal in mind: maximizing revenue. It is easy to see how making more money can come at the expense of animal welfare. For example, a zoo is unlikely to fund an exhibit expansion if it isn’t cost-effective, regardless of its benefits for the animals inside. While many zookeepers form real bonds with their animal companions, the animals still exist under a for-profit, human-centered organization. 

Zoos Promote Human Superiority

The aesthetic nature of zoos — animals in panopticon-like enclosures, viewed 24/7 by members of a different species — can reinforce human superiority. As moral philosopher Lori Gruen writes in her book, “visitors leave the zoo more convinced than ever of human superiority over the natural world.” Of course, zoos also reinforce the idea that humans have a right to take away animals’ freedom and bodily autonomy.

Zoos Don’t Always Help with Conservation — Some Wild Animals Have to Be Caught to Bring Them to Zoos

Many animals in zoos are born in captivity, but that’s not the case for all. Many animals are taken directly from the wild , often when they are babies, to make the transition to captivity a bit easier. At times, this is done in the name of conservation, or when a wild animal is very ill. But many zoos will take animals from the wild, or buy animals from unethical animal traders. 

It’s Often Not Possible to Return Animals to the Wild

Releasing an animal into the wild isn’t always successful, especially if the animal has spent time in climates different from their native regions, like jungles, savannas or ice caps. Properly preparing animals for success in the wild is a multi-stage process that can require thousands of dollars — and it doesn’t always work . Captive-born predator species — disadvantaged by being born and raised in an artificial environment — only have a survival rate after being released into the wild of 33 percent , according to one study. As a result, re-release is not a priority for many zoos.

Zoos Are Poorly Regulated

While there exist many laws that protect animals, such as the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and the Endangered Species Act , they only offer minimum protections . For example, the AWA excludes entire species of animals, like mice, farmed animals, birds and all cold-blooded animals. Its “minimum” standards of care usually ensure the animals’ safety, not their welfare or happiness. Many animal law experts say these regulations don’t go far enough . 

What Are the Pros of Having Zoos?

They Can Be Important for Researchers

Biologists and zoologists can benefit from studying animals in zoos. Some breakthroughs in animal behavior and treatment, like why elephants swing their trunks or how gorillas develop heart disease, have been made possible because of zoos’ ease of access . However, not all animals behave the same in captivity as they do in the wild, so not all research is possible in zoos. 

Zoos Are Educational — People May Behave “Eco-friendlier” After Going To the Zoo

Zoos can kickstart individuals’ interest in biodiversity, which is a critical aspect of environmental protection. Many zoos include calls to action in their exhibits, highlighting how endangered animals are being poached, driven away, or otherwise killed by human activity. This can inspire some people to behave more conscientiously. One limited survey found that 35 percent of eco-friendly people learned sustainable behavior from zoos . ‘

Zoos Can Help Educate Children About Animals

Zoos are a quintessential school experience for many young people. Children love learning about animals up-close in a safe environment — in fact, education is possibly the biggest advantage of modern zoos. Many programs, like school presentations, guided tours, informational exhibits, and talks with zookeepers can trigger a lifelong love of animals in children .  

But zoos aren’t perfect in this regard. According to a study of zoo visitors in the UK, only 34 percent of children learned more about animals at zoos (the result was slightly better when the children were given  a guided tour). Worse, children did not feel empowered to help with conservation efforts after visiting a zoo. This suggests that if zoos care about education, they need to more actively reach out to schoolchildren for empowerment and education. 

Going to the Zoo Is Affordable

More ethical ways of engaging with animals without removing them from their natural habitats — like whale watching, safaris, hikes, or excursions — are usually expensive or inaccessible for many people. Zoos tend to be relatively cheap for the average family that wants to learn about animals. 


Zoos Can Protect Endangered Species from Extinction

Zoos often claim they can protect entire species from extinction through conservation programs that involve breeding more animals in captivity and then releasing them into the wild. This is especially important for endangered species like pandas. 

While these conservation efforts are truly important, they don’t represent the majority of a zoo’s activities, nor are zoos leaders in conservation worldwide. At the National Zoo, for example, only one-fifth of animals are endangered . In North America, zoos only contribute about 14 percent of all animals reintroduced into the wild as part of a conservation program. Zoos also tend to focus on headline-grabbing endangered animals to bring in visitors, like pandas, elephants or tigers, as opposed to lesser-known but crucial species, like tamarins, kakapos or wombats. 

Are Zoos Good or Bad for the Environment?

Zoos claim to support global biodiversity through conservation efforts like protecting endangered animals. This is somewhat true, although it varies greatly from zoo to zoo. 

On the other hand, zoos are big polluters and use up lots of resources , especially energy and water . Aquariums in particular use tons and tons of water. Zoo animals also generate waste that may or may not be composted or disposed of correctly.

Should Zoos Exist or Be Banned?

Given the many ways that zoos are unethical to animals, the flawed attempts to contribute to conservation, and the positioning of humans as superior to animals, many animal ethicists believe zoos should not exist — or at least, not exist in their current form . 

For example, animal philosopher Dale Jamieson says in his book Ethics on the Ark that zoos primarily “alleviate our sense of guilt for what we are doing to the planet, but they do little to help the animals we are driving to extinction.” He continues to argue that zoos exist for humans alone , and that it is very difficult to wave away the inherent immorality of depriving animals their liberty for the sake of human amusement. 

Instead, private conservation programs can benefit endangered animals without showcasing them to the public. Animal sanctuaries, which are  areas of land in which endangered and other animals are protected by humans, are also advantageous for both individual animals and global biodiversity . 

Zoos do have advantages — fostering curiosity and education chief among them. But experts believe there are other ways of accomplishing these goals without resorting to zoos with tiny enclosures. Excursions, nature documentaries, safaris, local gardens, hikes, boat tours and other ways of interacting with nature don’t involve taking animals out of their natural habitats. 

The Bottom Line

If you do choose to visit a zoo, opt for zoos that have certifications from independent animal welfare organizations. If you are interested in animal conservation, you’d be more impactful donating to a non-zoo animal protection organization instead. And if you do want to visit animals, consider an animal sanctuary or an ethical safari, where you can see animals in their native environments.

Independent Journalism Needs You

Björn Jóhann Ólafsson is a science writer and journalist who cares deeply about understanding the natural world and her inhabitants through stories and data. He reports on the environmental footprint of the meat industry, the alternative protein sector and cultural attitudes around food. His previous bylines include the EU Observer and Elemental. He lives in Spain with his two lovebirds.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Zoo — The Ethics and Controversies of Zoos


The Ethics and Controversies of Zoos

  • Categories: Animal Ethics Zoo

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Words: 824 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 824 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Conservation and education, animal welfare and enrichment, research and scientific study, human-animal connection and conservation awareness, ethical concerns and animal rights, alternative approaches: sanctuaries and natural habitats, case studies and success stories, captive breeding and reintroduction, conclusion: navigating the complex landscape of zoos and animal welfare.

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essay on life of animals in zoo

Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species Essay

The last several decades could be characterized by the increased number of environmental problems that resulted in the alteration of climate and landscapes. These processes also had a great pernicious impact on animals living in different areas. For this reason, zoos became almost the only hope for the preservation and conservation of endangered species. If to compare with the past century, their role has altered greatly. In the 50s, zoos used to be fun centers where animals were kept just for entertainment. However, at the moment, they could be considered important scientific and research centers that investigate the current situation related to species and create conditions needed for their survival and further preservation. Moreover, zoos also perform a great educating role by providing important information about endangered species to people and teaching them how to save animals. Therefore, they are also important conservation centers as a significant number of animals could be found only here.

Nevertheless, even though zoos are crucial for the modern world, they also face some challenges that might impact the final result and make their conservation efforts less efficient. For instance, the preservation of endangered species is rather costly, and not all zoos could afford it. There is a great need for space, specific conditions, investigations, care, etc. (Keulartz, 2015). The combination of all these aspects contributes to the increased complexity of the main task and zoos might experience economic pressure from the government or sponsors. However, it is crucial to remember that their functioning is vital in the modern environment and there should be no limits related to their development (Kobilinsky, 2016). If we want to see some species, we should sponsor zoos.

Therefore, we have already stated that zoos are responsible for the preservation of animals included in the Endangered Species List. Certain criteria are used when considering the character of a certain animal, population size, peculiarities of the area, etc. Besides, the first thing that is taken into account is the number of animal units and the tendencies that are observed at the moment. Therefore, scientists also consider the way they might impact endangered species. This process is extremely important as it helps people to preserve some kinds of animals and guarantee their survival.

For instance, in the Reid Park Zoo in Arizona, we can watch elephants.

The given chart demonstrates their main activities and distribution of time. We could see that elephants are not very active, but they still have some social life (“ Zoo cams ,” n.d.). They also like bathing, playing, and, of course, eating.

Altogether, I should say that my attitude to elephants has not changed. I am sure that they are wonderful animals that should be protected by all means. Unfortunately, people are killing them for their tooth. It is a horrible practice, and it should be stopped for our children to be able to enjoy these animals.

However, I used to see these animals before. That is why my feelings were not unique. Therefore, I believe that for those who have never seen elephants it could be a great experience and have a great impact on their feelings towards wildlife and conservation. They will be able to understand that a great threat exists at the moment and all efforts should be devoted to the attempts to save them.

Keulartz, J. (2015). Captivity for conservation? Zoos at a crossroads . Web.

Kobilinsky, D. (2016). New live cam technology might help conservation . Web.

Zoo cams . (n.d.). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 17). Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species.

"Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species." IvyPanda , 17 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species'. 17 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species." September 17, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species." September 17, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Zoos for Conservation of Endangered Species." September 17, 2020.

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Essay on Zoo

500 words zoo essay.

The zoo is a protected habitat place for animals (giraffe, tiger, monkey, lion, etc.) and birds (peacock, parrot, ostrich, etc.). Animals, birds and other creatures are kept in a limited space inside the zoo, and food and medicines are provided by concerned officials at regular intervals. The zoo is also considered a breeding ground for animals that help continue their species. We are fascinated with animals, birds, and other creatures as human beings. We love to observe various species of animals closely. So, a zoo is where we interact with different kinds of animals and birds but under strict monitoring and surveillance. Kids get to learn more interesting facts about wildlife by visiting a zoo.

When we visit a zoo, we can find a mix of animal species from across the world. For each animal, bird and other creature, different sections are allocated according to their breeds and types of fauna. For example, monkeys and chimpanzees are kept inside a cage with many trees to climb and swing around. They are fed mangoes, nuts and bananas. Children love to see them hanging from one tree to another.

Carnivorous animals are kept in different places from one another. They are allotted enough space to roam around and hunt their prey. Sometimes, the prey is deliberately put inside the cage by zoo officials.

Benefits of Zoo

Zoo, honestly, feels like a jail for animals, but it is a breeding ground for them to safeguard their species. It brings human beings closer to wildlife and allows scientists to observe their behaviour closely. The zoo staff are well-trained and ensure the safety and health of animals. They are provided with nutritious food and health facilities. One of the significant purposes of the zoo is to show the varieties of animals and birds that exist in this world.

When it comes to kids, the zoo is an excellent entertainment source as they love to play and interact with animals. It also helps them to learn practical knowledge about different species of animals. By visiting a zoo, kids can improve their educational learning about the characteristics of various animals.

In some zoos, we get to see rare animals and birds. When humans visit zoos, they get a chance to see these rare species of animals. It’s always delightful to watch all the animals inside the zoo moving around freely. A visit to the zoo allows us to learn more about various types of animals and birds. It also provides us with easy access to rare or extinct animals. The existence of zoos creates awareness about rare species.

When we go on a zoo trip, it leaves us with a newfound perspective on animals. It increases our love and respect for animals.

Disadvantages of Zoo

Some people are against the idea of keeping animals in zoos. According to them, the animals are kept as an exhibition inside the zoo for human beings. It’s also not the natural habitat of the animals. Like human beings, animals should also get equal opportunities to live in their natural habitat.

It’s unethical to move these animals from their natural habitat to zoos just for the entertainment purposes of human beings. These poor animals are voiceless creatures forcefully put into cages by human beings. They are also kept in unhygienic conditions.

Exotic animals are not taken care of properly inside the zoo. These exotic animals are brought forcefully after knowing that they cannot survive in this climate. In some zoos, preventive measures are not taken to keep the animals safe, resulting in many animal deaths, and it looks very cruel.

Zoos, no doubt, are lovely spots for children and adults. They should be funded well to help rare species from going extinct. They help a person come face-to-face with the environment and feel one with it. The experience of going home after a visit to the zoo is always magnificent and enriching. Zoos, to some extent, are beneficial for humans and animals. Animals kept inside the zoo should be constantly monitored to ensure their safety. They must be kept in a proper hygienic manner to ensure that they are healthy. We should ensure that unethical zoos are closed permanently to prevent further loss of innocent animals.

An essay on zoos will help students get an idea about how to write an essay. It will help them to crack their exam with flying colours. Students can also visit our BYJU’S website to get more CBSE Essays , question papers, sample papers, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Zoo Essay

Which is the largest zoo in the world.

The North Carolina Zoo in the USA is the largest zoo and houses about 1800 animals.

What are the precautions to be taken while visiting a zoo?

Visitors should not excite the animals by throwing things at them. They must refrain from feeding the animals. Never play any disturbing music or use flashlights at them. It is better not to carry any sharp/ flammable items. Last but not least, do not litter.

Why is the zoo an important tourist spot?

Since the zoo is a house to several species and is an exciting place to visit, people of all age groups flock to the zoo to enjoy their vacation or holiday.

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why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

Record-Breaking Price

Factors of supreme value.

The extravagant History Supreme yacht holds the title of the most expensive yacht in the world, with a staggering price tag of $4.8 billion . One of the key factors contributing to its supreme value is the abundance of precious metals used in its construction.

Renowned luxury designer Stuart Hughes designed the History Supreme, employing over 100,000kg of gold and platinum in its creation. The construction process took more than three years to complete, and the result is a breathtaking vessel that stands alone at the pinnacle of luxury.

Some of the extravagantly luxurious features of the History Supreme include:

  • Gold-plated rooms
  • Base of the boat, deck, and dining area adorned with precious metals
  • More than 220,462 pounds of gold and platinum materials

Comparison to Other Luxury Yachts

The History Supreme's incomparable price tag sets it in a league of its own, significantly surpassing even the most luxurious and expensive yachts on the market. By way of comparison, the fifth most expensive superyacht in the world is the Dubai , which has an estimated value of $400 million - a fraction of the History Supreme's monumental price.

In addition to the unmatched value of the precious metals used in the History Supreme, the exclusivity associated with owning the world's most expensive yacht and the remarkable design elements by the acclaimed Stuart Hughes place this vessel in a truly unique category of unparalleled luxury.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

Ownership and Origin

Current owner.

The current owner of the History Supreme yacht is Malaysian businessman Robert Kuok . Kuok, a self-made billionaire, runs the Kuok Group, an international corporation with operations all around the world. He reportedly spent a third of his $12.8 billion fortune when he paid $4.8 billion for the History Supreme.

Manufacturer and Designer

The History Supreme yacht is a product of extraordinary craftsmanship and design. It was designed by Stuart Hughes , a world-renowned luxury designer. The project took just over three years to complete, and it is reported to be worth over £3 billion.

Built with around 100,000 kg of gold and platinum, the yacht is truly one of a kind. The precious metals are used to cover nearly every surface on the boat, including the railings, the deck, the dining area and even the base of the boat. The anchor is also made of gold .

The sheer amount of precious metals used in the construction of this magnificent yacht justifies its title as the most expensive yacht in the world.

Controversies and Criticisms

Environmental concerns.

One of the primary criticisms surrounding the History Supreme yacht is its potential environmental impact. The vessel is said to be plated with around 100,000kg of gold and platinum , which raises questions about the sustainability of using such vast quantities of precious metals. Extraction of these metals often leads to environmental degradation, including deforestation and pollution.

Access and Usage Limits

Another controversy related to the History Supreme yacht is the access and usage limitations. As a vessel worth billions of dollars, it's likely that only a select few individuals will be able to enjoy it. The exclusivity of the yacht is often met with criticism, as it highlights the stark differences between the extremely wealthy and the rest of society.

Moreover, the fact that the yacht has been rarely seen since its unveiling has led to speculation and skepticism around its legitimacy and existence. The lack of public access and the secretive nature of its whereabouts have only fueled concerns and criticisms, making the History Supreme yacht a controversial figure in the world of luxury vessels.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

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why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

Is the History Supreme Yacht Real?

Is the history supreme yacht real .

For most boat owners, it’s enough that their boat is sea-worthy, clean, and running smoothly. But for the designer of the History Supreme yacht, a few extras were in order. With the existence of the famous yacht under debate, we delve under the surface to find out if the boat reigns supreme, or if it’s myth is history. 

Why is the History Supreme yacht so expensive? 

While a lot of information about the yacht is up in the air, most agree that the high price tag is due not only to its size (a reported one hundred feet in length), but also what it’s made of. The boat is supposedly loaded with precious metals. Gold and platinum were said to be used to line the entire boat. 

How much is the History Supreme yacht worth? 

The boat is listed with a price tag of $4.8 billion, easily making it the most expensive yacht ever to exist. The next most expensive luxurious yacht would be the Eclipse, owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich. The Eclipse mega yacht is valued at $1.5 billion, making it only a third of the value of the History Supreme. 

Supreme Yacht

Who owns the yacht History Supreme? 

The name most often linked with the History Supreme is Malaysian businessman Robert Kuok. His fortune is currently listed as $11 billion on Forbes. If the boat is indeed real, would someone really spend over a third of their money on it? 

The other name linked to the boat is the reported designer, Stuart Hughes. Hughes is best known for designing luxury gadgets such as solid gold games consoles, or black diamond iPhones. He describes the yacht on his website as having been sold to an anonymous Malaysian businessman, which may or may not be Kuok. 

Inside the History Supreme yacht 

Other features of opulence on the boat include a T-rex bone mounted on the wall of the master bedroom, along with meteor rock features. The whole interior is decked out with gold and platinum. The dining area, the deck itself and even the boat’s anchor are said to be either solid gold, or gold-lined. 

Inside the History Supreme yacht

Does the History Supreme really exist? 

While it’s been long discussed online and in boating circles, it seems unlikely the golden yacht actually exists. Whether a deliberate hoax in the industry, or just a rumour that got out of hand, it seems likely that the boat isn’t real. The few existing photos appear to be fake or doctored, and the reported weight of the boat, given all that precious metal, is around 100,000kg. 

Any yacht owner worth their salt could tell you that a boat of that weight would struggle to stay afloat, let alone get you from coast to coast.  

Yacht insurance

If you’re looking to get your yacht insured , gold-lined or otherwise, our expertise is here for you. Take a look at our pages on insurance for motor boats and for sailing yachts for more information on how we can help. 

And if you have any questions about getting a boat out onto open water in the UK, check out our guide to find out what you need to know before you get started. 

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Bizarre Story of the History Supreme Yacht

Ian Fortey

You may have heard that the most expensive yacht in history is called the History Supreme. As near as I’ve been able to figure out, that’s not true. Not because the alleged $4.8 billion yacht wouldn’t be the most expensive – that’s far more than the next most expensive yacht. Instead, it’s not true because the History Supreme is not a real yacht. It doesn’t exist. But you wouldn’t know that from how the internet works.

The World’s Most Expensive Yacht

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

If you Google the most expensive yacht nearly all the top results, whether they are lists or single topic articles, tell you about History Supreme. Every single one of these articles uses the same four photos. Keep that in mind because it will be important in a moment.

According to the stories, which all source their information from the same place, the History Supreme was designed by a man named Stuart Hughes. Hughes is famous for elevating common things to the extravagant. He had added hundreds of diamonds to things like iPhones and iPads, turning the everyday pieces of technology into multi-million dollar pieces of art.

Hughes himself states he designed the History Supreme for an anonymous Malaysian businessman back around 2011. 

What Made the History Supreme So Expensive?

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

Hughes is famous for his excess so he was said to have gone all out with the History Supreme. One wall feature in the master suite was said to be made from meteoric stone (as in, harvested from a meteor) and included genuine dinosaur bone shaved from a Tyrannosaurus Rex found in Arizona. The dino bones alone were priced at $89,000.  There was even supposed to be a massive diamond housed in a luxury liquor bottle on display and a panoramic wall aquarium. So this ain’t your dad’s fishing boat , that’s for sure.

The big cost for the History Supreme was the solid gold and platinum. Hughes said he used 100,000 kg of precious metals to cover nearly every surface on the boat. The railings, the deck, the dining area, even the base of the boat was said to be wrapped in gold. Even the anchor was gold. And, for the record, 100,000 kg is about 220,000 pounds or 110 tons. Wow, right? Sounds like an amazing yacht.

Who Owns History Supreme?

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

All photos of the History Supreme came from Hughes own website and since that time, in 2011 or so, not a single other photo of the boat has been taken. No one has reported seeing the boat and no one even knows who owns the boat.

People have assumed that the owner would be a man named Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia. His fortune is around $14.5 billion. If he was indeed the man who purchased this boat, it means he spent one third of all of his money on it. That’s a lot of money to invest in a single boat. 

Why Is the History Supreme Fake?

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

At the end of the day, there is no evidence History Supreme ever existed for real. The most damning evidence is those four photographs. Some internet sleuths who were unconvinced about the story of the History Supreme realized that the boat in Hughes photos looked a lot like the Baia One Hundred, a yacht made by Italian yacht makers Baia in 2008. 

The sales manager from Baia was contacted by a yachting news website back in 2011 to ask about the History Supreme. Because, in fairness, Hughes never claimed he was a yacht maker. He’s a man who makes normal things extravagant. He could have taken a One Hundred from Baia and made it into History One, right? Not so fast.

Baia’s sales manager said those photos were stolen from their website and doctored. So they were not new photos of an altered boat, but altered photos of an old boat. Moreover, and this is crucial, he also pointed out what should have been obvious to anyone working in boating news. If Hughes added 110 tons of gold to the boat, how the heck was it staying afloat?

The One Hundred has a displacement of 80 tons as is. Imagine adding an extra 110 tons of gold on top of that. There’s just no way. It would sink to the bottom like a stone. And honestly, how would that boat even work? Gold on the outside hull would get scraped off, assuming people didn’t strip it in the middle of the night. And a gold anchor? You’d risk the gold getting scraped and knocked off every time you used it. It just doesn’t make sense. 

While it seems like a cool story at first, I have to say it’s just beyond reason. It doesn’t make sense. No one has seen the boat in over a decade. Only four photos exist and they seem to have been photoshopped. And, finally, science itself stands in the way of the boat even working with the sheer mass of gold that’s supposed to be on board. For those reasons, we have to call this one a straight up hoax. There is no History Supreme.

The Bottom Line

For over a decade now, numerous websites have claimed History Supreme as the most expensive yacht in the world. But since no one has seen the yacht in over a decade, the pictures are apparently photoshopped, and it’s far too heavy to even work as a boat as it’s been described by the man who allegedly made it, we’re saying that the boat is just a hoax and never existed in the first place. 

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Angel A on December 18, 2022

I’ve read about 10 000 kg gold, not 100 000. 100k is beyond ridiculous. Even 10k is. Here’s why:

“His figure for the overall amount of gold in the world is 155,244 tonnes – 16,056 tonnes, or 10% less, than the assessment by Thompson Reuters GFMS. A relatively small disparity, perhaps, but one that at today’s prices comes to more than $950 billion.”

So 16 tonnes are 950 billion dollars… how about that? ;-))

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Anon on July 8, 2023

It says 16 thousand tonnes, not 16 tonnes.

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why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

The Midas Touch: $4.8 Billion History Supreme Most Expensive Yacht Ever Sold

We’ve seen some opulent yachts, but the 100-foot History Supreme takes the gold-encrusted cake. Stuart Hughes, a British purveyor of luxury gadgets, took a break from his role as an iPad alchemist to create the $4.8 billion superyacht, covered in platinum and gold from bow to stern.

Purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman, History Supreme is the most expensive yacht ever sold, according to Luxury Launches. The Daily Mail reports that the impressive vessel took three years to complete and used over a staggering 220,462 pounds of precious metals. Everything – from the base of the boat, to the deck, dining area, rails and anchor – were decked out in gold and platinum.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

The exorbitant price tag is also the result of the lavish master bedroom, adorned in platinum with a wall feature that is made from meteoric stone and a genuine T-Rex dinosaur bone. It is rumored that Robert Kuok purchased the superyacht, worth 10 times the amount Roman Abramovitch (previous title holder for world’s most expensive yacht) paid for the Eclipse megayacht. Kuok is one of only three Malaysians with a net worth of $5 billion or more, according to Forbes billionaire’s list . If the purchase price is accurate, “the most likely buyer is Robert Kuok , the richest man in Malaysia, with a net worth of $12.5 billion,” reports Business Insider .

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We may not have any gold-fringed yachts for sale , but Atlantic Yacht & Ship features a wide variety of yachts and boats for sale that will suit even the most distinguishing tastes. Check our listings and contact a sales rep today to tour any vessel at 1-888-230-0439.

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Inside The Most Expensive Yacht Ever Sold

superyacht upper deck corridor

Billionaires are seemingly always seeking to top one another and themselves when it comes to buying jaw-droppingly expensive and ridiculous objects. In 2011, an anonymous Malaysian man, rumored to be business tycoon Robert Kuok, may have moved to the head of the pack when he allegedly bought the hilariously named History Supreme, a yacht made of such materials as solid gold, platinum, meteoric stone, and the bone of a tyrannosaurus rex. According to Business Insider , Kuok is a notoriously private self-made billionaire who heads the Kuok Group, a multinational conglomerate that owns assorted businesses around the world. When he bought the History Supreme for $4.8 billion, he reportedly spent a third of his $12.8 billion fortune. According to Forbes , in 2021 the 97-year-old is the 171st richest person in the world with a net worth of $12.6 billion.

As reported by the Daily Mail , the History Supreme is made up of over 100,000 kg (that's over 220,000 pounds) of platinum and gold; the entire base of the boat is wrapped in solid gold and the precious metals are used throughout, while the aforementioned meteoric stone and dinosaur bone make up a "wall feature" in the master bedroom. Additional features, per Jetset Magazine , include a luxury liquor bottle adorned with a rare 18.5 carat diamond, a custom iPhone encrusted in 500 diamonds, including two special interchangable home button diamonds, and a panoramic Aquavista wall aquarium made from 24-carat gold, presumably setting a new standard when it comes to panoramic yacht aquariums.

Is the History Supreme a hoax?

The History Supreme yacht is the handiwork of British designer Stuart Hughes who per his website has also made such collectibles for the ultrarich as the world's most expensive suit, the world's most expensive iPhone, the world's most expensive model car, and a solid gold Rolls Royce Phantom. According to Jetset Magazine , the "anonymous Malaysian business man" (probably Robert Kuok, shown above) commissioned Hughes via a friend in his yachting circle; Hughes never met the person for whom the yacht was intended, but was given completely  free reign in terms of the ship's design and construction. The project took three years to complete. 

To add to the History Supreme's mystique, some people don't believe it exists at all. Autoevolution says it "was never real, it was never made and no, it does not exist," noting that Italian company Baia Yachts issued a statement claiming the pictures of History Supreme's interior on Hughes' website were stolen from their site and used without permission. MoneyInc and YachtHarbor also lay out the case for the entire story being a hoax, with MoneyInc noting that at one point Kuok deconstructed his Hong Kong mansion into several smaller homes to avoid an ostentatious display of wealth, which makes his commission of the world's most luxurious yacht seem unlikely. Furthermore, as Kuok is known for staying out of the public eye, perhaps Hughes chose him as the supposed customer because he is hard to reach and therefore will not confirm or deny the yacht's existence. The History Supreme section of Hugh's website remains intact. 

Did the Eclipse get eclipsed?

Before the possible existence of the History Supreme, the title of world's most luxurious yacht belonged to the Eclipse (shown above). Per the Sydney Morning Herald , it was purchased in 2009 by Russian business tycoon Roman Abramovich for $590 million and includes two helipads, a movie theater, a sports complex, its own mini-submarine, and a missile defense system. Created by German shipbuilding company Blohm + Voss, an anonymous Russian yachting expert described it as a "big mansion on water ." When asked why it looked like a military frigate, the expert replied "It's a trend. Private yachts look like military boats these days. The yacht is a statement for many people. It's a statement about power." For those who wanted to try out that sort of morally dubious power without committing, the Eclipse was at one point available for commission for up to 30 guests and 75 crew members via SuperYachtsMonaco at $2 million per week, as reported by Business Insider . It's no longer listed on the site.

Per Robb Report , the world's largest yacht since its construction finished in 2013 has been the Azzam, which comes in at 592 feet and six inches long and can travel at a speed up to 30 knots. Built by yacht company Lürssen , it was commissioned by United Arab Emirates president Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (per Super Yacht Fan ) and has an interior described as sophisticated and luxe. 

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why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

History Supreme: The £3 Billion Gold Plated Yacht

By Ben Roberts

Intriguing reports have emerged regarding the world’s most expensive superyacht today. Worth almost ten times more than Eclipse, the largest yacht in the world, the 30.48m Gold plated superyacht, History Supreme, has now apparently hit the water.

History Supreme has been a well kept secret in the Superyacht Industry, which is understandable as the yacht itself is reportedly worth over £3 billion. Containing around 100,000kg of gold and platinum, History Supreme was designed by Stuart Hughes, the world renowned luxury designer, and took just over three years to complete.

Her hull and exterior design are both wrapped in the most sought after precious metals on the planet, coating elements of the deck, dining area, rails and even the anchor.

History Supreme also holds one of the most unique interior features to ever grace a yacht; a wall feature which is made from meteor stone and Tyrannosaurus Rex bone.

However, we feel it is highly unlikely that a superyacht adorned to this level will ever actually grace the waters, and if the reports are in fact true, it would be far better suited to a museum exhibit than a life on the ocean.

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Yacht or Knot: History Supreme – The World’s Most Expensive Yacht

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

Have you ever seen a vessel of floating gold? If you’re in the right place at the right time, you may just run into the History Supreme, the most expensive and arguably the most unique yacht ever designed and built.

Since the beginning of time, the world’s elite have flaunted their affluence, but this floating masterpiece may just blow every other show-and-tell yacht extravagance out of the water.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

The History Supreme was created and built by Stuart Hughes, a British purveyor of frilly gadgets and the creator of both the most expensive suit and most expensive iPhone in the world. This supreme boat was sold to an anonymous ultra-wealthy Malaysian business man, assumed to be Robert Kuok.

You have to see it to believe it, as this almost implausible work of floating golden art took Hughes 3 years to complete and cost $4.8 billion. Mr. Hughes was ecstatic when approached by a friend in the yachting circle to design the luxury liner. He had free creative reign to design and construct the yacht as he wished. Hughes never met the purchaser of his creation, Mr. Kuok, who is reported to be the richest man in Malaysia with a net worth of $12.5 billion.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

At 100 feet long, and weighing-in at staggering 220,462 pounds worth of precious gold and platinum, all the extraordinary features are on deck and opulently on display.

The dining area, rails and anchor are all made from priceless metals, and the base of the vessel is wrapped in pure gold. The superyacht’s lavish interior features central sleeping quarters and is adorned with platinum accents, including wall features made from meteoric stones and authentic T-Rex Dinosaur bones.

This astounding and innovative abundance continues on board with a luxury liquor bottle featuring an 18.5 carat diamond, one of the rarest in the world. Also, wrap your head around the custom iPhone that’s covered in 500 cut diamonds which include two interchangeable diamonds fitted over the phone’s “home button”. If you forget that you’re at sea, a reminder might also be the yacht’s superbly ordained panoramic wall aquarium made of 24 carat gold.

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

The History Supreme has maintained the title of most expensive yacht on the high seas for nearly a decade now, with no other luxury liner able to surpass its mammoth price tag. Too good to be true, or knot?

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A Closer Look at the $4.8 Billion History Supreme

Most of us do not wish for much money; a million dollars is enough to make us turn our lives around, but there are always people who are looking for more. While you are praying for a car, another wants a private jet; while you are looking for more space in your garage, another is preparing to buy an entire house. We are not equal, and that is the reason why when you hear that someone is willing to buy a yacht for $4.8 billion, you have to ask who it is. A yacht that goes by the name "History Supreme" has you thinking that it contains lots of history either in its construction or decorations yet the only thing historical about the $4.8 billion yacht is the use of extinct bones. Stuart Hughes made the headlines eight years ago with the declaration that he had taken three years to complete building History Supreme, so we had to learn more about it.

Why be valued so highly?

Multi-billionaires have competed against each other to see whose yacht is the longest and when we think that we have found the winner another boat is made and it outshines the rest. History Supreme was not about being the longest; it only was going to be 100 feet long, but the materials used to make it would ensure that no other yacht ever came close to its price. Manufacturers value their products depending on the cost of production and for Stuart, the boat which he also claimed the buyer had given him free rein to make, the construction meant going all out hence the astronomical price. History Supreme was reportedly made from:

Precious metals

As little girls boast of wearing nothing but gold-coated earrings since any other will cause them to have allergic reactions, they already feel like they own the world with their jewelry all because it has a touch of gold. Well, imagine owning a vessel whose base is made from solid gold. The anonymous businessman who bought the History Supreme took pride in owning a yacht whose base was made from gold; a thin layer is formed to coat its entire base, according to Stuart Hughes.

The sleeping quarters were allegedly made from platinum and together, both the platinum and gold used weighed 100,000 kilograms. As if that is not enough of the costly expenses, holding down the vessel was an anchor also made from precious metals while the railings, dining area, and deck also were constructed from precious metals, according to Luxury Launches.

Bones of an extinct animal

The moment you learn that something no longer exists, you can be sure that finding it is going to be nearly impossible and when you do, the value will be too high for you to afford probably. Such is the case with the History Supreme, which only a multi-billionaire would dare think about buying. Stuart allegedly used the bones of an extinct dinosaur named "Tyrannosaurus Rex" or simply "T. Rex." Why anyone would choose to have the bone shavings of a carnivorous dinosaur in their bedroom is a question that only Stuart can answer given that he supposedly came up with the design.

Meteoric stone

Stuart was looking to outdo renowned yacht designers when he said that History Supreme also contained Meteoric stones in the construction of the walls of the main sleeping quarters. The significance of having meteoric stones is still about driving the price of History Supreme upwards. Although Stuart did not reveal the exact meteoric stones used, maybe the fact that they are rarer than gold and a pound could be worth as much as $1 million is enough to make us believe that History Supreme is worth every penny included in its high cost.

Time spent constructing it

Everyone values their time differently; Josh Turner sang that time is love, but to a businessman, time is money. Stuart valued his time so much that he must have factored in the three years spent constructing History Supreme in the price when he quoted the £3 billion cost.

Too good to be true

In 2011, mainstream media went into a frenzy with the news that Stuart Hughes was going to make the most expensive in the world after Stuart claimed the project had been commissioned from an anonymous Malaysian businessman. The cost of the project was £3 billion according to Stuart Hughes and at such an amount is was apparent that someone somewhere was ready to splurge on a luxurious yacht, but the question remained as to who the mysterious buyer was.

As always when questions are unanswered, curiosity gets the better of us as we wonder if what we are being told is the truth or fabricated stories. Business Insider had assumed that the billionaire who bought the yacht was Robert Kuok but later discovered that the businessman whose net worth stood at a staggering $12.5 billion at the time, had deconstructed his Hong Kong mansion to avoid displaying his wealth. Now, that is not the behavior of someone who would spend $4.8 billion on a yacht.

We are always warned that if it sounds or looks too good to be true, it usually is, and in this instance, that was the case. Upon investigations, it was discovered that the whole project was but a hoax which the media had been gullible enough to believe in without doing their due diligence before reporting the lies to the public. It is shocking how far people are willing to go to make a name or themselves because Stuart Hughes was desperate enough to be noticed. According to Yacht Harbour, he went to the website of Baia Yachts and took pictures from there which he used to try and fool the public into believing he was making the most expensive yacht worldwide.

Our instincts should, however, have told us that billionaires are not interested in having a connection with the extinct animals by building a yacht with their bones. It is all about ego and for a billionaire a yacht should be something that gives him personal satisfaction, like Roman Abramovich's Eclipse which he had built to eclipse every other boat in the sea with regards to length.

Dana Hanson

Written by  Dana Hanson

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History Supreme is the world’s most expensive yacht

By Adrian Prisca

Updated on July 1, 2015

History Supreme

The renowned luxury goods designer Stuart Hughes has created the world’s most unique and probably most expensive yacht called History Supreme or Baia 100 Supreme that’s apparently worth 3 billion GBP or close to $5 billion. This yacht has been apparently designed for an anonymous leading businessman from Malaysia who probably won’t be that anonymous after getting on this beauty.

History Supreme is made of 100,000 kilograms of solid gold and platinum and took over three years to be completed. It’s 100 ft long and wherever you look you’ll see the precious metals it was made of. Even the dining area, deck and anchor have been made using real precious metals.

The base of the yacht is wrapped with solid gold and the wall feature is specially crafted from meteoric stone along with a genuine dinosaur bone shaved in from the raptor T-REX. The main sleeping area has platinum accents just like many other rooms of this amazing yacht.

Update: A lot of people have been emailing us about the History Supreme yacht and we have to mention that this yacht concept was actually fake, even though I’m sure a lot of billionaires would dream of owning a lavish yacht as this concept was announced to be.

History Supreme

About Adrian Prisca

Founder of Luxatic and countless other projects, Adrian has shaped this website into a go-to source for discerning readers looking for the latest in luxury products and experiences. He has over 15 years of experience in creating, managing and publishing lifestyle content across numerous platforms and he’s considered a leading voice in the luxury industry. Learn more about Luxatic's Editorial Process .

1 thought on “History Supreme is the world’s most expensive yacht”

For me the most importnat on my yacht is extreme good AUDIO STAFF. I have bought for my yacht audio ZETA ZERO cinema system (the company is from ) Now I think we have one of the most luxary and one of the best avialable audio staff on ANY YACHT in The World!!!! this is ONLY for reach as us ! but live is great now!! yahhhhhhhhhhh We may listen our lovely music and films now at the middle of ocean as in paradise. Zeta Zero is really greattttt!!!!!!!! I love this system for its sound. We found it in Dubai but producers are frm old Europe!

Ana Esmeralda Thurk and Markos Osama

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History Supreme is the world’s most expensive yacht for $4.8 billion

why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

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The History Supreme Yacht

  • On August 9, 2023
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The History Supreme is said to be the most expensive yacht ever sold , with a reported price tag of $4.8 billion. However, there is much mystery and speculation surrounding this luxury vessel.

Key Facts About the History Supreme

  • Ordered by an anonymous Malaysian businessman
  • Designed by Stuart Hughes
  • Took 3 years to construct
  • Required 220,000 pounds of gold and platinum
  • Deck, base, dining area covered in gold
  • Anchor made entirely of gold
  • Master bedroom features meteorite stone wall and T-Rex bone

However, many experts question the legitimacy of this vessel and whether it truly exists.

Who Is the Owner of the History Supreme Yacht?

No one has actually stated knowing for a fact who owns the History Supreme Yacht, but the owner is rumored to be a man named Robert Kuok, a Malaysian businessman.

Reasons to Question the History Supreme’s Authenticity

  • No proven owner
  • No new photos have emerged since the initial 2011 announcement
  • Original photos appear doctored from another yacht
  • 220,000 pounds of gold would be too heavy

Timeline of the History Supreme Speculation

  • 2011  – Stuart Hughes announces design and sale of History Supreme
  • 2011  – Photos appear on Hughes’ website, allegedly showing the yacht
  • 2011  – Manufacturers claim photos were stolen from their site
  • Present  – No new confirmed photos have emerged
  • Present  – Experts claim the yacht would not float with that much gold

The Verdict?

Most evidence points to the History Supreme being an elaborate hoax. While it captured headlines with its outrageous claims of being the most expensive yacht ever, the facts just don’t seem to add up.

Without recent photos, confirmation of an owner, or even feasible engineering, it appears this gold-plated legend will remain more myth than reality. The title of “ world’s most expensive yacht ” still appears up for grabs.

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  • Superyachts

The History Supreme is the most expensive superyacht ever sold and it’s made of gold

  • The History Surpreme is a 100-foot superyacht covered in platinum and gold from bow to stern
  • The $4.8 billion superyacht was apparently purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman believed to be Robert Kuok
  • The lavish master bedroom is adorned in platinum, with a wall feature that is made from meteoric stone and a genuine T-Rex dinosaur bone

Published on Jan 3, 2024 at 8:37PM (UTC+4)

  • by Adam Gray

Last updated on Jan 4, 2024 at 4:41PM (UTC+4)

The History Supreme is the most expensive superyacht ever sold and it's made of gold

We’ve seen our fair share of opulent yachts, like the Star Wars-inspired ‘ Estrella ‘ or the ‘ Floating Sphere ‘ superyacht, but The History Supreme takes the gold-encrusted biscuit.

Apparently, the 100-foot superyacht is covered in platinum and gold from bow to stern, and even has a feature wall made of T-Rex bone and meteorite.

And, as you can imagine, it’s worth a staggering amount – $4.8 billion to be precise.

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If truth be told, The History Supreme is one of the biggest boating myths.

No one has ever seen the superyacht and, for that reason, internet sleuths think it doesn’t exist.

But the story’s interesting nonetheless, so here it goes…

The History Supreme back deck is covered in gold and platinum.

When you picture the most expensive yacht in the world, a 100-foot vessel is not what springs to mind.

The floating cities that park off Monaco are upwards of 328 feet in length, with REV being the longest yacht in the world at 602 feet.

But they’ve got nothing on the extravagance of what’s claimed to be inside The History Supreme.

How did they come up with a $4.8 billion boat?

Let’s start with the 100,000 kilograms of gold and platinum that builder Stuart Hughes’ website claims was used in construction.

Even the hull of the boat is said to be wrapped in a layer of gold.

Inside the yacht you’ll find… more gold.

The feature wall in the sleeping quarters is made of a T-Rex bone and meteorite.

“All features including deck, dining area, rails, anchor, [are] made from precious metals,” The History Supreme’s creator, Hughes says.

The sleeping quarters have a feature wall “made from meteoric stone with genuine dinosaur bone shaved in from the raptor T-Rex,” Hughes’ website says.

Hughes is known for wrapping objects in gold and diamonds, most famously iPhones.

So this makes sense, but he’s not known as a boat builder, and despite several interviews with news outlets saying it was real, nobody has spotted this beast in the wild.

So who owns The History Supreme?

Similar to the boat itself, it’s a bit of a mystery, although Hughes claims to have built the luxury yacht for a Malaysian businessman.

But armchair detectives think they know who that businessman is.

Inside the yacht is an elegant dining area.

The rumors are that it belongs to Robert Kuok, founder of the Shangri-La hotel and resorts chain.

Kuok is the richest person in Malaysia and  Forbes estimates his worth  at a cool $10.5 billion.

This doesn’t quite add up either, though, as why would a billionaire spend nearly half his fortune on a boat?

But even more mysterious is where the boat is.

It’s not been sighted at the major ports billionaires tend to hang out at.

And some yachting message boards believe the images are taken from another similar concept yacht.

So what does it all mean?

As a concept, it’s incredible – but is it real?

There’s no evidence to say it was built, other than Hughes’ website claaiming it took three years to build.

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why is the history supreme yacht so expensive

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NOW that's how you bling up a yacht.

A gold-plated super-yacht that is claimed to be worth a staggering £3 billion ($4.5 billion) has taken the title of the most expensive in the world.

UK designer Stuart Hughes claims that the 30-metre long History Supreme yacht is adorned with 100,000 kilograms of gold and platinum that covers more than half its surface and even comes with a statue made from the bone of a T-Rex dinosaur.

The base of the yacht as well as the deck, dining areas, rails and anchor are wrapped in solid gold and the sleeping areas are covered in platinum.

There is also a wall feature in the master bedroom that is made from meteoric stone and an aquarium made from 68kg of 24 carat gold.

Also on board is a luxury liquor bottle featuring an 18.5ct diamond, one of the world’s rarest.

Designed by jeweller Stuart Hughes, the “mammoth” project took over three years to complete.

The vessel even outshines Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich’s $450 million yacht Eclipse , which has its own missile defence system and a submarine.

It is claimed the History Supreme was completed in Malaysia two weeks ago for an anonymous businessman.

Mr Hughes has also produced laptops, beds, cars and a suit covered in precious metals.

History Supreme yacht

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The History Supreme yacht is a marvel in the world of luxury and wealth, often touted as the most expensive yacht ever built. At an astounding $4.8 billion, this gold-plated superyacht is said to have been purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman after taking three years to complete with over 220,462 pounds of precious metals used in its ...

Why is the History Supreme yacht so expensive? While a lot of information about the yacht is up in the air, most agree that the high price tag is due not only to its size (a reported one hundred feet in length), but also what it's made of. The boat is supposedly loaded with precious metals. Gold and platinum were said to be used to line the ...

Rogers, AR 72756. Phone: (479)339-4795. Email: [email protected] . You may have heard that the most expensive yacht in history is called the History Supreme. As near as I've been able to figure out, that's not true. Not because the alleged $4.8 billion yacht wouldn't be the most expensive - that's far more than the next most expensive ...

Purchased by an anonymous Malaysian businessman, History Supreme is the most expensive yacht ever sold, according to Luxury Launches. The Daily Mail reports that the impressive vessel took three years to complete and used over a staggering 220,462 pounds of precious metals. Everything - from the base of the boat, to the deck, dining area ...

The History Supreme yacht is the handiwork of British designer Stuart Hughes who per his website has also made such collectibles for the ultrarich as the world's most expensive suit, the world's most expensive iPhone, the world's most expensive model car, and a solid gold Rolls Royce Phantom. According to Jetset Magazine, the "anonymous Malaysian business man" (probably Robert Kuok, shown ...

History Supreme has been a well kept secret in the Superyacht Industry, which is understandable as the yacht itself is reportedly worth over £3 billion. Containing around 100,000kg of gold and platinum, History Supreme was designed by Stuart Hughes, the world renowned luxury designer, and took just over three years to complete.

Yacht History Supreme is a luxury yacht constructed by the Australian company, History Supreme. It was designed by the British designer, Luiz de Basto, and is constructed from 100,000 kg of solid gold and platinum. It is said to be the most expensive yacht in the world, with an estimated cost of $4. 5 billion.

"Dive into the opulent world of luxury yachts as we unravel the mystery behind History Supreme, the most expensive yacht on the planet. With a price tag of $...

Inside the $4.8 Billion History Supreme YachtSubscribe to Jess's Top 10 Reviews: have seen some opulent yachts, but the gold-encrust...

The History Supreme was created and built by Stuart Hughes, a British purveyor of frilly gadgets and the creator of both the most expensive suit and most expensive iPhone in the world. This supreme boat was sold to an anonymous ultra-wealthy Malaysian business man, assumed to be Robert Kuok. You have to see it to believe it, as this almost ...

A yacht that goes by the name "History Supreme" has you thinking that it contains lots of history either in its construction or decorations yet the only thing historical about the $4.8 billion yacht is the use of extinct bones. Stuart Hughes made the headlines eight years ago with the declaration that he had taken three years to complete ...

SUBCRIBE to Mr. Luxury: us while we take an inside look at the most expensive yacht ever built. The History Supreme is a $4.8 billi...

This superyacht is believed to be the most expensive in the world, even 9 years after it was sold to a Malaysian businessman. The final tally: $4.8 billion. That's a lot of money to pay for a ...

Updated on July 1, 2015. The renowned luxury goods designer Stuart Hughes has created the world's most unique and probably most expensive yacht called History Supreme or Baia 100 Supreme that's apparently worth 3 billion GBP or close to $5 billion. This yacht has been apparently designed for an anonymous leading businessman from Malaysia ...

So here's the story of the History Supreme. When you think of the most expensive yacht in the world, a 30m vessel is not what springs to mind. The floating cities that park off Monaco are upwards of 100m in length. The Azzam is the longest yacht in the world at 179m.

History Supreme is the world's most expensive yacht for $4.8 billion. by kamakshi. Anyone would know what moisture of the sea does to your electronics and wooden artifacts, which is why all major luxury hotels by the sea have sealed-shut windows. So you can only imagine how gold on a yacht would look when it hits the sea; it will look ...

Hughes described his newest creation as the world's most expensive yacht, priced at a staggering £3 million, or $4.8 billion. Photos of the vessel started doing the rounds online and news ...

The History Supreme is said to be the most expensive yacht ever sold, with a reported price tag of $4.8 billion. However, there is much mystery and speculation surrounding this luxury vessel. ... No one has actually stated knowing for a fact who owns the History Supreme Yacht, but the owner is rumored to be a man named Robert Kuok, a Malaysian ...

Stuart Hughes. When you picture the most expensive yacht in the world, a 100-foot vessel is not what springs to mind. The floating cities that park off Monaco are upwards of 328 feet in length, with REV being the longest yacht in the world at 602 feet. But they've got nothing on the extravagance of what's claimed to be inside The History ...

Step aboard the History Supreme, the most extravagant and expensive yacht in the world. This magnificent vessel is coated in 100,000 kilograms of solid gold ...

A gold-plated super-yacht that is claimed to be worth a staggering £3 billion ($4.5 billion) has taken the title of the most expensive in the world.

The MOST EXPENSIVE YACHT on the planet is Stuart Hughes's History Supreme. In today's video, let's go Inside The History Supreme. So, fasten your seatbelt, a...

Our Moscow-based reporter traveled around the country to gauge the mood before a presidential vote. March 15, 2024, 6:00 a.m. ET. Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise. Featuring Valerie Hopkins. Produced ...

Most of us do not wish for much money; a million dollars is enough to change our lives, but there are always people who want more. While you are hoping for a...

English Aspirants

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English [100, 150, 200, 250, 500 Words]

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English: A zoo is a place where animals and birds are put on display for people to view. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on a visit to a zoo in English. Here we’ve provided 5 short and long essays ( 100, 150, 200, 250, and 500 words). These essays/paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 100 Words

A visit to the Zoo is always very interesting. Last Sunday I went to the Delhi Zoo with my friends. First of all we saw apes and monkeys in different cages. They were climbing up and down their cage. In other cages, tigers, lions, bears, foxes, wolves, and zebras were kept.

We also saw deer and kangaroos. Next, we saw many varieties of birds like cranes, ducks, pigeons, parrots, kingfishers, owls, etc. We also saw our national bird peacock in the zoo. Then we came to the glass houses. Animals of different kinds and colour were kept in them. At last, we enjoyed an elephant ride and returned home.

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English

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Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 150 Words

Last Sunday, I visited a zoo with my family. First, we went round the bird’s section. We saw parrots, sparrows, pigeons, peacocks, eagles, and vultures. Then we saw the cages of wild animals like tigers, lions, and leopards. A lion was walking up and down restlessly. It often roared furiously. The baby tigers were playing in their cage.

We saw the deer park, where only the deer were kept. We also saw zebras, bears, foxes, giraffes, a hippo, and a rhino. Then we went to the huge enclosure where the elephants were kept. They were eating grasses, leaves, and bananas. We enjoyed watching the monkeys.

We saw serpents, pythons, and cobras. Next, we saw many swans and ducks swimming gracefully in a big pool of water. The crocodiles lay Lazily near the water. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours. We had a great fun at the zoo.

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo

A Visit to Zoo Essay: 200 Words

A zoo is a place where animals and birds are kept for public display. We, the three friends, went to the Alipore Zoo, Kolkata. We saw two elephants, tied with iron chains by their hind legs. The visitors offered them bananas or nuts which they gladly accepted and swallowed. We were greatly amused to see the huge animals from so near.

Then we visited the bird’s section. There were hundreds of birds. They were of various colours and had lovely plumage (feathers). Their chirping produced soft music. The twittering of sparrows was very pleasant to the ear. At some distance, there was a big pool of water. Many ducks and swans were swimming gracefully in it. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours.

Then we came to the cages of tigers, panthers, leopards and lions. They were wonderful. The serpent house gave us a new experience. We saw there various types of snakes on the first floor. Then we saw the bisons, the camels, the ostriches and the bats. The zebras and giraffes were really beautiful who looked innocent and friendly.

It was about 2 P.M when we had taken some light refreshment in the zoo canteen. In this way, we passed the day with much delight and acquired a wonderful experience.

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A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 250 Words

A Visit To A Zoo is very thrilling. I went to see the zoo with my younger brother. One is surprised to see such a variety of animals and birds. It was an interesting sight. First of all, we saw the monkeys. They were of many kinds and very amusing. We offered some nuts to them.

Then we came to the lions. They looked very fierce and majestic. They were kept in an open place enclosed with high iron railings. Sometimes they roared terribly. Next, we saw the tigers. They had yellow skins with black stripes on them. In the next two cages, there were a wolf and a fox. The wolf was sleeping, but the fox was walking within the cage.

Then we saw the long-necked giraffe, the dark-striped zebra, the thick-skinned rhinoceros, and a huge elephant with beautiful ivory tusks. We were very pleased to see them. After this, we came to the glass houses where reptiles were kept. There were snakes, cobras, and serpents. Some of them looked fearful. We did not stay there long.

Then we came to the fences where peacocks were kept. It was a treat to see one of them in his pride (i.e. with his tail spread like a fan).

We stayed three for three hours. We were tired. At last, we went to the cafe and had some refreshment and tea. Then we returned home. We enjoyed our visit very much.

a visit to a zoo

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 500 Words


Everyone needs relaxation and an occasional deviation from the drudgeries of daily existence. A visit to a zoo can offer him these. At the same time, it is a learning experience. It was with this intention that visited the Alipore Zoological Garden last 25th December with some of my friends. This visit was memorable because it was both enjoyable and educational.

Entering the Zoo:

We reached the gate of the zoo in a taxi around 10 am. One has to buy tickets to enter the zoo. A number of visitors were already standing in a queue before the ticket counter. We stood behind them, got our tickets and entered the big arena of the zoo.

Various Types of Birds and Animals:

We crossed the green sward and were greeted by varieties of monkeys in cages. Monkeys and baboons were jumping on the trees within their enclosures. When some people threw food at them, they immediately jumped down from the trees to eat. Some children were making faces at them.

Then, we came across a beautiful lake in which some water birds like ducks and swans were present. There were some migratory birds as well. As we moved, we came to the big netted enclosure in which birds were kept. There were sparrows, parrots, and many other birds. Most of them were twittering, chirping and whistling. But the owls were sitting with their eyes closed as if they were lost in deep thought. The chirping of the birds went on ringing deep in my heart. In their songs, I heard the voice of nature to which the whole universe surrendered. I felt that all was right with the world.

We visited the tigers, lions, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and elephants. Roars of the lions and the tigers were deafening. We found a tiger pacing restlessly with its bloodshot eyes. It was strongly built.

Then we came across a garden in which stags and deer were frisking about. These animals were very agile and beautiful.

Our next halt was at the aquarium section. There were fishes of many species and colours. To see them swimming to and fro in the water was really a rewarding experience. Just beside this enclosure, was the cage of a black bear. It attracted a mammoth gathering. The bear was playing many tricks that thrilled us. Some people offered it eatables which it gulped at once.

Leaving the Zoo:

At about 2 pm, feeling tired, we rested and relaxed on the grassy ground for half an hour. The fragrance of flowers coming from somewhere was really soothing. We again began to stroll around the zoo after having our lunch. We saw a variety of amphibians like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, and a variety of other creatures. Then we hired a boat and enjoyed a short pleasurable ride in the canal. It was around 5 pm when we came out of the zoo. We boarded a bus, casting our last and lingering look on the zoo.


I reached home in a cheerful mood. This visit refreshed my mind and deepened my awareness of the animal world.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place 2. Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair 3. Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station

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In this IELTS Zoo Essay you have to discuss whether you think zoos are cruel and should be shut down or whether they are useful as they protect some wild animals.

Essays on zoos have appeared in the IELTS test before and this was a question that was recently in the test.

Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

Understanding the Question

You must always read the question carefully and note if there is anything restricting the topic.

You have to discuss both sides of the argument and with this zoo essay question it would be very easy to read it and then simply write about the benefits and drawbacks of zoos.

But look at this bit carefully:

  • Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals .

One of the arguments is specifically about protecting animals. So when you discuss the second argument you must be careful not to just write generally about the advantage of zoos. 

You have to focus on how they may protect wild animals . So when you brainstorm your ideas for the zoo essay, you should be thinking about:

  • why animals need protecting and
  • how zoos can help with this 

essay on life of animals in zoo

And in your other body paragraph you would need to explain why they are also seen as cruel. 

And of course you must remember to give your own opinion. In this essay, the author makes it clear at the beginning that they support the closing down of zoos. 

The opinion you decide on though is of course your choice.

Zoo Essay Sample

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Zoo Essay Model Answer

Zoos remain popular places for people to visit for entertainment and to learn about wild animals. Although some people are of the opinion that zoos can provide a sanctuary for endangered animals and so should be kept open, I believe that the cruelty that animals suffer outweighs this benefit, and that they should be shut down.

These days, animals are under threat from humans in many ways, seen for example in the way that their habitats are being destroyed through the cutting down of rain forests, or through poaching. Following on from this, the argument is that zoos can protect some of these animals that are under threat. The reason is that they are in a safe environment managed by trained staff who can ensure the animals are looked after and can produce offspring. There are examples of successes in this respect, such as with Pandas, which have been endangered for many years but have been protected.

However, there are more convincing arguments for why zoos should be shut down. Firstly, even though some species are under threat, there are lots of animals which do not fall into this category and who are there just for the entertainment of visitors. While it may be fun and educational to see them, animals are not meant to be caged, and their distress can often be seen in the way many of them pace back and forwards all day. Not only this, if the prime reason of zoos is to protect animals, this could be done in other environments such as wild life parks where the animals have more freedom.

In conclusion, animals should be protected but this does not have to be in zoos. Zoos are cruel to animals, not similar enough to their natural habitat, and they should be closed down. 

(299 Words)

Band scores are given for task response, coherence and cohesion, lexis (vocabulary) and grammatical range and accuracy. 

This zoo essay would get a good score for task response as it fully answers the question by discussing both opinions and giving a personal opinion. Ideas are also well explained, extended and supported. 

essay on life of animals in zoo

It would get a good score for coherence and cohesion as it is organised coherently and logically and is easy to follow. The introduction introduces the topic then there is a thesis statement.

One body paragraph discusses one side of the argument, and the other discusses the other side. The second body paragraph is also the writers opinion, and this is summarised again in the conclusion

.There is some interesting vocabulary and phrases. For example:

  • sanctuary for endangered animals
  • under threat from humans
  • habitats are being destroyed
  • produce offspring
  • successes in this respect
  • not meant to be caged
  • natural habitat

There are also some good complex grammatical constructions and the grammar is precise. For example, the red words show that some of these are  adverbial clauses ,  noun clauses  and  relative clauses :

  • Although  some people are of the opinion  that  zoos can provide a sanctuary for endangered animals...
  • ...seen for example  in the way that  their habitats are being destroyed...
  • ...the argument is  that  zoos can protect some of these animals who are under threat.
  • ...trained staff  who  can ensure the animals are looked after...
  • Pandas  who  have been endangered...
  • ... even though  some species are under threat...
  • ... While  it may be fun and educational...

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The Zoo is free to visit, but entry passes are required for all guests, including infants.

Today's hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last entry 5 p.m.)

Asian elephants Nhi Linh and her mother Trong Nhi.

Elephant Cam

See the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Asian elephants — Spike, Bozie, Kamala, Swarna and Maharani — both inside the Elephant Community Center and outside in their yards.

Red panda Chris-Anne eats bamboo in her outdoor habitat.

Now more than ever, we need your support. Make a donation to the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute today!

A mother and her child look at an underwater exhibit with a pinniped (sea lion or seal) swimming in the water

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Members are our strongest champions of animal conservation and wildlife research. When you become a member, you also receive exclusive benefits, like special opportunities to meet animals, discounts at Zoo stores and more.

An educator wearing a protective face covering talks to students via video on a phone and points out leaves and trees in the Amazonia exhibit

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Two conservation ecologists set up a camera trap at the American Prairie Reserve in Montana

About the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Ducks of Our Lives

Two gadwalls and a canvasback paddle near each other in the small pool at the Bird House's Prairie Pothole aviary.

Breeding season at the Bird House can create some spectacular behavior among the Zoo’s raucous flock of ducks.

On a warm spring day at the Zoo’s Bird House, Kevin 2.0 sidles up to Karen and throws his head back. Karen looks on, unimpressed. In the nearby upper pool, Ricky tries to grab the attention of Lucy by chasing everyone out of the water and then swimming around in a wide figure-8 pattern. And in the lower pool, Mia can’t be bothered with Aaron’s head bobbing—she’s just trying to enjoy a snack. He gives up and goes off for a nap. 

Despite their names, these aren’t rowdy humans on a reality dating show—they’re the ducks at the Zoo’s Bird House. For Kevin, Mia, Ricky and the rest, springtime means breeding season, the time of year when waterfowl across the Northern Hemisphere are searching for love. 

Buffleheads 'Giuseppe' and 'Bella' are one of the Zoo’s breeding pairs of ducks. Keepers give the birds nicknames based on their personalities. This helps keepers point out individuals in cases where several members of the same species live in the same habitat area.

‘North America’s Duck Factory’

The Zoo’s Bird House is home to eight species of ducks, each of which is native to North America. The aviary where they live is called the “Prairie Pothole,” which is also the name for a vast stretch of territory in the upper-midwestern Great Plains. 

This Prairie Pothole region is one of the world’s largest wetland habitats. Each spring, rain and melting snow fills millions of shallow ground depressions, carved by ancient glaciers, with enough water to create ponds and mini-lakes. Massive flocks of ducks are drawn to this territory, flying northward on the same migratory routes as countless generations before them. Upon arrival, the ducks mingle, reproduce, raise their young and eventually migrate south before the wetlands dry up each fall. This area is so well-suited for waterfowl breeding that ecologists have nicknamed the region ‘North America’s duck factory’. By some estimates, up to 80 percent of the continent’s duck population can trace their origins here.

Unfortunately, this is a region under threat. As prairie grasslands and scrublands are degraded by commercial agriculture, more critical waterfowl habitat is destroyed each year. Conservation programs like the Smithsonian’s Great Plains Science Program are dedicated to understanding the complex challenges facing these landscapes. And at the Zoo, the goal of the Prairie Pothole aviary is to teach visitors about the importance of this ecosystem and how its removal would affect the animals whose lives depend on the stability of the northern prairie.

Gadwalls 'Homer' and 'Marge' are a breeding couple. Like many waterfowl species, gadwalls fly on a cross-country migration to their northern breeding grounds each spring.

The Bird House’s immersive waterfowl aviary is filled with tall grasses, small ponds, an abundance of food and plenty of places to nest — the same habitat features that attract millions of ducks to the prairie each year. But while their wild counterparts must undergo a weeks-long, continent-spanning migration to reach their preferred breeding grounds, the Zoo’s ducks are already situated and ready to mingle.

Ruddy duck ‘Aaron’ chases away pintail pair ‘Anna’ and ‘Kristoff’, and male redhead ‘Kevin 2.0’. Even though they're small, ruddy ducks are some of the boldest residents of the Bird House.

Hot in Springtime, Cool for the Summer 

Like most animals, ducks do not usually mate for life. But many species are seasonally monogamous, pairing up with a mate during breeding season and parting ways by the end of summer. 

Starting around late February, the Zoo’s male ducks start molting into their breeding plumage. They also get feisty – a sign that their hormones are surging and they’re actively looking for a mate. Females aren’t usually receptive for a few more weeks. But by March to mid-April, same-species pairs have started to get acquainted, with males chasing away rivals and females staking out nesting territory. 

As animal keeper Jen Ferraro jokes, being among the Prairie Pothole aviary’s 8 species of ducks during this time of year is almost like being behind the scenes at a raucous, interspecies soap opera.

“So much drama and intrigue happens here in the springtime. It’s almost like ‘Ducks of our Lives’.”

Gadwalls 'Homer' and 'Marge' go back and forth with canvasback 'Crowley'. The Zoo's ducks are fond of company and social by nature, but keepers will step in and separate misbehaving males if things get out of hand.

To find a compatible mate, ducks use courtship displays – mating rituals which can involve a seemingly chaotic mix of wing flaps, head bobs, vocalizations and feather fanning. The right dance moves from a wooing male might convince a female duck she’s found the right partner.

“This time of year, the females are busy trying to find the coolest, best-looking male,” said Ferraro. “And males look cool by molting into their breeding season plumage, setting up a territory to attract females and by showing off their unique courtship displays.” 

Male ruddy duck 'Aaron' tries to grab the attention of a nearby female by bobbing his head and beating his bill against the bottom part of his neck.

An egg-laying bonanza

As the season progresses, Bird House keepers take a proactive approach towards making sure each breeding female has a safe place to build a nest and lay eggs. Keepers also provide nesting materials, like hay and aspen shavings, so the ducks can assemble the nests themselves. Most ducks find nest boxes hidden by the keepers among the grasses, although a few species, like the ruddy ducks, prefer to burrow several feet down in the aviary’s soil for nesting.

Top view image of a large grass nest with three small white eggs in the middle.

A nest created by one of the Prairie Pothole's ducks. Keepers place nesting boxes and hiding holes throughout the exhibit area. Tucked away in grasses and inside rock formations, these boxes provide safe places for the ducks to lay egg clutches. 

For safety and well-being reasons, Bird House keepers do not allow ducklings to spend the first few weeks of their lives on exhibit. Females are given time and space to incubate their eggs, but for the ducklings to thrive, animal care staffers need to line up a few alternative options before they hatch.

The first option is for Bird House keepers to pull the viable eggs from the nest a few days before they’re expected to hatch, load the eggs into a travel incubator and hand off the entire clutch to animal care professionals at other accredited zoos and wildlife facilities.

Two fuzzy yellow ducklings rest under a heat lamp.

Last year, Bird House keepers hand-reared 11 ducklings, including this American wigeon (left) and redhead (right), in off-exhibit areas.

Another option is for the team to identify same-species pairs in the outdoor off-exhibit areas and allow the hatchlings to be raised by willing surrogate parents outside.

The third option is to place the eggs in an off-exhibit incubator, hand-raise the ducks for a few weeks after they hatch, and then reintroduce them into the flock after they can fend for themselves in a few months. Last year, the Zoo hand-raised 11 ducks; some of these individuals are living in off-exhibit areas at the Bird House, and the rest are living at various accredited zoos and wildlife facilities.

One of the ducklings hand-raised by keepers at the Bird House last year.

One of the ducklings hand-reared by keepers at the Bird House last year.

These strategies were developed quickly after the Bird House reopened in 2023 after a six-year renovation . Careful identification tracking of each laid egg is needed to make sure the team can be proactive about providing the right level of care.

“Last year, when we introduced the ducks [to their new habitat area], no one expected them to breed. We actually chose ducks who had not bred before,” explained Ferraro. But as Jeff Goldblum famously declared in the movie ‘Jurassic Park’, life finds a way. More than 200 eggs were laid in the Prairie Pothole aviary last year.

“Nearly every day I came into work in late March and early April, there would be more eggs. Every morning, I would walk over to each nest and search for eggs and find new ones. It was like an Easter Egg hunt,” she said.

How You Can Help

Although the ducks in the Prairie Pothole aviary are thriving, wild populations of migratory birds across North America are under threat. Overall, birds across the United States and Canada have declined by 29 percent, or almost 3 billion individuals, since 1970. The avians at the Bird House are here as the result of a multi-institutional effort to understand the life cycles and breeding habits of migratory birds, which will inform conservation leaders as they work to protect animal species in their native habitats.

Wondering what you can do? The best and most effective way to help ducks in North America is to is support programs like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Duck Stamp. These programs protect and restore wetlands while compensating farmers and local landowners. The Federal Duck Stamp program alone has helped conserve more than 6 million acres of waterfowl habitat since 1934.

Also, the Smithsonian’s Migratory Bird Center recommends seven simple actions you can take to make your home and lifestyle better for birds and the planet. Even a small change can make a big difference for a bird.

Front shot of a female gadwall, a duck with brown-patterned plumage.

Meet the Ducks of the Bird House

Learn about the eleven species of ducks that live in the Bird House's immersive walkthrough aviaries.

Animals Around the Globe

Animals Around the Globe

Top 10 Zoos to Visit in the US

Posted: December 11, 2023 | Last updated: December 11, 2023

essay on life of animals in zoo

San Diego Zoo, California

Renowned for its innovative habitats and commitment to conservation, the San Diego Zoo is a world-class destination. From giant pandas to African elephants, it houses over 3,500 animals representing various species.

baby giraffe

Smithsonian’s National Zoo, Washington, D.C.

Nestled in the nation’s capital, the National Zoo is a haven for biodiversity. Home to the iconic giant pandas, it features exhibits dedicated to wildlife conservation and research.

Aerial drone photo of the Bronx Zoo New York

Bronx Zoo, New York

As one of the largest metropolitan zoos, the Bronx Zoo offers a captivating journey through various exhibits, including JungleWorld and the Congo Gorilla Forest, providing an immersive experience for visitors.

First Swim for a Baby Humboldt Penguin at Oregon Zoo

Oregon Zoo, Oregon

Located in the lush landscape of Portland, the Oregon Zoo is celebrated for its conservation efforts and engaging exhibits. Explore the Elephant Lands and Polar Passage to witness the wonders of the animal kingdom.

<p>The rambling ground of the largest zoo in the United States is divided into different exhibit groups. Thus, each group represents a unique region of the world. However, the newly constructed parts are more themed than the old ones.</p>

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Ohio

Home to renowned zookeeper Jack Hanna, the Columbus Zoo is a delightful destination featuring a vast array of animals. Visitors can experience the Heart of Africa exhibit and the Asia Quest adventure.

Turtle Hatchling. Credit: Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation

Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, Nebraska

Recognized for its world-class exhibits, the Henry Doorly Zoo boasts the largest indoor desert and nocturnal exhibits. The Scott Aquarium provides a mesmerizing underwater journey into marine life.

Macaque monkeys with cubs at Monkey Forest, Bali, Indonesia.

Philadelphia Zoo, Pennsylvania

America’s first zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo is steeped in history and offers a diverse collection of animals. From rare Amur tigers to playful primates , it continues to captivate visitors of all ages.

Houston Zoo

Houston Zoo, Texas

Situated in the heart of Houston, this zoo is a dynamic hub for wildlife conservation and education. The African Forest exhibit and the Gorilla Habitat provide immersive experiences with some of the world’s most fascinating creatures.

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA-August 17, 2022-Little girl visiting giraffe exhibit at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo on summer school break.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado

Perched on the slopes of Cheyenne Mountain, this zoo offers breathtaking views along with its exceptional animal exhibits. The Encounter Africa exhibit allows visitors to hand-feed giraffes, creating a truly unique experience.

Zoo Miami

Zoo Miami, Florida

Known for its tropical setting, Zoo Miami is the only zoo in the continental US with a subtropical climate. The Amazon and Beyond exhibit and the Asian River Life experience transport visitors to diverse ecosystems around the globe.

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Caldwell Zoo specialist explains how eclipse might affect animal behavior

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - We are less than a week away from the Great American Total Solar Eclipse. We have discussed how people will react to this amazing event, but how will zoo animals along the path of totality react?

During the 2017 total solar eclipse, zoos along the path of totality had a unique opportunity to view their animals’ behavior. Tori Scarber, curator of animal behavior and welfare at the Caldwell Zoo said they have read eclipse reports from Riverbanks Zoo in South Carolina.

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - We are less than a week away from the Great American Total Solar Eclipse. We have discussed how people will react to this amazing event, but how will zoo animals along the path of totality react?s are an intelligent species, had a little bit abnormal behavior, but they weren’t able to label what that behavior looked like,” Scarber said.

None of the behaviors observed were negative throughout totality. While the research on this topic is few and far between, Robert Jackson, the general curator at the Ellen Trout Zoo, has some theories on how certain animals might react.

“I kind of expect the birds maybe to vocalize a lot of times they will do that as the sun starts to set or rise early in the morning. So as the sun starts to dim down, they may start vocalizing,” Jackson said.

“What we’re kind of thinking and gauging in our minds is when it gets really dark for a stormy weather day. They may be a little lazy because they think it’s going to be a bad weather day, “Scarber said.

Gordan Henley, director of the Ellen Trout Zoo, said they don’t know what will happen, but are interested in seeing.

“It’s something that we haven’t experienced and so we’re very much interested in observing this ourselves,” Henley said.

Both zoos will have their zookeepers monitor the animals closely throughout the event.

Copyright 2024 KLTV. All rights reserved.

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  • March 28, 2024

In a sign that the tech industry keeps getting weirder, Meta soon plans to release a big update that transforms the Ray-Ban Meta, its camera glasses that shoot videos, into a gadget seen only in sci-fi movies.

Next month, the glasses will be able to use new artificial intelligence software to see the real world and describe what you’re looking at, similar to the A.I. assistant in the movie “Her.”

The glasses, which come in various frames starting at $300 and lenses starting at $17, have mostly been used for shooting photos and videos and listening to music. But with the new A.I. software, they can be used to scan famous landmarks, translate languages and identify animal breeds and exotic fruits, among other tasks.

To use the A.I. software, wearers just say, “Hey, Meta,” followed by a prompt, such as “Look and tell me what kind of dog this is.” The A.I. then responds in a computer-generated voice that plays through the glasses’ tiny speakers.

The concept of the A.I. software is so novel and quirky that when we — Brian X. Chen, a tech columnist who reviewed the Ray-Bans last year, and Mike Isaac, who covers Meta and wears the smart glasses to produce a cooking show — heard about it, we were dying to try it. Meta gave us early access to the update, and we took the technology for a spin over the last few weeks.

Hands holding a brown case and a pair of black eyeglasses.

We wore the glasses to the zoo, grocery stores and a museum while grilling the A.I. with questions and requests.

The upshot: We were simultaneously entertained by the virtual assistant’s goof-ups — for example, mistaking a monkey for a giraffe — and impressed when it carried out useful tasks like determining that a pack of cookies was gluten-free.

‘Hey, Meta, What Am I Looking At?’

What happens when a columnist and a reporter use A.I. glasses to scan groceries, monuments and zoo animals?

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A Meta spokesman said that because the technology was still new, the artificial intelligence wouldn’t always get things right, and that feedback would improve the glasses over time.

Meta’s software also created transcripts of our questions and the A.I.’s responses, which we captured in screenshots. Here are the highlights from our month of coexisting with Meta’s assistant.

BRIAN: Naturally, the very first thing I had to try Meta’s A.I. on was my corgi, Max. I looked at the plump pooch and asked, “Hey, Meta, what am I looking at?”

“A cute Corgi dog sitting on the ground with its tongue out,” the assistant said. Correct, especially the part about being cute.

MIKE: Meta’s A.I. correctly recognized my dog, Bruna, as a “black and brown Bernese Mountain dog.” I half expected the A.I. software to think she was a bear, the animal that she is most consistently mistaken for by neighbors.

Zoo Animals

BRIAN: After the A.I. correctly identified my dog, the logical next step was to try it on zoo animals. So I recently paid a visit to the Oakland Zoo in Oakland, Calif., where, for two hours, I gazed at about a dozen animals, including parrots, tortoises, monkeys and zebras. I said: “Hey, Meta, look and tell me what kind of animal that is.”

The A.I. was wrong the vast majority of the time, in part because many animals were caged off and farther away. It mistook a primate for a giraffe, a duck for a turtle and a meerkat for a giant panda, among other mix-ups. On the other hand, I was impressed when the A.I. correctly identified a species of parrot known as the blue-and-gold macaw, as well as zebras.

The strangest part of this experiment was speaking to an A.I. assistant around children and their parents. They pretended not to listen to the only solo adult at the park as I seemingly muttered to myself.

MIKE: I also had a peculiar time grocery shopping. Being inside a Safeway and talking to myself was a bit embarrassing, so I tried to keep my voice low. I still got a few sideways looks.

When Meta’s A.I. worked, it was charming. I picked up a pack of strange-looking Oreos and asked it to look at the packaging and tell me if they were gluten-free. (They were not.) It answered questions like these correctly about half the time, though I can’t say it saved time compared with reading the label.

But the entire reason I got into these glasses in the first place was to start my own Instagram cooking show — a flattering way of saying I record myself making food for the week while talking to myself. These glasses made doing so much easier than using a phone and one hand.

The A.I. assistant can also offer some kitchen help. If I need to know how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon and my hands are covered in olive oil, for example, I can ask it to tell me. (There are three teaspoons in a tablespoon, just FYI.)

But when I asked the A.I. to look at a handful of ingredients I had and come up with a recipe, it spat out rapid-fire instructions for an egg custard — not exactly helpful for following directions at my own pace.

A handful of examples to choose from could have been more useful, but that might require tweaks to the user interface and maybe even a screen inside my lenses.

A Meta spokesman said users could ask follow-up questions to get tighter, more useful responses from its assistant.

BRIAN: I went to the grocery store and bought the most exotic fruit I could find — a cherimoya, a scaly green fruit that looks like a dinosaur egg. When I gave Meta’s A.I. multiple chances to identify it, it made a different guess each time: a chocolate-covered pecan, a stone fruit, an apple and, finally, a durian, which was close, but no banana.

Monuments and Museums

MIKE: The new software’s ability to recognize landmarks and monuments seemed to be clicking. Looking down a block in downtown San Francisco at a towering dome, Meta’s A.I. correctly responded, “City Hall.” That’s a neat trick and perhaps helpful if you’re a tourist.

Other times were hit or miss. As I drove home from the city to my house in Oakland, I asked Meta what bridge I was on while looking out the window in front of me (both hands on the wheel, of course). The first response was the Golden Gate Bridge, which was wrong. On the second try, it figured out I was on the Bay Bridge, which made me wonder if it just needed a clearer shot of the newer portion’s tall, white suspension poles to be right.

BRIAN: I visited San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art to check if Meta’s A.I. could do the job of a tour guide. After snapping photos of about two dozen paintings and asking the assistant to tell me about the piece of art I was looking at, the A.I. could describe the imagery and what media was used to compose the art — which would be nice for an art history student — but it couldn’t identify the artist or title. (A Meta spokesman said another software update it released after my museum visit improved this ability.)

After the update, I tried looking at images on my computer screen of more famous works of art, including the Mona Lisa, and the A.I. correctly identified those.

BRIAN: At a Chinese restaurant, I pointed at a menu item written in Chinese and asked Meta to translate it into English, but the A.I. said it currently only supported English, Spanish, Italian, French and German. (I was surprised, because Mark Zuckerberg learned Mandarin.)

MIKE: It did a pretty good job translating a book title into German from English.

Bottom Line

Meta’s A.I.-powered glasses offer an intriguing glimpse into a future that feels distant. The flaws underscore the limitations and challenges in designing this type of product. The glasses could probably do better at identifying zoo animals and fruit, for instance, if the camera had a higher resolution — but a nicer lens would add bulk. And no matter where we were, it was awkward to speak to a virtual assistant in public. It’s unclear if that ever will feel normal.

But when it worked, it worked well and we had fun — and the fact that Meta’s A.I. can do things like translate languages and identify landmarks through a pair of hip-looking glasses shows how far the tech has come.

An earlier version of this article misidentified the blue-and-gold macaw. It is a species, not a breed.

How we handle corrections

Brian X. Chen is the lead consumer technology writer for The Times. He reviews products and writes Tech Fix , a column about the social implications of the tech we use. More about Brian X. Chen

Mike Isaac is a technology correspondent for The Times based in San Francisco. He regularly covers Facebook and Silicon Valley. More about Mike Isaac

Tech Fix: Solving Your Tech Problems

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Prince George's County animal shelter accused of euthanizing dogs during 'Strep Zoo' outbreak

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. - Rescue groups are accusing the Prince George's County animal shelter of euthanizing pets and not giving dozens of dogs a chance to live.

The shelter told FOX 5 they're experiencing a disease outbreak, and that's why they've been forced to put the dogs down.

FOX 5 can't confirm an exact number, but rescue groups we spoke to said up to 40 dogs were euthanized in the last week.

Starting Monday, the Prince George's County Animal Services Facility and Adoption Center said they are limiting the number of owner-surrendered pets they take in.

"The shelter is overcrowded, understaffed, it is not resourced as well as it could be," said Dan Reed, a board member of the nonprofit rescue PB Proud. "I live in Montgomery County and comparing the Montgomery County shelter to the Prince George's County shelter is night and day."

A few weeks ago, FOX 5 reported on how the shelter in Prince George's County gave rescue groups an urgent list of animals who would be euthanized if they weren't pulled out, due to overcrowding issues.

Rescue groups rushed to foster or adopt a couple of dozen dogs.

Now, more rescue groups have reached out to FOX 5, saying conditions at the shelter are deteriorating again.

this is Toby - he just got picked up by a foster family who saved his life. the rescue was told by Prince George's County animal shelter he was going to be euthanized today. such a sad situation here. massive overcrowding, disease outbreak, county pitbull ban. — Homa Bash (@HomaBashNews) April 1, 2024

In a statement to FOX 5, shelter officials stated a respiratory disease called "Strep Zoo" is forcing them to limit owner-surrendered dogs starting today.

The infection forced the facility to shut down in January and is now wreaking havoc once again.

The shelter said pet owners are told what will likely happen to their dogs if they drop them off.

Rescue groups believe the main issue here is that Prince George's County has one of the last remaining breed bans in place – which means residents cannot adopt or foster pit bulls. That policy has been in place since 1997.

An ongoing lawsuit filed in 2023 has made it so authorities are not enforcing it, but as the only county shelter in Prince George's, they do have to abide by it.

"This is rooted in county policy, because of the policies in place, there have been restrictions on how pit bull-type dogs are treated in the shelter, and they have fewer options to get out of the shelter, and as a result, many of these dogs who are euthanized, in other jurisdictions would have had another chance because the policies are different," Reed explained.

ASFAC officials want to move 100-plus dogs out of this shelter as quickly as possible and are waiving all adoption fees to make it easier for people to adopt or foster.

"Our facility will limit the intake of owner-surrender pets to prevent further overcrowding and exposure to disease," said Animal Services Director David Fisher. "We need the public’s help and ask them to consider re-homing a pet with other family or friends before bringing them to the shelter and adopting, fostering, or rescuing one of the pets already in our care." As an open-admission shelter and like most across the country, the facility is operating at capacity due to the number of strays and owner-surrenders it receives daily. Since reopening to the public in January, ASFAC has moved hundreds of animals out of the facility through adoption, foster, and rescue partners. Unfortunately, hundreds more have entered the facility. All owners who surrender their animals to ASFAC are appraised of the facility's status at the time of surrender and the likely outcome for their animal. Animals picked up on stray hold or otherwise come into their care as holds are always held for the legally required hold period before any next steps towards adoption, foster, or rescue are discussed.

Check out all the animals available at the adoption center below: 

Search available dogs here

Search available cats here

Search small animals & other here

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